Erotic Couplings

A Date Night Journey Continues in Chapter 2

A cheerful girlfriend satisfies her fantasy during Christmas Eve. [

Jun 1, 2024
42 min read
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Date Nights Ch. 02
Date Nights Ch. 02

A Date Night Journey Continues in Chapter 2

"Where are you headed?"

Stacy's oldest sibling, Elijah, shrugged his shoulders then replied, "Japan, with my girlfriend."

"It would've been better to visit during springtime or a warmer country," Stacy remarked, confused by the decision.

"I didn't even consider that," Elijah stated, "She just wanted to see the Terracotta Warriors or something."

The twin brothers entered the room and immediately commented, "That's in China, dummy. Why did you buy tickets to Japan to see the Mausoleum? Our family can't have a brother that dumb!" Stacy pondered what could make twins think simultaneously.

Liam and Archie had graduated as co-valedictorians the previous summer and were thriving in college. Popular girls had it easy, but she couldn't deny the appeal of her brothers with their tall stature, wealth, and charm.

"It was a joke, guys," Elijah retorted.

"In bad taste," Stacy added.

"Missy Social Justice Warrior," Elijah rolled his eyes and mocked her, "What's wrong with threesomes? We like her, she likes us. We could easily pull off a trio romance if we wanted to."

Elijah high-fived Liam, who appeared a little disappointed by the brothers' lack of maturity.

"You two are gross," Stacy complained.

"What's wrong with three-ways?" Archie questioned, "We've been eyeing her since last summer. Turns out, she's hot and kinky!"

Elijah applauded, "Nice!"

Liam received the other excited high-five but showed disappointment at the childish behavior.

"The two of you are disgusting," Stacy voiced.

"What are threesomes, if not a natural thing with similar individuals?" Archie mused.

"She'd have to choose one of us," Stacy countered, "What if she fell for one of us more than the other?"

"Only if you two don't care about one another," Elijah stated.

"Since when did we become so settled?" Stacy shot back.

"We're not settled with just one girl," Liam added.

"For your information, she occasionally works out," Stacy mentioned.

Stacy had initially scoffed at their idea, but now couldn't help but wonder. What would a polyamorous relationship between her and Warren look like? They had been dating Austin - a trustworthy man - while hiding her relationship with Warren. However, could Austin be satisfied with just her? Warren had implied multiple times that she got off on the anxiety of hiding. If it wasn't cheating, would she be as excited?

"Threesomes can't work," Archie stated.

"If you genuinely cared for each other," Stacy suggested, "Sticks aren't the problem."

"No," Liam agreed, "Your boyfriend would have to stay ignorant about your extracurricular activities."

"I wouldn't mind," Stacy admitted, "And I don't have to hide it from Austin if he were involved."

A chill ran through her as she envisioned it. The idea had long been a fantasy, but wasn't she cheating in that scenario? "What if Warren caught me?" Stacy then considered this. "Would I be as excited?" She asked herself.

"A thicker stick is still a stick," Archie summed up.

"It's your wedding night," Stacy told herself, "But what if Warren fell in love with her? What would that mean for us?"

"Keep an open mind," Elijah suggested.

"If Warren didn't mind," Stacy considered, "I wouldn't want to hide much."

"A three-way sounds perfect," Archie expressed.

Stacy shrugged, still lost in thought. Would she be disappointed if Warren fell in love with her lover? Uncertain, she couldn't deny this newfound attraction's potential.

Stacy had argued against the idea earlier, but as she sat there, a quiet realization washed over her. "It's just difficult to imagine," she said aloud.

"That's it," Liam declared, Karen joining him excitedly.

"Why?" Stacy inquired, slightly annoyed by their eagerness.

"Look at it this way, Stace--"

"If Warren cared about me," Liam interjected, "Then I could be okay with him having sex with someone else."

"Why are you two so eager?" Stacy asked.

"You've been in an open relationship, Stace. You probably know more about sharing than we do," Archie shared.

"Huh," she considered, "I'd have to kill two birds with one stone." Stacy's thoughts were consumed, wondering if Warren would love her lover more. "I could satisfy both of our fantasies. She could also enjoy pleasing Austin while they aren't officially dating."

Stacy was struck by the idea. "I would hate feeling like the third wheel," Stacy stated.

"Austin probably wouldn't mind if he fell in love with her," Liam suggested.

"If Austin's more comfortable with the idea than you are, why can't you be willing to explore it?" Karen asked.

Stacy knew she had to work on her fear of Warren falling for another woman. "I don't know," she admitted.

"It's just finding the right person," Elijah insisted, "Someone that can satisfy us both and still love you."

Stacy's thoughts raced. Warren had expressed countless times how Austin made him feel like he had to hide who he was. This dream could solve that problem.

"I wouldn't want him to fall for her," Stacy's fear asserted itself. "What if his love for her eclipses his feelings for me?"

Well, in any case, she couldn't deny the perks it would bring. Numerous aspects would change. But that meant she had to actually date Warren – an awful notion she wouldn't recommend. Plus, he'd never dated before.

If she learned anything about Warren over the years, it was that a romantic relationship with him would be similar to their existing relationship. Basically, endless sex every day.

However, upon further consideration, not much would change after all.

"Okay, okay. Our intention is, we'll only meet each other after the holidays," Liam clarified, interrupting her musings.

Newly understanding the implication, Stacy whispered, "...Which means I'll be spending the holidays alone for the first time in my life."

As a child, Stacy and her entire family would dress up randomly without coordinating. They'd giggle and chat about the possibility of having the same random costume again throughout the day, playing the DVD Miracle on 4th Street and proclaiming it a miracle. This custom of wearing a random outfit and watching a holiday movie together was born from that chance meeting. They'd never miss a year. Stacy currently had a costume under her bed – a hat, a comfy robe, and a red and white skirt.

The three brothers grew silent as they saw her lackluster response, something that was totally abnormal for their youngest sibling.

"We could call it off," the twins suggested.

"Yep. I can reschedule the trip to Japan too."

Stacy flashed a grin. She knew her brothers had concern for her, and they were genuinely pondering canceling their plans so she wouldn't be alone.

"No, I'm good. I'll likely just lounge around and watch movies."

"Are you sure? 'Cause I can cancel it right now," Elijah asked. His fingers already typed on his phone, probably dealing with his plane tickets. Stacy swiftly took his phone and tossed it at the twins.


"I'm not letting you grab that!"

"We'll call you," Liam said.

"Yep, we'll call you," Archie chimed in.

Stacy thought of Austin's schedule and reckoned that spending Christmas with him was an option. She had hoped for Valentine's Day, but that wasn't far off either.

Just then, Archie turned to Liam and said, "Alright, we should get Warren something when we come back – as a token of gratitude."

The mention of the guy instantly shattered the thought jumbled in Stacy's head.


"Yeah, his parents are in Australia for the holiday, so he was just going to stay in the dorms. When he heard about her, he promised to leave."

"I understand," murmured Stacy, her casual tone somewhat surprising herself. She always tried to conceal her interest in Warren in front of her brothers, but sometimes she couldn't help but miss him; he can be quite an asshole. They hadn't seen each other for almost a month, and he seemed busy these days.

