Erotic Couplings

A Comfortable Hideaway

Marooned couple in a cabin brainstorm activities to keep occupied.

May 30, 2024
30 min read
blowjobA Warm Placeanalingusstraightcabinromanticactress
A Warm Place
A Warm Place

A Comfortable Hideaway

The cabin was bigger than I anticipated. I pictured it being relatively small since the script described it as such. But in reality, movie-small is just big. The downstairs consisted of a spacious central room attached to a kitchen, while the upstairs was a balcony running around the main room with two bedrooms and a bathroom. At the time, I resided in a cramped studio apartment in the grittier part of Hollywood, so this cabin seemed quite luxurious to me. It almost took my mind off the person I had spent four hours in a car with just to get here.

"This is where we're shooting?" she questioned with skepticism, pulling her sunglasses down to get a better look with her deep blue eyes.

"It's nice," I responded.

"Yeah. Too nice," she said dismissively, sauntering past me. Resisting the urge to ogle the talent was one of a production assistant's essential duties.

Her name on the call sheet was Anna Call, but I knew her by a different moniker. One I wouldn't dare utter aloud since it revealed my roots.

"You can stay here. I think they want you to get a feel for the place," I stammered, glancing at the map. "I'll go explore and find my own cabin. If you need anything, you can call me on the walkie."

She turned and gave me a quizzical look. Despite her age, she appeared surprisingly young. She had an oval face, freckles, and soft skin. Her lush red hair was pulled into a high ponytail. She wore a taut peasant blouse, jeans, knee-high boots, and a tan leather jacket. "Do you have a name?"

"Ash," I replied, stamping my feet to warm up.


"Short for Ashley."

She chuckled. "You mean like a girl's name?"

"Yep," I said, and instantly regretted my tone. "It was a nickname in high school when I played softball."

"Well, it fits," she said with a smile.

We exchanged pleasantries, and I soon set off to find my cabin on the set. The shack I discovered was small and under-equipped. It had one room, a cot, and minimal insulation in the walls. The shared bathroom was a short journey across a common area. The constant snowfall didn't make things any easier. I braced myself for a freezing night in the shabby shelter.

Sleep eluded me that night, so I left for her cabin the next morning to ask for assistance. I was soaked from the waist down, shivering with cold. I merely managed to knock on her front door.

Her face lit up when she saw me. "Ash! Are you okay?" she asked, welcoming me inside. She wore a robe to keep warm. Unlike me, she was snug and comfy. "How did you make it here?"

"I walked through the snow," I said, shivering uncontrollably.

"Here, take this," she offered, handing me a new, dry sweater. Then, she directed me to a room with a fireplace and a couch. "Sit here by the fire and I'll make you some hot chocolate."

As she tended to my needs, I warmed up and began to feel better. "Thanks for your generosity," I said sincerely.

"No problem," she replied casually. "You'll be with us until production arrives."

"Sterling's busy?"

"He's still working on his latest project." I nodded, recalling the aging star who hadn't had a hit in years. Reduced to making budget horror films like this one.

She turned to me. "I'm Anna."

I smiled. "I know. I saw your name on the call sheet."

"Fancy knowing my real name," she teased.

I addressed her with a more lighthearted attitude. "It helps me feel like we're not the only two crazy people here."

She giggled. "I'm so glad you're here."

We spent the day warming up, and she even made me some food. The weather turned gloomy and eerie at night. By morning, everything was covered in 2 feet of snow. My trek to Anna's cabin took 2 hours, but I couldn't find an easier way.

After knocking on her door, a now familiar sight, Anna appeared. "Ash! You made it? How are you feeling now?"

"Much better, thank you." I entered her warm and cozy cabin on unsteady legs, shivering despite the blazing fire.

"Here, put on this robe and dry your clothes by the heater," she instructed.

"You have quite the spread here," I observed warmly.

"We want everyone to feel at home," she smiled. "I even have some coffee ready."

"Uh, could I get some too?" I asked with a small grin.

"Of course. Let's sit by the fire and enjoy each other's company."

We chatted for a while before she mentioned her assistant. "I'm sorry you had to deal with the snow alone. Normally, I would have someone with me."

"No worries. I'll do whatever you need," I assured her.

"It snowed last night. Had to walk here. Checking if you needed anything."

"My dear, come in from the cold. I was just about to start a fire."

Taking off my shoes and socks, I discovered they were soaked through. My pants were also wet, but I thought she wouldn't want me to completely undress. Instead, I sat down in the chair closest to the fireplace while Anna tended to the fire. I admired her ability to quickly get it going, then sat back with a contented sigh. Her accent strengthened as she spoke.

"You need to get rid of all your wet things or you'll catch a cold," she noted. I nodded, so I stood up and removed my jeans, leaving my crocodile underwear on. Picking up a blanket, I wrapped it around myself while Anna put my clothes near the fire for drying.

