Adult How To

A Captain And "His" Yeoman"

Dan finds he enjoys more than Paul's "work ethic."

May 2, 2024
11 min read
A Captain And "His" Yeoman"oralfraternizationinterracialmilitaryinfidelityjobsiteswallowing
A Captain And "His" Yeoman"
A Captain And "His" Yeoman"

A Captain And "His" Yeoman"

I arrived at Seal Beach, California without knowing what lay ahead of me.

"Remember, you're onshore duty now, so make the most of it," I could remember Dan saying to me. "One day, you'll look back on this time and regret not seizing those opportunities, especially those moments when you could enjoy the simple things and relax."

At first, I didn't quite understand what Dan (my superior officer) meant. He approached me within the first few days of my arrival at the sleepy munitions unit, which was responsible for supplying ammunition to naval vessels stationed on the California coast.

I could recall spending the past five years standing port watch in extreme temperatures or enduring the countless underwaters that included three deployments each lasting at least eight months. I remember the non-stop drills or simply being on edge as a yeoman - the naval version of a human resources position. I had advanced from an E1 to an E6 during that time, while also working towards my bachelor's degree in Norfolk, where we experienced four seasons: painfully cold, unbearably hot, bi-polar springs, and bi-polar winters. However, I tried to make the best of things.

"You're the only sailor I'll let call me 'Dan,' when it's just us," he informed me, while I was checking in and hanging out in his office, a place not many others had access to.

Standing at 6'4", the burly man with a stubbled chin, slight gut, and twinkling blue eyes cut an intimidating figure. With his Bostonian accent and bravado to match, he cast a fear not just based on his rank but also his demeanor. He'd always appeared angry and never smiled. He claimed to have heard about me from my previous commanding officer, Captain Shunk, with whom he'd served together as junior officers some twenty years ago.

"Paul, you've left a lasting impression on that ship," Dan told me. "Greg spoke incredibly highly of you when he tipped me off about you coming. I need that same drive here."

Dan's words resonated with me, and I felt a sudden pressure as he shared his expectations. We shook hands, and after signing my check-in sheet, he sent me on my way.

"In addition, while I'm aware of your work ethic," Dan mentioned as I left his office, "this is shore duty. Make the most of your time here, sailor."

Immediately, I threw myself into my work, bringing positive changes to the command, which improved the overall morale at a unit consisting of eleven individuals.

After a few weeks, he summoned me to his office to discuss the situation.

"I appreciate the enthusiasm you possess," Dan said to me. "There hasn't been a day when someone from the commandment hasn't complimented your team."

When I arrived, he asked me to shut the door and bragged that a few weeks ago, the place had been a much darker environment. Unfortunately, I had gotten so caught up in the compliments that I was beginning to grow irritated by them.

"Sir, why do you keep calling me into your office?" I inquired, attempting some lightheartedness.

"Paul, I want to tell you how great a job you're doing," he explained, fiddling with a Rubik's cube. "The atmosphere here has completely changed since you arrived. Greg Shunk was never-lying when he warned me about you, and you've made a huge difference in a short amount of time."

His words made me feel good, and as he talked, I realized that I had the chance to focus more on myself for the first time, thanks to a team that willingly shared the load and the support of my commanding officer. Therefore, I followed Dan's advice on time management, took steps to enroll in a bachelor's program, and was enrolled two months later.

"Sir, are you really still in your dress whites?" I commented, my surprise evident as he entered his office on a Friday evening.

"Yes, I am," he replied, looking stunned at the uniform's condition after just a few steps.

"I wear this uniform proudly when one of my friends or protégés graduates, retires, or is promoted," he explained. "How many times have you seen me wearing it aside from inspections?"

"Five," I guessed.

"Multiply that by four," Dan said. "There are 20 or so people I'm close to and have seen their lives improve because of their commissions."

"Dan, you're still here on a Friday night," I pointed out.

"Yeah, I know," he acknowledged, "and I've only worn this uniform four times for those events. I don't like how it gets dirty."

Dan and I discussed my school plans, and he assured me that he'd support me every step of the way. He seemed proud of me and wanted to give me the help and guidance I needed to succeed.

"Paul, just keep up the good work," he said, as our conversation came to an end. "I could see myself wearing this uniform again if you continue performing the way you have."

When he called my first name so boldly, I was caught off guard. How dare he break military etiquette like that? Yet, I listened as he continued praising me, making me feel special even compared to his friend from the ship.

"Your determination, intelligence, and looks - you've got it all, Paul," he added, still using my first name. "But, having everything is even more impressive if you have a partner by your side."

