Celebrity Sex Stories

Additional Breakout

Eve Dallas and Roarke provide solace to a dear acquaintance.

May 10, 2024
22 min read
analmfmeve dallasfanfictionAnother Escaperoarkethreesomebisexualityli morrisscience fictionexperimentation
Another Escape
Another Escape

Additional Breakout

Author's Note: This time I'm providing a new story in the Eve Dallas and Roarke fanbase. This has been a difficult task for me, as I needed to make several revisions and tweaks to make it fit. However, I'm now satisfied with the final product and ready to share it with you all.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or elements of J.D. Robb's Eve Dallas/Roarke series, known as "in Death." This story is solely for entertainment purposes.

Another Escape by ElectricOutcast

Morris always managed to make time, even for Eve. Although she would have done the same for him, Eve appreciated his thoughtfulness.

When she stepped in, Morris's music filled the room like sunshine as he carefully sewed up a Y-shaped cut on a body.

"Halfway done here," he stated without looking up.

"Take your time. I'm grateful you did this for me."

"Never a problem. This guy tried to rob a store in the Diamond District, using the homemade bomb in his pocket for motivation."

Since she had seen the scenario on the board in the main office - Carmichael and Santiago had apprehended it - she walked closer. And she noticed the large, jagged hole missing from the deceased's right side.

"Popped off in his pocket."

"That's right. Fortunately, it wasn't very potent. Unfortunately, it was powerful enough to drill a hole through him. Finished now."

He stepped back, blinked. "Well, look at you."

"Huh?" Throw off guard, Eve looked down at herself.

"You appear stunning."

She'd be more startled if he'd brandished his scalpel. "I... What?"

"You instantly remind me of a lovely spring day."

She'd be even more taken aback if he'd complimented her out of the blue. "Huh." Strange, she thought, but... "Thanks."

"I can't offer anything significant to my report on this case."

He headed to the shelf of drawers, opened one. A cool mist emerged.

"A woman who looked after herself until the end. Nice muscle tone, beautiful skin. The same manner of death as our first victim. In contrast to our first, I can't see any evidence she knew what was happening or tried to go to a window or door for help. She simply fell."

"Have the family visited yet?"

"Her husband. He has arranged for her to be transferred to a funeral home tomorrow. The family will hold a private ceremony before cremation, and a few days later, they'll have an open memorial for friends and extended family."

Morris touched the top of Elise's head, gently and quietly. "The husband remained next to her for a long time. He asked if he could just... be next to her. And so, he did, and spoke to her, promising to care for their children. He'd look after her parents, and so on."

Morris exhaled heavily. "Sometimes, no matter how many times you open and close a case, it shatters your heart."

"Exactly. Revenge is what he craves. He's forgotten her. Duran, too. He considers those he's harmed as just checked off his list like a chore. Next victim?"

Morris locked eyes with Eve's face. "You know who it is."

"Indeed. I glimpsed the man today. There wasn't any emotion I could sense when I gazed into his eyes. He's unmoved, indifferent. It's not about vengeance for the harm he's caused. It's more... It's an F-you."

"If someone irritates you, you flip them the bird, then move on. But not this guy. If someone annoys him, he'll put them in a coma."

Eve took a step back. "I think I just needed to see her again. Thanks for that."

"Anything I can do that assists you in capturing him."

But instead of heading back to her vehicle to go home, Eve softened her tone. "You know, Morris, it's been almost a year since... Amarily Coltraine. How have you been holding up?"

Stunned, Morris heard the question although it was straightforward and to-the-point. He didn't even need to hear Eve not mention the name of the woman he had been falling for before she herself got murdered almost a year ago. Amaryllis Coltraine had tried to rebuild her life with Morris when she moved from Atlanta to New York, had fallen in love with him after separating from a former lover related to one of Eve and Roarke's enemies. And before their romance could reach its full potential, Coltraine was betrayed by someone she considered a friend and was murdered without remorse.

"Um... carrying on?" Morris inquired, his gaze dropping. "I guess as well as anyone can be... taking everything into account."

He left the conversation open-ended, turning away from Eve and focusing on tidying up his workspace. They both understood the meaning of 'taking everything into account' - dealing with the agony of losing someone you deeply loved, taking into account that the large emptiness Amaryllis left in Li's life had only just begun to scab over.

