Adult Humor

A Female Detective's Hidden Scandal

A female detective tackles a challenging sexual incident.

May 10, 2024
7 min read
bondageconsensual sexA Female Private Eye's Dirty Secret
A Female Private Eye's Dirty Secret
A Female Private Eye's Dirty Secret

A Female Detective's Hidden Scandal

My obsession with bondage all started when I crossed paths with Mr. Weiss. As a private detective, I love the thrill of unearthing secrets and gathering intel on people. Even when I got caught, instead of fear or anxiety, I realized I enjoyed my job for a different reason.

You might be wondering how I could possibly enjoy being captured and restrained? Let me share a story with you.

At the age of 23, I spent most of my time at home spying on people. Dating wasn't a priority for me, nor was going out as much as most women my age would. When I received a call regarding someone who was embezzling, Mr. Weiss was the suspected culprit. I gathered as much info about him as I could and began my investigation. After several hours of digging, I had enough evidence to go after the laptop and the hard drive he had with the stolen funds.

The only problem was, the client also wanted me to retrieve his laptop and hard drive. So, of course, I took on the challenge. I slipped into the tightest blue jeans I own. Those jeans always made me feel good - they hugged my body perfectly, and made my buttocks feel wonderful. In fact, wearing such jeans always left me craving more. But I tried to focus on my mission - to retrieve the laptop and hard drive. My parents were none the wiser, as I didn't want to tell them about this, although they should've known. I did, however, tell my best friend, Julia.

She expressed her concerns about my safety.

"Can you even trust these people?" she asked.

"They seem reliable," I replied, trying to reassure her. "Plus, the pay is great."

"But your parents have no idea where you are." Julia pointed out.

"I'll tell them afterwards. Don't worry." I assured her.

Arriving at the client's house, I was filled with excitement and anticipation. My heart was pounding, and my palms were sweaty. I saw Mr. Weiss heading towards his car, readying for work. I approached him, attempting to appear as a local resident, anonymous. He seemed suspicious at first, but eventually relaxed.

"Hi. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm new in the neighborhood and was hoping you could help me," I said, sounding friendly.

"What do you need help with?" Mr. Weiss asked, straightening up.

"I'm trying to find an old friend and was hoping you could help me search for her number," I continued, pretending to be confused and lost. Minutes later, he tried flirting with me.

"So you're new in the neighborhood?" he said, trying in vain to hide his wedding ring.

"Yeah," I replied. "Just moved in and heard an old friend of mine lives in the area. I wanted to surprise her."

He eyed me, his gaze promising my naked body to his mind's eye. Does this bother me? It depended. If it was a younger man, his late 20s or 30s, then it was exciting. Mr. Weiss looked to be in his late 50s with a potbelly. I could see him imagining how my ass looked in my tight jeans, so once our conversation was over, I backed away and fleed as he drove off.

After his car left the neighborhood, I crossed the street, praying he didn't come back. I rushed into his house, searching every corner for his laptop. I checked downstairs, then upstairs, but it wasn't there. I entered his study and discovered his laptop. I couldn't find the hard drive. Frantically searching his desk for the missing item, I spent 10 minutes searching and came up empty-handed. Feeling a bit desperate, I opened a hidden door to find the hard drive. I snatched the laptop and hard drive and made my way out.

Unfortunately, Mr. Weiss was waiting for me, arms outstretched, spraying something in my face. My vision blurred, my body growing weak, as I collapsed to the ground. I passed out.

After some time, I begin to regain consciousness. I try to understand my current situation, realizing that I'm sitting in the backseat of a moving car, my hands and feet bound. Weiss is behind the wheel. As I ponder the predicament I'm in, I'm surprisingly enjoying the feel of my jeans against my tied-up wrists. My legs pressed against my tight bottom. I can't help but feel aroused, despite the fact that this situation is dreadful.

I struggle to loosen the ropes, but I find myself yearning for the comfortable sensations. I hadn't felt so horny in such a situation before. If only I knew where my journey would take me tonight, I would indulge in my desires until I drifted off to sleep.

Weiss pulls over and reaches for his phone. Turning towards me, he makes sure I'm unconscious. "Quinn?" he says into the phone. "You have to meet me."

"What do you want now?" Quinn answers.

"I have something really special for you - something you won't want to miss out on," Weiss says.

"Just let me know," Quinn responds.

"If you really want to know, you'll be at the nearest dock in 30 minutes," Weiss divulges. "I swear, you'll be satisfied."

"Alright, I'm on my way," Quinn says.

Weiss ends the call and gazes at me, wondering what his plans may entail. My phone beeps again. Weiss picks it up and studies the screen. "You're quite a popular figure online."

"Who's calling?" I ask as I attempt to move around. I feel the rope binding my feet underneath the seat.

"Another Julia," Weiss replies as he dials a number. "Which one is this? Well, I'm not available for any phone calls or texts for a while. Miss her when she gets home." Weiss hangs up the phone.

