Erotic Couplings

24 Hours of Mutual Satisfaction

Eva removes my innocence...yet gives me far more in return.

May 22, 2024
36 min read
24 Hours of Mutual Pleasurefirst timeanimalisticundressingblowjobcunnilingusoutdoorintimatenudity
24 Hours of Mutual Pleasure
24 Hours of Mutual Pleasure

24 Hours of Mutual Satisfaction

In my fifth installment of "Years Before," I share a personal account of a transformative series of events.

Recently, I admitted to my dissatisfaction with being controlled by those who thought they could use me. Eva then proposed a mutual arrangement, acknowledging the deep-rooted connection between Cass and me. A passionate evening between Eva, Cass, and me further solidified this.

This episode picks up as I meet both Ruthie and Cass again. Straight away, Eva and I immersed ourselves in the new terms of our intimate arrangement.

Have a look at these stunning images, and thank you for your interest.


I woke up late on Saturday and reflected upon the night with Eva and Cass. It was a remarkable experience that I'll never forget. However, I knew this wasn't just a casual, kid-related thing; Eva had given me her body and emotions. I was determined to respect our unconventional bond, but couldn't disregard Cass too.

Earlier that day, I felt torn between trusting them and utilizing them entirely. After all, they were two dear friends with impeccable knowledge of their preferences. They were supplying my sexual education, and I was aware not to misuse this opportunity.

I decided to roam around the town to obtain some cash. The day turned out to be exceptionally warm, which wasn't typical for that time of year. Clear skies, blazing sunshine, and a gentle wind as a reminder that it was not yet springtime. As I pondered over our relational dynamic, my ears perked up at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Andy! Andy!" The tone was the same as it was that morning, shortly after Cass and me weren't quite engaging in physical intimacy.

"Ruthie! How are you? You look excellent!"

Ruthie's visage had changed drastically. She was in smart casual clothing for a change, and I had only seen her in either work clothes or "slob stuff" as she called it. A cake shop uniform with a prominent blue polo shirt stood out. It doesn't flatter, to say the least.

Instead, Ruthie dawned a white shirt on top of a lemony yellow blouse. She completed the look with a white minute skirt, boasting some flowers. Her legs were fabulous, with white tennis shoes to match. It was a drastic shift from her usual look and made me fondly recall her stunning smile. This time, though, her hair seemed more tamed over her shoulders.

"Hi, Andy. Yeah, I'm doing OK now. I'm catching up with my bestie today. We've got tickets to a movie, so we're doing that. Heading back home, now."

I enjoyed our casual banter last week after she emotionally erupted. I took pride in ensuring her well-being after witnessing her heartbreak.

"Hey! Seeing you dressed up gives a whole new perspective on how deeply you can connect with people. You've never looked more stunning! I'm strolling to see Cass. Want to join me?"

Ruthie's emotions swung between controlled, vulnerable, and her comforting, informal language. "Yes, I had a quiet week since we last spoke. A week to think about how I was harming myself and decided to desist all unnecessary relationships with men. I'm steering clear of it all. No more repetitive heartbreak."

"That's fantastic, Ruthie."

She went on, "I had realized how reckless I was. With all the men I'd been with, it was a relief to make difficult decisions. Oh, Andy... I was actually planning to wear a different top, but this other one was too cheap and the color impressed me. I grabbed it before having a change of mind."

"What caused the change of heart?"

"What? I was focused on the color and the fact that it fits. I realized that only weeks ago there would have been no challenge in wearing it on its own; it's a warm day. Or was," she said with a grin. We both had a hearty laugh at that.

Ruthie continued, "The main issue was that I didn't consider the concept until I reached my home. So, the top with the skirt is a combination I truly embraced."

One can only imagine the emotional turmoil Ruthie faced, mostly due to the perspective her feelings had changed since her last conversation.

"About a month earlier, I wore an out of context top, thinking it would fit nicely on me. But, sadly it didn't meet my expectations. It's not the kind of top where you can wear a bra because the level is too low for my boobs."

Ruthie's candidness was wild!

"I tried to adjust it in the mirror for about 10 minutes, fruitlessly pulling it around. I even turned it back to front to see if the back was lower than the front. Unfortunately, my boobs were out in the open with no support."

I burst into laughter, picturing the scene in my head.

"Nonetheless, I wanted to wear that top, so I used my sister's elegant white shirt to cover it. Let's call it the 'perky tits top.'"

Both of us were giggling now. Everyone loves a good story.

"I had to sport this outfit," she continued, slightly loosening the top button of her shirt, which sat on her chest level. "I pointed to that spot and used it to cover the top, to prevent my boobs from being shown entirely. It's unnecessarily revealing without that covering."

"Boy, you almost crossed the line. The shirt is your savior!" I said, still laughing.

"Yes, thank God for that. I'm not ready to bare my boobs to anyone, you know."

"Well, everyone except me perhaps."

"Possibly, but then I had already seen more of you during that incident you remember, Andy!" she winked, and we both laughed heartily.

"I can't refute that!"

Finally at Ruthie's house and now almost at Cass's.

"Have a good time, Ruth. I hope you have a great movie experience. You look upbeat anyway."

"Thanks, Andy. Say hi to Cass for me. It's been lovely to see you again, Andy."

"Certainly, Ruth, you seem much better than when I previously met you!" She gave me a quick, passionate kiss, taking me by surprise, and she was off to her house, smiling cheerfully. I was ecstatic to know she was back on her feet.

Heading to Cass's. The front door was unlocked, so I pushed it open.

"Cass? It's Andy."

