Part 9 of The Thin Edge of the Wedge

Sally savors her initial experience at The Splendor.

May 8, 2024
25 min read
fantasyThe Thin End of the Wedge Pt. 09brothelbithreesomegroupgroup sexthreeway
The Thin End of the Wedge Pt. 09
The Thin End of the Wedge Pt. 09

Part 9 of The Thin Edge of the Wedge

In a previous chapter of The Thin Edge of the Wedge, Sally, a senior housewife, embarked on a new professional career in a brothel, aspiring to intertwine her budding sexual interests with the potential to generate sufficient income for a vacation at a Caribbean-based sex retreat. Today marked her initiation at The Splendor massage parlor.

Upon rejoining Kate and Scarlet in the lounge, Sally modeled her outfit, seeking their approval. She questioned, "Do you think this is suitable?"

Kate responded with a query, "No panties? Are you certain?"

Sally conversed, "I didn't consider that. I figured revealing my assets would be ideal, if you know what I mean."

Scarlet chimed in, "Suggest some intrigue, dear. We ladies like unveiling a dressed-up secret."

Hastily retreating to the staff room, Sally sprinted down the hallway, searched amidst the boxes, and retrieved a set of black lace knickers to put over her suspenders. They concealed her private parts partially, although they retained a see-through quality that still carried out Scarlet's recommendation. She scampered back to the lounge, her high heels clacking on the floor. It was time for The Splendor to commence operations, and she couldn't afford to be tardy.

Kate was approaching the lounge from the exterior doorway when Sally returned. A man stood nearby, evidently waiting for the brothel to commence trade. Sally stood erect, then laid on the chair's arm, then debated emulating Scarlet's sitting stance but anticipated being apprehensive and jittery.

Kate gestured around the room, "Fortunate for you, we have Scarlet and Jezebel to cater to your needs. Would you like tea or coffee?"

Sally was intrigued to learn her pseudonym was Jezebel, recalling its comprehensive history in the Bible as a lustful queen and a dominant figure within the royal house. She embraced this name, resembling her counterparts in character and reveled in its age-old use by various whores prior to her.

The man was quite hefty and rather pale, with monstrous glasses that enlarged his eyes spookily. These spectacles made his eyes appear owl-like. He surveyed first Scarlet and then Sally, lips smacking. Sally, ensconced in the chair's arm, arched her spine and displayed her ample breasts. She fantasized he'd choose her.

"Uh. Jezebel, if you please," the man muttered, glancing alternately between Scarlet and Sally with a randy grin. Sally, displaying her chest proudly on the chair's arm, deliberated whether he'd altered his preference but he swiveled back to scrutinize her breasts. After a lifetime of grudgingly enduring males gazing at her cleavage, she was pleased her bosom held his attention. Although she doubted her chest would remain as firm after removing her push-up bra.

"Twenty minutes, Alan requires," Kate informed Sally. "The Blue room is your destination."

Following Kate's instruction, Sally guided Alan through the beaded curtain to the Blue room, which was the second room on the corridor after the Green room. She placed his dregs on the bedside table, not neglecting the condom container, which bolstered her optimistic outlook.

Then she mimicked the words Kate suggested, "You wait here, Alan. I'll be back shortly."

She departed the lounge, rejoining Alan in the Blue room. She observed a fellow client, a tall and bookish man, and Kate transacting with him in the corridor. The man paid Scarlet and Kate swiftly concealed the cash in a tiny chest at the reception.

Kate moonlighted, addressing Sally, "That's enough. He's probably prepared."

Scarlet moved the man towards the curtained doorway, and he glanced longingly at Sally before disappearing through the curtain, rustling and swishing as conventional as the pageantry of a stage play. Sally retraced her steps to the Blue room, noticing Scarlet was escorting her client into the Green room next door. Alan was lying on the bed, clothed only in his underpants, staring at her as she neared the bedside table.

Sally initiated her spiel, "You can remove your pants," she smiled squinting at him, and he shimmied out of his trousers, and cast them atop his stowed belongings. She sustained, "Oil, or talcum powder?"

The establishment was about to adjourn, and they had a potential client. Sally was anticipating her patrons would bring her plenty of sex in this establishment.

Kate had mentioned during the tour that it's essential to offer a selection. Some men wanted to depart with the least possible traces of boudoir scents on them. This was especially important when they were scheduled to see their wives shortly or were about to attend an important work gathering taking place in a small room. Other men enjoyed the fragrance, which they connected to sex.

