Celebrity Sex Stories

A Pawn Sets Up the Chessboard

Worn out by persistent defeat, a young woman succeeds in acquiring a married older man.

May 11, 2024
18 min read
flirtingmasturbationinfidelitycheatingPawn Arranges the Boardage gap
Pawn Arranges the Board
Pawn Arranges the Board

A Pawn Sets Up the Chessboard

Interpersonal connections can be really infuriating. Finding a solid partner is already taxing, but on top of that, they want you to cater to their needs and fawn over them just for existing? Come on.

"Don't do that. They don't deservce a single bit of you. Let them bond with their hand and its comrades."

Nikki and Sara, both indulging in their second round, shared a chuckle as they gestured to each other. The alcohol was helping to lighten their moods.

The bar wasn't too empty for midweek, only filled with the usual bar patrons and some loud group of middle-aged folk in the corner. Tonight, these two ladies found comfort in anonymity, able to relax without the pressure of potential harassment or eavesdropping.

"I'll say it again, Nikki. I'm glad you broke things off. I wouldn't have said anything when you were together, but he was kind of a freeloader."

Nikki flung up her hand, temporarily stopping Sara's words while she took a sip. Her words could wait; Sara allowed her friend to vent about her recent breakup.

"'Leech' is far too kind a term. Seriously, imagine him moving back in with his parents? And then there's the whole canceling his gaming subscriptions and putting in the effort to make rent? Oh, I know! I know he could've picked up more hours. But no, he's got his guild and his beloved shooters. There's never enough time to work, let alone for me, and he expects me to sit there while he obsesses over video games."

"I'll never understand how boys adamantly keep playing games they can't even beat."

The rowdy group in the corner chuckled heartily. There were even some cries of "Whooo!" and applause. Nikki looked in their direction, assessing the scene. They were clearly enjoying their night and in high spirits.

"I'll never get it. But he'd say such nice things to win me over! I felt special at first, but the more I saw, the more I saw he was a slob drifting through life."

Nikki took her drink to her lips, sipping it down as Sara voiced her comfort.

"It's always the same thing. People make approaches, and I do too. We have this potential, but it doesn't become anything. We're just silently colliding until it's over. I look at everyone around, all the action going on. It's like I'm just watching from the sidelines."

Nikki took a long sigh, leaning back on her barstool. Sara twirled her drink, deciding to offer her opinion as if it were expected. "You'll find one. I truly believe that. You're too fantastic a person to be passed up on for long. You'll meet a good one."

But in Nikki's head, she pondered that the genuinely good ones were taken.

Another explosion of laughter from the corner broke through Nikki's thoughts. She didn't turn toward them, just a minor distraction from her pity party. Envy surged in her; friends like Sara had found theirs, and it seemed so effortless to them. They just lived and loved and left her behind, mingling with the riffraff.

Then suddenly, Nikki's mind swung into a different perspective. Her eyes zoned out into the space in front of Sara. The solution clicked into place. "Perhaps I just need to change my game. I've been waiting to be approached, wanting to play only when someone invites me to. Maybe I need to... initiate."

A few moments passed without any sound save for the noise from the crowd. Eventually, Sara decided to give her a reply. "You'll be okay, sweetie?"

Nikki, now confident, faced Sara. A small chortle spilled from her. "Yes. I'll be fine. Thanks for being here."

Sara leaned in to hug her friend. Curiously, Nikki noted Sara packing up to leave. "Finished already?"

"Yep. Two drinks, like I said. I can't stay out too late like I used to. Besides, I've got work tomorrow and I don't want to keep Mark waiting." She paused. "But I still want you to be all right. Call me if anything goes down tonight."

"I'll manage. You'll be the very first to know if anything unexpected happens. No need to keep me company."

Nikki got up from her chair, making her way to embrace her friend for the last time. Several people from the lively crowd in the corner were preparing to leave, some even heading towards the exit. Shouts of "See you again!" and "Best of luck!" rang through the parting crowd. Sara also joined the exodus and left to face the chilly night air.

