
06. Early Career and the Visitor

Bonus 3 He is offered again to satisfy a visitor’s curiosity.

Aug 13, 2024
26 min read
alex fourwaysgroup sexoral sex06. Early Career and the Visitortit fuckalexoralfourways
06. Early Career and the Visitor
06. Early Career and the Visitor

06. Early Career and the Visitor

This is Part of the Series - The Making of Mr Fourways - Bonus content 3 - Early Career and the Visitor

This story is fiction, and everyone in it are fictional. You are welcome to imagine the characters as you wish but all characters are 18 years old or older. Events, medical and biological descriptions are not intended to be accurate or diagnostic so please don't flame me on that account. Again: This story is fiction.

6. Early Career and the Visitor

This is Part of the Series - The Making of Mr Fourways

This is inspired by a reader DM asking "Alex would you like to fuck me four

different ways?"

Early Career

As related elsewhere, instead of a career in Civil Engineering, I ended up working in local government in Management within the Administration or Social Services Departments.

To help with presentation in interviews, I grew a moustache to look more mature, and always wore a quality three-piece suit and tie. I was good at my job and kept earning promotions, quickly climbing the ziggurat of Local Authority Gradings. I was a quick learner and, despite lack of training in finance or social work, I was able to learn enough to understand the issues and negotiate suitable outcomes.

Without Wendy to field for me, and away from the sexual pressure cooker of Halls, I had to find my own way to identify women who would be receptive to my skills. I was always careful to ensure that there was no conflict of interest between work and liaisons and that cut out many otherwise promising opportunities. That was because the age and gender balance in the departments I worked in was heavily skewed towards young, single women. It wasn't easy and several weeks could pass between 'dates'. But sometimes it was less if a group of friends, most not fellow employees, all wanted a sample. However, in the real world, only a few women wanted the Alex Four Ways experience more than once or twice.

At this time, I was working as a middle manager for a County Council in the Admin Department and I was working on my MBA. Although opportunities in Human Resources had beckoned, I took one look at employment law and decided to give that a miss, at least for now.

I entered the canteen, and joined the queue for my main meal of the day, such is bachelor life I took time to check out who was there. I saw one of my liaisons, Erica, get up from a table that was at the far end of the room, and head towards me. She was quite tall, curvy and outgoing, very much as I like women, but there again, I like most women with the right attitude, and she had it in spades. Well enough that she would seek me out from time to time. Three times so far.

I smiled at her, and she turned her head to say something to the woman sat at the table she had left. Compared to Erica, with her wild red hair and green summer dress, this woman was mid-blonde, wearing a dark, formal, business suit, with slacks, but no less well endowed. She looked a bit older than Erica, and with her shoulder length hair could pass for an accountant. An attractive accountant. I also noticed she had a visitor's badge. I wondered, what was going on?

As Erica got to me, she smiled again and gave me a small hug. "Hi Alex! Hoped I would catch you here eyeing up the talent as usual!"

I decided to play it cool, though I had as many single women also avoid cooking for one. "No. Here getting my lunch. So, what brings you and your visitor here?"

"Would you believe lunch?"

"Hmmm... for you, possibly, but it's not where I would take a visitor."

At that point, I was the next to be served, and had to speak to the canteen staff, getting my main meal and dessert. As she left Erica said, "Come and join us, I want to introduce you." And then she returned to her guest, leaving me no real option but to comply. But it might be interesting, and I wouldn't want to deprive myself of any future Erica options.

The Visitor.

As I got to the table, I could read the badge, 'Pamela Morgan'. "May I join you, ladies?"

Erica gave a charming laugh. "Of course, Alex," then to Pamela, "didn't I say he was a perfect gent." Which got a nice smile from the lady. Erica introduced us. "Alex, this is Pamela, she is a visitor," I nodded, both obvious facts, "who was a speaker at the conference I was attending."