"Talc, please," responded Alan, and Sally questioned if that was his genuine name or the one he employed during these visits. Sally took off her underwear, positioned herself on the bed, and instructed Alan to roll over onto his front. She spread talc on him, beginning with his shoulders, then his back, and subsequently his thighs and buttocks. Although she maintained a firm touch, the man remained unbothered by how effective the massage was in releasing his aches, pains, and stress from the day. He moaned pleasurably as her fingers touched him, and multiple times, he told Sally how wonderful it was. She made sure to explore a little between his legs, and he attempted to hoist his bottom to grant her access.

"Roll over, Alan, if you would," she commanded.

Sally stood up, and Alan dutifully flipped over. She resumed her position atop his thighs and started tenderly feeling his chest. She ran her hands along his torso, taking care to accentuate her breasts as they made contact with his. As her fingertips stroked his torso, she released her bra's fastening and allowed her breasts to dangle on his chest. She then scooted down the bed, enabling them to lie on either side of his increasingly rigid penis. She observed the clock on the nightstand. Ten minutes had elapsed. She was pleased because it was the appropriate duration for indulging in some delightful sex.

"What would you prefer, Alan?" she inquired, flashing him her sexiest leer. "You may pick between a blow job or intercourse."

"I'd enjoy a blow job," he begged.

"When considering protection?" Sally inquired. "Without will result in an additional ten pounds."

A moment passed, and Sally saw the cogs rotating in his mind, weighing the cost against the sensations he'd gain.

"No barrier, please," her customer agreed. He indicated the pocket of his discarded coat. Sally walked over, removed his wallet, withdrew the appropriate sum, and advised him that she had merely collected a single note as she exaggerated her accomplishment. She deposited her "extras" money on the nightstand and rejoined Alan on the bed. She gripped his penis and began to lick and suck it.

As Alan moaned in ecstasy, Sally implemented every oral technique she had. She cautiously avoided climaxing him, as she regarded it her responsibility to ensure each client realizes every second of their allotted time. Worldwide, the Crimson in her was causing her body to satiate in satisfaction as she pleasured him. She licked the entire shaft, sucked and kissed the top, then delved even deeper, eventually reaching his hairline and feeling his pubic bone. From the adjacent room, she could hear the husky voices of another couple in the throes of passion.

Completely unaware of the knock on the door, Alan basked in the pleasure of the moment. He did not interfere, only lying down without trying to manage her head movements. Then, all of a sudden, a knock broke the silence. The time had run out. Sally felt mildly disappointed by the abrupt ending, so soon. Kate had mentioned that a few additional minutes were authorized after the knock, primarily to inform the patron that their time was up. This system functioned similar to the "come in number nine, your time is up!" announcement at a boating lake, allowing for the final moments of rowing and alerting both the client and staff that no pleading would be tolerated.

Sally accelerated and devoured his climax, swallowing every bit of his liquid discharge. As Alan tensed and gasped, then flopped back gleefully, he reached out to delicately stroke her shoulder area.

"Thanks, Jezebel!" he grinned. "Those were amazing!"

Patrons were given access to the showers, and he ventured inside. Sally assisted him with adjusting the water heater, then adorned her bra and underwear. She gathered her "extras" payment and departed for the shower. As she walked by, she could hear Scarlet disrobing and shrieking with abandon. "Ahh! Yes! Yes!" Scarlet shouted. "Give me your penis! Come on, stud! Harder! Faster! Oh yes!" It was uncertain whether her cries were genuine or a deliberate facade.

Sally reminisced about the times she feigned orgasms for Tom before her new life commenced. Did the client suspect Scarlet might be deceptive? Or was the sexual pleasure so intense he couldn't tell or, more likely, didn't care? Red resolved that issue for Sally. As long as her private parts were in contact with a penis, she enjoyed gratifying orgasms.

In the living room, Sally searched for a suitable location to put the money, intending to retrieve her personal items. Then Kate picked up a glass jar from a drawer in the reception area. It had a piece of tape with "Jezebel" written in felt-tip pen, evidently organized by Kate when she serviced Alan. The note went within. Additionally, Sally earned a portion of the lodge fees, but would presumably receive that as a salary at some point.

