Gay Sex

Against All Odds Ch. 09

Noah and Riley grow closer.

May 2, 2024
21 min read
alphagay romanceAgainst All Odds Ch. 09lovegay loveheatomega
Against All Odds Ch. 09
Against All Odds Ch. 09

Against All Odds Ch. 09

Riley's eyelids fluttered open, and he rapidly dislodged his blankets. "Too warm," he whispered roughly. A hazy fog swarmed his thoughts, making it hard to concentrate as he endeavored to sit up. "Man, it's muggy in here," he said again as he wiped his brow with his hand. His skin felt torrid, and it seemed as if his entire body was aflame. He grimaced, rubbing his temples. His garments, soaked with perspiration, clung to his body. Even the bed sheets were saturated. He removed his shirt and tossed it in the corner then placed his legs over the bed's edge and attempted to climb to his feet. Instantly, he was assailed by agonizing cramps in his belly. The discomfort was so acute that he bowed over, clutching his stomach as he whimpered.

Noah shifted beside him, awoken by Riley's noises of agony. It took him a moment to comprehend that something was off, but when he sat up and switched on the light, he saw Riley's flushed face and harsh respiration. "Riley, you're overheated," Noah said, tentatively touching his arm. Merely Noah's fingertips on Riley's skin provoked him to stiffen. He shivered and then spat out a panting breath. A gush of lubricant oozed from him, permeating his shorts.

Riley wriggled, uneasily. "It's so damn hot in here," he complained. "I can't even breathe." Pushing towards the bed's edge, he attempted to stand again. This time, he was more careful and managed to retain his balance as he tottered towards the window. His arms felt heavy, and his hands were quivering, but he still managed to open the window, welcoming the gust of cool air that invaded the room. He breathed a life-giving breath of relief, but he still didn't feel at ease. His shorts were damp, itchy, and blocked the cool air from reaching his lower half. He immediately realized that he needed to be rid of them, and without another thought, he slide them off and kicked them aside, now standing stark naked before the open window.

Noah's eyes widened in wonder, and the realization of the situation became clear to him. He sprang into action and dashed into the restroom where he began to pour cool water into the bathtub. "Riley," he said, kindly. "Let's put you in a cool bath. It'll make you feel much better."

Riley nodded. "Yeah, that actually sounds fantastic," he murmured.

Noah escorted him into the bathroom and helped him into the tub. The water was a refreshing departure from the stifling, oppressive atmosphere of the bedroom. Riley sighed with relief, but he still felt uneasy. His body was exquisitely sensitive. He felt like a mess of overworked nerves. Every sensation, from the gentle breeze that brushed his skin near the window to the water that touched his flesh, was multiplied many times.

Noah knelt down beside the tub and began to tenderly sponge water across Riley's shoulders and down his back. Riley hissed and shivered. He yearned for Noah's touch, but at the same time, the manner in which it made him feel felt both pleasurable and discomforting. It was an unusual sensation to crave something so strongly, to need and yearn for something that made him want to burst out of his skin. And Noah, being as kind and caring as he was, didn't fully comprehend what he was doing to Riley. The subsequent contact of the sponge against his skin and the tips of Noah's fingers upon his shoulders caused Riley to shudder and whimper. His cock grew and it was all Riley could do to keep from grasping it and masturbating.

"What do you need?" Noah inquired, his expression crowded with alarm. "Is there anything I can get you?"

Riley opened his eyes, startled. "What's the time?" He asked.

"In the early hours," Noah replied. "Approximately five am."

Riley groaned. "I need to be at work in three hours."

Noah almost laughed. "Work? That's the last thing on your mind, Riley. I'll have Maggie call in and explain the situation."

Riley shook his head. "I can't miss work," he gasped. "I'll lose my job."

Noah shook his head in disbelief. "Riley, this isn't about work. You're not unwell. You're in heat. You must recognize that," he said in a puzzled tone.

"I can't be it," Riley insisted, turning away and sinking into the water. "It's still at least three weeks till my due date. I made sure of that before agreeing to meet you."