"Hi, Andy. Upstairs!" I climbed up. It didn't matter that I left the place just hours ago under different circumstances. I'm always coming to this place - and I'm not complaining about that.

"Hi Superwoman."

"Hello, Andy. Have you fully recovered from that incredible night?"

"Cass, that experience has been on my mind; however, I'm totally fine now."

"Great. I'm out tonight. Flat mum decided to take me out for a meal."

"I hope it's just an excuse to listen to your mother talking about you."

"Bingo! I'll try to avoid it as much as possible! I'm trying to manage my own life here."

"You're ideal. Can I assist?"

Cass was struggling to get out of a fitted dress, so I lent a hand.

"You're off to singing lessons then?"

"Last minute before I rushed for the train."

"I know how exhausting that is!"

Pulling the dress off, Cass remained in her bra and underwear while searching for the perfect dress for dinner.

"Ruth texted you, right? Everything seems OK with her?"

"She's better, but Ruth is fragile and needs extra care."

"She goes through a lot with those memories. Just try to be gentle."

"That's my plan, Andy. Ruth needs that now."

Slowly, Cass took off her bra and stood with her arms on her hips, displaying her round boobs.

"Pick either, the blue or black bra."

"Let me see the dress first."

It was a lower cut gown than she usually wore, intended for dinner events.

"Blue, just in case your neckline lowers and the edges of your bra become visible."

"If you say so! I'm not just a sexy girl but also a person with a keen sense of fashion."

"You've got me there - sexy and smart!"

"Not quite, Andy. Maybe I'm just sassy in a way!" She playfully batted her eyelashes.

She hadn't started getting dressed yet, so she grabbed the dress from the previous night off the ground, put it around her body, and we went downstairs. The kettle was on, and I sat down on the windowsill of the deep window in the kitchen, looking out towards the well-known garden.

"Eva, can I ask you a question about last night that's been bothering me, especially with the current situation? I thought I'd better ask you."

"Go ahead."

"During that fantastic evening, you came up to us and kissed us both. It looked like you were kissing Eva the same way you kissed me. I sensed no awkwardness coming from either of you. I was wondering if there was some kind of relationship between Cass and Eva that I wasn't aware of?"

Eva stirred our tea, added some sugar, and we moved into the living room.

"Get comfortable, Andy. I need to tell you something."

With the tea placed on a table in front of us within reach, Eva and I took opposite ends of the sofa, each finding a comfortable position with our legs crossed over each other.

"You remember the night when we confessed our secrets, right? Well, I mentioned my first sexual experience was with a woman. That woman was Eva."

"Okay." This was new information.

"When my parents divorced, I wasn't far off from my 'A' levels, and Eva went from being my best friend to the person I relied on to keep me on the straight and narrow.

I recalled what Eva had said about how she found me before the night of David letting me down.

"After exams were over, Eva knew I didn't want to be alone, so she asked her parents if I could stay with them at their holiday house for a week. So, I went."

Eva paused for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts.

"Simply being with a happy family was great. Eva became the closest person I had. One day, her parents left us at the house, and it was one of those moments where we felt so close, so tight that I kissed her. She didn't pull away, and we spent an afternoon together. Very close, intimate, but not penetration...just naked, undisturbed. We both discovered something about our sexual sides but in the context of our unconditional closeness as friends. We were physical and passionate and enjoyed it together."

"And that ties into what's happening now?"

"Well, we're friends without any borders or secrets, and you're part of that now."

"So, what you mean is that Eva is okay with you and I being close if you need it."

"Yes, last night, while you were resting, Eva suggested I should be involved. I hoped you liked it."

"It was incredibly special. You know Eva held my hand when I came."

"Yes, it was beautiful. I wanted of it. Naked, us three together, no secrets."

For a brief moment, I was happy with my prediction, even more so knowing there would be no secrets between Cass and Eva and thus them and me. It felt like a very unique but liberating place to be. No one would be hurt.

"So," Cass was content and smiling, "you should know that Eva and I have come to a decision."

"And what decision is that, Cass?"

Eva moved her foot to position it on my groin.

"That your penis is quite thick and substantial."

"Really!" I tried very hard not to spill my tea on me.

"Yes, I've had some time to think about it, but it's not only about length, but width is more important. It's a very pleasing size to suck on."

At this point, Eva picked up my tea from my hand, put it on the table, pushed herself towards me, and kissed me, a playful kiss with her tongue barely touching mine. Her dress slipped, allowing her breasts some freedom. Bare, they rested on my shirt. She was unfazed, and so was I. She wrapped her legs around me, broke free of the dress, and lay on top of me, topless, for a while.

"Eva." I placed my hand on her bare shoulder.

"Mmm, big boy." We both laughed.

"I really love being with you. Eva. You know that, but there is also David in my thoughts."

"I know, you're that kind of guy, but if things don't change, he'll be leaving permanently according to me. I've had more physical desire from you than any time recently with him, you know that."

"That sounds like you've set a deadline for him to either sort things out with you or go."

"Yes. The end of July."

"Okay, so around six months."

"Yes, I'll give it until then, but if nothing happens, he's leaving soon after. I've had enough of the imbalance that exists between us."

I couldn't agree more. He was a lost soul, and I considered the possibility of making her happy.

"What are you waiting for, Cass?"

She stood up quickly. "Oh no, I need your help. Hurry up!"

Upstairs, I assisted her in changing into fresh underwear and the dress she would wear for dinner with her mother. I even held hair clips, jewelry, and hairbrushes for her. I barely had time to help her out of the door when a cab arrived. She blew me a kiss as she left.

"Enjoy your night, Andy." She called out from the taxi window. I had a feeling I'd enjoy it more than Cass.

