Celebrity Sex Stories

A Personal Request

Alicia Witt asks club manager for hot casual sex.

May 2, 2024
16 min read
love hotelbisexual womanalicia wittblowjoboral sexredheadA Personal Requestcasual sexpolyamorysafe sex
A Personal Request
A Personal Request

A Personal Request

Framing- BDSM, FF, bisexual exploration, inside baseball references.

Caveat- The following narrative is a satirical erotic fan fiction. A number of the characters are based on real individuals, although they are not those individuals themselves, rather story-based stand-ins. In no way does it portray any know people in real life. The narrative is intended for entertainment purposes solely, and must not be taken seriously. Please leave feedback if you're feeling moved to.

The scene occurred amidst my prior Alicia Witt fanfic "The Rendezvous," shortly before the climactic nightclub bits. You may want to read that one for the optimal reading experience. The "Exterior" series intertwines with moments before and after this story, and while this standalone makes sense, acknowledging that may deepen your understanding.

Inside Out Club, London, England. September 30, 2003.

Doug Ramsay hunkered down and fired up for another Twentieth Day of Business. He surveyed his club with glistening eyes, taking in the admixture of patrons- undergrads, professionals, devotees, and football devotees. This place is our temple, he surmised.

Inside Out, London's notorious cabaret bolt-hole. Combining dancefloors, live music, arcades, bars, eateries, and a love-in, this hub spoke to diverse demographics and encouraged good-natured fun. There's no uniform dress code and at-will admission. There was a purpose behind the design: to suit all, promoting carefree revelry. His aspirations? Follow the lead of Austin's Warehouse District, New York's legendary Studio 54, and the notorious Kamurocho. A marked virtue was the blurred line between staff and guests, encouraging a lean, experience-driven atmosphere.

Inside the club, evening began to unfurl. Doug rose, consumed Nutella spread toast, hydrated with tea, and groomed his solid hair and bristly beard. He tapped into ripped jeans, a light green plaid shirt, and black converse sneakers. Glasses perched on his nose, highlighting his blue peepers. His sixty pounds of muscle, a dancer's inheritance, piloted him towards the bustling hub as he steered a friendly night.

The day operated like clockwork: Exercising, refreshing, chatting customers, dishing out cocktails, greeting employees, and sorting hotel keys. Founder of the Inside Out Club in London, he built on lessons from seasoned nightclub moguls, a diverse clientele, and humble ardor for success.

Two luminaries dropped by at 21:00. Actresses with American roots, rehearsing a Mike Binder sex comedy film. Alicia Witt, a six-foot diva of 28, was a lustrous redhead endowed with talent. Her singing and piano stroking were renowned. The shorter, more accessible Erika Christensen, enticing at twenty-one, blonde-haired, struck up camaraderie. Interacting regularly with the lad, Doug's engagement veered towards Christensen.

Alicia 'tediously' approached, hands on hips. "I require your attention for some private matters," she requested. He focused on her stately silhouette, his mind heaving with subjects: song requests, hero worship, acknowledgements.

"What's this subject about?" Doug inquired. "The studio piano's calling you?" Alicia was a favorite entertainer at Inside Out, having set up shop there intoxicatingly. The lax structure suited her magnetic musicality, delighting visitors.

"No. I've a more somber errand tonight." Alicia responded, her cherry hair achromatically contrasting the glowing dance lights. Absolutely no booze; she opted for a light freckled lemonade. Doug dimmed Erika's usual alcoholic drink, minding previous bouts of anxiety and depression. While she couldn't club hard, Doug was resolute in soothing the hiccups where he could.

"Anything I can do?" he inquired. "Need the piano?"

"Nope," Alicia informed, her tone heavy. "How can I put this...? I was just dumped by a well-known financial type. I'll abstain from visiting you or your business should he turn up."

"Alright," Doug agreed, trying to appear busy. He fumbled with his thoughts, the sudden declaration shifting the mood. "Do you require my condolences?"

An empty glass clicked against the ear-level surface to render hearing impossible. She nodded, then asked for a refill. The glass emptied then clinked upon the counter, allowing the following dialogue.

"No, don't," Alicia curtly stated, the noise causing her to flinch.

Doug sensed her anguish but thought, Ah well. "[Deliberate Silence.]"

Doug looked at Erika as he served Alicia another drink. Her eyes showed that Alicia wasn't in a good mood. He sent her a message with his eyes that he'd help her if he could. He went to help three other customers and asked a colleague to take over for a while. Then he returned to patient Erika and Alicia.

