Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 04

The making of a Mamma's boy.

Jul 11, 2024
17 min read
otkregressionfemdomshameAllison - A Spanking Story Pt. 04gaslightingmanipulationspankingincest
Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 04
Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 04

Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 04

This story takes place in the Perfect Beginning Universe. It makes brief mention of Michele's work.

For me, first time is always the most exciting. Compounding the excitement is the anxiety when at least one character realizes that they are not the person they thought they were.

This story takes place in a very male-dominated society, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Pete comes to realize that as he falls under Allison's spell, he does not measure up to societal expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.

Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this story.


The following is an outline of how this society operates. The Perfect Beginning provides a slightly more comprehensive description of the universe.

* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.

* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.

* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living with their family of origin until they turn 200 years old.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume "blockers" which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.

* Some young people will begin to "date" around 160 years of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surreptitiously stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.

* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.

All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.

It is customary for those below the age of 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children's clothing. Remember, an 18-year-old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children's clothes are very useful for signalling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.

Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered profoundly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violation of said code subjects one to complete ostracization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.

"Hmmmm, let me think... I suppose what I find most interesting...or one of the many things I find interesting," she smiled with everything she had, "is the idea that I can use a man's sexual desire for me to break him."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Carol agreed.

"I think it is because we have been taught, since we were little girls that the engine of his desire, his cock, is a big part of why men are superior to women. Or at least that is the physical symbol of their superiority. I like how Lanza views their desire of us as not just an advantage, but a strength... or the leverage that can be used to invert the entire world view of male superiority and hegemony."


"I don't see myself as a revolutionary, Mother, but like you, I'm a little different."

"I agree that it's fair to say we are a little different." She smiled at her daughter.

Mother and daughter were well practiced in the use of euphemisms as each preferred to feel and project to the world as one whose sensibilities were refined and properly conservative. For these ladies, there would be composure in all things.

"In truth, I'm rather pleased with the world at it is."

Allison more than welcome'd Mother's insights and shared her earnest interest by giving her mother her full attention and a subtly inquisitive facial expression.

The Spencer women looked out at the world as though from a poker table. Many would, if prompted, say each projected with a resting bitch face. A more nuanced description would reveal that each projected a mildly pleased or self-satisfied, resting bitch face. Each was so pretty and there was so often just the barest hint of a smile playing on the corners of their mouths. Certainly they laughed and scowled and everything in between, but they were not often seen by many while doing so as this more effusive expression was more often done in private. In time, one might come to read their more subtle emotional tells but this required keen attention to the matter. Yet they had no problem reading one another.

"It serves us, darling daughter. Everything we might want from the world of men is right there for us to enjoy as we see fit. If it were up to me, I would not change a thing."

From Allison's point of view, Mother's life looked more than satisfying. "Yet how about all the other women, Mother? What of them?"

"What of them, darling? A great deal of them get what they want. They prefer a world in which they look up to men. As for the rest, it is up to them to make of the world what they want.

"It has been said time and again, we are responsible for our own happiness and nothing is stopping us from attaining it. Look at us." Carol's lips creased into a smile and the pleasure she took from the world was self evident. Just then, Allison viewed her mother as a cat who sat contentedly licking the blood off her claws.

Allison viewed her mother as a sexual goddess and carried nothing for her but respect, admiration and love. Her mother was the perfect role model.

"Would it not be better though, Mother, if there was a bit more equality. I mean, men run everything and I'm not sure we women could not do it better."

"You might be right but as I look out, things don't look quite so bad. War seems to be a thing of the past, reasonable measures to maintain population are in place, the environment is balanced enough, according to the scientists, and most people have enough to get by. As I see it, most of the trains are running on time.

"My focus is on my world and I am most pleased with what I have."

Allison agreed with Mother as usual. "Yet it is the principal, Mother. Men are so..."

"Darling, I take your point, I do. Nonetheless, it serves us. It does," she said with a warm smile. I'd like you to consider how you made your brother cry this very morning."