As Nikki considered her next move, sheFIXED her gaze on the previously rowdy group in the corner. A man was still seated, smiles radiating from his lips. He was engaged in a conversation with two other couples. All middle-aged and professionally dressed, yet clearly relaxed after downing a few pints. Nikki observed their interactions. She privately admired how close their rapport was, if only on a coworker level. Nikki continued to observe as the couples departed, leaving the man on his own at the table.

Sporting a calm aura, his hair was both professional and lively. He had a fitting physique — no doubt he spent his free time working out. The suit and tie, now loosely wrapped around his neck, signified that he held a role in sales or management, according to her assessment.

Nikki couldn't help but admire her target. While studying him, he glanced towards her and made eye contact. Caught off guard, she simply watched as they shared a knowing smile.

On a whim, she patted the barstool vacated by her friend, Sarah. Nikki watched as the man subtly leaned forward, an eyebrow slightly raised. When he decided to join her, she eagerly accepted his company by sitting next to him and placing his chosen drink in front of her.

"Would you like to buy me a drink?" she inquired.

"Not at all. I was planning to leave soon, but you've piqued my curiosity," she responded.

"Then, allow me to buy you a drink, Nicole." Nikki quickly motioned to the bartender and returned her attention to her new friend. "So, what were you and your friends celebrating earlier?"

"It was a retirement party for Lester," Ryan replied excitedly, showing great enthusiasm. "Yes, exactly! Just a way for everyone to give a proper send-off."

"A retirement party can be uplifting!"

Ryan glanced towards her with amusement. "Where are my manners? I am Ryan," he announced, humor seeping into his voice. "And where are my warm greetings."

"It's lovely to meet you, Ryan," Nikki responded. "Though, I have to admit, I don't believe we came here to discuss your work gathering."

Ryan's eyes surveyed her for a moment. A plethora of doubts ran through Nikki's head. Was she foolishly flirting with a married man? Was he treating her like an object? Maybe he simply thought she was trouble?

"Perhaps our conversation won't lead to any unwanted outcomes," he responded cautiously, pulling off his wedding ring and waving it in front of her.

"Is it that we can't simply chat? Two people can have a perfectly wholesome conversation," she argued, sipping her own drink.

Ryan's amusement faded as he tilted his body towards her. "You are correct, there is no harm in having a lighthearted conversation. However," he trailed off, turning to Nikki. His entire demeanor shifted, entering a more serious tone. "You seem to be about half my age. Is that what gets you going?"

"Is a woman not allowed to enjoy a man who's older and in a committed relationship? Perhaps 'older' and 'married' triggers an attraction in me," Nikki conveyed, raising an eyebrow.

His face broke out in a chuckle while maintaining eye contact with Nikki. However, this time it was a less confident, more contemplative chuckle. The gravity of Nikki's intent became apparent to Ryan.

"It's not that I'm opposed to it. It's just, well, your age and the maturity difference," Ryan said. "And not to mention your sexiness."

Nikki gave him a warm and endearing smile which left them both transported to another place.

"What are some of your hobbies? I love hearing about people's passions!"

Ryan's eyes met hers directly and lingered, conveying how engrossed he was in their conversation. His gaze held a hint of vulnerability, suggesting he was drawn to her since she wasn't afraid to flirt with him. "I'm a marketing executive."

"You know, I do appreciate the compliment," he responded with a raised glass in a mock salute. "But, tell me honestly..."

"You are very attractive," she proclaimed, waving her hands toward herself. "Successful and confident. Those are definitely traits that draw a woman."

Ryan chuckled. "Overly forward, aren't you?"

"Why not?" she shot back,"You always strike me as someone with stories that would make a girl blush. Someone who would dare to dive into the world of pleasure and kinks. And now you're sitting next to me, older, married, responsible. And yet, a part of me wonders if, even years ago, if you'd ever let loose."