"What's up with him, by the way?" Stacy inquired, her casual tone surprising even her. She was always careful not to show too much interest in Warren in front of her brothers, but she sometimes found herself missing the guy. While she had a legitimate reason to see him (his roommates were her brothers), they hadn't spent time together in a while. He appeared busy lately.

"The same old Warren," Liam responded. "We told you the story about the screaming girl, right? Oh, they could all hear her screaming."

Stacy shifted uncomfortably in her jacket thanks to the sudden recollection. Though they'd shared this story in high spirits a few months ago, she still wasn't ready to be reminded of it.

Every time she visited, she and Warren had a rollicking go in his dorm room, blasting rock music from his speakers to drown out her piercing screams. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough and her brothers heard their lovemaking.

Yet, she still visited, relishing in their passionate encounters. Especially since Archie, the playful friend he was, had secretly recorded her carnal activities.

"He seems attractive, but I can't envision us getting intimate. I'd require some good headphones first," Archie said all of a sudden, causing Stacy to blush in embarrassment.

Little did she know, Archie was describing her very own sibling.

"Oh, but he has a significant other now, and I don't believe it's the same woman," she quickly evaluated.

This revelation brought a halt to her embarrassment, and with it an emotion she couldn't decipher. Her brother had gotten a girlfriend - that notorious bachelor?

What would that entail?

Elijah seemed to share her thoughts. "An actual girlfriend? You're joking."

Liam nodded in agreement. "Yeah, for the past month, we've been hearing about the same woman. We've known him for so long, and I'm positive this is a first for him."

He looked to Archie for confirmation, who shook his head. "Not in the time we've known him."

A silence pervaded the room as they contemplated the notion. All four of them were familiar with Warren's dating habits, knowing him to be single. To witness him acquire a girlfriend... they wondered if hell had frozen over.

Departing from her brothers' bewilderment and amazement, an inexplicable feeling of.... betrayal echoed through Stacy's chest. She didn't understand why; they hadn't been in a romantic relationship, and his new girlfriend was just a sexual companion, as the woman herself had made clear. She'd had a boyfriend for a while now, but Warren had only ever indulged in casual flings. Now, he had something to lose.

But why did this bitter taste remain on her tongue, even with this logical reasoning? Was this "girlfriend" the reason she hadn't seen him in about a month?

"Maybe he can stay here over Christmas," Stacy mused, her eyes gleaming with the thought before furrowing her brow. Why would she care? He'd likely prefer to spend the holidays with his new girlfriend.

"Nah, I think I'll invite Austin instead. Warren can visit whenever, though."

"We'll let him know," Liam replied before moving onto other topics. Stacy's thoughts, however, remained locked on Warren.

It wasn't until her brothers had left and she'd taken a shower that she allowed herself to consider the implications. Warren had gotten a girlfriend. Undoubtedly, her brothers wouldn't have referred to this woman as such had it not been the case. Perhaps he was seeking something from her. Stacy thought of sex, but who would reject Warren on that count? She'd met several of his sexual partners; none of them would have resisted the opportunity to be with the man-slut, especially since he'd never kept a roster.

Except her - and apparently this girlfriend.

Without any answers to the plethora of questions she had, Stacy knew her thoughts would lead nowhere. And so she abandoned the line of reasoning and crawled into bed, restless and confused, knowing it would take loud rock music to drown out the noise in her head.

After miserably counting sheep, her phone's ringing granted her respite. It was a text from 'Pickle Prick' - a nickname she'd given him after he mocked her for crying during a Rick and Morty cartoon.

"They made it home safe," she read the update, which could only be about her brothers. After deliberating whether or not to respond, Stacy groaned and sat up in bed.

"Thanks," she typed out. "We heard you got a girlfriend. Your face during the revelation was priceless."

"I can only imagine. Although, I have to say it's kinda weird calling someone my girlfriend. Never called someone that before."

Stacy's grip on the phone tightened as she read further. "You go on dates together, do all the things couples do, so why not?"

"That's nice," she lied insincerely. Or, in this case, on her phone's keypad. God, this was a disaster.

As miserable as she missed him, for the first time, Stacy was grateful he wasn't there. Warren would immediately see the green gaze in her eyes. If she didn't blind him first, that is.

Stacy couldn't even fathom why she felt this way, but she knew she wanted to kill him. And her.

Mostly him.

"I understand," he said, not giving any indication he'd continue the conversation. She was hopeful he'd choose to talk to her instead of his new girlfriend, especially since they hadn't spoken in a while.

But she waited patiently with no response, each second feeling like an eternity. As the fear set in, she recognized the emotion - jealousy, bitterness, and insecurity, feelings she hadn't experienced in a long time. She didn't push him further, "Goodnight, then."


She didn't know why she thought chatting with him would make her feel better, but she was wrong. Feeling worse, she named her emotion.

For an entire week, Stacy's mood remained sour, even drawing Austin's attention. Finally, she decided to pretend she didn't care. Warren got a girlfriend - who cared? She certainly didn't.

Unaware of Stacy's denial, Austin, despite his thick-headedness, made plans for their first Christmas together with his new girlfriend. He worked long hours, bought a practical necklace for her, and carefully arranged sweet surprises. He wanted this holiday to be filled with unforgettable moments for any successes they might achieve in the future. Deep down, he couldn't help reminiscing about dating Stacy Johnson and how he wanted to remind her.

When snow started falling, Christmas Eve was around the corner.

"Merry Christmas!" Austin greeted Stacy, freezing despite the layers she wore, as he walked in with several bags.

"Wow, you're early!" she exclaimed, surprised at the number of items he was carrying. Stacy helped him set down the bags and pieced together his plans.

After they were settled on the couch, Austin took out a gift box and handed it to her.

"I can't wait until midnight to give you this."

Stacy beamed, noticing the box. "Well, you didn't have to do this. It's been a last-minute plan."

"I wanted to, though," her boyfriend replied sheepishly as he watched her open the box. He worked hard at the gas station for a week, hoping to see this exact expression.

Stacy was delighted by the silver necklace, thanked him, and hugged him. Before he put it on, she said, "I love you."

He said it back, holding her close. The next few hours this loving couple spent together felt so natural. As they cuddled on the couch, Austin couldn't even recall his fear.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Stacy asked.

"A Christmas movie. Have you seen the new adaptation of A Christmas Carol?"

She shook her head, "No, but I think I'd like to watch that."

The movie played, lights off, and Stacy was happy with her decision. She felt comfortable with him - like she always had. While her friends compared love to fire, Stacy loved the tranquility and security it provided - an emotion she had often shared with Austin, the antithesis of Warren. Instead of pushing her to the edge, Austin was her sanctuary. On this special day with her boyfriend, tucked under the comforter and feeling his warmth, she couldn't imagine being anywhere else. If Warren was a drug, perhaps Austin was her rehabilitation.

And for the first time, she thought that letting go of Warren might be the best decision she made.

She smiled softly, then thought maybe it was.

She spotted him, and she realized that she could, in fact, envision things.

