lesbian sex

A Model Mother Pt. 05

Emily models for the local camera club.

May 2, 2024
24 min read
camera clubmothermodelexhibitionistphotoshootwank targetA Model Mother Pt. 05
A Model Mother Pt. 05
A Model Mother Pt. 05

A Model Mother Pt. 05

Emily managed to get through the day, selling copy after copy of the magazine with her on the cover, inviting readers to masturbate on her breasts, without letting a random guy have his way with her this time. She was relishing the excitement of her situation.

She knew most guys who walked into her store would jump at the chance, but she had to be more subtle if she wanted to keep her business.

Around seven, when most customers left, she relaxed and considered turning on her butterfly vibrator. Just then, the bell on the door rang, and Emily looked up to see the friendly face of Shannon.

"Hey!" Emily greeted her warmly.

"Hi!" Shannon smiled back. "I was just passing by, so I thought I'd drop in."

They exchanged pleasantries before Emily told Shannon about her afternoon with Graham, the young bartender she'd invited back to her shop the night before.

Shannon was surprised to hear that Emily had a thing for younger men. Graham, Shannon's brother Richard, and Ryan were all much younger than her. But Emily realized that age didn't matter to her; it was all about having a hard cock to pleasure her.

Shannon didn't know, but Emily had also been with her father. That was equally exciting for her. So, in general, Emily didn't consider age important.

Emily informed Shannon about her time with Graham and couldn't help but notice her growing interest in the details. Shannon was secretly jealous of Emily's unrestrained lifestyle. If she didn't have her fiancé Stephen, and didn't fear ruining her reputation, she wouldn't have any problem experiencing these same things that Emily had enjoyed.

Truthfully, when Shannon left her shop to meet Stephen that night, she would replay Emily's encounters in her head as she and Stephen had sex. Stephen was the reason for her visit.

"So, I've been thinking about what we talked about yesterday," Shannon said.

During their drunken meeting the day before, it had been agreed that Emily needed to inform her son of her new modeling job. If she didn't, it was only a matter of time before he found out on his own. Emily had become a regular in the magazines on the top shelf of her store, so it came as no surprise to her that he didn't know.

"Yeah, about that..." Emily looked sheepish. "I think the situation has changed significantly since yesterday."

"What? Shannon exclaimed in disbelief. "What else have you done in the past 24 hours, Emily?" Emily pointed at the top shelf, where a few copies of "Park Lane" hadn't sold yet.

Shannon did a double take, staring at the magazine, then back at Emily, then back again a couple of times, her jaw dropping.

"Emily! Oh my god!"

Shannon picked up the magazine and examined the cover intensely. Finally, she glanced up at Emily and gave a look of shock.

"Emily! This is crazy!"

Emily sighed in relief as she saw that Shannon's expression was not one of disgust and disapproval, as she'd feared. There was even a hint of admiration in her eyes.

"Oh Shannon. I've been so turned on all day! I never thought I'd be on the cover of a magazine, enticing men to purchase it to jerk off over my image! And on the inside, I'm in the middle of the magazine, completely exposed for their viewing pleasure. And they'd be so horny, tugging their dicks frantically over my body, reading about how much I crave unsullied semen."

Shannon could sense Emily's eagerness, her immense arousal from this unusual scenario she'd deliberately concocted for herself. It was infectious, and Shannon couldn't help but envision how she'd react if she were in the same position.

"Emily," Shannon remarked, slowly. "This is quite tricky for me. You see, you're the mother of my fiancé. I believe our relationship is evolving in ways that it shouldn't."

She paused briefly, continuing to flip through Emily's pictures in the magazine.

"Yet on the other hand, I'm getting to know you more, and you feel like a friend. And I can't disregard my fascination with what you're doing - I'm even slightly envious if I'm honest."

Emily was ignorant of this response.

"Jealous? Honestly?"