"Didn't think it was going to snow like that," she commented as she glanced out the window.

"The storm was supposed to bypass us," I said. "Apparently not."

"What did you come over for?"

"To check if you needed anything, but I doubt I'll be able to make it to the market even if you did. Can I cook you something?"

"You can cook?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.


"In that case, sit down." Anna retrieved a robe from the closet and when I had it secured around myself, I was finally warm. My feet, however, were still cold against the hardwood floor. But after my walk, I'd take it. I moved into the kitchen and prepared an omelet and potatoes for us to eat in front of the fire.

Anna followed me and watched as I cooked. "Why are you hiding your body if you're so comfortable with it?" she asked.

"I came here to ask if you wanted anything. But I don't think I can make it to the market even if you did."

"Can you make me something to eat?" I nodded and she excused herself to fetch another robe from the closet. When I had it secure, I felt a true warmth. As I continued to prepare our meal, I couldn't help but think of Natalie's amusement at this situation.

Anna returned and watched as I cooked using the ingredients in the refrigerator. After eating, we relaxed by the fire and chatted. "The producers would kill me if they saw me eat this," she said.


"I have to stay thin for the cameras."

"So what? F**k them."

"It's a good thing," she said with a smile. "They might hire you as my assistant." She looked at me intently. "What exactly do you do?"

"Production Assistant."

She squinted. "A PA? I know the job isn't anywhere popular, but it's how you get your foot in the door. What do you really want to do?"


Her eyes lit up. "No way! You're the one who wrote this?"

"God, no."

She giggled. "Well, nobody's perfect. We have a long day ahead of us, so let's practice your scenes."


"We can also rewrite some dialogue," she said with determination. "I'll be Kate Lockhart, let's see how well we can upgrade this movie."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You want me to help you with your role."

"Yes!" She sprinted off and as she did, I recalled how young she actually was. She was younger than me, but only by a few years. We focused on her character, tweaking her lines and finding a fitting voice to portray her age, who was meant to be a decade older than Anna's actual age.

Taking a break, Anna asked, "I need a drink. Can you get me one?"

"Which one would you like?"

"The water in that backpack."

Returning with the water, she indicated the backpack. "What else is in there?"

"Just a laptop. I was going to try to write if you didn't need me."

"Let me see your screenplay," she asked happily.

"I'm not quite ready for that."

"Please," she teased flirtatiously. "I have a professional actress here." I smiled and allowed her to see it. Examining it, she asked, "So, is this a real movie?"

"It's something I'm working on."

"Let's see you run some lines with me!" she requested enthusiastically.

"Alright, it's still a developing project." I opened the computer and displayed the screenplay that had a lot of work but little progress. This was intended to be the starting point, the script I would present to the first person who asked about it. If I could just finalize it. There was always another draft to edit, another way to enhance it.

Anna sat down in a chair and took a sip from a glass. "Just plain water? Nope. I noticed a bottle of Kentucky bourbon in the cabinet. You're good at cooking, whip us up a cocktail."

Shrugging, I retrieved the bottle and tried to mix us something with what we had. Going back, I handed the drinks to her with a nervous heartbeat. It's awkward to see someone read your written work, and even worse when it's someone like her. I wanted to walk away but I was also shivering, so I simply huddled inside my robe and pointed my toes at the fire in the fireplace.

Outside, the snow was starting to fall, but I was so pleasant, so I didn't move. We had drifted into a hypnotic trance. At last, she looked up. "This is truly superb, Ash."


"I'm serious. This is really good. Do you have an agent?"

"No, rejected a few times."

"Allow me to show this to mine. Perhaps he can recommend someone to submit it to."

"You don't need to."

"I want to. Least I can do for my snow pal."

I laughed. "Thanks."

"It's snowing again."

"No, I'm not going back. This house is large enough for both of us. As long as you behave properly."

"I'm a gentleman."

"Are you hungry? Let me prepare us a dinner."

We sat down in front of the fire. I thought that being away from the fire was what was making me cold, but it wasn't the fire that was keeping me warm.

She flashed a grin to herself, contemplating what she was pondering in her mind, thinking about whether she would say what she was continuously considering. "You recognized me, didn't you?" she inquired.

I felt my cheeks becoming hot, and I paid close attention to the pasta on my plate. "Yes, I did. I almost called you Miss Michelle."

She chuckled. "I thought so. I saw it in your expression when you picked me up."

"Where did the name come from?"

"Deanna Michelle. Silly name, right? I picked it because it was the names of the two girls who tormented me in school."

"Bully you?"

"Yes, the ones with the glasses and red hair. I was a bit of a nerd on top of it."

"Those are all positive features?"