Her mind spiraled out of control - much like an addict - upon seeing him. He was standing in the doorway, as tall as ever; she couldn't make out his face, but that athletic body had become more familiar to her than anything else. And the emotions she had unwittingly suppressed started to surface once more.

Her phone in her pocket vibrated at the perfect moment, and her determination, just like her legs, shattered in a feeble attempt. She stood up and told her boyfriend in the calmest voice he could manage, "Hey, honey. Someone's in the front door, I think. Friend of my brothers. I'll greet him for a bit."

Distracted by the movie, Austin nodded without looking away from the screen. "Yes, okay."

If only he had looked up, he might have noticed how bizarre his girlfriend's behavior was and how swiftly she ran out of the house.

"What are you doing here?" Stacy snapped at the man, pulling him into the garage while glowering at him angrily. He merely shrugged off her tight grasp, unperturbed by the rough handling.

"I just came to check on you. What, I can't?" His carefree yet charming voice snuffed out the flames in her eyes instantly. It wasn't fair. She knew he was telling the truth, and she loathed that fact.

Stacy released him and crossed her arms in front of her. She wasn't sure whether it was a result of the cold or insecurity, but she didn't know. "I don't need you to, okay? I'm not some defenseless girl who needs protection when by myself."

He raised his hand, and that infuriating smile that was so frequently present in his voice lingered on his face. "I didn't say you were, Stace. I just came to visit. It's been a while, you know?"

"Really? So I always have to reach out, never the other way around, is that what you're saying?"

He lifted his eyebrows. "Really? So I'm always the one to reach out, never you?"

Familiarity left Stacy speechless. She could not counter his statements. It was true; contacting him was never an action she considered. In her defense, no self-respecting woman would. Initiating contact made her seem desperate.

There was another type of truth, though. Stacy never took the lead with Warren. In fact, she never took the lead in their relationship. She pondered this as she gripped his arm. To be honest, sex with him always felt like something he did to her, not with her - a reality she didn't mind in the bedroom.

While she saw herself as the dominant in most of her relationships, the truth was, there was little she felt she controlled when her interactions involved Warren. Warren appeared to be in control of their relationship in every facet, a circumstance she did not fully comprehend until that day.

She never took the lead with him.

"...Why would I do that? You've always reached out, anyway," she defended herself, her brows furrowed in anger and bewilderment.

Warren sighed. "I didn't come here to debate. I simply wanted to check on you for Christmas. I didn't want you to be alone. From the lights, it looks like you aren't."

He came to check on her?

She struggled to keep her heart from fluttering helplessly, desiring to make him envious. "I'm not. I'm with Austin. He's indoors right now."

"Sounds fun." Warren paused for a moment before continuing, "Any destinations?"

"No, we're going to stay on the couch, perhaps watch a couple of movies."

"Movies, yes."

The woman began to feel remorse for her pettiness. The quiet Christmas night in Westwood Hills was rather mundane, with nothing more than the occasional fireworks from neighboring cities breaking the thick silence. The silence highlighted the awkward pauses in their discussion.

Therefore, she tensed up in anticipation of his response. He might have been sincere, but she sensed he expected more from her. While she craved the same thing, Stacy intended to make him work for it. She couldn't say she cared about him if she actually cared, but her resistance was rooted in more than that.

Was this revenge? No, not really. To retaliate against him would suggest she cared. She didn't.

So, she allowed him to suffer a bit. Until he somehow convinced her with his soothing words - the way he always did. In truth, she had no doubts she would eventually cave, but Stacy would make him work for it this time.

Stacy didn't even attempt to hide her excitement when Warren mentioned they might get busy. If anything, she was the one who felt this way.

However, when he gave no reaction, she had to muster all her courage and resist the urge to ask if it was okay for her to have sex with her boyfriend. The thought of requiring Warren's permission made her hotter than she cared to admit.

When he told her to wait and presented her with sleep pills, she was taken aback. Once again, his thoughtful gestures baffled Stacy. She couldn't help but wonder if he was sick of her. Otherwise, why would he give up so easily when she was ready to reject his advances?

When he grabbed her wrists, she stopped in her tracks. "What?" she asked, her eyes shifting expectantly.

"I brought these sleeping pills because you've been struggling with sleep," he said, offering her the bottle.

Stacy couldn't comprehend his actions. Even with the new cap, he seemed to have gone out of his way to buy it. Nevertheless, he made it seem like it was just lying around the house and he decided to give it to her.

Suddenly, she felt a mixture of frustration and tears welling up. She shut her eyes, hoping for the slightest show of concern. But when she opened them again, Warren's demeanor didn't change.

"Why do you always have to be so nice to me?" she cried. "Why are you so considerate when I thought you didn't care?"

"Come off it, Stace," he responded, sounding annoyed. "Do you really think I forgot about the rooftop incident?"

Stacy's mind raced. He was actually referring to their sleep-filled encounter on the rooftop where she joked about ignoring feelings. Did he remember that, too? Her frustration built into tears.

Gazing back up at him, she revealed she was jealous of his new girlfriend. To her surprise, a hint of emotion crossed his face for the first time. But it was soon overshadowed by annoyance as he deflected her accusations.

"You asshole! Why do you always show up when it matters?" she screamed, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

Warren looked away, his face twitching with discomfort. "Fuck, Stace, what's that got to do with anything? It's not your business."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Warren seemed genuinely taken aback by her jealousy.

"Yes, it is! I just want answers!" Stacy exclaimed, feeling like she'd been stuck in a loop.

"What do you want me to say? I can't read your mind!" he cried, rubbing the back of his head.

Warren's blunt response stunned Stacy. Could it be that simple? Was she overthinking things?

She couldn't help but notice the redness in his cheeks. "Are you blushing?" she asked incredulously.

"I am not," Warren insisted. But his blush deepened. Her words of jealousy must've caused him some distress.

Stacy was stupefied. It seemed the dynamic between them had shifted. She wanted answers and clarity, not this mysterious, emotional Warren. But a small part of her reveled in it, too.

"Warren, are you the bad guy?" she asked with newfound openness.

He seemed bemused. "What makes you say that?"

Stacy tilted her head. "You're just always there, being considerate, and ending up with a girl," she said, her voice trembling.

Warren was silent for a few moments before finally admitting, "That's not how it started."

She breathed in, trying to process his words. Warren had been a mystery all this time, and it seemed he was ready to finally show her his true colors. With a dreadful fear and an exhilarating anticipation, she wondered what he'd reveal.

"Man, I'm insanely jealous, you know? I don't want you to date anyone. I realize it's messed up, but I just thought we... we belonged to each other. In a twisted way."

"Stop. Just stop talking."

The man took a deep breath. "You're in a potentially risky area right now, so I recommend you come inside." He leaned towards her ear and whispered, "If I sense any real indication that you want me to, I'll have sex with you on this sidewalk for your boyfriend to see."

Stacy shivered, feeling the intense desire of this man burning through her skin, despite the cold.

"That's not gonna happen."

He chuckled lightly, "Wow, suddenly back to feisty. Feeling rejuvenated now, aren't you? I doubt those pills will be necessary. Except maybe...."

