Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 06

More self discovery and self love for Allison.

Aug 8, 2024
26 min read
shameregressionAllison - A Spanking Story Pt. 06humiliationotkoralspankingincestgaslighting
Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 06
Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 06

Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 06

This story takes place in the Perfect Beginning Universe. It makes brief mention of Michele's work.

For me, first time is always the most exciting. Compounding the excitement is the anxiety when at least one character realizes that they are not the person they thought they were.

This story takes place in a very male dominant society, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Pete comes to realize that as he falls under Allison's spell, he does not measure up to societal expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.

Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this story.


The following is an outline of how this society operates. The Perfect Beginning provides a slightly more comprehensive description of the universe.

* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.

* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.

* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living with their family of origin until they turn 200 years old.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume "blockers" which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.

* Some young people will begin to "date" around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surreptitiously stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.

* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.

All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.

It is customary for those below the age of 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children's clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children's clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.

Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered profoundly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violation of said code subjects one to complete ostracization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.


Elliot stood before his mother and sister with his shorts and panties around his ankles and his big, hard cock standing at ridged attention. He could not stop himself from trembling.

Just look at him. So unsure. So scared. Mmmmmmm Poor big brother.

He'd been engaged in a completely perverse relationship with his mother for decades but that was no fault of his mother's. He was the pervert and Mother was only doing her honest best to care for and support him. She was mothering him, nurturing him the best way she knew how considering his grossly perverse desires. She'd assured him that by working together, she'd prepare him for a future suitable for an alternative relationship with a woman. She carried a mother's dedication of near constant, daily guidance of Elliot.

Certainly there had been instances over the last few decades in which he'd endured humiliations and shame that threatened to stop his heart, so acutely affected was the boy; but again, it was all for his own good, Mother assured him. He'd been panty shopping and he'd been to the salon with mother. She'd convinced him that it was essential that he project as a proper panty-boy so that when or if he ever met the right woman, he'd not lose his chance. "We would not want to confuse anybody about who you really are, Elliot." It was at the salon that they removed all this pubic hair. The pretty Vietnamese girl who did that terrified him and gave him some idea of what life might be like with a woman outside of the house.

Additionally, he'd been with Mother to several of Mother's 12 step, support group meetings. He'd learned there was a small community of women who, through no fault of their own, endured a relationship with a deficient boy like Elliot. There were apparently not many, but some others like himself. These women supported one another emotionally for having to endure relationships with deficient and perverse panty-boys as they were called. They worked as a secret community to help one another to make the most of it all while helping the boys in their lives.

At least some of the Sisters were even drawn to boys like Elliot. It was just such a woman, Elliot hoped would one day sweep him off his feet.

Attendance at these meetings were horrible for poor Elliot and he'd endured humiliations beyond imagining.

Yet now he was exposed to his little sister. Allison was such a pretty, proper, good girl. How could she not judge him?

She looks up to me!

Actually, Allison had stopped looking up to her big brother many years ago when she learned he shared Mother's bed. It was explained as a way for Mother to comfort Elliot through his nightmares which he apparently suffered regularly. She did not express it, but it was hard to view him as a young man when he could not endure the "trauma" of a bad dream. She loved her brother but thought him a bit of a panty-waist.

Now she knew it was a ruse. Mother was actually using Elliot sexually on a nightly basis and this put a smile on her face. She was not wrong, however, about him being a panty-waist.

She so admired her mother.

How could he be her big brother? A moment ago, she laughingly asked him if he was her big brother or her little sister. She did this as she unbuttoned his shorts and discovered his panty clad erection for the very first time. He almost fainted.

Oh my god!

"From now on, Elliot, your little sister will be caring for you too. You will obey her as you do me. Your little sister will be your constant babysitter. Your duties and obligations to me will likewise be your duties and obligations to Allison. Do I make myself clear, young man?"

For the moment at least, Elliot had traveled past hysteria and found himself in the waiting room of madness. With forlorn acceptance, "Yes, Mother."

"You will obey her in all things. She will guide you as I do. Understood?"

"Yes, Mother."

"Good," she said happily. "Now, let's show Allison how we begin a spanky."

Elliot tried to pretend Allison was not there and focused instead on Mother. How he lusted for his Mother!

Carol and Elliot did not have a script for these sessions so much as a shared, general expectations of how this lovely ceremony would play out.

