Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 05

The making of a Mama's boy.

Jul 19, 2024
21 min read
humiliationAllison - A Spanking Story Pt. 05manipulationregressionfemdomshameotkgaslightingspankingincest
Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 05
Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 05

Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 05

This story takes place in the Perfect Beginning Universe. It makes brief mention of Michele's work.

For me, first time is always the most exciting. Compounding the excitement is the anxiety when at least one character realizes that they are not the person they thought they were.

This story takes place in a very male dominant society, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Pete comes to realize that as he falls under Allison's spell, he does not measure up to societal expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.

Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this story.


The following is an outline of how this society operates. The Perfect Beginning provides a slightly more comprehensive description of the universe.

* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.

* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.

* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living with their family of origin until they turn 200 years old.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume "blockers" which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.

* Some young people will begin to "date" around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surreptitiously stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.

* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.

All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.

It is customary for those below the age of 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children's clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children's clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.

Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered profoundly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violation of said code subjects one to complete ostracization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.


"It has been said time and again, we are responsible for our own happiness and nothing is stopping us from attaining it. Look at us." Carol's lips creased into a smile and the pleasure she took from the world was self evident. Just then, Allison viewed her mother as a cat who sat contentedly licking the blood off her claws.

Allison viewed her mother as a sexual goddess and carried nothing for her but respect, admiration and love. Her mother was the perfect role model.

"Would it not be better though, Mother, if there was a bit more equality. I mean, men run everything and I'm not sure we women could not do it better."

"You might be right but as I look out, things don't look quite so bad. War seems to be a thing of the past, reasonable measures to maintain population are in place, the environment is balanced enough, according to the scientists, and most people have enough to get by. As I see it, most of the trains are running on time.

"My focus is on my world and I am most pleased with what I have."

Allison agreed with Mother as usual. "Yet it is the principal, Mother. Men are so..."

"Darling, I take your point, I do. Nonetheless, it serves us. It does," she said with a warm smile. I'd like you to consider how you made your brother cry this very morning."

This was an unexpected turn in the conversation that caught Allison off guard. Her cheeks rose to red and the smile blossomed on her lovely face. She did not expect this to become a "naughty" conversation, one that might cause her arousal.

"You made your brother cry over some little thing. You made your considerably older brother cry like your little boy. How did that make you feel?"

Making her brother cry did to Allison exactly what it did to Carol any time either made the boy cry which seemed to happen at least weekly if not more often. She felt titillated and fully aroused, self satisfied and spiritually uplifted. She felt all these things on a profound level. Thinking on it, she bit her lower lip in the most adorable way while failing to hide her smile. Unleashing her smile, "I appreciated it, Mother."

"Certainly you did. As well you should. It's beautiful and I appreciate it just as you do. Aside from the spanking...and in part because of it, why do you think your brother is such a prolific, little cry baby?"

Beaming at her mother, "Shame."

"Precisely." Carol matched her daughter's smile. "Shame is such an important element in this new, beautiful way of life. And your brother would not feel this way if the world were otherwise.

"Consider your cousin Mary. She loves her place beneath her husband Mark. She proudly submits to his leadership. Do you remember how at the last April 21st celebration she was telling us all the story of how Mark had," with this, she flashed air quotes, "to give her a spanking for some little thing. We all smiled and she was certainly having her fun entertaining us all, but she was not ashamed in the least.

"The world more or less expects this of her. Societal expectations of your brother are just a little different, wouldn't you agree?"

"Of course," replied Allison.

"That shame he experiences... Check that, that shame he lives with at all times is only possible because of his failure," more air quotes," to live up to what he thinks he needs to be, based upon societal norms. Thank goodness for those blessed norms!"

Mother and daughter shared a warm smile.

"That shame he feels makes your brother more... let's say: cooperative." Carol punctuated her understatement with another broad smile.

"And it really is beautiful," added Allison.

"And it really is beautiful," agreed Carol. "I can honestly say that few things in life are more delightful than making a man or a boy cry." For a moment, she looked far away.

How many times have I cum from making that lovely boy of mine cry? Satisfying.