Sally glanced at Kate's ledger. Under today's date, she noted "Alan - 20 minutes - Jezebel" and "Dave - 40 minutes - Scarlet." A doorbell tinkled. "Customer," announced Kate. "Head down and let him in, will you, Jez?"

Sally rushed downstairs to the front door, thankful that Kate considered Sally a part of their team. As she opened the door, she discovered a porch at the bottom of the stairs, enabling customers to enter the outer door and remain anonymous in the street. She let the man in and swayed her hips enticingly as she ascended the stairs. At the top, Alan thanked Kate, and both men exchanged knowing glances.

Sally was instructed to open the door for Alan's exit. "Come back soon, Alan," she said, relishing this new level of fitness. Upon her return, Daniel was speaking to Kate.

"Daniel's a regular," Kate briefed Sally. "He'd like a cup of tea, milk, one sugar," she asked. Daniel stared at Kate's breasts so intently, he almost fell into them. Kate grasped his hips and pulled them close. She leaned towards him, her breasts centimeters from his face.

"Like them, Daniel? Do you want to touch them?"

Daniel nodded and grinned. Kate assumed control of her corset, exposing her breasts.

"Tea for Jezebel, please," Daniel requested, managing to place the order while still mesmerized by Kate's bosom.

Sally loitered, hoping to witness theight Kate's intimate encounter. But, unsurprisingly, Kate was focused on her role. As she returned, her corset was refastened. Daniel was seated comfortably and had a commanding view of Sally's own assets.

Kate continued with business. "We have Jezebel. And Scarlet. But she's busy right now. You know Scarlet, I think, but Jezebel here is new."

"I'll wait and see," replied Daniel. "As long as it's okay."

"Certainly, dear," said Kate. "Knock on Green for me, please Jezebel."

Sally proceeded to Room Green, delivering the firm knocks she'd heard when she was with Alan. Excited noises from the other side seemed to speed up.

Sally chatted with Daniel as if it was standard practice to sit, nearly naked, conversing with a strange individual. After several minutes, Scarlet returned with Daniel for the Jacuzzi room. Then Michael joined them in the lounge. He declined a drink, instead sitting close to Sally and openly gawped at her nipples.

Daniel eventually selected Scarlet and headed to the Jacuzzi room for an hour. Michael looked disappointed. He decided to choose Jezebel for the shortest amount of time possible. Kate instructed Sally to bring new towels and use Room Green. Sally helped Michael prepare and returned to the lounge.

"I'm just getting short sessions," she commented to Kate. "Is there a reason? Am I doing something wrong?"

Kate smiled, "No dear, nothing wrong. In fact, Alan thought you did an exceptional job."

"Hey newbie, Kate explained. People are testing you with a brief stint. So, if you're not up to the task, they won't have lost much. Now go back in there with Michael and astound him!"

Michael was perched on the bed's edge when Sally made her appearance. His comportment was much more assured than Alan's.

"Essential oil or talcum?" she inquired.

"Not in the mood for a massage, Satan," he smirked. "Let's just snuggle instead?"

He shifted onto the bed, patted the space beside him. There seemed no reason to deny him, so Sally hopped onto the bed and lay down. He pulled her towards him, kneading her breasts, occasionally grazing her nipple with his thumb. They chatted about this and that, his work stresses, and the world's situation. Sally felt her vaginal juices thickening and wanted him to choose sex over a BJ. Then he leaned over and kissed her nipples, tracing her breasts through the material.

"Should I undo your bra now?" she questioned.

He skillfully unfastened it, cupping her bosom as her breasts drooped and settled his face between them with a happy sigh. Sally glanced at the clock, four minutes remaining.

"Which do you prefer, Michael? BJ or sex?" she murmured in his ear, desperately desiring him to select sex. Four minutes could bring her to orgasm and she hadn't reached one yet that day.

"I want to fuck you, Satan," he declared, emerging from between her breasts, and settled back onto the bed, his erect cock brazenly visible.

She removed her knickers and was about to discard them when Michael intervened.

"Get on the bed on all fours," he instructed. "Don't take your knickers off completely. Just pull them down a little. It arouses me more when a woman looks sluttish."

Sally was pleased with the label and positioned herself on the bed in the requested fashion. He readjusted her underwear halfway down her legs. He settled behind her, fingered her vagina momentarily, and plunged his penis in forcefully. The sensation was phenomenal and Sally couldn't hold back.

"Ahhh!" she groaned in a deep voice. "That's fantastic, Michael! You boast a first-rate cock!"