"Yes. I understand that this might not be what I should be saying - I'm set to marry your son, after all! But if I wasn't in this position, if I didn't have family or friends to consider... If I were a single woman, perhaps I'd be alongside you. I've been struggling to fall asleep at night. All I can think about are the details you've divulged."

"Thank you, Shannon," Emily said. "It's nice to know there's someone who could potentially comprehend what I'm experiencing. Do you think I'm okay?"

"How so?"

"Well, is it normal, isn't it, to indulge in what I've been doing? I've realized that for me, every time a man makes a move on me, it's the end of any excitement. But when I feel the need for this sort of illegal encounter, I very casually offer myself to any suitable man."

"Like Richard?" Emily was unaware, but Shannon's brother Richard had been blessed with one of her sexual invitations and gladly satisfied himself by masturbating over Shannon's breasts. Emily chuckled, secure in the knowledge that Shannon held no enmity toward her.

"Exactly!" Emily chuckled. "There's immense satisfaction in noticing a man's realization that he'll witness my nude body, revealing himself and frantically stroking himself over me. It arouses me so tremendously. However, as soon as he's accomplished his goal, it's 'see you later' - I rigidly stick to a compulsive detachment, with absolutely no desire to wedge myself into his life."

"They seem to be your dream woman," Shannon quipped.

"I know!"

Emily divulged the details of Pavel and her recent sexual awakening.

"I believe I've subconsciously determined that it's not worth connecting with a man. I've discovered I require exposure and male attention. I experience immense pleasure and a thrill when I'm aware that I'm the desired object for a man. The thrill simply multiplies with each man. I'm wholly content with everything I've been doing. I just hope you won't try to motivate me to desist for Stephen's sake."

Shannon recalled her goal, glancing away from Emily's spread-open cunt in the 'Park Lane' magazine.

"I had no intention of doing so," Shannon admitted. "In fact, I was hoping you had some clever tricks up your sleeve. The only thing I'm aware of is him discovering that I've been aware of it all along."

"That's my responsibility," Emily acknowledged. "It's essential that I keep it from him. I don't really... have any experience in this department."

At that very moment, the door to the shop opened and a man in his thirties wandered in, heading directly toward the stack of magazines. Emily giggled at Shannon, indicating to her the opened edition of 'Park Lane' on the counter.

"Yes, that's me!" Emily exclaimed. "It's selling like hotcakes today. Buy it quickly - it'll probably sell out soon!"

Shannon moved aside as the man neared, noticing that Emily didn't shift the open magazine, leaving it to display Emily's crotch to him.

"Yes, it's you!" Shannon said incredulously. "I can't believe you just left it out there for him to see!" Emily's legs were still spread wide, lewdly grinning back at them.

Shannon couldn't help but chuckle along as Emily's outspoken nature and insatiable desire for attention were irresistibly contagious. She found herself siding with the older woman - why shouldn't she live life on her terms? As long as nobody was getting hurt, it seemed. Especially her brother, who'd noticeably lightened up these past few weeks.

"Well, we do need to figure out what to do with Stephen. I guess you've got some insight into his thoughts on this whole porn thing, seeing as you brought him up, right?"

"Yeah, well, we've never discussed anything like this. But I do recall he had a poster of one of those 'page three' girls on his wall when he was young. Oh yes, and there were a couple of smutty magazines under his mattress. I'd pretend not to have seen them when making his bed."

"Oh really?" Shannon expressed surprise. "So he might understand it a little bit, then?"

Not exactly sure how to tackle this dilemma, Emily accepted Shannon's invitation for dinner the following day.

She showed up with a bottle of wine and delighted in Shannon's cooking, sharing with Stephen how fortunate he was to be marrying such a lovely, clever, and gifted young woman.

After dinner, it was time.

"So listen, both of you," Shannon said, locking eyes with Emily and smiling with anticipation. She'd been anticipating Stephen's reaction to her recent career choice. "I wanted to tell you both because, well, you'll be finding out soon enough. I've found a side occupation outside of the shop, and it's something that's making me quite a bit of money and something I'm going to continue doing for the time being."