Eve observed Morris for a bit, her eyebrows furrowing in concern. It was uneasy seeing him fight the past that just wouldn't disappear.

"Simply... I wanted to express that she wouldn't have wanted you to cease living because she's no longer here," Eve remarked, choosing her words carefully. She glimpsed at Elise Duran's body, another individual who wouldn't have wanted her family and friends to halt living since of her sudden departure.

Morris was quiet at first. He finished cleaning up and stood up, fixing his glasses as he turned to face Eve. His smile was delicate and melancholy, but also somewhat rejuvenated. "That's probably accurate," he said at last. "Amaryllis wouldn't have wanted me to become ensnared in sorrow indefinitely."

Eve nodded, "Morris, Listen, would you like to visit our place for supper tonight? Roarke and I desire to speak to you about something."

Morris debated for a second, glancing at Eve with a hint of surprise in his gaze. "I accept the offer, Eve, but I have an engagement tonight. I'm playing at The Blue Note. I'd like to catch up with you and Roarke, however. Could we perhaps find a different time that suits everybody?"

Eve nodded in understanding, "I'm planning to work from home following this, you'll be the first to know."

It wouldn't be until after Eve had arrested Marshall Cosner, the individual responsible for the assassination of Kent Abner, Elise Duran, and Stephen Whitt, that she and Roarke would have an ideal time window to invite Morris to their home for supper. When that dinner occurred, the three of them had a full day off from their various jobs.

As they sat around their dining table, the apprehensive aura that invariably accompanied Eve's investigations seemed to dissipate. The space was permeated by the tender glow of candles and the rich fragrance of the food Roarke had prepared. It was a casual setting, yet there was an underlying gravity as if they were all mildly acknowledging the void left behind by those they had lost.

Roarke filled everyone's glasses with wine, his actions fluid and practiced. "To new starts," he toasted, lifting his glass. The clink of glasses struck like a deal being solidified.

Morris drank, experiencing the rich taste coat his tongue before speaking. "I hadn't realized how much I've craved this," he admitted, looking around at both Eve and Roarke with a heartfelt warmth in his eyes. "It's easy to become immersed in my own mindset."

Eve nodded, her expression softening. "We all do, Li. Occasionally, we just need someone to draw us out of it."

transitioned from personal musings to lighter subjects--music, impending endeavors at Roarke's enterprises, and Eve's relentless persistence in her job. After the meal had been completed, Roarke and Eve exchanged glances and silently nodded in agreement.

"Li," Eve said while facing him. "The reason we wanted to extend an invitation for you to join us for supper was that I told Roarke about the six-month extra-marital affair we had two years prior to our meeting at the DeBlass funeral."

Morris was about to take a drink from his glass when his hand froze after Eve's confession.

"You did?" he inquired.

Eve kept her eyes on Morris, her face bearing a determined yet friendly expression. "I understand this might appear haphazard, Li, but it's something we've shared openly between us, and I thought it was time you knew that Roarke is aware. There's no need for secrets or discomfort."

Roarke, viewing the exchange with a serene demeanor, set down his glass on the table and turned towards Morris. "Eve's history is as integral to her as her future with me. Understanding and acknowledging her past includes recognizing the relationships she had before meeting me."

Morris gently placed his glass down, a spectrum of feelings flashing across his face--surprise, a bit of embarrassment, but also alleviation. His thoughts drifted back to the first evening of that six-month-long affair, she had been at The Blue Note one night while Morris was also there playing saxophone with the band.

He had understood that Eve's musical preferences were generally rock and metal, so he was delightfully surprised when he informed that she was in the club listening to him and his band play. Eve later divulged to him that his saxophone playing integrated nicely with the band. She also confessed that his saxophone notes felt like a proposition.

Eve agreed to the proposal and it ignited a passionate six-month affair between her and Morris. Eventually, their relationship concluded amicably, just after Eve got promoted to Lieutenant.

"What's the reason for telling me this right now?" Morris questioned Eve.

Eve inhaled deeply, comprehending the gravity of the moment and the significance of the words she'd convey.

"I'm saying" she commenced, her voice steady yet soothing, "that Roarke and I have been having conversations regarding expanding our relationship. Becoming more open, exploring our desires more in-depth. And so," she looked at Roarke, seeking silent support which he offered with a nod, "we thought to include you."