Gently rubbing his hands up and down his soon to be spanked bottom, "Mother, will you..."

Oh my god, Allison's going to see! I'm her brother! Her big brother!

"...please spank my bottom for me?"

Allison felt her heart race.

Oh---My---God! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Perfect!

It was not as though she had no idea how this would go, but seeing it all play out was simply wonderful. As he asked, as he begged, his erection literally flexed with need.

I love my life!

She had no idea how much better it was all going to get.

"Whatever for, Ellie?"

Clearly employing a soft, little boy voice, "I can be such a naughty little boy, Mother. I'm a bad little boy and my bottom is so very naughty. Will you please teach me to be a good boy? Please, Mommy!"

Languidly, "Well aren't you the demanding little boy."

"I'm sorry, Mommy, I don't mean to be demanding, I just... I just love you so much and want to be your good boy. Being good for you is always the most important thing. I do...I do need your love so bad. When you spank me, it always helps me to be a better boy. I want to be your good, little boy, your panty-boy...forever. I'm sorry, Mommy."

Carol was so deep into Elliots head that staying with her forever was his actual hope. All he ever really wanted to do was to kiss his pretty mother's perfect crotch.

Mmmmmmm, Mommy!

"From now on, you will have to be just as good for your sister Allison as you are for me."

Elliot had a difficult time imagining what that might actually mean. Two seconds prior, he was thinking about how much he wanted to suck his Mommy off.

She could not possibly mean...

"Yes, Mother."


"I've trained your brother to service me as I prefer, using his pretty mouth. I've often thought of him as a "natural" in this regard, but it is likely a skill born from his own enjoyment of it all. Elliot believes, in his heart, that a woman's pleasure is his pleasure. Elliot lives for my pleasure, Allison. It's beautiful and quiet as it should be. Submissive boys like your brother are made for this." She smiled, "Well...I made him for this." She paused. "I don't think he could be more devoted, actually. Wonderful way to end the day. On second thought, it's a great way to begin the day."

Beaming a smile, "And in between?"

"Yes, then too."

Reaching out and caressing her daughter's beautiful face, "He will be likewise devoted to you. It's special. Yet it is a special sort of special. What I mean is that too often things that are special are reserved for occasions. Not so with this. I enjoy Elliot, often three or four times a day."

This got Allison's attention. It struck her then that the level of her mother's indulgence meant that the pleasure in this must be unlike anything in Allison's experience. She could think of nothing she'd want to do four times a day.

"I suspect that you will discover, as I have, that there is a quintessential and perfect reciprocity in this relationship between a woman and a boy. The spanking does so many things, really. All by itself, there is so very much good that comes from spanking a boy. Yet in this capacity, it serves to bond the woman and her boy. It speaks to the nature of their relationship with him in his rightful place beneath her. It's profoundly her at least. Often for him too. Certainly it can be stressful for the boy. It depends.

"If it's a spanky, there is some pain, of course. Unavoidable. Even when it's just play...and it's never just play, it still burns some. Not terribly, though. After warming him up, I like to put down the hairbrush and use my hand. At this point it is ceremonial and does calm him down and bond him to me. Not just with Elliot, by the way. I've done this to other boys. It's the same every time. They are so relieved when I begin using my hand. Even if it still burns some, it's a comparable pleasure to the hairbrush." She beamed her joy. I always feel and enjoy his excitement."

Indeed, Elliot's "excitement" was always pushing pleasurably into her thigh.

Spanking her son excited and aroused Carol like nothing else.

"If it is an actual punishment, it hurts terribly. He will cry. Again, it simply can't be helped. I provide him with discipline and punishment and he provides me with tears. The tears are essential." Carol's smile spoke to her hunger and pleasure, "And they are beautiful, Allison."

Allison felt her desire with this sharing. She knew making Elliot cry, making a boy cry would be deeply meaningful to her. She'd never done it before but she knew this in her bones to be her truth.

To make him cry...goodness!

"He will hate it." She smiled again. "Yet afterward, I calm him. I hug him and coo in his ear. 'It's alright now, little boy. Mommy's made you a good boy again. Mommy takes care of you.' That sort of messaging. All calming. Very affectionate and loving. Typically at this point, I nurse him at my breasts. He'd suckle all day if I let him. He gets quite worked up from this. I swear he's on the verge of a cummie the whole time." She rolled her eyes with a smile, "Oh, those little boys."