We chatted until the sun disappeared, and I wondered why he wasn't home with his wife.

"She's taking care of the kids, but she understands the demands of the job; she's been with me for 19 years now," he said. "We're talking about work-life balance. One can't achieve that if there's no one to return home to. What's your partner's name?"

I couldn't answer that question because I didn't have one. I was single and loved my independence, which might seem odd, but I knew where I was going and didn't need anyone distracting me at that time. So, I explained my situation without mentioning that I was into men and not women.

"I want you to report back here and resolve whatever you're working on, and get ready to go home," he ordered, interrupting me. "Work should be done at home."

He returned to his office just a few feet away from mine, which I could view through an open door. I watched as he picked up a gym bag and began to undress. He took off his button-up shirt, revealing a hairy chest with pink nipples peeking through the thick layer of salt and pepper hair. His belly was slightly round, and his navel was raised. He didn't seem to notice me checking him out as he put on another shirt, undid his belt, and let his trousers fall to the floor. He was wearing a thong, and his leg muscles were thick and needed a tan along with the rest of his body.

"Holy shit," I mumbled under my breath, amazed by the size of the bulge in front of me as Dan's thong struggled to contain it. Dan wasn't fully hard, but he had a sizable package between his legs.

He managed to remove the thong and put on a pair of shorts. He then straightened himself up, grabbed his uniform, and left the room. I pretended not to be staring.

"Paul, get up! Let's go!" He said as he walked back into my office, flipping on the lights. "Do you have different clothes for working out?"

"I've brought some gym clothes," I replied.

"Get dressed and let's go to this bar in Costa Mesa. We'll hang out for a bit," he suggested, under the guise of "mentoring."

I shut down my computer, stuffed all my schoolwork into folders, and put them back in my bookbag with the books. I changed out of my uniform in front of him.

"Damn, kid, you've put on some muscle from your time at sea. That body looks great," he commented, noticing my defined chest and abs. "Maybe you can be my personal trainer and help me get in shape."

My idea of 'getting him in shape' included more than just building his body; I had plans to explore other parts of his male frame. I just kept quiet and took it as a compliment, as when he finished, we high-fived each other and walked outside to his red Corvette.

"A night out in California! It can't be as exciting in Norfolk, huh?" he shouted as we drove south on the Pacific Coast Highway with the roof down and '70s music playing loudly, showing off our cars.

We reached the bar's lot around 20 minutes later. It was full of sports cars and Corvettes, mostly older men in their late forties to early sixties. A few women were there, but it seemed like a sausage fest in Palm Springs with all the testosterone and male laughter. Dan and I went to the bar counter, where he greeted the bartender, a short, slender Asian guy. He instructed the server to serve whatever I wanted from an open tab. I ordered a vodka and coke, and he would have the same, before we headed outside to the less crowded patio area. Dan took out a cigar, making it clear that this was more about two guys hanging out and not him being my boss.

"Achieving a healthy balance between work and personal life is essential, and that's exactly what this situation offers," he emphasized.

I took in every minute detail about Dan while I also enjoyed my beverage: gradual and meticulous, for I didn't want to become overly intoxicated too quickly. Surrounding individuals would converse with Dan, while I discretely observed, and even though I managed to restrain myself from intoxication, Dan held my full focus, captivating me and motivating me to continue savoring him.

"Just enjoying a night out with a friend, he's fairly new to California," he threw out to a group of mature, attractive men.

A realization came to me that this evening was more than just a simple social event, but a genuine gathering where most of the attendees were probably sizing each other up. I completed my drink and became aroused, yearning for the opportunity to grasp someone after the bar, or the other way around, but Dan, recognizing my intoxicating state, volunteered to pay for the bill immediately.

"Serve me mine to go," he commanded the server, and the server returned with his drink in a foam container.

He hinted at having to return home before his spouse became anxious, and therefore, we left the venue, venturing back north to the base.

"Are you comfortable driving, young man?" he questioned.

"Sir, I'm fine," I asserted, acutely aware I could manage the short 10-mile journey to my residence.

He switched off the engine when we parked beside my vehicle, and he remained seated to calm my inebriated state. Inwardly, my mind was overflowing with memories of when he had disrobed in his office, and how he had intermingled with other men at the bar. This very moment, however, he truly exhibited genuine concern, and spiked my arousal even further.

"You claim you're all set, then 'okay' doesn't mean you re-enter the structure," he instructed me. "It means you go home and commence your weekend!"