"Oh, I see," Stephen said curiously.

"Yes. So, it's something that's going to become very well known. And some folks might not appreciate it."

A moment of silence ensued as Stephen processed the information. Shannon appraised him closely.

"I'm actually a glamour model. I've been met with quite a positive response. And while it's not as risqué as some of my work, I figured you'd rather hear about it from me as opposed to the inevitable gossip mill."

Stephen was still grappling with what his mother was telling him. Shannon kept her cool expression.

"I mean, posing nude. That's what I mean," she explained. "I've received quite a bit of recognition for it."

She abandoned the conversation to allow the idea to sink in.

"So, what you're saying is..." Stephen tried to process the information.

"I'm saying in a few short weeks, your mother will be spreading her legs for the camera. Do you have a problem with that?" Emily challenged, her tone stern.

"What the... Mum! I can't handle seeing that!" Stephen snapped as he tried to prevent his mother from showing him her work.

"But at some point, you'll inevitably come across it," Emily responded, unwilling to let her son block her. "And I thought it best to tell you now, rather than through someone else."

Unwilling to force Stephen, Emily continued, "I'm hoping you can understand, Stephen. This is something I really enjoy. I just need you to accept it."

"What about your friends, your family? What about Shannon's family?"

"That's not anyone's business, is it? I'm not breaking any laws, so what's the issue?"

"I'm not saying it's wrong, but... it's just not..." Stephen looked to Shannon for her opinion.

Shannon had tactfully avoided any implications up until now. "I'm not sure what to think. Isn't it a tad unconventional?"

"You mean, it's not traditional?" Emily clarified. "Well, what matters is nobody's getting hurt here, isn't that right, Stephen?"

Stephen couldn't argue with his mother's logic. He was about to reply when he noticed his fiancée had been silent the entire time. He suddenly became aware of her disinterest in the issues plaguing other people's families. In that moment, he realized he just wanted to marry her.

Stephen, like most young adult males, possessed a disorderly stash of pornography that he'd hidden away from Shannon, presuming it would raise issues. He pondered whether his girlfriend mightn't find it as reprehensible as he'd previously assumed. But that didn't suggest it was permissible for his mother to engage in such activities. His mother!

"I'm genuinely sorry, but if your request is for my endorsement, I'm not inclined to grant it," Stephen grumbled indignantly.

Emily opted to allow Stephen to stew in his thoughts and leave him alone for the time being. Shannon was the one who dashed out of the door.

"I'll return to persuading him," she teased as she shut the door.

Emily couldn't be certain her relationships were ordinary. She realized nothing she was doing these days could be classified as regular, but she suspected Shannon could be a useful ally. However, she hoped her experience of swallowing Shannon's father last week wouldn't constitute an obstacle if Shannon ever came across this information.

Shannon re-entered her workplace the following day. Their shops were just opposite the bus stop that led to her work.

"So, how did it turn out?" Emily blurted out right away.

"It was alright, I suppose," Shannon responded. "I left him alone with the magazine. I know for a fact he perused it. Then I reappeared, and we perused it jointly. I think it aided my cause that my response was quite positive regarding everything."

Emily could hardly withstand Shannon divulging details. She reassured Shannon that whatever she could discuss would be alright.

"OK. Okay. So we gawked at your images. They're a great shoot, Emily. You seem so stunning. And oh so sensual. Your son won't necessarily agree, but I informed him that he should be delighted to have such an attractive mother," Shannon explained.

"Thanks!" Emily beamed.

"Yes! So, I flicked through the magazine, determined to have him acknowledge that he enjoyed the other ladies. And so, I was teasing him quite a bit, reading him some passages from the stories. And one situation spawned another..."

