03 - Disciplinary Action

Sarah discovers the consequences of disobeying regulations.

May 30, 2024
14 min read
slaveromanticdominationdramafemale submissivelovemaledom03 - Punishmentsubmissivewhipping
03 - Punishment
03 - Punishment

03 - Disciplinary Action

Early in the day, Jakob woke me by using an air horn. The intensity of adrenaline coursed through my veins while I jolted from my bed. Random thoughts ran through my mind, while my disheveled hair fluttered about. The noise ceased, and I recognized there was no danger, which allowed me to express my rage at him through furious glares.

Take a look back at the factor that prompted my presence in my old home. The adrenaline still thumped through my veins, but for a different reason this time. Anxiety gripped my stomach as I considered my next move. Aware of the risks, I muttered an attack towards him through the open entrance without ever uttering a syllable.

RULE 2: The imprisoned will converse with politeness, and will only speak when prompted.

Jakob approached me, and I inched further back from his volatile countenance, which had vanished since our childhood. I came face-to-face with the shadow of his form. While he grew near, an attempt to convey repentance invaded my mind. I froze mid-step at the raising of his eyebrow. Immediately, an unspoken mental alarm bellowed through my mind.

Jakob pressed against me, and inspected my face. The ruthless leader reemerged, but for a brief instant, a softer, more caring look flashed across his eyes. Then, his lips betrayed him by revealing a grin.

"I'm sure you didn't mean to offend," he said in a soft tone. Despite the apparent calmness in his voice, an air of satisfaction filled my ears. It seemed he relished the ability to enrage me that quickly.

Caught off guard, I could stutter out a haphazard apology before he stopped me in my tracks.

"This insurrection won't be allowed to escape unpunished." He promised, before directing me to move with him.

As I crawled behind him, my desire to minimize the consequences of this exchange overwhelmed me. My confusion about the situation ambushed me. Although beneath his enormous shadow, I had a ridiculous obsession with obeying him, I second-guessed our current predicament. Why had I agreed to this torment? The small voice came to remind me. You deserve this. You brought the suffering upon yourself, and he was entitled to seek retribution.

I closely followed Jakob, not allowing myself to be inadvertently kicked. Downstairs, the staircase caused us further difficulty due to the awkwardness of kneeling. However, I made it to the bottom without incident. In the dim light of the basement, the previously disorganized collection of festive decorations, camping equipment, and random items had become a neat row of cardboard boxes against the far wall.

In the space in the center were two unique structures I had never seen before, despite their proximity. The first was a simple metal table with a tabletop that could lift at a 90-degree angle, transforming the table into a chair-like object. The second was an X-shaped leather structure with various restraints. With an unsettling feeling, I understood both devices were designed to construct a klutz such as myself.

Lulled by shock, I missed an intriguing arrangement further along the wall. Rising, I wrapped my arms around Jakob's upper thigh, hugging my naked self to him, inhaling deeply. My heart ached. I had gained a profound appreciation for his smell, but somehow felt further from him than ever. Acting quickly, I tried to suppress any outbursts of sorrow, knowing they would come later anyway.

Jakob scrutinized the shelves, towering above me. As a child, I struggled to even reach containers in the pantry, let alone see anything above head height. I struggled inwardly with the indignity and came to realize this was likely the intended humiliation.

He opted for a tool and returned to the top of the staircase. Back in the dining room, he pulled a chair away from under the table.

"Lay across my knee, slut." His angry tone broke the vulnerability I had experienced mere moments before.

I hesitated for a beat, but stood to understand his intention. As I reluctantly witnessed the gleaming small whip with a wooden handle and black leather strips, my trepidation intensified. The cold hardness of the weapon felt cruel, but at least it wasn't a solid object. With my cheeks resting on his knee, my bottom exposed, I was prepared for whatever punishment he had planned.

He roughly shifted me over, making me land on his lap and causing my torso to hang farther down. My ass thrust upward even more, meeting the cool air.

Jakob's fingers lightly grazed my ass cheeks, and I heard him snicker when he discovered how wet I was. He teased me for a few seconds before pulling away. Then, his hand smacked me. The slap resonated across my buttocks.

I involuntarily moaned, and Jakob chuckled again. "This is all part of your punishment, whore. You're not going to enjoy this," he stated.

I responded, "Thank you for my punishment, Sir." I was determined to not require any more punishments in the future. Every single one would have to be earned. Jakob hummed in approval.

