Erotic Couplings

A Bare Dating Experience

An unclothed tale of affection.

May 26, 2024
30 min read
nude with new friendsnude with familysocial nudityoutdoor sexThe Nude Datesex with people watching
The Nude Date
The Nude Date

A Bare Dating Experience

This story is completely fictitious. Although there are real places and establishments referenced, their roles are purely imaginary. The author declares that none of the characters resemble real individuals, and any similarities are purely coincidental.

This narrative might take a little while to grasp, but it's worth continuing.

The primary character in this story is my father called Henry "Hank" Stone. Hank was a lifelong military professional having graduated from one of the academies. He was a skilled officer with technical proficiency and was known for his good treatment of the soldiers under his command. He was loyal to his service and his country. However, his fidelity didn't extend to his wife, at least in terms of marital loyalty.

Dad had an addiction to women, much like a chain smoker to nicotine. But unlike a smoker, Dad was very specific about the women he desired.

My mother is a striking lady with intelligence. She has a Ph.D. in economics. Other than her beauty and intellectual capabilities, there seemed to be no other similarities between her and Dad's other female companions.

The second major character in this story is my sister Kim who is three years older than me. She was extremely responsible for me since her earliest years. The story narrates how this responsibility led to something very favorable in my life.

We spent most of our childhood in Washington, D.C., and our mother had a significant role in the Department of Commerce, dealing with international trade. Dad served in the Pentagon and was stationed nearby.

During my freshman year in college when my sister Kim was a sophomore, Dad received a promotion offer. However, this promotion came with a condition - he would have to move to Southern California. My mother would not abandon her position in Washington, so they agreed that she would remain there, while Dad would be assigned to California. Dad wished me to relocate with him. This struck me as unnecessary since I only had a couple of years left living with him until I joined college. But how does one tell their father that they don't want to reside with him?

Before our cross-country trip from Virginia to California, my mother pulled me aside and suggested that I keep Dad out of trouble for at least two years.

I didn't like California. Initially, I put all my effort into school, wrestling, and the weight room to combat the loneliness of being far from my friends and teammates. Dad was devoted to his favorite hobby in his spare time. He effortlessly invited women to his home for the night. I became used to seeing different women in bathrobes with disheveled hair in the mornings as I prepared for school. I did not inform my mother about his behavior even though she had directly inquired about the number of women he had brought home.

During a span of just eight days, four women spent the night at our California home. This felt disrespectful, not only towards the women involved but also towards their relationship with Dad.

I didn't win the California high school championship, but I came close. My excellent scholarly performance and wrestling prowess earned me a partial college scholarship at a prestigious institution in suburban Chicago. I liked Chicago more than California.

During my college years, between wrestling and school, I didn't have ample free time. However, I did date a few intelligent, attractive female students. I felt scared of getting too close to a woman, thinking I would end up treating them the same way Dad did, using them just for sex.

I didn't have many chats with Kim during my time in California. As I started my college journey, our communication increased - first by phone and then face-to-face over the internet. Kim seemed so easy to talk to. Maybe she was always like that, and I just hadn't noticed. She would often ask about my romantic life. At first, I sidestepped those questions with vague responses. Finally, near the end of my sophomore year, during her first year of postgraduate study, I disclosed why I was cautious about getting close to any woman. Kim reassured me that I wasn't like our father. But what else could she say, and how could she truly understand? Despite her words, I continued to fear getting close to women.

I managed to do well in wrestling, coming in fifth place in my weight category at the conference tournament during my senior year. I narrowly missed qualifying for the nationals. Academically, I majored in political science and added international studies as a secondary major. I had studied French in high school, so I fulfilled my language requirement with it. Moreover, I began learning Russian. Wrestling had consumed a lot of my time, leaving a few credits short for my degree after four years. I planned to earn my degree after one more quarter.

I spent every summer at school while I was in college. I worked at a high school wrestling camp organized by the city's parks department, housed on the undergraduate campus of the university. My parents separated during my second year at college. The fact that it took them that long to part ways surprised me.

When I was done with wrestling after exhausting my eligibility, I found myself with a lot of spare time that last summer prior to graduation. Decorating park benches was my main occupation.

One summer evening, while chatting online with Kim, she informed me, "Can you take leave from your high-paying job for the two days following July 4th?"

"I could." I replied. "What's the reason?"

"Mom, Clayton, and Brad, and I are heading to a cabin in Maryland, a two-hour drive from D.C. We've been there before. It's beautiful. I invited this lady interning with us this summer to join us. If you come, it would make three couples," said Kim.

"Trying to play matchmaker?" I asked tentatively.

Kim chuckled, "Perhaps. You could do much worse than Lise. She's intelligent, friendly, and, from a woman's perspective, stunningly attractive. It's just a long weekend, not a lifelong commitment. You'll fly back to Chicago on Sunday night, and Lise will return to Montreal in August."