Her final words froze his smile. Ryan's thoughts wandered to his family and the life he had built. "Maybe when I was in college," he mused. Another sip of his drink gave Nikki the encouragement she needed.

By this point, her brain had illustrated the various escapades of a young and unmarried Ryan. The drinks, the parties, and the reckless sex with many.

"Do you remember when you were wild?" Nikki whispered, her eyes focused on his. Ryan's face remained passive but she could sense that he was contemplating his past. "I've heard these stories start to fade...something about settling down."

That was the cue she needed. Losing the sad look in his eyes, she realized she wanted to bring him back to his glory days. To inhabit a role where he could lose himself.

"Darts? 301? Let's see if you've still got it."

Ryan frowned. "Maybe not since I got married..."

Nikki's sudden invitation thrilled him. "If you win, you pay for the next round. If I win, you'll admit defeat and...leave?" She emphasized, sensing a demand in the latter.

Ryan gave Nikki a small, smirky smile. "It's a gamble."

Nikki closed her eyes and visualized Ryan's youth. The reckless abandon. The untamed sexual appetite. The time before all that fades into the routine of married life. She needed to arouse this man's longing to re-experience those days.

Her suggestion brought him straight to where she wanted: the corner of the bar.

"Don't mind me," she said as she left, giving him their drinks. Her hand lingered in his, slightly revealing her plan. A plan built around awakening the liver without disturbing his life.

And she stood there as she watched Ryan's eyes linger over her curves. She displayed herself in front of him, knowing he was provided a glimpse of her skin. It was a simple challenge, yet she saw the enjoyment on his face as he stared at her from behind.

But suddenly, he looked away. "I really do have to go home."

Nikki deflated. "All right, let's play darts instead."

She walked in front of him, offering the darts to him, aware of the tender touch he would feel as her hand passed them to him. Ryan accepted them. He looked back at her, as if to gauge her intentions. "You're so forward."

Nikki tilted her head, her eyes fixed on his. "It's nothing personal, it's just a game."

She propped herself up against the wall, taking a slow draw of her drink. She watched as Ryan adjusted his posture to play. There remained the spark he had the young women in college. "You remember how to play?"

Nikki stood there, relaxing and allowing Ryan to go first. He positioned himself before the dartboard and let loose a deep exhale. As if comforting himself, his gaze directed toward the floor as he prepped himself for the challenge.

Watched by her, he positioned the dart into his hand, bracing it steady, and shot. The connection between the dart and the board rang out into the room as he threw away the first dart, removing his hand. Nikki laughed.

"Challenging, right?" she questioned.

Ryan snorted. "Sure," as he quickly loaded the second dart. "After all," she went on, "maybe this game is mere inspiration for reliving past stories."

When the second dart stuck securely in the center of the triple points, he let out a sigh. Then he placed the first dart back on the table and grabbed his third dart.

Nikki payed careful attention, sensing Ryan's transition into the character of that young, rambunctious man he used to be. As his smile returned, sparking her, she knew this was the moment he was recalling his past.

His third throw ricocheted off the board and struck the wall. "Aaah!" Nikki giggled, the sound of his heavy sigh swelled into a chuckle.

"Here," she said as she handed the dart to him, letting her hand linger on his, amplifying their connection.

"Uh," Ryan felt himself suddenly stammer and stutter. He was soaking in his first glimpse of this woman in the kind of way he wanted.

"You're making me restless," Nikki instilled, her eyes fixated on his.

The fourth throw stuck securely, and he seemed to enter the practice mode. His concentration was there as he stood for a moment, removing his hand to take a quick sip of his drink.

Nikki continued her easy demeanour while he arched her back and grasped the darts. "You're reminding me of a guy from college. Dangerous. Wild. He never stopped."

Ryan didn't respond, perhaps, his mind was working of finding the guy she was referring to. "When did he start settling down?" she asked. "And why?"