"And your cunt embraces me, Jezebel, so warm and receptive," was his response.

She relished the praise, pushed against Michael to fully engulf his cock, and was soon groaning, "Oh! F**k me Michael! Bury it in me! Keep going! Do it hard!"

They made love for about a minute or two. It was so raw, so primal, it couldn't be classified as anything else. Then, accidently, she glanced to the side. The mirrors on the wall depicted the action, and to her happiness, she could see her partner's cock entering her cunt. She discovered that Michael often looked into the mirrors himself as he manually impaled her with passionate strokes. She realized he could see her breasts bouncing beneath her with every thrust he made. And observe her moderately saggy mature belly quivering with each impact. He could witness his penis penetrating her from both above and sideways. He strode the stage like a lead performer in a sexually explicit show and unquestionably relished each moment of it.

Sally turned her head slightly towards the mirrors to observe him without disrupting his view, "Yes, Michael," she affirmed. "Defile me. Penetrate me vigorously."

She knew there was little chance of him "cramming me completely hard" in the allotted time, given his cock's circumference. And their size would surely preclude the performance of Delroy and Sven. But, surely, it didn't hurt to encourage him, did it? In response, Michael released his grip on her hips, gripped her hair, and yanked it back, causing her to look up at the ceiling, her neck tensed and lips wide open. He resumed pounding.

The knock on the door occurred possibly thirty seconds later, but he displayed no hesitation, and Sally's excited groans indicated her climax. Michael plastered her with a sea of cum in response, squeezing the remaining seconds out of their experience before hopping into the shower.

Sally longed to bask in the satisfaction following her climax, but her client was wrestling in the shower. Michael was fidgeting with the controls as he tried to steer clear of the icy water. Sally promptly adjusted the controls, allowing Michael to shower under warm water. Prior to donning her bra and panties once more, she dipped her hand into the water and cleansed her private region. It might be a good recommendation if I share a shower with the upcoming client, she contemplated.

Following their tryst, Michael exited, leaving Scarlet unaccompanied in the lounge. Eager to glean insights about working at The Splendor, Sally conferred with Scarlet who entertained inquiries with enthusiasm. However, their conversation was disrupted when Sven arrived with the thinner woman beside him.

"Apologize! Right now!" barked Sven at the girl. She seemed to be around twenty, blonde, and scrawny with not even a trace of excessive fat.

"Sorry Kate. Sorry Scarlet. I wasn't feeling well," she stated dejectedly. To Sally's eyes, this lady appeared nearly unconscious. She had a peculiar foggy appearance in her gaze, implying she couldn't fully focus on her surroundings. Hence, Sally held gratitude towards the girl. Had she not failed to appear, Sally would have likely been idling at home, perhaps searching for a bedmate, rather than excited for future clients.

"You're not well because you're backpedaling," snarled in Sven. "I rescued you from Mickey's lair."

The woman shifted uneasily, glanced at the ground, and traced circles with one toe. Beyond his livid temper, he resumed.

"I've instructed you, Angel. Repeatedly," Sven snarled. "My girls must be immaculate. No medications!"

Then Sven huffed. Angel's chastisement appeared ample. He stroked her cheek, "It's too late for you to work today, Angel. And?" he anticipated input from Kate.

"Jezebel," supplied Kate.

"Jezebel here doing it for you," he ordered, gazing immediately into her eyes. "Thus, one final chance. You'll participate in the celebration tomorrow. Otherwise, you'll look for work in a different parlor."

Lucidly, the girl pouted like a petulant teenager, but conceded with a nod. Sven beamed, "Brilliant! Brilliant! Now, I'll take you home. We'll make love for several hours. Then you eat, you sleep. You're back here tomorrow promptly, and we'll be friends once more."

Sally found herself seated next to Scarlet once Angel and Sven had exited.

"Mickey's den?" Sally inquired.

"A dreadful place, do not go there," warned Scarlet.

"If it's so rotten, don't the police know about it?"

"It relocates, dear," explained Scarlet. "Once a raid occurs, Mickey moves to a different location. Not counting those times he's in prison."

Clearly, it was a drug den. Sally held no desire for narcotics, so she had no intention of locating the site. She did, however, glean knowledge regarding Sven's preference for hygienic employees. Nevertheless, she debated if she was considered clean with Red coursing through her veins. She determined silence on that unusual and perplexing substance, lest he fire her.