"I'm not exactly rolling in money." I stated.

"Not to worry," Kim said, "Mom has paid for the lodge for everyone. Your presence won't affect the cost. I'll lend you the airfare. Repay me whenever you land a job."

For some reason, Kim's proposal intrigued me. I took the required time off and informed Kim I would attend. I arrived at National Airport at 3:22 pm on Thursday. I slept at Mom's guest room on Thursday night, and the following morning, we set off for the Catoctin Sun Lodge.

Mom ventured into a relationship with a journalist named Clayton Rawlings following her divorce. His work focused on environmental and climate issues, which didn't overlap with Mom's field, so they had no conflicts. Clayton could be pretentious and self-righteous when passionately discussing the role of journalists in society. However, I discovered he was a decent person later on. Kim's boyfriend, Brad Webster, was in his final year of law school. He and Kim had been together since they were both undergrad students in North Carolina, so I had met him before. He seemed to be a good guy as well.

During our dinner at a nearby Thai restaurant on Thursday night near Mom's place in Northern Virginia, I met Lise Benoit. Kim had described Lise as "very goodlooking." That was a significant understatement. She stood around 5'6", maybe 125 pounds, with auburn hair and a stunning face. The dress she wore reached mid-thigh, revealing lovely legs. She was slim and handled her chest proportionately. Lise managed to be both appealing and wholesome. The allure was enhanced by her voice, with a distinct accent I couldn't identify.

Kim introduced us, informing that Lise would be entering her final year at the Université de Montreal, a mainly French-speaking university in the city. Curiosity compelled me to inquire about her studies in what I thought was flawless French. [Happy? Let me know if you need any changes or clarifications. Just paraphrased what you had written.]

Lise grinned, "That'd really stand out at École Nationale in Paris, but up in Montreal or Quebec City, you'd just look like you're from the U.S. It'd be a whole different story in a place like Rimouski, they wouldn't have a clue what you were saying." After that, I reserved our conversations for English, which she was very well-versed in.

At dinner, Mom dropped a surprising revelation. While discussing the preparations for the trip, she mentioned, "We won't need too many clothes for the drive to the Lodge and back, but we'll need plenty of sunscreen and flip-flops."

Curious, I asked, "Uh, Mum, why is it that we only need clothes for the drive?"

"Kim didn't fill you in on this?" She asked, stunned. "Catoctin Sun Lodge is clothing-optional. You can wear clothes when you're there, but you'll stand out like a sore thumb. Most people go nude."

I glanced around the table - only I seemed to have no idea about this. I looked at Kim, who just chuckled indifferently.

Lise broke the silence, "I've never been to a nude resort either," she added casually. "It's both frightening and exhilarating to think about stripping down amidst other people. But Kim paints such a pleasant picture of the Lodge, I feel like I should give it a go. It's frightening, yet a bit exciting. I'm thrilled to have you all with me."

She directed her gaze towards me. The thought of a stunning young woman talking about a weekend of being naked, along with me and possibly some others, was an entirely novel experience. It was captivating and exhilarating.

Kim finally leaned back in her chair and said, "Peter, I didn't tell you about this because I worried you'd just stay in Chicago. Now that you're here, then what else would you do?"

"You could bring a pair of shorts, if you'd rather wear them," Mum suggested gently.

"Please don't," Lise requested. "If everyone else is undressed, I won't have the courage to take my clothes off if you're dressed."

For a brief moment, I considered the possibility of misinterpreting Lise's glance - wishful thinking on my part.

"The four of us will be au naturel the entire time," Kim explained.

This realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Not only would I be seeing my mother and sister in the buff, but they'd also see me in my birthday suit.

Kim had a sixth sense that read my thoughts at times. "Yep, Peter, tomorrow. You'll see my breasts, buttocks, and vagina in their full glory. I want to see the man you've become."

"Kim," Mum chided, but there was a hint of mirth in her voice.

"I can guarantee you, Peter," Brad said reassuringly, "your sister is stunning in the nude." Kim smiled at Brad's compliment.

"As is your mother," Clayton joked, adding a grin, "considering her age." Mum gave him a playful jab on the shoulder.

It felt like a bizarre dream. My mother, sister, and their partners - all casually talking about spending the weekend naked together as if it were ordinary. It was equally shocking to find a beautiful girl I'd just met enthusiastic about going to a nude spot for the very first time and asking me to participate. I was completely at a loss for words.

By 5:30 the next morning, the habit of going to the gym early had me wide awake in Mum's guest room. I was torn between fear and bewilderment. Surely, Mum and Kim wouldn't spend the weekend without clothes. And it was beyond comprehension that Lise would be without them. It felt like a prank.

Even as I lay there, I heard Mum and Clayton in the hallway. "A dress?" Clayton inquired.

"Easier to remove," Mum responded.

