Group Sex

A Wet and Messy Encounter with Alexandra

Ally and I thoroughly enjoy making a mess with pies and puddings!

May 27, 2024
58 min read
sploshMy Wet & Messy Date with Alexandraslimecustardgungesploshingpieswet and messyChocolatewammessy
My Wet & Messy Date with Alexandra
My Wet & Messy Date with Alexandra

A Wet and Messy Encounter with Alexandra

One afternoon, about a decade ago, Alexandra stopped by my place. I vividly recall that afternoon; it'll forever remain etched in my mind. We didn't finish all the pies we'd prepared. I would have loved to see her drenched from head to toe in chocolate and custard. Our romance didn't progress past making out. It was fine; I wasn't even certain if I wanted to take things further.

However, we made out for nearly 45 minutes. It was blissful. I'd desired Alexandra for years, and that afternoon was the realization of my dreams.

Yet, it never happened again. She was supposed to catch a movie with some friends, but ended up missing the previews, leaving her so anxious that she could barely focus on the film due to the fear of her companions detecting the chocolate and pudding scent on her. She made an exceptionally thorough effort to clean herself up, especially behind her ears, because there was nothing left of her scent after her bath. After making out once more on the couch, in the entrance, and outside on the street, I could still detect that delicious odor of chocolate. Perhaps it was just me.

It never happened again. It's difficult to say why. It was evident that we had an incredible time. We'd make light of the situation from time to time and even mentioned attempting it once more at some point, but it merely never occurred. We simply didn't cross paths frequently; our social circles didn't intersect. Yet, whenever our paths crossed, I noticed her smile and sensed her reminiscing about that sweet afternoon.

I haven't seen her in five years. We both graduated from school, got jobs, and drifted apart. It's been more than a year since we last messaged each other. I messaged her a "happy birthday" last year. She expressed gratitude with a heart. And nothing since, not even on my birthday. I wonder whether she's still single.

I'm convinced she is. I've maintained excellent contact with Laura, and from what I know, Alexandra hasn't been in a relationship. She's likely still waiting for "the one." I've been out on dates but nothing serious or intimate. I'm not particularly interested in having serious or intimate relationships. I've always assumed I'd feel that way about Alexandra... I've contemplated whether I would've gone all the way with her during that delightful afternoon ten years ago...

Alexandra's chat window was still open on my computer. Should I send her a message? I had nothing to share. She was presently online. I thought to myself, maybe this would reestablish communication between us. I opted to create a digital breakfast for myself instead. I prepared some cereal. My cat enjoys watching me open the box, and I often reward her with a piece or two.

I poured cereal into a bowl while my cat watched, eagerly anticipating a treat. Yet, she didn't come running. I went back to my computer and saw my cat perched on the keyboard of my laptop. When I'm working, the cat loves to saunter across the keys and ruin whatever I'm typing.

Oh my god.

I raced toward my computer and dropped most of my cereal on the ground. The cat adored that.

The pie emoji was sent. Alexandra is currently online. She hadn't noticed the message yet.

I hesitated. Just for a second. Then I removed the message. I took a deep breath and peered at my cat. So proud!

Alexandra then sent me a message.

"I saw that!"

My heart pounded. My thoughts raced. It seemed like a decade as I anxiously waited. She was typing again. Then she stopped typing. Typing again. Stopped.

I could do nothing but stare at the screen as my cat devoured her second meal and exited the room.

I'm unsure how much time elapsed. I pondered what was going on inside her mind, wherever she is. Typing. Not typing. Typing. What was she doing?

Finally, a message emerged. It took her a great deal of contemplation to decide what to write.

"Free to hang out tonight at 8? It's been a while!"

"My place? 69 Plough Cr"

I contemplated what to reply. What was her purpose? Was that genuinely her address? Just the prospect of hanging out with her for a night of chatting made my heart hammer. Then another message surfaced:

"We could bake something :P"

And then she sent the pie emoji. Oh my, I couldn't believe this was transpiring. Perhaps she truly meant we could bake something. Maybe she didn't even remember. But how could she not?

Without pondering further, I answered, "Sure, that seems cool! I'll be there!"

And then I sent a pie emoji.

I parked a couple houses away. It was 7:45. I merely resided 15 minutes away, yet I wouldn't risk being tardy. I remained in my vehicle for what felt like an eternity, attempting to persuade my persistent erection to vanish. I can't go in there like this!

At 7:59 I successfully coaxed it to subside by focusing on music as a distraction. I hoped Ally didn't perceive I was in my car for a quarter hour. That concept bothered me as I strolled up to her door. I rang the doorbell and heard it reverberate throughout her home.

A few moments later she opened the door. She exuded a massive, infectious grin, and it was impossible to not reciprocate the beaming smile. I performed a calibrated examination, surveilling her long blonde hair, once as it was, she donned a charming cable-knit blouse that was far more revealing than I recollected, exposing a deep cleavage. I couldn't help but notice she wasn't garbed in a bra beneath. She was the most breathtaking woman I'd ever encountered. These five years had benefited her marvelously.

We embraced. Her presence was so warm, and she smelled outstanding. "It's so fantastic to see you!" one of us declared. Her abode was quite cozy, I was taken aback she was wearing a sweater in such heat. But it complemented her outfit perfectly. I wished I hadn't donned a sweater too!

She presented me with a tour: the sitting room, the basement, her bedroom, her home office, it was an impressive abode, and it was obvious she wasn't cohabiting with anyone at the moment. In the recesses of my mind, I had mulled over whether we'd be spending our evening with more than simply the two of us.

We settled on the couch and we chatted. Communicating with her felt utterly effortless, we chuckled, we conversed about previous acquaintances, we transferred snippets of our respective lives, we likely conversed for an hour or longer. She was just the most delightful individual.

During the middle of our conversation, she abruptly ceased speaking. Her facial expression transformed into a grin. I couldn't help but grin too. I broke the silence: "Hello!"

"Hello!" She responded, with a titter, and by assuming a wavery tone in her voice. Could she be trembling? She gazed at me, then observed my lips. She adjusted her complexion, turning more severe. I perceived her hand on my knee, stating, "I truly missed you." My heart leapt. I sought to maintain casualness. "Yeah, me too, this has been genuinely entertaining."

"Yeah," she responded. She was actually shaking now. She cleared her throat, inching closer to me, and announced, "I genuinely missed you." She leaned even closer, grinning at me, then grew intense. Her eyes swayed between my eyes and lips. She was moving toward me, completely unsmiling. I could perceive her hand on my knee shivering. I was swaying, too.

Reflexively, I leaned towards her and kissed her on the lips. Less than a second later, she was kissing me back, with all her heart. Soon, we were lying on the couch, passionately embracing, as if we'd did ten years ago. My heart raced in a manner not experienced in years. This girl is sensational. I ran my fingers down her back, and she moved her fingers through my hair, as we kissingly exchanged, passionately and deeply. She fondled my hand, ostensibly on her sweater over her breasts, and I complied to her command, gently stroking them to her moans and playfully swirling her noticeably firm nipples, beneath the coarse cable-knit sweater.

Eventually, we discontinued our lip-locking and were recumbent on the couch, my body concealed by the couch's cushions, while she lay adjacent to me near to falling off. To be candid, she was mostly atop me, with her head resting on the cushion and regarding my eyes, expressing with her sensational humor. We simply beamed at each other.

Although we no longer trembled, kissing her felt innately ordinary. Still, she maintained an ethereal quiver in her voice, "You wouldn't believe how much I daydream about that time we kissed at university."

"I truly believe you, it was one of the most memorable afternoons in my life," we spoke about that time, but neither of us referred to the pies or being dirty, just how it made us feel.

"I've never done that with anyone," she shared. From what I gather, she had kissed other boys, but nothing as intense as right now.

"Me either, it's been phenomenal," I paused. "You are the most stunning woman, you're simply..." She cut me off again with another kiss. After a spell, and me being deep in her couch, she said in a fragile voice that I'd heard her say not long ago that night, "Just stay put, don't leave."

I didn't say anything but didn't budge an inch. She planted a kiss on my nose, then headed towards the back of the living room, where I hadn't seen earlier, and into another room. I heard her pick something up and moved back to where I was. She loomed behind the couch and stayed there. I didn't say a word, and she didn't either. What was she doing? I was about to say "Ally..."

But then her voice quivered even more than I had before. "There's a lot about that afternoon I miss... I hope you do too!"

And suddenly my face was covered in chocolate, whipped cream, and pie crust. It was so warm, and it tasted so good. The whipped cream had melted, and that was the texture I remembered and loved from that time almost a decade ago. I was so distracted by the surprise that I didn't even realize that she had climbed on top of me. I wiped away the cream and chocolate from my eyes to see she was sitting on my chest when she whispered, "And it wouldn't be fair to you if I didn't do this!"