"Not where I went to school. I didn't start looking like this until the summer after high school. That's when I was approached for, well, modeling. I thought the guy might be a pervert, so I had my father accompany me to the first shoot. Can you believe that?"

"Which was the first one?"

"It wasn't in any of the renowned magazines. I didn't begin with them until last year. That's probably what you've seen."

I nodded. "Yes."

"Anna Call is my real name. It's silly. I mean, I realize if I become successful, the pictorials will come out. I'm okay with that. I know I have nothing to be ashamed of. I just wish I didn't have that name, you know? Just tired of being reminded of the girls who made my life miserable."

"Yes, that's difficult."

"What were you thinking when you saw me?"

"I was thinking my girlfriend wouldn't believe it."

She hesitated slightly, but quickly gathered her composure. "You have a girlfriend? Tell me more about her."

"Her name's Natalie. I believe she might be a bigger fan of yours than I am."

She leaned towards me. "Really?"

"Yes. She thinks you're like a classic pinup, a real artist. And being bisexual, she probably justifies how attractive she thinks you are."

"Where's Natalie now?"

"She's still in college. She's a couple years younger than me."

"Is she a writer as well?"

"No, a visual artist."

"Do you have a photo of her?"

"Yes, in the laptop case." (This was when actual photos were still a thing, not just in phones.)

Anna rummaged around and retrieved the picture of Natalie. It was from the end of a long day at the beach, Nat wearing a sweatshirt over her bikini, sitting on a rock to hide behind her hair, and crossed her long, slender legs. "She's pretty."

"I believe so."

"Did you take this photo?"


"It's in her gaze," Anna said as she examined the photo closely. She passed it to me and I nodded in agreement, pointing to her laptop case. She blushed and stuffed it back inside. "I wish someone looked at me like that."

"I bet everyone does," I replied.

"There's a difference," she murmured, a shy smile on her face. Her eyes met mine and I felt a tinge of warmth. She looked like she wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words. I let her be silent for a moment, and when we resurfaced from our lines, she had a newfound energy to her performance.

"Anna, this is truly incredible. The way you bring these words to life! I guarantee you'll get the recognition you deserve."

Color slowly rose into her cheeks. Her skin was radiant, and her freckles made her look so youthful. As we continued our practice, she wasn't always able to maintain this energy, but she was drifting closer and closer to it.

"It's crazy how much snow there is outside," she said, glancing out the window.

"You can stay here if you want," I offered.

"You think you'd be able to make it back to your place?"

"I doubt it."

"Then you can sleep down here by the fire. I'll use the other room."

As the evening approached, the snow covered the windows of the ground floor. "It'll be really cold trying to get back home."

"Why don't you just stay here with me," she suggested, her eyes mesmerizing. They were like a blue pool I could fall into.

"I can't do that," I said, but inside I was struggling to take her up on the offer.

"You'll freeze up there upstairs," she persisted. "There's a whole other room where you could sleep."

I agreed, knowing how foolish it would be to go back to my place in this weather. I returned upstairs and Anna showed me the way to the right bedroom. I brought down pillows and blankets.

"Goodnight," she said, disappearing upstairs.

"Thanks for understanding," I told her.

She flashed a smile. "I've never been snowed in before."

"Neither have I."

She shivered, "I'm going to get in the bed and try to remember what it's like to be warm." The door to her room closed and I nuzzled into my blankets. I turned my back to the dwindling fire, which would soon be a pile of embers and ash by morning. I went to sleep while the truth of my situation was tugging at me.

Later, my senses were awoken by a silhouette in the flickering firelight. Anna's soft voice interrupted my dreamy state. "Ash, it's too cold upstairs. Can I sleep with you?"

I assented, unsure if I could fight the desire to comply. I was still half asleep and unable to argue. I may have agreed to anything.

Anna shuffled under the covers and my arm wrapped around her, spooning her. Her head rested on my left arm and my right arm snuggled her waist. She felt naked to the touch, but I couldn't be sure. She could have a shirt pulled up or be wearing something else.

Her bare skin felt cold, but quickly warmed up. I realized that perhaps she was nude. I'd seen her naked many times. Now I was touching the reality of what I'd imagined. The fit between our bodies was perfect. Her ass pressed into me and there was no other option - my erection positioned directly against her.

If this was platonic, if she was actually wearing something in spite of her tingling skin, my rising arousal would undoubtedly have hurt her. I thought of a solution. I had time before morning to avoid any potentially dangerous scenarios if she was, in fact, nude.

I imagined a nude Anna and couldn't deny my arousal. Her body was a match for me, her ass snug against my groin. But what if she was dressed? I had a plan. I silently willed myself to maintain my erection. Regardless of her actual state, if it was a dream she held too, I could play out the fantasy and later remorsefully give up on it. She was the one who had the first move in our bond - a kiss.

