Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 07

Allison takes her brother, Elliot.

Aug 12, 2024
22 min read
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Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 07
Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 07

Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 07

This story takes place in the Perfect Beginning Universe. It makes brief mention of Michele's work.

For me, first time is always the most exciting. Compounding the excitement is the anxiety when at least one character realizes that they are not the person they thought they were.

This story takes place in a very male dominant society, one which is even more patriarchal than our own. Pete comes to realize that as he falls under Allison's spell, he does not measure up to societal expectations. These two young people are discovering and becoming as they grow together as a couple.

Psychological conflict and tension are central themes in this story.


The following is an outline of how this society operates. The Perfect Beginning provides a slightly more comprehensive description of the universe.

* People are legal adults at 18 years of age.

* People usually live to about 2,000 years of age.

* The cultural norm has almost all legal adults living with their family of origin until they turn 200 years old.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 are treated as and referred to as children when they choose to continue living with their parents.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 often behave much as we would expect teenagers to behave here in our world. They are kept in a state of arrested emotional development.

* Young people between the ages of 18 and 200 years customarily consume "blockers" which prevent them from having sexual feelings or impulses.

* Some young people will begin to "date" around 160 yers of age and while they are expected to continue to take their blockers, some will surreptitiously stop taking them while a few will stop responding to them.

* Age and masculinity are revered in this world. Everybody looks up to their elders and few seriously question the patriarchy.

All characters in the story are over 18 years of age.

It is customary for those below the age of 200 to demonstrate their status by wearing clothing which signify to others that they are off limits. They would wear what we would think of as children's clothing. Remember, an 18 year old and a 1,900 year old would look exactly the same age, so children's clothes are very useful for signaling to those over 200 years to abstain from any romantic or sexual pursuit of another who was deemed of an inappropriate age.

Lastly, sex is not technically illegal for people between the ages of 18 and 200 years. It is considered profoundly taboo. Adult-children (18+) do have sex but it is kept very quiet. Some parents punish their children for engaging in this sinful pleasure and adult-children almost never tell-on one another in this regard, even those who might not like one another. Adult children live by a code and violation of said code subjects one to complete ostracization. Almost none experiment until they are well over 160 years old.


Carol was so pleased with how things were progressing. She saw this as a grand transition for the family though without the anxiety often present in such matters.

It might be a bit different for little Ellie but... oh well.

She knew challenge was good for Elliot.

She smiled to herself.

Just the day before, Allison administered her very first spanking. In a way, it was like a birthday as a new part of her daughter became. And it was beautiful! She was almost shocked at how gracefully her daughter took to it all. Certainly she was well prepared and Carol had seen to that. Yet nature could not be denied. Her lovely daughter was a natural disciplinarian.

She was so very proud of her.

Things would change in the home a great deal going forward but she could only imagine becoming more relaxed as Ellie's status would no longer need to be concealed. Too, Ellie's role as houseboy could be formalized such that he could more effectively dedicate himself to his domestic duties.

We will have ourselves a good, proper houseboy.

Carol was most pleased with herself.

The only challenge would be in finding a new sexual rhythm. She was used to using Elliot at certain times of the day and that might be changing. On the one hand, there would be greater freedom in this as she'd not have to conceal it from her daughter. Yet on the other hand, demands for servicing were about to go up, at least by double. It would all be worked out.

Thinking of her daughter spanking Elliot, she wore a dreamy smile.

She was perfect.

She'd intended it as a mere demonstration, but on a whim, she decided to invite Allison to spank her brother and Allison stepped up like she'd been doing it for years.

Today, they had something planned.



He knew to quietly present when called. He discovered Allison and Mother standing in the living room.

Allison held up a pair of baby pink cotton panties. "Mother found these in her dresser, Elliot. What is the meaning of this?"

There was no meaning in this. He must have simply put them in the wrong drawer by accident. He was usually very careful in all this. He folded each pair of panties with care and reverese as Mother taught him. He separated everything as was expected and put it away. It was a mere oversight.

Yet he could not miss the vexation on his sister's face.

This should not be a big deal!

His stomach sank.

This was not something Mother would typically punish him for. It might be mentioned during a spanky but it did not merit punishment... unless Mother was in a mood. He wondered what nighmare Mother had unleashed upon him by inviting Allison to discipline him.

He stood before them without a thoughtful answer. "I'm sorry."

"You thought it was appropriate to put these in Mother's drawer when you know they are mine?"