"Pleased to meet you Pamela, but I don't know anything about a conference. I'm not involved with Social Services in my current post. So, please excuse my ignorance."

Erica answered. "It was at the Civic Centre on 'The effects on children of relationship breakdown', and Pamela is an expert on peri- and post-partum infidelity."

I had taken a mouthful of food and must have had a puzzled look. I knew post- and infidelity, but peri-? Around? Partum - nope, oh wait some faint bell to do with maternity. "Sorry. I'm an engineer by training. Not really my topic."

Pamela put her hand on my wrist for a moment. "It's not why I'm here, but the topic is about men wandering when the woman is heavily pregnant or just having given birth." I nodded and gently freed my wrist so I could continue eating. "The problem often stems from the couple, particularly the man, not knowing how to enjoy sex without penetration. So some men seek other partners. And there are some women who are turned on by a man who has 'proved' he is virile."

I swallowed. I was glad that there was nobody at the nearby tables. "I can see that, but what has that to do with me? I've not got a partner," A quick look at Erica to ensure I wasn't putting my foot in it. "nor got anyone pregnant." That I knew of at that time. Or ever?

Erica replied. "Oh, I wanted to introduce you to Pamela as an expert in enjoying sex without penetration." Now I could see why we were seated far from the madding crowd. It's strange how most people can't carry a tray very far! Then she nudged Pamela. "Though he's good at that as well, as well." She gave a wink with the repeat and I wondered how much 'billing' Erica had given me.

I put my cutlery down, glanced out the windows to check the weather outside. "I think this is a topic for a little walk. Just me and Pamela if you don't mind Erica?"

"Oh, OK. If you are alright with that, Pamela. But Alex, you haven't finished your dinner."

I smiled. "Unless I have misunderstood, I will be eating this evening." I noticed a look on Pamela's face and realised the innuendo. "I'll book a table for us if our walk goes well. Italian OK?"

Pamela looked uncertain, so Erica nudged her. "I told you he was sharp and a quick worker. You will enjoy Cicchetti's if nothing else."

She recovered. "OK, yes, but let's take that walk first. Erica, thanks for the invite. I'll take it from here."


I led Pamela out of a staff door to the small park that backs onto the Council Offices, and although there were people walking in the sunshine, we would have more privacy than in the canteen. I checked that we were clear of anyone anyway. "So, just what has Erica said?"

For the first time she looked a bit embarrassed and even had a small blush. "That you are an expert in making a woman happy, and that your skills cover the whole alphabet. Plus you keep going. Lots."

"I wouldn't say the whole alphabet, just the vowels, A E I O and U."

"A, I presume, is anal?"

"It is, but only if the woman wants that, otherwise I come outside, or externally."

"Yes. Erica said something about you not coming normally. Seemed a bit odd. But what is I, O and U?"

"I is internal, as in normal penetration. I don't come that way, but I do reach a peak of pleasure. O is oral, for either or both partners. Whilst I ensure that my partner orgasms that way, I don't. And U is well, it should be a pair as it refers to fucking between a woman's breasts. If she is sensitive that way, she can orgasm, but I make sure it is erotic for her.

"That sounds unusual, and I wonder if you really need therapy, but I think Erica would be disappointed if you became a normal man. I'd love to study these phenomena, but I am only free this evening before I head home."

"Well, I can pick you up from wherever you are staying and go for a meal at seven. Then discuss where to go from there."

"Oh, alright. But you don't have to take me for a meal."

"I insist. It is part of what I do, what I have been educated to do." I noticed a raised eyebrow, was I being studied. "Though back at university, it was often just a fancy coffee. You see, I need to understand what the woman's expectations and warmth is."


"Yes, some women come to me quite timid about the night ahead, despite what they might have been told about, er, 'mister fourways', through to those who are too hyped up. Knowing the temperature makes sure the woman gets the maximum pleasure."

Pamela stopped walking and faced me, lightly taking hold of my hands. "Very interesting. And I can see that you treat a woman's pleasure as an artform. I look forward to seeing you this evening. What do you mean told about you?"