I braced myself, but there was nothing other than her jumping back, aiming a pie into her own face. I could hear her hurried footsteps as she hurried to the back of the living room and into another room she hadn't shown me when I arrived. I could hear her pick something up and cautiously made her way back to me. She stood behind the couch and paused there. I didn't say a word, and neither did she. What was she doing? I was nearly about to say, "Ally..."

But then she spoke in a quivering voice. "There's a lot more to that afternoon that I missed out on... I hope you do too!"

And all of a sudden, my face was covered with chocolate, whipped cream, and pie crust. It was so warm, and it tasted so good. The whipped cream was mostly melted, but that was the texture I adored and remember from that time almost ten years ago. I was so focused on the surprise that I didn't even notice that she had climbed on top of me. I wiped away the cream and chocolate from my eyes, and she was sitting on my chest, breathing deep, and moaning as she rubbed the yellow-white mixture into her sweater and her hair. She reached back and touched my crotch, then hastily moved her hand, like she had brushed it against it by mistake, driven by pure excitement and passion. She crawled her body down mine, straddling my cock before she leaned over again for a passionate kiss. Some of the cream dropped from her face onto me, and I winced from excitement. She started to chuckle, and I did too, and we kissed.

I was curious if this would be similar to before, with just two pies. Did she notice that I had many more pies prepared for us back then? Or did she believe it was just two pies? I thought about how, if I'd been courageous enough to ask her over, I would have had much more than two pies ready.

She helped me stand up. Our clothes were covered in chocolate and custard. Her cable-knit sweater was almost completely covered in yellow. She glimpsed at my crotch; I tried not to notice.

She had hidden a dish towel under the couch. Was this all planned? She used it to wipe her feet, and I followed suit. She took my hand and led me to the back of her living room, into a kitchen. "There's one more place I want to show you."

"Ally... Ally... Ally..." I just said her name over and over again, astonished by what she had done. She had coated every surface of her kitchen in pies, every single one looking identical to every other. She had indeed been baking all day. No wonder her house was so warm! She kissed me deeply.

"As soon as you sent me that message this morning, I knew I had to do this. I haven't stopped baking since, and I'm so glad you didn't come early or it would have ruined the surprise!"

I was still in awe. I looked at her and passionately kissed her. She ran her hands along my entire body, and I did the same to her, smearing chocolate and custard over everything. I felt her butt and breasts through her clothes, and she felt my chest and butt too. My heart and cock were both on the verge of exploding.

When we broke apart, I saw that her sweater had become so heavy that one of her breasts had popped out. She noticed and smiled, gave me a quick kiss, and put it back in. "Not yet!" she said, "I've got a plan still..."

I headed towards the pie closest to me, intending to grab it quickly and smear it all over her face. Catch her by surprise. But she stopped me, "Nooo! We're not ready for that yet. I have everything planned out perfectly, trust me!" I decided then that I would do whatever she told me to do that night. Whatever she wanted, I would do. My mind raced with possibilities.

"I just wanted to bring you here to show you off, now let's carry out the rest of my plan." She kissed me and grabbed my hand again, leading us to her bedroom.

"You're sure about this?" I said, thinking about how we were about to have sex, but reconsidering when I realized her intentions might not be that simple. "We're going to get your room full of pies, your bed..."

Then I noticed what I hadn't seen before: the rug around the bed was made of plastic, and there was a stack of rolled-up towels behind the door.

Ally pulled back the sheet on the bed to reveal a plastic mattress protector. Oh my god, she had thought of everything. She began to place the rolled-up towels around the rug, and I helped her; it only took a couple minutes. I came up with a type of folding technique that would link them all together and got a great kiss for my effort!

"I didn't want to ruin my couch any more... when I saw you crammed into the cushions like that, I just couldn't help myself." I felt a little guilty for her couch, but she was already on to the next thing. "So we're, like, totally covered in this stuff." She ran her hands down my body as she sat me down on the bed. "But there could be so much more."

I noticed a long piece of cloth on the bedside table.

"A blindfold!" Ally exclaimed with a laugh.

"Wow" I said. Once again, I would never have thought of that.

"Just hold on a sec. We need to bring all those pies in here," Ally said. I attempted to stand up to help, but she interjected, "Actually..."

She grabbed the blindfold and wrapped it around my head. I couldn't see a thing. She tied it tightly.

"Actually, you need to stay here. I'll be right back." She kissed me again, then another time, then laughed. "You're so cute." I couldn't help but laugh, sitting on the edge of her bed, waiting and listening as she moved every pie from the kitchen into the bedroom. I could hear her placing pies on every conceivable surface, "Ah, there's no more space!" She laughed. This girl was insane!

"Okay," she said, once she had finished. "Here's what we're going to do." I could sense her moving closer to me. She pushed my legs apart with her body and pressed herself against me. "We're going to take turns pieing each other, blindfolded. And each time you're pied, you have 5 seconds to guess the flavor. If you're wrong, you have to..."

I kissed her, seeking her approval. She pulled back and said "whoa..." as if she had to regain her balance.

"If you're wrong, you have to... remove..." she stalled, her voice shaking slightly.

"A piece of clothing?" I deduced, trying to finish her sentence. She kissed me.

"Yes!" She laughed. "Okay, 5!"

She smeared a pie into my face. She must have been holding it the entire time.

"4! 3!"

All I could taste was cream. "Umm, I'm not sure..."


The smell came just in time. "Coconut!"

"1! Yes, it's coconut! I think..." I was surprised by another kiss, followed by a tongue lick, then another kiss as she put her coconut cream tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced around, the coconut flavor now filling both our nostrils. Her face was completely covered in it by now. "I can't even remember what each one is... so I may need to, ah, taste to verify!"

We both laughed. She took off the blindfold and I saw that the coconut cream had gotten all around her mouth. She was so hot.

She sat down beside me and put the blindfold back on herself. "Okay, now you..."

But before she could finish her sentence, a pie landed smack on her face. I quickly picked one up from the ground and shoved it towards her. I wanted to give her a little more time, so I gently pushed it into her cheeks. "Five!" I called out.


She seemed quick on her feet. Did she have another banana?

I leaned in to check. I kissed her deeply, then she pulled me onto the bed, where I lay on top of her. I could taste the flavors of the night - chocolate, vanilla custard, banana, and coconut - as I kissed her.

"Coconut! It's not banana," she said.

"I thought you could taste banana," I replied, realizing the innuendo of that statement.

"I've never had your banana before," she said, teasingly. "I guess I'm first," she said, wiping her eyes and starting to take off her sweater. It was so full of custard that it fell to the side of the bed with a loud thud and made an indent in the mattress. Her breasts were perfect, round, and cleaner than I imagined, considering how much custard was in her sweater.

"You're not fair, you took most of your first pie off when you took off that sweater," I said, in mock indignation. "I think I'm going to win this game!"

"I was wearing a bra," she said as the sweater fell away. It was covered in custard, and it fell on the bed with a thud and left a dent in the mattress. Her breasts were bare, beautiful, and cleaner than expected.

"Wait, that's not fair," she said, laughing. "I thought I'd licked everything off your sweater." I looked down at her and saw that her breathing was more labored, her eyes were half closed, and the corners of her mouth were twitching. I leaned over her and licked some of the custard off her neck. She looked at me, a little surprised.

"There's still more." She lay back on the bed and smiled at me as she said, "I'm going to win this game." Then she started to take off her bra. As it came off, the bra that was soaked with custard fell to the side of the bed with a loud thud, leaving an indent in the mattress. Her breasts were bare, beautiful, and cleaner than expected.

"I thought you'd emptied your first pie by taking off your sweater," I said, grinning. She started pulling off her pants, and I could hear them crinkling in the custard. "Should have worn a bra today!" I called out, laughing.

"I was wearing one," she said, her voice a little muffled by the pie. "I guess I'm going to win this game." Then she leaned over me and smeared custard on my chest with her hands.


A pie landed on me and hit me hard in the face and chest. How did she get it up there?

"4! 3! 2!... and 1..."

"Strawberry!" I yelled and she shimmied up the bed a little bit and kissed me hard. I couldn't believe she hadn't made a move to flip her over and have the pie cover me with custard like I wanted to.

"Let me taste!" she called, then she straddled my stomach and leaned over for another kiss. I wanted to kiss her for a long time, but when she pulled back from the kiss and sat up, I could see that she had changed her mind. "No! It's raspberry!"

"What!" I yelped, completely surprised. "Rasp... Oh my god, it is," I said, my mind suddenly remembering the delicious taste of raspberry jam. My pants were already starting to come off, and without thinking, I reached down and pulled them off. She couldn't help but notice I was still hard, and I think she wanted to use it. "Oh," I said sheepishly.