This was an unexpected turn in the conversation that caught Allison off guard. Her cheeks rose to red and the smile blossomed on her lovely face. She did not expect this to become a "naughty" conversation, one that might cause her arousal.

"You made your brother cry over some little thing. You made your considerably older brother cry like your little boy. How did that make you feel?"

Making her brother cry did to Allison exactly what it did to Carol any time either made the boy cry which seemed to happen at least weekly if not more often. She felt titillated and fully aroused, self satisfied and spiritually uplifted. She felt all these things on a profound level. Thinking on it, she bit her lower lip in the most adorable way while failing to hide her smile. Unleashing her smile, "I appreciated it, Mother."

"Certainly you did. As well you should. It's beautiful and I appreciate it just as you do. Aside from the spanking...and in part because of it, why do you think your brother is such a prolific, little cry baby?"

Beaming at her mother, "Shame."

"Precisely." Carol matched her daughter's smile.


Continuing to squeeze her son's cock right at the base, "Elliot, I've never been more disappointed in you." Mortification showed in his whole being and it took a mindful effort to keep her pleasure at bay. She chose to commission it to fuel her "disappointment." "Mother is most vexed."

In seconds, Elliot had traveled the great distance from very pleasurable joy, to shock, to mortification and now to wanting to die.

"How long have you been getting these?" She used her long, pretty index finger to tap the head of his raging hard cock.

"I just...I don't...never! Never before! I swear!"

"You want me to believe this is the first time?" said with doubt and some contempt. Carol knew it was very likely true this was the first time as she'd just very recently taken him off his blockers and replaced them with sugar pills.

"I swear to you, Mother! Never before!"

Appearing to weigh the veracity of his profession, she continued to pulse squeeze his errection. Certainly she did not consciously know she was doing this, he was sure. Likely she did it to help her concentrate her thoughts and maybe as a coping mechanism to deal with her disgust for her son's behavior.

"Goodness, gracious, what has gotten into you!"

"I don't...I don't know, Mommy!"

Mommy! Oh god yes! He will call me Mommy!

That about made Carols pussy catch on fire.

Oh my god, why did I call her that!

"Well now, Ellie, Mommy is most displeased."

A moment ago, he was on the precipice of going over her knee for a spanking and he felt his sense of equilibrium giving way to a growing sense of disorientation. It was somehow magnified once over her knee but he was pacified by the playful spanking on his naked bottom as well as the playful scolding. Even as he seemed to be slipping away from himself, slipping away from reality, it became fun and felt really good. And now she was "Mommy" and he was back to being Ellie, a name not heard in so long he'd forgotten it as his childhood nickname. And now he stood before his mother with a raging hard erection that she was squeezing with her hand. He was sure the ground was somehow crumbling beneath him.

As she continued to handle his penis she continued to stare her contempt and was pleased he could not look her in the eye. He had to look down in shame as he passively stood in place. For an instant, he felt like a dog having his junk inspected by one of the judges at dog show. Only this judge was wearing a baby-doll, was super hot and was his own mother.


She shifted her projection to one of grave concern, "Tell me, Ellie, whatever is causing your penis such excitement?"

He hated that she called it a penis. Men had cocks. Even though he'd never had an erection until just now, he was old enough that should there be a need to reference it, he and his friends did so as men. Elliot had a cock.

It's not a penis! Not a little boy anymore!

His mother had to have no idea she was squeezing his cock and he wished she'd stop even though it felt more compelling than anything he'd ever felt in his life.

I was just doing my homework and now... What the fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"I'm speaking to you, Elliot. I hope you are not trying to upset me," she warned.

"! I...I don't know! I swear, I don't..."

"I can make no sense out of this. There we were, just playing. I was spanking that naughty bottom of yours in the most playful way while scolding you for being such a bad, little boy. I was giving you a little tickle...but that makes no sense." Tapping the head of his cock with each word as though to punctuate it, "No," tap, "sense," tap, "at," tap, "all!

