
A Mother's Admission of Wrongdoings: Chapter 1

Judy admits her faults to her former partner regarding their child.

May 18, 2024
10 min read
incestConfessions of a Guilty Mom Ch. 01ex-husbandsonsmokingconfessionmom
Confessions of a Guilty Mom Ch. 01
Confessions of a Guilty Mom Ch. 01

A Mother's Admission of Wrongdoings: Chapter 1

A woman named Judy Mason wandered around her kitchen, sipping a martini and smoking constantly, trying to build up the courage to phone her former husband. It was almost five o'clock on a Saturday, and she was in a desperate predicament. She and her 18-year-old son had recently engaged in sexual activities together, which resulted in him climaxing three times and her watching and enjoying herself. This has left Judy feeling guilty and remorseful.

The brunette drained the last of her cocktail, then grabbed the last of the bottle of Grey Goose from the freezer. She lit a new Marlboro Light 100, then examined her phone for possibly the hundredth time in the past sixty minutes, expecting her ex-husband to magically call her. However, of course, this wasn't happening.

They had separated three years ago, citing irreconcilable differences. Yet, despite their divorce, they had returned to being friends after their legal separation. During this time, they would occasionally enjoy sexual encounters. In her current inebriated state, Judy didn't have any desire for a sexual rendezvous with her ex. Her thoughts were instead focused on the guilt from her recent actions.

Their strength had always been their sexual compatibility and the fact that they could be brutally honest with each other about even the most delicate topics. Since their legal parting, Judy considered her ex-husband the one individual with whom she could share her present predicament. She could never share it with her pals or even her parents.

She drew in a deep breath and lit another cigarette. Her thoughts fixated on her ex-husband, who had been her only confidante in this situation. "Love the smell of your man's sweat," she thought. She stepped away from the drink and took a long drag on the cigarette.

Judy dialled her former husband's number, feeling both relieved and anxious. "Hey, Jude, what's up?" he inquired.

"Hi, Jack, it's me," she responded unnecessarily.

He chuckled, as the brand of her phone call seemed evident to him. "Yes, I'm aware. What's up now?"

"Well, I... I need to speak with someone. You're the only one I can think of whom I can discuss this with," Judy responded.

Except for some sniffling, he couldn't tell she was close to tears. "Right. What's so horrible," he asked, his feet immediately sinking into the floor.

Judy paused and took another deep pull from her cigarette. "Uh, I wouldn't want to disrupt your evening, but I'm having some issues. Could you come over?" she asked.

His voice gave away his skepticism. "What, like now?"

Judy once again exhaled. "Tonight, if possible. Or now if you're willing? If I ask, it's because it's necessary."

Judy carried on chain-smoking while awaiting his response. She was down to her last tactic. "Okay. I'll quickly go through a shower and then I'll come over. Anything I need to do first?"

The intoxicated ex-wife was intrigued. "Uh... Pick up some Grey Goose? Maybe a carton of Marlboro Lights, if you can? You know how I like them."

"I've got it," Jack muttered as he was likely wondering what on earth was so crucial that her importance had risen so sharply.

Judy exhaled a long stream of smoke. "Okay, I'll be waiting for you. Get here as soon as you can."

After hanging up, she collapsed onto a nearby seat, letting her head fall heavily onto the table. A sudden craving arose for yet another glass of martini. Already picking up the bottle, she smirked, "Jack and Coke. Something I've done before with Jack".

"Cigarettes? Okay. Anything else? Eggs, milk, bread?" he teased.

"No, nothing else." She took the last puff and admired the cigarette in her hand. She really did need eggs and milk. And bread. But no, she shouldn't push her luck, she chastised herself. "Just my vices, please. And you. Thank you so much, honey. See you soon. Bye."

She hung up before he could respond and quickly lit a new cigarette, collapsing into a kitchen chair. The attractive, busty brunette gazed at her martini glass and clenched her teeth. Come on, Jack, she thought. I need you.

On his end, Jack put down the phone, shook his head, and silently cursed his ex-wife. He still had the power to get under his skin, and that infuriated him.

And he really hated the fact that he was out the door two minutes later...

Jack knocked on the front door of his old house twenty minutes after hanging up with his ex-wife, a large brown bag on the ground. She opened the door almost immediately, having been watching through the front window, eager for his arrival.

"Hey, Jack," she smiled crookedly before giving him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek, her standard greeting since their divorce. "Thanks for coming over on such short notice. Come on in."