Morris was stunned, struggling to process the sudden shift in the conversation's direction. The atmosphere seemed to thicken with anticipation, his mind frantically catching up with the revelation.

Roarke leaned in slightly, his demeanor even yet sincere. "It's because we've been noticing you enduring the loss of Amaryllis Coltraine. Each time I've seen you - whether it's us casually cohabiting or if we're hosting parties and you perform your saxophone, there's an undercurrent of sadness you project through your playing. Seeing you suffer and imagining how I would suffer if I lost my Eve prompted us to consider how we could potentially find someone new in our lives."

Morris shifted awkwardly in his seat, the weight of Roarke's words pushing down on him like a tangible force. The idea of being part of such an intimate piece of Eve and Roarke's relationship felt overpowering, but there was also a part of him that felt a sense of belonging he hadn't realized he'd been missing.

Although he adored and missed Amaryllis, he'd always treasure the experiences they'd shared. He even missed the unique intimacy they had in their sexual connection, which surpassed the connection he previously had with Eve. Perhaps by accepting Eve's idea of a bridge to love anew, he could discover a new love for his life.

Without uttering a word, Morris stood up and walked over to Eve's seat, delicately picked her up and passed her a soft but passionate kiss. The kiss felt both familiar and new to Eve - familiar as it mirrored the one she shared with Morris during their affair, and new because it now involved the three of them.

Roarke stared on, a small smile emerging on his lips as he witnessed the spark between his spouse and their friend. He'd always known that Morris harbored lingering feelings for Eve, but it wasn't until now that he truly understood the intensity of those emotions.

As their kiss intensified, Roarke drew nearer and tenderly placed his palm on each of their backs. Instantly, Morris withdrew from Eve, sensing Roarke's proximity.

But rather than expressing jealousy or fury, Roarke Romanly kissed Morris as well. For a moment, all three of them succumbed to the passionate cuddle, allowing themselves to explore this evolving dynamic in their relationship.

When they eventually separated, Eve couldn't help but chuckle at their circumstances. "This is indeed unfamiliar terrain for us," she remarked with a grin.

Morris laughed anxiously, still struggling to process everything happening. "I never expected to be sharing a kiss with you two simultaneously."

Roarke smiled too. "Prior to tonight, the thought of Eve kissing another man would've enraged me. However, witnessing you kissing my wife intensified my feelings for Eve made me contemplate an alternative resolution."

Eve stared at the two men, her heart swelling with a somewhat unidentifiable emotion. It was a mixture of gratification, love, and an exhilarating fright of the unknown. "I'd say it's about trust," she pondered aloud, her detective mind always observing. "And possibly about healing, progressing together in ways we hadn't envisioned before."

Morris nodded, his facial expression turning serious as he stored Roarke's words in his mind. "Trust is correct," he acknowledged quietly. "It's not just about physical intimacy; it's about relinquishing the past and having faith in each other in our vulnerability."

Roarke's gaze gentled as he gazed at Eve and then Morris. "Vulnerabilities," he repeated thoughtfully. He recognizes how protective Eve is of her own scars and secrets. Opening up this new dimension in their relationship wasn't solely about exploration; it was also about fortifying their ties, determining the strength of their trust in each other.

The room abruptly fell into an introspective silence, each individual lost in their thoughts until Eve reopened the discourse. "Gentlemen, it would be a waste not to extend tonight's activities further than they presently have."

While leaving the dining room, she took a moment to glance at her husband and their new shared lover. A coy grin emerged on her lips as she murmured in a sensual tone, "I'll meet you both in the Holo room in 15 minutes. I have a thrilling surprise for the both of you." Her gaze conveyed a conspiring look, making them eager and nervous for the future.


15 minutes later, Roarke and Morris made their way to the Holo room. The room was designed to appear like an old, crumbling warehouse with brick walls, and a vast window overlooking an unfamiliar city. Inside was a generous, bare mattress placed over the hardwood floor.

Eve stood in front of a massive window, her naked body bathed in a warm golden light from the late afternoon sun. The only accessories she wore were thigh-high boots and calf-length gloves, enhancing her seductive and inviting persona. Before anyone joined her, she activated the advanced features of the Holo room, inducing rainfall within the space. The soft, soothing sound of raindrops hitting the simulated brick walls and wooden floor created an intimate ambience.