"No, Allison, I mean I just... it was..."

"It was an accident, is that what you mean to say? It was a simple matter, Elliot. You just did not care enough to do it correctly."

Carol felt a shiver of both pleasure and fear run her spine.

Oh my god, she's so good!

It was the superior, condescending tone. It was perfect.

"Perhaps it wasn't an accident?

"This seems a perfect time to have a conversation I've been looking forward to having with you. We need to get clear on a few things, on how things are going to be in our home now. This is going to be a difficult time for you, big brother. Of course it will be much easier for you if you surrender to it. Give yourself to it.

"I'm in charge of you now. You answer to me, big brother." She loved the underscored irony when referring to him as big brother. She wore an easy, pleased expression on her pretty face. This was fun for her.

"You will answer to me. You will follow my lead. You will obey me. You will respect me and you will revere me. I will see to it that you obsess over me."

Carol quite liked that last one and she knew that process had already begun.

Oh, she's already in that dear boy's head.

Mother looked on feeling very good about all this.

"Yes, I said, 'obsess.' It's not like I did not feel your little penis on leg yesterday when I spanked that naughty bottom of yours." She smiled an evil, knowing smile at him."

Oh big brother, we will not have you running away from that 'little' detail, pretending it never happened, hoping it is ignored. No, no, no, Ellie, that will not do.

"We will be discussing that more, I can assure you. And you can expect many, many more spankings like that. I have wonderful, terrible news on that score. I will be sharing with Mother too, the responsibility of administering your spankies that you so desperately need.

"You are a different sort of little boy, now aren't you... Ellie?" She smiled brightly. "All this time, my big brother has been lusting over the women in his own family. My, my, my.

"I quite enjoyed spanking you, Elliot. I enjoy correcting inappropriate boys. You will see me as you see Mother. You will serve me as you serve Mother. You will need me the way you need mother. Mother and I will see to it.

"From now on, you will look up to your little sister. Do you understand, Ellie?"

In a quiet voice, as though lost, "Yes, Allison."

"Perhaps my panties winding up in Mother's dresser was not an accident after all? I want to be clear in this, big brother, if I even suspect you are challenging me, you will find yourself bent over my knee, crying a river of tears. Do I make myself clear, young man?"

He was on the verge of tears already. "Yes, Allison. I'm so, so sorry."

"Yes, well we will see to it that you are sorry. I'm going to punish you now, Elliot. This will be for your own good. Get my hairbrush off my dresser and meet me back here."

Allison retrieved the ziplock baggie from the kitchen.


"Come to me, Ellie."

Still holding the wooden hairbrush, Elliot approached his sister.

This isn't fair! It was just an accident!

With a look of cool pleasure, Allison drew down his pants. As she slowly drew them down, she said in her kindergarten, teacher voice, "Let's see what little girl under-panties Ellie's wearing today. Little girls always want to wear something that makes them look and feel pretty."

Elliot willed the tears not to spill. He was already deeply ashamed, but the tears only made it worse.

She intentionally did not draw down both pants and panties as she wanted to see him standing before her in little girl undies. She knew his exposure, wearing little girl under-panties, in style suitable for a six year old girl, stoked his shame and this turned her on as much as it did to spank him the day before.

She projected a pretend pout, one perhaps given to a baby, "Oh, poor Elliot gets spanked by his little sister. Poor, little boy."

Looking up at him, she smiled a mean girl smile. It was a gloating, joy born of his despair.

Yes, see it: this makes me happy, Elliot.

You are my big brother and you are wearing little girl undies. You are my big brother and I'm about to spank you and there is nothing you can do about it. You are my big brother and we can both see this makes your penis flex with excited need.

She said all this without words and he heard all of it. Every single word.

"Well, looks who's here," Allison said with pleased, big eyed suprise. Again, she used the voice approprate for addressing a toddler. And with this, she tapped the head of his panty encased erection, tapping it time. tap tap tap

"Little, baby Ellie's here too," she said with sing song happiness.

She laughed. "What is wrong with you?"

Once more, Elliot was awash in a dark, churning sea. He had no good answer and suspected and hoped he was not expected to answer.

"I'm going to punish you and your penis is hard." She laughed "My goodness!" she beamed her happy joy.

