Celebrity Sex Stories

A Novel Exercise Routine: Part 1

The gym offers a new kind of exercise experience.

May 11, 2024
18 min read
oralA New Gym Workout Pt. 01oral sexmatureanalanal play
A New Gym Workout Pt. 01
A New Gym Workout Pt. 01

A Novel Exercise Routine: Part 1

This person would often spot a woman who seemed to have a similar exercise routine as him. While they never had a conversation, he noticed she was attractive and in great shape despite her age. One day, he noticed her presence with an older man who looked to be in his late seventies. Apparently, they were her husband, and while she was still in top form, her husband did not seem to be in the same league.

Upon completing his own routine, he walked out towards the lobby when the woman approached him. They've passed each other many times, but never talked. She introduced herself as Becky and complimented his dedication in the gym. He said he'd been going there for two years and they exchanged pleasantries with him explaining how he was impressed by her elliptical skills.

"Excuse me, have we met before? I've seen you here so often," she said in a very friendly manner. Tim acknowledged their weekly schedules at the gym coincided, and he assumed she was in her early fifties. She mentioned that they actually wanted to get in touch. So, they agreed to have a coffee together at the nearby cafe.

Arriving at the cafe, he saw that her husband was present but not as active in moving around. Her husband, named Bill, managed to park further away because of some difficulty. Inside, they all sat at a table in the back and Becky introduced him to her husband. Tim observed Bill's appearance, and his knowledge about carpentry showed his physicality was not a result of weightlifting. However, his age-induced arthritis and diabetes made it difficult for him to exercise now.

"Tim, I apologize for the sudden invite, but we want to tell you why we're talking to you. People here probably don't think we're your age when you consider our activity," explained Becky. "I'm sixty-five, and Bill is eighty. While a younger age gap didn't bother us before, we're now in different life stages."

"What do you mean?" inquired Tim, who thought he was about sixty or sixty-five.

Becky shared that despite her appearances, she was actually sixty-five and her husband Bill was eighty. He was always a carpenter who indulged in manual labor, so he was strong, but he missed out on the range of motion he needed now. She then asked some personal questions about his relationship status, assuming he was still married or dating someone. Tim informed them that he was divorced twenty-five years before without a new relationship.

"So you live in Georgia too? And you're reluctant to find a friend of your age?" asked Bill, trying to break the ice.

"Yes, I live nearby, and finding older friends is challenging, especially when you're not there to see them every week," he replied.

"Then join us! We'd love to have you in our group of gym goers," added Becky, showing enthusiasm.

"Sounds fun," said Tim, considering the idea. "Since both of you already have a good cardio routine and are both understanding, it might be a nice way to branch out from my usual schedule," he thought. "I'll probably see them the following week, as his joints weren't up for going back to the gym just yet."

"I'm just going to dive headfirst into this. Tim, Bill is totally unable to have sex. We haven't had a proper intimate relationship for five years. Bill has been telling me to find someone else the whole time, but I've always been hesitant since we're married."

"I get it. Fidelity is essential - I've been cheated on myself," Tim said.

"Well, Bill has finally convinced me that it wouldn't be considered cheating because it's his idea and he'd be aware of it," Becky explained.

"So, are you seeking guidance on how to find a companion? I'm on a few dating websites, but it's still challenging as we live in a remote area," Tim shared.

"Actually, we're asking if you'd consider becoming Becky's lover, Tim. She finds you attractive and seems to be in great physical shape," Bill said.

Tim had just reached for his coffee cup when Bill spoke. Had he not stopped, he likely would've spilled it all over the place. Now, gazing from Bill to Becky, who smiled and nodded, he muttered, "I'm not quite sure how to respond to that!"

"Becky, I realize this might be startling, but we're entirely serious. I must inquire if you have any erectile dysfunction issues, as many men over fifty typically do," Becky inquired.

"Glad to report I'm part of the fortunate few who don't require medications."

"So the small blue pills do work for you?" Bill questioned.

"No, I've never required them. Engaging with an appealing woman is all it takes," Tim asserted. "So what are we talking about?"

"We only have a general understanding of the circumstances. If you agree, we'll need to work out the finer points together," Becky clarified. "Our intimate encounters will have to occur at your house. Bill will be aware but prefers not to be there when they happen."

"That's no issue. I reside alone with only my dog," Tim replied.

"There is not to be any lip-locking," Becky added. "This is about sexual satisfaction, not love." Tim nodded.