While in my state of half-awareness, I could resist both the temptation and the disappointment. Natalie's voice echoed accusations at me for not acting when I had the chance. But here, it was Anna with her playful invitation.

Sighing deeply, as if just waking up, I attempted to turn over. She couldn't feel my arousal from behind, giving me the opportunity to discreetly hide it. It would just deflate and we could both go back to sleep.

"Where are you going?" She asked, grabbing my wrist and bringing me back next to her, fitting us together like two pieces of a puzzle. Her voice was sharp, indicating she was still wide awake.

"I need some space," I replied, trying to maintain a sleepy tone.

"I'm cold. I hoped you'd warm me up."

In the small amount of light in the room, all I could see was the back of her head, with her long red hair hanging down. She moved my hand back to her belly this time, more deliberately. I could sense there was no fabric between our bodies. I moved my fingers apart and felt nothing but her smooth skin. She sighed again, her ass brushing against my erection. I had no choice but to reveal what was happening. I braced myself for a shocked outburst.

She only sighed a third time. Her two round buttocks were warm against my crotch. My cock was rock hard and trapped between us. She had to feel it. Her hand wrapped around mine and then let it go. I tried to focus on the facts, the heat coming from her body, the softness of her skin, the sweet aroma coming from her hair. My chest pressed against her back, while my throbbing member was stuck between my body and hers. I had to avoid giving in to the strong urge to start moving against her.

But eventually, I couldn't resist any longer. I moved my hand up her side, along her wide waist, hoping to find the waistband of her underwear. But I didn't feel anything, only smooth skin. Her hand came up from below mine and wrapped around my robot hand. Her nails dug into my palm. I debated who to trust: my brain or my body.

This had to be a dream, right?

Despite my uncertainty, I kept going. I moved my hand across her waist until I reached her hip. Still nothing. I searched for anything else to help me confirm my assumption. Her hand pulled mine up further, straight to the rise of her hips. She had already bent over, exposing herself to me. And without any underwear.

I could feel her heartbeat. My cock pulsed between her ass cheeks. My heart pounded.

She reached back and pulled my boxers off. They were the only obstacle between me and her now. Somehow, I managed to pull off my shirt. I was completely naked now, rubbing up against her. My chest pressed into her soft back, my hard cock slid along her ass crack. Her right hand strained to pull my pants off. I couldn't resist the urge to touch her. My hands reached up to her amazing breasts, their perfect round shape. I felt her left arm wrapped around my neck, pulling my face close to hers.

"You're warmer now," she whispered.

I brushed the hair off her shoulder and leaned up to get a better look at her face. A small smile lighted up her face. She was still staring at the fire. I leaned down and pressed my lips into the soft skin behind her ear. She tensed. Her right hand came up to squeeze me through the gap between our bodies. I felt heat radiating from her sex. She moved her hips in a circle, grinding my hardness into her ass. She then commented, "It only works if both people are naked."


Without any hesitation, she reached back and pulled down my pants, freeing my length. I took them and kicked them off. I removed my robe as well. My chest pressed against her back and my sex against her ass. I leaned down and kissed her neck, pulling her hair over her shoulder to expose more of her neck. I inhaled the sweet fragrance of her strawberry-scented shampoo and the insistent smell of her arousal.

She turned her head towards me, her eyes glazed. My mouth found her lips, as our tongues dueled.

It was at this moment that I realized I was definitely not dreaming.

I couldn't contain my excitement, moving in sync with her as we rocked together on her bed. Her body urged me further, urging me to go deeper and harder. The pressure inside me was growing unbearable, a delightful pain like a fire that was about to burst. I knew then that I had to stop, not for any other reason than I craved more. The idea of surrendering to her back and spilling myself there was tempting, but I sought something more.

Change of pace, I withdrew from her welcoming embrace, interrupting our kiss. Her eyes, a stunning combination of blue and gray like the ocean surrounding Disneyland, were filled with confusion. I hovered above her, a roaring flame ready to consume her. My hands strained to hold back my impulse as I reached down, guiding her palms towards my hardness, already wet with my arousal.

"You're amazing," she breathed, fondling my member. "Just look at you!"

I gently covered her mouth with another kiss, "You have me fully tonight."

She wrestled to get closer, but my intentions were elsewhere. Kisses moved from her face, down her neck, to the base of my throat. I captured the covers with one hand and tossed them aside, creating a small cabin of red-hot desire. The exposed shadows were teasing, my imagination was racing with the thought of crossing that boundary.

My mouth wandered to her breasts, worshiping their perfection. A sense of awe overwhelmed me as I examined her magnificent form. I kissed over and around her chest, pausing to marvel at her chest. There was so much I wanted to do but I wouldn't let the moment get the better of me. Drawn by her divine presence, my mouth headed south.