He picked up the bag and followed her through the hallway, past the living room and into the kitchen. The good-looking 44-year-old shook his head as he walked. Almost everything looked the same as when he used to live there. The main difference was that he wasn't in any of the family photos on the walls.

He placed the brown bag on the kitchen counter next to the stove and began unpacking it. He handed her one of the two packs of Marlboro Lights he had brought for her. Judy smiled as she took it from him, her hand lingering on his for a moment before tapping the packet on the counter and opening it.

"So. It's serious, isn't it?" Jack asked after pulling out one of the two bottles of Grey Goose vodka.

"Yep. Yep, I think so," his ex-wife frowned. She removed a long, white cigarette from the box and placed it between her full lips, looking at him as she encouraged him to light it.

Jack raised an eyebrow but complied, using his Bic to ignite the cigarette. Judy held his hand in both of hers and stared into his eyes while inhaling the cigarette smoke.

"Thanks, honey. For everything." She exhaled a cloud of smoke towards the ceiling.

Jack shook his head as he looked at her face, the irony striking him. Judy had never touched a cigarette before he met her. She hated smoking. But after one drunken fight, she had taken his Marlboro Lights. She went downstairs, soon trying her first one, mostly out of spite. When she reconciled with him the following morning, she admitted to her smoking adventure and said that she liked the buzz he gave her. And she eventually enjoyed one or two when they were drinking. Smoking had never become an addiction for her, though.

Jack, feeling his dick growing in his khakis, glanced down at her outfit. He chuckled. "Still wearing that old shirt?"

His ex-wife looked down at her chambray shirt, which had once belonged to him. "Yeah. It's still the most comfortable thing I have," she shrugged, trying to seem casual. It's the only thing I have left of you, she thought sadly.

Then she opened the freezer and grabbed the cocktail shaker, offering it to him together with the ice tray.

Five minutes later, the ex-couple sat at the oak kitchen table they'd bought together early in their marriage. They each drank their dirty martinis and lit fresh cigarettes. "So, any idea why I'm here tonight?" Jack joked.

"What? Don't you usually want to spend Saturday night with your ex-wife?" she quipped, taking a deep drag of her cigarette. "But seriously," she began after exhaling, "I... well, I did something I shouldn't have yesterday. Something bad. And I guess I just need to... confess it."

Jack smirked as he glanced at her chest. "You mean something really big?"

"Ha ha. Pervert," she retorted.

"Well, that's why you married the pervert," he shot back playfully.

"Partially, I also needed you to fix the toilet and mow the lawn. No, really, Jack, this is SERIOUS."

He nodded, dropping the joking tone. "Okay. Where is Cal, anyway?"

"Out with his girlfriend. He said she might be late." Noticing the worry on Jack's face, Judy said, "Don't worry, she's driving."

She took a deep drag from her cigarette and sipped her cocktail, her face showing concern. Jack, trying to keep calm, did the same.

"I... it's... it's BAD, Jack." She let out a sigh and coughed out the remaining liquid.

Jack observed her eyes start to fill with tears as she took another drink. The weight of the situation hit him, and his facial color drained. He reached out and held her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "It's okay, sweetheart. You know you can tell me anything."

She smiled at him gratefully, squeezing back and still holding his hand. "I know, Jack. That's why I called you." She thought back, feeling melancholy.

She cleared her throat and shook her head. "I... I hope you won't hate me, but... I did something with Cal yesterday."

Jack's head jerked back, as though he'd been punched. "Oh. I see." He tried to stay composed and took a drag from his cigarette. "I'm here now," he said, focusing on her. "Please, tell me everything."

"Well, it all began normally yesterday morning. Cal was late for school as always..."

The inebriated mother spent the next 15 minutes, a refill, and two more cigarettes, telling Jack about her risqué encounter with their 18-year-old son. Jack remained silent, stunned and aroused by the revelation. He'd weathered puberty with fantasies about his own mother.

After she recounted the story's climax, they both sat in silence, Jack trying to process the information. He couldn't come to terms with his feelings, both shocked and aroused. On one hand, he was appalled by Cal's actions, not by what Judy did. On the other, he was struggling with the conflicting emotions of arousal and jealousy. Lucky sod, he thought before mentally scolding himself.

"Okay. So..." he said, trying to change the subject. "That's... quite an experience."

He stood up and went to the kitchen to make refills for both. He had decided they both needed more alcohol to process the situation.

"I know, I know," Judy cried, her voice on the verge of breaking down. "Do you hate me, Jack?"