Ryan chuckled. "You think a woman made him more responsible?"

Nikki was certain this would light a small fire in him. "That's got to be one way to let loose."

Nikki grinned as she watched Ryan playing darts. "This is going to be a great fight."

As the first dart flew through the air, Ryan hit a four on the board. He let out a small sigh, not from disappointment, but more as if deep in thought. The second dart landed perfectly on the edge of the bullseye, earning him a score of 25. Nikki applauded in awe. Ryan's determinationonly increased, and his next dart found the triple eighteen spot, giving him a fist pump in satisfaction.

Nikki stepped up to take her turn. "I hope I didn't annoy you for challenging you," she teased.

"Not at all. I love this."

Nikki flashed a bright smile, returning to the board. She made sure to give Ryan plenty of opportunities to appreciate her physique without making it too obvious. It was a fine balance of flaunting her body without being crass. Earlier on, she and Sara had arrived at the bar, but Nikki made sure to add a little flair even in her regular clothing. She loved how Ryan's eyes followed her. She also enjoyed checking out Ryan from time to time between her turns - his ass peeking out from his khaki pants, the outline of his chest through his collared shirt. She pictured wrapping her arms around his back, her hands running beneath his shirt, and even grasping his chest. For now, though, she would keep these thoughts to herself.

Even though she won the first round, Nikki couldn't quite match Ryan's vicious dominance in the following ones. Despite her efforts, she had no hope of triumphing against his unwavering accuracy. As Ryan scored his seventh bullseye, he managed to reach 301, securing the win. Nikki clapped and cheered, and the two shared a high-five.

"GGs," Nikki remarked as they raised their hands in victory. "You hardly needed to shake off the rust, I see."

"Honestly, I was a bit off today. Hit the board a few times too low. But winning is winning, right?"

Ryan sounded a little disappointed, and Nikki noticed his smile had faded. "You seem kind of down," she commented.

"I guess I just don't want to leave you with the impression that I was at my best tonight."

"There's always another game," Nikki said with a gleam in her eye. "Maybe we could play pool, or..."

"What, those types of games?" Ryan asked, curiously.

"Not quite; I have something else in mind. A much more exciting, intimate game, if you're interested."

Boldly, Nikki suggested something that pushed the boundaries of their innocent darts competition. She elaborated that she wanted to engage in more sensual or thrilling activities.

Ryan, it turned out, was quite taken aback. "I need to go home. My wife might be wondering when I'm returning."

"A shame. I was hoping to carry on the night a bit longer."

"I'm having a good time, so don't worry."

"Maybe we'll play a different game," Nikki suggested. "Like darts, but... more erotic."

Ryan's gaze shifted, and he surprisingly pulled out his phone. "I'm actually married," he shared bluntly and unexpectedly.

Nikki shrugged, seemingly unperturbed. "So? I don't care. I want you."

Taken aback by her explicit proposal, Ryan swirled the ice cubes in his drink. "I'm much older than you, almost twice your age."

This revelation only made Nikki all the more desirous of the man seated across from her. She gulped down the rest of her whiskey sour and declasse, teasingly. "Looks like you still want to play."

Despite his age and marital status, Ryan considered her proposition with a mix of surprise and fascination. Finally, he answered, "I'm indeed married."

Nikki felt her heart pulsed with excitement. Her hazel eyes pierced Ryan's no longer uninterested gaze. Although she didn't think he meant what he had said earlier, she decided to take the bold route. "I want you, Ryan."

Ryan momentarily seemed at a loss for words, a situation he hadn't shared with Nikki in the entirety of their mini-marathon darts match. "I'm twice your age and a married man," he reminded her.

But Nikki simply shrugged. "So?"

Ryan took another sip of his water and collected his thoughts. He appeared somewhat unnerved by Nikki's frank proposition. As he set his phone down for the second time, they sat together, their emotions mirroring the solitary seats where they had played darts - their intimacy now reinforcing the distance between them. "Just know that I'm married," he repeated.