"No underwear, I hope," Clayton continued.

"Of course not," Mum replied. "You should be naked beneath those shorts." I heard the belt unbuckle and the zipper open. "Great," Mum acknowledged. The belt and zipper made themselves known again.

I got up and opened the door, wearing nothing but gym shorts.

Mom noticed I was there. "Peter," she said, apologetically, "I thought Kim had told you about Catoctin Sun Lodge when she invited you. If you truly don't want to join, you're free to stay here for the weekend. However, I urge you to give it a go. It was a fantastic experience for me after my divorce with your father, and I feel certain you'll appreciate it if you give it a chance."

"Peter," Clayton urged, "consider how upset Miss Benoit would be if you didn't show up. It was quite evident last night that she's looking for you for more than just moral support."

My choice was made on imagining Lise Benoit in the buff. "I'll be there," I declared. I, however, refrained from affirming my intentions to be completely naked. "Allow me some time to shower and prepare."

Kim, Brad, and Lise showed up in Kim's practical four-door Subaru sedan at 7:00 a.m. "Peter, you'll be traveling with us," Kim indicated. I realized the reason when I observed Clayton and Mom packing stuff into Clayton's old TR6.

Before Mom immersed herself in Clayton's car, they removed the top. Mom glanced at Kim and remarked, "will we stop at that liquor store in Frederick?"

"Unless we want a dry weekend," Kim answered.

I eventually ended up sitting in the rear seat with Lise. We discussed her studies (finance with a focus on international finance), her internship at the Council, and my college career. Lise enquired about my athletic endeavors, and when I revealed that I once played college sports, she expressed appreciative sentiments. We conversed about various subject matters. Lise seemed genuinely interested in what I said. I felt at ease with her more quickly than I typically did with new acquaintances. The only topic we neglected was the removal of our clothing, although that was fast approaching.

We stopped at a store and bought a range of beverages, both alcoholic and otherwise, as well as snacks. We drove for around thirty minutes, mostly on backroads, until we got to a driveway that led uphill to Catoctin Sun Lodge. A tiny sign by the road read "Catoctin Sun Lodge."

About a quarter-mile from the road, the resort featured a parking lot in front of the office, restaurant, and bar, as well as a two-story building with guest rooms. All structures were clad in dark wooden shingles. In the background were a large pool, hot tub, and sand volleyball courts. After we checked in, we walked past these areas, carrying our luggage, refreshments, and snacks. It was shortly before 9:00 a.m., so no one was around yet.

We followed a stone path into the woods. Every now and then, another path would diverge, indicated by a small sign showing a number. We walked the end of the principal path, where a small sign stated "12." A shorter path, approximately ten yards long, led to three tiny cabins perched atop pillars roughly four feet above the ground. The cabins were arranged in a semi-circle around a gas grill, a fire pit, and some patio chairs at ground level. A short set of stairs led up to a wooden platform that served as a communal patio for the three cabins.

Mom distributed keycards. "I'm certain it's not essential which one I give you," she said. "I'm pretty sure any card will open the door to all three cabins. Let's set our items aside, apply sunscreen, and make our way back to the pool. Can we meet in fifteen minutes?"

Mom and Clayton ascended the stairs and entered the cabin on our left when we faced them. Kim and Brad took the cabin to the right. This left Lise and me standing near the center cabin, which was vacant. I had not anticipated sharing a room with Lise.

"Looks like you're saddled with me," Lise remarked.

"I wouldn't call that a disadvantage," I responded. "How do you feel about this?"

Lise's smile revealed her delight. "Completely cool," she confirmed. "Are you fine with it?"

Lise looked so stunning and joyful. "Absolutely," I responded.

"Excellent!" Lise responded. "We'll inspect our quarters and shed our clothing."

The space was a single room. There were a couple of chairs and, most notably, only one bed. No television. A shower with transparent walls, a sink and mirror, and a small bathroom with a toilet were in a nook to the left upon entering. The entire wall facing the door was glazed, with a sliding door. Behind that were the woods.

We set our belongings aside. Lise initiated, "Alright, time to disrobe." We confronted each other. Lise discarded her footwear, removed her upper garment, unclasped her bra from behind, and undid her jeans' top portion, lowering the zipper. I discarded my footwear and shed my upper garment. Lise dislodged her jeans, slid them down her legs, and left them behind. She clasped her fingers in her panties' waistline at both hips, lowered them, and stepped out of them. Standing positioned sideways, Lise picked up her clothing and deposited it on a chair.

Lise's exposure had disclosed her front, side, and back while unclothed. This provoked the realization that I was still dressed. I regarded it as inconsiderate. Lise, now facing me, was preparing to unfasten her belt and lower her jeans and underwear together. When she turned toward me, I peeled off my trousers and underwear. I collected my clothes and placed them on the bed.