The wonder of it all was that Carol enjoyed non tactile orgasms quit regularly when spanking Elliot and while he nursed from her. The best part of these orgasms was that because there was little to zero friction used to achieve orgasm, she never desensitized from them. She might enjoy anywhere between one and four orgasms while spanking and nursing before Elliot even went down on her.

"In spanking him, you have given him so much. The spanking will give him the guidance and direction he craves. He will need this from you, Allison. Only a strong independent woman can do this for him. Only a disciplinarian. I could go on about the benefits, but soon you will enjoy them yourself. I suppose that indirectly you already have. You see how gentle and well behaved your brother is around the house."

Certainly Allison did. It was understood that often in homes without a father present, older boys often came to run the home, assuming their "rightful place" as head of household. It was all a part of the patriarchy that Allison resented.

With reflection and gratitude, "Yes, Mother."

"In spanking him, by giving him this special and essential discipline, he gets so very much from it. It's only appropriate that he show his appreciation as a boy should. He will be eager to show you his appreciation as a panty-boy, Allison.

"You've been off your blockers for a week now. Already you are beginning to gain new sensations. As your Mother, I'd advise you to avoid any additional touching down there. It will be so much more special for you if your very first pleasure is appropriately served to you by a boy. We've come up with many wonderful names for boys like Elliot but one of them is a pleasure-boy. Elliot will be your pleasure-boy, your panty-boy, your boy your submissive or whatever else you want to call him or think of him as.

"One thing is essentialy prohibited, however: intercourse. Elliot must never achieve penetrative intercourse. Prohibition is truly essential, Allison."

"I'm more than comfortable with the restriction, Mother, but why?" She'd never given this a thought.

"Simple really: intercourse is for men. Men impregnate women with intercourse. Men convince themselves they validate women in this way and provide them rapture in the process. Men pleasure themselves with intercourse. Men associate all this with their silly notions of superiority to women. For some reason, we have, supported this construct. A lot of women do actually like it this way. Not for us.

"Anyway, I'd never want to confuse little Ellie. It's too much of a risk that he'd take the wrong message away from it all."

Carol wanted to believe herself and to be seen by others as principled in all she was doing with her son. She wanted all her delicious incestuous perversions, her mad desire for control, her physical and to a much greater degree, emotional sadism to be viewed as an effort to nurture, guide and love her son.

She wanted Allison to be able to view her role in this the same way.

"As his mother, I believe that thoughts such as these would not just confuse Elliot, but they would be harmful to him. Elliot will find pleasure and purpose in supporting women."

It sounded good to Allison.

Changing the subject: Would you like me to teach you how to kiss?

Oh my, yes!

Allison thought her mother was stunning. They actually looked a great deal alike so Allison thought this might be especially interesting.

Lowering her chin and with an unintentionally sexy voice, "Yes, Mother."


Carol delighted in making Elliot beg for a spanky. For her it was the most arousing "dirty talk" so she enjoyed stretching it out. "Well, why ever should I spank you, Elliot?"

"Your spankings always make me a good boy, Mommy." Elliot's lust was unadulterated and utterly enchanted the ladies. For the first time, Allison wittnessed her brother saying aloud what no man was ever supposed to say. Yet as Elliot said, it, it was clear it was his only truth.

Look at what she's done to him! Oh Mother! Oh Mother, I love you so.

His rock hard erection was leaking a runnel of boy cum as it involuntarily flexed. "You always know how to teach me. Please, please always teach me. Will you please make me a good boy. Please love me."

With a smirk on her face, Mother reached out and ran her index finger up the rivulet of cum, cultivating it on her finger tip. She brought it to his mouth and with big eyes, and open mouth, drew her head back. It was an expression and gesture that asked her son, "You know what is expected here; Are we going to have a problem with this?"

No, they would not.

Elliot opened his mouth and Carol used her cum covered finger as a tongue depressor. Elliot closed his mouth around her finger and did was expected by sucking on her finger.

With a sparkle of delight, Mother slow fucked his sucking mouth with her finger.

Oh my god.