A noise like a whistle rang out, signifying the arrival of the first lash. Each stroke was quick, leaving a series of small, painful marks. Jakob didn't harm my entire bottom during the first lashing, opting for multiple strikes in specific locations. I whimpered, and he laughed.

"Count them." He ordered.

"Um, one." I stuttered.

"One?" Jakob's questioning tone made it obvious that he thought my reply sounded weird.

"One, thank you, Sir." I managed to say.

The second buffet of the whip differed from the first in one aspect: I now realized Jakob hadn't held back on the initial swat. This hit felt even worse. I screamed loudly, and Jakob immediately covered my mouth with his hand. He only lifted it for a brief second, allowing me to say my number and express my gratitude.

"Two. Thank you, Sir." My voice was a shaky whisper.

He brushed my raw buttocks. Despite the pain, the sensation was pleasurable. His warm palm comforted and calmed me. He then reached for my mouth. I saw him preparing to speak. The sound of the whistle forewarned that he would soon swat my bare bottom again.

"Three. Thank you, Sir." I cried as he rubbed my butt cheeks, only to rip my pants away and replace them with his hand.

On the fourth stroke, sobs rolled down my cheeks. Despite the situation, I was aware of wetness between my legs as the ache enveloped my bottom. It felt as if each strike was spreading torture across my backside.

The lashes blurred together, all turning into a consistent thudding of pain. I was eager to reach the halfway mark, but I hadn't counted properly. I frantically attempted to count up while still in the midst of whipping. With exhaustion brewing, I knew holding back wouldn't be feasible.

I was becoming frustrated, the pleasure overtaking my agony. On the eighth lash, Jakob seemed to realize the change.

"You're getting wet." I heard disbelief in his voice. His finger discovered how much moisture had trickled out of me.

"I-I'm sorr- sorry, Sir." My voice broke as I realized what had happened. I was actually feeling aroused from the whippings. I reached a new plateau of passion, determined to make my entire session worthwhile.

"I told you, slut. This isn't supposed to feel good for you. This is your punishment." Jakob gently caressed my damaged skin. I was caught between conflicting sensations: one that burned and injured, the other pleasurable and arousing.

"I'll be good, Sir," I mumbled, no longer able to focus on the lingering pleasure.

The seventh strike was somewhat different than the ones before: it wasn't as intense as it could've been. Jakob was no longer picking specific spots but instead chose a more gentler, broader approach while still causing considerable pain.

"I'm sorry, Sir." I whispered, struggling to remain still. I wanted to escape the pain that was overwhelming me. He stepped back, and I now knew his actions were about to change.

"This is your punishment, my love. Do not cum," I heard him say, just as he struck my reddened bottom relentlessly. I was turning into a ball of raw emotions, pain, and eroticism.

On the ninth stroke, I begged for forgiveness, the frustration I previously felt already betraying me.

"Ten. Thank you, Sir." I jolted as his palm landed on my ass, not aware of my rising whimper.

My eyes welled with tears as I lay facedown on the couch. The cries were muffled, echoing softly. Jakob climbed off the couch, silently walking towards the master bedroom. A moment passed, followed by the familiar sound of him opening a medicine cabinet. I recognized the purpose of this action: this was for soothing the wounds I'd just received.

He returned back to my side, kneeling beside me. Rubbing my damaged buttocks slowly, he cheerfully greeted me with, "How was that for you?"

I shivered as the cold ointment touched my inflamed skin. "Stay put, Sarah." He urged in a comforting voice. The warmth that flowed through my chest from his use of my name gave me the strength to stop my trembling limbs. He slathered a generous amount of the ointment on my skin before screwing the jar's cap back in place. It eased the most intense of the burn, but I still felt a great deal of pain.

"I didn't break the skin," Jakob said. "It might feel like you've lost most of your skin in this area, but it's simply very red. Lay down for a while."

"Yes, sir." I murmured into the pillow. I'd only been awake for roughly half an hour and wanted to collapse back into sleep. Jakob put the ointment on the coffee table and exited for the kitchen. I could hear pots and pans moving about in there, and thought I should lend a hand, but before I could, I fainted.

Jakob gently woke me, pushing on my shoulder till I awoke. I tried to sit up and actually yelped in pain. I attempted to lie down once more, but Jakob's arm constricted around my neck and shoulders, stopping me.

"Persevere." He ordered firmly. His eyes had returned to their cold and guarded appearance. I nodded slightly, and he let go of me. I raised my hands to the couch's shoulder and pushed back in one smooth movement. My teeth were clenched and my eyes squeezed shut to keep the screams in. The ointment reduced the sharp sting, but the burning sensation was still strong.