Noah sighed, running his hand through his hair. Despite Riley's words, his scent screamed otherwise. Noah was bombarded with an overwhelming rush of pheromones as if hit in the face. The closer he was to Riley, the harder it became to resist his instincts to claim the omega. His scent, which was typically calming like a summer rain with a hint of mint, had transformed into a tantalizing blend of spice and honey. Noah's mind became consumed with the idea of Riley lying naked on the bed as Noah lay on top of him, kissing his way down his body. He struggled to control himself.

"Calm down," Noah told himself. "It's just the pheromones." Riley's scent seemed to grow more intense by the moment, becoming hard to ignore. Watching Riley relax in the tub, water dripping from his smooth, hairless chest over his erect was far too much for Noah to handle. As his cock strained against his sleep pants, Noah distanced himself from the tub and stepped toward the door. Riley studied him curiously, propping himself back against the tub.

Noah's gaze was drawn to every inch of exposed skin, from his flat stomach to the tips of his knees peeking out from the water. Riley had his legs spread and his right hand resting on his inner thigh. He let his gaze drift up Riley's body, appreciating the gentle curve of his neck and the soft, milky skin that would be perfect to taste.

"Where are you going?" Riley queried, his voice tinged with need. He was starting to slip deeper into his heat. It wouldn't be long before he was fully engulfed in it.

"I...your scent..." Noah inhaled deeply. "It's just too much."

Riley could see the reluctance in Noah's eyes, but he had no control over the overwhelming lure of his own body. "You don't have to leave," Riley whispered, need oozing from his voice. "I...don't want you to leave." Pushing himself up from the bath, Riley's entire body sparked with excitement, causing droplets of water to cling to his naked skin. The lamplight glistened off his body, showing off his erect, dripping cock. His heavy scent of arousal flooded the air, making it impossible for Noah to focus.

Noah hesitated, breaking away from Riley's heated gaze. Noah's eyes devoured every inch of his body, from his flat stomach to the tip of his exposed leg. He admired the curve of Riley's neck and the soft, creamy skin, which would feel so good between his teeth.

"What are you doing?" Riley questioned, sounding unsure. "I want you to stay." He felt his body melt with desire.

"I...I can't control myself," Noah admitted, feeling weak.

Riley's earlier concerns about his work schedule faded from his mind as he had only one goal in mind: Noah. His lips met Noah's neck, adoring the feel of his soft skin. His legs wobbled from the adrenaline rush, nearly losing his balance, but Noah stepped close and scooped him up to steady him.

"Please," Riley moaned, his voice so low it was almost inaudible. With an intense look in his eyes, Noah knew what Riley desired. Noah gently laid Riley on the bed in the adjacent room, thankfully with changed sheets due to his preparation. Riley held onto Noah tightly and kissed his neck, then bit and licked as his need for Noah grew, growing stronger with every breath. Noah's hand slid up Riley's soaked body, teasing his sensitive nipples before moving to his throat. Riley's eyes urged Noah to surrender to his desires as his toes curled.

Noah's fingertips tugged at the ends of Riley's hair as he kissed him passionately; surrendering to the heat that Riley's scent brought about. His hand slid along Riley's slender neck, eliciting even more of these ecstatic feelings coursing through him. "Yes," Riley moaned softly.

Before Noah could resist any more, Riley flipped him onto his back and nibbled at his neck with a hunger in his eyes. Noah's brain melted with lust, and every intention of protecting himself vanished.

Riley let out a soft moan and wriggled under Noah's body, silently asking for more. The noises he made were intense and urgent. His heart thumped rapidly in his chest, and his breathing grew more erratic. Noah knew he wasn't going to have much time before Riley lost control. Despite wanting to claim Riley, to mark him so no one could doubt who he belonged to, he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. Heat-induced omegas were slaves to their bodies, so Riley would accept anything at the moment but what would he feel once his mind was no longer clouded?

Both had agreed to wait until the proper time, and Noah wanted to keep his promise. But he was certain he'd fail if Riley's heat caused him to enter rut. The only way to prevent that was to keep as much distance between them as possible.

That was proving difficult.

As soon as Noah began to move away, Riley's arms shot out and grabbed Noah's neck, pulling him back. Riley clung to him, using all his strength to keep Noah next to him.