Next, a Punters entered The Splendor, requesting Scarlet and access to the jacuzzi. Consequently, there was a delay while the jacuzzi filled with water. Meanwhile, Sally commenced her initial one-hour appointment with Killian. The normal practice was to employ the vast room for an hour booking, yet they couldn't use the Red Room concurrently. On Kate's suggestion, Killian assented to borrow the smaller room with the mirrored ceiling.

Killian received a decent back massage, throughout which he chatted amicably regarding his line of work, his kin, and his recent holiday. With this in mind, Sally requested he lie on his stomach. Beholding the daunting penis before her, she abandoned her training.

"Wow, that's lovely, Killian. Excuse me. I must savor it.", she blurted before he could interject. She omitted asking him which services he'd like or acquiring fees for engaging in this without protection. Untamed as if a sexually confident snake, her head dropped to envelop his sizeable penis.

"Aaaaaah! Jesus, Jezebel. That's sooo fantastic!" cried Killian, both astounded and unable to prevent her.

Sally couldn't utter a response, for she was deeply immersed in stimulating his lush member. Following a few minutes, Killian seemed to regain composure, proceeding to explore her nether regions with his mouth and lips. The masturbation appeared to increase his level of control over his penis. If that's the case, Sally deduced.

The rest of the hour was filled with passionate hugs. Killian and Sally rolled on the bed, experimenting with various positions, and ended up with Sally underneath him. She lay there watching herself in the ceiling mirrors as Killian thrust into her, her legs spread out, her hands on his back, and her head looking up over his shoulder to the right. I wonder if we could install some ceiling mirrors at home, she pondered, they would make Tom's favorite position more intriguing for me. Then, she had an orgasm, and all thoughts of home improvement projects vanished.

Unfortunately, Killian had to leave shortly after to be with his wife and children. However, before departing, he left a few substantial banknotes in Sally's hand as a tip. She sat in the living room, sipping a cup of tea, and contemplating how much her life had shifted since she said yes to watching her husband perform sexually with his friend. She wondered where this journey would take her next.

Kate finished entering details for Scarlet's most recent customer and inquired, "Tomorrow is the monthly party. Do you wish to attend?"

"Could you provide some additional information?" Sally inquired, even though she was fairly certain she would give the same response regardless of the details provided.

"We add some decorations to the area," explained Kate. "We also open earlier than usual, at 1 p.m. Only regular customers receive invitations. We want men who are trustworthy enough not to create chaos."

"What do you mean by 'behave themselves'?" Sally questioned, feeling slightly concerned.

"Some people believe a party is an excuse to act inappropriately," Kate clarified. "We want an orgy, not a riot."

Sally nodded in agreement, "So it's only men who are invited."

"That's right," Kate confirmed. "When we initially hosted parties, we allowed women to attend as well, like the swinger clubs. However, the women would provide services for free, while some of our less attractive girls would receive nothing in return. So now, we invite only men."

Kate opened a wooden box concealed within the reception desk and unveiled it. This box was filled with wooden tokens adorned with wristbands. She revealed these to Sally as she talked: "You're given a color, and the men pay an entrance fee on top of that. When a man desires to sleep with a woman, he hands her the token and she attaches it to her wrist. At the end of the party, at around 5 p.m., you hand in your tokens and receive payment for each man you have slept with. Audience members don't have to pay for witnessing the girls' activities."

"So, the men can observe?" Sally asked, finding the idea rather stimulating.

"Yes," Kate confirmed, "We try to limit their number as having too many spectators would result in a less enjoyable party for those participating."

Sally was sold. In truth, she was convinced from the start after hearing the word "fucking." "It appears to be a wonderful time, so sign me up," Sally concluded.

The conversation came to a halt as the doorbell rang, indicating punters had arrived. The next two hours were productive, as Sally had two twenty-minute encounters and a forty-minute one. These were satisfactory, and she garnered some additional tips. By the evening, the venue became quiescent. The phone rang, and Kate answered.

"Hello? Yes. Yes, we can accommodate that. Half an hour? No problem. See you shortly."

Scarlet and Sally were mid-conversation when the doorbell rang. Kate instructed Scarlet, "Let them in and change the sign to closed, please, Scarlet. This will be the final customer for the day."

