Celebrity Sex Stories

A Remotely Located Hilltop: Chapter 4

Knowledge, education, sorrow, and affection. All things evolve.

May 7, 2024
12 min read
On a Remote Hilltop Ch. 04twinspassionsensualinnocentsex educationhistorical
On a Remote Hilltop Ch. 04
On a Remote Hilltop Ch. 04

A Remotely Located Hilltop: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: A Hangover Scene

The golden rays of the sun streamed through the old house, as if it were standing in the entranceway. Birds were shrieking, and even the chickens were making an abominable clamor. Tabitha's head pulsed with every heartbeat, and her body resisted moving, even though her mind was yearning for escape from the murky sensory cacophony.

Her eyelids felt heavy as they struggled to open. The light seemed to scorch her retinas, causing more pain. The clucking of the chickens seemed unnatural and extremely loud.

Tim's fingers were embedded in between her butt cheeks. She managed to free herself from his grip, and the agony grew more intense, causing further headaches. With a great deal of effort, she managed to sit up, slumped over. The room was brimming with light, and the clucking still made no sense.

After taking some deep breaths, she dragged her legs over her bed and stood up for a brief moment before putting her feet on the chilly floor.

Her stomach churned, and she retchingly expelled last night's dinner onto the grass. Tim could be heard vomiting nearby.

Once they had recovered, they gathered at a water barrel. They drank and washed their faces before leaning against each other in the shade.

"I am feeling dreadful." Tim mumbled.

Tabitha didn't find it necessary to respond to the obvious. She couldn't muster the energy. "The door was left open. Chickens were inside the house. Have you seen Toby since you exited?" Tabitha inquired, trying to ignore her pounding head.

"No, I felt uneasy with my stomach, prompting me to dash outside. I didn't see him, although I wasn't really looking."

"We need to get dressed." Tabitha noticed they were both naked. "And we must locate Toby. Perhaps he's also unwell."

"What occurred, why are we unwell? Why does my head ache?" Tim pondered.

"It's the dark side of the wine." Tabitha let the statement linger. "This might be what Toby implied."

"Last night was wonderful. The entire evening: the meal, the hilarity we shared at the table, Toby discussing wine... and then bedtime. We enjoyed each other so blissfully." Tim grinned reliving the memories, ignoring his pain in the process.

Tabitha allowed her boyfriend's words to guide her through the night's events, but she couldn't fully relish in the joy. Exhaustion prevented her from expressing her happiness. She grazed his cheek with a soft kiss and then made the effort to stand, partly to cope with a new wave of nausea. She headed inside the house.

Tim's attention was captured by a goat crashing into his shoulder. It made absolutely no sense to him. The door was open, the chickens were in the house, the goats were out, and Toby wasn't present. The sun was up - was it mid-day? What were today's chores?

He raised himself, washed his torso at the barrel, and bounded toward the house.

Tabitha was clearing away the remnants of the dinner. There were three vacant bottles of wine. She turned to Tim, "I don't recall three bottles last night. I only remember obtaining the second one. When did we commence drinking the third one?"

Tim retrospectively exhausted all his sort of fuzzy memories of uncapping bottles. "I'm unsure about that, it's a bit blurry."

Tabitha poured Tim a cup of tea. "Toby requires our attention."

"He could be at the terraces, planting them or in the barn. I need to figure what the goats' freedom is all about, but we most emphatically need to consult Toby."

Both dressed and slightly improved, they each ventured out in search of Toby while striving to maintain order on the farm.

Tabitha left a trail of crumbs from within the house to the yard to lure the chickens. She walked to the henhouse to gather eggs and vigilantly eyed Toby's whereabouts.

Tim directed the goats toward the buildings to most likely weed out the spring plants. He checked the barn, allowing Elley and her offspring to roam and forage before heading toward the fields to search for Toby.

Tabitha hoarded her share of eggs in her basket, but dropped them when she located Toby crouched by a tree by the path. Tears flowed down her face as she scurried toward him. "Toby! Toby!" Tabitha wailed.