She started to unzip my pants, then slowly pulled them down, taking care not to touch my erection. Her fingers brushed lightly across my package, and it twitched. She continued to pull my pants and underwear down, finally taking her hands away. I could hear her moving around, then suddenly, my underwear started to slip off by itself, leaving me completely exposed. "No, not that," she said, stopping me from undoing my sweater.

I paused, confused. What did she want me to do? I still had the blindfold on and she was pulling on my erection. "Oh," I said.

She slowly unzipped my pants, then paused as she felt my penis pressing against her hand. "I thought you were going to just undress," I gulped. She got my pants off and threw them across the room. There was so much custard in the room, I couldn't feel the difference between the mattress and the floor through my sweater and underwear. She started to undress too, and she wasn't trying to avoid touching my penis like she did just now. She grabbed some custard and rubbed it all over her body, then leaned in to kiss me.

"My wish has come true, now it's your chance." She started removing my blindfold. As soon as my eyes cleared, I found Ally lying on the bed, her arms hugging her chest with the blindfold still on. I mirrored her actions by picking up a tart and standing over her. My erection would have been amusing if she could see it.

Taking aim, I hurled the tart toward her face and scored a direct hit square on the center. "Five!", I exclaimed.

"Raspberry!", she responded instantaneously. I confirmed my guess by checking. I had guessed right. "This was too simple.", she remarked. "Try another one!", she encouraged while exposing more of her unclean breasts to me. I moved away from the bed, picked up another tart, and prepared to aim.

"You're the most attractive woman...", I praised her as I threw the tart, aiming for the preferred target, and I made a perfect hit in the middle of her chest. She yelled out in delight with a giggly shout. Something just struck me. I knelt above her, holding her hands, and said, "Five! Four! Three!"

"Carl!" she screamed as she tried to free her hands to cover her mouth.

"Two! One!, I'm sorry, my dearest Alexandra, but your time is up!", I announced.

She burst into hearty laughter, she didn't stop. Think you'll find it amusing. Being thoughtful, I took my hands full of the slop I had covered her chest with and smeared it across her face. "Banana," she added as she continued to giggle.

"You claimed the first was too easy", I mentioned, grinning. She smacked my head into her chest between her breasts and rubbed it around like she did with the pies. She forcibly pulled my head up to her lips and kissed me passionately for the first time that night. We reversed roles, and she jumped on top of me, passionately rubbing her crotch over me. I was becoming coated at an alarming rate. Before I knew it, she smacked a tart onto my face.

"Five! Four!", I declared.

"Wait! You..."


"Strawberry!" she admitted, amazed at my accurate guessing.

"Right! Five!"

And she smashed another tart into my face, I didn't even have a blindfold on! She must've taken it off herself and grabbed the desserts from the table. The blindfold would have been irrelevant with so much pie on me.

"Four! Three!" I recognized this one, and I knew she was attempting to deceive me. It tasted like strawberry, but it also had a sour kick to it.

"Strawberry... Rhubarb", I deduced.

"Fuck you! That was my shot!" she joked.

SPLAT, a tart landed on my face. This woman wasn't giving in. I immediately tasted the blueberries, which were unmistakable. "Banana!"

"What? No, blueberry!"

SPLAT. There was another tart. She wasn't backing off. I tasted the blueberries again, it was undeniable.

I found another tart in my lap. I began to wipe my eyes and leaned down to taste. Ally took the tart and placed an intact, cream-side-up tart in my crotch. I threw my upper body back down on the bed, "Five!"

She laid the tart on her head, slowly, sensually, and I forgot to utter the "four". She moved her body on top of me, smearing her face all over mine while smashing her face with the remaining tart. We locked lips, exchanging the sweet and gooey mess she had spent all day making for us.

Ally moved away from the bed, grabbed 2 more tarts, and urged me to lie down once more. I obeyed, allowing her to carefully place a tart on my lap. I felt she would change her method, but maybe she enjoyed that experience. Yet, she picked up the final tart, raised it carefully above me, and placed it in a precarious spot on my chin and collarbone. It broke apart a little but still remained whole.

"At the same time," she exclaimed. I knew what her intentions were. She carefully crawled over me, making sure not to disrupt the pies carefully perched on me. She spun around, so I was facing her backside and she was facing my underwear.

I calmly stated "Five," while keeping my persona cool and composed. She seemed to comprehend. "Four. Three. Two." Neither of us budged. I observed the pie now on my face and took it as a subtle clue. "One."


She forcefully nudged her face towards my genitals again, allowing her lips to graze my erect penis through the underwear I still wasn't allowed to remove. She lowered her lower region onto my neck and shifted it up to my lips. Her yoga pants were now soiled with pie, and she used them to smear the contents onto my face. I reciprocated by pushing my head into hers, causing her body to rub against mine through the yoga pants she continued to wear. I could feel an orgasm about to release.

She detached from me and I inhaled, as it was difficult to breathe due to the coconut cream caked onto my face. She turned to face me and kissed me, and once again our tongues began to dance in our cream-filled mouths. We remained eye contact for an elongated duration, simply beaming at each other.

I then declared "At the same time." She nodded, and we both whispered simultaneously, "Apple." I observed the now-tinted underwear covering my genitals. We giggled simultaneously.

She slid off me and maintained a position beside me, holding my hand in the chaos. The bed had been completely immersed in different fillings, whipped cream, and pie crust fragments.

We remained still, processing the events that had transpired. We both silently calculated the tally, not daring to speak of it out loud. We both recognized we each owed the other three pieces of clothing. I knew I still had my sweater, my T-shirt, my socks, and my underwear left. And Ally still had her pants, underwear, and her socks, as far as I was aware. We appreciated the view of her luscious chest covered in diverse colors, as well as the sight of my straining erection enclosed in shallow blue underwear, and my cream-soaked feet.


"MY SOCKS!" I erupted, and she shot a wide grin.

"I had been waiting for you to notice that!" She must have extracted them off just before butt-nosing my genitals. This girl! We've only been acquainted for a few moments, yet it had felt like we've always been together.

"Per my calculations, we both owe each other 3 items of clothing each." I trembled, taken aback by her calm and collected demeanor. I couldn't fathom we were going through with this. "You agreed to this situation, so it's your responsibility to adhere to the rules."

I was trembling this time. She displayed a smile so cheerful and assured. I was bewildered by her assertiveness. "I'm not a cheat, I'll play by your rules."

She proceeded to remove her second sock. I retorted "No! Not that." We both erupted in laughter. I undertook the task of eradicating her sock. She then stripped my sweater instead. I was on the brink of ripping her pants off when she commenced to wring out my sweater over her head, resulting in a wave of filling streaming over her hair and sliding off. I longed to kiss her.

I had my plans. I moved down to her waist as she reclined on the bed. I planted a kiss on her navel button, as I had previously. She exclaimed "Fuck, don't stop." The way she uttered the word "fuck" sparked a massive erection in me. I descended her pants and kissed her once more, before rolling them further. I proceeded to progress down, kissing her with every inch, until I reached her region near her crotch. Ally didn't appear dissatisfied, she only murmured "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck" as I moved down. I swiftly sped up, stopping after planting a kiss on her big toe. She found it adorable.

She tore my shirt off hurriedly. We chuckled at the contrast in our methods.

There we laid, wearing only our underwear, our lower regions now thoroughly covered in sludge, but our upper regions comparatively clean as we'd removed the majority of our clothing.

"At the same time," she proclaimed. "If you're truly up for it."

"I'm ready," I affirmed.

Gradually, we both took off our underwear. My penis started to stand tall as soon as it was freed. Ally let out a gasp and a giggle when she saw it. I'd never felt that hard before, and I felt unbelievably fortunate that I hadn't cum yet. She exposed her vagina as we removed our underwear from our feet and lay there staring at each other. I was extremely grateful for how warm her house was, maybe this was her plan all along. We weren't cold at all.

She reached down and grabbed a handful of pie filling and firmly gripped my penis with it, all the while smiling at me and kissing me. I, too, scooped up a generous amount and smeared it on her vagina. We slowly stroked each other while we kissed, slowly, gently, and passionately. Every now and then she would gather more pie filling and drop it on our faces as we kissed, or on our groins as we stroked. We didn't say a word. We enjoyed each other's company for what seemed like an eternity.

After a while, we broke apart, tenderly. She released my penis, and I stopped touching her clit.

"We still have many pies left," she said softly and sweetly. "Last time we let so many go to waste."

She got up from the bed and kissed me with each step, leaving me lying in the mess as she went back into the kitchen. When she came back, she brought in pie after pie and placed them close to the bed, as well as rearrange the rest of the pies left in the room. She also brought in a few heavy buckets and placed them under the bed, where I couldn't see them. Then she crawled back into bed with me and lay beside me; our gooey, naked bodies were now touching from head to toe. She spoke to me, "You said you would do whatever I told you to."

"Yes, I will."

"Okay. Let me know if you ever want to stop, if it's ever too much for you."

"It won't."

