Erotic Couplings

A Moment of Gratitude in August: Farm Chapter 23

Joe and Blake engage in playing with fire.

May 26, 2024
11 min read
joe and blakeredneckA Summer at the Farm Ch. 23straight to gaya summer at the farmturnedfarmer
A Summer at the Farm Ch. 23
A Summer at the Farm Ch. 23

A Moment of Gratitude in August: Farm Chapter 23

Blake decides to spend the summer working on Joe's farm to aid his girlfriend's father financially and thwart any infidelity accusations. However, unexpected events occur.

Disclaimer: This story is intended for mature audiences and is completely fictional.



Chapter 23: Fiddling with Flames


Olivia was there!



And my deflated, leaking cock was thrust deep within Joe's backside!




If she merely peered through the window, she'd see us together on the floor, naked (such scoundrels!). Engaging in... Mixtapes!



"Dad? Blake? Is there anyone here?" She hollered.

I was paralyzed, a mess, and this was the worst moment to be in such a predicament.

I had to think tactically.

I think she must've been in London, miles from me, so how could she be here now?

Thankfully, Joe was quicker at regaining alertness than I was and shoved me away.

Planning what to say, he threw a pair of shorts on, which fortunately, Joe habitually left lying around, and he scurried towards the front door. I had to follow his lead quickly and dash to my room for a change of attire. Settle down.

"Calm thyself, Blake."

Joe's solemn expression made his command powerful. My vulnerable state made his commands hard to grasp.

Reaching a set of stairs, I crept onto my bedroom - a room I hadn't used in weeks. Was she aware? There was too much to think about as he entered the kitchen to tidy up.

Panic was palpable. My heart, a drum of misery. If only she didn't know...

My phone in the living room started vibrating. It was Liv. She was probably trying to communicate her presence differently. We were ruining her surprise.

"I'm coming!" Joe informed her while hastily grabbing a dishcloth in the kitchen.

We had to uniform ourselves. Had to look normal.

Time for action. I bolted up the stairs and into my swanked bathroom. A mirror greeted me, showing a mess: mussed hair, scarlet face, sweat drenched skin, nude, with no clothes. My goal? To appear passable while my girlfriend explores the home.

I wrapped a towel around me, hyperventilating as Joe called me from below.

"Blake, come on down. I have a pleasant surprise for you."

Such a pleasant surprise...

I swallowed back my emotions, reminding myself: "Stay composed, laddie!"

I inhaled deeply.

Suddenly, I heard her laughter around the house. Confirmed - she was indeed present.

I whirled my thin upper body into a jeans, then chucked on a sleeveless shirt. Nicknamed, "The Tonic," my choice was strategic. I couldn't risk Liv noticing my [recently vacant] room.

Down the stairs I hurried, nearly driven to tears, as I met with Joe and Olivia. The latter burst towards me in a playful attack, wrapping her legs around me - something we'd often do to show affection; it felt relaxing but ominous now.

Kisses were exchanged. An emotionally charged moment passed between us, but I could not bury my secret forever. Olivia hugged me tightly, and... Wipes, paper, a quick clean, and an illusion of normalcy was established.

"SURPRISE!" Sympathetically, she spiritedly embraced me again.

Behind her, visuals were too colourful, leaving me motionless in horror, gasping for air. How to act now? Cover up? Persevere? Possibilities spun around me, but a lead seemed lost forever.

She released from my grasp with a smile as bright as the sun, and I sighed in frustration.

What could I do next?

While my tongue was entwined with hers, I could only think about the fact that I had just enjoyed intimate moments with her father not long ago. I was starting to lose my grip on reality.

She must have sensed my discomfort because the scent of suspicion wafted around me. Couldn't she tell?

"You look like you've been scared out of your wits," she said, and we shared a chaste kiss on the cheek this time.

Fortunately, my baffled reactions could be explained by the shock of seeing her unexpectedly, as she was scheduled to be in London until the week's end.

"We've been working outside all day, just taking a brief rest," Joe tried to justify our presence.

"Yeah... I'm a bit sweaty," I said, losing any ability to hide my discomfort.

Somehow, she managed to perceive the sexual tension lingering between us.

"I can tell! It's like you're morphing into my dad!" she laughed.

Her exuberant demeanor left me feeling even more frazzled.

"I... I can't believe it's you! You're here!", my mind was spiraling as I cried out.

"I thought I'd surprise the two most important men in my life!" she beamed while reaching for hugs with both Joe and I.

Joe and I were swept up by her enthusiasm.

I don't recall much of the following two decades. Olivia helped pack her belongings into the farmhouse while explaining the circumstances of her unplanned visit and the taxi driver's explicit proposition.

The journey to the farm, situated an hour and a half away from the nearest airport in Salt Lake City, had been an arduous one.

I gave into jealousy and expressed my displeasure when she spoke kindly of the taxi driver. The unconventional display of affection further intensified when she locked lips with me.