These were warm memories.

"The shame is used to keep him in his place. It's the yoke on his soul. Wonderfully useful and ultimately very beneficial for him. Few things make me feel more connected to him nor more of a loving mother than when I am nurturing him with shame. It's good for him, Allison."

"And I have to agree, Mother, it likely would not feel so wonderful if it were not the very rightest thing to do." Allison too had cum many times while enjoying the tears all over Elliot's lovely face; tears she inspired. "His shame and making him cry is something I love with all my heart. The joy I take from putting him in such an emotional state makes me prettier and I am convinced that it maintains my little girl spirit."

While Allison was in manner as mature and cultivated as any adult woman, within her was the spirit of a girl. She just adored feeling herself as a girl, looking out at the world as a girl and perhaps more than anything, being seen as a girl. In this way, she continued to feel a sense of wonder in life. There was too, great vitality in feeling herself as a girl.

"That and spanking him might be my very favorite things in life."

"Not to mention when he kisses your pretty little-girl crotch."

"Mother!" said in playful shock. "You can be so impolite."

They smiled at one another with all the joy in the world.


Carol carefully crafted Elliot's sexual identity through manipulation, eroticized humiliation, classic psychological conditioning and down and dirty gaslighting.

"Elliot, we will try this one more time, but I'm afraid that if you respond as you did the other day, we will have to have a very uncomfortable conversation."

Elliot was horrified. Since the day previous, when he'd endured the most humiliating encounter of his life, something so beyond his imagining, he'd remained quietly in isolation ruminating about everything that had happened. He even considered suicide, so traumatized was he.

Sometime at night, his mother came to him as he lay in bed. She sat down next to him and assured him it would be okay and that they'd get through this together. She brushed his forhead with her hand and soothed him. They locked eyes and she gave him her very familiar closed mouth smile.

So pretty.

He could smell her and it comforted him.


Quickly he admonished himself for thinking of her as Mommy. He told himself it was just a slip.

It was so comforting to have his mother repeatedly brushing his face while using her calming voice to talk him down from his hysteria.

Mother is so pretty.

She brushed, over the cover of his blanket, his shoulder and arm resting her hand innocently on his bottom.

"Hush now, little boy. You are going to be alright. It's going to be okay. Tomorrow after Allison goes to school, we will have a talk about it and find a way forward. Okay, little man?" With this, she patted his bottom reassuringly.

She was a life perserver in the most literal sense. He believed her.

"Yes, Mother."

He'd almost called her Mommy and was so grateful he'd caught himself. He hated calling her Mother as it seemed so formal and deferential. Allison called her that but he did not have the stomach for it. Just then, however, Mother felt appropriate.

Mother leaned down and hugged him and he was saved.

"Good boy."

"Good boy" should have bothered him but it didn't. Actually it felt good.


The blockers were not completely out of his system because not until Mother left him alone did he realized he was hard again. The poor boy did not even know how to masturbate or what it was, so he tossed and turned through the night.


"So we will try this again, young man and go from there.

"Come to Mommy, let's get those pants off you."

This was the talk she'd mentioned the night before. This was going to be what got him through this. He was severely messed up and Mother was going to find a way around all this.

He was laser beam focused on her. "Yes, Mother."

Elliot felt his stomach sink as he made his way to her. All night long, all he could do was think about how pretty Mommy was. The poor boy's cock was rock hard the entire time and was not even certain he got any sleep.

She's going to see and think it's because of her. It's not!

It was.

He'd convinced himself he was hard for some reason that had nothing to do with his mother even though he spent the whole night obsessing over her. He thought of all those terrible things she made him say. The most horrid part of it was that there was at least a little truth in it all.

Not really. I'm not a little boy!

The previous day, while he stared at his mother, while she held his cock so firmly in her fist, did not at least a little part of him want to be her good boy? The answer to this scared him. And didn't he want to do what she said? He did not want to think of it as "obeying" mother but it was hard to get around.

And then there was the spanking. He recalled how just before being bent over Mommy's knee, he felt himself almost paralyzed.

