Gay Sex

A Night Out on Omega

Miranda And Shepard Let Loose with Some Krogan Mercenaries.

May 2, 2024
13 min read
omegaA Night Out on Omegamiranda lawsonaliencreampieinterspeciescommander shepardmass effect

A Night Out on Omega

"We've spent so much time on this mission, Shepard," Miranda complained, relieved to finally sit down after what seemed like hours.

"You need to learn to loosen up, Miranda," Shepard smiled, passing a credit chip to a Salarian bartender and handing a small glass of Thessian Rose wine to the dark-haired lady. She gracefully sat down, admiring her reflection in the mirrored surface behind her, happy she chose the eye-catching sapphire latex dress given by a certain Asari. "This is one of the rare moments when we're not being shot at or covered in explosions. We should enjoy it while we can."

"You're one to talk," Miranda scoffed, pulling down her short leather skirt as a group of Krogans nearby checked out Afterlife's mercenary recruitment centre. "I've never seen you in anything other than your uniform or battle gear. Where on earth did you find these outfits? They're not what I'd expect from you."

"I may be a soldier, Miranda, but I know when to relax. You need a way to clear your mind or the stress will kill you," Shepard said, sipping her wine and closing her eyes as she savored the taste. "And the dresses? You'd be surprised by the variety in my wardrobe. Besides, I'm in the mood to unwind - I've had enough of fighting Collectors and insane mercs."

"I understand the need for taking breaks, no doubt dealing with Grunt's hormones and Jack's insanity requires some peaceful time. But do you really have to choose Omega of all places?" Miranda scowled, looking for the pair of Asari dancers dancing in front of her, both admiring her nearly naked body. "You go to the Presidium on the Citadel for a calm drink, or to Thessia for the best spas in the galaxy. Omega has drugs, prostitution, and the potential for dying in an abandoned Eezo refinery. Not my idea of relaxation."

"I don't like the idea of sitting around, and laying in mud baths with cucumbers on my eyes won't relieve my stress," Shepard quipped, bringing the glass to her lips and pouring the rich wine onto her tongue. "Omega may be a dump, but it's more entertaining than anything on the Citadel."

"I wish an investment firm would buy this place from Aria and gentrify it," Miranda sighed, imagining Aria's kingdom being destroyed and replaced with something more to her liking. "At least I don't have to worry about being gawked at by every alien in the area when I go to Flux, privacy is a thing."

"The woman who usually wears skin-tight bodysuits and high boots talking about privacy?" Shepard joked, noticing the Asari dancers as they began undressing each other, causing a commotion from the crowd. "And what's wrong with staring? Your fans seem to appreciate your choice of outfit tonight."

"I wasn't talking about them," Miranda said, diverting her attention to the two Krogans still fixed on them. "It seems like they won't stop gawking at us. I'm thinking about whipping out a pistol and shooting some holes in their helmets - that might teach them a lesson."

"I think Krogans view women in uniforms as part of their mating ritual, not a threat," Shepard said, watching the Krogans stare as she crossed her legs, making a decision to show off her tone limbs. "The Krogans watching us must be quite captivated."

"And why do you know that?" Miranda questioned, sipping her own wine to avoid seeing the Asari dancers stripping on the platform above. "It's just one of those pesky facts."

"I'm not surprised. But I'm interested in how you know that." Shepard chuckled, downing her drink and asking for a refill. "Popular search terms on the Extranet, perhaps?"

I specialize in understanding the perspectives of other races when it comes to humans. It's purely strategic, nothing more, replied Miranda, feeling uneasy as she heard one Asari edge towards climax, uncomfortable with the influence this performance was having on her the longer it continued. "Knowing your opponent is key to winning when things go south."

"It must be professional curiosity, I suppose," Shepard uncrossed her legs and got off her stool. "So, would you object if I invited them over? What better way to assess a Krogan's interest in humans than to witness it firsthand?"

"What? Wait, Shepard!" Miranda just avoided getting caught by Shepard when she tried to grab her by the arm, nearly falling off her stool as she watched the redhead approach the hulking mercenaries, noticing the way the commander walked with a captivating swagger as she went. "I wish I'd implanted a control chip in her when I had the chance."

Shepard brushed her long red hair back, offering a captivating smile when the Krogans briefly glanced at each other in confusion at her approach. She waited until a small group of Batarians left before moving closer, stopping at the side of the bar these two occupied. There was a moment of hesitation between them, with the Krogans taking their time to figure out Shepard's motive for her approach, a hesitation that was broken when the one closest to her decided to place his massive hand on her waist, appreciating her curvy shape.