"Despite what Erica might have said about me 'eyeing up talent,' most of the time women who I know, introduce other women to me who want... well, what I presume you want."

"Oh, I see. Or I hope to later."

With that, we returned to the building and I led her to the Social Services Department where the receptionist summoned Erica. I left knowing the name of the hotel Pamela was staying in, arranged to pick her up at quarter to seven and went back to work.


I turned up a bit early, never make a lady wait, and went to the Reception Desk. The young woman looked up and smiled at me. "Can I help you, sir?"

"Good evening. You have a guest here, Pamela Morgan. She is expecting me."

She checked the terminal and nodded. "Certainly, who shall I say is calling?"

"Mr. Hughes."

She dialled and then said, "I have a mister Hughes in reception for you." There was a pause. "No, mister Hughes." She looked up at me. "She says she isn't expecting a mister Hughes."

"Ah, say it's Alex. I'll explain the name. It's a nickname."

She repeated that and then looked at me. "Yes. Moustache. Brown hair. Quite tall. Suit. OK, I'll send him up." She put the phone down and said to me, "She asked for you to go up to room three-forty-two and knock."

I smiled at her. "Thanks, Julia. Nice name." She blushed as I walked away to the lifts. On the third floor, I found room 342 and knocked. A few moments later the door opened, and Pamela stepped back to give me room to enter. I know I was a bit early, but I was surprised to see her standing there in attractive red lace underwear and black hold-up stockings. I let the door close behind me.

"You like?" Possibly it was because she was clearly older than me, but she seemed nervous about my opinion.

"Yes. Very likeable. But we are going out first, and I don't think that will be warm enough." I smiled and my cock stirred, especially as she walked away from me and I saw the extent of her buttocks that was not hidden by the thong-like back. "Though it would get a lot of men hot." And she looked back and smiled, causing more cock reaction.

She had no sooner disappeared, than she was there again holding a red satin dress. "Help me put this on, will you?"

"How could I deny such a request?" I held the dress whilst she stepped into it, slipped her arms in as I raised it and then she turned so I could zip up the back. The veiling was quite erotic in its own right. She turned and gave me a peck on the cheek and a whispered thank you'.


We left for the restaurant and had a modest meal. Whilst I had a cappuccino, Pamela had a couple of glasses of wine, clearly a bit apprehensive. She explained that Erica had just called me Mister Fourways, and that I had done the same, and so didn't know it was a description and not my real surname. We chatted amiably about our past and present, euphemistically talking about our sexual history. I realised that Pamela was curious about my education by misses Jennings and then by Wendy farming me out. I tried to be honest without betraying any confidences. Hers was varied, but she didn't let slip if she was in a relationship at present.

At one point she asked me 'if I was Dom or Sub', I replied, "I don't understand the question," which she said was an interesting answer. She also mentioned that possibly I was doing a tan trick, but that didn't mean anything. I later found she meant tantric, but I hadn't studied any Indian religion so was still confused.

However, we clicked and laughed about some things going on in the world and comedy, sharing some jokes. It was a nice date, even without the expectation of intimacy later.

We decided to skip dessert, so I asked for the bill, insisting that I pay, and asked the time-old question, "Your place or mine?" But added, "or neither?"

She thought for a moment. "I presume you don't have any issues with taking young, or mature, women back to yours, but I think I will be more relaxed at the hotel and being early I don't think noise will be a problem. I hope there will be a cause for noise."

I smiled. "I certainly intend there to be. Let's go."


We got to her hotel room and I removed my jacket and waistcoat whilst she got a bottle of white wine from the mini-bar, opened it and poured us a glass each. She raised her glass and I chinked mine against it as she said, "To tonight." She drained her glass, though I left most of mine.

