Group Sex

Amelie's Day Zero

Mocking unsuspecting spouse: 14 days of oral sex, physician's suggestion!

May 21, 2024
5 min read
surprise guestshortvasectomyAmelié - Day 00sharinggullibleprankblowjobsvoyeurbrunettewife
Amelié - Day 00
Amelié - Day 00

Amelie's Day Zero

"Hey James, let's review what we discussed during your pre-surgery consultation. You should relax this weekend, right? Got Monday off for the holiday? Great. Today is Day 0. On Days 1 and 2, take it easy, watch some movies, ice the area, and avoid strenuous activities. By Day 3, you should be almost back to normal. Make sure to drink lots of clear fluids. Don't climax tonight, but within the next two weeks, try to have a few orgasms. The procedure was a success, but there's still some sperm in your system and you need to flush it out. Come see me again on Day 17, which should be a Monday. You remember all this, or do I need to explain it to your wife too?"

"Nope, I've got it. Thanks, doc!" I started to feel bad about my scheme but still no need for the doctor to let it slip. "Day 17, see you then."

"Good day, James." The doctor allowed me to leave the room.

I decided to pretend to limp slightly as I left the doctor's office. My wife Julia would be watching and waiting eagerly.

Julia and I have been a couple for over ten years. She is kind, thoughtful, helpful, and fun. She has a great sense of humor, so she makes a perfect target for my pranks. She's sometimes a bit naive - let's not be mean - she can be easily tricked. Our sex life was okay but vanilla. I've always been attracted to her. Julia stood at 5'7", weighing 120 pounds. She had wavy shoulder-length brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and nice 32B breasts. She resembled Alexis Bledel but with a bit darker skin. I loved her more than anything.

When Julia saw me, she quickly hugged me to support me. She leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek, "Let's get you home, my valiant hero!"

Most people would describe Julia as adorable or attractive, but she was perfect for me. At 5'7", 120 pounds, with wavy brown hair, intense blue eyes, and perky 32B breasts, she was exactly my type. She resembled Alexis Bledel but with tanner skin. She depended on her looks to make friends when younger and never taught herself how to enjoy casual sex. In our thirties, she preferred missionary sex and couldn't deep throat, although she was a pro at oral sex in other ways.

As we left the hospital, Julia exclaimed, "Thank you for getting that done, love! Several types of birth control mess with my hormones, but you agreed to a vasectomy. I appreciate it."

"Thank you, darling. I'm thrilled to have unprotected sex with you whenever I want."

"Jimmy!" Julia blushed and chuckled softly, "Don't talk that way. Although the thought of spontaneously having sex with you is exciting as well."

"Julia!" I hid my grin to keep up with the facade, "The doctor said I must stay in bed rest for two weeks."

"Of course, honey. I will be your personal nurse and butler. Your job can be done remotely. As soon as we return home, I'll set up the sofa bed in front of the large television, and I'll ensure all your video games are set up there. That way, you won't have to deal with stairs," Julia offered help.

"That's not in my plan, but it'll be fine. Our sofa bed is very comfortable, and I've slept there during long gaming sessions before."

"The other condition from the doctor..." I continued, "is receiving daily blowjobs."

"Blowjobs?" Julia blushed and slammed on the brakes. "Wait, did the doctor order blowjobs?"

I let a tiny grin escape me, "Well, not blowjobs per se. But he did say there's still sperm in my system that needs to be removed, insists I don't overexert myself and the vasectomy won't be effective birth control until I've cum 14 times. So, blowjobs became the safest option."

"Whoa! Fourteen times? I didn't think there was that much in your system." Julia was curious.

"Yeah, it makes sense. The doctor won't disagree." Julia agreed.

I'd played my cards right. Now, all I could do was sit back and watch the world burn.

Seemingly, yeah. He stated that we must remove the vas deferens and testicles of everything they've accumulated. I was unintentionally straying from the script, but I noticed Julia nodding as anatomy terms were mentioned. "They suggest fourteen ejaculations to do so, but I suspect there's liability insurance involved. Perhaps ten would suffice, but they likely mention fourteen to avoid any malpractice lawsuits."

"Possibly," Julia considered. "But it's better to be safe than sorry! Fourteen blowjobs it shall be! And you won't need to do anything else - I'll come down to the couch."

She was on board. I knew she would, but satisfyingly, it was enjoyable to secure her agreement for one of my pranks. The next two weeks seemed appealing...

Julia drove through a drive-thru to obtain me a hamburger and a milkshake as we finished our journey home. We conversed lightly, but in the recesses of my mind, I considered my strategy and the abundance of blowjobs coming my way. I bounced about other ideas for what to ask Julia to do while I allegedly lay in bed rest.

Drawing closer to our dwelling, I spotted something that initially perplexed me but soon caused my heart to sink.

"Is that Amelié?" Julia inquired. "What's Amelié doing in our driveway!? Oh God!" Julia recalled the same fact as me. "Did I forget to note her visit on the calendar?"

I could sense my scheme falling apart. We ceased the automobile and alighted.

"Bonjour!" Amelié welcomed us. "Is this the reception I receive!? You two aren't even home?" Amelié teased as she kissed us both on the cheek.

"We, ah, we had to run to the store for, uh-" Julia wasn't as talented as I was in fabricating stories.

Amelié was French, stood at 5'4", weighed 110 pounds, carried curly hair longer than Julia's, and possessed dark brown eyes. She resembled Emma Watson but boasted a set of 34C boobs, which frequently captivated attention on her petite stature. She was attired in a floral dress, ideal for the warm spring day. As beautiful as I considered Julia to be, I couldn't assist but find Amelié attractive and became vigilant when she directed her focus my way.

"It's my fault," I uttered. "I genuinely overlooked about your visit, and I scheduled surgery for this afternoon, and you are well aware of Julia's considerate nature, so she became engrossed in what I was performing and, well, I'm sorry, we didn't prepare for your visit."

Julia smiled at me, appreciative that I assumed responsibility for the scenario. Amelié was a close friend of Julia's, and I recognized she didn't want her friend to become angry with her. I was delighted to relieve Julia of any blame.

"No matter!" Amelié exclaimed. "What surgery though?!! Are you well?"

Julia and I shared a glance. Julia commenced to elucidate, "There's actually something called a vasectomy that Jimmy has had."

"Wow!" Amelié proclaimed. "Due to the impact on hormones that regular birth control has? Oh, you're so thoughtful, James." Amelié graced me with another kiss on the cheek. "So in that case, it's sensible. And I won't need much! Simply establish a location for me to slumber and you've 'prepared for my visit'." Amelié expressed this with a chuckle.

I inhaled some relief. I'd have to reflect upon her reasons for collaborating later.

"Well, you could sleep with me!" Julia enthusiastically proposed. "It'll be like our slumber parties from years ago. And we have a plush king-sized bed, which would be ideal for both of us."

"That sounds perfect!" Amelié gazed back at Julia.

Julia's voice became softer. "Um, how long is your stay for?"

"Approximately fourteen days," Amelié grinned.

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