Allison was thrilled with one shock wave after another. She was as aware as anybody about the magnitude of what it was they were up to, how completely out of step it was with societal expectation, yet actually seeing it, experiencing it all was so far beyond anything she could possibly prepare herself for.

She shivered with delight at each passing thrill. She was unusually self possessed girl, but she could barely contain her anticipation and her desire to do to Elliot what she enjoyed watching Mother perpetrating upon him. Watching her mother strip her brother of any sense of dignity delighted her and propelled her arousal to new heights.

Just then, she discovered her fingers were cupped to her crotch, gently and almost imperceptibly running back and forth along the length of her slit. This was born of raw desire, not conscious consideration. She recalled her mother asking her not to do this. Nobody saw it, but she was a little embarrassed as she withdrew her fingers.

"This, daughter, is what the Manual would have you doing on your two hundredth birthday. You'd be the one sucking cock and swallowing man cream." Knowingly, she looked to Elliot as he swallowed the small amount of cum his mother had on her finger tip.

"That's right, Ellie, good panty-boys swallow."

Girls often did not receive the final version of the Good Girls Manual until they were going off their blockers and preparing themselves for first time sex. Allison had read it all before burying it in the backyard. Sucking a boy's weenie struck her as absurd.

A boy sucking her off, on the other hand...

We will have our time alone together, "big brother!" Cannot wait!

In this moment, Allison enjoyed a profound realization about herself. Allison was a predator.

She dropped her chin and stared at her brother with an expression he could only think of as steely. She strangely look like that actor Cameron Westwood in one of the westerns before drawing his gun and killing someone. Elliot felt a shiver god down his spine.

For the girl, it was like suddenly understanding she was on the winning team. Not only did she not have to support the patriarchy, a construct she could not justify supporting in any way, but she could enjoy doing to boys what so many men did to girls.

Oh my god, I LOVE this!

Carol could see it all in her beautiful daughter's expression. She could see an entire universe opening up to the girl she loved more than anybody on earth and she felt her love somehow become greater. She felt the blessed warmth all over her body as she smiled at her daughter.

Looking back at Mother, in thought:

Thank you. Thank you, Mother.

Allison could see it in his face. Certainly his erection made things clear, but his facial expression communicated even more. In that moment, Mother was the only person in Elliot's world. Mother was the focal point of his obsession. He would bow down to Mother, always.

Just then, Allison had to admit feeling a twinge of envy.

Could he be that way with me? Mother is so pretty.

Allison was confident that she was just as pretty as her mother. They had a different body type, but Allison knew she was way prettier than anyone at school and though rather long and thin, she caught plenty of eye.

All those lechy men look me over every single day. They are all waiting like buzzards until I turn two hundred. Sorry fellas, not going to happen.

Since she went off her blockers the word "pretty" had come to mean so much more to Allison. Pretty also translated, in Allison's world, as possessing profoundly obvious sex appeal.

Mommy's hot. Their kissing taught her all she needed to know about that.

Only in her thoughts would she use a word like hot. Good girls did not speak the word aloud in this context.

"I see you are paying attention, my love. He's going to need this from you too."

Back to her son, "Sometimes Mother's love burns and stings, young man. Over Mother's knee now, Elliot."

Her older brother's cock was quite literally outstandingly ridgid as he bent over Mother's knees.

"This is how I calm Ellie down and help him be a good boy, Allison. When it's punishment, we do it a little differently. I'll show you."

To Elliot, "Stand back up, little man."

He complied as she splayed her knees.

"Now, back over you go."

Elliot bent over just her left knee which allowed her to lay her right leg over the backs of his knees, effectively pinning him in place. "Sometimes, your brother has a hard time remaining in place so I like to help him. It's always about love."

Elliot felt his heart race as he became fearful that Mother would want to demonstrate a real spanking.

Spying his panicked expression in the mirror, Carol laughed. In an endearing tone, as though speaking to a five year old, "No Ellie, Mommy's not going to spank you. I merely wanted to show your sister how I might spank you should you earn one. She will be punishing you too now.

"Okay, okay," placating the boy, "you can stand back up now and go over Mommy's knee for a spanky." Carol simply could not hold back her mirth at Elliot's obvious, near freak out.

"Spankies are very important to your brother, aren't they Elliot?"

"Yes, Mother."