"So, tell me what happened, please," he asked.

Doug knew these two were his friends, as much as customers, and even celebrities who loved his science fiction book. They were fans of his too and frequented his nightclub. They enjoyed his entertainment, danced with him, and he'd often served them food and drinks. Erika had been to the love hotel, although not with him for now. He wanted them to hook up with him together, but they were taking things slowly. Neither one wanted a serious relationship. Alicia wasn't single when he'd known her before today.

With no one paying much attention, he confirmed that no paparazzi or eavesdroppers were around. The music would cover their conversation well.

"We got two new female coworkers on the movie," Erika shared. "Their names aren't important. They might come here later tonight. Basically, we became good friends quickly."

"Very good friends," Alicia stated, taking a drink. "I got intimate with one of them, and Erika with both."

Doug raised an eyebrow. "You mean before or after you broke up with Dave?"

"After," Alicia replied. "It was my first time with a woman, to be honest. I liked it and found a new side to myself."

He smiled briefly. "Congratulations. I guess there was a problem though, right?"

Erika nodded. "Keri got intimate with our other new coworker and then they both came after me a short time later. We had issues with communication and secrecy. We used the dressing rooms, but we need to find a better hiding place before the director notices."

"Didn't you lose a coworker in a scandal recently?"

"Yes, due to miscommunication. Keri was her replacement. Evan just passed the audition this morning. They're more open than the previous one, so there's no immediate worry."

"No worries about her either, right?" Alicia said with a frown. "I'm still trying to figure out my feelings." She began waving her hands while talking. "Keri counseled me after my breakup, offered me comfort. I had never been approached by someone like that before, and I thought she wasn't interested. But I got curious and attracted, and, well, I let her seduce me. I liked it, but when I came back, I found her with Erika and Evan. They all want to be with me now, but..."

Doug understood what Alicia meant. "You two have been friends for almost two years, correct?"

"Yes," Erika confirmed. "I made a move on her once before, but she said she was straight. The offer's always been open, but..."

Alicia gestured at a nearby sign that said: "Zipless Fucks Free Upon Request."

"I'd like to take advantage of that, please. I hear that you and some staff here arrange role-plays and sexual encounters for people. Is that true?"

"Yes, but within certain rules," Doug said carefully. "This is not a brothel, just a love hotel. Everything except the room, food, drinks, and any items are free of charge. Everyone involved should agree and enjoy it. Communication is important, and we all understand that no strings are attached except for possible repeat experiences if desired. Security helps when necessary, and please don't involve staff who are on duty. Be careful and discreet, not everyone here takes part in such activities."

Erika had used this hotel before, but he thought this was Alicia's first time.

"So, should it just be the two of you?"

"No," Alicia responded. "I want a man. The most timely and proficient lover you can arrange for me. I must confirm if men can still satisfy me, if you understand what I mean."

"I do." Doug reminisced about a similar situation in college where he'd been involved in. His girlfriend Lisa Coleman had given another woman named Angie Messina her first lesbian experience and Angie was in the same emotional turmoil. He had satisfied Angie back then and helped her transition into bisexuality. Doug made a prompt decision. "I have experience dealing with these scenarios. Do you mind if I... we're not well acquainted, I'm aware. If you're not attracted to me, that's okay. But if..."

Alicia halted him to silence, examined him, then gravitated towards happiness. "Sure, if Erika's fine with it. I'm aware she's been pursuing you."

"Go ahead," Erika permitted with a shrug when Doug looked her way. "I'm saving energy for later tonight, we don't need to hook up today. But I do want detailed narratives of the experience later, Lis."

"You'll have it," Alicia affirmed her, expressing her delight.

These two acquaintances made amends rapidly, Doug considered. Seems like part of Alicia coping with her feelings over the situation. "Do you have experience with casual relationships?"

"No. I don't identify myself as polyamorous, but I am open to experimenting with it. I have experienced swap orgies and group sex with guys before. The last time was with Erika in spring of last year, and a few times since. There was also when I was getting ready to film Cecil B. Demented as a porn star."

"I never saw that." Doug smiled casually. "I've watched a lot of your other work, though." He opted not to risk mentioning the many television shows and films. "Give me a moment, please." He returned to the other bartender. "Ray, I've been requested for a special occasion upstairs. Up to three hours. You're in charge."