She put the blindfold back on me again. It was a bit chilly but still wonderfully creamy. I was grateful for the warmth of her house; she had thought of everything. As she tied it around my head while kissing me, all I could think about was how things could have been different if I had thought of everything like she did, long ago. If I could have planned it so she didn't have to leave me that evening. How our lives could have been so different if we had discussed it afterwards.

"Okay," she whispered. Her voice was now so soft and serene, but with a hint of excited nerves. I could hear her grab a pie, two pies, and I could feel on the bed that she had started to straddle my chest again. The thought of her vagina less than a foot from my face almost made my penis burst with excitement.

"Five!" she shouted. I couldn't hear the other numbers. She slammed both pies into the sides of my head with such force that I couldn't hear anything else. Pieces of crust and filling must have flown across the entire room. I could feel that it had completely covered my face, I could feel the sweet frosting and strawberry filling dripping down my neck and into my mouth as I gasped for air.

I sensed Ally's knees shift, bringing her closer to my head as she rested on the mattress. All of a sudden, I understood what she was doing - pushing her pussy towards my mouth, the sweet scent of strawberries and cream filling my nostrils. I tried to focus on her words, which she whispered so softly into my ear, but I was too distracted by the sight and smell of her pussy. I stuck out my tongue and lightly touched her from her asshole to her clit, licking her with broad, sluggish strokes. Her legs tightened around my head, and I gave her another lick and another, receiving a burst of her juices in my mouth.

We had been dating for some time, and her desire for a release was evident - her level of wetness couldn't be ignored. She was moaning, grinding her pussy all over my face, her nose and cheeks pressed into her own hole. She touched herself, while her thighs trembled as she enjoyed the sensation of my nose rubbing against her hole. I grabbed her breasts, eliciting a deep, primal sound from deep within her throat.

She gripped my hair, pulling me deeper between her legs. I could finally hear what she was saying and was stunned by the volume and intensity of her voice. Her moans were far louder than I had ever imagined a woman could produce. I took off the blindfold, as I desperately needed to see her. Initially, she looked slightly oblivious to my presence, entranced by her own pleasure. She sat up and grabbed a pie, using it as another opportunity to satisfy herself.

I licked Ally like before, a mixture of long, broad, and slow strokes, as she began to clench around my tongue. As she ground herself harder against my face, I felt the wet patches on my tongue. I was satisfied, knowing that I had given her a release she had needed. I stroked her heavily, occasionally slipping in a finger, before pushing myself deeper in with her permission. She climaxed with a force I couldn't have foreseen.

Her body rocked with climax as she lay there, panting. "That was fucking amazing," she whispered; although it was barely audible, I could sense her enthusiasm. She planted a passionate kiss on me, repositioning her face to remove the cream she had settled on my cheeks.

"That was fucking amazing," she echoed. "But there are still so many pies left." I turned my head and extended my tongue towards one of the pies, ready to re-coat myself with cream.

I made my way off the bed and quickly unwrapped the pies nearest to us. I helped her strew a mess of creamy delights on the bed, and placed a raspberry cream pie between her breasts. She instructed me to rest my face in the pie, resulting in more whipped cream entering my ears. I was delighted with the unique sensation, rising up to lick her nipples. "What do you want to do now?" she asked.

"It's your choice," I replied playfully.

Ally grinned. "I know it is, but I'm going to choose for us both." She flipped around on the bed and knelt in front of me. She reached for another pie and held it up, asking, "how do you like this?" Her actions spoke volumes, as she tossed it into her face. I gripped my cock, jerking off, albeit unenthusiastically.

"What's next?" I asked.

She enacted a whimsical expression. "How about this?" Another pie was picked up, and Ally's ass was faced towards me. At this point, it was more about what she wanted than my preferences. She shoved the blueberry pie into her pussy.

As she enjoyed herself, I briefly considered fingering her, or even tasting her pussy once more. The alluring scent of whipped cream and berries filled the room, and my hunger to taste her increased. Instead, I settled into a position between her legs, witnessing her aggressive self-gratification up-close. She moaned and cursed, "fuck me, Carl, fuck meee". I decided to satiate our shared desire through self-gratification.

She rocked back and forth, covered in red, blue, and yellow, frantically rubbing her clit. I groaned as I watched her and was swept up by the sweet, confectionery scent emanating from her altogether consuming performance.

She was in the rhythm of it, so I didn't want to interrupt. It was obvious that she loved my presence. Her words echoed, asking me to penetrate her all while moaning, speeding up as her fingers teased her more.

"A vessel, fuck, Carl, the vessel."

I hurried off of her, I recalled where she stowed the foreign vessels beneath the bed. I fetched one, it was looking rather heavy.

"Pour everything on me when I climax."

The vessel brimmed with gooey chocolate pudding. I knew she wouldn't be looking, but I wanted to savor it. I cradled it in both hands, so I merely lowered my head into it. It was a delectable and luscious pudding; I couldn't wait to coat her with its contents. I climbed on top of her again and cradled the vessel over her writhing body.

"Five!" She professed. She was almost prepared. "Four." There was a lengthier break. I felt that I was readied too. "Three..." This was quieter. "Two..." This was a bit more hushed. "One"... she never hit zero, but I knew she was there. I poured the chocolaty contents over her dazzling breasts, then moved to her neck, then her cheeks. She arched her spine and unleashed her mouth, I poured it in and let it gather before gushing out onto the mattress. She spit it out and yelled "FUCK. FIVE. FUCK. GIVE IT TO ME QUICKLY."

I fired the entire container's contents over her frolicking body, lashing her saturated stomach; I scrubbed the foam off her sated body until she was a howling ooze of all that chocolate. There was no mistaking her blonde hair after all this. It was amazing to behold. She continued accompanying herself until she reached her topmost peak. She was vocalizing in enjoyment, with a wide grin on her chocolate-smothered mug. I streeted above her and kissed her ever so gently on her lips, immediately her hands wrapped around my neck and hoisted me down alongside her. My cock; rock-solid, sandwiched between her legs, and when she felt it she clenched once more. "Ohh."

We traded nuzzles while remaining conscious of not to slip it inside her. It wasn't opportune; we had several more pies left. I insisted on delaying any climax, I wouldn't want to let her down, not now that excitement was about to hit its pinnacle! There were even more pies to use, I worried about my incredible queen's satisfaction!

I couldn't believe what transpired before my eyes. I would've never guessed that the same eyes frantically maneuvering my computer screen, scrambling to retract an emoji, would be right here, just a blink away, admiring the most stunning creature in the universe collapsed in a jumble of delicious chocolate and cream. I knew that I'd never fail to reminisce on this scene for the coming years.

She was without a doubt needing a minute for herself. It didn't seem she'd concluded, but a bit of rest seemed appropriate. It seemed improbable that her orgasms had been that phenomenal.

I assured her how I felt. "That was quite awe-inspiring, you're rather amazing."

She reciprocated, "And you, you're exceedingly persistent." It held weight, although I remained patient, it was simple because I didn't want to conclude tonight's endeavor, no, there were still unparalleled pies left to expend. What else could there be? Was she strategizing her seduction? Was what we just experienced a product of her spontaneity? She appeared a bit exhausted that I negated her orgasms would resemble that.

For a time we lay on the bed together, no dialogues emitted, only a few exchanged statements over my rough sketches or how delightful we felt. She beamed.

She unexpectedly arose from the bed, ensuring chocolate dripped all over the plastic rug. The towels promptly caught the mess. She bowed before turning over towards me, laughed, and exhibited her pussy to my face; "This is outrageous. I've never done anything so outlandish before."

"Me as well" I confirmed. It was real, I had never felt this way towards any sexual being.

"Patience, I can handle it!" I responded, not wanting to pressure her.

"You said you'd do as I wish."

"Yes, I did."

"Well, what I've always wanted to do, something I've dreamed of since that time..." She hesitated. I had no clue what she was about to say. "I saw this online. It's, I, it's..." She paused, trembling. I moved towards her and held her hands, kissing her.

"Whisper it."

"Dunk and suck."

I had a vague idea what she meant, but I'd never heard that term used before. She glanced nervously at my erection. "May I?" She asked, as if she wasn't explicitly fondling it not long ago.

"You have my permission."

Ally's hair was a deep brown, almost black with hints of chocolate. She tried to tie up her hair behind her ears, but the chocolate was too thick for her to make much progress. She then attempted to wring it out on the bed before she appeared to have an epiphany. She shuffled toward me in the mess, wrung out her hair over my cock again. We exchanged grins at her creative maneuver. "This is for you. A handle." She grasped her ponytail with a gooey hand, indicating what she wanted me to do to her. I kissed her instead.

"Apologies, Carl, look what I've done to your privates." We both looked down, my penis was completely coated in the chocolate of her hair. I was already on all fours in front of her. She bent down, her face inches away from my penis. "Oh my, it's so beautiful."