She curiously allowed him to continue as his fingers touched the container in her palm.

"One of these.... Is enough to make you fall asleep. Five and you might not even wake up, even if someone f*cks your screaming girlfriend right in front of you."

His eyes darkened with the final sentence, and Stacy drew her hands back, offended by the thought. "I'm joking, obviously."

Facing the revelation of another purpose for the pill, Stacy pondered the idea of discarding it - to avoid the temptation. Eventually, though, she decided to keep it.

Leaving it would make it appear as if she were considering the ridiculous idea.

"Be aware, I'll only ever use this on myself," she declared, upset that Warren might see her as someone who'd drug her sweetheart.

"I was just joking around, Stace. You and Alvin have a nice time."

Without further notice, he left Stacy to dwell in her own questionable thoughts. The mention of Alvin sparked some distant memories. However, she maintained her composure. It was Christmas, and although the tension between them had somewhat eased, Warren had acquired a partner. She needed to spend time with hers.

Gathering what little strength she had, Stacy left his broad back and headed inside, where she saw Austin in the same spot she left him, oblivious to the entire incident.

"Who was that?" he asked. Before she could turn to show him, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him fervently.

"Shut up and kiss me."

Without a moment's delay, she breathed heavily, dry-humping her boyfriend frantically. The world started swirling faster and faster. She could barely breathe from passion - as mediocre as Austin's kissing skills were. Like a picture, she recalled the encounter with Warren earlier that night while she seized her boyfriend with all her might. Her whole body was blazing hot, like she'd contracted a sudden fever. His hands remained respectfully on her waist while she urged him on with her hands.

"I need you to f*uck me. Hard," she moaned, urging him to forget about her ex.

"Fuck," Austingasped in surprise, making her waist stop moving. A moment later, she felt his cock twitch underneath her, creating a small wet mark on his pants. He'd come, she realized. It was an intense climax as exhibited by his eyes.

"I'm sorry...." he said sheepishly as he recovered. Stacy smiled reassuringly.

"I felt good too." She stroked his hair, enjoying its floral scent. It was from his shampoo since Austin never had a distinct smell.

"Really?" Austin pondered, panting heavily. She completely forgot about his weakness from their passionate interlude.

Stacy nodded, pulling herself off his lap. "Really. It felt very good." She sounded thoughtful. Austin might have noticed the blankness in her eyes if he weren't so enamored with his satisfied state.

"I did notice how wet you were," he noted with a grin. "So, what's next? Should we finish watching the movie?" he concluded, grabbing the remote from the floor.


The couple watched for a moment when Austin asked innocently, "I'm feeling a bit drained after such an intense workout. Do you have juice or something around?"

Noting her vacant expression, he realized her preoccupation and remembered the pill in her palm.


"Apologies. But we do possess fresh oranges, I think. I could fix one... if you prefer," Stacy offered. And Austin felt like the happiest person on earth.

"Thanks, darling. I'll wait for you," he responded, a bit content with catching such an exceptional catch. The appreciative boyfriend attempted to kiss her, but Stacy stood up before he could lean in. Austin shrugged and was fine with that; Stacy probably didn't notice him. Focusing on predicting how the movie would pan out, the bothersome drone of the blender soon ceased, and Stacy stepped into the living room with a goblet in hand.

"You're a marvel. Thanks," he remarked before drinking the refreshment.

Stacy, still overwhelmed by thoughts, gave him a remorseful grin - unnoticed by the boyfriend.

"So, am I going to play the movie, correct?"

She waited until it had an impact. It was apparent. His gaze started to wander around the moving visuals the next few moments. Her heart was pounding from the anticipation that she could barely hear the movie.

After a few additional minutes, Austin's eyelids closed without hesitation and he was snoring - steadily; under no conditions could her boyfriend witness this phase of the night. After ensuring by putting a blindfold over his eyes, Stacy promptly ascended the steps to pick out an outfit, inspired to appear alluring. Covering her lips in lipstick, drawing lines on her eyelids with eyeliner, and neatening up her hair in the manner he preferred, she put on her outfit before donning her costume. Oh, he's in for a fantastic Christmas Eve, Stacy pondered, gazing at herself in the mirror a few moments later, dressed up and ready for, well, the wildest Christmas Eve she's ever had. The senior didn't want to seem boastful, but she couldn't imagine anyone saying no to her with how attractive she seemed right now; not even the strictest celibate.

She added the last touches and descended the stairs - quietly and cautiously at first, at least until she noticed her boyfriend still in the same position on the couch. He appeared fulfilled sleeping, unaware of his seemingly loyal girlfriend's crafty schemes.

Stacy wasn't a monster; there was regret. But whatever small portion existed in her heart was negligible in comparison to the insatiable desire to be rammed by Christmas.

This might have been the most malicious act she had ever committed in her life, yet she could care less. Clicking on the man's number on her phone, Stacy knew she was in for an even more wild night. She would be a lot more wicked by the time her devil was through with her.

"Hey, you said if I demonstrated any signs, you'd... screw me in front of him. Is that still a possibility?" she inquired, and immediately, she heard him chuckle - his satisfied smirk conveying through the static.

"That's my fucking girl," Warren complimented over the phone before hanging up. Barely a minute later, Stacy heard a knock on the door. She didn't even worry about how he arrived so swiftly, for Stacy immediately pounced on him, seizing his collar, and dragged him inside, pressing him against the extending door. His mouth opened to express an opinion, most likely about her outfit, but aware of how he'd make fun of her poor boyfriend when recounting the tale, she interrupted him and seized his mouth with a lustful kiss instead.

"Mmmm, fuck..." she moaned, shoving her tongue inside his mouth with a grin. The cheating girlfriend felt unrestrained bliss at the sensation of his tongue hungrily reciprocating hers as she steered his hands on her swampy pussy. He had always been a fantastic kisser.

Warren groaned, "A skimpy Santa miniskirt without underwear? God, your boyfriend enjoyed himself. A pity he fell asleep early."

She bit down on her lower lip at the compliment. Stacy had questioned displaying him the photo. She had sent him a few naughty pictures before, however, only virtually. The additional thrill of an actual photo existing made her extremely shy.

Feeling the lack of clothing against her skin, Stacy could never have considered how she'd utilize it. One could only hope, her family hadn't noticed.

"Read me," she urged, pointing at the Christmas card hooked on her shoulder. He showed amusement yet complied regardless, reading aloud, "Merry Christmas, Daddy. This is more or less a last-minute endeavor, but here's your very own slutty Santa to use. She's up for anything you are. So make sure to make use of her to your heart's content. From... Stacy."

It wasn't just a card. Below was a provocative and goofy photo of Stacy with her eyes hidden and her tongue stuck out, lying down with her legs spread open while her pussy glistened right behind the middle hole of her fingers as they shaped a heart.

"Fuck," he cursed, losing a couple of breaths on the sexually arousing image.

That depends. Does this Santa deliver exactly as promised?

There haven't been any complaints yet.