"Riley." Noah panted, trying to push Riley's hands away, but to no avail.

"Please." Riley begged, his voice strained and shaky. There were tears in his eyes, and Noah could see how much he suffered as he begged Noah to remain.

"Riley, I don't know if this really comes from you or the heat. I don't want us to do something we'll both regret later."

"We won't." Riley said, his breaths unsteady as he uttered each word like it was a struggle to even speak. "I want this. I want you."

Noah closed his eyes, became lost in thought. Could he really just leave Riley to endure this all on his own? He already knew the answer even before forming the question. No, he could not. Riley was his omega, his to safeguard and care for. Riley was his mate. There was no denying that fact. They were made for each other.

"Alright." Noah said softly. He kissed Riley's forehead and smiled down at him. "I'll stay." Riley hoped he had made the right decision.


Waiting was challenging. Noah had agreed to stay and then communicated to Riley that he had something he needed to take care of first. Riley sighed in frustration, lying on his back and gazing at the ceiling. What could Noah possibly have to deal with that was so vital as to warrant leaving him alone during his heat? If Riley hadn't wanted Noah's touch, he might've even been angry at the man.

He decided to watch some adult content on TV to distract himself. Riley flipped on the television, navigated the channels, and eventually found the adult pay-per-view menu. He didn't often engage with porn, but he found it helpful during his heats. And his vibrator was in his room, a different door away, which he wouldn't be able to reach since Noah told him not to leave the room.

An adult movie would have to suffice until Noah returned. Riley scanned through a few programs until he discovered one that seemed promising. 'After the Game.' The film kicked off in a locker room after a football match, with the home team preparing to shower and change. It started out decently: the actors were handsome and well-built. When they all entered the shower, completely unclothed, they started messing around, swatting each other with towels, and wrestling a little. Then one alpha, with blonde hair, started jerking himself off, while another beta started performing fellatio on another alpha. Riley could never imagine himself participating in anything close to what was happening on the screen, but it was still entertaining to watch. Eventually, though, he tired of just watching and decided to participate himself. He flipped onto his side, once again laying flat on his back. He reached down and began stroking himself. He closed his eyes, leaned his head back, and could no longer see the movie from where he was lying. It didn't matter though, as the audio alone was enough to encourage him. He had no trouble getting hard. [Noah and Riley] [Long Hair] [Male/Male] [Business Eyes] [Dirty Talk] [Chastity] [Slave] [Pregnant] [Helpless] [Heat] [Fleeting Thoughts] [Forced] [Horny] [Hungry for more] [Rough] [Sex] [Sweat] [Sporting Goods] [Wrestling] [Hefigo] [Aroused] [Back Touch] [Embrace] [Tense] [Wheeze] [Cuddle] [Incest] [Knife] [Pleading] [Heated] [Tasty] [Bodily Fluids] [Sex Toys] [Safety Clip] [Video Game] [Horsing Around] [Night] [Naked] [Upright] [Limit Break] [In and Out] [Orgy] [Snap] [Eye Contact] [Masturbation] [Blowjob] [Semen] [Splash] [Shower] [Roughhousing] [Solid] [Intense] [Estrogen] [Kiss]

He moved his hand up and down the length of his shaft, letting his fingers glide over his skin up to the tip, which he then carefully rubbed with his thumb. It felt satisfying. Not as satisfying as it would be if it were Noah's hand caressing him, but it was enough to relieve his tension. He continued to stroke himself, diagonal lines appearing across his face as he increased the intensity of his motions. When he was really into it, he used some of his own moisture as lubrication. Spreading his legs, he rubbed his hole with two fingers, even inserting them deep inside until his fingers were slick.

His hand glided smoothly over the length of his penis now, building up his pace. Before he knew it, he was moaning and shoving his hips against the mattress. He lightly bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut, trying hard not to yell and give away his secret to anyone who could be listening. He had only been caught masturbating once, and it was by one of his foster mothers. Since then, she had never been able to meet his eyes again. Riley was almost grateful that she generally ignored him. The experience was humiliating.

Riley continued to stimulate himself, taking longer strokes with each movement. Unbeknownst to him, Noah entered the room.