Toby, who appeared weak and frail, took her some time to turn towards her. "Oh, my love, please don't cry. I am still here." He uttered, his voice low and fragile.

Tabitha gently touched Toby's face and shoulders, feeling lost and unsure of how to help him. She wanted to comfort him while her own fears raged within. "Let's get you to bed and rest," she said, trying to encourage him to heal. "You'll feel better after some food, and..."

Toby touched her hand and spoke softly. "Tabby, my love. Calm down. I have important things to tell you. There's so much you need to know."

Tabitha looked into his eyes, her own filled with pain and tears, as she nodded and listened intently.

Toby coughed weakly and smiled. "I'm glad you're here with me. I've never felt more connected." He paused for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. "I overheard you and Tim last night," he said, breaking into a small smile at the memory of their first intimate encounter.

"Swive? Are you talking about..." Tabitha's confused look was evident.

"Yes, swive or knack," Toby explained. "It's another term for..."

Tabitha's face turned red with embarrassment. "You knew what we were doing? We thought we were doing something new, and it was completely new. It feels so good, but we didn't know it was supposed to. How come you didn't tell us?"

Toby raised his hand to stop her. "I was afraid you'd try it without knowing if you should. I could never anticipate when it would be right for you."

"But you've told us how to do everything else. Isn't this something we should know about?" Tabitha's voice was filled with anguish as questions tumbled out.

Toby sighed. "Your bodies need to mature for such an activity. Remember when you first grew..." His voice trailed off, indicating her breasts. "And when you grew hair between your legs?"

Tabitha nodded.

"You weren't ready then," Toby continued. "And neither was Tim. If I told you all the things you can't do at that age, you and Tim might want to try them at every chance."

Tabitha was silent. She understood his reasoning.

"And if you discovered it on your own, you were probably curious and tried it." Toby paused, breathing heavily as he gathered his strength. "You're doing quite well."

"I'm not sure if we're doing it right," Tabitha said, revealing her confusion. "It's different each time. We don't know the right way."

"There is no right way," Toby fibbed. "As long as you enjoy each other's love, it's all right." He took a deep breath before continuing. "Be respectful of Tim's wishes, and he should be respectful of yours. Make one another happy in all you do."

Tabitha nodded, focusing on Toby's words.

"Oh, and..." Toby hesitated. "You should pee after swive. Tilda shared that advice with me."

"What? Why do I have to pee after swive?" Tabitha was bewildered.

"I'm not sure, my dear. It has something to do with keeping her areas clean."

Tabitha's eyes widened in confusion. "I see. And when do children come into play?"

Toby hesitated before answering. "Your monthly bleeding will stop when you're pregnant, but it'll return after giving birth. This is connected to children, but I don't know exactly how."

"What does that have to do with..." Tabitha trailed off, realizing Toby was hinting at something else.

"Regarding your new activities," Toby explained, "it may lead to another miracle."

"But how does that work? I've never heard of this happening before." Tabitha was still struggling to understand.

"I'm not sure, dear," Toby admitted. "But I'll tell you more when I'm stronger."

"And what if it happens?" Tabitha asked, fearing the implications.

"If it does, you'll know what to do," Toby assured her. "I can't wait to see what you and Tim do in the future."

Tabitha smiled, feeling a sense of warmth and love.

Toby gasped for breath as Tabitha's sudden announcement took him by surprise. Amidst his laughter, which resembled painful convulsions in his weakened state, he managed to respond.

"I bet he did!" was all he could say, exhibiting the disbelief Tabitha sensed as his physical spasms began to subside.

"So it's okay then?" she inquired with genuine concern for Toby's well-being. "I thought he would be okay with it after licking your tulips," Tabitha mentioned casually.

Toby let out another bout of spasms before managing to speak again.

"Yes, fine, fine. It's all good," he replied once he was able to catch his breath. "As I said, do what you like as long as you enjoy it. Keep exploring new experiences and simply enjoy them." Changing his tone, Toby continued, "You two need each other in multiple ways. Swive isn't just about pleasure - it's also about comfort, expressing love or excitement, or just because you want to do it. It's a way to get closer and convey that the other person is needed and appreciated. Do you understand what I mean?"