He gave her a smirk as he looked her up and down. "That's a big promise for anyone, especially if it involves using Santa's name. What if he acts inappropriately like saying certain naughty words in front of her boyfriend?"

Stacy simply pulled his fingers towards her mouth and sucked on them, echoing the word "anything."

"Are you sure about that?" he asked. "Like, what if Santa made some naughty comments or actions around her boyfriend?"

Stacy stood up and threw her arms around his thick arms. "Want to see her boyfriend?" she said with a hint of disbelief in her voice. Warren nodded.

They walked together to the living room with Stacy in his embrace. "He's completely passed out. How many sleeping pills did you give him?"

"Drop the act," she said with a wink. "You knew it would end up like this."

Warren smirked. "Never underestimated you."

Stacy slipped down from his arms and knelt on the floor. "I really did it," she said, rubbing her hands up and down his arms. "Let's see if he has any wet surprises for you."

"I'll give you something too," Warren said. "I've always wanted you to try this. You said you're up for anything, right?"

He showed her a mysterious bottle. "This is Amyl Nitrite. When you inhale it, it'll make your head spin while I'm fucking your mouth. Do you trust me?"

Instead of answering, Stacy grabbed the bottle, inhaled it just like Warren did, and then said, "Anything."

Warren pulled her up, their lips never leaving each other's for a moment. They made their way to the living room in a daze, Warren holding Stacy up as if she weighed nothing. Droplets of her juices dripped on the floor.

"Do you know how many pills you gave him?" Warren asked, amazed at her skills.

"I'm not telling," she replied, her voice still struggling to be heard. "Amyl nitrite made me forget."

"I'm sure," Warren chuckled. "But I want to remind you of how good I am at cocksucking. I bet I rank among the best in the state."

"Glad you're so confident," Stacy said, running her hand up his thigh.

"Santa's got lots of wet surprises for you."

"I've got one for him too."

Warren brought out a suspicious bottle and opened it. "This is Amyl Nitrite. Just take a whiff of it; it won't do much harm, but it's gonna be a wild ride for your ass."

Stacy nodded. She breathed in some nitrite, just like Warren did. "Anything," she repeated, a naughty smile on her face.

Warren kissed her deeply before helping her breathe the substance out slowly. It was hard to speak with feeling so high. "Should we exchange gifts?"

Stacy stood up and removed his pants. Wrapped around his dick was a red ribbon. "A Christmas present," she said, unfolding it. "I've always wanted you to try this. You said you're open to anything, right?"

He handed her the bottle. "Try it if you want, but make sure you don't exhale near my face."

She inhaled, feeling the effects instantly. "Wow... what was that?"

"Amyl Nitrite. It'll make your head spin while I'm fucking your ass."

"I trust you," Stacy said. She slipped her panties off to reveal her wet pussy and walked up to his pantsless body. Then she took the ribbon and tied it loosely around his shaft.

Warren grabbed the bottle for himself and drank from it. "This feels so intense!"

Stacy went in for more, inhaling deeply. Her pupils dilated. "I want more!" she cried out.

Warren said, "Anything," as he placed the bottle in her hands.

She inhaled a few more times, her body going wild. "I want to suck your cock!" she exclaimed.

He helped her to her knees. "Yeah, baby, suck me good."

She licked the top of his shaft before swallowing him to the base. Her mouth worked wonders, and her confidence soared knowing her boyfriend would be watching. "He must be so fucking jealous!" she said.

Warren realized Stacy was claiming his cock as her own. "You look hot," he said, eyeing her guiltily. "Told you I'd be fucking Santa."

"Am I better than her? Which one of us has tighter throats?" Stacy asked as her lips passionately made their way back up to his length, engulfing him. He thought to himself, what a beautiful transition, as the woman left not a single spot uncovered. He could feel the tip of his penis against the back of her throat as she removed her hands from his cock and placed them behind his thighs. She gave him a wicked wink when she managed to swallow more than half of his shaft, but he knew she could do even better. So did she.

"Come on, handsome. Use your dick," she taunted, pulling a cheek apart with her finger like a fishhook. Warren rewarded her with a satisfied grin, pushing her head back, making her suck and jerk harder. She didn't need to be encouraged, though. Stacy vigorously bobbed her head on his cock like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh, fuck..." he moaned out loud.

What the hell happened in the last month that he didn't see her? Was it skill, adrenaline, or just plain jealousy?

Whatever it was, he needed it more often. She seemed to have become even better at giving him a blowjob!

"I bet she doesn't suck your cock like this... or fuck it the way I do. C'mon, tell me, does she love this big, beautiful thing?

As if to emphasize her superiority over the cock pressed against her throat, Stacy deftly slipped her tongue under the shaft, moving it past her lips, lapping it up like it was the most delicious treat she'd ever had. Under Warren's gaze, the massive member seemed to vanish into her mouth like magic.

The man growled, his eyes briefly rolling to the back of his head, "N-no -- damn it. You're so much better than her, Stace! Oh, baby. Waaay better! Fuck, yeah! She doesn't love my cock the way you do. God, your throat is the fucking best..."

With a contented pop, she released him for some air and pumped his slick cock with both hands, blowing air bubbles with her pouting lips.

"Is she hotter than me? Does she gaze at you adoringly as she milks this big dick for thick cum?"

"Fuck, no! Oh, fuck me. Shit. You're so much hotter! Oh, so much better! I would cum on your face over hers any day, Stace!"

A statement as demeaning as that should have made her unhappy, but Stacy was so caught up in lust and pride that she just sucked harder, desperately trying to prove his words. What she wanted more than anything was to be smeared with his sperm like a masterpiece. On her lips, cheeks, nose, mouth - everywhere.

His manly scent - imprinted all over her face like an artist's signature.

"You don't need music when you make sounds like that," the man cooly praised her, just before shoving his cock even further into her skull. She let him take control of her mouth, instead focusing on the pleasure it was giving her. It was an honor for a Christmas gift to be used so completely - by a man who was so superior. Using her mouth like this was the greatest display of respect.

Perhaps it was the whippets talking.

Warren hummed along the noises her cock-filled mouth made, unaware that it sounded like the most beautiful love song he'd ever heard. His gaze drifted over to a canister of whipped cream on the kitchen table. The idea hit him like a bolt of lightning.

The man patted her cheeks three times - a signal between them that she could let up and take a break if she wanted. The important thing was "could" because as soon as he saw her shake her head and deny the need for air, her lips refused to back off.

"Fuck, that tickles! Come on, sweetie, you're gonna pass out. Your lungs need air, you know?"

But Stacy didn't listen. In fact, her lips refused to let go of his cock.

Warren chuckled softly to himself as he gave her flushed cheeks a firm smack, breaking her out of her trance. With his cock no longer being swallowed by her throat, he quickly pulled it out of her mouth. He didn't understand how it was physically possible, but Stacy had swallowed the entire length of his shaft to the base as if it were nothing. The hottest girl he'd been with couldn't boast such an accomplishment. And he'd been with a lot.

His thumb wiped the saliva from the sides of her lips and traced them with his wet thumb. No one could beat Stacy at eye contact.

"My talented cocksucker missed me a lot, huh?" he asked, giving her a moment to rest.