Carol was enraptured by her daughter. Allison's cruelty actually enhanced her natural, perfect physical grace. She was stunningly beautiful and like her beauty, her sex appeal seemed enhanced by her delicate savagery. On the surface, she was not doing anything especially sexy. Too, while well into her fifties, she would live, for the next 1,900 years, in a body comparable to a tall, string bean of a 16 or 17 year old. Yet in that moment with her gleefully condescending display, she was the sexiest thing Carol had ever seen in her life.

Continuing with the baby talk, "Big boy Ellie's gonna get a spanking from his baby sister and his penis is just so very hard. Goodness gracious! Also, something terrible is going to happen, Elliot." Her smile brightened the whole room. Lowering her chin slightly, "You're gonna fall in love with me. You're gonna fall all over yourself in love with your little sister. Good gracious." She laughed.

She saw it on her son's face, he was losing himself. He was not merely responding to the pending spanking with an erection. He was so well conditioned, that was automatic. He was mesmerized by her viciousness, he was in fact falling in love with his little sister right then and there. Carol had already done so much good, important work on Elliot, he was defenseless against that Allison was doing to him. She was already his keeper.

"Bend over the arm of the sofa, Ellie."

Confusion was all over his face. Spankings were over the knee. It was long standing tradition. He looked about to question if he understood her then realized her directive was clearly spoken and simple. Questioning it would draw her ire. He stutter stepped, found his legs and did as he was told.

What the fuck? Who is she?

Like Elliot, Carol was wondered just what she'd brought forth in her daughter. It was not what Allison was orchestrating, rather, it was the comfort and confidence on display that Carol simply did not imagine possible, all things considered.

The things she says and how she says it. My, my!

Yet she looked on with a profound feeling of pride.

Oh that little girl of mine!

Bent over the arm of the sofa, he felt one of Allison's hands resting on his lower back.

"Reach back now, brother and spread your cheeks." Without waiting, as she knew this directive would trouble her brother, "Do so now and don't make me ask again."

Though he complied, Elliot was freaking out. He had no idea what was happening.


"I want to try something different, Mother. Something I read about. It got my attention." Allison found she was nearly out of breath with excitement and nerves.

As calm as Mother and Elliot viewed her as she spanked her brother for the very first time, just the day before, it was a manner achieved despite a racing heart beat and a surge of adrenaline. Spanking a boy was inherently exciting to the girl and while she knew in the future it would all become normalized, it would always and forever excite her at least sexually.

Now in contrast, she looked and sounded like a little girl to Carol.

There is a safe space here or our inner child.

Carol smiled at the enthusiasm.

"What is it, darling?"

"I want to ginger his bottom, Mother." Allison was bubbling over with excitement.

Carols eyes widened, suprised by the inspiration. She'd known of this but it never occurred to her to try it herself.

Also called figging, but gingering works too.

That daughter of mine!


"Push out your bottom, young man and relax." Until now, Carol had been a silent observer. Internally, she admonished herself. There was no reason to intervene; her daughter had this.

He did as he was told and felt something cool and kind of wet being pushed into is bottom.

With cooly determined force and hint of menace, "Let it in."

So he did. It was not overly large but in such a tight space, there was some discomfort. It slid in and just sort of stopped. It seemed to serve as a stopper for his anus. It felt a bit wet, almost greasy and he very much did not like it.

Almost intuitively, he clenched down on it but there it remained.

Why? Why did she do that to me? Just to humiliate me?

Instantly he concluded that was it. There could be no other reason.

And then he felt it getting a bit warm.

Sitting down, "Okay young man, over my knee." Allison spread her legs again the way she did the day before, the way her mother demonstrated for when she punished Elliot.

What was in his bottom was forgotten as he realized what he was in for.

He despaired as he complied.

It's not fair! It's not!

Allison realized she was more relaxed in this moment than she could ever remember being. She just took a deep breath and enjoyed it. She looked to her mother and they shared a smile.

Allison pulled his panties down in the back such that they bunched right below his bottom cheeks. "Okay now, big brother, I am going to punish you. I'm going to enjoy this." She draped her right leg over the back of his two, right behind the knee. It felt right. It felt good. She was comforted in this.


It was always the same for Elliot. The first four with a wood spoon or hairbrush always felt good. When his sexual fantasies included spanking, it focused on this sensation. This he could romanticize. What came next would be terrible.


"What must we work on Elliot?"

Elliots eyes were wide and did not know what to say. The spanking was terrible. As much as it burned, there was something more. Sadly, Elliot was too distracted to respond.