I skillfully avoided her sex, teasing her in every which way. I kissed her inner thighs, absorbing the scent of her arousal, absorbing it. Her cries were growing more desperate as my tongue explored the hidden spots, building her ecstasy, making her beg for release. In that moment of passion, I wanted nothing more than to draw her ecstasy fully out. Parting her lips, I licked her body with slow, purposeful strokes. She squirmed, unable to contain her passion. Her hips pushed up, trying to urge me on, to fulfill her need. But my tongue continued to play tease, keeping her on the edge of bliss.

Grasping her sex only made her push me even further. I became single minded, my head poised over her realm of pleasure. I hesitated, her legs spread wide as the scent of her passion filled the air, the walls of her pleasure tempting me. When she growled with impatience, I couldn't resist. I kissed up and down her body, dipping my head between her legs. Her smell filled my senses, intoxicating, burning me with a primal heat.

A mouse in a maze, I kissed up and down her serene face, twisting and teasing on the verge of demanding satisfaction. Each time she pushed me, I pulled back. I led her with each breath, her groans getting louder and louder as she approached her climax. Finally, I leaned in to kiss a tiny mole just above her sex, passionately kissing it. Her body squeezed my head between her legs, her pleasure exploding out of her, her voice lost in the heat. In the cozy cocoon we created, I was learning every curve, how to please her better. As her body continued to quiver, I felt engulfed in the heat of her rapture, unable to escape.

Taking my final lesson, I found her clitoris, pressing it softly between my lips and fingers. She was strong, fighting to let go, her hips writhing beneath me. She was loud, her cries filling the smoky space. I relished every sound she made, the pressure of her fingers in my hair. She shuddered, making the bed shake. My time with her was limited. This moment was the only one she'd allow me inside her. Determined to leave no questions unanswered, I felt the power of her core within me. I feasted on her, consuming her muscles until my hunger was quenched and I was satiated. I rubbed the tiny mole with my tongue before leaving, perplexed by the strange desire to learn more of her. Yet in the depths of her bliss, I found myself unable to resist.

Her chest was moving wildly now, her hips rocking against mine, her hands pressing me between her legs. I knew then that it was time. My actions, my fury, reached its height as I focused on her clittoris. She let out a single broken sob, her entire body turning rigid. She was like a burned log, and then she broke, and relaxed.

I felt her pulling on my shoulders, and I crawled up her, landing next to her on my side. Her hair was stuck to her forehead and her eyes were glazed over. Her breath was in deep, shuddering pants. "Oh fuck," she mumbled, pulling me to her. I felt her tongue on my lips, running to every inch of my mouth. We parted, and she said the most delightful thing with a blissful sigh. "I enjoy the taste of pussy."


"The best part of pleasuring myself is sucking my fingers after."

"I'd love to see that."

"I bet." She concentrated on breathing, but then focused on me, and I saw a fire burning in her eyes. Maybe it was drawn from the fire, or maybe it was my imagination, but I saw it, clear as the snow outside. "Come on, now, I'm still experiencing tingles."

"I don't have a condom," I told her, reality intervening.

"I don't care." She kissed me again, then rolled onto her side. "I want you inside me."

I moved up behind her. She opened her legs, and her hands led me to her. I felt my head resting at the wet gateway to her. I leaned in, my lips tickling her ears.

"Tell me."

"I want you inside me."

"Provoke me."

"Please, darling. I need you inside me."

"Beg me."

"I crave that large prick in my pussy now. Please."

I slid into her easily, as if we were meant for each other. She felt like smooth velvet. The fire burned within her too. I reached around her, my hand going to where our bodies met, her lips engulfing my manhood. I had to experience it, as though I wouldn't be aware of it otherwise. She sighed with every inch that went into her.

"Like that?" My warm breath brushed over her ear.

"Yes. Oh god, yes. Now fuck me."

She persisted in murmuring, in begging for more sensation. I guided her onto her stomach and lifted her hips up. Now she was accessible to me. I clutched her, riding hard, every one of my strokes hitting the back wall of her. She grunted with them, her hands gripping the couch cushion, her head down. She rocked back against me, matching my pace, her hips pushing her sex up and down my length. Now it was my fire reaching its climax, and I knew it would devour me soon.

I considered everything except the act I was engaging in. Anything to put off the eruption within. What began as an ember was now an inferno, and it ached to break free. I tried to subdue the flames with every stray thought, but all I could think of was the woman whose body I was now fucking, who until 24 hours ago had lived only in my mind.

"I'm near," I panted, the flames reaching longing fingers from inside me.