At 6 PM, I was at Eva's door. She greeted me warmly.

"Come in, Andy." I left my bag and we hugged, sharing a passionate kiss.

Eva looked gorgeous in one of her bohemian dresses. It had various light colors with buttons down the front, although they were not buttoned up, instead held in place by a long necklace. Her hair was tied low at the line of her shoulders. We went into the kitchen. Eva flicked on the kettle and moved towards me, taking my hands.

"I'm so thrilled you're here, Andy. This is a huge change for me - having a man in my house, especially with my parents," she said.

"So, you've never had guys over?"

"I did have a few boyfriends when I was younger, but my parents made it clear they stayed downstairs and as exams were approaching, no boys."

We chatted about our school days and different experiences with the opposite sex. We sat on the couch, Eva with her bare legs across me, looking out the large window to the garden.

"So, how do you feel after last night?" I asked.

"Oh, Andy, I..." She hesitated. "I've never felt closer to someone physically. And what you did to find my orgasm...I absolutely loved it. You made me feel wonderful." She gave me a long, sensual moan.

"Was it that good?"

"Oh yes. Definitely."

"I hope we can continue in that vein today. By the way, I bought condoms just in case," I said.

"No, you won't need them. I'm on the pill, and if I wasn't, I would take it if it meant going all the way with you!" She placed her hand on my crotch, receiving an instant reaction.

For a while, we simply sat and kissed and enjoyed each other's company. I noticed that Eva's unbuttoned dress exposed enough for me to see she had no bra on.

"I must say, Eva, I find the 'unbuttoned no bra' look quite arousing," I told her.

"It doesn't show everything, Andy. It's not like my breasts are going to fall out my dress. I'm not like Cass. But it excites me showing you that I'm almost completely naked with you," she replied.

"I decided to visit Cass this afternoon. I spoke to Ruthie and walked her home. She seems fine now and has sworn herself off men. It's quite a change for her."

"I hope she's okay."

I brought up the intense kiss I noticed between Eva and Cass earlier.

"I saw the kiss you two shared last night. It was quite intense, so I asked Cass about it and she told me about that summer holiday. I'm glad it happened."

"We just spent a couple of hours undressing and touching and kissing. There was no sexual climax, it was just two women sharing their closeness that day. It was comforting."

"Cass didn't give too many details," I said.

"We only kissed and touched, no orgasm or anything," Eva replied. "It's created a very deep connection."

It was bizarre for us to be together with no one else around.

"This is very peaceful, Eva. I'm glad you invited me to stay."

"Well...there's something I need to be honest with you about, Andy. I'm hoping we'll have sex, and I didn't want it to happen with anyone else around, not even Cass. I want this to be special for you," she confessed.

I held her hands and planted a kiss on them. "Eva, your thoughtfulness is simply wonderful. Let me hear about your preferences. I don't want this moment to solely be about me. Be honest, even if you don't like certain things."

"Alright. One thing, I enjoy being nude often when I'm alone at home. It's what motivates my underwear choices when I'm out sometimes."

"Would you be more comfortable if we both got undressed now?"

"Positive, Andy. But I don't want to push you."

"Eva, stand up for me."

We both stood, facing each other. I removed my shirt, placed it on the sofa. Using her hands, she unbuckled my belt and lowered my zipper. I moved closer, feeling her hands brushing against my underwear, massaging my bottom.

"That feels nice, Eva. I appreciate your touch."

"Do you, Andy? Is that something you enjoy?"

"Absolutely. I know I like you touching me. If you wish to carry on and leave me naked, that's great for me."

Eva, still kneeling, reached to help me remove my pants. I became completely naked. She stood up.

"Andy, if you want to return the favor?"

I slouched down on one knee. I slowly gathered her dress by its bottom hem, revealing that Eva was indeed naked underneath it. I lifted it up, over her head, and off her arms. Her necklace lingered between her breasts.

"Fine, Eva?"

"Yes, I like your body." She expressed her desire by wrapping her arms around me, pressing her breasts against my backside, and giving me a soft kiss. "We can be more intimate like this. Follow me, Andy."

Eva led me by the hand to the attic room, alluringly decorated with a large window looking out towards the houses outside Eva's house. This was her spare bedroom.

"Make yourself comfortable on the bed, Andy."

As it was winter, it was dark outside. To create the perfect atmosphere, Eva carefully arranged candles on a chest of drawers opposite the bed's end. She switched on one bedside lamp and returned to the door to switch off the overhead light. She had transformed the room into a romantic setting.

"Eva, come and lie next to me. This place is breathtakingly beautiful, what you've done here."

She joined me on the bed and sat cross-legged, watching me from her distance as I relaxed against the headboard.

"I'm glad you appreciate it. I tried to create an environment where we could be close."

I leaned forward to kiss her, caressing her neck, shoulders, and eventually leading her to kiss me back. We softly pressed into each other, hands wandering over each other's bodies. We established a natural pace, not feeling the need to rush into anything.

I admired the soft glow of the candlelight on Eva's skin. The warmth and closeness were comforting as we gazed into each other's eyes.

"Eva, what more do you like or...what else would you like to do? Share with me."

"I can't believe your devotion to me when we were at Cass's and the way you aroused me by licking me, my clit. I wanted to repay you in kind."

"Thank you. I'd love to change that."

"I pondered if perhaps we could engage in a 69 position. I'd enjoy that as well."

"I'd be thrilled to try it with you."

"There's a lot we could explore and discover together, Andy. I'm also fond of the idea of having sex in the great outdoors. You know, in open spaces?"

"It's something I've contemplated as well."

"Wouldn't that be amazing to share with you?"