"Have fun, chief," the middle-aged man with prematurely grey hair chuckled, aware of the situation. "You owe me."

Doug acknowledged and grabbed a key for a room, then proceeded back to his companions. "I'll stay here." Erika said, taking out her phone. "Alicia, if your feelings change during things..."

"I'll inform you afterwards," Alicia interrupted her, then engaged Doug. "I typically don't venture this fast, but with these uncommon circumstances. I was angry at Erika and Keri today, but... I decided to calm down and see what befalls us. I want them, and possibly Evan too. I... Erika reminded me what I need: partners with benefits."

"I'm glad to be such a companion to you." Doug approached her and took her hand, then ascended the stairs with her. Alicia's gaze was filled with merriment and she casually leaned against him. He sensed her yearning sexual instigation. Erika was observing them but saying nothing, focused on her phone.

"Don't worry," Alicia chuckled. "In the proper circumstances, I'm a simple target."

"Let's save that for later. I'm glad you've chosen me and will reciprocate with pleasure. I hope you'll also give me pleasure and we'll affect a casual acquaintanceship with benefits afterwards. That's all I'm seeking from this. You?"

"I desire to revel in this and maintain our casual acquaintanceship- complete with benefits, naturally," Alicia clarified. "Also, bear in mind I won't be in London forever. I'm going to perform a West-End stage play once the movie wraps, then I'm heading back to the States. Whatever feelings may surface after this, long distance, casual, is the best I anticipate here. I'm not into you seriously."

Doug's countenance conveyed comprehension. I have yet to come across a woman who seriously considers me long term- since college. Especially none of the numerous celebrities I've met. They desire me due to curiosity, stress release like this, or for commemoration purposes. We have enjoyment but end up as casual pals. I long for more than that- I had it with both Angie and Lisa, then Cat, in college and the two years following our split despite our diverging careers. But I don't believe I can get this with Alicia. She's making clear she's not ready for another serious relationship at the moment, is still dealing with her emotions and not into me as more than friends, however physical we become. The charm is present, but... he shook his head. Just savor the time with her and allow things to evolve based on whatever happens.

"I prefer to establish a personal connection prior to physical involvement," Doug mentioned. "I'm Doug Ramsay. I work as a bartender and club manager. I used to be a police officer for six years. Four years of private security and two as a deputy sheriff. I won the lottery with winning numbers and a bestseller, which allowed me to live a less stressful life abroad."

Alicia gave him an enchanting smile once more. "I believe you're aware of my identity."

"Alicia Witt. I've been a fan of yours since the 1990s. Your work in Cybil, Playing Mona Lisa, Urban Legend, Two Weeks Notice, and various other films and shows has left a lasting impression on me. My favorite sultry redheaded actress, and a talented musician as well." He inclined his head toward her as they stepped into the room. "I wish to prolong this experience - what decent individual wouldn't? - yet I'm fully prepared to consider your sentiments."

Alicia patiently awaited him to finish speaking, then encircled him in her arms and kissed his lips. The intensity between them was instant and electrifying. Their lips merged, then separated, followed by their tongues' frenzied dance. They clutched each other's shoulders, maintaining the connection until both of them gasped for breath.

Alicia's eyes glistened with happiness when he gazed at them once more. "I still relish kissing men," she avowed. "Excellent."

Doug indicated for her to move toward the bed. "Shall we make ourselves more comfortable and lie down? I'll give you a tantric massage."

She nodded in agreement. It was time for conversation to end. Although still standing, she began undressing, flaunting her body for him as he did the same. He observed her freckled chest and athletic legs as she removed her dress. "Just panties?" he inquired.

"I find underwear uncomfortable."

Her breasts were moderately sized with enough firmness to forgo a bra, he reflected. Eagerly, she signaled him to remove his shirt, followed by his pants. She admired his well-defined physique while he discarded his shoes. Her excitement and desire radiated visibly. He decided to keep his boxers on. She was still clad in her black panties.

Alicia treated him to another long, bold gaze, then stretched out on the bed, her face resting on a pillow. Doug stood over her and traced her body with his hands and eyes. He had learned shiatsu at a young age in Taiwan and had practiced it with countless women. None had ever protested his enlightened touches. Alicia was no exception. Doug exerted pressure on her shoulder blades, spine, lower back, and waist. His hands then traveled down her left leg, up her right. He eased muscular tension in different areas, but refrained from lingering. Alicia responded with ecstatic moans.