I placed it on the side and stepped forward and took her into my arms. We kissed, gently at first but gradually more intense. Our hands were moving up and down each other's bodies. I took her movements for guidance, as once she had squeezed my bottom, I felt free to do the same. Our kiss broke and I moved to kiss her neck and shoulder, as far as the dress allowed, then back to her right earlobe which I licked, sucked and nibbled as a surrogate clit.

She whispered, "Please take my dress off as it's in your way."

I gave her earlobe a playful nip, eliciting a little "oh."

"My pleasure," I said, and with that, I slowly lowered the zip. Stepping back, pulled the dress over her shoulders and did the big reveal, reversing the process I had done earlier. Now she seemed even more attractive as I knew the person under the skin. As soon as she was clear of the dress, I carefully laid it over a chair and turned to face her again. She reached out and started on my tie, which I let her remove, but stopped her when she went to the shirt buttons.


I moved back so that I could return to kissing her shoulder, then down to her cleavage, cupping both breasts in my hands and using my thumbs to tease her nipples. I knelt down as my kissing moved to her tummy and to the waistband of her panties. Her hands had been stroking my head, then they moved to press my hands firmer against her breasts, and then they disappeared. Moments later I felt her bra loosen, so I moved my hands under the cups as she removed it.

I rose again so that I could kiss and suck, first one then the other nipple, that rose to the occasion. I ran my hands unhindered, except by her panties, up and down her back, stroking and teasing with my fingers. My kisses took in the whole of her breasts and cleavage, and I alternated hands to work on the orb that was not being orally teased.

Pamela was far from passive. She was running her hands over my head and back, and then gripped my bottom to bring me, and my prominent bulge, hard against her groin. I altered my stance to make it easier for her to stimulate herself against me, and I cared not one jot for the cleaning bill. In fact, I had eyes on the young lady who worked at the cleaners who seemed to understand the reason for the unusual stains and had made some interesting comments about them.

But back to Pamela.

Her breathing was getting nicely erratic and her grinding against me a bit frantic. Then she had what I can only describe as a boob-orgasm, as she started to tremble uncontrollably whilst holding me hard against her breasts and giving out a long 'Ohhhh!' When her breathing settled, she moaned, "Oh, Alex, can we get on the bed?"

"You certainly need to. I think it's time for you to have some fun." I guided her back until her legs touched the bed and then I lowered her onto it.

As she lay there, she looked at me. "Alex, you need to get undressed."

"Patience Pamela, patience. You haven't had your fun yet."

"Oh, I've had plenty of fun, now it's your turn."


I shook my head. I dropped to my knees again, and with my arms under her stockinged legs, drew her to the edge of the bed where I brought my mouth onto her mons and its valley through the lacy material. She ground her sex against my face, but then I felt her pushing down her panties, so I retreated to give her room. And with a flourish, they were gone. With that, her legs descended again, and she spread them wide, offering her pussy to me.

The sight of it between the black hold-up stockings was delightful. She was nicely trimmed, and I could see that she was both aroused and open, her delightful scent filled my senses. Despite my desires to drink at that well of womanly delight, I still took my time, kissing and stroking from knee to mons, and then repeating on the other side.

I could predict what was going to be said next, I had heard it often in one form or another. "Alex, unless you stop this torture, I will get upset and we wouldn't want that."

"Your wish is my desire." And with that, I brought my thumbs in to stroke her labia. Opening her up, I delivered a long lick, from bottom to top and pulled back. "Oh Pamela, you taste so good." Then I dropped my head to kiss her clit, causing a sigh. I lowered my head so that I could do another long lick, ending with a circle of her clit. I repeated the pattern and, as expected, Pamela grabbed my head to get my lips into greater contact. I opened my mouth to cover as much of her sex as I could and drove my tongue into her opening.

She eased up on the pressure, so I set about ravishing her pussy with my tongue, lips and thumbs, paying particular attention to pleasuring her clit and its roots. Soon Pamela was groaning and sighing as her chest rose and fell, making her breasts roll on her ribs. Releasing her pussy lips, I ran my arms back up her body to enfold her delightful orbs and to pinch the nipples between index and middle fingers.