He remembered all the previous spankings he'd earned himself as a younger boy. As a boy, he had no choice. He remembered all the times he'd been over Mother's knee as she spanked him. It hurt terribly and he was seized by the memory of being completely out of control of his own body. It needed to stop but it didn't and there was not a single thing he could do about it. As Mommy spanked, he was helpless and this sense of helplessness, complete powerlessness was all because of Mommy.

He remembered all of it at once because it was the same every time. Even in the years he was bigger than Mother, she was not to be disobeyed. She took down his pants and he was compelled to stand passively for this humiliation. She guided him over her knee and again, he was passive in his acceptance. She would speak to him then about how naughty he'd been and the humiliation was everything. He was consumed by the humiliation of all of it until the spanking began.

As she began spanking him there was nothing else in the world but the fire she was creating on his naughty bottom. Nothing else. Only the pain he somehow had to get away from. He could not endure one more single spank and it had to stop right now! Yet the spanking continued. He could endure no more. Yet Mother kept spanking. It was horrible. He was powerless to Mommy.

Yet was there not some good in this? Mother always said it was for his own good and she certainly meant it. And afterward, she always hugged him and soothed him. He remembered never feeling more loved than in those blessed moments. In those moments, as she hugged him, as Mother pressed his face between her breasts and he was possessed by her scent, it made the spanking worth it.

It was odd to him because when on the front side of a spanking, he'd NEVER make the trade. A spanking followed by a hug was the exchange he would not hesitate to dismiss if given a choice. Yet afterward, as Mother held him, he'd look back on that spanking and think: yes, it was for my own good. He thought he'd accept that spanking every day for the feeling Mother gave him just then as she hugged him. In this he felt loved. And he loved his mother.

And he believed it was for his own good. Eventually, Mother stopped spanking him so he reasoned he was better behaved and simply no longer earned spankings.

Because she taught me.

The day before, as he was bending over her knee, he remembered all of this and was once again overwhelmed by Mother.

As he lay in bed last night he tried desperately not to think about the spanking Mother gave him. It was not the same kind of spanking as it was play but it conjured all the same feelings he experienced as a boy. The other big difference was that he, for the first time realized... pretty Mommy was while she did it to me.

He was drawn to her and the pull was inescapable. He knew there was something wrong with him as he should not feel that way about his mother, but it was undeniably there.

She's so pretty and the spanking was so fun.

By fun he meant sexually stimulating which was a brand new feeling for Elliot.

He reasoned it was a weird, one time thing.

It'll pass.

Yet here they were going through it all again and he was erect before it even started.

She's going to think it is because of her but it's not.

It most certainly was.

Carol's long, elegant fingers played slowly over his bulge as she took her sweet time undoing his button fly. She looked up at him with an encouraging smile.

So pretty.

Her beauty comforted him.

She's going to see!

His exposure traumatized him.

Slowly lowering his pants, "Oh, Ellie," said in defeat. She removed his boxers and beheld a beautiful penis. Perhaps in all her lifted, she'd never seen a harder cock as her son's in this moment.


Everything it represented encouraged her and reassured her that what she was doing with Elliot would work out to her liking.


"How terribly disappointing, Elliot. I hoped that maybe..."

"I'm sorry, Mommy."

His words were beautiful to her. Yesterday was such a big moment, she was not sure if he'd said it then but in this case, his words were indelible. She adored that he was apologizing for his erection.

As he should. We will have many more apologies, little Ellie.

All her adult life, men thought they were God's gift and much of it was associated with their cocks. A cock she knew he believed made young women fall all over themselves for him. Elliot was apologizing for his. She was tickled.

"We have one final test but I have to say I have strong suspicions about how this is going to go. Come with me."

She clasped his wrist and guided him to her room. Her bed was unmade but she noted that if things went to plan, she'd never need to make a bed again.

"Get in Mommy's bed, Elliot."

He complied.

Mommy's bed felt so good and he was dizzy with her smell.

Carol got on the bed with him, sitting cross-legged as Elliot lay on his back.

"Now, Ellie, I want you to look at me the whole time. I want you to stare at Mommy and not look anywhere else, do you understand?"

