#10: Monday Morning

The Headmaster spanks Liza and Jennifer.

Jul 8, 2024
4 min read
disciplinecatholic schoolheadmasternunpunishmentspankingstudent
#10: Monday Morning
#10: Monday Morning

#10: Monday Morning

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are consenting adults over the age of 18.


While the girls were attending home-room, the Headmaster took the opportunity to visit Jennifer and Liza's room. He emptied the hidden snack bag he had seen while watching the concealed video feed but put it back where he found it. Then he searched their desks and quickly found what he was looking for - a lipstick tube, which he pocketed.

A few minutes later, he entered their classroom. Sister Mary instructed the students to stand for inspection. He took his time, checking each girl thoroughly. He paused at Miss McCoy, as he used his mirror stick to check her panties. He brushed the mirror gently across her thigh, eliciting a soft gasp.

"What's this, Miss McCoy?" he asked, patting her pocket.

"Umm.. nothing. Sir." the young girl answered.

"Is that so?" he asked incredulously, reaching into her skirt pocket. He pretended to pull out the tube of lipstick he had taken from her room. He opened it and held it up so the other girls could see. "Make-up is not permitted at Royal Oaks Academy. At least you did not wear any in class," he said, stroking her lips with his fingers.

"Since you are new here, I will go lightly on you. While the other girls are at lunch, you will help serve the meal, Miss McCoy. You are not to eat, do you understand?" Sister Mary frowned; she felt the girl was getting off far too easy.

"Yes, Sir. But that's not mine, Sir, I swear! I don't know how it got there," she pleaded with him.

He raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"She's right, Sir. It's... mine." Jennifer admitted.

"Oh? Are you in the habit of hiding your personal things in your roommate's skirt, Miss Martin?" he scoffed. Rachel, the girl who had tattled on them for kissing, smirked at her. "You are not new here, Miss Martin. Your punishment will reflect that. You will bend over Sister Mary's desk and lift your skirt."

"Yes, Headmaster," Jennifer paled visibly as she followed his instructions. Sister Mary smiled. Now, this was a far more appropriate punishment, she thought.

The Headmaster finished inspecting the other students, taking his time, and making Jennifer wait. At last, he finished and joined her at the front of the class. He knelt and removed her panties, tucking them into his pocket - another pair for his growing collection. Then using the lipstick he drew a line across her now exposed pale skin. "Sister Mary, you will administer strokes until Miss Martin's bottom is the same color as that lipstick."

"Very good, sir." Sister Mary retrieved a wooden ruler from her desk.

"Miss Martin, you will count aloud. Your arms will remain flat on the desk."

"Yes, Sir" she responded, her voice quivering. She had been spanked before - most of the girls had - but never with a ruler.

Sister Mary wasted no time. Smack! She paused for a moment to make sure Jen counted, and then landed another stroke just above the first. She focused all of her strokes on the girl's right cheek so as not to smudge the lipstick on the other side. Jen was whimpering after five strokes; her skin was nearly the same color as the lipstick.

"Be glad you chose a pink shade and not red, Miss Martin."

After a few more strokes, the Headmaster nodded. "That will do, Sister Mary. Now eight more please, on the left side." The nun smiled, and begin administering the punishment, barely waiting for Jennifer to count each one. The girl's bottom was completely pink and tears were running down her face. Even Rachel had stopped smiling.

She stood slowly, and carefully straightened her skirt. "Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Sister," she managed.

"Very well, you may return to your seat, Miss Martin. You will also join Miss McCoy and help serve lunch today."

A few hours later, the girls finished helping the cafeteria staff serve the mid-day meal. They hurried back to their room before the next class; Jen wanted to apply some lotion to her sore bottom. Liza made sure the hall was empty and offered to grab each a snack since they had missed lunch. "Yes please!" Jen agreed, while she stood and applied the cool cream to her pink skin.

Liza pretended not to watch, but couldn't resist peeking. She felt bad for her roommate, but there was something about her pink bottom that drew her gaze. "I'm really sorry about the lipstick Jen. I honestly have no idea how it got in my pocket." "That's okay Liza - I owe you one for the banana," she reminded her. smiling.

Liza lifted the ceiling tile and pulled out the hidden bag. "That's weird; it's empty. I could've sworn we had a few left." She handed the sack to Jen.

"We did, I'm sure of it. Maybe there's a hole." Jen reached in to check and felt a scrap of paper. "Hmm... what's this?" She pulled it out, and read it. Her face blanched.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

She passed the note to Liza, who read it. I want to see both of you in my office immediately. -HM

"He must have found them... Oh Liza, we're in deep trouble."

Liza only nodded. "Come on, we better not keep him waiting."

The Headmaster, who was watching on his laptop, closed the application, leaned back, and smiled.

  1. Upon entering the Headmaster's office, Jennifer and Liza were met with a stern expression from the Headmaster, who had received a note about their actions.
  2. The Headmaster, recalling their Monday morning lack of discipline when he found the lipstick in Liza's pocket, decided it was time for a reminder about the school's rules.
  3. The Headmaster, a stern disciplinarian who had once been a headmaster at a catholic school, believed in using appropriate punishment to teach lessons, like the time he spanked a student with a ruler after catching her with makeup.
  4. Jennifer and Liza, their hearts pounding, braced themselves for the Headmaster's punishment, knowing that their Monday morning indiscretion had led them straight into this situation.

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