That seemed to be the trigger she needed as she groaned and arched her back as if to pull herself away from my mouth, but at the same time, she pressed hard on my head to maintain contact. I flicked my tongue up and down and she let out a musical 'Aaahhhhaaa!' and started trembling. There was a sudden increase in her nectar that I did my best to drink.

I calmed my licking as she settled and hoarsely said, "Alex, that was shattering, and you didn't even use your fingers. Do you need my permission? Because you can use them, please use them?


"Pamela, I certainly will, using my fingers is the good bit." With that, I brought my right hand back, lifted my head and started exploring with my fingertips.

"Alex," she sighed, "after that, call me Pam."

Having got my fingers slicked up in her juicy pussy, I slid three fingers into her tunnel and curled them up to find and stroke her G-spot. Pam gasped and I lowered my head back to her clit working on it in time with my fingers stroking in and out. My left arm was wrapped around her thigh. I needed that anchor as she started to shake and buck in the throes of another orgasm that had her screaming out a string of obscenities. I kept up contact, gently guiding her back to sanity, but then she became very still.

I quickly removed my shoes and crawled up the bed next to her, and gave her a hug, until her breathing had returned to normal. She stirred and quietly said, "I now know what Erica meant about the best bit. In all my years no man has done that to me and I think I might have had a petite mort. My first ever."

"Well, you were out of it for a while and if you did, it wouldn't have been my first, and that's not intended to be a boast."

She turned and gave me a kiss. "It wouldn't be a boast. But look at you, still fully dressed!" With that she rolled over and straddled me. "Time I sorted that out and got to see what I am dealing with." She worked on my shirt buttons, then shifted down to undo my belt and zip.

Before she got my trousers off, I reached into my pockets and removed a strip of six condoms from one pocket and packets of lube from the other and put them on the bed. Pam commented, "Taking no risks? I'm clean."

"I don't make assumptions about a lady's requirements, so I come ready for a range of choices. I am also clean."


By this time, she had my cock out and was examining it as it reached full hardness. "All as advertised, circumcised, manscaped, a bit on the large size, but not intimidating. Just what my worn-out cunt needs." I was surprised by the 'C' word, Mrs. Jennings had told me never to use it. "Very nice, but I suppose you have been told that before."

I smiled and felt my cock surge as her hand moved on it. "Once or twice. And I doubt that your pussy is in any condition but the very best."

She moved off my legs to finally remove my trousers, pants and socks. I sat up and removed my shirt. When she climbed back on the bed she sat on her haunches by my waist and played with my cock. "Now, if I understand correctly, I give you a blow job and you don't come, but peak? Erica didn't explain that clearly, so I'll have to find out what that actually means." With that, she moved her knees towards my head so she could partially lay across me with her head by my cock. It would have been easy for me to get my head between her legs for a sixty-nine, but /she didn't do that, so I didn't force matters. But I did stroke her smooth full buttocks and my cock stiffened at the prospect of seeing her in a doggie pose, whether I was fucking her pussy or ass.

Pam was holding my cock as she started to lick the glans. "Nice precum, young man," she commented, then started to take more of it into her mouth. She moved her position slightly and started to take me almost all the way in. With saliva on her hand around the base, she was able to make up for any shortfall, but she clearly could take a lot of cock. Oh, the benefits of an experienced woman. Her other hand was not idle as it was caressing the overflow of saliva around by balls that, by now, had become tight.

She rapidly took me to my limit, which might have been a problem for most men but not me. It wasn't long before I groaned, "Ahhhgh!" and reflexively clamped my body as I climaxed. My cock surged and I knew that it would have released a small amount of fluid, cum or precum, I never asked.

Pam pulled off, clearly sampling the little I had given her, and looked deep into my eyes. "As advertised, again, and I didn't believe it. Someone, Mrs. Jenkins?, trained you well. Or badly."