"Wow, all that and I haven't even touched you yet."

Riley's eyes fly open, and he turns his head to see Noah standing by the door, a big grin on his face.

Riley feels his cheeks burn as he stammers, "I...I was trying to wait." "I just..."

Noah raises a hand. "It's okay." He added casually, "To be honest, watching you was kind of hot. I wish I had been there from the start." He gives a sly look at the TV and laughs. "I see you had a little help too."

Riley swiftly switches off the TV despite Noah. Noah strolls toward the bed, looking down at him, smiling. "Sorry I kept you waiting for so long," Noah says. "But, if we're going to do this, I want to get it right."

Riley's brow furrows. "What do you mean?"

"Do you trust me?" Noah inquiries, raising an eyebrow in a playful manner.

"Of course," Riley says, smiling. "Always."

"Good." Without announcing it, Noah lifts Riley up and carries him out of the room to another on the other side of the hallway. Riley is about to object to being taken out of Noah's bedroom when he realizes where Noah is taking him.

The door to the room they walked into was open, allowing a gentle, flickering light to filter onto the hallway. When Noah neared the open door, Riley's eyes widen at what they see inside. Noah had really outdone himself this time.

Noah carried Riley into the candlelit room like a bride waiting for her groom on her wedding night. Riley can't help but be carried away by the amount of effort Noah put into creating a romantic environment. The room was bathed in a soft, dim light, and flickering candles illuminated the walls. Ambient lighting made the atmosphere even more romantic, creating a scene straight out of a fairy tale.

On the bedside table, Riley notices a bottle of champagne on ice, and red rose petals strewn across the bed, covering the surface. Riley's heart swells at Noah's effort, and he glances at Noah with a smile.

"You did all this?" Riley inquires.

"As I said, I wanted to do it right." Noah replies.

As Noah gently places him on the bed, Riley's gaze meets Noah's, a silent exchange of love and devotion exchanged between them. Enclosed by the candlelight's warm glow and the intoxicating scent of rose petals, Riley knows where he belongs: in Noah's arms. Noah's touch is gentle yet possessive as he brushes stray hair off Riley's forehead, his eyes gleaming with unwavering love. Riley lets out a breath of surprise at the fervency of Noah's gaze, feeling heat flood through him. Riley's throbbing button is filled with desire.

"Riley. I want a lifelong mate and partner in love, not a one-night stand or a friend with benefits. I want to claim you, brand you, and display to the world that you're mine. But, I will not pressure you and will never do anything without your permission. So, before we proceed, I need to know. Will you accept me as your mate, and will you let me put my mark on you?"

Riley gazed at Noah while tears formed in his eyes. Generic alphas rarely inquire about an omega's desires; they just take and demand, without thinking about their partners' emotions. Noah, however, had inquired of Riley's desires. This distinction was the greatest gift Noah could have given, as it demonstrated to Riley that Noah cared about him, treated him as an equal, and truly longed to make him pleased. He mattered to Noah. Noah didn't simply want Riley's body; he desired all of him-his thoughts, strengths, flaws, and most importantly, his heart.

"Yes," Riley murmured, his heart swelling with love for Noah. "I accept your mark and will become your lifelong mate. I love you."

Noah beamed after hearing Riley's declaration. His heart brimmed with affection and his eyes welled up with tears of happiness. "Riley, are you completely sure as..."

Riley silenced him with a finger on his lips. "Shh. I'm certain. I desire you. This feeling is not merely my heat talking. This is me. I'm prepared."

Riley moved from lying down to a kneeling position, reached for Noah's wrist, and dragged him closer. Noah joined Riley on the bed. They remained silent, each comprehending the other's wishes.

Noah removed his garments swiftly and returned to the bed. He inhaled the scent of Riley's arousal. Flipping Riley around in the process, so his back faced Noah, Noah kissed the nape of Riley's neck and shoulders. Riley tilted his head to the side, revealing his neck to Noah, submissively. Noah's hand moved to Riley's waist, then the front, supporting his belly as he pulled Riley into his embrace.

Noah kissed Riley's neck with passion as his hand slid around Riley's waist to his stomach. Riley felt Noah's chest, bristling with fine hair, brush against his back, and his erection rubbed against Riley's posterior.