Here's the paraphrased version:

"I like that," Nikki responded, fidgeting in her seat. "You know, guys my age? They're either taken or too career-focused to really engage with women. I missed my chance. I'll admit that. But now, all there's left are guys who live with their parents. They have no direction. They can't keep a job for long. It's all about their video games or their favorite pastimes. They're useless."

Nikki continued, leaning back and emphasizing her curves with her hands. "Am I not attractive? I stay in shape. I'm sexually adventurous. I can make any man feel like a king. A guy like you understands that. But these young men see me as a trophy girlfriend and are content to let me sit on a shelf. I could be rocking their world! But they're too focused on their video games or imaginary worlds. If they just looked up for a moment, they'd see that I'm their fantasy right here!"

She paused, seeming to realize that the noise in the bar made it difficult for her voice to carry farther. Ryan sat there, appearing to pay close attention. Eventually, he spoke up.

"I assume you've just gone through a breakup then?"

Nikki laughed. "Yes, yes I have. I was here with my girlfriend earlier. Celebrating a little. Lamenting the fact that in life, I'm just a pawn. I want to be a king. But every time I put myself out there, life pushes me up against a useless pawn. There's so much happening around me. I could be a part of it. I'm not just a meaningless object moving forward. I can turn everything upside down - but not if I'm stuck with a do-nothing."

"Doesn't that feel the same for you? You were my age once. Young and invincible. I'm sure you've had your fair share of sexual exploits. That's fine. I applaud you. But now you're married, with a career, and kids. That's all great, I'm not discounting that. But... are you really happy? Sitting at a desk, dealing with bills, and a wife who may not be the daring, youthful girl you knew? She's a good housewife, sure. But does she still tease? Is she still sexy for you? Does she keep herself fit? I'm not saying a perfect body or anything - I know what kids can do to us. But to let yourself go... doesn't that say something?"

Ryan's gaze shifted from listening to thinking. It seemed Nikki had struck a chord with her. She took a sip of her drink. Then, seeing his still outstretched hand, she placed hers on top of it.

"When was the last time she gave you head?"

His gaze moved to her.

"I'm not trying to be cruel. I'm serious. When did she last sit on your face?"

Ryan stared back for what seemed like minutes. After allowing her words to sink in, he cleared his throat. "Not since we had our second child."

Nikki kept her hand on his for a moment, displaying a sympathetic look. "And that's not enjoyable. You're a great husband. You deserve to get head every once in a while, right?"

Ryan chuckled. "Well, I wouldn't turn it down, I'll give you that."

"I'm not suggesting you leave your wife or throw everything away. But that doesn't mean you can't ever experience pleasure again."

"Hmm... And if we did play, what would that entail?"

Nikki noticed Ryan's serious tone had turned into curiosity. "I'm thinking you'd need someone who has a lot of lost time to make up for. A man who wants to sow wild oats. A guy who deserves to be treated like royalty. As for me? I'd get to enjoy every inch of your body. A young, healthy woman in her sexual prime who wants nothing more than to entertain you. You'll feel wanted and desired. I don't care about societal norms, or knight-in-shining-armor crap, or what any religious people have to say. In me, you'll revive your passions. Fuck me against a wall. Keep me under your desk. Sign your wife up for a mani-pedi while we fuck each other's brains out. I'll serve you like the king you're meant to be. We both could have some fun."

They both took drinks.

"Why are you telling me this?"

When you make love to your wife tonight... and you will make love to your wife tonight... I want you imagining it's me you're making love to. My excitement welcoming your touch. This body, these boobs, all of me, reacting to your movements. My moans in your ear and my hands on your body. And when you climax... To fantasize about what could have been, what could be, if you'll just put aside your beliefs and play again.

The two of them locked eyes. Nikki's heart beat rapidly - her breathing heavy. She had laid it all out. He had been dodging her advances yet she remained in the battle. Her mind raced as she waited to see what would come next.