We stopped talking as Eva focused her attention on me, stroking me, caressing my body. She leaned down to kiss me. While caressing my chest, she ran her hand down my leg and back up, slowing down as she reached my groin.

Eva, who was on her knees, looked up at me with desire in her eyes.

"Andy, you're the only one who has dedicated your time to carefully pleasure me without prompting. Your licking between my legs made my heart race. I wanted to show you the same care."

With that, she lowered my now hard penis, placing her lips on it, and started to gently caress it, moving up on her knees with her face between my legs, enabling me to observe her lustful expression.

Kisses, licks, and touches. She was exceptionally gentle with me. Completely different from Cass's enthusiastic pursuit of my climax.

"Whatever you desire, Eva. Just us now."

She responded, "Okay. Thank you."

Eva returned to my erection and gently investigated taking me into her mouth. She started with her lips, gliding me against them and noting how large I felt. The truth was that this was extremely alluring. I could sense the stretching of my skin as my dick hardened.

I became captivated by the gentle in-and-out motion of Eva's mouth on me. She had found a comfort level. I could feel her lips clasping me just below the tip of my glans and then running her tongue around and then pulling me out again. I closed my eyes because, although I wasn't about to climax, a wave of serenity washed over my body from her motion. I sensed her stopping and, in a moment, her voice softened next to my ear.

"Andy. If you want me, then I'm ready for you to be inside me. I would adore feeling you there...if you're prepared."

"I am. What you were doing certainly put me in the ideal frame of mind. That was delightful."

"I'm glad you liked it too."

I began to feel my head swirl with excitement at what was about to occur. I instructed myself to stay calm, not allow myself to rush. I didn't want to mar this. I rose up. Eva settled on the bed, her necklace casually draped across her breasts on her exposed skin, the cord anklet ever present as well. She was stunning. I felt very fortunate and didn't wish to hasten the process.

Eva slid down the bed and spread her legs as I moved to be over her, as if to be welcomed. I wanted to take it slowly. I caressed her lips before relocating to her nipples, licking and suckling them. My tongue then journeyed down to her navel and back up again. I could sense her shifting with my every contact. Sometimes, quiet sounds of pleasure would be audible.

I moved down, nearly rolling off the bed, and kissed her ankle close to the cord anklet she wore, before moving up, kissing and licking her skin, her legs parting even further. Halfway up her thighs, I withdrew to gaze at her once more. Eva was unclothed, her necklace still there, the only thing she was wearing. She was exquisite.

While ascending her thighs, Eva drew a deep breath in response to my touch there and opened her legs further. I backed away to focus on her again. She took her hands under her knees and lifted her legs even higher, allowing me more access. I moved back and let my fingers move up and down her slightly parted lips. I glided them over the satisfying folds and then pushed a little, the tip of my finger inserting itself between them and within her vagina, soft and welcoming.

As my fingers inserted, Eva uttered a beautiful, passionate moan, laden with pleasure. She then released her legs, pulling her vulva away from my mouth but with her legs spread so I could see, caught in her very neat pubic hair, her now moist labia glistening under the light.

"Andy, you've made me so aroused. I want every inch of you within me."

I was on top of Eva, my erect cock resting on her pubic hair. I gazed into her eyes. She whispered "I'm yours. Be inside me." Her legs spread wider slightly. Without warning, I could feel every change happening to my body. I was aware of myself intensely.

Eva's hands were on my sides. I carefully positioned my penis to meet her lips. Eva lifted her hips slightly, and I could feel it. Through my tip, I perceived the gentle moistness as her lips started to pull me inward.

I inched in as gently as I could and, maintaining eye contact, her mouth slightly open, she whispered "yes" to me, as I felt my erection sliding into her. It was the most incredible experience I'd ever known. I was only recently familiar with someone's mouth on me but this felt like her vagina had full connection with my cock, completely enveloping me with warm wetness. It was astonishing, a place I had thought I'd never reach.

Eva sighed and moaned as I felt myself slipping deeper into her. Lost in this sensual task, we moved together, slowly, feeling the pleasure from our bodies touching.

Now I realized why this was so special. Our bodies were entwined, close, secure. I could sense Eva moving under me. The adrenaline coursed rapidly through my body. My dick was snugly within her. I felt the need to thrust, which I resisted but it was like a primal compulsion that my body yearned to fulfill.

We steadily found a rhythm. Her hands were on my back now, aiding me in my movement. She encouraged me with little murmurs and words.

"I can feel you...I'm captivated by this...You feel remarkable."

Eva's legs wrapped around me, ensuring I didn't leave. The closer we became, the more intense it felt inside me. I resisted the urge to climax because it was just so beautiful.

Eva grabbed my face and said, "Come whenever you want, darling. No need to be shy. We have all night for more. Impregnate me, you sexy beast."

"I really want to..."

"Don't hold back. Let go. Use me. I desire you."

I gave in and surrendered to a primal instinct. I pushed up onto my elbows, arched my back, and plunged into her. With each thrust, Eva made inviting sounds.

Faster, harder, I couldn't regulate my actions and knew I couldn't last much longer. I plowed into Eva with my abdominal muscles, causing her to emit sounds every time I penetrated her deeply.

Eventually, I lost control. My hips were my driving force. The intensity increased. I felt the sweat dripping down my back. Then, the heat from my semen was overwhelming.

We remained in that position for a bit, then began to slowly return to the ground together. My post-orgasm euphoria waned as I softened and drew away from her. Inhaling deeply, we synchronized our breaths. Her fingers caressed my scalp. I leaned over and we kissed.