Stacy sighed, her face expressing disappointment. Warren suppressed the urge to continue kissing those luscious lips and instead walked towards the kitchen. To Stacy's relief, he returned faster than a minute, holding the canister that Austin had purchased for their banana split. Excitement sparkled in her eyes as she watched her partner's cock being slathered with tasty white cream. There was something arousing about combining food, a necessary aspect of human life, with the mundane nature of sexual pleasure.

"Go ahead, honey," Warren teased, and without thinking, Stacy did not wait for a second opinion; she lapped up the cream coating his large member, determined not to waste any of it. She had no idea she would end up eating this anticipated dessert in such a way. With a greater, more delectable banana, no less.

Once he received a second serving of cream in her hands, which she had used to rub his balls while she gave him head, Warren clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "You're a horrible girlfriend, you know that? You haven't offered your partner any."

Stacy's hair stood on end at the highly satisfying thought. Unbeknownst to her, a fragment of her partner was momentarily returning to consciousness.

Austin let out a groan, disoriented and unable to open his heavy eyelids. What was happening...? Oh.

He had been dreaming of being enveloped in these fluffy white clouds. Oh, some of it got on his mouth. He smiled. It tasted like the mixture of his favorite fruit, dessert, and his sweet girlfriend.

Warren watched the naughty woman flick her tongue inside her partner's mouth, her hands rubbing her clit furiously to cum.

Had Stacy given her partner his five pills as he had requested? Wicked.

He praised his intelligence to have overdone it with the sleeping pills. If he had been more conservative with the dosage, the unfortunate man would be met with the sight of his adoring girlfriend slurping cream off another man's cock.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you prefer kissing your boyfriend's mouth more than my cock," he said somewhat enviously.

Stacy turned back to him, her eyes curving like crescents. "There isn't anything I love more than kissing this lovely boy right here," she crooned as she reached out to stroke his shaft, spitting the saliva she had collected from her boyfriend's mouth onto the base and licking it clean with renewed fervor.

Warren traced his thumb along the edges of her moist lips. "This mouth makes moving on so much harder, doesn't it? Come on, give him a couple more," he said.

She smiled flirtatiously, and then hungrily sipped a mouthful of cream from every inch of his testicles before bestowing another dessert-like kiss on her partner. Naturally, Warren didn't remain idle. While Stacy focused on her partner's mouth, he filmed a brief video as a reminder and stroked his cock. Surprisingly, as soon as she realized the camera was rolling, Stacy made it a filthier show with each passing second for his personal viewing.

Heavens, Warren craved to penetrate this thrilled slut. He knew she was getting antsy. With her back towards him, wearing a skirt so short that the public would be shocked, Warren slapped her ass loudly and inserted a finger inside her smooth hole. Her feminine pleas confirmed that Stacy was already loving it. Her starved pussy was soaked and in need of a good fucking, Warren concluded.

"Have you had enough?" he inquired, inserting a second finger as well as his thumb into her provocative anus. Had she been playing with her butt?

Stacy giggled flirtatiously, giving him that same playful smile she always used when her spoiled little sister wanted something. "Aren't you dying to fuck me?" she asked, turning away from her partner towards him.

He laughed, "No chance! I'm not sharing my girl. Boyfriend will have his chance once I've ravaged you."

She jumped onto him, and he caught her slender body with ease. "Deal!" they both agreed.

Typically, they would have taken it to the bedroom by now. Instead, they sat down next to Austin on the sofa, granting Stacy a view of her immobile boyfriend on the left. She bit her lips, momentarily hesitant to begin here, but thought better of it and lifted her short skirt for easier access.

It wasn't until Warren kissed her that she turned her attention towards her lover. "It is sweet," he commented.

"Do you want me to put it on you?" she inquired, clearly hungry for his large member.

He nodded, grabbing her waist for additional support. "Let me beg you for it first. You asked to take the lead this time, right?"

Stacy gave a gruff sound as she guided his shaft toward her opening. While she seductively shook her derriere, she commented, "You know the twins started calling Austin 'Skinny' last week?" Her amusement slowly transitioned into focus as she prepared to take his girthy head into her tight core.

Warren chuckled heartily at the irony of the nickname chosen for her significant other, "Skinny? That's the name the twins picked for your boyfriend? Haha, that's priceless! Oh, there you go, right into it, huh?" He smugly sprawled his arms across the couch, reveling in her ministrations.

With a casualness completely opposite Stacy's intensity, Warren tenderly caressed her neck, savoring her intoxicating perfume. Shocked by his affection, Stacy convulsed with pleasure and unexpectedly lost her strength. Her entire body swiftly sat upon his powerful pelvis with a loud smack, sending reverberations around the room.

"Oh my god!"

Her head turned back in a blissful gasp, poised above his body as her graceful spine arched to align with his g-spot.

"I'm so glad to see you again!" she slurred, attempting to return his affection. In this ecstatic state, she would do anything for continued interaction with her treasured lover. Even give up her sanity.

"So, you didn't mention your nickname is fitting in more ways than one, did you?" he teased.

"Never," she snapped, the quickening of her legs being her only sign of acknowledging his remarks. As his manhood pressed against her back wall, Stacy's breath caught.

Warren hummed appreciatively, while Stacy moaned uncontrollably, practically bouncing off his boundless energy, making her plump surface undulate against his cheek. "You are so mean! Oh my god, you know it's not what they meant! They're my brothers!"

The mere thought of their brothers' disapproval only served to push Stacy faster, her voluptuous flesh quivering with each thrust. Stacy, quickly tiring of her self-induced guilt, stopped protesting.

Yet Warren's patience remained intact. Conscious of her struggle to climax, he drew her closer by the waist, making her complaining efforts simpler, and soon, she reentered his world of pleasure.

"Woo-ah, I missed your cock so much, Warren!"

The adoration in her voice touched Warren's heart.

"Do you think 'Skinny' fitting was funny?" he inquired playfully as his palms pinched her buxom flesh. In response, Stacy rode harder on his pelvis, pressing his face against her chest and kissing and nibbling up the column of his neck. Her fingers gripped his thighs to bolster her increased sexual exuberance.

As she visibly expended her energy, Warren found her exhaustion endearing. "You were tight as hell. Did performing in front of Alvin get you hot?"

Stacy was never able to answer honestly when she was on an intense sexual high. "I... I really love... performing in front of you... with you... it... makes me... feel... so close to... both of you."

Warren rolled his eyes at her senseless speech, caused by her passion. "Your libido is insatiable. Your pussy is clearly aching for something."

"Bite my big cock that sits inside you and calls me 'slave'."

"Anything you say, Master."

With his arm encircling Stacy's waist, he thrust into her, causing her to emit a high-pitched screech of ecstasy. Sensing her hunger for mutual lovemaking, he squeezed her neck gently, swooping in for a lustful kiss.

"There, that's what I prefer to hear from my woman."

While Stacy remained fixated on his body, her hips grounding against his pelvis, Warren's eyes fell upon the cheap accessory worn around her neck. "Exquisite.." without missing a beat, he held her neck with both his palms. "You're in your goddess element, saddling my cock in front of your brother. It's so tempting to take that personal device from you, you little slut."