Jack, keeping his voice calm, finished pouring the drinks. "No. No, I don't hate you, Judy. I just... I just can't understand. I can't believe Cal had the nerve to do something like this. And... and I'm even more shocked that you encouraged it."

"Me too! I have no idea what came over me. I just... I guess I was just flattered that he thought of me that way. And... and well, let's face it — men haven't exactly been flocking to me as of late."

Judy's ex plopped their drinks onto the kitchen table, then sat down again. "So... so what?" he asked, puffing on his cigarette.

"So... what?" Judy responded, preparing for a barrage of judgment and criticism.

Cal finished his cigarette and crushed it out before looking at Judy with a mix of disdain and amusement. "So... what?" he asked again, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Murder? Execution? Burning at the stake? What do you want?"

Judy looked at him, perplexed by his reaction. She drank her cocktail and took a thoughtful drag from her cigarette, considering his words. "Well, at the moment, any or all of those feel fitting." She looked at her ex seriously while exhaling the last of her smoke.

The charming, slightly rugged-looking man took a deep breath and released it. He reached out and took her hand, holding it gently. Judy appeared like a regretful dog who had just chewed on the sofa.

"Baby, I..." he started hesitantly. Then he shrug. "I value you sharing this with me. I understand it was tough for you. But I... I don't think it's that awful, to be truthful with you."

His good-looking drunk ex stared at him a few times, like there was a glitch in her brain. "What?"

He chuckled, aiming to ease some of the tension. "I don't think it's that awful. Really."

The baffled woman took another puff on her cigarette. "You're kidding me, right? Just being nice because I used to be your wife and I had your kids? Seriously, Jack, spill it. I deserve it."

He bit his lips and smiled slightly, amused. "Baby, I don't know what made you do that, either. Clearly a combination of things. But it's not like you assaulted him. I... kind of think it was a bit innocent fun myself. And knowing that guy, it might have been the best thing to ever happen to HIM. And if you enjoyed it too, then so what? You and I used to masturbate together once in awhile..."

"That's not the same thing at all and you know it!" Judy's body unfurled from the twisted position it had gotten into, sensing a reprieve.

The man nodded in agreement. "You're right. It's not. I'm sorry for making that comparison. But again... I mean, what harm did it do?"

The busty mother glared at him for a moment. Then she sighed and examined her nearly-used-up Marlboro. "It made a huge mess on the floor for one thing."

Jack chuckled genuinely. "Well, yeah, but didn't you say he cleaned it up later?"

Judy scoffed. "That's not the point," she growled, her fear and shame morphing into shared amusement. "But... it was a HUGE PUDDLE!"

"What time?" he retorted playfully.

Judy grabbed her pack of cigarettes and threw it at his face, where he moved it out of the way. "Ass, sorry," she half-smiled, half-glared.

"That's why you divorced me."

Picking back up on the joke, she sneered, "Not completely. You'd already taught me how to unclog the toilet, and Cal could mow the lawn, so I didn't need you anymore, did I?"

Her ex didn't find that amusing. The hurt look on his face as he turned away and emptied the rest of his martini hurt Judy, as well. He pulled his hand away from her, but she grabbed it back. "I'm sorry, Jack. That was very mean, and I didn't mean it. The truth is, I... I still need you. I still... WANT you. Sometimes."

Jack glared at her, his anger rising. "Don't. Don't you dare do that to me," he said, struggling with himself. "You know how unjust that is. YOU were the one who filed for divorce, not me."

Judy looked at him, broken-hearted. "I know. You're right, I'm sorry."

She lit yet another cigarette and left it in her mouth. Then she swallowed hard and began undoing the buttons on his old worn-out chambray shirt. She knew how to make it up to him. How to make it better.

"But it's the truth, Jack," she continued as she reached the third button, the long Marlboro bobbing up and down between her lips. "I'm not saying we-- that I made a mistake. Maybe I did. Or maybe it just needed to be done. I don't know. But I do know I still love you. I still need you sometimes. And I know that I need you right now."

Cal just stared at her with an open mouth as she completed undoing her nightshirt. When she was done, she looked back up at him and did a sexy smoke inhale, the pretty brunette then drew it straight into her lungs. The great-looking woman pulled the shirt wide open to fully expose her wonderful DD breasts and blew her smoke directly in his face. He blinked it out, but remains silent.

"Make love to me, Jack. I want you to. I NEED you to. And I believe you need it too..."

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Source: www.nice-escort.de