We found ourselves looking at one another, undressed, about two feet apart. I had often expressed that Lise Benoit was exceptionally beautiful with attire. Undefiled, I had never witnessed such beauty in anyone. (She still holds this title). I confirmed, "My word, you are impeccably astonishing."

Lise grinned. "I appreciate your compliment," she answered. "I'm overjoyed you find me appealing in this form since I anticipate you'll witness more of it during the duration of this weekend." She inspected my body with admiration. "You display a considerable physique."

This was the first occasion in my life where a woman, not least a breathtakingly exquisite one, complimented my appearance in the nude. "I am grateful," I said. "Our romantic inclination should generate a more gratifying encounter."

In a heartfelt manner, Lise uttered, "I genuinely intend we have a satisfying experience together this weekend." She likely intended to relay this profoundly. She then, with more enthusiasm, expressed, "It's about time we apply sunscreen."

Naturally, we rubbed lotion onto each other's backs. I was astonished by the muscular tissues in Lise's back. She paid me a compliment in return while administering sunscreen on my back, "You display strong muscles."

We donned flip-flops, procured towels, and moved outside. "Amazingly," Lise announced, "I'm situated outdoors, completely unclothed, and it feels extraordinarily gratifying!" My viewpoint matched hers. It was as though I'd eliminated a weight unknown to me while walking outdoors bare-skinned.

Mom and Clayton emerged from their cabin a short time afterward. Instructionally, Lise requested, "Peter, if I didn't aspire to conceal my bare visage, I wouldn't be bare." I had no alternative but to observe her. Mom expressed, "Peter, if you don't want me to witness your bare skin, you shouldn't be bare. Please observe. You'll judge that, like every other woman, I have breasts and female genitalia." I was drawn to her corporeality. Provisionally past middle age, Mom exhibited an enticing body.

We waited briefly for Kim and Brad. Upon their exit, they were perspiring and gasping. I'd mentioned that Lise is more attractive without any garments on. This gap in attractiveness was more evident with Kim. In clothing, Kim is an appealing lady, yet not captivating. Nude, Kim shares the second-highest title for the most breathtaking woman I've ever encountered. Watching Kim depart their cabin naked prompted me to admire Brad for his choice in partner.

Making our way to the swimming pool uncovered me to a novel experience. I had never ventured outdoors unclothed before. It was around 10 a.m., and more individuals were stirring. We crossed paths with a middle-aged pair, each carrying a cardboard cup of coffee. They too were as naked as we. They smiled at us and greeted, "Morning, cheery residents!" As we reached the pool, Lisa intertwined our hands.

A vast pool was waiting for us. Surrounding its edges was a concrete terrace loaded with lounging chairs. Some were already engaged, but most remained vacant. "By one o'clock tomorrow," Clayton divulged, "this area will be teeming with individuals, fighting for empty seats." Conceptualizing multiple, naked strangers engendered apprehension. Lise and I exchanged anxious glances.

We lounged by the pool, sipping iced tea for a while. As we sat, the lounge chairs started filling up. Catoctin Sun Lodge attracted individuals from various age groups. Some appeared to be in their late sixties or seventies, others in their thirties to fifties, and some around our age. Additionally, I noticed that most people were fit, with little to no obesity in sight.

While contemplating my first experience within a large group of naked individuals, Kim stood up and said to me, "Let's take Lise and Peter to explore some of the trails with us, Mom, Clayton, hold our chairs." Brad got up as well. Kim instructed, "Leave your flip-flops."

Kim and Brad had visited the Lodge before, making them familiar with the area. They led Lise and I away from the cabins, a direction about 90 degrees west of the path back to our lodgings. After entering the woods, we began climbing a hill. I understood Kim's preference for us to walk barefoot, as the path was covered in pine needles, providing enjoyable tactile feedback. We were fully naked, in addition to being without shoes, keys, and clothes. This realization felt liberating.

One thing that caught my attention during the walk was observing my sister naked for the first time. I was just realizing that she was a gorgeous and alluring young woman. As thoughts entered my head, worrying I might be like my father, Lise must have sensed my dilemma, as she reached out and squeezed my hand. Reminding me that the most desirable woman I had ever seen was standing next to me, her warmth and comfort calmed me.

The distance was covered quicker, as we started ascending a steep incline that required using our hands and feet to progress. Despite the incline, we pushed on, as Kim promised a fantastic view from the top of the hill. We finally emerged from the trees onto a rock outcropping, roughly the size of a car. It was sunny, and we could see a vast expanse of the valley in the distance. We gazed upon the woods, streams, buildings, roads, cars, and a train passing on its tracks.

"Do you think someone can see us?" Lise inquired.

"I doubt it," Brad replied.

"Does it matter?" Kim asked.

Lise pondered before replying, "no. It doesn't matter." She squeezed my hand.