"We're also hoping that the three of us can develop a strong friendship. Join us for meals, and so on. Which church do you attend?" Bill asked.

"I'm not religious at all, so I don't attend any. I believe in treating others as I'd like to be treated, yet I find the ceremonies and rituals of organized religion unappealing. Does that matter?" Tim excused.

"Not in the least. Becky and I frequent different churches, and we respect everyone's opinions."

"So, Tim, what do you think?" Becky wondered.

"Well, I'd like a bit of time to mull it over. Becky, you're undoubtedly a beautiful woman and, if you were single, I'd most likely be stripping off your clothing already," Tim responded, causing their faces to brighten with amusement.

"I categorically refuse to engage in adultery. That means I avoid getting involved with women who are married or in a relationship. I have to get my head around Bill being not only supportive but seemingly orchestrating this," Tim conveyed.

"I understand. As I stated earlier, it took him four years to make me comfortable with the concept. And I'm still not entirely on board. More like ninety-nine percent."

"May I inquire what prompted your change of heart?" Tim enquired.

"I suppose if we're potentially going to embark on this venture, we'll have to delve into the specifics. For the first year or so, we had faith that medical science would uncover a remedy for Bill's predicament. Once we recognized it wouldn't, I secured a few... assistance tools. I managed to give myself an orgasm, but it's simply not the same. Bill has never been comfortable with performing oral stimulation on me and, although he tried, I could sense his discomfort."

"Pretty hefty," Tim observed.

"Not really, Tim. When you're certain how limited the remaining time is, numerous topics that used to be difficult to consider or discuss become quite simple. In the subsequent few years, I will be gone. There's nothing that can be done to change that, so there's no point in resisting it. Strive to accept it and execute any plans that are in your partner's and your own best interests," Bill counselled. "I, for one, have communicated my desires to Becky. I desire her to find someone else to spend the remainder of her life with, although that doesn't necessarily imply that you are, or might be, that person."

"Alright, if I can have a couple of days to ponder this over, I'll be able to provide an answer by the end of the week. At the moment, I can say that I'd like to develop a close friendship - if that's an option if I reject the other. I'm captivated by your views on existence, friendship, and more, and know that if I do, it will make me a much better person," Tim promised.

"No problem, how's your workout schedule?" Becky inquired.

"I hit the gym on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. I train with my personal coach in Clarkesville on Mondays and Fridays, then come here afterward. On Tuesdays, I arrive early and then head out to buy groceries. So why don't we meet up on Friday for my final answer, cool?"

"Alright, but let's exchange numbers first. If you decide anything in the upcoming days, try not to wait until Friday to inform us," Becky suggested.

"Sure thing," replied Tim while entering her number into his phone and sending her his.

As they left the cafe, Bill shook Tim's hand and Becky embraced him tightly, leaving a kiss on his cheek. Tim assumed that her boobs pressed against his chest on purpose.

Upon reaching his car, Tim waved goodbye as they drove off.

On Tuesday, Tim was close to finishing his gym session when Becky showed up, alone. Since she saw his vehicle, she knew he was there. When she couldn't spot him on any of the cardio equipment, she walked to the back and located him on the floor performing two-legged bridges. "These will help during the woman-on-top position," she mused aloud and then chuckled quietly.

After he completed his routine and stood up, they embraced. Tim had thought about the situation for the past twenty hours. What if Bill cannot handle the idea like he thinks he can? What if Becky starts feeling guilty? What if one or both of them fall for the other? Can the three of them actually be together as friends without issues?

"Tim, I truly wish to proceed with this. Bill and I discussed it comprehensively yesterday and trust he'll be completely unaffected by it. He wants me to experience pleasure, and I can't deny that I desire it as well. I masturbated twice last night and this morning, fantasizing about you both times. Those were the most fantastic orgasms I've had in years, and I simply know the real thing will be better."

"Becky, I'm not trying to put you through any agony, but I need time to ponder the situation. Let's give this a try - when I get home later this morning, I'll text you those concerns I'm contemplating. You're not obligated to respond, but if you have input, I'll gladly take it. Great!"

"That works. And to be clear, I'll always share everything with Bill - anything he wants to know."

"Fair enough. I'll see you again," Tim said as they hugged and he departed for the grocery store.

Several hours later, Tim's phone pinged with an incoming text. "Bill and I discussed your open questions and adopted our opinions. It's best to discuss them in person or over the phone. Do you agree?" He responded, "Yeah, I'm fine with that."