And then, she was gone. I blinked in amazement. She had abruptly pushed forward and was in the process of flipping around onto her back. I stared in astonishment as she sat up, guiding my cock into her ravenous mouth. Her eyes met mine and she breathed a sentence to me with her eyes.

"Fuck me."

I drove into her, and her eyes watered slightly but she never looked away, leaning forward to engulf me with her mouth. Her tongue caressed me once, leaving a trace of fire. Then, a subtle nod, and I heard her voice in my head.

"Fuck me."

I drove in again, and her eyes watered more, yet she never looked away, her mouth closing over my shaft. Her tongue swirled over me, her throat accepting me. Then I withdrew, leaving a wet shaft glistening with her saliva. I wish I could have continued, but with this fantasy, I was already on the brink. I thrust several times more, each time her eager mouth receiving everything I gave.

The fire raged fiercely, consuming my thoughts, and it escaped. She swallowed me completely, her lips closing over the base of my shaft. My cock spasmed once, the ecstasy bright behind my eyelids, the fire searing me. She moved her head back, and at the second spasm my head was over her tongue. Then my head was at her lips, and she grasped me firmly, milking the last drops of my fire. She kept me there, never breaking eye contact, sucking my head gently.

Then she released me and I collapsed, turning onto my back. She nestled in, her body melding to mine, her head resting on my chest, her sex still slick against my thigh. Her tongue ran across her lips.

"Saving up, were we?"

I had to laugh. "Sorry about that."

"I don't mind." Her hand grazed across my chest.

"Warm enough now?"

She chuckled. "For now."

The comfort of the cocoon, drenched in our passion, lured us to sleep.

I awoke believing the previous night had been a divine dream, but the weight of her head on my chest didn't dissipate with the looming chill in the room. There she was, face unblemished by sleep, red hair tangled, back rising and falling with steady breathing. I gazed at her, transfixed by her beauty. Movement, as it was when she first crawled into the blankets with me, would break the spell. Our night together would be irrevocably over. I'm unsure how long I remained there, soaking in the sight, scent, and feel of her, but it felt like an eternity and still not enough.

I shifted once, tugging a corner of the blanket over my chilly shoulder where the teeth of the cold bit at me. She stirred, cutely yawning and stretching. She looked up at me and a smile breezed across her lips.

"Hey there," she murmured.

I looked to the windows, concealed by snow. "Apparently, no one's coming to save us today."

"Don't want to be saved?"

"Not specifically."

Her smile expanded. "Neither do I."

She inhaled deeply, then exited the covers. The fire was at the point of embers. She stretched, her naked body shining under the faint light, then went to the window. My gaze rested on the crevices in her lower back, embellished by shadows. She hugged herself and shivered. "Terribly cold."

"Then come back here."

"Naughty boy. I'm going to check if we have any hot water left. Might as well enjoy what we've got."

I watched her retreat upstairs and heard the shrill whistle of the shower. I stepped back and tugged the blanket more snugly around my shoulders to preserve our final hours together. Then her cry echoed down, "Ash! Are you coming or not?"

"Guess I oughta," I mumbled, resisting a grin. I scurried upstairs, shivering with the cold, and in the bathroom, the steam billowed beautifully. I pulled the curtains apart, revealing Anna again, her hair dampened, her body dewy. For a moment, I could only gaze in wonderment at the way the water outlined her lush body.

She grinned expectantly. "Well, what are you waiting for? Join me while the getting's good."

The water was almost too hot, but the way it enveloped me, I was under the covers once again, and the moisture was a stew of her, flavored by her scent, taste, and moans. She embraced me and pressed her lips to mine, her tongue no longer inquisitive but assertive. We held each other, and after a while, she parted her lips, her hand awkwardly encircling my length.

"Can you blame me?"

"It's flattering."

The water muddied where our bodies came together, erasing the distinction between her and me. I leaned toward her, kissing her, my mouth hungering for another sample. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine, her tongue probing my mouth. I parted from her, the flames revitalizing me, and this time, I had control of the situation. It would engulf what it engulfed. I merely watched, consumed by her. I peered into her eyes, capturing the flames dancing there as well. Hers eyes expanded, and I observed the fire within them too.

I turned her around. She leaned forward, palms against the wet tiles, back arched. I traced a hand over the smooth spheres of her buttocks, slapping her gently. My hands moved up her side, skimming over her ribs, cupping her ample breasts. She moaned, pushing back against me, hunting for connection. I punished her again, and she moaned again, her movements cramped. I could not force myself upon her yet. She was much too enchanting.

I stepped behind her. She leaned forward, hands against the wet tile, back arching. I traced a hand over the tidy spheres of her buttocks, smacking her softly. My hands moved up her side, grazing her ribs, fondling her full breasts. She moaned, thrusting against me, searching for contact. I gave her another whack, and she moaned again, her actions mollified. I couldn't make love to her yet. She was too exquisite.