"So what brings a human like you to a place like this?" he questioned, moving closer to Shepard when he realized she wasn't about to flee.

"Oh, I was just looking for a chance to cut loose. Afterlife seemed like the ideal place to let go without being judged," Shepard shrugged, placing an arm on the black metallic bar so she could face the pair. "I'm Katerina. And who are you, gentlemen?"

"Grunk," the Krogan beside her replied with a resounding thump of his chest, slapping his companion hard on the shoulder, "and this is Knox. And we're certainly not the gentleman type."

"I can see that, the Blood Pack armor was a clear hint," Shepard acknowledged, checking out the countless dents and scars on all the plates and panels, as well as the welds joining everything back together.

"Usually humans run the moment they see a Krogan," Grunk moved his hand downwards, landing on the curve of Shepard's hip, testing her limits. "But here you are. So I'm wondering if you came here for a particular reason."

"Maybe I did," Shepard flirtatiously batted her eyelashes, leaning in close enough for her voice to be heard over the thumping bass reverberating throughout the club. "See, my friend over there told me Krogans have developed a particular preference for human women. Now, I've never heard of such a thing before, and I wasn't fully convinced it was true. So, what better method than to visit the source?"

"Your friend?" Knox chimed in, glancing towards Miranda, smirking when she turned her head away from the embarrassment. "Truth be told, I've enjoyed watching her dance on the dance floor. That ass is amazing."

"We were checking you out too," Grunk boomed, stroking Shepard's rear with hunger in his slit-shaped eyes. "As for your friend, she might not show it, but I get the impression she's undecided. She probably needs a little encouragement."

"Miranda does her best to seem disinterested, but I think she might be considering it. She just needs a gentle nudge," Shepard asserted, noticing the growing arousal in Knox's eyes as he listened to her words.

"Perfect, now we just need a private spot to conduct our little test," Grunk remarked, standing up to scan the area for any possible private booths. He frowned upon seeing there were none.

"Excuse me," a tiny voice called out, drawing the attention of all three individuals. It was an Asari waitress dressed in a uniform that reminded them of Aria T'Loak's personal staff, wearing blue and white. She held up a golden key card, pointing to a door next to Aria's "throne room." "My mistress wanted me to provide you with a room to mingle with your new female companions."

"Really?" Grunk inquired, examining the card in astonishment. "Are we that lucky today? Top notch humans and a room at Aria's expense?"

"Must be," Shepard murmured thoughtfully, regarding the attractive Asari. "May I inquire why our hostess is so generous?"

"Mistress Aria is determined to strengthen ties with the Blood Pack," the Asari replied with conviction. "She believes in the importance of reciprocity for mutual benefit."

"Ah, makes sense," Shepard remarked, fixing her gaze on the balcony overlooking the club floor. She caught sight of Aria herself, the ruler of Omega, who managed both internal and external affairs of the station. The queen gave her a wink before concentrating on a meeting with the major red sand cartel leaders. "I'd like to express my gratitude to Mistress Aria. Do you think she'll have some time for me?"

"I'll check her schedule," the Asari replied. "Oh, and all drinks will be on the house. Two Quad Kickers and a small glass of Thessian Blossom Wine?"

"Sounds great," Grunk stated with excitement as he watched the Asari leave. "We have the room now. We just need to find a way to bring in Knox and his lady friend."

As Shepard walked back to Miranda, she noticed exasperation replacing anticipation. Expecting Miranda to be furious, Shepard was caught off guard by the Cerberus operative's agitated expression, who was looking anywhere but at the scene playing out above.

"Miranda?" she inquired cautiously, trying to rouse Miranda from her spell.

"What are these monsters doing here? Shouldn't they be somewhere getting crushed by a mech in the Terminus System?" Miranda snapped, fiercely meeting Grunk and Knox's glares.

"These are Grunk and Knox. And as you can see, this is a key to a room," Shepard waved the card in front of Miranda. "I hope you're up for some fun with the four of us before we return."

"I don't believe it! You're telling me you want me to participate in sex with one of these creatures just to prove a point?" Miranda challenged, attempting to free herself from Shepard's grip.

"True, because I know I won't be the one to renege on my word," Shepard smiled, dragging Miranda to her feet, ignoring her complaints.

Lacking options, Miranda struggled against Shepard's hold. Upon noticing Grunk restraining her, she snapped, "I'd be more than happy if you reneged on this!"