Eva touched my cheek. "Andy, that's the best sex I've had in my life. Thank you for being my first. I'm certain I want you as my second, third, fourth..." She started laughing at the possibility, but then kissed me and said, "I'm so grateful we're alone in this room. It's so heavenly."

"Eva," I softly exclaimed, "If sex with you is this good, we won't be leaving this room."

We both giggled as we curled next to each other, our legs entwined, and we held each other. It was a perfect moment.

Eva inquired, "What were you feeling while you were with me?"

"Amazing, Eva. It's as if every part of me was in you. I could think of nothing other than you. You?"

"Oh, well, you're well fit and robust, so I could feel your presence inside me. Your movements in me produced this tingling sensation in my body. I need you there again!"

We laughed and relaxed together. It was serene and beautiful.

Over time, we continued to chat, discussing Eva's potential climax with a partner.

"Eva, would you ever reach climax with someone within you?"

"Christ, I've only come once without helping myself, and that was with you at Cass's! I understand I've appeared to have had a lot of sex, but each time was all about the other person. It was fun, but when I left that last guy, I knew it wasn't for me anymore. I started to loathe myself a little, and then, well, I met you."

"Were you uncertain when we were getting close?"

"Very, but I knew Cass knew you were thoughtful and polite, so I thought I would be safe."

"I'm glad you believed so."

"And I am too, after the last few hours! I half expected you to climax as soon as you arrived! That's happened to me before."

"Well, the previous instances with Cass and then tonight allowed me to gain some self-control despite..."

"Say on, Andy."

"You know when you told me to climax whenever I was ready?"

"Yep, I quite liked the sudden rampant you."

"I know, it really fired me up! I've never experienced that before. It felt like all I wanted was to be as deep as possible..."

"You were, without a doubt."

"I planned to bury myself in you."

"You did!"

"It shocked me. I've never felt that way before, ever. I didn't anticipate it would ignite my desire so much. You do."

"I'm happy to hear that. It's not something many women get to experience being the cause of a man's wild urges."

"I am, too. That's not something I've ever heard before. I don't doubt we'll be devoting more time to exploring this further."

"I crave to be the dominant one, to feel you deep within me but still maintain control. Mmm, yes."

Eva shifted her position, aligning us as we had been in Cass's place. She snuggled up with my erection between her lips while cautiously gliding back and forth along my rigid member.

"Remember this, Andy."

"I do, Eva, and you took much pleasure in it as well."

"I did...I am...but there's one change now."

"What could that be?"

Eva gazed at me intently and seductively whispered, "This."

Her hand dropped down and, as she advanced forward, she paused with my tip at her entrance. A slight push from her fingers, and the intense feeling overwhelmed my mind again as she pushed her hips backwards, closed her eyes, and exhaled deeply as she carefully lowered herself upon me once more.

I would never tire of the cozy, comforting, reassuring feeling of her vagina embracing me.

Eva rose up to a seated position, steadily.

"I don't want to injure you. You feel very snug inside me."

"Yes, Eva."

I looked down and her pubic hair, a caramel shade to my almost-black thatch, rested atop mine, as if they were fused together.

"I came across a book concerning orgasms recently, so I'm going to move myself about a little and see if I can identify where you strike the precise spot."

"Eva, I'm in your power...and your body! Do as you wish. I have a proposal however."

"What do you suggest?"

"I'd love for you to find the spot."

"What, hunt within my vagina?" We both erupted in laughter and she tenderly gripped me in unison with her giggles.

"Careful, or I'll dislodge you, sensuous woman."

"Sexy woman, eh? Mmmm, delightful. Did you feel me laughing just then...via my vag?"


"Oh, wow. Wait." She sat up and tensed herself. "Did you feel that?"

"Yes, it's as if you're squeezing my cock with your hands but all along its length."

"Mmm, I was curious whether it'd work. We should try that as well."

"Certainly. I'm ready for you."

Eva uttered nothing else and began to swivel her body on top of me. I was blissfully enjoying this gorgeous, naked, sex-crazed woman slowly gyrating her body over me to seek out her orgasmic inspiration. My manhood felt so rock hard inside her.

"Have you merely expanded in size, Andy?"

"Yes, I think so, you're stimulating me tremendously, as if I hadn't discovered yet."

"I aim to!"

If anyone was eavesdropping, they may have thought we were having sex due to our frequent chat. Eva began to bounce up and down on me, rocking her pelvis, and adjusted the depth of my penetration. It was all quite sensual.

"It's not sufficient. I yearn for you to be inside and out of me. I want that more than seeking my spot to climax!"

"Agree on my idea?"

"Yes, ready as you are!"

I propped myself upright and brought a pillow in to support my back.

"Eva, lie on top of me, but brace yourself with your arms."

A bit of shuffling and shifting, and she was there - lifted off me so I could view her lips and me sandwiched between them, nestled inside her intimately.

"Just let me know if you're unsatisfied."

"OK, my delectable man."

I stroked my fingers up her legs and into her pubic hair. I licked one finger, then slowly inserted it into her labia.

"'ve located my clitoris. Are you planning to..."

"I want you to cum with me filling you, and I'll assist you with that."

"Oh, you've got to make me cum too afterwards."

All my concentration was focused on her, and what I could feel inside her. I knew from the previous night to take it slow and, during my exploration of her labia with my finger, her body responded. I could hear her breathing, her murmurs rising as her arousal increased.

Then, suddenly, she tipped her head forward and directed her gaze to mine through her hair. She smiled and tensed around my penis. I recognized she was about to cum and closed my eyes as I maintained a steady focus on her.

"Mmm...mmm...mmm." She began to grind her hips on me. Her murmurs intensified until they ceased, replaced by shorter, sharp breaths.