When his phone rang, he recognized Becky's name on caller ID. He popped in his earbuds and answered. "Hi Becky."

"And Bill. We're using speaker mode. Can you hear us okay?" Becky questioned.

"Yes, perfectly fine. Hi Bill."

"Hi Tim."

"All right, so here's what we believe. If either Bill or I can't get used to this as we anticipate, we'll instantaneously voice our concerns. We'll then communicate and find a solution that will satisfy the distressed person - or discontinue the arrangement."

"That's good," Tim answered.

"Now, if one or both of us fall in love with the other, that must be disclosed immediately. I acknowledge I'll continue loving Bill, but if I also develop feelings for you, we'll have to determine what that means. Polyamorous relationships involve multiple people committed to multiple others. We'd just need to figure out how to facilitate it."

"Yeah, I follow."

"If you wind up falling for me, Tim, and I don't reciprocate feelings, you'd have to decide whether to continue. If you discover that you can't proceed with me due to your sentiments, we'd terminate the relationship."

"That's reasonable," Tim affirmed.

"As for whether we can all indeed become good friends, that's uncertain. Bill and I believe we can, as long as we don't force it and let it evolve naturally. We'll locate activities we all enjoy and partake in them. If friendships form naturally, they'll flourish."

"Got it." Then, Tim added, "I do require one additional condition. If, after the initial time we're together, any of the three of us find the experience uncomfortable, we dissolve as friends. Becky, this would include you or me deciding that the sex isn't worth the trouble. Bill, if you have any doubts, so be it."

"We both agree, Tim, and, thank you!" exclaimed Becky, filled with enthusiasm.

"Yep, thanks a lot Tim. This will only fortify our marriage further and make my wife incredibly happy," Bill replied.

"So what's our next move?" Tim inquired.

"When can we come over to your place, Tim?" Becky questioned.

"Tomorrow is my day for volunteering with Habitat and we usually have an intense day. I generally arrive home at around 3 or 3:30, but I'll probably be tired and achy. On the other hand, my Thursdays and most weekends are rather free," he answered.

"I've got therapy every Thursday morning that goes for over three hours," Bill said, "and I always drive myself there so that Becky doesn't need to sit around waiting for half a day."

Becky expressed, "I'd love to visit you on Thursday morning, if everything works out, Tim."

"Great. Let's say 9:00?" Tim suggested. "I'll send you the complete address. Are you familiar with the Batesville region?"

"I am," Becky informed him. "I'm sure I can locate it. See you then!"

When he came home from Habitat the day after, Tim embarked on cleaning his living space. He removed the bedsheets, washed them, dusted, vacuumed, and tidied up the kitchen and bathrooms. He then had a shower, prepared dinner, and relaxed, contemplating the following day.

He hadn't had sex in close to six months, but it didn't too worry him. He masturbated at the very least once, and sometimes more frequently, every week. Regardless, being inside a woman might speed up his arousal more than he'd prefer. He decided to address his concerns with her.

And it occurred to him that he and Becky hadn't talked about specifics regarding what she'd like to do. Based on her comments regarding Bill's attempts yet disliking it, he guessed she favored receiving oral. Did she reciprocate? What about positions? Was she mostly missionary? There were many things to discuss and learn.

The next morning, Tim's alarm jolted him awake at 6 am. As was his routine, he jumped out of bed, made it, visited the bathroom to pee, weighed himself, and dressed before entering the living room to feed his dog and let her out of her crate.

Tim's weekday breakfast was made up of cereal, almond milk with protein powder, fruit like pears or blueberries, and coffee. He preferred to indulge in his eggs and breakfasts for the weekend. For today, he decided he might require the protein and calories, so he chose fried eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast, and coffee.

After finishing his meal, he cleaned up before going to the bathroom to shave his head and trim his beard. He also shaved his neck and showered, opting to keep his genital area clean by using a razor on his shaft and scrotum.

Becky appeared right at 9 in the morning. Tim greeted her by the car door. They entered the cabin and he offered her a cup of coffee, tea, or any other beverage she desired, but she chose to decline. "Becky, you won't believe how much I've been looking forward to this. My underwear is completely drenched and my pussy feels like it's humming. Can we just get naked and in bed? Please," she requested.

"Well, that's going to spoil my plans for a two-hour seduction to warm you up, but I can improvise," he commented with a grin.

Becky playfully swatted his shoulder before pulling him to herself. She rested her lips on the side of his neck and gave him a mouth-wateringly sensuous kiss. "Bill and I agreed this was okay, but no mouth kissing," she elaborated.