"I can't believe I'm asking this, but is your penis excited because you are attracted to your own mother?"

"No! I swear, Mom, no!"

"Well, I should hope not. That would be so very upsetting."

Elliot was nearly overcome by a wave of relief at putting that very disturbing question behind him. Now if she'd just let go of his penis, he could get dressed and they... He was not real clear how to move on from this, but suspected it would involve pretending it never happened.

Things will be really weird for a few days but then...

"Yet, I'd just like to be sure. I've got an idea. Let's try something."

Oh god.

"First I'll say something and then you will repeat it. Do you understand."

Once more in a sort of stupor, he hesitated. With her other hand, she spanked the standing young man on his bottom. In a cross tone, "I'm speaking to you, young man!"

"I...I'm sorry, Mom! Yes, I understand."

"That's 'Mother' from now on, or if you prefer, 'Mommy.'"

Quickly, "Yes, Mother."

"My name is Ellie and I'm a little boy."

"What?" Elliot wanted Mother to know how outrageous she was being.

"Do as I say, this instant, young man!"

His stomach sank with fear. Elliot repeated what she said but while doing so, his mother continued to pulse squeeze his cock.

"I love Mommy."

He repeated it as she gave him firm, little jerks to the root of his cock.

"Mommy's the prettiest woman in the whole world."

"Mommy's the prettiest woman in the whole world."

He looked at her as she held him.

Oh god, she really is so pretty.

It continued.

"When I'm naughty, Mommy spanks my bottom for me."

"When I'm naughty, Mommy spanks my bottom for me."

"Mommy gives me a hot bottom."

"Mommy gives me a hot bottom."

"I want to be Mommy's good boy."

Looking at Carol, for the first time in his life, he felt a sense of sexual desire mixing with his first glimpse of romantic love.

I do want to be her good boy.

"I want to be Mommy's good boy."

Carol kept pulse squeezing and giving firm little jerks every time he spoke.

"Mommy's so pretty."

"Mommy's so pretty."

He could see her very pointy nipples through her gossamer top.

They look so hard! So pretty.

"Sometimes Mommy gives me play spankies that feel so good."

"Sometimes Mommy gives me play spankies that feel so good."

Oh my god, it did feel good. So good!

"Now just keep saying, I love Mommy and will always obey Mommy."

He complied while she continued to gently jerk and squeeze his cock.

Elliot tried not to think about how soft the skin on her legs were when the head of his penis pushed into her muscular thigh. He remembered how for just a moment before this all began he thought about how nice it would be to rub lotion on his mother's legs. He tried to tell himself he just wanted to do something selfless and nice for his mother but he could not sustain that self deception.

So pretty.

Just then, the idea of "obeying" Mommy sounded nice. And she deserved to be obeyed.

Do love Mommy.

His eyes were squeezed closed and it was a chore to repeat what was required only because what she was doing with her hand made it hard to breathe. Too, all of it was so fucking weird.

What does she hope to learn from all this?

"I will always obey Mommy."

She could see it coming and she wore the most aggressive and sadistic expression but with his eyes closed, he could not see it.

"I want Mommy to spank my bottom for me."

"I want Mommy to spank my bottom for me."

Almost there.

"Now just keep repeating, 'I will always obey my pretty, pretty Mother.'"


She bent his cock a little at the root so that it was pointing toward her, all the while jerking and pulse squeezing.

And then it happened. Elliot had the first orgasm of his life.

"Oh...oh...oh fuck! Oh my god! What...!"

Cum shot, as though from a fire hydrant and hit his mother across the face and splattered her top.

Carol was doing this thoughtfully and while she was not eager for a facial, she wanted the image of what was happening to sear his mind.

"Elliot! You naughty, naughty boy!"

Elliot just knew his mother had no idea she was still pulse squeezing his cock and doing so in time with his ejection. And he just kept shooting!

Her eyes were saucers and her mouth dropped into a large O of indignation. Carol looked ready to slap her son. Perhaps he imagined she looked that way because he thought he had it coming.