Another sip.

"I don't want any more kids."

"You won't. I'm on the pill. Kids are alright and all but I'm not ready. Not now."

Nikki could tell he was trying to figure out what she meant. Assessing her. Just as she was evaluating whether he grasped the seriousness of it. Then, his phone lit up, another message from his wife. He looked at the screen, before picking the device up. He swiped and typed some response before putting it away.

Ryan's phone was still on. In a move that made her own heart race, she reached over and took the phone. The tone in his reply would be expected.

"Don't fret. I'm just adding a contact," Nikki assured, her fingers frantically typing so he wouldn't take the phone back from her. "There! It's done." With a grin, she handed the device back, the entry of Nicole now freshly added to his contacts.

Ryan quickly took the phone, clearly uncomfortable with Nikki's actions, yet he was still collected enough not to lose his cool. He looked at the phone, presumably at his new contact and his messages with his wife. "It was annoying of you, wasn't it?"

"I apologize for surprising you like that. I'm really enjoying spending time with you. I'd adore to keep chatting with you all night. But you have a home to return to. I shouldn't keep you waiting."

Nikki drained the rest of her drink and started searching through her purse. The whole time, Ryan kept his eyes on her, his phone now stored in his pocket. She was intrigued as to what was going through his head. A fleeting look up and a smile was met with a gentle smile from him. After dropping a tip, she slung her purse over her shoulder.

"You are such a captivating woman," he finally said. "There is so much more I'd like to learn about you. I feel like a dummy for letting you leave."

"Silly," Nikki said. "You're no dummy. Time doesn't wait for anyone though. And we're not an item, not yet. But you have my number. And I am serious about everything I said. If you reconsider playing again, give me a call." She let her hand brush against his forearm as she walked towards the exit.

In her mind, he would follow. Walking close behind her, he would step forward and pull her into the dark alley beside the bar. His hands would hold hers above her head. Her body's eagerness granting her a pliable body - emboldening his primitive desires. His torso pressing against hers as his mouth explored her face and her neck. One hand lowering to touch her sides. Lowering her pants until they were around her ankles. His own pants down enough to expose his rock hard member, anxious and needing, ready for a juicy release. Pushing into her, his steady thrusts welcomed into her yearning womanhood. Her ecstatic screams muffled by his grasp, his breath hot in her ear. Release. Celebratory waves crashing over her as she reached fulfillment.

Instead, she walked alone to her car. As she was, she couldn't imagine getting close enough. Clearing her head, she got into her car, gave one last glance, and drove away.

That night, Nikki climaxed herself to the thoughts of being Ryan's sex object. Him on top of her. Her riding him. Up against a wall. Being taken from behind. Her vibrator could not substitute the cock she wanted to enjoy. She couldn't duplicate the hair pulling she craved. Slaps on her ass. Hands handling and using her like the toy she desired to be. Only when Nikki placed her hand over her mouth did she achieve a level of cravings. Her vibrator pushing deeper and faster, she finally reached climax. Crying into her own palm, Nikki bucked in ecstasy. Laying in the sea of her own arousal, she curled up. Alone. It would be a moment before she collected herself, cleaned up the mess she made, and settled in for the night.

Nikki wasn't surprised when Ryan didn't reach out to her right away. She accepted that he wouldn't contact her at all. She was fine with one-night stands, but she wanted something more. So, she used dating apps and online forums to search for other people who were also looking for something more. However, the sheer number of perverts and poorly taken dick pics made her feel sick.

It took a few weeks before her phone buzzed again. This time, she thought it was a message from Sara, whom she had been chatting with about meeting up. When she looked at her phone, she saw an unfamiliar number. It must have been some spam, she thought. But then, she saw Ryan's name in the text. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw his message. Her jaw dropped, and she fell back into her chair as she read his message with sheer excitement.

It was time for some fun.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de