Hearing this, Tim reciprocated, discovering the unique experience quite thrilling. At the same time, he caressed her back and her ass cheeks. She moaned quietly, and he pulled away from her and moved his hands to her breasts. He could tell her bra was see-through, and her nipples were already hard. Although she was in great shape even at her age, gravity was a challenge.

He surmised, rightly as he'd discover later, her to be a 34C. He's always been partial to A or B cup breasts, but he certainly couldn't deny that Cs were quite lovely. "There's ideal and then there's very nice and right here," he thought as he massaged her breasts.

"Enough!" Becky exclaimed. She tugged off his t-shirt, lifting it over his head and arms and placed it over the chair in the corner. He did the same with her tank top and then unhooked her bra, allowing it to slide from her shoulders.

"One-handed unhooking is rookie territory," Becky teased.

"Oh, one-handed unhooking is a glimpse of amateur time. Being able to reattach them with only one hand is the mark of a true expert," he joked back.

"You'll have to prove your skills later," she quipped.

"Not a remote chance. I like them much better without a bra."

Becky removed his scrubs, undid the zipper, and pulled them down. She slipped her hand into them and found a truly impressive, very hard cock. "Mmmmmmmm. I'm a fan of the commando look," she murmured.

Tim undid her belt, unbuttoned and took off her shorts. Her underwear was soaked, indicating her readiness. Once her shorts were at her ankles, she removed them with her feet.

He gripped the waistband of her panties at both hips, lowering himself to kneel and pulled them down. He took her buttocks in his hands and savored the smell of an excited woman.

Moaning more loudly this time, Becky appreciated it when a man with experience went down on her, which hadn't happened in over four decades. Bill didn't appreciate it, but Becky was fond of it. She spread her legs wider, hoping Tim would respond to her signals.

Tim loved it, and he opted to tease her by not directly stimulating her clit. He went from her perineum to just below her clit, knowing it would drive her insane. He spent roughly two minutes on this and managed to make Becky squat on the sofa. His goal was to spread her legs and give her pussy access, sucked her in with a hunger, buried his nose inside her, and pierced her ass with his tongue.

She couldn't stop moaning and longed for him to taste her clit and to fill her vagina with his dick. Images of being pegged crossed her mind and she was willing to explore that. Tim's tongue accidentally slipped inside her anus, which made him curious. 'Does she enjoy anal, or just like to feel it during oral?' he thought. He stopped to focus on her clit and made her come with a scream loud enough to make him glad he lived in a forested land.

When she came off from her orgasm, Tim wrapped his arms around her waist to support her as she calmed down. She offered to perform oral sex on his dick, but she needed his cock inside her first.

Tim assisted her up and assisted her to lie on the bed. He positioned himself behind her, spread her legs, and climbed onto the bed. They both laid down and he asked which position she'd like.

"Missionary, but I'll pull my knees up" she replied. "The angle changed with that position allows more exploration," she said, hoping he could hit her G-spot. Tim moved into position and started stroking.

"Your pussy feels perfect," Tim told her. "Warm, wet, tight, and soft."

She gripped her muscles to make Tim feel good. Tim quickly noticed that he was close to coming, yet he relaxed and continued to enjoy himself, admitting he didn't plan on lasting much longer. "You're going to cum soon," she said. "Yes," he replied. [Tim got up and joined Becky in her room, where she had indicated to him that they can make love in 'Missionary' position. Additionally, she pulled her knees up to reach a desired angle while Tim made it appropriate for them to maintain the position and have her clitoris slightly more accessible for Tim to potentially hit her G-spot that has her scream afterward. Collaborating, they both climbed onto a big bed in the room. Tim rested by her side and asked which position she would like first.] (tim: what position do you like?) (becky: missionary, and I'll pull my legs up, 'cus the way it changes the angle enhances how good your dick feels inside me and you might hit my g-spot, y'know?) (tim: got it.)

[Tim moved between her legs] (tim: oh wow. your pussy is so warm.) (becky: you can't believe how good this feels, bro) [Tim, rested on elbows, looked her straight in the eyes] (tim: you're so beautiful.) (becky: so are you, gorgeous.)

[He positioned himself between her legs and propped himself up on his elbows.] (tim: your pussy feels so amazing.) (becky: yes exactly, that feel.) [He pulled her legs up toward her head and hers bent up, pulling her knees close to her chest] (becky: ah. you have a natural angle for my g spot, so...) (tim: and I'd love to explore it...) (becky: please do...)