The temperature in the room soon resembled a sweltering summer day in July. Rain began to fill the room, adding to the atmosphere and seduction.

Roarke and Morris walked in the room, feeling the temperature increase, as if they were stepping into an intense, passionate moment straight from a noir film.

The raindrop mist had started to fill the Holo space, highlighting the erotic moment between the three. The raindrops created a fascinating sensory experience, making their skin tingle and making the air between them thick with passion.

Eve slowly turned towards her two lovers, her body exuding an intense urge and desire to be closer to them. She bore a direct, simmering look, pushing Roarke and Morris to make their move. When they did, Eve tingled with delight, her skin being the perfect combo with the cold, soft raindrops impacting her body.

Roarke reached her first, his palm following the curve of her back down to her waist, pulling her close into an embrace. He moved his lips behind her ear, eliciting a light moan from her. Morris, now standing behind them, placed his hands on Eve's shoulders and joined Roarke's grasp.

Eve's eyes sparkled with excitement, inviting them forward. "Both of you take off your shirts and get a taste of this sweet treat," she whispered.

Roarke and Morris exchanged conflicting yet heated looks, irresistibly drawn to her. Roarke removed his shirt, revealing his sculpted, lean frame while Morris took off his, showcasing his strong and fit physique. The holographic rain left their skin moist and warm.

Lauren's body vibrated from the raw sexual energy filling the room, feeling Roarke's hand on her back and Morris's at her shoulders. Again, she tilted her head, allowing the soft light to highlight her beauty and provoke excitement in them. As the two men approached and surrounded her, their mutual desire overwhelmed her. There was no denying the power this situation had on them.

Without delay, Roarke kissed Eve's ear while Morris held her shoulders. Eve inhaled, surrendering herself to the heated moment between the two, aching for more. "It was such a turn-on to see you two kiss before," she breathed. "I can't help but wonder how it would feel for you two to kiss again while I give you both pleasure under this embrace of rain." Roarke and Morris shared a glance, contemplating her bold suggestion. The rain drops fell around them, creating a thrilling atmosphere. The erotic undercurrent multiplied with each inhale, entwining the three in an unbreakable web of desire.

Roarke took action, leaning in to give Morris a deep, sensual kiss. This isn't a one-sided encounter; Eve is captivated by it all. In the rain, she kneels down, sliding her hands up the men's wet jeans.

The audible sensations of skin sliding against skin, the tender pressure of lips and the quick, uneven breaths filled the space, transforming it into a haven of sound. Eve buttoned and unzipped their jeans meticulously, followed by the release of their restraints.

Making brief eye contact, she touched them both, teasingly stroking as raindrops slid off their nude bodies. It's a mixed bag of sensations for each of the men. Roarke is in heaven, feeling Eve stroke him while seeing Morris kiss someone else.

Eve stood out, displaying a parade of emotions through her eyes, causing a cascade of reactions. She tamed the atmosphere, changing it from arousal to an intertwined exaltation that mixed delight and anguish. The four of them played with their carnal desires, intensified by the shadows created by the flickering yellow light.

Eve's versatility and synchronization were on full display. She deviated from routines, hinting at paradise, bringing them slowly to the edge of ecstasy before bringing them back down, enjoying the tangible sensations of both their physical responses. The non-verbal conversation between them sparked a river of emotions, compelling them to indulge in passion.

The assignment of roles transitioned smoothly. Morris and Roarke looked at each other longingly as Eve gazed upon them intoxicatedly. Roarke pulled away, watching Eve intimate with Morris, his chest heaving with arousal.

Morris snuck in, kissing his way down Roarke's neck and causing shivers. Eve reassumed her position as the master of coy craftiness.

Eve, an embodiment of seduction, traveled between the men. Roarke and Morris observed her beckoning motions, increasing their pleasure, making them hunger for her.

Eve beckoned to Roarke, and he responded, improvising a series of erotic moves which led to Morris taking part in the show as well. The markers of time, wrapped in rain and temptation, were erased as they reached towards their ultimate goal. Roarke's self-control wavered during Eddie's explorations, the snap of indecision forming a tender restraint. Eve's vending revealed their tastes, secrets and pleasures, sharing them with Roarke, who inhaled her sweet essence. These hot, wet sounds offered a taste of pleasure, amplified by the rain and contributing to the ultimate delight of embracing the experience.