"I find our head chef better at this than me," Doug acknowledged after approximately twenty minutes. "Yoshi, in fact, hails from Asia. He's off duty tomorrow as well, also a fan."

"You're doing well enough regardless," she praised. "Ready for my front?"


She flipped over, and his hands descended once more. Her arms instinctively covered her chest for a short period, so he massaged them, her neck, and her stomach. Pressure on varying areas reduced her tension, and she eventually felt comfortable enough to allow him to appreciate her exposed cleavage and nipples. Again, Doug caressed her but did not linger, keeping his touch tender and delicate. Alicia emitted rapid, punctuated breaths, approving the comfort his motions provided. He completed his session with a kiss to her forehead, then her lips. "May I taste you?" he requested, his fingers tracing her stomach, then her groin.

She smiled. "Show me what you have for me first."

He removed his boxers, exposing his erectness. His manhood throbbed with untapped intensity. She took him in her fingers, offering him gentle strokes. "Very impressive."

"Thank you, milady," he breathlessly uttered, attempting to contain his wits. Alicia perceived his panting and urged him closer.

"Your climax first," she declared. "I perceive your need. You have the ability to climax multiple times, correct?"

"Yes, milady."

She stimulated him with her tender caresses, her dexterous fingers, and the movements of her lips and tongue. The moments that followed rendered one of his deepest climaxes. Pre-cum seeped from him into her mouth. [Alicia, a seasoned cunnilinguist, recognized his desperation and eagerness to prolong the encounter. In return, she allowed him to experience climax by indulging in a lap dance with her breasts and occasional French kiss, provoking him until he shuddered with powerful convulsions.] She took a moment to admire his renewed vitality and resolved he would have his exalted pleasure.

Doug tried to push her away, but Alicia refused to let him go. She lingered around him like a ghostly guardian angel, her suction and caresses now supplemented by her flaming tongue. "I want you," her gaze insinuated, "and there's more in store." They reached a tacit agreement, and he yielded to her desires.

He allowed her to take more of his tension, kneeling beside her on the bed. Fully surrendering to the moment's passion, the renowned seductress devoured him with relentless fervor. He gasped for air as he was engulfed by her masterful oral skills, her nimble tongue, and her wicked fingers. He was soon reaching his peak and unleashed his release within her mouth, which she willingly swallowed.

As she released him, she beamed with glee, licking her lips. He caught his breath and settled down. "Thank you," he murmured.

"My pleasure," she said back and gestured him to the valley between her legs.

He pounced on her like a voracious hawk, kissing his way down her neck and torso. Playful nibbling and gentle squeezing of her breasts, stomach, and thighs. Fingers traced over her moist crotch and waist, moving the soaked cotton aside and back. Then he began kissing her nether regions through the fabric. He could feel the smooth skin and damp juices beneath her panties. Doug left them on until she was moaning fervently, then pushed them down.

Alicia's petals blossomed and his tongue invaded. She clenched herself around it. He easily found her sex-sensitive spot and massaged it with two fingers. His tongue plunged deeper into other sensitive spots.

Within seconds, she was orgasming again, much like their earlier encounter, murmuring happily and releasing strong spasms. Several small orgasms, each shaking her body's length. He cajoled each one out, slurped the wetness from her wet folds. He continued licking and kissing her as her body continued to spasm. He halted only when she grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back.

"That felt really splendid," Alicia admitted, her voice rapid. "When I first had fantasies about having sex with a man, I was unsure if I would still enjoy it. It looks like I'm still into it."

He nodded as he basked in the post-coital glow with her. Thankful she didn't seem offended by his actions. "It's perfectly normal to like women and men. There's nothing wrong with it in my book. Are you still thinking about... Keri?"

She nodded. "Keri Russell. Did you watch 'Felicity'?"

His brows contorted. "I've only heard that actress dated men. But yes, I saw Felicity." He reflected on those days when he was younger and repressed his bi-curious urges due to societal prejudice. He had embraced his bisexuality, though, after meeting his stepbrother who came out as gay, and two women who asked if they could date both him and each other. He mentioned his past sexual experiences with women. "I dated several more bisexual women in college. I also kissed two men, but it never went further. My parents are none the wiser. I'm not afraid of being intimate with men, I just... don't feel much interest."

Alicia nodded in understanding. "I grew up in an environment that encouraged tolerance of lesbians but never outright endorsed bisexuality. I'm not sure if I can come out to my parents about my sexuality, not to mention the world."