However, the rock outcropping had a downside - it was in direct sunlight, making it uncomfortable and raising our body temperature considerably. We began perspiring heavily. "How about we go somewhere to cool off?" Kim suggested.

Kim and Brad led us back into the woods. While walking, I noticed the background noise was, in fact, falling water. After several minutes, we arrived at a small waterfall. Though it was smaller than a creek and larger than a river, the water cascaded about eight feet. Brad mentioned, "There's a small ledge we can stand on underneath it."

Brad let Kim lead onto a small rock ledge directly beneath the waterfall. Brad then followed Kim, and Lise followed Brad. The ledge was only large enough for a couple more people. Expecting there wouldn't be room for a fourth person, Lise grabbed my hand and dragged me toward her. Squeezing myself to fit, I stood at a right angle to Lise, facing her while she looked downstream. Lise wrapped her arm around my waist and drew me closer. This brought me completely under the waterfall, my body pressed against Lise's, while my cock rested against her hip. The water was cold but invigorating in the heat. Being pressed against Lise was more enjoyable.

While Lise and I were away, Mom and Clayton had been holding onto our chairs at the pool. The deck also housed a small bar and grill. Before long, a tall, slender brunette approached us and inquired if anyone fancied participating in a game of water volleyball. Appreciating the offer, Lise asked, "Why not?" We followed the brunette to a smaller pool I hadn't been aware of before, containing a net across its width.

"You can play with us," a man stated. Lise and I stepped into the waist-deep water on their side, grasping the net.

I hadn't played volleyball in ages. However, Lise was a pro at setting the ball. She was attempting to set it for me. After a couple of misses, I got the hang of it and produced some decent spikes. Despite the sweltering sun, it was cozy in the water.

We were in the middle of our second game when a ball flew across the net, landing between me and the girl to my left. We both reached for it simultaneously. I knocked it back over the net just in time, preventing the other woman from colliding with me. She smacked me hard enough to make me topple over. She fell on top of me, and we both ended up beneath the water with her bare breasts pressed against my chest and my bare penis rubbing against her belly. The woman got back up, and I rose from the water.

"Maybe she just wanted to grope a new guy," the dark-haired friend who'd invited us to play called out.

"As long as she still feels me up," a guy from our side of the net responded.

"Are you okay?" the girl asked me.

"I'm fine," I replied.

"Looks like you're solid," she commented. She then smiled and introduced herself, saying, "I'm Karen. That boisterous brunette on the other team is supposedly my friend April." She then pointed over at the man who'd spoken and added, "that's my boyfriend Chet. I'm sorry for the accident."

We finished that match and played one more before everyone moved on. Lise and I followed the rest of the players to a row of large showerheads lining the pool deck. We waited for some people to finish showering, but the girl who'd run into me said, "come on. There's space for us in there. We'll share it." Despite Lise's hesitation, we both stepped in the shower with Karen and Chet.

As we dried off, Chet said, "how about a drink?"

"Sounds perfect," Karen answered.

I had kept away from alcohol so far, not wanting to risk any inebriated behavior near Lise. However, Lise stated, "that sounds fantastic."

The four of us went to the outdoor bar and grabbed beers. We sat at a picnic table under a large umbrella. Karen was around our age. She had broad shoulders, wide hips, and large breasts. Chet appeared a year or two older and appeared quite fit.

"This your first time here?" Chet inquired.

"Totally obvious?" I asked.

"Well," Karen responded, "you two have the look of people who are unsure about being naked with complete strangers or whether it's just a dream."

"How long have you two been together?" Chet inquired.

"Uh, well," I began.

"We only met yesterday," Lise stated. "I work with Peter's sister in D.C. He came to visit. Kim and her boyfriend and Peter's mother and her boyfriend invited us for the weekend. They wanted us to join them."

"It's sort of a blind date," I said.

"A blind date to a nudist resort," Karen laughed. "So cool!"

"How's it going?" Chet asked.

"Amazing," I said.

Lise took my hand. "Better than great so far" she said.

We found out that Karen was working towards a doctorate in psychology at a renowned state university in Pennsylvania. Chet was a cop in a mid-sized Pennsylvania city. Karen and Chet had met in college in Pennsylvania.

I must have reacted when Chet stated he was a cop because Chet explained, "it was another officer I worked with who informed me about this place. He and his wife come here."

"I thought Chet was drunk or high when he suggested we spend a weekend prancing around naked with strangers," Karen joked. "We had dinner with the officer, Dave, and his wife Molly. Molly made the experience seem so alluring that I agreed to give it a try. We visited the Lodge two years ago."

"We usually come six or seven times a summer," Chet said. "The Lodge is closed during the winter."

"And one positive aspect about a large university is that you can meet people doing all sorts of things," Karen added. "I discovered a group at my school. They rent a pool at a private health club once a month in the winter for nude swims. Chet comes over for them and stays with me after."