Miranda tried to escape, but her efforts were futile when Knox secured her with a tight grip on her shoulders, guiding her towards the metallic blue door. As Shepard swiped her key, she followed closely behind, taking in the lavishness of the room. Even Miranda paused, taking in details like the genuine leather seats and the soothing color scheme. Everything was a stark contrast to the usual filth of the station beyond Afterlife.

"Aria may have style, but I can't deny she has good taste," Miranda confirmed, shivering from the unexpected closeness of the Krogans terrifying her.

"Be cautious with your words, Miranda. Rumors have it that Aria has most of the station monitored." Shepard said, gliding past the tiny round table holding the group's beverages, settling into the soft leather couch, astonished by how comfortable it was. Grunk soon followed, snatching his drink from the metal tray and gulping it down in one swift gulp. "However, you're right, she has a keen sense of style."

"Too vibrant for me," Grunk placed his huge hand on Shepard's exposed thigh, deliberately lifting the hem of her latex skirt an inch at a time. "Give me a run-down shack any day of the week, at least you don't need to stress about angering someone when you leave a mess."

"Aria won't mind if we leave behind a little mess," Shepard giggled, parting her legs to give the Krogan access to the sacred space between them, a space Grunk immediately seized. Before a second passed, Grunk sent his fingers diving up to the floral patterned thong hiding Shepard's vault, pulling it aside to toy with her tight slit. "Ooh, you don't waste time."

"Foreplay is for Salarians. Krogans swiftly decide what they want and take it," Grunk teased Shepard's outer lips, stretching them apart as he lined up one of his thick fingers with her opening. She barely had enough time to prepare before the Krogan slid it in, forcing his finger as far as possible, a move that caused Shepard to moan. "And we recognize when the women we adore feel the same."

"Wow," Shepard clutched Grunk's powerful thigh, moving her hips in tandem as Grunk manipulated her from within with uncanny accuracy. Lost in the bliss of Grunk's fingering, Shepard's fingers quickly found the metal plate covering the Krogan's groin, skulking around in search of the set of clamps that secured it. "J-Just there!"

"That's what we cherish most about humans; they're easily enflamed," Grunk chuckled, deciding to show mercy on Shepard when she struggled to undo the clamps. He used his free hand to push Shepard's away, deftly prying open each one with ease, allowing Grunk's swelling cock to release its constriction. Grunk guided Shepard's hand back, watching her fingers encircle the massive shaft, struggling to entirely cover it. "See? You're desperate for this to be lodged inside you. Surely?"

"Yes," Shepard panted, aching to feel the monolithic organ inside her, shuddering as she felt the intense heat it emitted against her fingertips.

She regarded Miranda, who remained fixed in front of the door, with Knox directly behind her. Although Miranda's reservations were obvious, Shepard recognized the effect watching her commander be negligently touched had on the stoic woman. Miranda's apprehension allowed Knox to make his move, clamping his hands on her milky thighs, kneading her smooth skin when she offered no opposition. It was a laborious process, but Shepard was certain that Miranda's defiance was brink of collapse.

"For a delicate species, you're surprisingly bendable in the places that matter." Grunk observed, noticing a droplet of greenish pre-cum seep out from the curved projectile tip of his penis, quickly dribbling down the shaft and resting on Shepard's fingers. In order to prevent an early climax, Grunk had to penetrate her. "It's nearly as hard as it's going to get. Are you ready to mount me, whore?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Shepard smirked, letting out a shiver at the harsh language. Grunk lifted his finger free from her hole, beckoning her with a patronizing smile. She promptly swung a leg to straddle his lap, positioning herself so the enormous cock aimed directly at her glistening pussy. Gripping the shaft, she could feel the prominent veins pulsating against her palm, speeding up as she positioned the russet tip inside her dripping tunnel, stretching her to accommodate its girth. "Ready to show me how much Krogans adore human women?"

"When I've had my way with you, you'll be addicted to Krogan cock!" Grunk assured the redhead, gripping Shepard's exposed thighs, clamping them together like an accordion.

"Good old-fashioned promises," She giggled, closing her eyes as the horny bulge shoved its way into her torrid cavity, tearing her open. "So large! It's like it's rending me apart."

"You'll come to enjoy this." Grunk soothed the redhead, panting heavily as he felt rod after rugged scale of his manhood burrow into Shepard, aided by the liquid nectar oozing from her overexcited gap. "It'll become second nature, like mounting an air-bike, you won't forget how to ride it."