[He entered her, moving carefully, building up in pace] (tim: I love it! feel so good.) (becky: yeah, i know it.)

[Able to hit her g spot, Tim felt nobody could ever screw her harder or faster as he did.] (tim: mhmm, it feels great.)

Tim burst inside her, abiding by his natural instincts to go as deep as possible. He was taken aback when his head met her cervix, but fortunately, she didn't yell in pain, indicating she was okay with it. He was elated when he heard and felt Becky orgasm again, nearly as much as the first time.

"I love when you shoot your cum inside me," Becky said, her words encouraging him to ejaculate more than normal. When he eventually finished, he attempted to pull out, but she held onto his ass and insisted, "Don't you dare! Stay right here."

Instead of kissing, Tim showered her neck with kisses. Becky reciprocated, kissing his neck once he stopped. When his penis softened and shrank, her vagina propelled him out with a pop that they felt even if they didn't hear it.

Tim lay beside Becky, breathing heavily. She sat up and straddled his face, running her tongue from his flaccid cock base to the crown. She then engulfed his entire shaft with her mouth, cleaning him coated in both his and her cum.

"Tim, what an amazing experience. The oral sex and the intercourse were superb. You've got a knack for reading and understanding a woman," Becky gushed.

"No second thoughts? No qualms?" he inquired.

"Nope. You?"

"I've always considered you an attractive woman. Now I can also say you're sexually enticing. I hope this 'arrangement' endures for a long period of time. By the way, there's a trend, especially among people our age, called 'Living Apart Together.' It involves two single individuals in a monogamous, committed relationship but who choose not to cohabitate. We could fit into that category."

"I read about that in the AARP magazine. Though our situation is slightly different since I'm married," she added as she strolled naked into the living room and returned with her phone. She sent her husband a text and then climbed back into bed, reaching out to caress Tim's member.

"I thought recuperation would take longer for a man your age," she commented as his genitalia grew in her palm.

"I agree, but it's different when a woman wants a second round right away. Normally, following intercourse, we'd either go to sleep or have intercourse in the morning, and then start our day. Plus, this is an unusual situation," Tim explained. "I say don't refuse a rewarding cock."

Giggling, Becky quipped, "I think this gift cock requires a mouth." She then lowered her head and took him back into her mouth, but with a different objective.

Becky proved to be an expert at performing fellatio. Soon, Tim was fully erect, and she administered oral sex with vigor. She bobbed her head up and down his shaft, barely able to take him all the way in but more than enough to please him. She intertwined her hand around the base of his penis and followed her mouth as it rose and sank over him.

After a few minutes, she shifted her hand to his testicles, caressing and massaging them. She advanced her mouth to his glans, sucking gently on it while her tongue circled his frenulum and poked into his urethra. She continued until his breaths became deeper and longer, and his moans grew louder and more frequent.

She took his shaft in her hand and utilized her mouth and hand to stroke him, increasing her speed. When he described how close he was, she realized they hadn't discussed whether she should stop, discreetly spit, or swallow if he came in her mouth. She hummed, hoping he understood.

Instruction: When he nearly reached the point of no return, he shouted, "I'm about to cum now!"

Becky kept up her rhythm, eventually pushing him past the brink and causing him to flood her mouth. She used both her hands and mouth to drain him completely before slowly detaching him from the mouth and grinning at him.

"There are other subjects we should talk about. I initially planned to discuss them first thing this morning but we both became worked up," she said. "Oh, and by the way, your cum tastes excellent. It also makes me feel powerful and desirable when I can make you cum in my mouth."

"Consider another possibility, would you prefer to freshen up here rather than facing Bill with our scent? Sure, it's up to you, but let me warn you that I've got none of that shampoo, conditioner, or a hairdryer," Tim suggested.

"That's a sound idea. I guess it would be best for us to chat about it. You're really thoughtful," Becky replied.

Soon enough, her phone beeped with a message from Bill. "He suggests a lunch date. To avoid any misunderstandings, let's both take quick showers and then go for it. I'll keep him updated on our whereabouts."

Tim found us a fresh bar of soap for each of us and off we went to the shower. Acting appropriately, we each took our turns to wash, then dried off and got dressed. We settled on a restaurant through a quick text conversation with Bill.

Before leaving, Becky leaned in for a warm goodbye kiss on the cheek and took her time driving to meet Bill, with Tim following close behind. The question of whether Bill would still be supportive when faced with the truth was constantly on our minds.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de