"Hitting on college girls," Chet quipped.

"You seem fond of skinny-dipping with college girls," Karen teased.

"I spend the night with you," Chet joked.

"We should probably let you go back to your group," Karen suggested. "I was glad to meet you both. We'll probably see you again."

In the afternoon, we lazed by the pool with our mom, Clayton, Kim, and Brad. Mom made sure we applied sunscreen frequently, warning, "You don't want a sunburn down there."

Later, I was rubbing sunscreen on Lise's back as she lay on a lounge chair. Several times throughout the day, I'd stopped at the base of her back. This time, she asked me to continue down. Nervously, I started applying sunscreen to the backs of her legs. Lise didn't seem muscular, but every part of her body I touched felt firm. I stopped again when I'd covered the back of her thighs. Then she instructed, "Finish it up. It's fine." Carefully, I spread sunscreen over both of her butt cheeks and rubbed it in. Lise responded with a happy "Mmm."

By seven o'clock, mom mentioned that it was time for dinner. She expressed concerns that there might be a wait for tables. "If we wait any longer, we might not even get seated," she said.

"Shouldn't we head back to the cabins and clean up first?" I asked.

"You can shower here," Kim suggested.

"I have a comb in my bag that everyone can use," Mom added.

"Do people dine here naked?" Lise inquired.

"Most people put something on, but it's perfectly acceptable to use the restaurant bare," Mom replied.

"It's actually enjoyable to enter the restaurant without anything on when most people have some clothes on," Kim shared. I was amazed at my sister's openness.

"I'm down for eating nude," Clayton commented.

"Me too," Brad agreed. Lise and I stared at each other, then she shrugged her shoulders and grinned.

We were one of very few tables where the diners were completely nude. Most men wore shorts or long T-shirts. Most women preferred covering themselves with a thin piece of fabric, making it evident they were nude underneath. Although it was unusual, many people in the restaurant looked at us as we followed the hostess to our table. I thought it was strange how being nude excited me.

During a tasty dinner, I inquired about how Mom and Kim discovered Catoctin Sun Lodge. "It's probably my fault," Clayton revealed. "I started seeing Glenda about four years ago."

"Before you and Dad got divorced," Mom added while grinning wickedly.

"I had worked in Germany and France, where nudity is more accepted than in the US," Clayton explained.

"We were dating for six months when Mom suggested we visit a clothing-optional resort in Florida," Mom recalled. "I was intrigued and loved it. When we confirmed that both of us enjoyed spending time nude, we searched for a place near DC."

"It was a couple of years ago that Mom told me she and Clayton were visiting this place," Kim divulged. "They described it as such fun that Brad and I decided we had to try it too."

"I'll go anywhere with Kim if she's naked," Brad added, grinning.

"We stayed in the hotel rooms that trip," Kim continued, "and soon discovered that we both liked spending our time naked. That first night here, after walking around naked all day, the sex Brad and I had was extraordinary!"

"We were staying in the hotel rooms that trip," Mom said with a smile. "Kim and Brad were in the next room. We could hear them through the wall."

"Glenda and I had already made love," Clayton stated, "but hearing the sounds of pleasure coming from next door inspired us to do it again."

"Brad and I had climaxed," Kim admitted, "and a couple of minutes later, we heard Mom moaning."

"It took longer than a couple of minutes," Clayton disclosed with a mock hurt expression.

As it was getting dark, we finished dinner, and the restaurant was trying to close. A couple that Mom and Clayton knew invited us to join them for drinks in their room. I glanced at Kim, who shook her head negatively before responding, "We have early mornings planned. I guess we'll head back to the cabin."

"That's fine with me," Lise said.

It was still light out when we returned to the cabins. We poured wine into plastic cups. My sister, Lise, Brad, and I sat in the patio chairs sipping our drinks.

After a while, Kim spoke, "I guess I should clarify my reasoning for inviting you two for this weekend at the nudist resort. To be honest, it is a bit unusual to bring along two strangers who've never met before."

"You've both behaved amazingly," Brad complimented us.

"Thank goodness you had," Kim said. "By the way, I know Peter pretty well. I knew how hard it was for him living with our dad in California for two years. You see, our dad is really terrible to women. I knew Peter was afraid of getting into a relationship due to being afraid he'd turn into our dad. Plus, I'm certain Peter isn't anything like our father."

Kim took a sip of wine. "I've only known you for six weeks, but I believe we've become close friends." Lise agreed with a nod. "I could tell your last relationship didn't work out, and you didn't have confidence in trusting your own judgment on men. I also sensed there'd be a connection between you two and that you'd be suited for each other. If I'd just invited both of you to dinner or introduced you at a bar, you'd both be in protection mode. So, I wanted to put you both in a situation where you'd need to be open to new experiences. Additionally, I enjoy being naked around others and wanted to share that with people I care about."