Noah observed how Riley quivered involuntarily as his fingers left a trail down Riley's back past his waistline. Ultimately, his hand reached Riley's lower back. By tapping on Riley's lower back, Noah guided him into resting on the mattress. Beside Riley stiffened as Noah entered him with a single finger. Riley moaned softly yet audibly, his lips parted, and his hips shuddered. Noah's hands shone from Riley's slick lubrication. Riley, although aroused, anticipated more stimulation. He yearned for Noah. He desired his cock to fill him, tie him up, and have both of them succumb to fatigue.

Riley's loosened his body as Noah questioned whether to remove his fingers. Riley, straining against Noah's grip, back arched, and propelling his hips backward, reinserted Noah's fingers. Noah now added a third digit, slowly expediting Riley's opening. Riley bit his lip in frustration as Noah carefully learned the limits of his anus by almost completely removing his fingers.

Another finger entered him, allowing Noah to hit a target deeper in what Noah believed to be Riley's prostate's location. Riley let out a hissing breath and arched his back as Noah's fingers generated his conclusion at its location. He flexed and tensed his muscles in anticipation of Noah's stimulation. Riley rested his hands on the mattress beneath him, seeking assistance from his fingers that glided around his erection.

Despite cumming before in Noah's presence, the omega's erection remained hard-as if it was straining to break free from his hand. When Riley pursued his own pleasure, he called out audibly, pushing his hips toward Noah, while still experiencing the pleasing stretching by fingers inside him. Noah continued fingering Riley in, and out, slowly no longer ignoring the display of Riley's pleasure.

Riley shifted his body, falling on the mattress. Noah ceased his hand movements to relish the aftermath. They were respectful of soothing one another, eye-to-eye.

Riley's hands trembled. His breathing was erratic. Low mewling sounds came from his mouth as his face transformed into a picture of unadulterated joy. Noah's cock yearned, throbbed with the mounting desire of his own arousal. He yearned to savor each second, to explore Riley but he could not. For both their sakes, he had to end the teasing and give Riley what he longed for. It excited Noah seeing Riley so flustered. These sounds stirred him greatly, particularly those Riley made when pleasuring himself.

Noah took his fingers out of Riley and Riley whimpered in response. Slime oozed out and travelled down the inner part of his thighs. It shimmered in the candlelight, giving his legs an erotic sheen. Noah ran his hand over Riley's ass, pressing gently with his fingers as they sank into his delicate flesh. Riley moaned once more and pushed back, raising his rear some as if hoping for Noah to fill him again. Noah smiled at Riley's eagerness. Riley was on the verge of climaxing, Noah could sense it by the sounds he made and the way his body trembled in anticipation.

Reaching round him, Noah held Riley's member in his grip and began to stroke him. Riley gave up control without complaint, allowing Noah to usher him towards orgasm. Faster and faster, Noah masturbated Riley, his hand sliding effortlessly over Riley's shaft which was now lubricated with slick and arousing pre-cum. Riley gulped. "I'm near the edge." He panted through ragged breaths. Noah pumped him hard, his other hand still pressed to his stomach, constraining him.

"Oh." Riley moaned loudly. Noah felt Riley cum in his hand, hot, sticky fluid dripping down, saturating his fingers and hitting the bed underneath them.

Riley showed his breath out in relief but it wasn't to last. "Noah." He cooed. "I need you. Need you so much. Inside. Please."

"Are you certain?" Noah inquired. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I'm certain." Riley insisted, his voice filled with desire. "I want you inside me." The urgency in his voice provoked Noah further, he could no longer deny Riley. Riley craved him, needed him, and Noah was not about to disregard his desires.

He flipped Riley over, laying him on his back before admiring the sight of him. He was picture perfect and incredibly attractive. There was something marvelous about being with Riley, spread-eagled and sexually aroused, his body glistening with slick lubricant and his own release.

Noah had never been so turned on by any individual in his life. While he might not have had sexual relations before, he was no novice to adult content. He'd often fantasized about intercourse but this experience was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. He'd never known intimacy to be so intense and profound. He'd never, in his entire life, felt so in tune with another person as he was with Riley.