That made me chuckle. "It was stunning until you coated it with your grubby sludge!"

"I'm sorry, I'll rectify it." She inched closer, her face right next to my penis. She leaned in, giving it a kiss on the tip. I fought to keep from releasing myself in her mouth. She kissed it again, then took as much of my penis as she could into her mouth. I could feel her tongue gliding up and down my shaft as she held it there for a few seconds. She started to create suction without moving her lips; I tried my best to hold back my climax. I felt her teeth graze the shaft, I winced slightly, but I didn't want her to notice. She was now pressing her tongue around, and then suddenly plunged me deeper than I believed she could. She choked, quickly pulled me out. She gazed up at me, chocolate on her face but she didn't seem to mind. She stood up so our gazes met. She hadn't performed a proper blowjob, but I knew she was merely getting started.

I could tell she wanted a kiss, so I complied. As we made out, my penis found its way between her legs. I could feel her softly swaying back and forth to allow my tip to press against her clitoris. We groped each other for some time before she slid back down to reacquaint herself with my penis.

"It's not very clean, Ally," I pointed out, motioning to my penis, which was still smeared with chocolate. I was unsure if it was her chocolatey spit that remained from before or if some new chocolate had trickled down from us making out, or whether her chocolatey vagina had transferred some more chocolate onto it.

"Oh no!" Ally exclaimed, scooping up a large handful of chocolate muck with both hands and smearing it on my penis. "Sorry" she replied to herself as she took me into her mouth once more. She started out slowly, taking me in and pulling me out. I never sensed her teeth again. She slided in and out, in and out, sucking and licking, quicker and quicker. She touched my testicles as she took me in deeper and deeper. She gagged, then pulled out, glancing up at me as she took me in again. Gagged once more. In and out. She refused to break eye contact. [Note: Also, the term "dunk and suck" is often used to describe a sexual act in which someone pulls another person's penis in and out of their mouth while sucking it.]

I didn't realize I was making noises until I heard my own breaths getting louder and louder. I had no idea I would do that! I wasn't touching her ponytail yet, as I assumed we hadn't reached that point yet. She was the one in charge here. She positioned me inside her again, and I could feel her struggling as she tried not to throw up my juices from my throat. I also struggled to hold back my own explosion. She gagged once more and coughed, then looked at me with a sweet, chocolaty smear across her face. I noticed she had been drooling constantly throughout the entire experience. Chocolate drool was dripping down her neck and breasts, creating a noticeable puddle between us. There was a long strand of spit connecting my rod and her face, which eventually fell away as she smiled and produced more chocolate spit. She was both disgusting and lovely. I kissed her hard, expressing my gratitude for her efforts.

She moved to a spot over the bucket on the bed and got on all fours in front of it. I knelt on the other side of the container. The bucket was full of yellow custard, almost to the brim. I knew that would lead to spills. She kissed me once more, and as we separated, a long strand of sweet, chocolatey spit connected our mouths. Neither of us attempted to wipe it away. Without hesitation, she dived her entire head into the pail, doing so slowly and sensually. Custard scattered everywhere. She continued to move about in the custard, waving her hands in the air as if she needed assistance. Bubbles formed around her ear. I realized what she wanted.

I grasped her ponytail with one hand and pulled her head from the custard. Her mouth was left wide open but that was the only feature I could make out on her face as the custard spilled back into the bucket with huge plops. The odor was intense. I wanted to kiss her again so I could feel her lips pressed against mine and taste the same thing she was tasting. However, I knew this wasn't her intention. Using my grip on her ponytail, I pushed her mouth onto my cock. It didn't take much effort, she was the one in charge. She had sucked me off voraciously before, but this time her desire was even more intense. Her hands were moving up and down my shaft with every in and out, and they caressed my stomach, balls, and once my anus, briefly. With each pulse, I could sense that I was preparing to ejaculate a large amount of semen into her mouth. I noticed I was moaning, and so was Ally. She glanced at me as my orgasm drew near. With only a few seconds left, I had to pull her off me.

Ally gasped, "Carl, I..." but I stopped her. I seized her hair and pushed her head back into the thick and tacky vanilla cream. She waved her arms around erratically, eventually finding my dick. She worked my cock with her hands as she swirled her head in the bucket. The bubbles appeared once more, and I pulled her up, observing as the custard slid down her ravishing breasts, hair, and my arm. She prepared to embrace my cock when I had to get her off me quickly. She managed only a few good sucks before I had to pull her off me again as I knew I was about to come. She kissed me and the warm vanilla scent overtook me; it was like heaven. While she and I made out, I caressed her breasts, while her fingers massaged my hair. She suddenly clenched hold of my hair and shoved my face into the bucket of custard, chocolate, and saliva. It was deathly silent, then my mouth became filled with the thick custard. She grabbed my cock fiercely and managed to tug wildly while her other hand held me down with a forceful grip. I couldn't feel the bottom of the container, unsure of how deep it was. I decided to make a sound, so I shouted loudly into the pudding, causing massive bubbles to emerge. I used one hand to explore her pussy while she held me in the bucket.

I could feel her body tense at that instant. She yanked me from the bucket by my hair, slowly. I maintained my finger inside her, rotating it in circles while I heard her moaning as a dirt clod slid from one of my ears. The dirt clod flowed down my chest, with most of it landing back in the bucket. Ally immediately shifted her body over to the side of the bucket, lying this time, still clutching the back of my head. It was quite an experience swirling around while she moved her entire body, and I instantly understood her intentions when she rammed my face into her pussy with both her hands. I licked her clean as quickly as I could, I had been yearning to return to her pussy to make her cum all over my face again, tasting that tasty mixture of dirt and chocolate. It was completed too soon, she wasn't quite ready to cum again, I assume.

"Thank you," I assured her.

"I'm still famished." She replied, as she returned to an upright posture. I extended my arm and tugged on her hair, drawing her toward my penis. She hesitated, and I recognized she wanted the bucket again. Whilst gripping her hair, we both adjusted our positions and I pushed her into the bucket once more.

This time I pulled her out immediately, granting her an opportunity to breathe. She thought I'd have her on my penis again, but I consigned her to the bucket. I dragged her out just as fast. Pieces of dirt scattered, and she gave a large smile and chuckled as she grabbed at my penis again. I thrust her into the yellow once more, while she was cackling, and the foam was there from the moment her mouth touched the slime. While she was in the bucket, I adjusted my position so when I retrieved her, she would be smacked in the face with my dick. She laughed again, and took me into her mouth.

She penetrated me deeper than ever before, gobbling me up to my balls and then pulling me all the way out, each time a large volume of viscous slime flowed from her throat, connecting her mouth, my penis, and the bucket under us. My penis was slightly desensitized, but I could still sense ejaculation imminent.

When I pulled her face away from my shaft again, she coughed and a wave of gooey spittle enshrouded my penis and my belly. She laughed, claimed, "I adore this; I adore.." but I forced her head back into the bucket. I spotted her one hand touching her pussy now. Her fingers were vigorously tickling her clit, she was prepared to cum again. I brought her head up to my penis, and with her other hand she removed the bucket from in between us. She took me in deep, and steady, and drool dripped down our unclothed bodies. I relinquished hold of her hair as she proceeded to tirelessly minister to my member. Her hands explored my body while her pussy was being caressed. She was howling loudly as I strived to avoid cumming. The closer I got, the tighter I clutched her hair once more.

But right away, she grabbed my ass with both her hands and held her mouth over my prick, notwithstanding my paltry endeavors to pull her away. She injected me in and out so rapidly, she could feel my penis enlarging within her mouth, and I gritted my teeth. She wouldn't relinquish me!

She accepted me fully and planted me in the bucket, while she was giggling, and the bubbles were already in existence. When I withdrew her from me, she gagged and sludge spilled out of her mouth as well as onto my cock and stomach. She laughed, pronounced, "I relish this; I relish.." but I dragged her head back into the bucket. I noticed one hand was rubbing her sex now. Her fingers were intensely fumbling her clit, she was poised to cum again. I offered her access to my penis, and with her other hand, she displaced the bucket. She covered my penis in her mouth, continuously. She ran her hands all over my body and her pussy. She was moaning insatiably as I attempted to halt my emissions. Several times, I could sense it building and building, and as it approached, I snatched her hair once more.

Yet she instantly enclosed her grasp on my buttocks and gripped her mouth over my penis, irrespective of my half-hearted attempts to extract her. She crammed me into her mouth with astonishing speed, and my penis was swelling in accordance with her rubbing. I grunted, "Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandy."

I released volumes of semen within her mouth. With each massive discharge, I could sense gigantic quantities of semen erupt from me and into her. My body was undulating in accordance to an unstoppable tempo as I could not resist my urgent need to release inside her mouth. Her grip on my ass was firm, she wasn't going to let me leave. Semen was shooting from her mouth and covered her mouth, my penis, and the mess of sheets beneath us. She gasped as she manipulated her pussy, undoubtedly pondering I had awakened something buried in her ten years ago. Had I triggered a reserved kink in her?