"Yes, Mommy." So transfixed was he, he did not even know what she said or how he responded. All he knew was that his mother was captivating.

"Mommy's going to handle you now much as I did yesterday." Carol did not wait for a response, when she reached out with one hand and grasped her son's cock right at the base.

So wonderfully hard! My, my. Good boy.

She was tempted to gently stroke Elliot but she did not want to teach him how to self stimulate. She simply gripped him firmly, possessively.

"Just look at Mommy."

He could not look away from his mother.

"Now, repeat after me: I want to obey Mommy. Just keep saying it."

He could hear himself from some great distance repeating Mother's command. He did it over and over again.

She allowed him to meditate on these words for about five minutes. It turned out this was soothing to both of them. Mother was just as aroused as little Ellie but if Carol was one thing, it was patient.

And he did want to obey Mommy.

"Now, Ellie we are going to change to: When I'm naughty, I need Mommy to spank my bottom and make me a good boy."

He must have said it for at least another five minutes all the while feeling the blessed squeeze to his rock hard cock and admiring how pretty Mommy was.

And he remembered again that when she spanked him, it really was for his own good. He knew in his heart that Mommy's spankings were loving guidance.

"Okay, Ellie, now for the last thing. I want you to repeat what I say, but I need you to remain still, do you understand?"

Elliot felt a pulse of trepidation with this but he felt absolutely powerless to his mother as she held him by his cock. It was quite literally his joy-stick and she controlled him completely.

"Yes, Mommy."

"Repeat: I must always please Mommy."

"I must always please Mommy..."

After about a dozen times, she held some sort of fabric over his face. Intuitively, he jerked his head to the side attempting to avoid what she was doing. It smelled strongly and it was repulsive to him. Carol simply followed his movement with her hand holding it over his mouth and nose.

He brought his hand up to pull hers away but caught himself. He'd get a spanking. He'd get a hard spanking if he interfered.

She held it there until he stopped holding his breath and took many deep breaths.

Carol removed the worn panties from his face and took in his fear. "You must repeat what I've said, Ellie." Carol was being strategic in this scent conditioning. She did not want Elliot to get used to the smell or it might not be quite so effective.

He went back to repeating the mantra, "I must always please Mommy."

After several seconds she held the waded up panties over his mouth and nose once more.

Again, it was offensive. It smelled of sweat and pee and he was not sure what else was in the mix. He struggled mightily with it but tried desperately to relax despite its repellent smell.

Once more, Carol removed her panties from his face and he continued with the mantra.

It occurred to Eliot that at last, just before she removed the fabric, it did not smell quite so bad as it did at first. It was very strong and pee was not what he thought of as a pleasant smell, by any means.

Was it not so bad that time?

He continued with the mantra and as he did, two things occurred to him. He really did want to please Mommy. Also, he was shaken by the idea that he did not dread or fear Mother placing that fabric over his face for a third time.

It really was not bad at all.

After another 20 seconds or so, she held the panties over his face once more and while they smelled strongly, he realized they somehow did not smell badly.

Not at all bad.

Carol noted that he was beginning to relax with it and then she saw it in his eyes.

Yes, he's falling to it!

As she slowly lifted the panties from his face, he lifted his head, attempting to keep the fabric over his face so he could keep that incredible animal scent so he could maintain the pheromonal high.

Elliot was feeling a profound sexual need he did not understand at all. All he knew was that he needed more of that incredible scent.

Elliot felt it as an almost urgent need.

He continued with his mantra praying for the reward he simply needed to be Mother holding that scent to his face once again.

Again, she held it to his face.

Oh my god! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!

If he could just taste it!

Elliot had never in his life even imagined a sense of urgent need as what he was now experiencing.

Of course I should please Mother.

After they'd been at this for about twenty minutes, Carol climbed off the bed and stood at its side facing her son. She removed her pajama bottoms and Elliot was captivated by his Mother's partial nudity. Mother's legs were long and muscular. Once more he imagined rubbing lotion on them as she sat at her feet. Mother's pubic bush was full and majestic and a little intimidating to the boy.