Noah inhaled Riley's scent. It was a steaming aphrodisiac. He kissed Riley, shoving his tongue into the man's mouth and relishing the sounds he made. Noah allowed his hand to traverse Riley's body, over his chest, nipples, stomach, and down to his hips. Gently gripping Riley's hips, Noah pulled him nearer before bracing his legs apart, offering his treasure between Riley's thighs. Noah would have taken Riley's member in his mouth had he not been so desperate to unite their bodies.

'Later.' He reflected. 'We'll have ample opportunity to discover each other later.' At this moment, Riley required solace from his passion.

As Noah positioned himself between Riley's parted legs, Riley raised himself, bending his knees and offering his entrance. Noah deposited Riley's legs further back until his knees were touching his chest. Noah slowly positioned himself, lining the head of his cock up with Riley's hole. Riley bit his lip as he inclined his head backwards. He groaned out as the tip pressed against his entrance, eventually forcing its way in.

"You're so snug." Noah breathed as he entered Riley.

Riley yelped and Noah stopped. He appraised Riley's expression, concern etched on his face. "Are you okay?" He inquired.

"Yes." Riley responded. "I'm fine. Please, don't desist."

Riley was grateful for Noah's sensitivity but he wouldn't have been able to tell him to be delicate in his current state. Lust and yearning consumed him. The only thing that mattered in the current moment was being fulfilled with his pleasure.

Noah's fingers dug into the soft flesh of Riley's thighs as he held them further apart. With one last thrust, he was fully inside, deep within Riley. Riley cried out and Noah remained motionless. Distress flashed over his face. "Are you alright?" He inquired.

"Yes." Riley answered. "I'm fine. Keep moving."

Riley hoisted his pelvis slightly off the bed and bent his back, inciting Noah to proceed. Noah picked up the cue and cautiously slipped out before shoving back in. Riley gasped in approval. His arms ascended and clasped Noah's biceps, nudging him nearer. Noah persisted with his movements, his erection rasping against Riley's delicate internal regions.

"Oh my God, you feel so incredible." Noah gasped as he picked up the tempo, accelerating. Riley trembled with overwhelming joy. Noah bent over him, resting one hand on either side of Riley's head and faceness Noah's neck. Riley encircled his arms around Noah. Riley was engulfed by an unparalleled spread of euphoria as Noah continued to extract and then ram back within him.

"I've fantasized about this for so long." Noah expired, his voice shuddery with sentiment. "You're so gorgeous." He inhaled deeply, pushing hard into Riley, slamming his thighs against Riley's backside, settling his cock inside him to the brim. "So breathtakingly beautiful."

Riley perceived his musculature contract, cuddling around Noah. He was completely full, brimming and obscene, uniting pleasure and pain into one vertigo-inducing sentiment, casting Riley into fatigue. Noah thrusted again, colliding with that one, exceptional spot inside. Riley howled out, his bodily system convulsing with his self-borne orgasm. Wet semen spattered his midriff and Noah grunted deeply, a noise that sparked an exultation within Riley.

Noah positioned one leg on his shoulder and dug further, deepening his penetration. Riley's physique oscillated and he shuddered uncontrollably with sighs of fulfillment. It was the pinnacle of impressiveness and Riley never desired it to conclude.

"Oh my God, yes." Riley murmured. "More, I need more."

Noah proceeded to pound his anus and for a horzer moment, Riley reckoned he might actually create a significant cave in the mattress beneath them.

"You feel so fantastic." Noah sighed. "I can sense you, so tense around me, bounding." His words discharged in panting, animated gasps. It was a choral strain to Riley's ears.

"My alpha." He slurred.

"Your alpha." Noah retorted. "Yours and no one else's."

"Yes." Riley hissed. "Mine."

"Mine." Noah grunted between clenched fangs. He extended one final thrust and then extracted.

Riley murmured in impassiveness, requesting that Noah continue to assume him. Without verbalizing a word, Noah turned Riley around, onto his palms and knees. Controlling Riley like this turned on Riley's erection. Had he not previously emitted, his appendage would have returned to functionality. Riley drew his breath hastily as Noah utilized his hands to broaden Riley's ass, then shoved straight back within him so harshly that Riley yelled out, disoriented by the unanticipated intensity.