"You don't have to tell anyone you don't want to share your story with. There are other women who can advise you about handling fame and sexual orientation if Keri and Erika aren't enough for you. In college, I dated several more bisexual women. I also kissed a guy or two, out of curiosity. My parents don't have a clue. I'm comfortable with men's physicality, but don't feel a strong urge to be romantically involved with them. However, I do enjoy watching women together. Many men do, too."

Alicia chuckled. "Not all men. But I've decided not to pursue relationships with those who feel differently. So you've never... had sex with a man?"

"No. But I understand what you're enduring. There is nothing wrong with your preferences, Alicia." Her silence indicated her agreement.

They felt a strong bond between them, their shared neurodivergence amid their recent tryst. "Erika will be delighted to share you," Alicia stated, looking intently into his eyes before focusing on his groin.

Doug got the hint and retrieved a condom from a box on the bedside table, carefully unwrapping it. "Allow me," Alicia whispered, extending her hand out.

He nodded and handed her the balloon, allowing her to roll it onto his penis. He then maneuvered his unclothed body above hers and pushed down. Alicia opened her legs and moaned as he inserted his cock inside her. Shortly, she was gripping him with her coital muscles, wrapping her arms and legs around him as he thrust up and down. Their lips met in an intense exchange throughout.

He let the overflowing passion flow and listened to the enchantment of her sighs. He groaned in response. His hips churned, hers squeezed. They kissed one another, then expressed heated moans. His mouth advanced from her lips to her heaving breasts, then returned to hers. They flipped so she was on top, and he helped her move back and forth against him. She hugged his length between her legs and rubbed his chest. He reached his climax into the condom shortly after. She shuddered seconds later and embarked on her own climax, still feeling the sensations.

"Thank you," he labored when they had calmed. She echoed the same words.

"This will not only be a one-time event," she then stated, grinning. "I'm staying here until February at the very least, and when I return in the future..."

"We can meet again?" Doug inquired and returned her smile.

"I'm not in love with you," Alicia winced, "but casual... I want that for some time, please."

"Alright," he replied. "Do you think you could also enjoy it with Erika, perhaps?"

"You still want her?" Alicia laughed. "Good, because I can't quit thinking about you both. And Keri. Evan, I'm not certain. She's barely of age for this, I don't know if I can..."

"It's her choice, not yours," Doug said. He tried to identify who Alicia was mentioning. A young actress named Evan, into other women... wait. "Is it possible you're referring to Evan Rachel Wood, from Once and Again?"

Alicia affirmed with a nod. "She has quite a lot of experience for her age. I was quite surprised."

"Indeed," Doug concurred. "I heard her parents granted her emancipation last year. That makes her a legal adult. Best to accept it. I'd like to meet her, Keri as well, if they're interested. I'll leave it up to them to decide whether they want this."

Alicia said something about male ego and chuckled, then nodded. "Do you think it would be appropriate if I..."

"Got with Evan? It's an option, based on her preference. I had a couple experience this, once. I was a part of it. When will they arrive?"

Alicia's phone sounded just then. She moved away and grabbed it, skimmed the message. "They're on their way." She rose and regarded her dress. "We need to return to the bar."

"Alright," Doug arose and embraced Alicia, kissed her lips. Then he broke free and found his clothes to don.

They returned to the club commons area half an hour later, both smiling. Ray accepted Doug's comeback to the floor. Erika waved at them, her eyes inquiring how things went.

"I'm bisexual," Alicia stated, "and I want you too, Erika, soon."

"Yes!" Erika triumphantly pumped her fist in the air. Then she composed herself and sent smiles to both of them. "We're not having a threesome tonight, Doug. Lish and I need alone time, as do you and me. Afterwards, though, if we're still interested..."

"I'm looking forward to it," Doug remarked when she paused. "Focus on each other, Keri, and Evan as long as you need to, but be sure to be with me when you..."

Alicia's phone started vibrating at that point. She moved away and snatched it, scanned the message. "They're almost here. Clarke is at the door, informing them they're next in line to enter."

Alicia shivered suddenly, then shrugged. Tears fell from her eyes.

"Hey," Erika touched her arm. "Everything will be alright. Believe me."

"Alright," Alicia whispered. "Be at my side for it, both of you, please."

"We will," Doug reassured her, making another cocktail. They found a place to stay and wait for the events to unfold soon.

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de