"We... SPANK...will... SPANK...keep... SPANK...our... SPANK...mind... SPANK...on... SPANK...the... SPANK...task... SPANK...hand.


"Do I make myself clear, young man?"

"Oh my god, yes!" Elliot practically yelled. The sensation on and in his bottom was unlike anything of his experience with spanking. He wanted to leave his body it burned so badly.

"You will watch your tongue and tone, young man." SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK

"Do I make myself clear?" She knew what propelled his hysteria and loved the unfairness of it all.

Poor, little Ellie.

Internally, she was alight with a warm glow of joy.

"Yes, Allison, yes!" he said desperately but at a more civil volume. "I'm sorry just burns so badly."

"Yes, it burns." SPANK "That's what spankings do, Elliot." SPANK SPANK "But there is more to this Elliot. I put a sliver of ginger in your little boy bottom. The more you clench, the more it burns. I advise you to relax your bottom as I spank you. It will go so much easier for you."

Of course clenching was an involuntary reaction when being spanked. To not clench would require a mindful, force of will.

"Here we go Elliot, let's get on with our spanking." Sweetly, "Would you like that?"

"I don't... Please, Allison."

Warmly, "Yes, let's continue with our spanking." She continued with a firm and steady, moderate force.

Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank

Here Elliot began crying in earnest. It was like music to Allison, a beautiful tranquil melody. She realized that had she began this all genuinely annoyed, the blubbering might make her more annoyed, but not now. Now, his crying was blessed.

Allison spanked on and she continued to lovingly scold and direct her brother. For his part, he worked not to clench. For a while he did a pretty good job of it. Until, of course, the spanking overwhelmed him and short circuited his brain allowing his body to just do what it was want to do. Involuntarily, he'd clench. Instantly the burning in his bottom intensified and became as great or greater than what was happening to his red bottom cheeks and he'd relax again. This cycle repeated several times.

The spanking went on for a long bit, all the while, Elliot sobbed.

Clenching or not, the ginger burned his bottom in a way the women would think of as magnificently.

Allison was happier than she'd ever been.


Allison was wrong about his crying. Forever more, when she caused a boy to cry, all it ever did was relax and arouse her. Even in the worst of moods, his tears were her tonic.


Carol was absolutely clear on how she wanted this go do for her daughter. She wanted to facilitate an adult experience for her daughter that would be nothing but a relaxing and sweet indulgence. To this end, she saw to it that Allison experienced it as fun, pleasurable, exciting and ultimately satisfying. Together, they saw to it that Allison was prepared as a strong, independent woman should be prepared.

Allison had read all the Lanza books and she and Carol discussed how it would all go. She'd even taken Allison to some of her meetings in an effort to normalize it all for her daughter. There was a great deal of very important ceremony in all of it but most, if not all of that, was inherently fun for a dominant woman. Learning how to spank a boy for the first time should be a joy and a thrill and nothing else. Allison now understood it as such.

Allison took to it like a natural. Mother was so very proud of her wonderful daughter. Comfort was essential as it would allow her focus on what mattered, all the aspects of a spanking that would bring the woman pleasure. Allison already came to it with a stern bearing that was, if not completely natural, then extremely well practiced. Her language and tone, the entirety of how she spoke down to Elliot was text book and an example any well practiced disciplinarian would be proud of. Her scolding of her older brother was completely authentic. Allison understood how to wield shame with devastating force.

So proud of her.

As appropriately stern as she was, it did not prevent her from expressing her pleasure in spanking her brother. Nor did it inhibit her laughter when something struck her as funny.

With her long neck and straight spine, her daughter never looked more sophisticated nor more pretty to Carol.

So beautiful!

It occurred to Carol that if she'd been a movie director and she needed to produce the perfect spanking scene in a film, her lovely daughter would have been the perfect lead actress. She always thought Allison looked like a taller, thinner version of that actress, Jennifer Gardener.

She was lovely.

Had Allison been nervous, Carol could not see any evidence of it. This was critical to Carol only because she knew Allison's comfort with it all would allow her to take her own pleasure from it all.

To Carol, spanking a boy was the most arousing thing she could ever imagine doing and she knew in her heart that it would be exactly the same for Allison, her perfect daughter.

As she admired her daughter spanking her son for the very first time:

This is for you, beautiful girl.


Carol was awash with joy as she took in the love shared between her children. She'd like to have watched the show all afternoon but alas, Elliot's bottom was well roasted and it was time to signal her daughter to bring the spanking to its conclusion.