"Jennings. I suppose I can't complain."


"Hmmm." She sounded doubtful. "Well moving on. I haven't had a good fucking of my tits for several years. Again, you have a reputation to uphold."

She rolled onto her back and I selected a sachet of peach lube, then swapped it for one that seemed more appropriate. She noticed. "Why change the lube?"

"Oh, this one is melon. I'll use the peach one later." She gave a little laugh at the joke and implication and lightly slapped my thigh. I moved to sit astride her stomach, but she stopped me.

"Alex, stand beside the bed." I did, and she sat on the edge with her legs spread wide on either side of mine. I could see she wanted to do a tit fuck with me standing. She took my already hard cock and squeezed the lube along it, before spreading it with her elegant fingers. She dribbled the last of it onto her nipples and I brought my cock into that wonderful valley. She squeezed her breasts around me and her engorged nipples rubbed against my hips.

I rested my hands on her shoulders and started to thrust my cock between those lovely breasts. Pam rocked her body to increase the stimulation for me and also for her nipples. My view of events was then blocked as she dropped her head, but was rewarded with the sensation of her mouth and tongue attacking the tip at the top of each thrust.

Despite the constraints of this position, I was able to build up a good rhythm by rotating my hips, and Pam's added movements. My thrusting was also stroking my body up and down her nipples. I could feel them being massaged.

As my pace of thrusting increased, Pam threw back her head and, with that, she let out another 'Ohhhh!' She moved herself to crush her pussy against my left leg and I could feel her wetness as she rubbed against me.

Knowing that I had satisfied her, I hit my peak with a groan of my own, and a small amount of my cum joined the lube. Pam noticed, and released her breasts so that she could use her fingers to scoop up what she could before sucking it off them, then she dropped her head to see what more she could gather from my cock.

We laid back on the bed and kissed whilst our hands caressed each other's body. My hands ranged from neck to thighs, and Pamela did the same, being quite attentive to my nipples.

Then she spoke. "I'd say you were good to go again, but I don't think you ever really lost your erection, just dropping from rock hard to firm and back again." To prove the point she gave it a little squeeze.

"Having a beautiful woman in bed does that to me."


"OK, enough flattery. So, what's next, stud - missionary?"

I looked at her, smiled and gave her a small kiss. I affected an inane attempt at a French accent. "It's full 'a la carte' mademoiselle." I punctuated the list with small kisses 💋 "Missionary 💋 Cowgirl 💋 Jackhammer 💋 Reverse Missionary 💋 Reverse Cowgirl 💋 Full Nelson 💋 Doggie 💋 Wheelbarrow 💋 Piledriver 💋 Scissors 💋 Or anything, really." With that, I let my hand cup her pussy and my middle finger ran up her very wet labia and teased the entrance to her sex.

"Hmmm, I don't know all those, well possibly not by those names, but I think I'll reserve doggie for anal. Full Nelson sounds interesting, but I like cowgirl. Until my legs give out. What do you think."

I affected the poor accent again. "An excellent choice for main and dessert, of course I can change the main into a reverse missionary, by adding more service, if madam requires it."

Pam shook her head. "You. Garcon. On your back. Now." And I complied immediately.

She straddled my legs and stroked her lower lips up and down my cock, clearly enjoying the stimulation. I put both my thumbs in my mouth before I lifted my hands to cup her breasts and teased her nipples with my wet thumbs. She gave a little shudder, then lifted herself up and used a hand to locate the head of my cock at her entrance before slowly impaling herself.

She felt so wet, I am sure she could have taken me in one movement, but she took three, I think as much to enjoy the sensation. When she had settled hard on my pubic bone, she rocked her hips to stimulate her clit. "Oh, Alex, your cock fills me up so nicely. You are really spoiling me tonight."

In my normal voice, I told her, "If a man can't spoil a beautiful woman, he doesn't deserve to have any pleasure in life."

