Celebrity Sex Stories

A CFNM Work Release

A male on work release has to follow orders.

May 2, 2024
8 min read
A CFNM Work Releasecfnmpunishment
A CFNM Work Release
A CFNM Work Release

A CFNM Work Release

The events unfolded unexpectedly. Driving along at fifty-five miles per hour, a surprise sign showing a fifteen-mile-per-hour speed limit flashed before me. A police car was positioned beside it. I struggled to slow down fast enough. The female officer swiftly pulled me over. She argued that I was significantly exceeding the speed limit. I had no choice but to concede the point. She informed me to follow her to the courthouse. I obeyed.

The judge was far from impressed with my behavior. She handed down a penalty of seven days in prison. A bailiff took me to the jail. I changed into an orange prison uniform. This brings us to the present moment.

A female sheriff entered the room unexpectedly. She inquired if I would prefer being on work-release instead of serving my seven-day sentence in jail.

"That's an appealing offer," I replied.

"That's great," she said. "We already have a person in need of assistance. You'll be staying with them. However, for the duration of the work release program, you'll be required to wear a collar. Is that acceptable?"

Feeling a degree of unease, I responded, "Given the circumstances, I guess it's okay."

"Very well," she said. "I'll fit the collar on you." She walked around my back and placed the collar around my neck. I heard a clicking sound.

"Let's check if it's functioning correctly," she remarked. She pressed a button on a remote. I felt a tingling sensation around my neck area.

"This is a level one, which signals that you are engaging in inappropriate behavior," she explained. "Allow me to demonstrate level two." She pressed the button again. The sensation increased, bordering on pain. I tried grasping the collar but failed to otherwise alleviate the feeling, noticing that it didn't lessen.

"Unresponsive to a single two," she grumbled, smiling. "By the way, the device can be set to ten."

"I'm ready," I murmured.

"Let's move along," she declared. She led me to a vehicle and instructed me to get in the back seat. A partition separated the front and back sections, and I was unable to do anything to her.

She started the car. We drove for twenty minutes before reaching a house on a remote farm.

"Step out," she demanded. "We've arrived." She led me to the front door and pressed the doorbell. A moment later, a blonde woman opened the door.

"Hi, Jennifer," she said, addressing the sheriff. "Thank you for bringing me your work-release prisoner."

"No problem," Anne replied. "I'm sure you needed one."

"Let me fetch the other owners," Jennifer said, departing and returning with a brunette and a redhead.

"Anne, do you remember Jill and Jane?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes, I do. Nice to see you two again," Anne said. "Allow me to present your new personal helper: 069," she addressed me.

The three women watched me as I responded, "Hello."

"069 isn't allowed to utter words unless addressed," Anne explained.

"No questions?" Jennifer inquired of the blonde woman.

"No," Jill answered. "Me either," Jane added.

Anne continued, "069 needs to undergo a daily inspection to ensure he isn't carrying any contraband. Let me demonstrate how to do it."

"All right, 069," Anne commanded. "strip down, removing both your prison jumpsuit and underwear." I hesitated for a moment before complying.

"Keep your hands away from your genitals," Anne warned, as she stepped forward and began to check my body.

"You would think someone who's naked wouldn't be carrying anything," she observed. "Nonetheless, they may have attached contraband to his skin using something that blended with the skin tone. You should thoroughly inspect all areas, starting with the sides. Would you like to try?"

Jennifer advanced, focusing on my nipples as she ran her hands around my chest.

"Well done, Jennifer," Anne commended. "Nipples are a commonplace to hide something." She then explained to me, "069, please climb up onto the bench with your legs spread and your hands still at your ankles."

I hesitated once more but felt the distinct discomfort of a level one collar activation. I complied and took the position.

Anne donned a glove and began to examine me. She scrutinized my genitals. "This is a crucial area, as there are numerous places to conceal a forbidden item." She turned to Jill, "Jill, you should verify his genital area."

Jill proceeded to do so while Anne followed suit with the redhead, Jane.

Jill replies, "Definitely." She steps up, puts on a glove, and imitates Anne's actions. (I can't believe this is turning me on.)

"There's one more area to inspect now," Anne announces as she sprays some lubricant on her glove. She inserts a finger into my backside and moves it around to check if there's anything hidden. "Jane, would you like to try?"

Jane grabs a glove and adds some lubricant as well. She puts her finger inside and begins her search.

"I believe I've found something a bit firm," she mentions.

"Let me check it out," Anne says, inserting her finger into me as well. "Nope, just his prostate. Try massaging it."

Jane does as instructed. I'm becoming more erect due to the feeling. My cock is showing my excitement.

"Sometimes, the prisoner can have a response to the examination. You're free to do whatever you want with the response," Anne elaborates. "Alright then. I need to return the orange jumpsuit and his underwear to the prison. You can choose what clothes he should wear, if you want any at all." (What does that mean?)