Tabitha nodded, attempting to digest all the information she had received.

Toby proceeded to share further advice on birthing, breast-feeding, and infant care to the best of his recollection. He recommended they make notes so they wouldn't forget anything.

Tim rushed back after searching high and low for both of them. In a state of panic, he was calmed down by Tabitha and filled in about the lecture Toby was presenting.

Though not fully on the same page as Tabitha and Toby, Tim eventually silenced himself and joined the conversation.

Toby, despite forgetting some details, shared his expertise on various aspects of farming, breeding, storage, and maintenance. Tim grabbed a pen and paper to take notes.

"Village Road can be dangerous," Toby warned. "If a tool fails or is unrepairable, you may need to visit the village. It's a long hike. Bring your bow and knife. Some people aren't friendly, in fact, some can be the complete opposite of friendly. Sometimes they may seem friendly but then assault you," they were shocked by Toby's forwardness.

Other people? Friendly and unfriendly? Appearing friendly but not actually being friendly?

At this point in the day, the sun was high in the sky, and Toby was thirsty and hungry. Helped up by Tim, he tried to walk on his own but failed, forcing Tim to assist him to the house. He just wanted to sit on the bench against the wall and admire the spectacular hills and valleys.

Having quenched his thirst and consumed a small meal, Toby continued to share his wisdom. "For the vino to have that enjoyable kick, it needs to be allowed to ferment for a while. If it's made too soon, it'll be just juice; if it's left to ferment for too long, it won't be vino," he explained.

Tim interrupted him with a query about the vino. "About the vino, Tabitha and I were unwell this morning. Our heads hurt and we vomited," they shared their own experience.

Toby replied with a nod. "Yes, that could be an issue in the morning. Drink, and it's fun, but drink too much, and you'll likely suffer the consequences in the morning."

"How much drinking is too much?" they both sought clarification.

Toby's only response was, "You'll have to figure that out for yourselves."

"I want to be buried beside Tilda. Once I die, don't attempt to bury me prematurely." Toby attempted a joke to lighten the mood, but it fell flat.

"We aren't ready to be alone yet. You cannot leave us. How can we survive without you?" Tim raised his concern.

"Your farm will provide enough food for two of you," Toby reasoned. "With just two mouths to feed, you'll have a surplus. You can transport some of it to the village to trade for useful objects. However, be cautious. Be friendly but maintain your guard. Kindness can be offered, but trust must be earned." With this, Toby steered the conversation in a new direction. "Tim, you must now care for and comfort Tab."

"I will, you know I will," Tim assures him, already considering the implications of Toby's words.

"Just as I cared for Tilda as we grew up, similarly, you need to care for Tab now. Tim's mind raced with newfound knowledge about Toby's childhood. "As you grew up together?" Tim inquired with great curiosity, particularly interested in hearing stories involving Toby and Tilda, which were previously unknown to him.

Just like you two have always been together, Toby explained their family history. He and Tilda were inseparable, always playing, arguing, and spending time together. Long ago, they discovered something that strengthened their bond — it deepened their love for each other. They shared a special connection. There were days when Toby still felt her presence around him. He missed her terribly. Tears filled his eyes as he reminisced about their unbreakable bond.

Tim and Tabitha joined Toby as they sat on a bench in grief, learning from and honoring the only person they've known their entire lives.

Toby's eyes closed, and it seemed like he was about to fall asleep. He murmured, "I need to rest. You two go do your chores. I'll take a little rest. We can talk some more later." With that, he appeared to have dozed off.

Tim took Tabitha by the hand and walked to the barn. Once inside, he hugged her, breathing in her scent and wrapping her up in his arms.

Tabitha let herself be held. She was so tired, mentally and emotionally. "I can't think about chores. I dropped all the eggs this morning, and I don't even know what's on the list for today. All I can think about is Toby and how he might be..."

Tim interrupted. "We need to focus on what needs to be done while he sleeps. As soon as he wakes up, we can be with him. For now, let's take care of a few things."

