A Difficult Choice

You offer to let me come after 15 weeks. Or not ...

Jul 27, 2024
7 min read
predicamentA Difficult Choicedenialfemdom
A Difficult Choice
A Difficult Choice

A Difficult Choice

Authors' note: This is the third entry in the "Beads of Fate" series. The first story explains the rules in detail which are used here.


Fifteen weeks. That's how long it has been since my last orgasm. You are in high spirits when you hand me the bag to draw my fate for the week.

"Let's see if you get lucky this time, or if you'll have to suffer some more. Fingers crossed for the latter."

I do not like my odds. As always, there is only a single green bead in the bag, but there are also 10 clear ones, that do not give me anything, two salmons, and one silver. I briefly think if I could even take the 10 minutes of playing a salmon bead would allow me in my current state of arousal, or if another week of complete denial wouldn't be easier. I try not to lose hope, though, as there is a chance I will draw the green and get my long-awaited release at last.

"You know, even if you manage to get your green this week, it'll be at least another fifteen weeks before you even get another chance."

Your reminder of the rules are, of course, unnecessary, as I am unlikely to forget the scheme of ever-increasing denial periods you devised. My only hope is the silver bead, and that you will actually give me a challenge I can beat for a change. I am actually fairly certain that now, after more than 3 months without release, I could manage to come pretty easily just by humping the towel if you tie me up again like last time. I doubt you would make it that easy for me, though, with your recent increase in meanness. While the rules have stayed mostly the same, you have drastically reduced the number of "fun" beads I get for making you come. Most of the time, you just add more clear beads to the bag, with the occasional salmon, hence the current composition. One time you were feeling particularly generous and added two blue beads to the bag, before you informed me of one "minor" modification of the rules: Since, you argued, I am enjoying your orgasms so much, they should really be considered rewards. For this reason you now take one bead out of the bag for the first orgasm I give you during each session. If you only have one orgasm, I lose a bead, if you have two, you still take one, but then also add one, resulting in no net change. To actually get more beads added to the bag, you therefore need to have at least three orgasms during a single session, and given that I get to draw three each week, I really need to make sure you are completely sexually satisfied. You have reminded me that the consequences for running out of beads would be dire, and as a result you have been having more orgasms than ever before while I am in the longest stretch of denial I've ever had. After a particularly intense session, where you had multiple, very intense orgasms, you declared that this was so good, it must have been more exciting than a teasing session for me, and took one of the blue beads you had just added recently. The second blue bead was also traded for one of your orgasms, limiting me to very few, short ten minute supervised self-play sessions since you have instituted this change. Needless to say, this has only further added to my arousal and desperation.

"Ok, ready for the moment of truth? Draw your beads."

I reach into the bag, and retrieve a single bead, placing it on the night stand: It is clear, as I feared. I remind myself that this means that there's now I higher probability to get the green bead, and I get another bead from the bag, putting it next to the first one. They are identical; another clear. I sigh heavily.

"Now, now. You still have one more chance. But after fifteen weeks, one more isn't going to make much difference either..."

I disagree, but am resigned to my fate. Then, surprisingly, the third bead I draw from the bag turns out to be a silver one. A challenge! I might even get an orgasm this week! The very thought makes my penis throb with excitement.

"Hmm, interesting. Let's see... Would you like to come?"

The question confuses me a bit, but of course I do.

"Yes, please, ma'am! It's been so long, and I don't know how much longer I can take it."

"Well, then, here is my offer: You can choose to have an orgasm today, or decline your silver bead entirely."

This sounds too good to be true. The mere thought of being allowed to come is making me hornier than I thought I could be, but I remain cautious.

"What's the catch?"

"If you choose to skip my offer, I will take the green bead out of the bag, and it won't go back in for another five weeks. TWENTY weeks of denial, at least."

That sounds terrifying, but I really did not need any more incentives to choose release.