Emily comprehended the level of enjoyment between them. It was fine that they shared a humorous moment, and she realized she was an ally. And she was glad her son had someone less resistant.

"Once more?" Emily inquired. "So, did he successfully admit that he liked the other females?"

"Not explicitly, but the Asian lady, the one after your section, thoroughly stirred him, and he produced a significant amount on me!"

"Actually, that's what happened?" Emily asked with a smile. She was delighted that Shannon would speak to her about her son ejaculating on her. And she adored the fact that Shannon had the courage to raise the subject.

"Yes! My hair was all matted, I had to let it dry and comb out the tangles."

"It's quite pleasing when one is coated in such mess," Emily stated.

Another customer entered, causing their discussion to deviate. Shannon acquired her cigarettes and vowed to continue her efforts to influence Stephen to be more accepting of her mother's activities.

A month later, Emily was once again the cover star, this time for 'Shaved Attractions', and she was thrilled to notice that she'd made the middlefold.

'Shaved Attractions' quickly became the most prominently displayed magazine, and she ordered two hundred copies this time. The previous 'Park Lane' edition had sold one-hundred and forty-three copies in her shop, compared to thirty-six the prior month when Emily wasn't the cover star.

However, she'd sold out over a week prior to the upcoming issue's anticipated release, so she considered two hundred a true figure.

"My goodness, you're still modelling?" a retired bank clerk named Will, who had been a regular and continuously bought the magazine, was scrutinizing Emily's cover and offering a five-dollar note.

"Indeed! I had no inkling I could do something like this. And I adore it. I'm doing an abundance of shoots, I'm everywhere! I can't track my own appearances. They even show me on the phone-sex ads at the back."

"Oh dear! How is it that you lack any authority over where your images are published or whether they're used at all?"

"I don't object, truly. I find it rather intriguing knowing I could alternate between pages with just a shirt on."

"I'm sorry, but isn't this a bit unfair? It seems like you're becoming popular. Shouldn't you be rewarded for that?" Emily questioned.

"Perhaps," she replied casually. "I could demand more money for the shoots, but I'm enjoying it, and I'm seeing the benefits in other ways too - my sales have gone through the roof!"

"Absolutely! And I must say, it's quite refreshing having you here," he nodded towards the magazine cover, showcasing Emily with her arm covering her nipples and a transparent gusset just about concealing her shaven pussy lips.

She held a massive banana in her hand, staring at it seductively. The headline read: 'Shaved and stretched! Emily goes bananas inside!'

"It's quite a craze now, the shaving, isn't it? A few years ago, you hardly saw girls who took care of themselves down there. But this trend of shaving it all off - I have to say, I'm in favor. It leaves nothing to the imagination!" Emily shared.

"I know! It feels naughty, doesn't it? I definitely don't plan on growing a big bush anytime soon!"

Although there was no attraction to Will at all, it didn't matter to Emily. She got a thrill just talking about things that would otherwise be kept hidden.

"And so you shouldn't!" Will chuckled. He'd clearly been mulling something over. Emily had expected him to leave by now.

"Anything else, Will?" she inquired politely.

"Yes, there is actually. I'm aware that I might get a 'no,' but it would be irresponsible of me not to ask. We have a camera club, there are only a few of us, including my wife, Anne. We've managed to persuade some brave women to model for us- nothing like you, of course. My wife models for me more often than not, along with a couple of the other members' girlfriends," he explained.

"I see." Emily was intrigued. She'd known Will's wife Anne for years. It was ridiculous to think she would pose for Will and his friends.

"So, what are you suggesting? Would you be interested in coming to your camera club and modelling for you?"

"Well, yes. We can't match the pay you're used to, but we'd be happy to compensate- we have a pot we've saved up over the years... I'm thinking we might have a chance? You didn't immediately dismiss the idea."

"No, I didn't. I'm flattered, Will. Could you tell me who the club members are and where you hold your meetings?"