She slumped onto the bed in a pile of flesh, pudding, chocolate, and semen. I snuggled up next to her; my organ started to soften. She felt that pushing against her and clutched it with her hand. "No! Have I lost you?" She chuckled, then I chuckled nervously... What did she expect of me? "Wanda, my darling, there's still a lot we can do together."

I rubbed my eyes and glanced around the room. There were still about ten pies leftover, and we hadn't used much of the pudding at all - most of it was still in the bucket, aside from what dripped out of her head. Furthermore, the bed was littered with a delightful mess that we could play in for hours.

Wanda wiped her face with what was possibly the last piece of clean linen on the bed in the corner. "I hope there's more where that came from, I'll need a lot more from you if we're to make this a consistent aspect of our lives." She winked.

"A consistent aspect of your life?" I chuckled. She was grinning at me, but I realized my phrase could be interpreted in an incorrect manner. "My goodness, Wanda, you're remarkable." She moved back towards me, then turned over on her stomach and reached for something on the bed. She kept her butt wiggling playfully in my direction as she reached for something, taking an unnecessarily long time to pick up a pie. My erect penis began to regain some strength when she came back up. She had two pies she put on the bed, but I hadn't noticed them before. She snaked up beside my body, and we became tangled together. She circled her legs around mine and curled her arm under me. She kissed me, briefly but passionately, as if we'd been romantically involved for years. As if we'd been together since the dawn of time.

Suddenly we began to move slowly to pick up a pie while we remained entwined in our scrumptious mess. We each held up our pie as we continued to kiss, Wanda wriggling enjoyably. While our lips were locked together and our eyes were shut, she allowed her pie to fall on our heads. It was another strawberry variety. She didn't miss a beat as she placed her tongue in my mouth and we kissed. Just as I could detect the taste of strawberry seeping through the mounds of cream, I allowed my pie to land on our conjoined faces as well. It, too, was a delectable strawberry. We continued kissing each other in the pudding-saturated foam without any interruption for what could have been an hour. Whenever I fondled her pussy, she would purr with pleasure, and she would smear some pie on my cock, which became more and more taut under her touch. She would grin and kiss me every time my penis stiffened further. I believed I could cum again tonight. It appeared to Wanda that it would always be the case.

After some time, we ceased kissing and only looked into each other's eyes. An indefinite amount of silence passed between us, but I refrained from speaking. Every so often, she seemed on the verge of saying something, but she merely sighed and stared back at me.

Finally, she said, "Carl," She took a deep breath, then kissed me, then said, "I want to lie on the bed while you drench me in pies. Then..."

"A grand finale," I replied, with a grin. Wanda smirked and shook her hips in a playful manner, squirting custard and pudding from her covered body as she rolled around on the bed. She stopped for a moment when she could completely submerge her face in a thick puddle. I laughed and rolled around with her on the bed. Our faces met many times; we kissed each time our lips touched. We were both coated in another sticky coat once more. I remembered how fortunate I was that she had cranked up the heating in her dwelling, as it felt as though it was twenty degrees Celsius in the room; I barely felt any chilliness.

"Then, I need you to..." She grinned again as I paused to allow her to finish her statement. I knew what she desired, and I desired it as well. "To fuck me."

I eagerly leaped onto her and kissed her from above. My erect member was ready for more, so I knew I was prepared. She seemed gorgeous with her hair tangled and stuck to her head, covered in all sorts of red, brown, yellow, and white. Her flavor was sweeter than any delectable I'd ever tasted. She sat up and retrieved a scoop of leftover concoction and dropped it on my phallus, then promptly swallowed it. "I think you're ready for me, dear."

She lay down in the centre of the bed and placed her arms at her sides. Her hand stumbled across the discarded blindfold and she dramatically placed it over her eyes. "I'm all yours, lover. Enter me."

I awoke and collected the remaining pies, placing them around her on the bed. She fumbled in the pile and found one, dipped her finger into it, then brought it to her lips. "This is blueberry!" she exclaimed. "Carl, I want this pie on my face. I think it's my favorite."

I was more than willing, but I wanted to have a bit of fun first. Just as she dipped her finger into the blueberry pie, I dipped my penis and testicles, ensuring they were covered. Keeping the blindfold over her eyes, I held her head in place with one knee on her deteriorating ponytail.

"You ready for the first pie?" I asked.

"Yes, fuck yes!"

I lowered myself onto her face, allowing my penis to land on it. She let out a hearty laugh as she engulfed me. Excited, I fetched the blueberry pie she desired before getting off of her.

"Ready for the real thing?" I asked.

"Yes, fuck yes!" I turned the pie upside down and dropped it onto her face. Her laughter grew, and her smile began to emerge amidst the whipped cream and blueberry filling, with the dark sauce smeared across her teeth. I desired to kiss her, but had other priorities. I picked up the next pie, then I remembered something else. "Wait!" she said with laughter.

"One moment." She didn't bother removing the blindfold, eager for my next move. Silently, I picked up the bucket of chocolate and filled it with as much of the excess chocolate, custard, and pie filling as possible. I had filled the bucket to the brim. Not as large as the custard bucket, but it was still a considerable amount.

"What are you doing? Carl!" she asked playfully.

"Ready for the next pie?"

"Yes," she whispered.

I positioned myself above her, positioning one foot on each side and aiming my penis towards her cream-covered face. I held the bucket straight ahead, releasing its contents as best I could.

"Here you go!"

I poured the contents slowly over her, watching as her entire body reacted in shock. The first drop landed on her chin and neck, but I managed to direct it towards her mouth. "The custard! Carl, no!" she cried out with a laugh. "Carl!"

I couldn't help but laugh too. Keeping the bucket over her, I continued to release its contents. She gasped as she tasted the foreign substances. The next large portion contained a lot of chocolate, so she likely realized I hadn't touch the custard bucket. I wondered what other plans she still had with it. I kept pouring the mixture all over her body. My goal was to completely cover her in this mess, leaving not a single square centimeter of skin visible. I was successful, occasionally returning to her face when something interesting arose in the bucket.

When everything was empty, I looked inside and saw a pool of cum and custard remaining. "There's a little more in here, if you're interested, open up," I suggested.

Based on her expression through the goop, she knew exactly what I meant. "I want it," she said. She opened her mouth wide and allowed more of the mixture to flow into her. She spat it out, and the residue dripped down the side of her face. I knelt over her face and poured the custard and cum concoction into her mouth. It splashed onto the bottom of her face but most of it fell in. "You taste so good," she remarked.

"Yeah, you do." I knew just what I craved for next. I got hold of the subsequent pie and swiftly tossed it over her pussy. This one looked to sport a delectable chocolate layer, the first chocolate pie since the one she'd shared on the sofa, ages ago. I flipped myself around so my butt hovered above her face while I commenced to suck and lick her pussy. Her pussy was saturated beyond belief, even through all the mess, and I let her fluids mix in my mouth with the chocolate pudding. There wasn't a lot of whipped cream left, yet it appeared she'd stuffed this pie with pudding. I could sense her fingers, or perhaps it was her mouth, on my cock as I licked her. I applied my tongue to delve as deep inside her as I could, and with each withdrawal, she'd emit a tiny, muffled sigh. My cock was definitely in her mouth by this point, I could feel her mouth tugging it in. I utilized my nose and tongue to revive her and she jittered with delight. I could feel her legs wrapping around my head as I propelled her closer to climax. My cock was free from her mouth as she employed the leftovers from around her head to coat my derriere as I persisted. It was fortuitous my cock was feeling quite aflicted at this juncture, and I wanted to be positive I could grant her a thoroughly sensational finale in her pussy. She came exceptionally stealthily and with rigor, as she squirted into my face as I transitioned to a more intense stroke of my tongue. I could hear her uttering my name amidst the chocolate in my ears and her legs against my head. I pondered on what he'd said afore: "a consistent event." That would work for me.

After she was spent and my visage was wholly drenched, she said "come up here." I twisted around and laboriously progressed onto her. She had a pie up and ready in her palm and she pelted it into my face. Earlier than I could get rid of it, she initiated kissing me, licking and consuming as many chunks of pie and crust from my visage as she could. I pondered if she could taste her pussy on me. My cock lurched towards the juncture between her legs, and I sensed the tip inadvertently slip into her sopping moist womb. She squirred "oh!" just as I exclaimed "whapsie!" She giggled at me. She beheld my posterior and jerked it closer, gravitating me in deep. She rendered a moan of exhilaration and pain. She desired me within her, and she desired me deep. She kissed me again. I extricated myself and she looked down at me. I smirked back at her, pressed my lips against hers, and inserted myself once more, because of that, plunging in. She beamened a moan, louder than earlier, and she curved her back in ecstasy. I was stupefied I didn't cum in her forthwith, but possibly as she had exhausted me earlier, I was able to endure for longer now.