He was breathless.

Carol slowly reached down and put her feet through the leg holes before slowly pulling the panties up to her crotch. For a moment, she kept them just down below her crotch while she stared at Elliot. Certainly he knew now they were her panties and he was overwhelmed by shame.

Oh my god, what's wrong with me?

After a few beats, she slowly pulled them up and over her bush and into place. With that done, Elliot looked up at his mother.

In this eye to eye, there was so much said in silence. He'd had no idea she was holding her panties to his face but once he knew, it made sense to him. Elliot now knew what he needed.

Mommy's smell. Oh my god! What the fuck is wrong with me?

This question was then set to repeat.

Looking displeased? Disappointed? A little exasperated? Yes, Carol effectively projected all of these sentiments at her adoring and in the moment, very lost little boy.

In this moment, he knew who he was. He knew he would always be powerless to his need. He was learning about addiction.

He needed Mommy.

"Okay now Elliot, we need to have ourselves a little talk. Before we do, stand up."

Elliot complied.

"Look in the mirror." Carol had a slim, floor to ceiling mirror on one wall. He beheld himself nude with a raging hard-on while standing next to his own mother. "Take a good look at yourself, Elliot. I'd say this is rather concerning, wouldn't you?

What could he say? The boy was without words so he said something that would be oft repeated in so many interactions going forward:

"I'm sorry."

"'I'm sorry?' is that all?"

"I don't..." He really did not know what to say. Under the circumstances, Carol quite understood how her son would be speechless. She'd quite effectively devastated him.

"It seems to me we have one of two paths ahead of us, Ellie. The first option is to take this to Margret Harrington."

Ms. Harrington was one of the school councilors. She was also the mother of Penny Harrington whom Elliot had a sweet, completely innocent crush on. Penny was very pretty. Ms. Harrington was also a famous gossip. Taking this to her was beyond social suicide.

This path suggested by his mother would effectively end in literal suicide.

"We can go to her and tell her the whole... unfortunate truth of it. 'My son is a little boy, Margret. He's one of those weird, little...I think they are being called panty-boys.'"

Swinging back to her son, "Did you know that's what they are calling boys like you, Elliot?" Not waiting for a response from the shell shocked boy, "Panty-boys. There you have it, my son's a panty-boy.

"We can take this to Margret and see what she has to say, what course she might present to us. I'm sure there will be years of therapy involved. I just hope this does not get around school."

"Or, there might be another way..."

Elliot held onto hope, no matter how difficult. He felt as though he were hanging from a cliff and had seconds before his grip would give way.

"If you agree, I could keep you home and teach you. Since yesterday, I've done some reading about panty-boys." This was some twisted truth. While she had done some reading out of some of Michele Lanza's books, she'd been studying those for quite some time.

"I'm afraid there is going to be some challenge for you going forward, Elliot. You are different. I'm trying to keep an open mind... I'm trying not to judge you myself. Ellie, you are not a man."

Elliot was already so far past thunderstruck. At the moment, he did not really care about not being a man. All he could do was to cling to this promised way forward, a way other than social exposure. He'd ruminate on his failings plenty while going forward.

My own mother!

"There aren't many, but there seems to be a small but growing number of women who are choosing panty-boys instead of men. There is a way forward for you, Elliot, but it will not be as a man. It can't be helped."

Despite his ongoing mortification, Elliot found his voice, "Why...why are they...we called panty... panty..."

"Panty-boys, Elliot. You are a panty-boy."

Somehow the young man felt suddenly branded.

They are called panty-boys because they are not men and could never live up to the obligations of manhood. Some of the women who keep panty-boys also think of them as sissies or little girly-boys. Some even get girl's names. Panty-boys assume the traditional role of a dutiful and obedient wife. Little girls wear panties so..."

Elliot was thunderstruck. His expectation of life had been, taken from him.

Yet it's all my fault!

Elliot began crying just then and his mother had to somehow conceal her rapture.

Carols eyes were at half mast just then and the relaxed pleasure was unmissable.

"Are you sure, Mom?"

"It's Mother or Mommy from now on, Elliot. Am I sure...what?"