Three days later, Emily approached the door of number 87 Hawthorn Gardens with a bounce in her step. She'd agreed to attend Will's camera club. The idea of posing for a group of men enticed her.

She enjoyed posing for Alan's camera, imagining others ogling her body and rubbing their erections from the sight of her, stripping off, exposing herself, or spreading herself open for inspection.

Will's little camera club seemed fascinating. She'd get the feeling of multiple sets of eyes on her body for the first time. She was ready, and the thought had set her heart racing with excitement.

Emily donned a long coat over a lovely summer dress and a full underwear set. She wore white stockings with suspenders alongside a flowery patterned corset that matched her panties.

Upon arrival, she was greeted by Will and seven other gentlemen of around the same age. She nodded and smiled at each of them as they greeted her.

Emily was ushered down into a brightly-lit basement. There were several photographer's lights and a leather chair beside a single bed with crisp white sheets.

"This is very nice," she declared, appreciating the leather chair and bouncing on the bed to test its springiness.

"It's incredible to have you here," admitted one of the group. "We've not had a live model agree to pose for us in ages, and we've never had anyone as stunnine as you at any of our club gatherings."

Be cautious, Winston! Emily was shocked to hear a woman's voice, and she identified it as Will's wife.

"You know Anne, right?" Will said, dragging her along by the hand.

"Because of my transgressions, I used to be their model frequently," Anne smiled. Emily had always liked her. The fact that she had no qualms buying a dirtier magazine for her husband set her apart from many others.

"But those days are now long gone for me. Nevertheless, they requested me to serve as your makeup artist. These lights really wash you out, so it's critical to... listen to me, teaching my grandmother how to suck eggs. I've observed some of your work, and you definitely don't require any guidelines from me!"

"Well, I've been the one handling my own makeup all this time," Emily replied honestly. Alan had advised her to put on a thick coat and she let her be. "I'm thrilled to have my very own makeup artist!"

Anne chuckled and seated her. She had a variety of what seemed to be professional foundations, eye shadows, lipsticks, and everything else required to make Emily look camera-ready.

It took about 15 minutes for her to complete the job. During this period, the guys set up the cameras on tripods, adjusted the lights, and busied themselves with other duties. Although she had been featured in publications numerous times now, this had the feeling of a much more systematic setup than her earlier sessions with Alan.

Anne conversed and joked, returning periodically to the claim that she had been in Emily's position multiple times in the past. There was no bitterness, but it was clear she missed it.

"Did you ever have your photographs published?" Emily inquired.

"Oh no, not at all—at that time, there was no such thing as the magazines you could buy today. And some of the activities they wanted from me, well...you wouldn't even be permitted to sell them in your store right now!" Emily's gaze fell on her as her thoughts drifted. Her magazines displayed fairly explicit stances and acts. What had Anne performed down in this secluded basement, surrounded by her husband and his friends with their cameras?

"Really? I'd love to see—do you still have any photos of that time?"

"Surely! Plenty! I don't believe anyone's interested in my photos right now, though...but you're ready."

Emily had been still wearing her long coat and she shed it as she stood. An arm instantly appeared to receive it. She ironed down her dress, emphasizing her perfect cleavage, which drew the attention of everybody. The audible inhalation of breath informed her of her desirability.

"Incredible!", "Gorgeous!" "Formidable!" were the comments that came her way, one after another. She beamed broadly.

"Where should I pose?"

"Let's start with the chair, shall we? Here, reading a book. Oh yes, that's good. Now, if you could cross your legs. Oh, stockings—that's ideal!"

After five minutes or so of meticulously capturing Emily's attractive attire from all angles, she was urged to expose one of her breasts, which she did without hesitation.

"Exceptional!" came the quiet murmurs. "Can you offer your nipple a bit more attractiveness?"

The photo shoot extended for over two hours. Emily cherished every second. The fact there were so many individuals present invoked an aura of outlawry, which she loved so much. It commenced rather formally and relatively innocent, but she sensed the atmosphere shifting after she spread her legs for the first time.