The absurdity was striking: we had never enthusiastically displayed our affection in the presence of her father before, but now, we had not been separated for three months.

Joe somehow managed to maintain his normal composure while I floundered, struggling to focus on the conversation.

On the brink of feinting, I excused myself, stating I needed to take a quick shower.

I agonized over a similar predicament: was I attracted to Olivia despite the sexual incidents with Joe?

As I washed away the memory of our earlier intimacy, I battled with the thought that our relationship had come to an end. At no point in my life had I felt more empty.

Unnerved, I took an excessively long shower, attempting to erase all traces of my time with Joe, who still brimmed with his identity.

"You're okay, darling?" Olivia inquired when I rejoined them.

"Yes, certainly! I wasn't prepared for this, and... I'm just happy that you're back," I tried to present myself as unfazed.

My lips pressed against her forehead, swelling with relief.

I felt unable to take my eyes off Joe.

I repeatedly washed myself, fighting against the temptation to dwell on our affair.

"You've done a commendable job on the barn," Olivia remarked.

The first place Joe and I had ever made love, I mused.

"Joe drove me crazy with his insistence, but he persevered. I think I did a fine job," I observed.

Joe high-fived me.

"He's been a stubborn worker. A bit touchy at times, but a solid man," Olivia teased.

"Please, don't turn Joe into a rascal like you!"

In an attempt to maintain my persona as the devoted boyfriend, I comfortably held her hand while we sauntered around the farm. Once Joe was out of sight, Olivia and I sat on the grass, and as she stroked my neck, I allowed myself to succumb to her touching.

She quizzed me about my experience with her father, even expressing concern over the predicament she had put me in.

"You were panicked that I'd stray from you," she admitted.


I entwined my arm around her shoulders, entranced by her touch and warm embrace.

Searching for the right words to express my emotions towards her, but they're mostly incoherent.

I was too overwhelmed to comprehend my feelings.

"How did things go during your stay in London? You seemed so enthused in the beginning and then..."

"I made a few friends initially, but considering I wouldn't be staying for long, I guess I didn't give my all to these relationships. It was exhilarating at first, exactly what I aimed for, and the internship was quite intense and interesting. However, after a while, I simply craved somebody to accompany me on this thrilling journey... I started craving you more frequently."

She made an attempt to break me down.

I wished she had hinted at seeking employment in Europe, that she had discovered independence, or similar claptrap.

But no.

She had to adore me!

"Oh, my love..."

She caressed my face.

"Your skin... Your scent..."

We kissed once more, yet this time alone.

We made out and she pressed my back. I laid her on the floor and things started heating up.

My dick was stiff which gave me a sense of comfort and restored my confidence to continue. At the very least, I could always count on Blake Junior for a hard-on!

I slipped my hand beneath her shorts.

Matters shifted naturally. She withdrew her crop-top to enable me to lick her boobs while she began rubbing my stiff penis.

She was expert at turning me on. She always had been.

"Oh, yes... I missed that too..." She groaned.

"Is that so?"

I was caressing her underwear and I soon reached her wet pussy.

I fingered her while sucking her breasts. She was stroking my erect penis.

"Did you miss me?" She inquired.

"Yes... I... Awfully."

I was content with penetrating her but I would have preferred not to chat, as I had no intention of lying to her.

She pulled down my trousers when I halted her.

"Hang on... Your father might stumble upon us."

"I don't care." She muttered.

"I do. Let's... Let's find a more secluded spot."

She gave me a smile.

"Check out the new, responsible you. Mature and reasonable. You've truly changed!"

"And observe what an alluring, sensual girl you've become."

I licked her neck, but the thought of Joe surfaced.

"You're right, though... Let's take our time, it feels like our first time all over again." She seemed tranquil, as if she had never left. "We have all the time on earth to indulge in pleasures now. I'm never going to leave you again."

My soul was in anguish.

We rearranged our attire and hair and returned to the farm residence.

I can't recollect if it was my fantasy, but Joe appeared deep in thought. He hardly spoke and she engaged in a monologue about her vacation and how Europeans accomplished things.

"The food in the U.S. is so greasy; this was something I definitely didn't miss."

To be frank, she got on my nerves.

If she loved it so much back there, why hadn't she stayed? I found myself wishing she would return as quickly as possible.

She was delighted to be back, though.

"I thought we could head back to Sacramento tomorrow, to give us a few days before the new year begins."

"You may remain here for an extended period if you want." Joe suggested.

"I'm open to it, but Blake has been here for three months already, he might desire to return to the city?"

I had to voice my opinion.

I had no definite intention.

"I have no preference between staying one or three days longer; it won't alter things much at this point."

"We don't have to make a decision just yet. We can ponder it later. I believe I'm going to bed though, I managed to sleep on the plane but have to adapt to my regular sleep schedule as soon as possible."

"So do I..." I concurred.

Olivia bestowed a kiss on her father's cheek, which left me feeling envious and I had to restrain myself from performing the same action.