When Scarlet returned upstairs, she was accompanied by four intoxicated, loud, happy men who were dressed as pirates. They were celebrating a bachelor party, and the man wearing a captain's hat was the groom. It was perplexing when they kept referring to him as the "birthday boy," and he sported a large "I'm 21" badge on his jacket until Sally recognized that this was a combined celebration.

William appeared anxious and was subject to taunting from his friends. Among them, a sheet of paper showcased a list of activities related to a bachelor party, noted with several ticks. This suggested that William was in for an adventurous night. Sally mulled over the events of her hen party ten years back, a modest occasion in comparison to the current boisterous fancy dress events. The stag do and hen party had transformed into online spectacles in recent years, and Sally questioned whether the males intended to broadcast the proceedings. In the event of the bride discovering the footage, she might cancel the wedding.

Scarlet drew William away, leading him with a confident stride. Kate whispered into Sally's ear with a smile, "Their friends are being quite generous. Please take some towels and join Scarlet in the Red room. Allow this fellow an unforgettable evening."

Sally returned bearing fresh towels. When making her way back through the lounge, William's companions were at ease, conversing with Kate, who was sat on the sofa's end, flirting and displaying her bosom. Sally moved the bead curtain aside, unveiling the hall and the open door of the Red room, revealing Scarlet chatting with William.

"Let's take these off you," Scarlet said.

When Sally arrived in the room, William was already half disrobed, as his colleague set aside his pirate-themed shirt. She listened as Scarlet continued to eliminate his trousers.

"Check the temperature of the jacuzzi, please," Scarlet instructed.

Sally dipped her hand in the water, finding it a little cool, and added some scorching water, observing Scarlet expertly disrobing William. Following, she peeled off her garments, joining the pair in the hot tub.

"Don't look at the jacuzzi, it's too deep," cautioned Scarlet.

An aptly spacious jacuzzi welcomed the three of them, and Sally hoped that the floor could withstand their collective weight. The information she'd read in the papers about unqualified builders led her to believe that the jacuzzi and its inhabitants could plummet through the floor. Fortunately, the floor held steadfast.

The numerous twists and turns of their limbs stirred the water, generating passionate ripples and encouraging arousal. In William's case, his already robust penis required stimulation. Having initiated a kiss between Scarlet and William, Sally took advantage to entice him further. Ka-blam! She started to lick and suck the head of his penis. Despite the violent nature of his kisses with Scarlet, he remained committed to his lips. Totally absorbed, Sally injected her tongue into his slit, licking his helmet. Her crucial insertion caressed the precarious edge of his erect shaft, eliciting a pronounced moan.

Scarlet untangled from William and initiated a sensual dance, showcasing her captivatingly shapely hips. Engaged in his single-minded passion for the curvaceous deity, William grabbed Scarlet's breasts and pinched her nipples, joining in the animated rhythm. Sally assumed control, shaking William's lustful hips and pushing him closer to Scarlet, wanting to impale her on his cock. Finally, he fulfilled her desire, thrusting into Scarlet's epicenter.

"My God!" he exclaimed.

This reaction suggested that this particular position was not originally a part of the stag party's planned itinerary but was nonetheless a happy anhiliation for the group. Sally contemplated the term "last day of freedom." The concept that marriage resembled a prison sentence was absurd and incorrect.

Scarlet's magnificent, sloshy buttocks, drenched in water, resembled planet Earth when viewed from space. William continued to penetrate Scarlet, arousing her with each shove, straining to maximize his strength. Sally helped William to intensify his thrusts, guiding him through with focused fury. After a few minutes, William succumbed to an intense orgasm. "Ahh!" he grunted. "Woah, I didn't realize I'd cum so hard!"

Scarlet grinned and addressed him, "Don't be concerned, darling. Why not join me in bed with Jezebel?"

William nodded as Sally assisted him, and they worked together to dry him off. The procedure wasn't particularly efficient given the moments of distraction that arose from occasional kisses, caresses, and hugs. However, they eventually managed to get him onto the bed. There, William lay on his back as Sally and Scarlet took turns handling his penis, which quickly began to rise again. As Sally thought to herself, "What a delight it is to be young," she watched as William swiftly regained his erection.

Next, Sally climbed onto William, positioning herself on top of him while maintaining intense eye contact. William gazed at her in amazement, with his eyes extended as this mature woman lowered herself onto his erection. She lingered on him while Scarlet kissed his nipples. Sally was ecstatic, wondering just how many repetitions she could perform before she needed to shift positions. The experience was better than going to the gym, in her opinion. As she acted, she noticed that William's attention had shifted from her face to the sight of his own dick entering and exiting her vagina, his eyes transfixed on the spectacle.