"Oh, holy fuck, I...yes.". She tightened on me, and then her orgasm rippled through her entire body. All her muscles clenched simultaneously.

"Ohhhhh, Andy. I feel fantastic. must fuck me thoroughly."

I placed my palms on her derriere to lift her up. She shifted to her back as I knelt before her, my erection pulsating from what was occurring and completely rigid between her legs.

I was breathing heavily now.

"Do you want it deep inside you, Eva?"

"I want you to cum inside me."

My fingers raised her legs, causing her calf muscles to rest on my chest. This was uncharted territory for me as I had only ever seen this in adult magazines.

"I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

"Don't worry, Andy. You'll know." Her wet folds were ready to welcome me. With a bit of assistance, I managed to insert my glans into her vagina.

"Oh yes. Claim me, fuck me, Andy." The primal abandon was present again, making my adrenaline rush even more. I didn't hesitate. My hands on her hips, I was thrusting in and out as far as I could to obtain the complete feeling of her on me.

We were both making noises as her walls tightened around me, almost as if she knew that would make the experience more intense. It motivated me to go faster. Both panting, gripping each other, I gripped her hips as we approached climax.

No huge orgasm this time but a buildup to the full release of semen as I held us together, it seemed like I was incredibly deep inside her, my pelvis and groin were adjacent to her buttocks and thighs. Hot, moist, only finishing when I had nothing left.

We descended together, her legs sliding off my shoulders and down my arms until she was prone before me and I was on my knees with my head resting on her stomach.

Words were impossible for the moment. We were not able to speak until our resilience returned.

Finally, Eva made a little giggle and I responded. I had to unravel myself and shifted to lie next to her, the both of us staring at the ceiling.

"I came along with you inside me. That was unbelievable."

"Eva, I can't believe how much I desire you. It just feels fantastic, what we're doing right now. It's simply, so incredible."

"We seem to have found the spot where we work together during sex. You're an exceptional lover, you know. You're transforming a woman in me tonight."

We held hands. After everything we had done, we held hands. Eva was right. We already seemed to sense where we moved together during intercourse.

"What would you like to do next, Eva?"

"Honestly, I'm famished. I've expended all my energy reserves with you, haven't I."

Nude, we stood up and strolled to the bathroom, then back downstairs to the kitchen.

Eva reached for a can of soup, but I gently placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Eva, can anyone see into your garden? It appeared rather secluded the other night."

"No, they can't. There's one bathroom window that I can see, but it has glass you can barely see through."

"Then let's go."

It didn't seem very cold outside, so I turned the key in the back door lock, unlocked the door, and took Eva's hand.

"Eva, does being nude outside excite you?"

"I'm not sure. You're my first time but I'd like to try...with you."

We stepped outside onto our patio, facing each other. I loved her body and her naked form in front of me made my blood flow. I kissed her and we embraced, the cold breeze making us both a little goosebumped.

Eva pulled away and looked at me. "You're quite daring, aren't you?"

"Well, Eva, I don't mind trying new things...and I like this."

"I love being naked. In the summer, I lie naked in the garden. My skin is too fair to tan much, but the sensation of the hot sun and a touch of breeze on my body is beyond amazing."

"I'd like to be with you one day for that."

"I hope you will. I'd like it a lot."

And then she whispered, "Imagine sex outside. That would be an entirely new experience. We could do it."

"Especially with the sun on my back and on your front, while my tongue is to your clit."

"Oh, yes, you wicked man. We will do that."

Again, we were just laughing while being extremely intimate and comfortable. We are good together.

It was close to 11pm. It's no wonder we were hungry, having indulged in physical pleasure for almost 5 hours. The time flew by. We sat at the dining table in the kitchen, still naked, with our soup and some bread.

"Andy, may I tell you something I don't want to do? I didn't want to mention it while we were getting close. It didn't seem right."

"Tell me, Eva."

"I...don't..." For the first time since we had been together, Eva appeared less than pleased. I put down my spoon and took her hand. She glanced at her hand in mine and squeezed it. "I don't want to have sex with you from behind...not yet."

"OK. I don't want us to do anything that makes you hesitant." [

"I'm very happy about this."

"It's just that every time I had sex at parties, it was always with the guy behind me. It's the easiest way in a tight space, you know. Undress, expose, enter."

"Yes, and I think I understood that night when I left."

"I think I want you to do that with me. It's not just about sex, but getting used to being close."

"Eva, I never thought this would happen. I went from being a virgin to having two intimate encounters with an amazing woman..."

"Oh, sweet talker." Eva replied with a hint of sarcasm in her tone, and then smiled.

We finished our soup and went upstairs to the bedroom. I picked up our abandoned clothes as we walked through the living room.

Eva re-lit the candles. We both took turns showering because we were incredibly hot. It felt great to be clean. As I returned to the room with a towel, Eva was standing, gazing outside at the night, with her towel on.

"Thinking?" I asked, leaning in to kiss her shoulder.

"Not really, just hoping you'd do that. It's very nice."

I dropped my towel and, standing behind her naked, planted small kisses along her shoulders and neck, moved her hair to kiss her neck too. Eva appeared to loosen up in my arms.

"Don't stop, Andy." she whispered.

I held her stomach and hugged her close. She murmured. Her hand slid off her towel, and I took it. I let it fall. Outside, we would have looked like two dimly visible figures at most, but we weren't thinking about that.

My fingers touched her body, moving slowly over her breasts and up, until I'd lifted her hands with mine and were embracing each other above us, interlocking our fingers. I traced my hands back down and, as Eva slowly lowered her hands, I rubbed her breasts, taking delight in the squashy softness of them and the firmness of her nipples. I nuzzled her.