"I have a query," Jill interjects. "Could you show us how to use the other items you brought?"

"Sure," Anne answers. She takes out a box that looks like a cage. "Don't move, 069." She walks up to me and places one part securely around the base of my penis. She slips my penis into the other section and links the two together. My penis and balls are completely encased by the cage.

"Here's the remote for this device," Anne explains. "A one usually evokes a reaction. A two would only be necessary if he's resisting."

"Let me give it a go," Jill asks.

"Here you are," Anne responds, handing Jill the remote. I see Jill press a button. I feel a sensation on my penis and balls. It's pleasurable but right at the threshold. I attempt to close my legs.

"Keep your legs open," Anne urges as she applies a one to my collar. I widen my legs. "There's an interesting control on this device; if you strike it, it intermittently applies ones and twos for a few minutes. Let's see how he responds."

I feel the sensation again. Then it stops. Then it returns as painful. That must be a two. Then it stops.

"You can tell when a two comes. If he tries to close his legs, apply a two on the collar," Anne informs.

Anne displays what seems like a dildo and says, "Here's another one. It goes where you might guess. It has a few straps to keep it in place. This liquid boosts the stimulation, as well as act as a lubricant to insert it." She drips some of the fluid on and places it inside my backside and ties some straps around my waist. "Here's the remote, Jane. Let's test it out."

Jane takes the remote and pushes a button. My rear receives some sparks. "Let's see how a two feels," Jane states. She presses another button and I attempt to move my buttocks to alleviate the pain, but without success.

"Not bad," Jane says, "What else do you have?"

"This is the final one. The clamps go on his nipples, and the chain goes around his neck," Anne elaborates. "We've found that if you let the chain dangle, the clamps tend to fall off."

Jennifer places the clamps on my nipples and pushes a button on the remote. My nipples feel a nice shock. It's followed seconds later by another press and pain.

"That's everything," Anne concludes before leaving. "069, you're now under your new owners' control for a week. If you have any issues with him, please contact me. However, the collar and cage should solve all your issues, if not the other locations." Jennifer informs.

"Well, 069, you're ours now," Jennifer declares with a grin. "Your first assignment will be to serve drinks at our gathering tonight. Jill and Jane, do you think he's dressed appropriately for that?"

"If he didn't have the cage, I would want something to conceal his balls and penis. But the cage does the job quite well," Jill suggests.

"I agree, Jill. He should perform perfectly," Jane nods.

"Good. The first guest should be arriving soon," Jennifer says. The doorbell rings. "069, proceed to the kitchen, collect the tray with a bottle of wine and glasses, and return to serve our guest."

I free my ankles and get up. I go to the kitchen, collect the tray with the bottle of wine and glasses, and return to the living room. Six new females are sitting there, watching me with amusement.

"We've got a great worker here. I like the outfit you've got him in, but I think you've covered up his cock and balls too much," a red-haired female teases with a chuckle.

"Really, there's a reason for that," Jill instructs. I set the try down and instantly feel a jolt on my penis and testicles. I start to stroke them and feel a sting on my neck. I return my hands to my sides. "Would you like to give it a try?" Jill inquires.

"Why not," the ginger responds. She seizes the remote and presses a button. I jerk from the jolt, attempting to shake off the sensation.

"Attempt a two," Jill advises. The ginger presses another button, and the tingling turns into discomfort. I can only hobble about.

"Experiment with these other two controls," Jill says, handing them to the ginger. The ginger tries one button and I attempt to shift my ass to alleviate the discomfort. She tries the other button and I wriggle my nipples to try to remove the clamps. The other women observe with amusement.

The ginger hands the controls to the others. They try them in a haphazard sequence and laugh as I seem to move to alleviate the sensations.

"Wow, that's quite fascinating," the ginger remarks. "Have you made him perform oral sex on you yet?"

"Not much time has passed," Jill replies.

"I believe it would be rather enjoyable to ensure he delivers an excellent orgasm for you. If he falters, you can simply give him a sting," the ginger suggests.

"I believe that would be a fantastic way to begin the evening," Jill states. "I think everyone deserves an orgasm from him. 069, get down in front of her pussy," Jill orders. I kneel down with my head between the ginger's legs. She pulls her thong aside. "Proceed, 069," she commands. "Just to clarify, a jolt on the neck means faster, a jolt in the rear means slower, a jolt on your nipples means harder, a jolt on your penis means softer. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I say as I move towards her vagina. For the next ten minutes, I lick and suck her clit and vagina, led by the shocks to my various body parts. I make an error once, speeding up with a jolt in the rear. However, the ginger promptly corrects me on my mistake. My tongue is starting to fatigue. Luckily, she eventually orgasms with a loud cry.

"Oh, that was phenomenal. Everyone should experience this," the ginger exclaims.

(I can see that I'm in for a very lengthy night.)

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Source: www.nice-escort.de