Roarke's passion held him back, leaving him ready to explode. Eve wanted their compatibility to be satisfactory despite his powerful control. Her lustful stare made Roarke lay on the mattress, leaving Morris and Eve to cum spectacularly in the holographic rain. The clean lines of her body pulsed under the persistent downpour, inviting her lovers in.

She was alluring, her slick body a magnet for them. Roarke positioning himself between her open thighs and speaking seductively allowed them to heal softly, igniting their desires with every thought. Eve's hunger for Morris and Roarke was insatiable, pushing them closer as they happily relished her sexuality.

The rain made her skin shine, a sign of indulgence, weaving a tangled web of teasing. Roarke played with her sensually, pushing her towards a climax, while Morris caressed her sultrily as they shared in this moment. Their united bodies were a path to total pleasure. What followed was an extravagant mixture of emotions, culminating in the ultimate surrender to passion and the sultry setting of the rain.

Morris clenched his teeth tightly, trying to keep his composure as Eve's moans echoed inside him and the sensation of the rain intensified his senses. Her hands gripped his hips, pushing him to continue as she begged for relief. He could feel himself about to lose control, his body responding enthusiastically to Eve's passionate calls. Roarke lifted his head from between Eve's thighs, meeting Morris' heated stare over her writhing form, the Holo room's rain creating a hypnotic effect as it fell on their intertwined figures. At that moment, they were overwhelmed by their intense need and lost in the heat of their unbridled desire.

Eve eventually let go of Morris's throbbing member, inhaling deeply as she let out a moan of pleasure. Roarke's dexterous tongue had been caressing her sensitive folds, building her orgasm to the point of no return, the rain adding an extra layer of excitement to her glistening skin. With one hand still clutching onto Morris' firm member, she stroked it with urgent determination, feeling his hips push against her touch as the rainstorm continued.

"Your cock is delicious, Li," Eve gasped between strokes, the sound of the rain adding a harmony to her words. "But I want your hot cum on my chest. Give it to me and watch me bathe in it under this enchanting rain."

Morris couldn't hold back any longer. With a primal roar, he plunged his rigid shaft one last time into Eve's warm, wet mouth and then pulled out in time to shoot a torrent of hot, gluey cum onto her heaving chest and neck, the rain mixing with his release as it slid down her curves. He groaned with the intensity of his release, head thrown back as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through his body, their combined passion mingling with the persistent rain from the holographic sky.

Eve herself had let out a delightful scream of her own as Roarke's expert tongue brought her to climax while Morris's seed spread around her body. Eve's body quivered with the power of her orgasm, her back arching as she moaned Roarke's name. His skilled tongue continued to bring her pleasure, coaxing every last shudder and moan from her quivering form.

Morris had lain down beside Eve on the mattress and watched her convulse in the aftermath of her orgasm. Her shiny skin, glistening with sweat and semen, made her look like a deity of desire. But what he didn't anticipate was the sight of Roarke licking his cum off Eve's chest when he withdrew his face from between her legs.

A torrent of raw desire surged through Morris's veins as he observed Roarke lick his semen off of Eve's body. Sitting in on his friends' shared intimacy for the first time, watching them exchange loving caresses, was extremely thrilling. His penis, which had not yet fully softened, jerked with renewed yearning as he observed their fervent kiss filled with bewitching closeness.

"Mmm..." Eve sighed when they broke their kiss. "You licking Morris's cum off my chest is so hot and sexy."

"If you thought that was sexy," Roarke's voice was a mere whisper near Eve's ear, almost inaudible over the continuous drip of rain from the ceiling to the floor, "then wait for this."

There was an invisible pull in their eyes, connecting Roarke's piercing blue eyes to Morris'. Roarke moved across the slick, damp sheets to his area of their shared sanctuary. He seized Morris and pushed him into a frenzy of passion and desire. The suddenness of it left Morris breathless; Morris had shared a kiss with Roarke before at Eve's insistence, but this time, the initiative was all Roarke's. He hoisted Morris into a wild dance of hunger and passion, Morris's firm body supporting Roarke like an anchor in their fervent indoor rainfall.