"No..." she whispered. I humped in and out, swifter. "Not just yet..."

I recollected I had a role to play. I withdrew my cock from her and savored her clit with it since I was on the outside. She writhed and beamed and coaxed.

"Okey-dokey." I discoursed, as I ceased and surged from her. She made no movement at all. I collected a pie and dropped it onto her upper chest. I preferred to smear it and apply my face amongst her breasts, although I comprehended I possessed a task. She squirmed slightly and vocalized a "whoops!" when the pie plunked in. She executed the same with another on her abdomen. Another one, on her thighs. Coconut. Strawberry. Raspberry. Raspberry. I'd covered her lower physique save for her downstairs. I beheld her smiling. I procured the remaining pair of pies from the bed, I contemned whether I should deplete her face or her pussy initially before I devised I'd test my targeting with both at the same time. I stationed a meticulous aim and dropped them simultaneously on her. It seemed Ally was perplexed as to which I'd select next due to her experiencing a dual battering in her most sensitive areas which stunned and instigated a chuckle.

"Fuck me now, Carl, I long for you now."

"No, Ally." She was formally engulfed in pies at this time. My job proved efficient, there wasn't a trace of unblemished skin anywhere on her captivating figure. Finally, she was a bedazzling merger of white, purple, red, yellow, and tan, and I wanted to buckle her into submission.

"Fuck you, Carl. Fuck me now. Fuck me."

"Yes, Your Majesty." I poured a thick line of custard from her pussy, causing her to twitch and writhe, up her bellybutton, across her breasts, allowing it to drip down the sides, pooling in the middle, across her neck, over her chin, her lips slightly parted, over her nose, where I assumed her eyes would be, and finally, over her head. There was still half the bucket left when I stopped. She groaned, almost inaudibly under her breath, "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" in a way she thought I couldn't hear.

"I'm about to fuck you so hard."


I crawled down on all fours, carefully avoiding the custard I'd poured all over her. She was breathing heavily, taking big deep breaths, lifting her breasts high in the air. Wordless, she lay there as I hovered over her body, my arms shaking. I lowered my dick slowly towards her pussy. I felt the coolness of the custard on the tip of my member, gently guiding it towards her yellow-covered skin. There was so much whipped cream and fruit filling that I felt like I was fully inside her when I first made contact. At that moment, I heard her whimper, "Oh! Goddamn it." She was surprised this would be her first sensation. I attempted to insert my cock slowly between her pussy lips and thoroughly inside her. Her body didn't move except for her hips, which gyrated slightly, signaling she wanted more.

I pushed even further. I was half in when my arm slipped, causing me to fall on top of her. It wasn't a hard fall, but it made her laugh and look at me with eyes that couldn't see anything. I had fallen through so much pie content that it had shot across the bed. With my cock still partially inside, I rested my face between her breasts while she giggled and ran her fingers through my hair.

I kissed her as I pushed deeper into her. She gasped and clung to me, then held me by the ass. I pulled out, allowing her body to slightly move before pushing harder. Her back arched as I kissed her throat. Her mouth was still plastered in custard and pie. She gasped again as I thrust more deeply, her fingernails digging into my skin. Then her mouth was on mine, her tongue entwined with mine as she groaned, "Harder," making me chuckle.

I intensified my thrusting. My cock slid up and down in her muddy, creamy wetness. My hands were in her hands, her face still completely smothered in custard and pie. She screamed as I thrust harder and deeper, feeling her tighten around me, "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" she moaned. I delighted in the sound of her voice.


I continued, my every thrust sending foam flying across the bed. Her eyes were still closed but her breaths became heavy and fast; panicked, gasping and muffled as the custard came out of her, pooling under her. I deliberately left my cock inside, her pussy wanting more. My hands struggled to scoop more custard onto her face, ensuring she was coated in it. It was a struggle not to let her wriggle away from it all, yet I couldn't let her pull me out, so I gripped her tight. She writhed uncontrollably beneath me, caught between pleasure and discomfort.

I couldn't stop. I wanted to keep going, cherish the ultimate pleasure for her. I'd given her so much custard, her hair was plastered with it. "Fuck me, Oh Andrew, love me, fuck me" she yelled, her mascara ruined from the excess of it all. I swirled my tongue in her mouth to muffle her screams. Despite the numbness in my dick, I pumped her with immense force. I kept going, not wanting to disappoint her, using one hand to support me, soothing her, while scooping more custard onto her face, "I love you," I heard her scream out.

She held me inside, stopping me from moving, and came. I held still as she clutched me, wishing not to leave her. As her body then fell to the side, I plopped down beside her. She was drenched in custard, her face covered in chocolate, all the way to her hair.

"Oh god." She huskily managed to whisper. She rolled over and kissed me. We embraced, remaining in our unusual state for some time, not ready to move.

"I love you, too," I told her. She finally opened her eyes, reflecting on the mess we had created.

"I really hope you didn't cum in me." She said, causing me to stop, trying to understand her meaning. When she laughed, "no, not that, I'm worried you don't have more energy left," It became clear to me what she was saying. I couldn't believe it. "God, yes, I do," I answered with a smile.

"I'm eager to experience more with you," I added, as she rolled towards me, kissing me wetly, squishing our faces together.

Couldn't believe it, she wanted to continue? What else was left in her?

"You slept with me. Now can I sleep with you?"

This lady.

"I've never wanted anything more."

Still completely smeared in the pie gunk, as much of it remained after I was on top of her. She sat up some and sat on me. She found the blindfold and put it over my eyes. I desired to observe her nude body over me. "May I see?" I inquired. She took it off and kissed me.

"Of course." She tossed the blindfold across the room and held my penis in her hands, stroking it cautiously. She then placed it inside her once more, and it slid in with no friction. Her muzzle opened as I entered her, and she appeared down at me and smiled. "No further pie, I'm sorry, you exhausted them all on me." I held no concerns about this, as witnessing her become completely smeared was the greatest present she could give me. With my penis inside her, she bounced back and forth and made a slight gurgle, without breaking eye contact with me. She utilized her hand to rub her clit as she bounced, and the other she massaged her breasts. I could feel myself getting ready to ejaculate. She leaned forward over me to obtain a better angle for herself and all the whipped cream that had managed to cling to her body fell on me at once. She giggled, and she wringed her tresses above my face. The sensation as it flowed into my mouth was extraordinary, every flavor of the night was in her hair. It filled my mouth, I spat it out, and she filled it once again. Prior to I could spit it out again, her lips were on mine and we kissed in the goop.

After disposing of the blindfold with her eyes to be free of gunk, with both her hands free, she scooped larger scoops of slop from around our bodies into the chocolate pot and I was glad I was aware of what was transpiring. The excitement made me harder, and it made me thrust deeper into her, which was always met with a deep inhale and a small moan. The pot was near full when she poured all the materials all at once onto me. I thrusted harder into her as the seemingly never-ending stream spilled throughout me. I attempted to say something to her but I ended up just gurgling through the gloop at her.

That made her chuckle as she filled another pot, though she had some problems this time as she was so distracted by being hammered so hard. She began to bump and grind on me, moving quickly, flailing droplets of filling all over as her breasts bounced up and down. This pot she poured over herself, over her head, and I observed it fall down her face and breasts to pool where our crotches converged. The splat-splat sounds we made with each bop was remarkable. I could feel I was nearing climax. She clearly was as well. She started getting another pot together until she must have observed the look on my face of fascination. I had to be dripping in spit at that moment because I lost all bodily management as I climbed higher and higher to my apex. She bent over and without missing a beat licked all the spit off my face. While kissing me she poured the half pot filled with filth over the rear of her head and it twinkled down our faces, united by our kisses.

She leaned up and carried on bumping and grinding, faster, and faster. I realized I was shouting and my back was arching like I didn't think it would.

"Fuck me Ally, I love you, fuck me Ally, I love you Ally" was all I could say, over and over. She grabbed hold of the pot of custard. This was her tactic. She raised it skyward over us and waited, while she continued to rock backwards and forwards with what seemed like amazing tenacity. I was getting very close. She was viewing my face as I hoisted all of it in. She grinned at me, and she tipped the pot over my chest. I was about to erupt. The thin stream found its way to my mouth, filled it up, I spit it out all over her while yelling, she covered my face, my abdomen, and through all of that I still didn't cum. She tilted far back, and my penis felt as if it was a foot deep inside her. She poured the remaining custard over her own head as she moaned and then shrieked in pleasure, I erupted.