Kim smirked and added, "and I believed both of you looked awesome naked - and you do."

"Definitely," Brad chimed in.

"Wow," I said. "But thank you. Lise, you're an outstanding person."

"Well," Lise said, "Kim shared many details about Peter before suggesting this trip. She has a high opinion of you," Lise remarked to me aside. "I thought this would be something we'd do once and either keep to ourselves or laugh about later. However, I've learned that I genuinely enjoy being naked around other people."

"I'll admit I was manipulative," Kim said, "but I had good intentions, and it appears to have worked thus far. Oh, Brad, don't we have some things to do in the cabin?"

Brad chuckled. "I've been hoping you'd say so."

Kim and Brad stood up and walked up the steps to their cabin door. Kim turned to face Lise and me. "I hope the two of you have a memorable night." Kim and Brad entered the cabin, leaving Lise and me by ourselves.

After a moment of silence, Lise stated, "I think Kim wants us to make love."

"Do you want to make love?" I asked.

"Peter, it's not about what I want. It's about what we want."

"We've known each other for, like, 26 hours?"

"That's true," Lise replied. "But you know as well as I do there's something special between us. I don't care how fast it happened because I think - and I believe you think - it's very strong and amazing."

I stood up from my chair. "Please stand up," I asked. Lise stood and we embraced one another. We started kissing passionately. Our tongues met. Lise reached down and groped my ass. I proceeded to rub her vagina. Lise and I both rubbed each other's groins. Jesus, she felt amazing!

We pulled away from the kiss, still holding each other. "I suppose," I started.

"We both desire sex," Lise finished.

"I'm not a virgin," I added.

"I know," Lise replied. "It's been a while for me too. This isn't about impressing each other. We'll simply take our time to discover what gives each of us the most pleasure. And don't worry. Kim pressured me into going back on birth control."

"I wasn't concerned."

"You don't mind if we end up impregnating each other and spend the rest of our lives together?" Lise joked while smiling.

"At this moment," I stated, "that sounds great."

"It does," Lise replied. "But let's focus on satisfying each other for now."

I followed Lise's breathtaking body up the steps and into the cabin. Once we shut the door, we embraced again. Lise guided my finger to her clitoris. "Oh," Lise sighed, "that feels good!"

We were getting quite aroused. Lise pushed me away, went to the bed, rolled onto her back, raised her legs up, and pulled them close to her chest. It was truly a stunning and arousing sight. I got on the bed between her legs. She wrapped her legs around me, guiding my penis in the right direction. I slid up along her vagina lips. Lise reached between us, took hold of my penis, and said "in, now." She maneuvered my penis towards her pussy. [End of paraphrase]

It had been ages since my last sexual encounter, and it hadn't even been spectacular. But as my penis slipped into Lise's vagina, I felt a pleasing sensation I'd never encountered before. It was about to get even better.

We took things slowly, spending a lot of time kissing each other. Lise pressed her pelvis against me while I slowly explored her with my penis, striving to find the perfect spot for her. It was just blissful being inside her. I don't remember how long we experimented. Finally, I found the angle that brought us both the most delight. As I pushed my penis into her, Lise exclaimed, "Oh my God! I never knew I had that! Please stay right there!" And I followed her instructions.

I felt Lise's heart rate and breathing pick up. She locked her legs around me and demanded, "HARDER!" So, I was pushing my penis more forcefully into that same spot. "OH... God!" Lise uttered. I'd tried to keep my weight on my knees and arms so she could take part in the process without any obstruction. It wasn't a cakewalk to hold back, as I really didn't want to climax before her. But I was losing the fight. The way Lise moaned loudly, spanning more than an octave, told me she was close to orgasming. After her big shout, she showed off her strength by bucking against me. That was when I shot my load inside Lise. I continued thrusting because I wasn't sure if she'd had an orgasm yet.

Lise calmed down, then leaned her head up and kissed me. We spent some more time together before I pulled away and laid beside her. "Even after I came," she said, "the feeling was lovely when you were inside me."

"Sex is supposed to be like this," I said.

"I think the secret lies in the fact you genuinely care for the individual you're having sex with," Lise retorted.

"I adore you," I proclaimed, albeit with a bit too much enthusiasm.

"And I adore you too," Lise responded, folding her arms around me.

"Any fool can see we're an item," I said.

Lise replied, "That would be a better idea."

We snuggled up to each other, gently squeezing each other's butts. "I love being undressed with you," Lise murmured.

"I cherish your nakedness and the way we connect," I replied.

"We're going to saunter around the resort today naked and proud, like a romantic couple," Lise said. "I want the world to know we're fucking."

"I'm proud to be your lover," I said. We shared a long kiss. After a while, we woke up and executed our morning routine.

Kim and Brad were chilling in front of the cabins when Lise and I meandered outside. Lise winked at Kim. Kim beamed widely.