"At its conclusion, in your time and at your direction, he will thank you."

If what came before was important, this was essential. In this there would be no self consciousness, no self doubt, no distracting anxiety. There absolutely would not be concern about her body or whether she was good enough, pretty enough or sexy enough. This pleasure was her due and she'd know it.

"Every woman's body is different, my love. I've trained your brother to maximize my pleasure. It could be different for you. At some point, when you know what you like, you will need to give voice to it and direct your brother or your boy. It's a simple matter of giving direction to a servant."


"Elliot, attend to your sister the way you might attend to me at in preparation for sleep."

"Yes, Mother."

Elliot knew there was no end to this. He was in a pit he'd never get out of. The hell of it was how tightly his despair was twined with his desire. Maybe he really was born for this? Maybe he just needed to give in more completely to his perverse desires and it would somehow distract him from his shame?

Mother and daughter would see to it that never happened.

To Allison, "Just close your eyes and relax. I'll be back in about 45 minutes.

Allison laid on her back with her knees bent and splayed.

Elliot began by massaging each of his sister's feet for about 5 minutes apiece.

He then trace tickled up her legs to Allison's crotch. He oh so gently, with utter reverence caressed Allison's pantied crotch. So gentle was it, it was more like he was caressing her cotton panties than anything else. It was designed to be a tickle tease. It was something Carol enjoyed nightly to induce complete mental relaxation and profound sexual tension.

Soon Elliot was kissing her crotch which felt divine. Yet still, it was all so very gentle and pretty. His kisses were angle soft and just barely depressed her tuft of pubes. Back to gently trace tickling her inner thighs and crotch. Again, kissing her panties.

Allison was floating with it all.

Oh my goodness, I'm a princess.

It was somewhat maddening to the girl but she mostly did keep her eyes closed and gave herself to the sensation. Occasionally she enjoyed looking down at her brother worshiping her.

Yes, Ellie, worship your little sister. My little, panty-boy.

She just caught up to the double meaning in the term panty-boy and with eyes closed, smiled up at the ceiling.

There was no talking and that was fine with Allison. It allowed her to concentrate on the sensation.

Yet soon there was sound as she could hear her brother breathing through her panties. Her mother prepared her for this. Soon he was openly sniffing and just trying to vacuum up as much of her scent as he could. She knew he was trying to taste her through her scent. It was animalistic and desperate.

She liked it. She liked that her body did this to him.


"Nature has given this to you. It makes them weak because it makes them need you. It's why most men don't kiss women there. Women do that for men but not often the other way around. And the Manual tells you you are to be "clean" for him. As in, you should be freshly showered before sex so that you have no smell. The implication is there is something dirty about our vaginas. Girls are literally washing away something they naturally produce that drives men crazy with need.

"Don't shower. You want to be natural. Trust your mother on this."


It was as her mother said it would be with Elliot trying to lick her essence out of the air around her crotch.

Oh goodness!

She could hear her own breathless voice even in thought.


With her head propped on a couple of pillows, Allison lay on her back with her knees drawn up and splayed. For the very first time, she experienced sexual intimacy. It was not the development of an emotional relationship or romance. It was intimate because it was so very personal. Elliot was kissing her crotch over her panties.

She'd never been touched here before and as she'd been on her blockers until very recently, there'd been no reason or desire for anything remotely like this.

It felt amazing. It felt amazing and she still had her panties on. It began with her eyes closed in an effort to simply relax as Elliot gently traced the length of her crotch with his fingertips. It worked as her mother suggested it would. Mentally, she just let go and completely relaxed into it all. Physically, she could feel her body waking up to new mind blowing sensations.


After about 45 minutes passed, Mother returned.

"Are you ready?"

Allison was ready about one minute into this. She supposed it was not like being made mad with sexual desire because she controlled it. She could have had whatever she wanted whenever she wanted it. She allowed herself to be teased. She wanted to be sexually heightened. Now she was more than ready.

"Elliot, pull your knees up under you and push your bottom out."

He was terrified she was going to spank him again. He worked to control his panic. Allison got up and Carol gave her the ziplock bag.

She removed the little butt-plug and with this, he realized it had stopped burning some time ago. She replaced it with a fresh plug of ginger.

Mother and daughter smiled warmly at one another.