Increasingly taken by lust, he gripped her tightly, the veins in his forearms popping from the strain as he taunted her the more. "My pussy, you lustful captive!"

"Nononononononono! Not now!" she exclaimed, her voice wavering from ecstasy. "I want to fuck you... sooo bad... Master..."

As she glazed over with tears, Stacy contemplated the extent of her boyfriend's enormous cock invading her. Comparatively, Austin was... slim. It was like pitting a pencil against a fizzy soda can.

Her adoring boyfriend slept peacefully, unaware of what was really happening - how she had drugged him only to receive a different man's hard-on. Here she was, spending their first Christmas together, supposedly devoted to him. The truth was, he was a sleeping pill away from experiencing her with someone else - an upgraded lover.

Stacy's mind was ablaze with need, and she bounced in sync with the powerful thrusts, securing total control over the tempo. Warren's movements were leaving her defenceless, arousing every last inch of her. She could feel her body responding, every strand of hair quivering in unison, yearning for more.

Moaning, the woman exclaimed, "I'm your toy, baby -- your awesomely endowed toy! I'm the slut for your throbbing tool, Babe -- fuck me harder, harder next to Alvin!"

"You've been with Alvin?" Warren questioned, nonchalantly.

In her lust-induced stupor, Stacy merely grinned, oblivious to the chaos she was causing, violently rocking on his massive cock without any semblance of care.

"Oh, no. I meant your thin one," he corrected. "Stick-thin."

Without hesitation, Stacy giggled and continued rocking against him. "Stick-thin is nothingFuck baby! Fuck my spot! Ridiculously good! Fuck me harder again! Oh -- next to -- somebody else -- "

Struggling to breathe, Warren grinned. "Are we still talking about Alvin here?"

"No, your endowment warrants no comparison." She moaned. "Fuck, right there! Urgh -- no more, his little dick cannot satisfy me -- my pussy is for you, baby, I swear!"

In a hushed tone, Warren retorted, "Call it what it is. Clit."

The world seemed to spin faster as Stacy climaxed. "Urgh-urgh-urgh... His little clit cannot satisfy me, Baby... Uh, Hmm... It! Feels so good -- Fuck, Yes! I'm cumming so hard on your fat dick -- ♡♡♡ --- Ooh!"

Stacy's head flew backward as her body shook in orgasm, heightened by the anticipation of being discovered... caught in the act. Meanwhile, Warren's fingers dug into her tender flesh, shifting her into a coital prelude. Yet, Stacy felt incomplete, as though something was amiss. She didn't notice that she hadn't yet satisfied him.

"But aren't you cumming, Babe?"

"I'm still not," he replied. "Work that holiday pussy then, Stacey."

"But what are we even doing?" she asked, bewildered.

"You'll understand when you feel my cock in your Christmas pussy, Baby."

With a smirk, Stacy caught on and welcomed the coition.

It took a minute to return from the tunnel of pleasure, but the climatic vibe didn't pass. Eager for yet another experience, she asked, "Can I go slow?"

"No," he teased. "Give it everything," he suggested, lifting her off the ground and positioning her in front of the snoozing Austin. Stacy's screams echoed through the room.


"Stacey, Stacey, I can't stop you now. Your noises are going to wake him up. I bet he'll find out." With this, Stacy came face-to-face with the repercussions of her illicit actions during this supposedly sweet Christmas holiday.

"No way ♡ This feels..." she tried to hold back a groan. "So. Much... Uh, Not so deep... Not yet, please... I don't want to cum too fast. Oh, fuck..."

Neglecting her pleas, Warren carried her before Austin, who was oblivious to the commotion. "He's going to find out, Stace," he murmured. "He's going to wake up to my woman's delight as she climaxes for another man."

"No..." she replied breathlessly. "I can't let that happen...," but it was too late. She was about to crest, hurtling herself towards another climax.

Warren's voice was a whisper near her ears, "You're abandoning me this way, aren't you?"

The guy pushed his penis harder then, his huge biceps fully supporting her body by the thighs, exposing their one-piece figures to the unknowing boyfriend.

"Show your boyfriend how you ejaculate with a big grin, Stacey! He deserves to see his cheating girl's orgasming face at least once, don't you think?"

A little water gathered around Stacy's gorgeous light green eyes - not from sadness or guilt, but from the intense enjoyment of the twisted situation.

"Hold up, honey! It feels strange♥ My pussy - something's almost out.Slow down please -- "

He swung the sexually-satiated woman on his cock fast and deep, wrapping his legs around her limbs, widening them more while shifting his palms' to the sides of her nape and neck, as if he wanted her boyfriend to observe where they were interconnected.

If this is heaven, then she believed with clarity just before the storm erupted inside her.

"FUUU -- "

Stacy's eyes rolled back into her brain from the brutal choke-hold.

" - - OK, Ok - - UUUUUCK! YES, YES, YEEEEESSSS! Your big cock is hitting my womb, daddy -- Yeah, yes, yes! I love you, baby! I love your cock so much! Please keep fucking me! Please! Dump your girlfriend for me, baby? Yes, yes! I promise I'm better than her! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! Shit, I'm jizzing -- I'm jizzing in front of my boyfriend!! Wow, wow, wow! Oh, my god! Oh, I'm spurting right in front of my boyfriend!"

And as promised, Stacy's back snapped backward in an arc, like a pretzel, as her vagina spewed out jolts of erotic fluid, coating her innocent sleeping boyfriend's face. The misty, fading vision of him only intensified her detonating climax.

All that while, Stacy felt Warren's hands grasp tighter around the sides of her neck and head, essentially prohibiting a shower of air from reaching her lungs, leaving her with a palpitating shell of a woman.

Gasping and heaving with his massive penis still drilling her, Warren raved out her mind with unequaled glee, not even considering that she was still climaxing, producing more cumming sounds in reaction.

"I CAN'T STOP CUMMING ♥♥♥ AWESOME! Ah, baby, I'm being...being- I'm being - ...argggh...FUCKED...IN FRONT OF YOU-- Oh, my god!! Yes, right there! I'm beingFUCKED SO GOOD, Tiny! My vagina is beingSCREWED INSIDE AND OUT in front of my boyfriend! ♥♥♥ FUCK, YES! It feels AMAZING! FUUUUCK -- SO GOOD, SO GOOOOOD! Your cock feels AMAZING! I'm having trouble breathingMMMMM--!BIG COCK is FUCKING AWESOME....I can't breatheMMMM -- Oh!"

Stacy's teeth ground in response to the sensation of Warren's penis penetrating her cervix, now appearing more like an animal than a human female.