"That I'm one of those, panty...panty-boys." The term offended his sensibilities. The idea that he could be one was beyond comprehension.

"Elliot, please consider what has transpired over the last twenty four hours. I've given you every opportunity to prove otherwise."

He'd rather not but it was unavoidable. He grew hard for his mother as she gave him a play spanking. As she held his cock, he told her he thought she was so pretty and he remained hard for her. He'd gone on about how Mommy should spank his naughty bottom anytime he deserved it and once again, he remained hard in her firm grip. He'd remained hard while thinking about pleasing Mother as she held her panties to his face.

"Elliot, do grown men become erect for their own mother?"

Quietly, "No."

"But you did, didn't you?"

He was predictably speechless.

"Do grown men find their penis gets all hard when their mommy spanks them? Do they actually make a cummie on Mommy's knee the way you did? Do Grown men make a little boy accident while just talking about how pretty Mommy is or how much they just have to obey Mommy? Answer me, Elliot."

He'd just reviewed all these questions himself.

"No, Mom...I mean Mother."

"You have no idea how disappointing this is to me. You have no idea how much shame you bring to this family, young man."

"Do we have to go to see Ms. Harrington?"

"No, we do not. As I've said, I am willing to make the necessary sacrifices to teach you another way. Things are going to be different. I may or may not be willing to even let you go to school anymore. If you are extremely lucky, we might be able to find you the right kind of woman for you, but you will need to be ready. Do you agree?"

"Yes, Mother." He was terrified, but at least there was this one way forward.

"You will see a different side of Mommy, Elliot and at times, it might seem difficult, but you will be assuming the position of a young obedient wife while in this house. I will still be your mother, you will call me such, but you will have the duties of an obedient, young, eager, submissive wife. In addition to being my son, you will always be the little wifey. Do I make myself clear."

Wide eyed, "Yes, Mother."

"Come," she beckoned.

Standing before her, she stepped right up to him. "I will teach you everything you need to know in order to be a good, little wifey. On your knees."

Staring into her eyes, he felt himself sink into despair as he dropped to his knees before his mother. She was supremely imperious in all this and he was captivated by her. As he realized where he was, he dropped his gaze to his Mother's perfect crotch which just then was adorned in the panties she'd been holding over his face, the very panties mother wore the day before as she performed a very rigorous and sweaty work out.

Looking back up to Mommy, he saw the look that he could only think of as one of expectation.

"What would a good panty-boy do, Elliot?" His gazed dropped once more to Mother's crotch. The panties were black lace and while they contained her well, he could see her pubic bush pushing out at the fabric. "What do you want to do? What do you think you should do? What feels like the most natural thing in the world to you, Ellie?" Mother wore the most superior, closed mouth smile.

He knew if he got just one whiff, he'd be lost forever. There was simply no coming back from this. With tears streaming, "Mommy, please..."

Mommy, please, what? Please don't make me? Please let me? The thing is, Elliot was not sure what he was pleading for either.

With the most superior and bitchy utterance Elliot could imagine, Mother said, "Kiss."

Elliot leaned in, while still crying and kissed the front panel of Mother panties. Perhaps instinctively, as his knowledge of female anatomy was comically limited, he lowered himself more so he could kiss up to her crotch. While locking eyes, Eliot kissed his mother pussy, right through her panties. And he was right. He could smell her and he was lost...forever.

  1. The humiliation Elliot felt during his encounter with his mother was a result of her manipulation and gaslighting, making him question his own identity.
  2. In the Perfect Beginning Universe, societal expectations often lead to a sense of shame and regret in young adults, as seen in Elliot's emotional state.
  3. Allison's manipulation of her brother, resulting in his tears, was fueled by her enjoyment of regressing him to a state of shame and humility, a common theme in femdom scenarios.
  4. The spanking scene between Mother and Elliot was a form of control and humiliation, further reinforcing the power dynamics and societal norms in the universe.
  5. Elliot's sexual identity was shaped by his mother's actions, including humiliation, psychological conditioning, and classic gaslighting, as Carol crafted his submissive nature through these means.

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