That moment when her legs parted, that's when things changed from 'naughty' to 'dirtier'. No longer was she a frivolous, funny, flirtatious shopkeeper who had agreed to model for some hot shots; she was the sort of girl who would bare herself, visit strangers' homes, and present her legs for them so they could snap her in graphic detail.

This was what she craved; this was the purpose of her being there. There were nine sets of eyes fixed on her shaved vagina. The lighting was modified, bathing her cunt for cameras that inch closer, providing a flawless, explicit representation of her.

The silence that had settled contributed to the arousal level. Every whispered breath or rustling leaf was a reminder that the room was occupied by lots of people. Emily decided, in case her way had it, she would want to spread her legs in front of people as often as possible. She reminded herself that countless men had seen her in the identical posture, eagerly stroking their penises as they gazed at her.

By the end, Emily was bare apart from her garter belt and stockings, which had remained in place the whole time. Anne offered her a cup of tea, and they chatted amicably as photographers made their way out.

Emily had lingered in much the same position as she'd taken for the concluding photographs, in the leather armchair with one of her legs draped across the arm, uncovering her exposed vagina. This was inflaming her; she enjoyed seeing their eyes lingering on her body while they acted as if it were entirely normal.

Despite their age, she'd been glad to observe palpable signs of arousal from the men during the photo session. For her part, she contemplated whether the damp patch on her panties had been discerned before they were discarded.

She refrained from masturbating even though she wanted to. There was no need to rush; she could hold off for a surprise during a future photo session.

"What will happen to the photos afterward?" Emily inquired.

"That depends on you. That brings me to the form you need to sign," they replied.

"Let's take a look at it then!"

The form differed from the one for Alan, which relinquished all of her rights over the photos. This one alleged that the images were not to be disseminated or distributed without her express consent, which would need to be acquired expressly.

"This does seem quite restrictive, doesn't it?" Emily said thoughtfully. "I'm sure you've snapped some great shots. It's a pity that no one will see them."

The camera club seemed unfamiliar with this arrangement. Emily engaged in conversation with them while still nude and reclining in the chair, sipping on her tea. She made it clear that she had no objections to the pictures being published anywhere - in fact, she would be more comfortable with that.

The guys were at a loss. There was also the matter of Emily's compensation.

"We've managed to gather about a hundred pounds for you - is that sufficient?" Will inquired, a tad flustered. Emily beamed at him.

"That's so sweet of you! But I have a better idea. When you develop the photos, provide me with a copy. That will suffice as my payment. I'm certain I can earn a lot of money with pictures like these. It appears this arrangement is somewhat lopsided."

The camera club had never heard such a thing from a naked woman sitting in a chair, caressing her cup of tea. They devised a plan wherein Emily would be provided with copies of the photos. She suggested that they could use these for their "own purposes" (which she indicated with a lewd grin and an extended, flirtatious pause).

Emily suggested that she would sell the pictures to her contact, who would eagerly remunerate a high price. In return, the camera club would receive half of the profits.

The camera club couldn't believe what they had just heard from this gorgeous, naked woman. Emily was excited, and she was eager to return home where she would relax in a bath and employ her waterproof vibrator for company.

She hadn't dressed; she merely put on her long coat, carrying her dress, bra, and underwear in a plastic bag. It was almost ten, and the streets were mostly empty. When she had the opportunity, she allowed her coat to fall open, exposing her bare breasts to the warm summer air.

The electronic goods store had a camcorder connected to a TV, an attempt to attract customers to both items. During the day, people would stop and make goofy faces, amused by seeing themselves on the screen. Emily enjoyed it as well, and she stood for a while, leaving her coat open to showcase her breasts, crushed into an alluringly flat position.

She adored her body and loved that it was becoming easier and easier for people to admire it. She pressed her breasts against the cool glass and marveled at the idea of people in the store seeing her reflection during the day, exhibiting said breasts in a fantastically flattened state.