He guided me from the couch to the dining room, where he had cooked bacon, toast, hashbrowns, and prepared two cups of orange juice for breakfast. Two plates also sat, one on the floor right beside the chair at the head of the table. Jakob occupied the chair. I knelt at his feet, pushing against his legs for support while we ate.

When I completed my meal, I drooped against him. The image of what he'd said replayed in my mind, and I raised my head to gaze at him. His eyes were distant yet breathtaking. I became lost in their beauty, then remembered. I patted his leg mildly, and he came out of his reverie. He gazed down at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What is desired, slut?" The gentleness from the spanking had vanished.

"Sir, what will become of me when you have to leave?" I inquired hesitantly. "Will the prison return to claim me?"

He pondered my question for a few moments before replying, "I won't be deploying again. I requested a sabbatical. It's typically denied for such a lengthy duration, but I contacted my friend, the Secretary of the Navy. That sped up the approval process, and I became free to deal with this issue."

I gawped at him, unable to comprehend. Just days before he left for what would be his final deployment as a married man, Jakob had noticed the daughter of the Secretary of the Navy, Admiral Glass, at a bar, drinking with his friends. The girl was unlawfully drinking, and far too ignorant.

Jakob described how he and his friends spoke to the girl to keep her and the sleazy dudes away. While he was away from the table, he saw the man on the girl's left display something on his phone as the other man touched her beverage. The liquid's surface rippled as something settled in it.

Jakob told everyone to remain seated and went to break up the action. Before the criminals realized what was happening, they found themselves on the sidewalk outside, each with a SEAL sitting on their chest as they awaited the police. Jakob and the other SEAL escorted SecNav's daughter home. The girl was visibly disturbed, fully aware that she'd just narrowly dodged a terrible fate, and had no intentions of returning to a bar.

Admiral Glass had promised, if these four men ever required his full authority, they only had to call. That's a major favor. The kind that unscrupulous men could use to rise high in the military ranks.

Jakob used it for me. For the dreadful woman who shattered his spirit. I lowered my gaze and pushed aside the tears. I was going through a span of weeks where every seemingly insignificant event could make me cry.

"So, how will you make a living?" I inquired quietly. If he burned through his retirement fund for this, I'd send myself back to prison. It might be a waste of SecNav's favor, but I would not let him spend his retirement years over me.

"It's a paid leave." That's what he said simply. "Also, the D.O.C. has an account set up for you if you need anything while you're here. I need to request funds and have them approved, so it's not very convenient for day-to-day tasks, but I've already used it to set up an appointment with a doctor for next week. They need your physical checked, and I assume it's wise to restart your long-term birth control again. Has your headaches returned? You used to get pretty bad when your hormonal panel was imbalanced."

"How are we going to see a doctor? I can't leave the property." I'm still trying to process the idea of a D.O.C. account just for me, but I understood the reason for the birth control change - Jakob didn't want a pregnancy appearing while in his care.

"The doctor I've scheduled sees patients at their homes. Any medication will be brought by a private courier. As a result, I can't use physical punishment as frequently until after your physical exam." He muttered to himself, sipping the remaining orange juice.

"Really?" I couldn't keep from exclaiming.

Jakob gave me a malicious grin. It scared me just as much as his glare from that morning. "Don't think you'll get away with this, slut. There are still plenty of ways to modify someone's conduct without leaving a mark on their skin."

He sighed and pulled away from the table. I clung to his leg for a moment before getting my dishes off the floor and mixing them with his, carrying them all to the kitchen.

Washing dishes, even in the nude, seemed normal. I could have ignored my discomfort if it weren't for the persistent warmth radiating from my lower back. When I finished, I turned around and leaned against the sink. The clock on the stove read 1:15. That couldn't be possible. I called out to Jakob.

"Honey, did we—" I stopped abruptly, horrified at what I had just said. Jakob slowly strolled into the kitchen, his sadness buried under irritation. I didn't say anything, but I looked down at my toes. Why couldn't I understand this? Was I trying to hurt him further, reminding him of what he previously possessed? What's wrong with me?

He approached me and towered over me, his frustration evident on his face. "Slut." He acknowledged, presenting me an opportunity to speak.

"I'm so sorry, Master. Please don't have you hit my ass like that again, Master." My lower lip trembled as I struggled to hold back my emotions. "I won't do it again, please, Master."

"Do you deserve to be punished, slut?" He spoke calmly, coldly.

"Yes, Master." I whispered with dread.

"Would you like to propose an alternative punishment other than another flogging?"