He understood me well, and hence, I consented to depart, then we both exited the car and slapped hands like longstanding companions. He wished me a safe weekend prior to getting back in the Corvette and cruising away, and I would remain in my car for maybe 10 minutes before deciding to re-enter the establishment and complete my assignments. I unlocked the entrance, disabled the alarm, and made my way directly to my office without switching on the lights, guiding myself with my laptop for illumination. I activated music through my phone, tuning into acts like James Brown and Marvin Gaye while finishing my work. I heard a voice speak, then singing to the music.

"What's up?" asked Dan, as I looked up to see him mere feet away, naked from the waist down with his erection bulging vigorously.

"I observed you became quiet when I mentioned a romantic interest. I also noticed you peeking at me when I left my door ajar in order for you to see. That stirred me up."

He walked over to my workspace, then loomed in front of me as he shut the blinds using his manhood and balls on my chin. I cherished his fragrance, for his proximity fascinated me, and it further heightened my arousal.

"So what catches your eye," he inquired.

"I suspect we both have similar inclinations," I stated, as he shifted to me and stood on the left arm of my chair.

I leaned forward, taking his thick, eight or nine-inch penis with its coral helm in my mouth, and relished the air escaping from his crotch as well as his rock-solid firmness. Dan was firmly erect, therefore rigid that my lips felt a little painful after a few minutes of fellatio. I craved the challenge of sucking a cock like his, and valued the tantalizing experience of consummating my supervisor, coupled with the thrill of our perilous act that could result in significant repercussions if uncovered.

"Greg didn't inform me how sexy you are," he commented as he swayed his hips backward and forward gently fucking my face. "He didn't say anything like that."

His huge balls smacked my chin, and the hair around his base brushed my nose as that dick invaded my throat. I tried to keep breathing so I wouldn't vomit, and wondered if Greg and Dan talked about me the way he was doing now. Was Dan an undercover guy like Greg? The thought of taking Dan's "babies" intensified in that moment because he effectively admitted he had been watching me from the start.

"This will be your weekly duty to me," Dan declared, as he reached into my shirt to squeeze both of my nipples, causing me to become even more aroused.

"Go on, suck that dick," he whispered while stopping his thrusts, and I swiveled my head as I applied more pressure on my lips and tongue to extract his pre-cum from him.

"Dude, if you manage to make me ejaculate, I'll let you do me, too," said Dan.

He started fucking my mouth again, and I stuck out my tongue to tap his balls every time he thrust into my throat.

"Oh fuck, about to cum, babe," he grunted. "Fuck me, Paul!"

He screamed while blasting his sperm onto the back of my tongue, allowing me to swallow his gooey, salty semen. I gripped his thick thighs as his hips pushed my skull into his crotch, wanting to collect every drop of his sperm.

"My turn," he told me.

We left my office and went down the hallway to the conference room, where he switched on the lights and drew the blinds, instructing me to strip and lie on the long table.

"Let's see who goes harder," he said with hunger in his eyes, now that I was entirely naked.

He sat back in a chair, then rolled onto me. First, he examined my face with a satisfied grin, then began licking my balls, rubbing his thick mustache against my sack from left to right. This made me widely spread my legs, and he took his time there as the pre-cum seeped out of me and landed on my stomach.

"You're quite a dripper," he stated as he moved his tongue from my balls to my thigh, then to my feet as he sucked on my toes.

I gasped for breath since I'm ticklish and couldn't keep still, then he began jerking my cock to counter my twitching, offering dual pleasure.

"Cum for me, YN1," he commanded in a deep tone. "Release your seed all over my face."

He presented my right toe with his lips, then hovered my dick, making me unable to restrain myself. My moans were matched by my wincing, as well as the brink of tears from the intense pleasure. Dan had total control, as my eyes met his sparkling eyes that matched his desire to lodge himself in my soul.

"Don't hold back. Give me that nut," he ordered as he started licking the ball of my right foot.

I tried to hold back, but once he licked my foot's ball while stroking my member even harder, I couldn't resist the powerful blast of my sperm, which shot like a rocket straight into the air, soaking me and the table in my semen.

"Fuck!" Dan exalted as he witnessed me gushing like that, spraying my seed across the room. "I didn't know you were that potent!"

He cleaned me up by licking on my body, eliciting light laughter from me due to my extreme sensitivity.

"Kiss me," he asked, and I relented as he returned my own cum to me before sharing a passionate kiss.

"Looks like we'll need to disinfect the entire building now. It smells like us," he remarked afterward.

He helped me off the table and we went to the cleaning closet down the hall to retrieve cleanup materials, and I ended up wiping the table, the chairs, and my office, all while still naked.

"I gotta go. I want this weekly duty but at a hotel next time," he said to me before leaving. "Oh, and another thing: You're the first black penis I've ever seen."

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