Right before my parents emerged from their unit, the six of us went to the pool. The resort offered a breakfast buffet. We chowed down on yogurt, bagels, donuts, juice, coffee, tea, and more.

Lise and I were renewed in our affection for each other since we'd decided to embrace our relationship more wholeheartedly. We were no longer afraid of showing our touchy-feely sides. One instance was Lise putting her hand on my butt; I reciprocated by putting a hand on hers.

Lise was determined to show the others the connection between us. As Lise and I retrieved more tea, we ran into Karen and Chet. They both beamed at us, and Karen commented, "Looks like two people who got lucky last night."

Not sure how to react, I glanced at Lise. She wrapped her arm around me, pulled me close, and grinned at our friends. "Yes, not once, but more than once, and it was amazing," Lise said.

"We're pleased for you," Chet said.

Karen voiced, "I thought there was chemistry between the two of you yesterday. Now it's manifested."

Chet was about to ask something more, but Karen quickly cut him off. "Let's consider your idea first," she informed us.

The mystery surrounding Karen and Chet's proposal intrigued Lise and me. But we were too blissful to worry about it.

On that warm yet not-so-hot Saturday, Lise and I delighted in lounging naked by the poolside. Kim, our friend, shared her observation that people indeed gazed at each other, as she savored her bagel breakfast. We didn't feel guilty indulging in some voyeurism as the pool was filled with more visitors.

In the early afternoon, Karen and Chet approached us. "Lise, Peter, would you like to take a stroll?" Chet inquired.

I found it peculiar that Chet specifically mentioned Lise and me, even with the presence of Kim, Brad, our mom, and Clayton. Sensing no objection from our group, Lise and I got up and joined Karen and Chet. Pivoting a path into the woods, they led us past the main resort buildings. This trail was less steep than the previous day's hike. We chatted, our hands entwined, as Lise and I followed Karen and Chet.

The journey seemed endless, but we eventually arrived in a pine needle-covered clearing. The resort barely peeked through the trees, and activities buzzed beyond the resort.

"We remain on resort property," Chet commented.

"The resort pretends to be unaware, but those who come here often agree this is the perfect spot for outdoor lovemaking," added Karen.

"Since you two are diving headfirst into your relationship," Chet suggested, "we thought you might appreciate adding this to your experiences."

"Are you planning to watch us?" Lise inquired with a smile.

"Absolutely not!" Chet responded emphatically.

"We didn't walk all this way just to watch someone else having sex," Karen retorted. "We're here for the same purpose." Chet sat on the ground, and Karen climbed on top, guiding his dick into her.

Inspired, Lise and I clung to each other, kissing and caressing, until we both felt aroused. We momentarily forgot about Karen and Chet as they made love before us.

With a mischievous grin, Lise said, "It looks like fun. Can we try that?"

"Sure," I replied.

Positioning myself on my back, I lugged my hard dick onto my stomach. Lise hovered over me, squatting. Lowering herself, she took my dick in her hand and guided it into her. She then proceeded to lower herself down. This was the third time she'd taken me, and each time felt like the first.

Caught up in the moment, I decided to deviate from the usual. I pulled on Lise's back, encouraging her to lean down and sucking on her earlobe. She frowned, but I managed to push her towards me, grasping her ample breasts. Studying keenly, I reached the spot she adored in this position.

"Oh!" exclaimed Lise. "Wow!... Thank you..."

Our bodies crashed together, our hands fumbling. But as Lise's breathing intensified, her legs shaking, I rolled her onto her back and whispered, "Let me help."

I traced her body, sucking her neck, kissing her chin, and finally her lips. Fortunately, Lise's breathing and moans sped up. If it weren't for my attempt to prolong my climax, I might've given in to temptation sooner.

I might've managed to sustain my control had Lise not done something unique. The contractions in her cunt walls were so intense that it took a steely will to move my dick. My vision faltered for a minute before the piercing sweetness of Lise's voice echoed through the forest. "Oh, God." Her legs shook violently, signaling her climax. Instructionally, I thrust my hips before collapsing onto Lise.

After a while, my eyes fluttered open to catch the play of early-spring sunlight. Birds chirped away, signaling another day begun. Lise and I lay entangled, still covered in sweat. The view of my cock partially protruding from Lise left me speechless. I was erect once more and the riches of the outdoors beckoned. With my memories of this extraordinary encounter, I was ready for a day filled with exploration and surprises.

"Wow, that was quite steamy," Kim remarked. To my left, I could see Kim, Brad, Clayton, and my mom, all naked and watching Lise on top of me on the ground. "We planned on not bringing you here until your second visit," Kim shared.

Mom spoke up, "Don't feel ashamed."

"I'm not shamed," Lise replied. "I'm pleased you witnessed that. I'm smitten with this guy."

This instance solidified what I had previously suspected: my strong affection for Lise Benoit.

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