A tingle ran down Morris' spine, synonymous with the raindrops trickling from overhead. Their lips locked in a fervent dance of mutual longing, Morris exhaling a soft sigh and granting Roarke access to his private parts. The fury of their kiss increased with every passing moment, matching the increasing rainfall as they delved into unfamiliar territory within each other.

Roarke's hands glided over Morris' body with a hunger that rivaled the raindrops on a windowpane. He teased sensitive spots with his fingertips while holding firm, giving Morris a secure feeling.

Breaking away from their fiery exchange for some air, Morris locked eyes with Roarke's burning gaze. "I've never...with another man," he uttered out amidst the rhythmic sound of rain hitting the floor, "but because of our present situation," he motioned towards Eve who was intensely watching their steamy dance under the somber grey blanket of artificial rain, "I'm receptive to discovering uncharted seas."

Matching the beat of nature within the enclosed space, he bestowed kisses on Morris' neck, delicately probing each inch of sensitive skin. Morris arched, releasing a moan as he gazed at Eve. She examined them intently, her finger tracing designs on her own body, stimulating fresh sparks of desire.

"So hot, don't stop!" she exclaimed.

Energized by Eve's encouragement and the rain's rhythmic hammering, Morris brought Roarke closer. Their bodies swayed together in a dance as fiery as the mini-storm surrounding them.

Roarke claimed charge instantly, murmuring his truly desirable intention in Morriss' ear amidst the floor's escalating tempest. "I'm going to fuck you while my wife watches," he declared boldly.

Morris's heart pounded with anticipation, his breathing irregular as Roarke's audacious statement reverberated around them. The thumping rhythm of his heart matched the relentless rhythm of jungle drums amidst a rainstorm. How could he have imagined such an encounter? Roarke's raw lust set a fire within him that no rain could extinguish.

Their closed-in room reverberated with their guttural noise: grunts and groans harmonizing with the ever-present drip-drop of rain falling on their shelter. Enthralled by their primal act, Eve drew patterns on her body, harmonizing with the pace Roarke set.

Taking time to prepare, Roarke checked his position, his glance never leaving Morris'. His hand slid upward along Morris's thigh, arriving at the hip. The other hand slid southward, positioning himself at Morris' opening. He inhaled, readying himself as he began to push inside slowly yet inexorably.

The tip of Roarke's hard penis teased Morris' tight orifice, triggering chills that ran through his body as he experienced a startlingly arousing sensation. Roarke's breathing breathed life into Morris. The simultaneity of Roarke within him and Eve's appraising gaze kindled waves of arousal. "This feels...amazing!" he groaned, clutching the sheets below him firmly to anchor himself in the euphoric tempest.

Impassioned, Eve observed their event in anticipation, mesmerized by the scene. She couldn't tear her eyes away as Roarke began to move in and out of Morris, their bodies splashing together to the rhythm of rain pounding against their shelter. Passion painted both men's expressions in nuances of euphoria, their groans drowned out solely by the growing sound of the rainwater droplets hitting various surfaces.

Roarke gradually picked up tempo, his motions becoming more assertive, claiming every square inch of Morris' depth. Morris clenched his teeth to deaden his groans yet failed, thrashing against Roarke's shoulders. The air was filled with wet sounds: skin on skin smacking, their uneven respirations, and the determined patter of indoor raindrops. Morris and Eve's eyes met, their gazes fixated on each other, a wild culmination of lust and eroticism as Roarke penetrated him with frenetic intensity.

Morris couldn't help but marvel at the situation. His dearest friend's wife was witnessing their passionate union. It only heightened his arousal. He had never before felt so alive, so liberated. The intensity of his ecstasy contrasted sharply with the heartbreak he endured over Amaryllis. Sweat drizzled from their bodies, merging with that from the dropping rain, as Roarke plumbed deeper within Morris, their movements blending like two puzzle pieces that shouldn't mesh yet they did. Despite aching for release, Morris persevered to create a connection he'd never forget.

Enthralled by their passionate dive below gray skies, Eve joined the session, kissing and caressing Morris, increasing the chaos of their intimate interlude. As Morris hurtled into a second ejaculation, he experienced a cascade of pleasure, reminiscent of a heavy rain after a rich thunderstorm. Eve moved away, letting him pant heavily, like someone who'd just sprinted through an indoor rainfall. She glanced at Roarke with approval.