We stopped and I tried to hug her even tighter.

"Don't let go, Andy. I could stay like this forever."

"There's one more thing I'd like to do for you before we sleep."

"Anything you want, Andy."

I took her hand and led her to the bed's edge and got on my knees.

"Let me guide you, Eva, but say if anything is too much."

"I trust you to know, Andy."

I touched her belly with my hands and drew her to me. She made a noise. Her hand flew to my head.

I encouraged her to sit down. Eva looked stunning. Her naked body laid out before me. Her face, at ease but with a hint in her eyes that she was starting to get aroused again. I stroked her knees, thighs, and breasts. She tipped her head back as I touched her nipples once more.

Her legs opened. I stroked and kissed her nipples. I could see that she was building up. Her breathing was deepening. I knew what I wished to do next.

"Lie down for me, Eva."

The quiet lines of her curves as she lay in front of me were a breathtaking sight. I brushed my hands against her inner thighs and her legs spread apart. I was facing her core. I sensed the aroma of her, the musk of her lovely juices. I could see the wetness on the tips of her lips.

I stroked my lips over those little lips of skin. Eva let out a soft, long "oh" as that feeling entered her body. I was discovering that giving oral stimulation was quite enjoyable for me. I kissed her vulva and then, slowly, licked one of those little lips of skin. With each lick, I pushed a little deeper and waited a moment, letting Eva's response grow and diminish. I understood that she could sense my tongue going deeper, bit by bit, and then I couldn't hold back any longer.

Eva reached for my hair and released an "mmmm" as I let the saliva on my tongue help me slip between her lips and fully explore her. I moved my body up so I could hold her thighs and spread her legs further. I gazed at her. Her labia were parted, and I noticed the soft, deep pink of her clitoris and the entrance to her vagina. I could feel my hard, erect penis, skin stretched, as turned on was I by this woman.

Eva placed her hands on her thighs as my tongue traced the edge of her labia, moving from top to bottom, beyond her vagina. I momentarily flicked her perineum with my tongue and she jerked, chuckled, and said, "Ohhh, where did you go?"

Using my finger, I touched her there.

"Just here. Just behind your vulva but not quite your butt."

"Oooh, fuck. That was more alluring than I anticipated. Mmmm."

Knowing the opportune moment had arrived, I prolonged my tongue movement, shifting from that spot to her vagina, where I stopped to insert my tongue as deep as possible and lick a bit. Eva's breathing was labored, shallow, and loud.

I started to press slightly, and my tongue tip moved through the tiny folds of skin that led to her clit. I licked my lips and placed them on it, then started to suck it.

"Aaah, aaah, oh, aaah, fuck, oh, oh."

Eva was losing control. Her hands held my head. I raised slightly so her heels could rest on my back as I sucked, licked, and teased her into the loudest orgasm she'd ever had. Moans, cries, and, at one point, almost a roar emanated as her body convulsed with the power of it. I eased off.

Eva was loud:

" There's more...again."

I needed no further motivation and lapped her entire vulva from back to front. Large, moist sweeps with my tongue. I had to shift because Eva's hips were moving now with the rhythm and total abandon of allowing another orgasm to overwhelm her. She remained immobile when what must have been the peak finally hit, not even breathing. As her breath finally escaped, her entire body slumped back onto the bed.

I pushed myself up until I was over her, my penis resting on her pubic hair. I was face to face with her. Her eyes were barely open, but her breath was steady.

"What did you fucking do to me? I can't even make myself do that."

"I discovered your body, Eva. I wanted to explore every inch of you with my tongue."

"You certainly did that." She smiled. "Now you're all soiled again, do you want to join me in bed?"


We both slid ourselves up the bed, fighting for the duvet from under us to above us, and, with me spooning Eva, we fell asleep.


I'm unsure what time it was on Sunday morning, but I awoke, and after a minor disorientation, I noticed Eva lying beside me. On her back, eyes shut, lips apart with the duvet now pushed to one side of her, I observed Eva in the early sunlight streaming through the window where we'd started our final erotic endeavor the night before. We never closed the blinds.

I laid down on my side and merely observed the woman I had spent the night with. Admiring her flawless skin, almost unmarred. How her nipples were quite evident due to the size of her breasts. How her skin sloped down from her breasts to the platform of her landing strip of hair and the delights underneath it, and her slender legs. How I'd explored these regions for so long and relished her response.

Having appreciated her physical attractiveness for some time, it was somewhat ironic that I was staring out the window, daydreaming about what we'd done when Eva awakened. Her first deep breath and faint yawn alerted me as she turned toward me and placed her hand on my hip.

"Hey there."

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Can you give me oral sex every night, please? I slept so well."

"I would like to. We'd just need to move in together!"

The sexual connection was undeniable, and it was evident.


"Yes, sexy?"

"How far do you want to make this, us, a public, out in the open, thing? I mean, I should probably say first, if you remember, Cass called us 'lovers' after Friday night."

"Andy, you made me feel like a woman last night, a way I've never felt before. We had some truly emotional moments not only concerning our sexual experiences but deeper than that."

"Cass También." We both laughed — a frequent occurrence during our time together.

" There's more...again."

"Eva, I think we have a strong physical connection. Towards the end, I felt like I could comprehend what you desired. It was quite soul-stirring."

"I know. Perhaps the time with Cass before aided me, but I trust you will not injure me, to be...this sounds a little profound...a good lover for me?"

"Well, Cass praised our connection after Friday night."

The physical connection was striking, unmistakable.

"Eva, do you want to inform Cass about this?"