Hearing voices coming from around the corner, she buttoned up her coat and walked down the road. She was nearly home, and she relished the thought of taking a long bath accompanied by her waterproof vibrator.

The voices belonged to two boys approaching rapidly. Emily recognized one of them.


"No, it's actually Ryan," corrected the young man who she'd last seen when purchasing the magazine featuring her having sex with a banana.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ryan. And I don't know your friend's name. But I do recognize you from the shop, don't I?"

One of them was another frequent buyer of pornographic material from Emily. Lucky for her, her store was only a few hundred yards away. Emily's sexual desire was intense, and these boys had exactly what she desired. The thought of her vibrator faded as they had something far preferable.

"You won't believe where I've been today. I did a photo shoot. See!" She flung open her coat and the boys' eyes grew even larger. She stood silently for ten seconds, soaking in their amazement and excitement at her naked body.

"It was more tame than some of the other photos I've done. No bananas or any other fruits and vegetables, regrettably. I enjoy my five-a-day. And there's another 'five-a-day activity' I enjoy, isn't there, Ryan? Did you inform him?"

Paul looked at Ryan in bewilderment.

"No! You told me not to, remember?"

Absolutely. That was a test, and you passed - well done, you two! And don't forget what I told you before, there might come a time when I want that again.

You'll never forget!

So, if you like, today's the day. Join me, Paul and Ryan.

She led them to her place, opened it up, and led them inside. In a spot where they wouldn't be seen by people passing by, Emily shed her coat. The two men looked at each other, then back at the stunning sight in front of them. Both were familar with this body - they often thought about it while masturbating.

"What do you think?" she asked, beaming at them, shifting her weight onto one of her heels, fully confident and unashamed.

"Like I'm in a dream," Paul murmured. Ryan, who'd been here before, already had his dick out. Paul looked somewhat surprised, but seeing how Emily's face lit up at the sight of Ryan's penis, he followed suit. It was worth a little embarrassment about exposing himself in front of a friend for what Emily was offering.

"Let's check them out, shall we?" She moved between the two men, tugging their pants and underwear down, revealing their erect cocks.

Ryan's was swelling up more quickly than Paul's she thought. They seemed similar in size. The last time, she hadn't touched Ryan's cock, but now...

"Hot damn!" Ryan cried involuntarily as her left hand snaked up his leg and cupped his balls. She performed the same action with her right, until she had a pair of balls in each hand.

She moved around until they were both standing there, with their cocks against the inside of her forearms.

"Nice pair of cocks," she commented with a smile. She was flirting with the cocks, not the owners. It didn't really matter who was attached to the penis. She knew the guys needed inspiration to reach their potential.

"So, Paul," she turned to him. "Get this, Ryan was so excited about it that he wrote a letter to 'Glitz' magazine, saying how much he wanted to jerk off over my boobs. Is that true, Ryan?"

"Yeah," he replied after a brief pause. Paul still looked stunned.

"So, one day, when he came into my shop, I felt naughty. All of a sudden, I knelt down right here and wanked over my tits, wasn't it Ryan?"

Ryan's eyes went wide, and he nodded.

"So, what's next?" She stared at Paul while stroking Ryan's cock. Paul looked uncertain, but then, watching Emily's reaction as she handled Ryan's dick, he hardened up.

Moving her left hand up Ryan's shaft, she touched her face to Paul's dick, pausing as her cheeks brushed gently against it, before opening her mouth slightly, trying out letting it in, and then pulling back, releasing a breeze of hot air across it.

She couldn't wait to have both of them in her mouth at once. A thought crossed her mind since the photo shoot. It was time to put it into action.

The floor was cold and hard as she lay back on it. From down here, the two erect cocks looked different. Bigger and a bit intimidating...in a good way. She lifted her legs to her chest, spreading them wide apart, placing her foot outside each man. Their erections were like magnets, captivating them. She loved this position which gave her control. She was fascinated by those two thick, bobbing cocks.