That was uncomfortable.

In our bedroom, I attempted to gain some time, informing Liv that the door lacked a lock, therefore we should wait until we were at our place.

She was not in the mood to delay any longer, though.

She undressed and removed my attire.

I found myself feeling remorseful for my infidelity. Knowing that Joe was aware of the intimacy in the next room, mere steps away, tormented me.

He must have been going insane.

But I had to make love to his daughter. What if I hadn't been able to sleep with her? For us, also for my own dignity?

Like a soldier on a task, I entered her body and then her backside like I should have.

I still enjoyed sleeping with her, but I couldn't lie to myself about having any feelings for her.

This was more of a relief, a way to please her, to slide my penis inside her, rather than an emotional connection.

She was attractive and she was horny! She hadn't had sex in months...

I wondered if she could tell that I wasn't craving sex as much. On my side, my desires had been more than met in the past weeks.

Perhaps she was shocked since, before the summer, I would have had sex with her any time I had the chance, in this room, behind the barn, or anywhere else.

I tried my best to be the same overenthusiastic lover she knew. To be fair, I didn't have to try too hard. I hadn't changed much in the desire department.

I released myself into her anus just like I had with her father a few hours earlier.

She instantly fell asleep in my arms. She looked beautiful.

I couldn't close my eyes nor go back to sleep.

Midway through the night, I heard Joe moving around downstairs. Maybe I should have just left him alone.

The responsible decision would have been to say nothing and continue with our lives as if nothing had happened.

But I didn't resist.

It was too warm and I needed to see him.

Quietly, I moved Liv's arm aside and carefully crawled out of the cozy bed.

I didn't even think about covering myself. It was a habit to be naked.

I found Joe sipping a beer in the kitchen. Yes, in the middle of the night, it was rather sad.

"Why are you awake?" He grunted at me.

"I heard you downstairs. Why are YOU awake?"

"I couldn't sleep..."

"I can relate."

A silence fell between us.

"You should return to your room." He advised me.

"I know."

I leaned against the counter beside him.

"If you know what you want to do, why are you still here?"

I looked at his loose boxers.

I chuckled at his attempt at modesty.

"You no longer sleep naked?"

"People change..."

"Yes, they do."

He drank more from his beer, and I rubbed his shoulders.

"Don't play with fire, Blakey."

I whispered in his ear.

"Stop me..."

"That's wrong, sweetheart."

He held me close, his lips an inch away from mine.

"I just need you to fuck me... One more time..." I pleaded.

It was like awakening a beast.

He turned me to face the counter, effortlessly tugging his boxers down to his calves.

"Stop me..." I whispered again.

"I can't."

With one hand on my mouth and the other caressing my butt, he slipped inside my anus effortlessly.

I felt the mammoth manhood penetrating my ass crack and if he hadn't silenced me, I would have undoubtedly moaned loudly.

He fucked me in total silence, his only audible noise being his vast balls slapping against my anus.

He entered me rawness. Depth.

I squeezed a banana to stifle my screams.

He was panting all over me. I felt like a heated roulette wheel.

"Is this what you've done to my daughter upstairs?" He whispered.

Perhaps he was seeking vengeance by fucking me?

Either way, I was grateful. His large penis in my anus, I felt complete.

This was hasty and unhygienic.

He came in my rectum after about five minutes of passionate pounding.

I was like a drug abuser, feeling high but always craving more.

"Let my semen dry in your anus." He whispered to me.

"Of course, sir." I kissed him.

We were no-good.

I wasn't feeling guilty anymore.

I went back to my room and Liv seemed semi-awake. I hoped she hadn't heard anything.

It didn't appear that way. She was worried about another trivial matter.

"You were wandering the house naked?" She mumbled sleepily, twisting to a more comfortable position.

She loved to sleep curled up while I hugged her.

I was glad she wasn't looking at me anymore because it was easier to deceive her this way.

"I've been living here for three months; it'd be sad if I hadn't learned to feel comfortable." I replied in a casual tone.


She seemed about to say something, but she dozed off again. Thankfully, she hadn't noticed a thing.

I lay down behind her so we could cuddle. She was the little spoon and I drifted off. Exhausted.

The wake-up was loud and shocking.

A literal vision of Hell right beneath my feet.


Dark smoke.

It was unbreathable.

It was my couch that jolted me awake.

Somehow, my unconsciousness was gone and I was left with a nightmare scenario.

My mind was hazy, struggling to remember where I was. The familiar presence of Joe by my side was missing.

There was a sudden loud bang that jolted me awake.

A massive explosion, heard from outside.

Shocker! I shot up, gazing out the window, only to see the barn blazing in front of me.

Oh my god!

The fire hadn't stopped there. It had spread to my side of the farm and my old wooden drawer in my room was now burning fiercely.

Ashes were the future.

We were trapped, stuck on the second floor of an old house teetering on the edge of destruction.

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