"I'll let you know, though, that the orgasm won't reset your timer. So you might draw your green bead next week, but then it won't return for another 16 weeks."

While that is unfortunate, it's a frustration a much more desperate future-me will have to live with.

"Ok, that's fair. Thank you, ma'am. When can I start?"

"You can start whenever you are ready, but I won't have you make a mess in this bed where we sleep. You are allowed to go to the bathroom, close the door, and jerk off into the toilet. I'll give you five minutes, but I daresay you won't need that long."

You know very well that I would prefer a long, drawn-out teasing session with you playing with me, and using some toys, before I slowly get to a climax, but even five minutes of lone, manual masturbation sounds like heaven right now, and my penis is yearning to be touched and stimulated, however briefly. Even with all the restrictions, I am very excited about this offer, and walk towards the bathroom.

"There is one more thing you should know: If you skip this orgasm, I will add a second green bead to the bag."

I had already reached for the door handle, but these magic words make me retract my hand as if it was struck by lightning. I return and sit down on the bed next to you.

"What do you mean, ma'am?"

"Here is your choice: Go to the bathroom, masturbate, come however often you can in five minutes, and that's it. OR: Ask me to not let you come this week, and I will take the green bead out of the bag, and keep it for five more weeks. Then, when the five weeks are over, I will add two green beads to the bag. Double the chance for you to come, and all you have to do is convince me to keep you denied for another month...."

"Convince you?"

"Well, you were already at the bathroom door, so it looks like you want to come today. Maybe you'll be lucky next week and even get another orgasm, but then it will be at least 16 more weeks without, and probably more than that..."

The bead system started out tolerable, but I can see what you are getting at: My next denial period will already be around four months, and possibly longer. At this rate, I might only get one or two orgasms next year, and even that will be reduced further as time goes on. Fifteen weeks, more than three months, have been agony, but it's also the shortest denial it'll ever be if this continues.

"So how would the second green bead work?"

"Exactly like the first one: You draw it, you get to come. And then it's removed for however long it has been since your last orgasm."

"Say you add it, in five weeks, and I draw it immediately. Then it will be 20 weeks before you add it back to the bag?"

"Exactly. But then you still have the second one. If you draw that one, let's say only six short weeks later, it will return to the bag after six weeks."

Only six weeks without an orgasm. The way you describe it, it sounds amazing. I recall that when we started, I considered six weeks to be a very long time to not be allowed to come, but at this point it seems like nothing. Now that you have explained it, I really want this second green bead, not least of all because I want more than two orgasms next year. At least six would be nice, I tell myself.

"But you said earlier that you can't take it much longer, so never mind. Go and masturbate, I'll wait here for these five minutes."

"No, please, I've changed my mind. Can I please get the second green bead, ma'am?"

"That's not exactly what I offered. You can only get the entire package: No orgasm today, five more weeks of denial, and then the two green beads."

"Yes, ma'am, can I have that please?"

"Can you have what, exactly?"

Apparently you want me to say it out loud.

"Ma'am, please do not let me come today, I am begging you. And then take away any chance of having an orgasm from me for another five weeks, please! And, if it pleases you, I would then also like to get two green beads in the bag, ma'am."

"I've heard more convincing begging. Even from you. But fine, no orgasms for five more weeks for you. I'll show you how generous I can be, though, and you may give me one of your salmon beads as well, after you fetch my vibrator and I let you make me come."

"Thank you, ma'am, I will be happy to!"

You find yourself in a predicament, having to make a difficult choice between enduring another week of denial or risking just ten minutes of release in your current state of arousal. Despite your hope for the green bead, you can't help but think about the implications of drawing a salmon bead.

Even if you manage to draw the green bead, you're aware that the wait for another chance will be another fifteen weeks, a prospect that leaves you in denial of a different kind. You try not to lose hope, but the thought of humping the towel if tied up again sounds tempting, even with the recent increase in meanness.

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