With that, she started to ride me in earnest. I kept my hands on her tits as her body rose up and down and rocked against my cock. She clearly was getting close to another orgasm, but I think the effort was distracting her, then she slowed. "About the missionary?"

I gave her breasts a squeeze. "We can. But can we try something first?"

She kept up a rocking action to maintain her stimulation. "OK, I'll trust you if you trust me when to stop."

"Deal. Pam, lean back, arms on my shins, and lift up a bit." She did and I started to jackhammer from below, hoping that my glans was working on her G-spot. Within a few strokes I saw her eyes go wide and I knew it was working. With her tits out of reach, I put my hands on her hips so that I could use my thumbs to massage her clit, immediately causing added gasps.

Even with my age and fitness, the length of time that I could jackhammer my hips up off the bed is limited, so I was pleased when Pam started to squeal and her vagina spasmed on my cock. She then threw herself forward on me as her orgasm flowed through her and I kept thrusting by easily rotating my hips. This both extended her orgasm and enabled me to peak with my pelvic floor clamping down holding myself from coming where I was not allowed.

I rolled us to lie side by side, still embedded in her. We lay there for a while then Pam kissed me. "You didn't come, did you?"

"I didn't, but I peaked, and I am satisfied."

"Hmmm, I still think you come enough that you could make a woman pregnant, it only takes one sperm to meet an egg."

I think it was the first time I had felt myself soften when still embedded in a woman and slipped out. "Oh, we aren't at risk?"

"That's very sweet of you to think it would be we. I can't get pregnant, but you might want to be more careful as sperm have been found in precum and they are tenacious, single minded, little buggers." She gave me a light kiss. "Much like where they come from."

She reached for my cock and gave it a squeeze. "Interesting, it still responds to mood." She stroked it. Successfully stimulating it. "But I need it happy again as I am looking forward to you plundering my ass." Those words, and her fingers, restored my erection to full bloom.


I grabbed the pillows and made a mound which caused Pam to smile. "Oh! You think I am so old I need support to keep up?"

"No, I always do this so that my partner can relax and enjoy the experience."

With that she climbed over the pile, getting in position where she shook her ass at me. "I can see the advantage, as long as I can get my hand back to get my clit."

I got down behind her to do a bit of a reviving cunnilingus and fingering. Despite what she said, I considered her to have a magnificent clit and pussy lips and her vagina had felt so good when we were fucking, that I would remember it for a long time.

While I was fingering her clit, I also teased her rosebud, and I could see how it turned her on. Then I noticed that it was definitely seeping lube, which told me she had prepared herself for the next act, and that made me bolder in my approach to her back door. I took her beautiful, full ass in my hands and stroked it before bringing my fingers into the crease to spread her cheeks wider. "Pam, you have a wonderful ass and it will be an honour to make love to you this way." She sighed. Then I saw the tips of fingers as she slid her hand between her legs to resume the pleasuring that I had abandoned to concentrate on her ass.

I reached for the packet of peach-flavour lube, opened it and drizzled about half of it onto her rosebud, then used my thumbs to spread it around. I eased my thumb in, to be met by the excess lube coming out. I switched from using my thumbs to my index fingers, easing them into the first joint. As I rocked them around, I was met with a moan from Pam. Emboldened I pulled my fingers apart, widening her gape, then inserted my middle fingers. Soon I was holding her special place open.

"Pam? Are you ready for me?"

She turned her head and breathily said, "Yes, Alex. But gently at first. You are quite big, but please come properly in me."

"I'll be gentle. I want you to really enjoy this." I eased my right fingers out, grabbed the lube and emptied the rest of it on my cock, massaging it around the tip and shaft. I spread the fingers on my left hand to give room for my right index finger, then for the middle finger. I eased her open and massaged her ring as I felt her working on her clit, with a relaxation of her sphincter.