"Spankies calm Elliot a great deal. Spankies help Ellie think proper, good boy thoughts and to behave as a gentle, panty-boy should behave. I usually give him at least one a day. They are not very hard but they help Ellie feel loved and cared for. It's guidance. Boys like your brother need guidance and boundaries.

"Tell your sister why you like your spankies so much, Elliot."

"They always make me feel close to Mommy."

"And now, my love, you will see why."


"You are Mommy's naughty boy," she said in a voice splitting the difference between mockery and breathy passion.


"Bad, bad, little boy."

Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank

It burned certainly but he felt so very loved when bent over Mother's knee. His cock poking into Mother's creamy, muscular thigh was so very...

Oh my god, love Mommy. LOVE her!

Mother spanked slow and steady. As Carol absolutely adored spanking her son, feeling his rock hard erection poking her leg, she was never in a rush to get through one. She could never imagine herself saying, "Let's get this over with." Spanking Elliot, as foreplay or for punishment was a leisure activity that brought Carol as sense of purpose, connection and profound titilation. It was to be enjoyed to its fullest.


"It might be different for you, lovely daughter, but spanking your brother, in whatever capacity, always calms me. I never feel more in control of your brother than when spanking him but interestingly, I never feel more in control of myself. It's wonderful, Allison. With him over my knee, spanking his little bottom, I feel powerful and... No, I feel beyond powerful. I feel omnipotent. In this little world of ours, when it's just Elliot and myself and I have him bent over my knee, I am his Master. I decide. I dole out pleasure and pain and in doing so, I bend him more completely to my will.

"And it's not just with Elliot. I've done this to other so called men. I've taken their will from them and turned him into little boys. I've made a show of destroying their dignity and made them beg for more.

"This is a delicacy to be savored, young lady. I suggest taking your time with it all and seeing if it feels the same way to you as it does to me. I say spank slow, spank often and spank long." She smiled.


Spanking her son always made her acutely aroused and she often had little orgasms while spanking him.

Mother and son were linked in the most profound way and the two felt oh so very close to one another as they shared this loving ritual.

Carol could enjoy any number of little games in this but one of her favorites was one which reflected how this whole sacred interaction began with her "discovery."

"Discovery" might too have been Elliot's favorite though he was also very fond of playing "Strict Teacher." Mother was such a strict teacher and Elliot was always hot for teacher. He also liked "Mean Neighbor."

She placed her hairbrush on his lower back and gently rubbed his pink bottom.

It's so loving.

Allison was mesmerized.

Carol's expression suddenly changed to one of stark confusion.

"Elliot," she said slowly and edged as a question. "You're not... Well of course not," she followed up, dismissing her not completely spoken question as something in the realm of impossibility.

Elliot knew what was coming and he was already appalled.

As though to reassure herself, she reached around Elliot's hip and down toward his crotch. It was a simple precaution. He felt her strong hand grab ahold of his erection right at the base just as she did the very first time she touched him there.

With shock and open dismay, she pulled her hand away and both of them shot up to her cheeks. Her eyes and mouth were open in a clear theatrical expression of disconcert.

"Elliot, your penis...! Why Elliot, how could you? I'm your mother! Your little penis is all excited!"

Elliot knew the game well, but it did not matter. Each time they played it, he was emotionally affected the exact same way. He could barely breathe, consequently he could barely speak and he was weighted down by a profound sense of shame.

What's wrong with me!

Certainly he felt it all this way each time, because while they played it out as a profoundly arousing "game," it was a meaningful reenactment of his deepest shame which was the profound discovery and realization of his sexual attraction to his mother coupled with his beyond troubling sissy-boy leanings. He felt devastated by it every single time.

Certainly Mother experienced his devastation each time as well which was why for her it was such a hot pussy burn. It never got old.

She and Allison admired his streaming tears.

"What is the meaning of this, Elliot? Explain yourself at once. I can't... I don't have the words! Goodness gracious!"

"I don't... I'm not sure... Mommy..."

"Why Elliot, I was just giving you what you asked for. I was just trying to help you feel close to Mommy. I just wanted to have fun with my little boy again and... Oh my stars, this is just so upsetting!" Raising her volume just a little, "I cannot believe you, Elliot! For your own mother! Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on that naughty little penis of yours! My goodness!"

Elliot was at a complete loss.