Sally and Scarlet swapped positions, and Scarlet kneeled at William's head, pressing her vagina against his mouth and lightly caressing his face. He responded by licking and probing Scarlet's somewhat soft flesh. Sally settled on his torso, deciding she might as well refrain from showing off now that William couldn't see. Instead, she slid backwards and forwards, grinding her clit against his body while he experienced the sensations of her hip movements on his penis.

"Keep licking, boy, you're doing wonderfully," Scarlet whispered, then she encouraged him by saying, "Yes, that might be enjoyable."

"Mmmmmm mmmm mmm," replied William, completely engrossed in the moment.

After some time, Scarlet moved her body to sit above William, placing her thighs beside his head. She then pressed her vagina on his face and began to swirl around. William instinctively started to lick and explore the presented area of soft flesh. Sally rested on William's torso, comprehending that displaying her actions wasn't particularly necessary given that William couldn't see her. She performed a series of up and down movements, engaging in rubbing her clit against William's body and taking his penis as deep into her nether regions as possible. "Oh! Ah! That's terrific!" exclaimed Sally.

"Carry on lapping, boy, you're doing a fantastic job," instructed Scarlet.

"Mmmmmm mmmm mmm," responded William.

Scarlet swung over William so her thighs were beside his head. She then presented her vagina to his face, mostly in line with his view of the headboard. Meanwhile, Sally moved her body to face William's feet. After some time, she turned around so she faced the other direction, which happened to put her crotch right over William's penis. Inspired by the voyeur aspect of the moment, Sally thrust her hips energetically while her breasts jostled around intensely. The cameras, positioned to record this performance, should be getting a great view of her vagina and his penis.

Both Scarlet and William reached orgasm first, followed swiftly by William.

"Yes, yes, yeeeees!" exclaimed Scarlet.

"Ahhhh aaah! Cum inside me, William. I want your cum!" shouted Sally.

In response, William squirmed under this duo's weight as he ejaculated as deeply inside as his balls allowed.

As Sally relaxed and observed the two photographers, she recognized their quiet approach. They were exiting the room in an effort to remain unnoticed. "Goodbye, gentlemen," she said with a grin.

One day, William came back to the lounge and found his three friends undergoing a unique scenario. They all had their penises being sucked by three elderly women, aged over one hundred and forty years combined. The men's expressions showed a blend of enjoyment and pain as they attempted to sustain themselves against the skilled mouths of these mature ladies. William settled into one of the chairs and observed, and listened, to his companions. Then, he reached for his cell phone, without realizing he was enacting revenge on his friends for filming him earlier.

Sally, the youngest of the friends, experienced her climax first. She sensed the throbbing in William's testicles and pulled back her head, holding his erection firmly. She opened her mouth wide so he could witness his sperm jet onto her tongue. As William proclaimed "Out!", she waited until he was done, closed her mouth with a smile, and swallowed.

Kate was the next to reach his peak, cursing his lack of control but also experiencing intense delight. "Out!", shouted William, enjoying his role as the arbitrator for this unusual contest.

Lastly, it was Eric's turn. He considered continuing, but the excitement had gripped him thoroughly. He clung on, and on, until his friends began to whine.

"We need to go Eric.", one of them voiced.

"Alright, you've shown yourself to be a stud.", said another.

"Come on, Eric, let her have it, we need to be at the club by eleven if we're going to complete these tasks." The last comment was accompanied by a showing of a paper that outlined their nightly plan. Eric sighed and stopped trying to stop himself from cumming. Instead, he grabbed Scarlet's dreadlocks and aggressively thrust his mouth into her. Minutes later, he was spewing cum over her chest and face.

Half an hour later, Sally was sitting at the bus stop, waiting for the late-night bus to return home. Kate had checked the logbook, distributed the cash, and sent the girls away after receiving their gratuities. She clarified, "No cash available here overnight."

There were some household chores to be tended to and then both she and Alice locked up the building.

The bus arrived, and Sally returned home around midnight. The door was locked, so she used her key to unlock and enter the house, assuming Tom was already asleep.

However, she discovered that he was not. Instead, Alice and the mysterious Bob were on the bed, naked. Tom's cock was deep inside her, and Bob's penis was behind him, attempting to enter his anus.