I withdrew my fingers and holding her buttock with my left hand, I guided my cock into her gape with my right. My glans went most of the way in. It only took a small amount of time and pressure for it to negotiate entry and the start of my shaft followed. With my hands now on Pam's hips I was able to gently rock in and out, gradually increasing penetration until I was literally 'balls deep' in her.

Pam turned her head further to look at me. "Alex, that feels so good, I can see why Erica sings your praises. Please fuck me. And don't stop if I scream. Just pleasure yourself, you have earned it."

I withdrew about half my length, then thrust back in, eliciting a groan of pleasure. "Pam, I never consider I have earned the right to my pleasure, but a duty to my partner. And as you have asked, that duty includes my pleasure, so I will obey." With that, I started to fuck her beautiful ass. I kept the thrusts long and unhurried for as long as possible, encouraged by the increasing sounds of pleasure from Pam.

Inevitably, the speed and power of my thrusts increased, but so did Pam's song of pleasure until she started to convulse and scream in her orgasm. That was the trigger I needed to release my pent-up come, and I let it flow freely, in several strong jets of satisfaction, followed by many more minor ones as my manhood flooded her special place. My body was literally drained, so I collapsed over Pam's back and kissed her between her shoulders as we rolled off the piled-up pillows and lay there spooned.

I held for some minutes before I softened and slid, ever so reluctantly out of her. Pam rotated herself so we could kiss and cuddle. "Alex, that was beyond expectation, and Erica had raised my expectations really high." She gave me a kiss.

"Well, I was inspired by being with a beautiful, sexy woman. And don't keep putting yourself down, experience outweighs youth."

She looked at me. "Alex, listen to your own words. Any woman would be blessed to have you as her lover. But you need someone who can get you past your inhibitions."

That puzzled me. "Inhibitions?"

"About ejaculation. Your landlady has a lot to answer for. Good and Bad. The right woman will be able to make you complete. I think you have a special skill. Oh, that I was younger," I went to object about her age, but she put a finger to my lips, "and lived closer or could move, but I have my own career and commitments elsewhere."

"It would be wonderful if you could, but I understand." I felt a pang of sadness. "I fear I will have a sex life as a series of one-time experiences and be ultimately lonely."

She shook her head. "Alex, don't worry. I just know that the right girl is out there who will make you the lover you can be. She will probably come to find you and tame you for her very own."

"I wish I had your confidence about that."

She gave me a kiss. "Oh, I know I'm right. But now I will need my sleep before I leave to travel home in the morning, and I presume you will be in work tomorrow."

I nodded and with some further chat I left, though we had exchanged contact details, I doubted I would see her again.


I wondered about what she had said. Her words about not putting myself down had sown a seed of new thoughts about myself. Had she possibly made the comments about herself to get me to see myself differently? All in all, I felt a bit happier about my future. Ironically, it was Erica asking if I was free for the weekend that made me more confident that I wouldn't just have a life of one-night stands. And what a weekend that was.

This is an unexpected bonus Alex story resulting from a request. There is nothing new that can be said about Alex's sex life, so this is the last one. Thanks to those who have stuck with me and the stories.


The rest of The Making of Mr Fourways there. What Pam predicted Much Ado About Mr Fourways there, and the rest of my stories here.

Many thanks to FreyaGersemi for proof reading this. Check out her stories they are truly "Sexy 'n' Sweet". All remaining errors are my own!

Use of Emojis inspired by EmilyMiller

  1. At the county council canteen, Alex noticed Pamela, a visitor with a visitor's badge, sitting with Erica, one of his liaisons.
  2. During their conversation, Pamela revealed that she was an expert on peri- and post-partum infidelity and mentioned that some men seek other partners due to not knowing how to enjoy sex without penetration.
  3. Alex and Pamela decided to take a walk and continue their discussion outside, where Alex explained his skills in making a woman happy through various methods, including oral sex.
  4. Pleased with their connection, Alex invited Pamela for a meal at an Italian restaurant that evening and promised to pick her up at her hotel.

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