I dropped to my knees behind her, my face only inches from her sex. The staggering beauty I saw there rendered me speechless. The dribbles of water, trickling down her womanly parts, gliding down her alluring legs, down to her petite ankles. I gazed at her there, a worshipper before the idol of a divine goddess beyond any I'd ever seen before. I'd bring my reverence to her by offering her pleasure. My tongue hopped onto her, consuming her, savoring her. I found no other way to worship her remarkable beauty. She given me my voice back. It had vanished within her and my worship could only be articulated via her moans.

Obsessed, I felt myself retreating, my hand replacing my mouth, teasing her apart. My tongue ran up behind, now out of my control. I felt the soft, rubbery circle of her rosebud and paused. This was something I had never considered before, but now couldn't resist. It was the most natural thing in the world, a way to truly pay homage to her. I ran my tongue around her and she let out grunts that turned to cries. She found new pitches when I forced my tongue through her gates, fucking her at the rhythm of her heartbeat.

"Finish me, finish me," she was murmuring, leaning against the tile wall, her ass still sticking out provocatively. I obeyed.

Now I stood, spreading her open, and this time, when she searched for me, she found me ready. She brought me inside her warmth, and I matched her rhythm. We fucked at the beat of our hearts, me deep inside of her. But this wasn't enough. I could see it in her rosebud winking at me with every thrust, begging for more attention. I ran a thumb around its surface, and then, with a pop, forced myself inside.

"Oh fuck me, fuck me," she swore, and she was bucking uncontrollably on me. Her sweet body convulsed with tremors, I continued my inexorable thrusts, the fire building inside me.

Then she was still, her back heaving with pleasure. She disengaged and turned, holding onto me. "Did you cum?"

I shook my head. "Not yet."

"Where do you want to?"

"Where?" I couldn't believe what she was asking me.

She gave me a coy smile, biting her lip. "Anywhere you want."

The words slipped from my mouth before I could stop them. "I want to cum inside you."

She nodded eagerly. "It's okay. I'm on the pill. I want you to."

I touched her hair. The water had given it a bright crimson hue. "You're amazing."

She kissed me, then she turned off the water. "We'll want to save that."

We dried off, both of us anxious and excited for our next encounter. Soon I was back inside her, riding her with vigor in front of a newly-built fire. I could see our reflection in the doors of the fireplace, her face focused on mine, now orange from the flames. She didn't seem worried about herself; she was giving me a gift. As I rubbed her hair, I noticed a triumphant grin, wicked and sweet, and that turned the flame into an inferno. She knew in that moment that I belonged to her. That she had given me everything. The surge of pleasure hit me like a lightning bolt, splitting me open and setting fire to every corner of bliss.

I collapsed on her back, completely drained. She pulled me under the covers and cuddled me close, running her hand through my hair while I listened to her heartbeat, resting on her soft breasts.

This was our world. We ran lines, I cooked meals. And we fucked. The idea that it was for warmth became a joke between the two of us. We stopped getting dressed beyond our robes. There was no need.

Every day I woke up with a sense of dread that the roads would clear soon. When that happened, this holiday would be over and we would be thrown back into reality. The fire would retreat, leaving behind a barren place with the charred branches of a scorched forest. A place where a lowly production assistant didn't fuck the leading lady, even on a crappy show like this one. As long as the snow was high, that meant another day of shattering pleasure with this lovely creature.

Inevitably, about a week after the snow first covered us all the way up to the lowest windows, the white began to dip below. I awoke to find her already up, staring at the line of snow running through the middle of the windowpane. She must have heard me stirring, because she turned. Her eyes were sad. "I think they're coming for us."

"Yeah," I said. I didn't know what else to say to her.

"When this is over, you go back to Natalie." She hadn't mentioned Natalie since that first day, but the way she said the name, I could tell she'd been thinking about her.

"I never left her."

"So what was this?"

"I don't know. I wasn't tagging it with a label. I just needed to be with someone."

"I don't need anyone."

"You could have anyone you wanted. The director. The producer."

"Do you think that's what I am?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I just never--"

"I auditioned for this crappy movie! I won that part fair and square!"

I listened to my own words and hated myself for them. I had just started to think about our little hideaway, the shelter that had once been nothing more than blankets in front of the fireplace but had grown and now was the snowbound cabin. This place had become my world, and I deeply didn't want it to end. I wanted to remain in the space between us, where Anna and I was more than lust and too young to be love. But the thought of living in a world where she existed and not being able to touch her was more frigid than the winter outside. A place where no fire ever burned.

"Anna..." I hesitated.

"Get lost. You think I'm a slut so you used me like one."


She stormed up the stairs and slammed the door. She didn't come out of her room even when we were dug out six hours later.