My thoughts raced. He was giving me a choice. What's better than turning my ass cherry red? What would he want? I finally spoke. "Would Master want to fuck my mouth again, Master?"

He chuckled. He chuckled at me and said, "I don't think that's much of a punishment for you, slut! Sucking my cock is a reward for you, isn't it? It arouses you, doesn't it?"

I looked down at my feet again, feeling ashamed. "Yes, Master." I whispered humiliatedly. Of course he wouldn't allow that. He knew I loved sucking his cock and, since I discovered deepthroating, it was a skill I wanted to perfect.

"We'll need to use the table downstairs for now." Jakob said after a short moment of silence. "Follow me, slut."

Jakob noticed me staring at the shelf and frowned. "Go lie down on the table, slut." I complied, lying down with my face down. The cool metal made my nipples stand up and caused goosebumps all over my body. Despite knowing the punishment I was about to receive, I couldn't help but feel excited for Jakob to use me. I was still angry earlier, and I wanted him to take care of that.

Jakob spoke to himself while checking the options on the shelf, "What was it you wanted to say, slut?"

"Sir?" I asked in response.

"When you forgot your place." He said. "What did you want to say?"

"Oh, sorry Sir. I was just going to ask if there was a power outage last night." I said. "The clock on the stove said it was after one, but we had only just woken up and had breakfast."

"You took a nap before breakfast, slut." He reminded me.

"Of course it wasn't a long nap!" I argued, adding, "Sir!" before he could add more punishments.

"I have woken you up at 10 AM this morning, slut. After your punishment, you slept for a few hours. We can't have you just hanging around all day." He smiled, choosing a large white wand. I recognized this as a very powerful toy. My heart sank when he walked over to me with the wand and some body tape and remembered what he had said earlier, "There are many, many ways to alter someone's behavior without leaving a mark."

In a last-ditch effort to avoid the inevitable, I kept asking questions, "But, Sir, why would you wake me up so late and let me sleep so long?"

"You've been through a traumatic time." He said, choosing not to look at me. "Do you even know how much weight you've lost since I last saw you? You're forty pounds lighter now than you were the last time I saw you. Your body will take a while to get back to normal, and that's not including the additional stress these punishments will take on you. You'll probably be sleeping a lot more than usual while your body heals itself."

Losing forty pounds in six months wasn't surprising, but I knew the method in which I lost it was the most worrisome. Working three jobs, the lawsuit, and nearly starving on the streets isn't the ideal way to diet. In hindsight, I was shocked I didn't notice sooner. That was what really concerned me.

Then, Jakob approached me. He tied my wrists at my sides and my ankles to the bottom of the table. He considered me and then went to the shelf and came back with a ball gag. I looked deep into his eyes and said, "Thank you for this punishment, Sir." Confidence flashed across his face for a moment before I obeyed and opened my mouth, allowing him to insert the gag. Then he used the last strap on the table, the one around my neck, to secure my head in place.

I begged for mercy with my whimpers and my eyes, hoping he wouldn't use the highest setting. He only smirked and returned, holding the wand's vibrating head directly against my pussy lips before spreading them apart to ensure it was touching my inner folds. He used one hand to hold it in place while using the other to wrap body tape around it and my thigh, securing it.

He stood up and looked right at me, a smirk on his face. "Now, I recall you begging to cum earlier, slut." I shook my head back and forth as much as possible. "Oh, come now. I know you'll greatly enjoy this. Right now it's half past one. I expect dinner on the table at six. For the next three and a half hours, you have permission to cum as many times as you would like."

I whimpered especially loud, thrashing against my restraints. A look of indecision passed over his face, but then the smirk returned and he switched on the toy. He raised it higher and higher until it was making my thighs shake from the strength of its vibration, and then lowered it considerably. If I had to guess, it was only about 15% of its maximum strength. "Enjoy yourself, slut."

I groaned into the gag as the toy pleasured my folds. It felt so indescribably good, a thrumming sensation that sent pleasure both into my core and across my skin. I relaxed into the crushing waves of ecstasy as they took over me. Then the punishment began.

The feeling was similar to when a leg that's been asleep starts to regain feeling, but instead, it happened in every nerve of my entire body at once. It was a torturous experience, and I screamed against the gag as Jakob smiled on the side. The climb began yet again. There was never a chance to come down; it simply pushed me higher. More eternal moments of pleasure and more eternal periods of agony. Eventually, Jakob walked away, but I was past being able to think clearly, a miserable blend of emotions barely aware of being human as my body was wracked with the unbearable sensations from that awful wand.

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