"Woah, I can't convey how badly I want this," she panted sexily, her digits descending down her breasts and abdomen before they zeroed in on her clit, which required attention desperately.

"Show me how you handle those attractive dicks for me," she beamed. "Yeah, do that. Demonstrate how you like stroking me.

"Do you enjoy viewing me masturbate?" she inquired in an innocent tone. "It feels exceptional, I adore it. You've witnessed me do numerous things in the magazines, haven't you? Did you ever think you'd see this?"

Two digits of her other hand were now entering her glistening little pussy, circling, delving, circling once more. The moisture was spreading, and her wet pussy produced some minor squelching sounds as she felt pleasure intensifying.

"I'm fingering myself for you," she mentioned poignantly, emphasizing it doubles her tingles of ecstasy. "I'm going to make myself cum for you, and I want you both to make yourselves cum for me. That's it, pull those hard dicks for me!"

Paul had been delaying to begin, but he was the first to explode, Emily's vivid and explicit description of what was demanded of him pushing him over a formidable threshold he's struggled against since she prompted this dynamic erection from him.

Emily acknowledged the cues as Paul's knees bent slightly, and his strokes became spontaneous.

"Splash it all over me!" she exclaimed issue-freely. Paul stepped over her so he had a foot on either side of her ravishing body and aimed. He groaned audibly as the first line was discharged and his aim was on the mark. Emily's hand increased in velocity as she felt the evidence of Paul's gratification drench her from navel to neck.

It was enticingly stunning, beholding this from beneath. Paul's balls constricted as they provided more and more, it showered down on Emily and she experienced a heightened sense of pleasure.

"Oh, wow I adore this," she howled, her fingers were a flurry now. Her other hand was now clutching a sperm-smeared breast as she revelled in the feeling of semen on her body yet again. This was too much for Ryan, who wasn't as confident in his aim as his companion, hence he knelt down to ensure Emily would obtain what she sought.

"Yes, yes, fuck me!" She roared deliriously. "Two firm cocks smothering me in jizz! Soak me, guys!"

Ryan ejaculated over those tits repeatedly, some splashing her face and neck. Four fingers now catapulted in and out of her dripping cunt, added lubrication from the concoction of the sperm mixture making her feel impressively unclean as she peaked.

The duo just gazed in reverence as the entity of their fantasies and most men in town groaned in ecstasy, Emily's climax paralysing her appealingly. Nobody wanted to break the connection, not even Emily, who was wholly engrossed in the feeling of complete, refined, perverted and degrading joy which was leaving her fully satisfied.

"Could you close the latch on the way out?" she enquired gracefully. The men awoke from their trance. There was no sentiment, no courtesies or niceties. Emily had ended things, so they pulled up their trousers and left her there, smothered in semen and enjoying herself.

Emily stood up as the door closed behind the men. Appraising herself in the mirror, she relished the way the sperm dripped gradually down her neck and breasts, pooling in her lap.

The store was chilly, but she was ablaze. She spent a good fifteen minutes merely watching herself collect sperm on her fingers and savoring their sweetness. She wondered which orgasms of the boys she inhaled at any given time -- possibly a mix of both.

That feeling of pride regarding her vile, deranged, and awe-inspiring behaviour triggered her once more and she retrieved her small vibrator, setting it aside as she continued to savor cleaning herself.

Will not be adequate, therefore the chrome butt-plug was inserted, and she came again, reveling in the feeling of being filled. Every time she holds her eyes shut, she saw those two dicks bobbing and swaying above her as she provided her performance. Or releasing vast quantities of sperm above her deserving and awaiting body.

Next week she'd be back at the camera club, opening her legs while the men took the photos she'd be selling at her store for the ensuing months. Life was superb, and Emily aspired to ensure it remained that way.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de