Carol, "The Good Girls Manual teaches girls that it is our duty to service men sexually and that we are to find our pleasure in his fulfillment. Our satisfaction is to come from his orgasm. If we find our own in the process, its considered a bonus. Our true payout is to come from knowing that we satisfied our man's sexual desire. And from that we should feel a sense of pride.

"Our willingness to be adventurous is our best hope that he does not go get some on the side."

Allison knew all this. She'd read the Manual prior to disposing it.

"We are turning that all around, darling daughter.

"It might feel selfish and I suppose in a way, in one aspect it could be true, but not really. I want you to know that your boy will attend to your sexual gratification and ultimate satisfaction and you deserve it. Allow yourself to take selfishly in this capacity.

"Yet it's not like there is no reciprocity in this. You are giving to him and you will see it, feel it and know it to be true if you allow yourself the understanding.

"To begin with, you will have already very generously given him a spanky that he will have genuinely begged for. He might be a bit intimidated while doing so. Mother can be a bit mercurial," she smiled devilishly, "but he will have begged, nonetheless.

"Secondly, he will be a proper panty-boy. I'm not saying he wants to be doing this because it's what I want. He'd tell you the same thing, Allison. He needs this with abandon. He needs this with all his heart. He needs this more than the spanking. And it truly does fulfill him and give him purpose in life as well and real validation. This is where he will find personal value and purpose in life. It's generous of us. Afterward, he will know he's your good boy and his little boy heart will sing with joy." Carol smiled.

"As I said, there is a perfect reciprocity in all this."


After seeing to the reapplication of the boy's ginger plug, Mother admired her children for a few moments.

Allison had her panties off now and Elliot was gently kissing her pubes. Soon he'd be licking and sucking on them, seeking his sister's sexual essence, teasing them both. Eventually, after driving his little sister to near insanity, he'd be kissing her sex for real and driving her to her first orgasm. After several minutes, admiring the love shared, she left them. She knew the pacing of all this as she herself had trained Elliot well.


Thirty minutes later, she was back in the room sitting on the side of the bed, looking down at, leaning over her daughter. At a glance, it might have looked like a mother comforting her daughter while in labor.

The utterly unconsidered ecstasy on Allison's face took Carol's breath away. Her daughter was in the throes of sexual madness and it was a riveting sight.

Elliot was so very good at what he was doing. He licked gently and slowly. He knew how to do this without desensitizing the woman he was serving. Not only had he eaten his mother to literaly thousands of orgasms, she'd lent him out to some of her friends for training as well. He was well schooled and had honed his sensitivity on the matter of achieving satisfaction for his goddess.

In this moment, his sister was his goddess.

My little sister.

It was all too much. His ass, he was sure, was on fire, though the fire was just beginning to wane. He was serving his little sister after having endured a spanking from her. The worst part was how much he liked it. He did not just like it, he craved it. He just wanted to keep eating her pussy. He wanted it as the never ending ice-cream cone.

At last he zeroed in on her clit and gave it special attention. His sister was ready, of this there was no doubt. He continuously licked and sucker her right here and she became ridged.

Oh, it's coming.

Allison was coming big, hard and wet.

She literally gushed in his face. It was literally an orgasmic explosion. Mother was a gusher so Elliot was not caught off guard. He opened his mouth and consumed as much of her ejaculate as he could catch in his mouth. He greedily swallowed all of it. He loved doing this and hoped desperately it would please the woman, usually Mother.


Allison was completely given into her orgasm. Her legs were convulsing and her beautiful features were contorted in ecstasy. Carol looked on as Allison began to gush hard into her brother's face.


As Allison caught her breath, it would be a slow recovery, Carol patted Elliot on the head, "Good boy."

Elliot's heart did sing. The orgasm, her orgasm and the praise was what he needed to feel important and loved. He absolutely relied on Mother for validation. Carol had seen to this.

Yet in this moment, there remained a bit of dissatisfaction. He realized he was desperate to receive it from his little sister too.

  1. Elliot felt a deep sense of shame as Allison confronted him about the baby pink panties found in Mother's drawer, questioning if it was an accident or a deliberate act of disobedience.
  2. In the societal norms of this world, it was considered taboo for people between the ages of 18 and 200 to have sexual feelings or impulses, but some young individuals would surreptitiously stop taking their blockers or stop responding to them.
  3. Allison's dominance became more apparent in 'Allison - A Spanking Story Pt. 07', as she asserted her authority over Elliot by spanking him for his mistake with the panties, demonstrating her firm grip on him and establishing her position as his disciplinarian and superior in the household.

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