Shepard slowly made her way down the extralong limb, being careful not to move too quickly. She'd never experienced anything so massive before, since leaving the academy. Although she'd had plenty of practice with various sex toys and objects specifically designed to resemble alien penis, they couldn't match up to the real live thing. Silicone and plastic lacked the intricate details and sensations of a real, potent manhood.

Fortunately, the Krogan was patient and let Shepard get used to his member, just sitting back as her insatiable sex fully consumed the last few centimeters. She suppressed the scream that threatened to escape as their genitals finally met, as Grunk's tip collided painfully against her cervical ring, almost causing it to break. She circled her hips, trying to force her body to adapt, feeling the pain being replaced by intense pleasure as she began slowly rising and falling.

"Think you got it, baby?" Grunk grinned, slowly pushing Shepard back upwards, using his immense Krogan strength to effortlessly lift her off his massive organ. "No human has managed to swallow one of these before."

"Not yet, but this is my one and only opportunity to experience it," Shepard grabbed onto Grunk's armored shoulder pads and decided to rise on her own, only stopping when the tip almost touched her labia. "Let's see how far I can go."

Shepard slammed her body back down, quickly propelling herself forward with enough force to make the chair creak audibly. Despite the intense pleasure overwhelming her, she focused mainly on the sensation inside her and the ecstasy being emitted by the alien beneath her. She gyrated her body in a circular motion, following the shape of the big cock penetrating her deeply and ejecting its semen at an increasing speed, each ridge dragging across her smooth walls. After a short while of finding her groove, she increased her pace, twisting her muscular body around Grunk's cock, groaning as he matched her moves.

"Feisty huh? chuckle" Grunk taunted, feeling the intensity of her desire, increasing his speed as well. He clenched his hands tightly around Shepard's narrow waist and pounded into her like a machine gun. "Humans typically struggle to take it."

"Well, you did warn me," Shepard grunted, sweat beading on her face, illuminating her flawless skin. "However, I won't hold back. Go as hard as you need to."

Shepard raised her arms above her head, grabbing onto Grunk's neck, and jammed her legs over his waist, bracing herself just in time for him to suddenly thrust with all his might, rocking her body back and forth on his lap like a toy. Shepard's cries filled the air as she approached yet another all-consuming orgasm, her body seized by the intense sensations of wild thrusts.

"Let's see what a real Krogan can do," Grunk growled as he stood up, lifting herself along with him.

Shepard wrapped her fingers around Grunk's neck, eggs on her ankles around his waist. She knew what was coming and prepared accordingly, bracing herself as he threw his hips like a jackhammer, ramming his big cock deep into her womanhood with startling force. Her cries were impossible to contain now, accented by the alien grunts of ecstatic Grunk. It took less than a minute before Shepard reached another eye-popping climax, one that nearly put her to sleep.

"Don't hesitate to finish your honey pot, Krogan," Shepard whispered through gritted teeth, moaning as he approached his own inevitable release.

"You really want it?" Grunk grunted, bracing himself with his incredible strength.

"You bet," Shepard panted, losing consciousness just before Grunk let loose, flooding her insides with thick jets of his fluids. Grunk slumped back, panting heavily as he continued to fill her, his cock expanding vigorously inside Shepard's already-filled pussy.

"Mind blowing," Grunk announced, still slightly bored by the bondage-bracelet he was wearing. "Most human women can't take my entire shaft."

"Been awhile since someone like you's shown me a good time." Shepard responded, admiring how good it felt to be full of Krogan semen, appreciating the warmth of it. "But I'll tell you what I've learned right now, Krogan, you certainly didn't disappoint."

"I try not to," Grunk retorted, still chortling softly, his head slightly turning to stare at FemShep nearby.

"What about her? Do you think she's beginning to see some merit to my claims?" Shepard asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, she wants some too." Grunk noted, still feeling his cock swell inside Shepard. "Maybe later, I'll help you convince her."

Shepard spun around, anticipating to find Miranda standing firmly. However, the flawless model was lying face up on the leather cushioning with her lengthy, luscious legs thrashing wildly in the air as Knox thrusted into her forcefully. Miranda's chic platform shoes swayed from her feet, the upper part of her dress was removed to permit Knox to lick his tongue all over her vast, fair bosoms.

"Fuck me! Fuck me, you mindless creature!" Miranda uttered lustfully, extending her back as her own orgasm neared.

"Appears she's near," Shepard quipped amusingly, listening to the self-confident woman's cries fill the chamber. "Yet we have the entire night ahead, much more than enough period for Knox to practice his craft."

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