"What if she keeps calling?"

"She'll understand," he says before putting my phone back in the center console.

"What are your plans for me?" I inquire, eager to know what this sly Weiss gentleman has in store.

"Well, you should be fearful, but don't worry. We'll make sure you're well cared for," Weiss promises.

"In other words, what does that mean?" I ask, intrigued.

"Think of it this way," Weiss answers, readjusting his posture in the seat. "As a private detective, this could impress the police department, allowing me to regain my old job rather than working for the man in the back."

I'm struck with confusion as I spot a gentleman in the backseat, unconscious.

"No, I don't operate that way. You're intending to frame me, aren't you?" I say, growing increasingly anxious.

Once more, my phone beeps. Weiss retrieves it. "This Julia keeps calling," he says.

"Don't reply," I instruct.

Weiss texts, "I'm busy and won't be answering your calls or texts for now. Goodbye." He then locks my phone before returning it to the console.

"She'll know I don't speak like that," I remind him.

Weiss notices the headlights approaching and smirks. "Here comes the surprise." He exits the car and prepares to meet Quinn. Meanwhile, I should be Planning my escape, but my desire for the present moment and the way my hands stroke my bottom and the way my jeans feel surrounding my legs and genitals hold me captivated. Weiss and Quinn walk up to the vehicle. Weiss opens the back door and watches them both eyeing me, my crotch area soaked.

Oh no! Did she mark my car? wondered Mr. Weiss.

Quinn stared directly into my eyes, almost taken aback by my beauty. He knew it wasn't URNIE.

"That's not URNIE." Quinn said. He kept looking at me with a strange expression, trying to figure out who I was.

"What the hell is that? You're telling me that's cum?" Mr. Weiss asked in shock.

"Nah. Well, yeah." Quinn responded with a smirk.

"Fuck!" Mr. Weiss exclaimed.

"What are we doing out here?" Quinn inquired.

"I've devised a grand plan to get this horny woman off my back," Mr. Weiss explained.

"Like what?" Quinn asked, curious.

"Well, we'll get her fingerprints all over the gun that dealt with our friend. Then, we'll take her back to his house, frame it so she kills him, and you apprehend her. You can also tell them she's suicidal, and soon enough, she'll be locked up in Demented Hills," Mr. Weiss said.

I didn't like this plan one bit, but hearing these men plan my demise only made me hornier and wetter. The thought of bondage excited me, but the idea of losing my freedom made me uneasy.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about that." Quinn said. "That seems a bit far-fetched."

"You got any better ideas?" Mr. Weiss asked.

"Nope. I'm not the one who wants her framed," Quinn joked.

"She was at my house today. She tried to flirt with me even though I'm happily married with kids. She tried to steal my stuff. She needs to go," Mr. Weiss stated firmly.

Quinn continued to look at me, his face showing his uncertainty.

"You realize you'll get your ass chewed out for this?" Quinn said.

"Will you help me or not?" Mr. Weiss demanded.

Quinn considered the situation before shaking his head.

"Perfect! Let's get her out of here," Mr. Weiss said as he untied my feet. Quinn picked me up and placed me over his shoulder. His hand resting on my tight ass. For some reason, this made me smile and wetter.

"I'll take care of it," Quinn said.

Mr. Weiss left as Quinn put me in the back of the van.

"You don't have to do this," I said to Quinn, trying to change his mind.

"How did you end up in this situation?" Quinn asked, thinking about it.

"I was hired to dig up dirt on him," I admitted.

"For a pretty girl like you, you shouldn't be in this situation," Quinn said.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

Quinn untied my hands.

"I'll drive you back home," Quinn said.

"What about him? What about my fingerprints on the gun?" I asked.

Quinn took the gun and wiped my fingerprints clean from it.

"What fingerprints?" Quinn asked.

At that moment, we both started making out. I couldn't get my clothes off fast enough. Quinn ripped his clothes off and began groping my breasts. I ripped my jeans off and allowed his giant dick to enter me. I moaned loudly just from how large his dick felt inside me. It felt good yet painful, but the pain was short-lived before the pleasure kicked in. He thrust harder and harder as I dug my fingernails into his tanned back. I've never experienced sex like this before and didn't want it to end.

"I'm about to cum!" I shouted, the pleasure becoming too intense.

"Hold it in." Quinn said, slowing down so we could prolong the experience.

"You're trying to prolong it?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Yeah, so we can enjoy the sex longer," Quinn responded.

I could feel it, reaching that climax. Quinn collapsed on top of me from our intense lovemaking. I was drenched in sweat and overwhelmed. We locked eyes.

We started putting our clothes back on.

"What do we do about Weiss now?" I asked.

"Leave it to me. I'll handle him. You focus on making sure you're safe," Quinn said.

I nodded in agreement. As we drove back, I couldn't help thinking about how Quinn was going to handle Mr. Weiss.

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