I exploded with intense pleasure, each ejaculative burst feeling like I was blasting a toe inside her. She was also climaxing, putting forth immense effort to not collapse backwards. My dick slipped out of her soaked pussy as she leaned too far backward, and I was still erupting into the air. Ally panicked, "noo!" and hurriedly dived forward, engulfing my fully erect member in her mouth. While still cumming, I felt as if I had been infused with a new burst of energy and spurted even more sperm into her. There was sperm everywhere, spilling out of her mouth and splattering all over my crotch. Her eyes were glued to mine, and she flashed a cheerful grin and a little laugh as she gagged on the overflow of sperm being pumped into her mouth. I could've sworn I even saw some sperm dripping from her nose.

As I concluded my orgasm, she gently eased me out of her mouth. She wiped her face on the cleanest part of the bed and snuggled up next to me, indulging in our afterglow.

She twisted her legs over me, and I winced as her foot accidentally grazed past my cock but she didn't seem to notice. We remained content in the mess we had created on the bed until the glow wore off, which took a considerable amount of time for me.

We gazed into each other's eyes, occasionally unable to contain our laughter at our ridiculous situation. Had it not been for Ally's careful planning, her bed and the floor beneath would have been utterly destroyed by the lake of viscous slime surrounding us in the indentation we created in the middle of the bed. The bed had become a sea of primarily brown goo, as all the colors had by this point merged into a single amalgam of slimy soup encompassing us. I recalled eating breakfast that morning, never contemplating how my day would end.

Eventually, Ally sat up, cautiously avoiding any distribution of the sloppy mess to the floor. Using her hands, she attempted to remove as much of the jelly-like substance from her body as she could, transferring much of it into the pair of buckets she had placed on the floor. I merely sat up, petrified at the thought of disrupting the puddle of cream, custard, strawberry pudding, and semen and tried to cleanse as much of the slime from my body as I could. My abundant body hair made the task much more difficult.

"I believe you'll need some assistance with that," she pointed out, referring to my hairy frame. I thought she intended to pleasurably ingest my sperm a second time, but I knew that was out of the question given my sore groin. I simply laughed.

Ally retrieved a large towel from a nearby wall, away from its esteemed position for optical admiration. She spread it out and cleaned her body, then mine to remove the slime before it trickled onto the floor. Finally, she used the towel to wipe my feet, hers, and then declared, "I'll accompany you to the bathroom; you can take a shower first, and if you wish, I can cleanse myself following you if you prefer."

"What I truly desire is for you to accompany me," I smiled. Her face exhibited a shade of red from my mischievous comment. She navigated me to her bathroom, furnished with a standing shower. She cranked the water to a moderate temperature and then jumped in with me. It was scorching inside, but we had both sweated profusely throughout the previous events, so a cooler shower didn't faze me.

I stepped inside first, and she hopped in afterward. Our close proximity proved so stimulating that our bodies pressed persistently against one another. Washing the chocolate, custard, strawberries, whipped cream, and cum out of her hair was an unforgettable experience. Each time we faced one another, we would provide a tender peck on the lips. We helped each other wash off the stubborn spots and intermittently touched each other's genitals, simply because we could. If I were not in so much pain down there, I would have immediately had intercourse with her in the shower. The shower took an excessively long time as we struggled to rid ourselves of the obscene substances; we persisted in finding traces of strawberry nestled in her ears, chocolate concealed inside her vagina, and custard clinging to our faces for inexplicable reasons. Once we were clean, we shut off the water and dried ourselves off. Standing in the bathroom, absolutely naked, we hypothesized a passionate embrace. I had forgotten what kissing her felt like without any sticky goodness to hinder our lovemaking.

"A bit too dry for me," Ally remarked, as if reading my mind. We both chuckled and surveyed the damage wreaked on her home. After emerging from the bathroom, we headed to the living room where pie remnants were stuck in her couch cushions – a reminder of how tightly I'd been pressed against her. Ally thought this was hilarious.

We locked lips once more, and Ally wrapped her hand around my erection to see if I was ready for more. It was mostly soft and ached a fair bit. She flipped on the TV and asked if I'd like to stay and watch something.

"Sounds fun," I replied.

"Would you like to spend the night here?" she suggested. This idea excited me thrillingly, even though there was no guarantee of more sex – just the thought of spending the whole night with Ally sent a thrill down my spine, invigorating my loins. My Willy perked up a little at this revelation.

"Sounds more than fun! But where would we sleep?" I chuckled, and so did she. "The couch is kind of messy. Do you have an air mattress or something?"

"Nope." I realized that Ally hoped she wouldn't have to clean everything alone. I had zero desire to clean up this mess, and neither was I looking forward to cleaning it off her bed, but I never like leaving a woman with a task like that alone.

"Alright, I bet we can clean up fairly quickly if we act fast before anything dries out," I offered, smiling. She grinningly acknowledged her gratitude, beaming at my willingness to help her.

"Wow, you're the best," she applauded, nude except for a hair towel that she'd forgotten in the bathroom. With each step, her bare buttocks shook slightly, catching my attention. "Want to...uh...fuck me again?"

I laughed, recalling that I couldn't possibly have it in me that night, then followed her into the bedroom where she'd left a mess. "The couch is not the only things all wet and sticky," I joked.

"Let's get started on the mess before anything hardens," she proposed. I embraced her and we stood by the bed watching the pooled dessert before us. If only...

"Okay, let's decide the tackling details," she said, leaning against me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck. The notion of tending to her sweet spots induced an erection.

"Perhaps...get started where we left off?"

Thus, I pushed her head down onto the bed, which promptly hit a puddle. She yelped for a moment, her face partially immersed in the paste-like substance. But I swiftly settled on top of her and rammed my aching organ into her lubricated pussy, coated in the sweet dessert. She moaned drunkenly, uttering, "I love you, keep going."

To maintain dominance, I held her face down while using my right hand to shove hers down, and her legs in place, so she couldn't lift her head or move her lower appendages. She attempted to kiss me, but I resisted. I ravished her doggy-style in the vile substance. My cock had become desensitized, so to spice things up, I pinned her down by the shoulder and flipped her onto her back, in her previous position. Each of her arms was restrained, preventing her from covering her whole body with the mess.

"Where should we kickstart this cleanup?" I inquired, as I embraced her neck. My erection, once again, became rock-hard.

"Perhaps we could...start with the chocolate?" I purred, pressing between her legs. She tried to kiss me as we fucked, but I harsherly forced her head back into the mess. She responded by vigorously bounding her sexually crossed arms, flinging chunks off and onto me.

I pelted her with those same chunks and shrieked, "Suck some of it out!" and moved to rip off her hair towel, shocking her. Just before she was about to climax, I arched my back, leaving us both covered in the sticky substance and panting for air. Gently hugging me and twisting my hair, she managed to say, "Carl." Fully satisfied, each of us collapsed, replete with laughter.

"I really wished I could do that, but I didn't think you'd be capable of it," she whispered to me as she kissed me. I chuckled.

"You had everything all laid out, so I needed to do something unexpected." She found this amusing and laughed for a while.

Later on, I jokingly suggested, "Why don't we just stay here and sleep?" She found the idea hilarious, but in the end, we gathered up all the mess. We emptied the buckets into the toilet multiple times. We also washed the bedsheets and set them on a long cycle with an extra rinse. The floors were tougher - we tried to mop up all the mess into the buckets, but there were some remaining stains. We used hand towels to soak up as much as we could and put them in a laundry basket in the bathroom.

We showered again and used every last drop of Ally's shampoo. "You'd better not have another pie stashed away somewhere," she said. It would have been a riot if I had hidden one in her bathroom somehow. At that moment, I thought she might have considered it, but Alexandra, who usually knew what I was thinking, burst out laughing, and told me, "Relax, we're all done for today." We kissed some more in the shower.

We took the large, plastic rug and carried it carefully to her backyard. It was way past midnight, so it made no sense to hose it down. The image of her neighbour peeking over the fence and seeing her cleaning chocolate off a rug was an amusing thought to me.

We removed the couch cushion covers and placed them in the laundry room with the other towels. I used a brush to try to get the cream and chocolate out of the couch's fabric, while Ally made the bed. The TV was still on. Fortunately, her couch fabric was easy to clean. All the floors needed was for me to scoop up the chocolate into buckets and do a quick mopping. By 1:30, her house seemed as if nothing had happened - we had just had a messy adventure.

We didn't put on any clothes again. She came and sat on the couch, and we watched a movie late into the night. It was 3:30 before we finally went to bed. I couldn't believe my eyes - the room was completely back to normal. She turned down the heat and slid under the sheets. I slid in next to her. We cuddled and made out for another half hour, even though we both felt drained from what we had just accomplished. Finally, she switched off the lights and turned on her side, inviting me to spoon her and rest my penis between her legs.

She liked that. She murmured, "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied.

She turned to face me. "You'll be amazed by what I've planned for us tomorrow," she said, giggling.

I stared in disbelief. She chuckled. "Good night!" she said, giving me a kiss. She wiggled her backside, letting me feel my penis between her legs. It was standing at attention.

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