He'll want to share every detail with her, and I'll tell her all about it. After all, we visited a place where she's never allowed herself to explore with you. I'll tell her what she's been deprived of - it's a lot!

"Do you ever wonder what others might think when you're in public? I'm not sure I feel comfortable with people asking me questions about our private life."

"Yeah, I agree. I want you for myself, and right now, that means just us. We can be physically close with Cass, but let's keep things cool otherwise. Stealing a quick kiss in public might be fun, too."

"Why don't we put on some clothes and take a walk? Isn't Lake Park nearby?"

So we did. I quickly put on my clothes, but not my underwear (I couldn't find it), and Eva slipped her dress back on without any undergarments. We headed out to the park.

Instantly, we were acutely aware of the situation we were in. During the times I walked Eva home, it was always at night and no one was around. But this was during the day, so we were close but not in physical contact, except for that stolen kiss at an empty spot.

In the end, we worked it out by being arm-in-arm, Eva linking her arm with mine in a more casual, friendly way than a committed relationship. We strolled through the park, heading towards the lake and towards the houses at the park's edge. It was predominantly trees in that area, but Eva knew exactly where she was heading. Through a cluster of trees, we discovered a dense area of hedgerows with a small opening in the side. If you didn't know it was there, you wouldn't notice it. But Eva did and led me through to a small, flat area surrounded by the hedgerows.

"This is a secret spot I found," she explained. "Not many people know about it. I discovered it when I was looking for a private spot. To...strip off."

"Really? What for?"

"To be naked and feel the air on me. It's lovely."

"Don't you ever get caught?"

"No, last summer I was here at least ten times and was never disturbed. Besides, you'd hear footsteps as people got closer. That's why a dress is better. Something to put on quickly."

"So, what are you suggesting?"

"You, me, here, sex."

"Right now?"

"Well...that's better in the summer when the ground is dry, but...stand here for me."

Eva lifted her skirt and knelt before me. She then looked up at me and said, "A little thank you for the mind-blowing orgasms you gave me last night."

She carefully undid my belt, unbuttoned my jeans, and lowered my zipper in one swift movement. Then, gently, she lifted my shaft out of my trousers and began to grip it and slowly work me up.

If last night was earth-shattering for me, this was even more extraordinary. Eva stroked me and switched hands before kissing and licking my tip and taking me into her mouth. I closed my eyes and fully experienced the moment. My glans was fully in her mouth and I could feel her tongue circling me.

My heart rate speeded up, further increased by the "outdoor" setting. Eva released me, pushed my jeans down a bit to grab my butt, and started moving me in and out of her mouth. Looking down, it seemed she was trying to get me deeper into her mouth, slowly and deliberately. It was fantastic, made even more delightful by the whole "outdoor" aspect. Eva released me, placed my erection back in my jeans, and zipped me up. Then, she stood up and kissed me.

"I might taste of you a bit." Eva made a coy smile.

"Not any more than you would've tasted me last night."

"That's true." She giggled. "Did you like that?"

"Very much indeed."

"How did that feel?"

"Like I need to get you back on the bed immediately."

"Good. It worked, then."

We left the park and strolled across it quickly. Eva glanced at me and said, "I wish I brought the car."

We arrived at the same spot where we held hands before and Eva pushed me against the wall. She then kissed me passionately.

"I'm overwhelmingly anxious to have you inside me."

She took my hand and we were back at her house in no time. I was shocked by her slightly flustered attempts to open the door. Once inside, she tossed her keys onto the floor, removed her jacket, and turned around.

Eva pulled me toward her.

"Fuck me as hard as you desire."

Eva took off her clothing, exposing her nakedness, and unbuttoned my shirt. We were soon both undressed, and she tugged me towards the living room where we had started our encounter the day before. Eva dropped to her knees and took my erection in her mouth.

The intense rush of this action stimulated me.

"Eva, lie down for me." I had an idea before; to try something that crossed my mind last night. "Suck my dick while I eat your pussy."

"Yes, climb over me. I want your cock back in my mouth."

Shortly after, my head was filled with a blissful mixture of Eva's wet vagina against my mouth and the dedicated approach of her sucking. At some instances, our tongues and lips worked in synchrony. Pure rampant desire.

Eva released me.

"Make me cum, then put your dick inside me."

At that thought, her request only boosted my arousal further.

I wrapped my arms tight around Eva's legs to raise them and open her legs, allowing me to have better access to her vulva. I gave her an intense licking, delving deep with my tongue and sucking her clitoris.

"Oh my god...aaaaAAAHHH."

Eva had an intense orgasm. Her hands forcefully hit my skin and held me as she experienced sheer bliss.

"Shit, Eva. Oh you...fuck me now."

We shifted positions swiftly, with her legs on my chest. I engaged Eva and entered her damp vagina. We thrust in unison, generating deep moans and heavy breaths.

"I adore your it." I could sense that I was getting stronger, even more than prior.

"Let's grab a hold of you." Eva demonstrated her aggression by tightening her vagina around me. We climaxed together, me thrusting until no energy was left, and rested on Eva with my head on her breasts, her hands in my hair.


A while later, I eventually calmed down enough to respond. "Yes, Eva?"

"I want you to know I knew exactly what I wanted."

"It's no surprise. And I rather enjoy it."

"It's arousing to be a little aggressive sometimes."

Though we eventually collected our clothes and straightened up the bed, our intimate connection was still felt in the room, we both shared a strong desire to see each other again.

"This was incredibly special, Eva. I'm delighted we met...that you were my first."

"I'll always be grateful that you were my first. Let's talk later this week because I truly want to see you again."

"We will."

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