After the heart-wrenching kiss, Tim and Tabitha let their emotions speak for them.

As Toby rested on the bench in front of the house, he journeyed to Tilda's side, feeling her arms embrace him.

Exhausted and longing for one of the three people they shared their lives with, Tim and Tabitha moved a stone over Toby's fresh grave.

Unwilling to put on their dirty clothes, they went to the stream to wash. The act of removing their clothes wasn't the same as before. This was a solemn moment. They needed each other's presence but not in a physical way.

As they walked up the hill, they entered their house. Tabitha took a seat at the table, staring at nothing. Tim stoked the fireplace and added a log before taking out one of Toby's wine bottles.

Tim uncorked the bottle, pouring two glasses for them both. They both raised their glasses, staring into each other's eyes. Multi-faceted emotions filled the room.

Taking a gulp, Tabitha drank her glass in two sips. She stood up and went to Tim, sitting on his lap and facing him.

Tabitha gazed at Tim in a new light. She touched his face and hair, stroking his neck and shoulders before kissing his forehead. Tabitha wrapped her arms around his head, pressing his face between her breasts. Then, she stepped back a few inches and moved her left breast to Tim's mouth, who immediately started sucking her nipple. She moved the other one to his mouth, repeating his actions.

Tabitha rolled her body in a hypnotic motion as she ground Tim on top of her, her hips moving in time with his waist.

Tabitha moaned in soft tones, her body swaying and rolling. She leaned back so far that her shoulder blades rested on the table and then arched back, trying to take more of Tim inside her. Finally, Tabitha's body stilled, her hips no longer moving, sitting on Tim's waist, and left breast in Tim's mouth while the other reached to the table and emptied the remaining wine into her glass.

Tabitha kissed Tim, using wine-covered lips and tongue to express her feelings. Tim licked and slurped at the drips and streams of wine, traveling from her chest back to her mouth.

Hypnotically moving her body and grinding Tim, Tabitha whimpered in passionate cries as she arched back, pushing more of Tim deep inside her wet opening.

It was difficult for Tim to thrust, barely managing an inch. But Tabitha continued, grinding against him.

Tabitha was sensually swaying her body when she reached backward to the table, placing her glass on it, and drank the remaining wine.

Tim witnessed the scenery before him; his penis entering Tabitha's tulips, her swollen lips, the bud atop and the moisture covering everything. He stood, clutching her without separation and setting her flat on the table. He raised her legs and embraced them to his physique as he quickly started to draw back and thrust deep, faster and faster, rocking the substantial table as Tabitha's cries escalated.

He clutched her legs with one arm, shifting his free hand to where he perceived himself gliding within her evoking sensations of delight in both of them. Then he slid his digits a few inches up a few inches to her bud and let them slide all over it, rubbing it like he did with his tongue.

Tabitha commenced to produce near shrieking sounds as her pleasure receptors took dominance over her consciousness.

The sounds, the stimulation, the necessity, the feeling, the innermost boom of heartbreak all converged into a life-shattering orgasm, liberating its energy in timeless waves unachievable to gauge.

Tim disengaged her legs and slid forward on Tabitha's chest. Soon realizing the unfavorable posture of this place, he hoisted her arms behind her shoulders and lifted her off the table, employing his other arm as a cushion for her buttocks.

Still engorged and within her, he delicately strolled to the fireplace and reclined with her. Tabitha was a marionette, emotionally and physically drained. Tim awaited receding then procured a few blankets and cushions, arranging her atop them so she could face the embers. He reclined behind her, caressing her shoulder and her locks.

Tabitha cozied into him, and he attempted to engulf her, wrapping her in a blanket enveloped by his arms while their dermis united beneath.

Tabitha heaved a few burdened breaths as if emerging from a lengthy grieving session. She was connected to Tim in her thoughts, in her spirit, and physically. She was acquainting herself with loss, the void, the absence it creates, and the need to cherish the man who was hugging her so tenderly and securely. She sensed secure, despite her sorrow.

Tim and Tabitha slipped into a dreamless slumber.

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