The rest of the cast and crew arrived that night, and Anna and I were separated by the melting snow. I stepped out of the cabin for the first time in a week. The scenery was gloomy and bland, cold, but not cold enough. I strolled over to the catering trailer, which was still being set up, and had my first cup of coffee. The bitterness shattered the fantasy of the previous week. I was back in the real world.

I was able to call Natalie that evening.

"I was so worried about you!"

"I'm fine. But you'll never believe who I was snowed in with."


I told her.

"What. No way."


"Good god, I'm so jealous."

"Don't be. It's over. As soon as the roads were cleared, I became a ghost."

Natalie sighed. "I'm going to set aside how pissed I am at you for scoring Deanna Michelle but then messing it up before you could share her, and I'm going to say that you often become melancholic, and when you do, you see things as hopeless when there's usually a solution."

"Thanks, Nat."

"Make things right, Ash. I can't miss out on her because you messed up."

I had to smile. "I'll see you in a week when this project finishes."

Anna's final scene came at the end of the shoot, the scene that would make or break the movie. I remained in the kitchen doorway, out of the shot, watching Anna face Kurt Sterling. Directly next to the couch where we had been sleeping, making love, and falling in love.

Regardless of whether it would result in a quiet embarrassment on a short IMDB page or a springboard to bigger and better things would depend on Anna. She began delivering the Scooby-Doo speech, where she disclosed her character's evil plan, the kind of thing that only occurs in vividly remembered fiction.

The words laid there like dead fish.

"Cut!" the director yelled. "Anna...I need something from you. Anything."

"Could I have just a moment?"

He observed her, then nodded. I despised him in that instant because I saw the same thing in his heart as in mine. He was in love with her, like me, like everyone, and nothing could be denied her. "Sure, of course. Take five everyone!"

Anna sat on the couch and touched the cushion. I watched the memories play out on her face. Then she turned her head, and her eyes met mine. She knew where I was, in precise location. I gave her a small nod, and I saw the fear in the tempestuous ocean blue of her eyes. I nodded back, and in that gesture, I saw that she was recalling the countless hours we had worked on those words.

"Ray?" she questioned the director. "I'm prepared for another shot."

The director granted permission. "You got it. Everyone, back to one! Kurt, give Anna her opening line."

Kurt Sterling read his part, which was more like talk-to-text. Then Anna commenced her speech. She was navigating a tightrope. It had to be precise, at the edge of camp while never falling into it. She needed to keep the emotions honest, but not veer too much into unreality. Deliver the monologue to the script.

She was hypnotizing. Every minute we'd put into that dialog came to life on screen. Anna would be remembered as the highlight of a disappointing movie, a woman who deserved better.

I was euphoric. And devastated. Because she was beyond my grasp now. I was still a simple PA. I desired to write, but that was just a wish. She would be a star.

They reran the scene several times, adding more layers for depth. Her performance sparked Kurt's enthusiasm, and when it came to filming his part, he had double the energy. This movie might not be fantastic or even good, but it wouldn't disappear entirely. I reassured myself that if I stumbled upon it, maybe on television or hidden away in a streaming service, I could revisit the lovely week when I stayed warm amidst the cold.

At the end of the day, Ray announced, "That's a scene wrap for Anna," receiving applause from the crew. Anna gracefully exited, leaving me behind. I couldn't dwell on what I'd lost and what I'd sacrificed. I made my exit through a back door and took a seat on the porch, watching my exhaled breath create a mist. The snow had melted, leaving only a few white flakes clinging to rocks and tree roots.


Anna emerged onto the porch, taking a seat next to me. She smelled sweet, reminding me of strawberries.

"You were fantastic," I praised.

"Compliments always help."

"Accolades can't detract from your talent."

"I appreciate your support then."

"I'll accept that. I'm eager for your next performance."

"I can't say I'm not fond of snow."

I laughed. "Me too."

She leaned over and kissed my cheek, her hand fleetingly touching my leg. "Until we meet again, handsome."

"You never know."

Anna disappeared, her black jeans still tight around her curves from when we met. I'd touched, kissed, and experienced every inch of her under those jeans, yet it felt as though I was meeting her for the first time once more. She faded from view, and my loneliness intensified.

The door creaked open. "Ash? PA? Ray wants you."

"On my way," I replied, rising from my seat and heading back inside.

"PA!" Ray yelled at me. "Stop wandering off. We have three more shots before we conclude shooting for today." He ordered the remaining tasks for me to perform and I fumbled with my pocket to locate a piece of paper.

Instead, I felt something that didn't belong there previously.

It was the movie's title page. Under the author's name, a heart was drawn, and a phone number was written. Ray had to shout the instructions several times before I could comprehend what he was saying due to the ferocious beating of my heart.

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