Observing Bob's anatomical similarity to the famous nursery rhyme about big shoes and big cocks, Sally realized the saying held true for this man. He was a very tall man, meek in demeanor, with large feet and a long, slender cock. She remembered watching him guide Mindy and her new husband to his extensive member. And now it seemed that Tom was about to experience it, too.

"Yes, Tom," she encouraged. "Let him in. It's okay. His girth isn't too thick, and he has plenty of length. I'm sure you'll enjoy him if you give it a chance."

Tom seemed extremely tense, his huffing and puffing like a character from the famous fairy tale, "The Three Little Pigs". However, his tight sphincter appeared to be blocking Bob's cock from entering. Unable to push in, and unable to withdraw, Tom's eyes widened in shock. Sally dropped her belongings, removed her dress, and joined them on the bed. She massaged Tom's back, attempting to relax him, and the huffing gradually ceased. Feeling this shift, Sally nodded to Bob who pushed again.

"Uuggh", Tom grunted. "That's a weird feeling."

Bob persisted in pushing in, and Tom's eyes widened further.

"Uuggh uuggh", Tom grunted. "Holy shit... that's what buggery is like."

As Bob continued to push, Tom jerked and writhed, which in turn caused Alice to moan in pleasure. She took hold of Tom's arm and kissed him. Then Bob penetrated Tom fully, stroking his buttocks before finding a steady rhythm. As he withdrew, Tom moaned with pleasure, and as he thrust in, both Tom and Alice moaned from their shared pleasure. Sally watched with awe as Bob effectively fucked his wife with Tom's own cock.

"Come on, Tom!" Sally urged. "Go harder! Bob, fuck him harder!"

"I... I can't handle it anymore," Tom panted. "Don't make him do it harder, Sally."

Sally could see that her husband was having a hard time pleasing both Alice and Bob. His focus was divided between his own pleasure and the intense sensations from Bob's cock in his ass. As someone who had experienced double penetration herself, she knew how challenging it could be. But when she was being dp'd, she didn't have to worry about coordinating her own movements. Her husband, on the other hand, had to maintain his thrusts into Alice while also dealing with the distraction of the intense feelings in his anus. And, as Sally had learned earlier, Alice insisted on a high level of sexual performance.

"Oh... oh gods, Alice," Tom moaned. "I'm about to cum!"

"Just let go and let me have your cum, Tom," Alice purred.

"Ah, ah, ah," Tom grunted. Then, "Aaaaaaagh!" as he dumped a load of cum inside Alice.

Sally couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pride in her husband at that moment. A month ago, she would've been feeling sadness or even anger if her husband had been cheating on her with another woman. But after a lifestyle change and the effects of Red, she was now Clapton-level in her support for his sexual adventures with not one, but two partners.

Bob paused his thrusting and waited for Tom to finish ejaculating. Then, when Tom's spasms became more restricted, he pulled Tom forward, causing his cock to be removed from Alice. Tom gasped, realizing that he might be about to experience a new form of buggery. He glanced back at Bob, who grinned and resumed his thorough fucking.

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!" Tom groaned. Then, "Ah ah O glorious! Yes! Yes!" Tom's half-soft cock bobbed erratically, splattering cum all over the place. Bob reached down and grabbed Tom's limp member, trying to jerk him off while continuing to fuck him. Alice, noticing Tom's discomfort, made a signal to Bob with her hand.

Bob stopped and rolled Tom onto his back, raising his legs over his head and re-entering him. Now faced with each other, the men made eye contact as Bob's dick slammed into Tom. Tom smiled up at Bob, knowing that Bob's length was now pounding into him. It was much easier for Bob to jerk off Tom in this position, and his cock became engorged.

Alice moved over to the bed and started to suck on Tom's cock, which had grown hard again. With her mouth pleasuring it as well, Tom's member quickly became rock-solid. Bob released his grip on Tom's cock, allowing his wife to finish the job. Tom began to moan loudly again, his breaths heavy with anticipation.

Sally checked the clock. It was approaching 1:30 in the morning. She knew that the couple wasn't finished yet. She was tired and needed rest for the Splendor party tomorrow. With mixed emotions, she decided to leave them to their pleasure and went to the spare room to get some sleep. She wanted to be well-rested and ready to impress Kate and Sven with her sluttiness.

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