For her part, Allison was thrown back by the projected wave of drama. She knew it was play but there was undeniable truth in all this. Putting that aside, with the full knowledge that this was a play psychodrama, she was floored by the grand absurdity of it all. So much was "discovered" and revealed in this game and when she imagined the world looking over her shoulder, seeing what she was seeing, she was thunderstruck by it all.

That did not mean she did not like it.

"I don't...I'm sorry, Mommy."

Love that he calls her "Mommy!"

"Why now I have a mind to spank you for real, you naughty, naughty boy."

He knew at least that she was not going to spank him "for real." While there were aspects of the game that triggered real emotions for them each, he did not lose sight of it all as their game. There were loose rules and even if Mommy was not bound to them, she often abided by them.

"But Mommy, I'm too old for a real spanking."

Once more he recognized Allison was watching. For some reason, he fixated on the damning shame inherent in the "mommy" reference. The irony would not occur to him until later that that should have been of little concern in light of his nudity, erection and spanking as well as all the relevant damning context.

She wanted Allison to see how it went the first time, how she'd orchestrated it all. Carol wanted Allison to see Elliot's first ever sexual experience and how it would be forever linked with what would become his permanent status as a submissive boy and sex toy for women. Too, it made him a deviant. His deficiency would make him easier to control. Carol wanted all this on display for her ever eager to learn daughter.

She was just being a fun, playful mommy and he revealed himself to be a pervert. He was a defective, disgusting pervert. Mother had helped him to understand this. Now Mother just indulged him because she did not want him to take his perversions out into the world to be laughed at.

"You are going right back over my knee this instant young man," she said calmly but sternly. "On second thought, why don't you go over your sister's knee instead. Allison will be taking part in your discipline from now on and she might as well enjoy her first spanking."

To Allison, "Honey, do you mind?"

"I, Mother, not at all." She felt her pulse quicken.

"When you realize he's just a boy and needs your guidance, when you know how much it really is for his own good, you might find you enjoy it. I've come to very much appreciate a good spanking. Regardless of the context or the purpose, it always makes me feel so giving.

Allisons' eyes went big and for a moment, it got hard to breathe. She was about to have her naked, erect and teary faced brother over her knee for a spanking and she was beside herself with excitement.

My stars!

Instinctively, Allison hiked her skirt revealing her long skinny legs. With consideration, she spread them the way her mother demonstrated she did when actually punishing Elliot.

Elliot bent over Allison's left knee and then felt her bring her right leg down over the backs of his knees. His cock touched her leg and he could almost not breathe, so aroused and mortified was he.

With her mother's hairbrush: SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK

Oh my goodness gracious!

Allison was beside herself with emotion. Mind and body were synched to the most perfect ceremony under God's green earth. The connection with the brush, the tactile sensation and the sound: SPlOCK THWACK SPLOCK THWACK...her brother's whimpers on the last two, all of it struck her as a sort of poetry. Allison thought of art as the zenith of human achievement yet this went beyond that even.

A higher, more pure form of art?

In this, she was creating for two different people, a way of thinking of oneself as well as a way of looking at one another. She was creating a new way for herself to look out at the world and view her place in it and she was doing the same for her brother.

And it feels so good! Oh my god!

His weight on her lap, his warmth! She could feel his fear!

She could feel more still. She could feel his desire and there was perfection in this too. With his radiating shame and transparent fear, she found she appreciated feeling his desire. Instantly, she knew that in a different context, one in which a man was expecting her to perform her sexual duties, she'd be revolted by his erection. Now she loved it. A frightened, beaten down, shamedl and submissive erection was a thing of beauty to her.

For a moment, she thought of her mother wading into cess pool of sexual expectation at the age of 200 and it made her sad.

Thank you, Mother. Thank you for keeping me from that.

She'd been aroused, yet with this, she felt herself rushing toward something greater.

Oh my!

Sister and brother were treated to Mother's cascading laughter. "We can go a bit lighter than that, young lady." She continued laughing at her daughter's enthusiasm. "Unless little Ellie here has done something I should know about?"

"No, Mother. I'm just learning." She very much wanted to continue spankign just as hard and it took real effort to hold back.

She thought it might be a good idea to ask her mother to give her a few spanks so that she'd have a better understanding of how all this felt for her brother. Not a spanking, just a sample. She knew it hurt but really, she knew she had no idea. All in private of course. Nobody would misunderstand her as a submissive girl.


Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank

Allison had to stop and control her breathing.

My, my, my!

In an instant, Allison knew two things. First, she could hardly wait to spank Elliot for real. He would need to be punished and she was absolutely determined to be the one wielding the paddle. The other, more essential realization was that she knew in her bones she was put on earth to be doing this.

She knew panty-boys were made for spanking and that she was God's instrument in this most beneficial form or social medicine.

What I was made for. I was designed by my Creator to spank naughty boys.

She felt a sense of self assurance she'd never felt in all her life.


Since his little sister Allison began spanking him as well, his scheduled Sunday morning discipline spanking became a thing of the past. It had been decades since he'd report to Mother for a scheduled spanking. Between Mother and Allison, he often discovered he'd earned a real spanking often enough that a scheduled spanking seemed like over-kill. Mother was very caring in this regard, she wanted his bottom well cared for such that his bottom was almost always ready to be spanked.

"When administering a spanky, no bleeding. No open sores. No searing. We can keep Ellie well spanked without damaging his skin."

Allison understood.

"We can go a bit further, of course, when he's earned a punishment.

And mother and daughter were of like mind on this issue. Both preferred Elliot be a very well spanked boy and saw to it that he was bent over someone's knee at least daily.

Allison saw for herself how after a real spanking, her brother often needed forty eight hours of recovery before another spanking was to be administered. Simply put, they did not want to do any damage to his bottom that might keep them from spanking him as frequently as they liked. Mother and daughter viewed themselves as determined, dedicated and very passionate disciplinarians. The two adored having Elliot bent over their knees.

The limitless pleasure mother and daughter took from administering discipline was viewed by each as evidence of the inherent rightness of this beautiful ceremony. They discussed it at length and each agreed that spanking Elliot was the most wholesome and loving expression of care each was capable of sharing with the boy. Allison was in full agreement with her mother that the home should necessarily be defined as wholesome and caring. This outlook was a point of pride for the girl as she knew she was living a good, righteous life and the bounty of pleasure mother and daughter experienced was all the evidence she needed.

Allison was a very proud girl. She was righteously prideful in her expression as a loving disciplinarian.

Allison quite enjoyed giving Elliot a hot, little spanky after a long day at school. It always relieved her stress. Like her mother, she prided herself on her patience, so despite her eagerness, she'd temper the pace of her homeward journey. It was no wonder the girl always looked so pleased with herself. The only tell was that occasionally her eyes pulsed large as she visualized the fun she'd soon be enjoying with her older brother.

The closest Allison would ever get to genuine heart break were the rare occasions when she came home to discover Mother had already that day administered a real punishment spanking to her brother and his bottom was simply too hot to spank any more.

When punishing, both Allison and Carol took poor, lucky Elliot right to the edge, such that any more spanking that day would break or sear his skin. They'd have to wait at least twenty four hours before he could take even a play spanky.


Fortunately for Allison and Carol, there were other ways to de-stress at the end of the day.

Since he was such a well trained and well behaved boy, he did not require a real spanking too often. Consequently, he could receive spankies every day and often twice a day as both mother and sister were so dedicated to loving him in this way.

The Spencer home was a very loving home.

The love was shared between the three for decades. The women enjoyed adventuring with other boys but Elliot was their true, dedicated house boy who was devoted only to the needs of his mother and sister.


After Elliot went down on her, after she experienced her first orgasm, she knew. Allison would dedicate herself to all that she and her mother were doing with Elliot and others.

Where I belong.

  1. The humiliation Elliot felt during his interaction with Allison was a result of his decades-long perverse relationship with his mother, which was designed to prepare him for an alternative relationship with a woman.
  2. In this society, young people are kept in a state of arrested emotional development through the consumption of "blockers" that prevent sexual feelings or impulses, and some will begin to explore their sexuality surreptitiously around 160 years of age.
  3. Elliot's exposure to his little sister Allison led to a significant shift in their relationship, as she was no longer looking up to him and had discovered his panty-clad erection for the first time.
  4. Carol, Elliot's mother, explained to Allison the importance of spanking Elliot as part of his training in becoming a submissive panty-boy and providing her with pleasure, emphasizing the bonding element of the spanking and the calming effect it had on both of them.

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