"I'm so sorry for cumming on your FACE, baby! I'm sorry for being such filthy slut --!I know it's wrong, baby, but I'll be his sex toy forever, baby! I'm his pussy for the rest of my life, Tiny! I can't help it, Tiny -- I CAN'T STOP!I CAN'T STOP HIM ♥♥♥-- You understand, right? It's the BEST FEELING IN THE UNIVERSE! It's so much more intense than anything we've had! Oh, my god! If only you knew, baby! I love you, Tiny!I love you so much!Hence ...cumming ...keep watching ...argh...FUCK, PLEASEWATCH!WATCH MEFUCK YOUR girlfriendSEX THE WAYyou'll never can ♥♥♥WATCH HIS BIG DICKMAKE ME CUM ALL OVER YOUR FACEIT'S BETTER THAN ANYTHING WITH US ♡♡♡pant-pant --I see that face...Wake up and watch Tiny fuck me THE WAYyou'll never get to --*

True to her promise, Stacy did ejaculate on her boyfriend's face again. And even though her lover never relented, she was very happy for it.

Warren grinned, his gaze becoming unfocused as he leant in to murmur in Stacey's ear, "You're totally unique, Stacey. You're grubbier than all the women I've been with combined, you know that?"

Stacey seemed to take it as a compliment, her lips curving upward as she let out a little squeal, "I can be even grungier for you, Warren!"

"How grungy?"

"Really, really grungy."

The woman slid away from his support, her intention clear as she eagerly attempted to demonstrate just how debased she could be. To Warren's astonishment, her knees made contact with the floor with a gentle thump as she lowered her steaming body onto her limp boyfriend's lap, and raised her backside. "I have something stuck up my grubby butt. Can you remove it for me, honey?" she coquettishly whined, widening her buttocks invitingly.

Warren gawped in astonishment as he took his penis out of her vagina. It was undoubtedly the most filthy he'd ever encountered. The image of the recently penetrated pink vagina beneath her greased up buttocks, gaping as he drove his fingers in and retrieved a Christmas ball scripted with his initials was close to causing an instant climax.

"I feel so empty now... I wonder if there's anything else that could fill my grubby butt?"

"I can't get enough of you," he said, kissing her.

Stacey continued popping the stimulant, emerging from her eighth orgasm. Warren had ejaculated three times in total by this point, the first and last one being anal.

They indulged in their sexual escapades in various positions till Christmas dawned; participating in a night of lewdness on what is ordinarily considered a very magical holiday.

Oddly, she did have a dream that nighttime -- Warren never showed up at the house and holidays for Stacey unfolded quite endearingly with her boyfriend. They watched a number of films together, nestled up, and subsequently slumbered. Her boyfriend seemed blissfully unaware of the extraordinary interlude with her lover in her reverie.

The Stacey in her dream was exceptionally happy and satisfied throughout, swimming in a sense of domestic contentment.

The senior opened her eyes on her upstairs bed, gripped by a brutal headache, cocooned in the safe embrace of the man she'd slept with. At first, she panicked, fearing she had overslept and her boyfriend had been awakened by the gruesome sight of her in another man's arms. Fortunately, she discovered his remains soundly asleep on the couch in the living room, oblivious to the day they'd spent together dreaming. The entire episode had felt so genuine.

The contrast between the sweet dream and the imprudent night of carnal excess was unnerving, to put it lightly. Nonetheless, it did resonate with her the prior night's movie - A Christmas Carol. The story related how a man named Scrooge was visited by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future to reveal the faults in his life. At the movie's end, Scrooge had an epiphany. He realised that the key to leading a fulfilled life is prioritising emotional bonds with people over material acquisitions like money and pleasure. Could the Spirit of Christmas have been showing her an alternate ending, trying to guide her towards a valuable lesson; to understand that life can only be satisfying if it's spent in the company of a treasured loved one?

It was a charming notion, yet something that didn't quite seem correct to Stacey. Instead, what she felt when she returned to reality was a sense of relief. Relief that this was in fact her existence. That she opted for a night of idiosyncratic indulgence with the man she craved, whose penis still nestled inside her, over a lacklustre night with her boyfriend.

Stacey shook her mate awake, "Hey, we've got to get moving."

She attempted to climb up, but Warren clasped her by the chest and thwarted her, "Mm, morning. Wanna try for another time?"

"You're insane."

He emitted a laugh and freed his hold on her, standing up -- but not before aiming a soft bit of affection on her neck. "I'll wash up and go," he winked sexually.

The first thing she did was go through the series of "vacation" pictures on her phone, immediately hiding them in another folder. She couldn't deny Warren's skill with a camera - he was great as long as it was used for naughty things. Some of the images were downright filthy, while others were so artistically done that Austin would never get to see them. Should she send her boyfriend a Christmas card of herself being dominated by a massive cock in a lovemaking position, or a GIF card of her blowjobbing said pole right over his sleeping face? No - but it was strangely enjoyable to have the option.

When Austin woke up with a headache, there wasn't even a trace of Stacy or their recent shower sex left. In the absence of the sexual exertion, only what he had ejaculated in all three of her orifices remained.

"I'm sorry, honey. Did I fall asleep?" Austin inquired with remorse. Stacy, who lay beside him, shook her head.

"You two just slept," she comforted, stretching her arms after waking. Her entire body ached, but it was completely worth it. "Merry Christmas," she said as she kissed him, and Austin immediately felt ecstatic.

"I'm sorry, but I had a midnight snack and cleaned out the cream for that massive banana split," Stacy told Austin. He shrugged it off, saying, "That's okay. I knew what I was getting into when I bought it for you."

She playfully nudged his ribs. "I don't feel so bad about it anymore," she chuckled. The boyfriend laughed.

"Did you have a dream?" Austin inquired. Stacy feigned ignorance to the topic, asking, "Of what?" Fortunately, Austin himself didn't seem to remember. He paused, confused, and his brows furrowed. "I can't recall for the life of me."

She inhaled deeply before hiding her unconventional emotions with a grin. Austin didn't seem bothered by it, so she decided to move on to a new topic. She invited him to cook pancakes for breakfast, which he happily agreed to; after the strenuous exercise they had the previous night, she needed a lot of energy.

Little did she know that her domestic bliss with Austin wasn't the only sexual experience he had the day before. He had no idea that she was a bit angry at him, but it was clear he didn't deserve the torture she put him through.

Though she felt guilty about tricking her boyfriend, that feeling never came. Instead, a strange sense of accomplishment overcame her. She had sex in front of her boyfriend and got away with it. Not only that, but she also acquired souvenirs from the event.

"Should I scramble some eggs for you?" she asked Austin, who beamed at the idea. Stacy couldn't decide if it was because she had just had sex or if she was happy to cook with her partner, but it was a great Christmas morning. It was one of the best she'd ever experienced.

Thus, Stacy spent the entire day with Austin in domestic happiness and ultimately had both experiences. Screw the Ghosts of Christmas!

On New Year's Eve, Stacy's family came over one by one, and she couldn't believe she had sex in front of her boyfriend!

"Stace, we're going!" shouted Elijah.

"Coming!" Before she left her room, a text message popped up on her phone. She took a moment to read it and smiled. The text said, "By the way, I broke up with Brooke. She's bad at blowjobs. Just wondering if that's a New Year's gift?"

Holidays were something people used to have fun and celebrate life. From their costumes to pleasant experiences, they all involved their own unique festivities and rituals.

For Stacy, however, the word "tradition" took on a new meaning that year.

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