"Your turn," she said cheekily, her eyes glinting in anticipation, as the rain poured incessantly beyond the walls. Prompting Roarke on, she encouraged him until he found his climax - his own climax mirroring nature's mighty storm indoors.

After a refreshing break, they lounged, recuperating from their rambunctious extravaganza. The holographic room mirrored its initial composition when they'd entered, except that the rain continued indoors. The trio indulged in the blessed break from the downpour, appreciating the calming effect of the rain around them.

"Hey, Morris, smirking Eve swiveled to face you. "What was it like having Roarke deep within you?"

Trying to catch his breath, Morris noticed that even his lungs had trouble keeping up after the exhilarating instance. "I'd say it was... remarkable," he managed to squeeze out, his indulged face showing a dazed amusement. His whole body was still electrified with sensation, and he couldn't decipher how much thrill went with the experience. "I didn't expect to get so much enjoyment from it."

Eve's smile widened into a grin, and she fixed her lips for a kiss aimed at Morris. "So glad you liked it," she whispered salaciously. "Watching my husband with you felt incredibly arousing."

A chuckle escaped Roarke while he gently stroked Morris' back. "But do you truly believe we would simply halt this night by watching two men have sex, love?"

Lifting her eyes toward Roarke, Eve was overwhelmed with sensual exhilaration by his question. "What could we possibly do?"

With no immediate answer, Roarke gazed at Morris, both men carrying wicked grins. "Morris and I are going to fuck you in both holes and make it hurt so bad it feels good." Roarke eventually divulged before positioning his wife on Morris' body.

Eve's pulse pounded in sync with her chest, sensual expectancy stirring a fire raging from her belly. Her eyes moved to and fro between Roarke and Morris as she let out a slow, seductive smile. The sheer desire coursing through her was undeniable, resulting in a tantalizing shimmy against Morris' awakening arousal.

"If you think you can take all of me," she hissed sensually, idly tracing Roarke's face with her fingertips. "Fuck me hard enough to make me scream."

Although they didn't require any lift from Eve, Roarke and Morris possessed sufficient strength to dominate her on the mattress. Roarke anchored hold on her hips and Morris firm fingers rested into the pert softness of her back.

Roarke plowed into her drenched haven at a velocity nearly pulling her apart. At the same time, Morris took control of her tight anus with resolute zeal. Eve could only emit a breathless gasp filled with pleasure and torment.

With the torrential rain pouring into the room, unremitting, its consistent noise intensified the phase. Each of their reunions elicited jolts of exhilaration writhing through her body.

As Roarke and Morris savagely plied her, they were captivated by their mutual goal of making her feel both acute satisfaction and outrageous pleasure. Their interwoven thrusts unleashed waves of electrification through her body.

The inevitable conclusion drew nearer as exhilaration surged within Eve. When Roarke pinpointed the ideal spot, a primal scream exploded from deep within, pinging against the room's walls.

Their manic movements escalated into a frenzy as they chased their inherent yearning to send them all over the precipice of gratification. On their last intense thrust, the three of them climaxed simultaneously.

Eve's body went into spasms as the delectable fulfillment encompassed her. Her moan exuded sheer delight as Roarke and Morris simultaneously placed their climactic release.

Their heaps collapsed on the mattress, recovering from their combined outburst; they rested against each other, their taut breaths and shivering limbs testifying to the climactic experience just witnessed.

"Thanks, you guys," Morris stated, his mouth touching Eve's shoulder. "You helped me remember what it's like to feel the elation of sex."

Closer to Eve in position, she was wrapped on both sides by Roarke and Morris. With the torrential downpour soaking their bodies with no concern, they simply existed, basking in the afterglow.

"We're your friends, Morris," expressed Eve softly. "We want you to find moments of joy."

Morris nodded, feeling a radiance in his heart unknown since the past time with Amaryllis. He recognized that healing from her loss would take some time, but that night was a significant step forward. Skin to skin with their arms encircling each other was a comforting embrace he'd not felt for quite some time. His grin, the most genuine since that day, appeared.

When Roarke directed Eve towards Morris' grin, she also smiled and returned a loving, fervent kiss to him amidst the ongoing holo-rain showering the trio.

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de