"Mine." Noah roared again, taking on an increasingly animalistic air. He approached Riley's neck with his mouth. Riley fathomed that Noah was about to mark him. It was a convention that spanned back for hundreds, possibly thousands of years, when their ancestors outlayed more villain than man, and sundry of them still had the potential to discard human flesh and mutate into fur. Its presence, even in nonstandard auxillaries, was especially intensive in alphas, their instincts substantially closer to the surface than with nonforemost genders.

Riley shuddered with eagerness when he touched Noah's teeth alongside his skin. A mating bite had been described as being excruciating but, simultaneously, more intoxicating than ridiculously any elation the omega had ever known before. If the bite was natural and not compelled, it could be a upsurge of envigorizing euphoria.

"Do you consent to me?" Noah question, his voice rugged and gravelly.

"Yes." Riley mumbled. "Yes, completely."

Riley comprehended Noah's lips approaching, felt his panting, warm heated against his skin and then his teeth. He recognized Noah's teeth as he bit down hard into Riley's shoulder where it appended his neck. Descriptive pain rushed through him, when it seemed like Riley would scream, he stifled the eviction from his emission. Noah's teeth broke through the dermal layer and annihilated through the musculature, transmitting torment. Riley sensed feebler, invalid, and if Noah arket not sensitively gripping him, he would have collapsed. Riley's neck and backside felt as if they were combusting. The burn bulged over him, enveloping him, ignited all the more having been stationed by his mate.

The throbbing skyrocketed and skyrocketed until Riley could no longer withstand much more and subsequently it began to assenes, simplifying by satisfaction. Waves of euphoria washed over Riley, every touch, every fondling reinforcing fervor down his backbone, galvanizing an adulation in him which ignited ever brighter all over time. He felt alert, more lucid than he'd ever sensed in his life, innovative as if each of Riley's limbs was phosphorescent with the fervency of Noah's love.

Riley experienced an incredible sense of ecstasy, leaving him breathless and craving more. This intense sensation was similar to being high on drugs or dying then returning to life simultaneously. The sheer ecstasy and full-blown bliss that washed over him was all-encompassing. The pain disappeared as he melted into Noah's embrace, succumbing to his alpha's earthy fragrance that now intermingled with Riley's own, symbolizing their union.

Noah held Riley for a while, allowing the effects of the bite to subside. When Riley moaned in need again, his body urging him to finish the mating, Noah penetrated him more deeply. His hands grasped Riley's hips, nails digging into his skin. Riley gasped as Noah reached down, wrapping his arms around Riley, lifting him up and pressing him against his muscular chest. Riley straightened and Noah pushed upward, within him further, penetrating Riley with his stiff, throbbing member. Noah roared in ecstasy as Riley rode him, sensation building, and Riley whimpered, his eyes rolling back into his head.

Noah pulled his mouth away from Riley, his movements frantic as he needed release. His hips bucked up, slamming into Riley with a frenzied desperation as his cock reached its peak. Riley could feel his entire lower region stretching as Noah's knot filled him. For a brief moment, Riley's senses were overwhelmed almost to the point of fainting.

The onslaught of euphoria was staved off when Riley felt a warm, gooey liquid fill his ass and drip down his thighs. Noah stopped thrusting, becoming immobilized by the knot. Noah embraced Riley tightly, lifting him onto the bed and laying him softly on his side. Noah curled up by his side, Riley's back pressed against his chest. Noah held him tenderly, shielding him.

Noah kissed and licked the mark on Riley's neck. Riley shuddered from the contact. The mark was still sensitive but the sensation was stimulating, yet Riley had no energy to do anything more than collapse.

"Are you okay?" Noah inquired.

Riley replied with a grin, "More than. I'm perfect."

Noah grinned back, wrapping his arms around Riley. Both were drained physically and could barely keep their eyes open. Riley relaxed and closed his eyes. He whispered a gentle, "I love you," that Noah reciprocated swiftly. Then, they both fell asleep, drifting into the peaceful, inky depths of a rejuvenating slumber.

Chapter to follow...

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