"Elliot, how dare you! Did I give you permission to do that?"

As he regained his ability to speak, "Ah," Eliot was not sure what permission had to do with it.

"Go stand in the corner while I clean up."

He bent to pick up his pants.

"No!" She stopped him with one sharp word and a sharply pointed index finger.

He walked to the corner of the room, uncertain as to why.

"Nose to the corner. Now!"

He felt so incredibly foolish as he complied. It occurred to him that might be the point.


After five minutes of standing naked in the corner, his mother returned. She'd changed out of the baby-doll and into some very "comfortable" domestic wear. Out in the world, Mother dressed conservatively. Sometimes at home, however, she wore clothes a conservative mother like Carol would never wear outside the bedroom. She could do this unselfconsciously as until now, her grown son was on his blockers. She wore what amounted to the tiniest, skin tight volleyball shorts and a strip of knit cotton that did not quite cover her breast, held in place by spaghetti straps. In profile, he could see quite a lot of under-boob. Too, he had a hard time prying his eyes away from her magnificently muscled ass and wide thigh gap.

Mommy never looked prettier.

He remembered that Mother was very cross with him and the serious expression on her face made her scarier than ever.

"Come here, young man!" She sat in an armless, straight back chair. He approached her and as he did, he noticed that his flacid penis was right about at eye level for his mother. He attempted to cover himself but she was not having it. "Hands at your sides!

"Now Elliot," she said with a malicious gleam in her eye and a half smile, "We are going to explore a bit further to figure out what is wrong with you. I am very, very concerned as I have my suspicions but I want to be certain."

Standing before her, "Mom, do we have to?"

Instantly, she stood and with the most intensely aggressive expression he'd ever seen, she slapped smartly across the face.

Carol enjoyed a small orgasm with that.

She was pleased to see her son remain in place but he brought a hand to his cheek to sooth himself. She would not have that.

"Hands at your sides." She was grateful to have been able to voice her command as she wished considering she was still experiencing such pleasure. Her tone was clipped and in control but edged with anger. "On second thought, clasp your hands behind your back."

As she beckoned him a moment ago, his penis was expectedly flaccid. She was most pleased to see that after slapping him, he began to swell.

Yes, yes, grow for Mother!

Never had Carol ever embraced a sense of sexual greed as she did in this moment. This was all going perfectly and exceeded her expectation when she set her machinations in action.

"Now, Ellie, we are going to play our little game again. I will say something and you will repeat it. Do you understand, young man?"

"Yes, Mother."

Elliot managed to reply but seemed to be having an out of body experience. He was completely dissociated as there was simply no room in his reality for what was going on. He was in a sort of mental fog because he simply could not deal with what was happening.

Is this real? Am I dreaming?

He felt his mother cupping his balls and he knew it most certainly was not a dream. It might have been the wrongest thing he could possibly imagine but it felt better than a slap to the face.

As though speaking to a kindergartener, "I love Mommy more than anybody in the whole world."

He heard himself repeat what she expected him to say yet he sounded far away even to himself.

"Elliot, you are not to go away. Mother needs you here right now. You will be mentally present, young man. Do you understand?"

Elliot snapped to. "Yes, Mother."

In the most mocking, baby voice, "Sometimes I'm a naughty little boy and I need Mommy to spank my bottom for me."

As he came back to the moment and accepted that somehow he was about to do as he was told, something terrible happened and he just then came to realize something about how penises worked. Elliot began to swell as he repeated what his Mother required of him.

"Sometimes I'm a naughty...naughty...little...little boy..." He trailed off as he looked down to see his mother's pretty hand cradling his balls while his erection seemed somehow harder than it was just 10 minutes before. He was having a real hard time breathing.

Smiling and continuing as though speaking to a very young boy, "Complete the sentence, Ellie."

"...and I need Mom...Mommy to sp...sp...sp..."

"Spank me," Carol coaxed.

"...need Mommy to spank me."

"That's right," she encouraged. "And look who's back," she said delightedly.

And that's when Elliot began to break in earnest. With his sexy mother speaking to his erection as though it were the cutest toddler, with her looking on at his erection with big eyes and a gleeful smile, while he managed to remain standing, his knees buckled and he began to cry.

OH! My! God! Yes, yes, yes! Cry for Mommy!

Carol experienced an acute orgasm as she realized she was making her boy cry.

Oh my god! Oooooooo, god!

She worked to maintain her composure.

Everything prior to this point, everything he'd processed over the previous half hour or so was disorienting, for sure, but it was not until this very moment that he began to lose touch with his identity. He was comfortable with himself and his place in the world, but all of a sudden, he did not know if it was him or the world he lived in that was upside down.

For the last 20 or 30 minutes he'd felt either disoriented or as though in a state of complete and total shock, interrupted by moments of clarity that were so disturbing that he had to retreat back to his fugue state.

Everything had been normal. He was a dude doing his homework after school and that was as it should be.

Then he saw how pretty is mother was and his life came unraveled. The suddenness and the speed of it all was so startling to him. In a way, it was comparable to the driver making their way down the street, maintaining the speed limit and then awaking in a hospital bed.

Carol's poker face was replaced by resplendent and greed-full joy. As though to a toddler, "Ah, look, lil' Ellie's crying!" She seemed so gleeful about it.

"Come on now, let's get you over Mommy's knee for your spanky. Yes, good, that's right," she encouraged. Ellie did not protest in the least. He was powerless.

"Now Mommy expects you to keep fingertips and toes on the floor at all times. Do you understand, little boy?" She spanked him once on the bottom, "Pay attention, young man."

", Mommy.

With a broad smile and eyelids at half mast, Carol had another wonderful little orgasm.

With bare hand...

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"Naughty, little boy."

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"What does Mommy do to her naughty boy, Ellie?"

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

Clearly distressed, "Mommy...Mommy spanks me."

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"That's right, Ellie. From now on, when you need a spanking, I'm going to give you one."

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

Almost sweetly and at least encouragingly, "Do you understand me?"

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"Yes, Mommy."

"Now look to your right."

Elliot did as he was told had once more felt as though trasported to another world. In this world he saw himself over a sexy woman's knee taking a spanking. He was looking in the mirror of course and he was shaken to his core. First he saw her and how fucking hot she was. Her nipples were exquisite. She had those perfectly sexy nipples that had a reasonably large areola combined with a long point. A gay man would have to look.

They look so hard.

They were.

Then he saw himself and he quickly zeroed in on his erection that was poking into her leg. He wanted to die.

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

He watched her spank him and it took his breath away.

Little Ellie was in love with Mother.

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"Look, Ellie." With a mock pouty face, "I think we are learning a little bit about who we are."

He was speechless.

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

Carol was pleased to hear him breathing deeply as he pushed his rigid penis into her leg.

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"Bad, little boys get bent over Mommy's knee and spanked and spanked and spanked."

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"Give Ellie a hot, little bottom."

spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank

"Do you like that, Ellie?"


Oh god yes!

"No, no, no! No, please God, no!"

Here it comes!

Ellie looked at his Mommy as he erupted. She was so very pretty, her eyes were alight and she had a relaxed and very natural smile on her brilliant face.

Cum shot forcefully into her leg as she kept gently spanking her little boy.

  1. In the society depicted, young adults are encouraged to consume "blockers" to prevent sexual feelings or impulses, a practice that Allison finds intriguing and sees as an opportunity for manipulation.
  2. Allison's use of her sexuality to control others is a form of psychological manipulation that she sees as a subversion of the patriarchy in this male-dominated society.
  3. Pete, the protagonist, feels shame and inadequacy as he struggles to meet societal expectations in this world, which values age and masculinity over anything else.
  4. The story explores themes of psychological conflict and tension, as characters grapple with their own desires and societal pressures, often leading to instances of gaslighting and manipulation.

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