Anna's Sub - Permanently hers?

Anna's jealousy over me leads to me becoming hers forever!

Jun 30, 2024
9 min read
red hot brandingbdsm markingowningAnna's Sub - Permanently hers?markingbrandingrewardingfemdompermanent markingpainaftercare
Anna's Sub - Permanently hers?
Anna's Sub - Permanently hers?

Anna's Sub - Permanently hers?

So Anna is very very possessive over me. The other day, we were out shopping for groceries and at the check out register, I was waiting in line until she gathered up some final items. While at the register, the cashier talked with me in a very chirpy and flirty way. I reciprocated her energy while omitting any flirting from my side. Anna must've seen this and she quickly came towards me and put her arm in my arm and curtly told the cashier to ring up our items. The cashier must've understood the relation between us and became pretty silent after that and quickly rang up our groceries.

While walking towards the car, she was walking faster than usual and as soon as we got in the car, she slapped my balls discreetly and told me to know that I am hers. She twisted my balls a bit more to make the point clear and then told me that she will think of a way to make sure that I know I am hers.

I was silent and thought what was she going to do. The topic ended and we headed back to her home. I made food for her and came back to my home.

Cut to today, I get a text from her that read -

"I want to make you mine, I want only you to know who you belong to so the next time someone flirts, you remember and stay constricted."

I read the text and before I could reply anything to that (I did not even know what I would reply with) I get another text message that read -

"I want to leave a mark only for you, so every time you look at it or feel it, you realize who you belong to."

Again, confused as ever, I did not know what to reply to that, before I could type anything again, I get another text that read -

"Read about branding and marking, I want you to make up your mind and think about it, do you want to permanently be mine or do you still have some doubts, think about it with a calm mind and let me know your thoughts on this." I replied with a "yes mistress" and that was it.

"Branding huh," I think to myself puzzled yet excited.

I search it up in my free time and see the various forms of branding. An initial search lead to hot iron branding on cattle and how it would leave a permanent mark on cattle. There were more articles about tattoo branding and inking. The first one really really felt very violent but it really intrigued me for some reason.

"Did she mean the inking or the iron branding?" I thought to myself.

I read a bit more about it and got more excited for it, a big step in life but I just couldnt stop imagining the pain it would give me which would give me so much pleasure making Anna happy in the process.

I looked back at our 6 years of BDSM dynamic and thought that never for once have I felt the urge to get out of this. I was a different man before I met Anna and I am a different man now. Even to the world I am a different man than what I am to Anna. Despite all this, It just made me enjoy the dynamic I shared with her more.

I text back Anna, "I have done my research and I am in for it," she replied with, "I will send for the iron imprint to be made"........

"Iron imprint?" I text back, "Yes, it will be heated up and will then be pressed on the body part I want branded." I cold shiver of excitement ran down my body....

"Is this actually happening, I thought to myself," we both got the same idea without talking and this just made me want to do it more.

The iron imprint comes back after a month and I am summoned over to Anna's house.

I knock the door and enter, she seemed very excited as she rushed me in. I went and kneeled by her chair.

"Sit on the chair Rick," she softly commanded.

I sit on the chair, she drags another chair and sits across me and says, "I know you did your research about it and we have talked about it but are you a hundred percent sure you want to do this. This is irreversible, do you want to change your mind and get a tattoo instead?" she asked.

I sat there silent and nodded, "Yes, I did my research in it and I know what I am getting into. We have been in this together for 6 years, I am ready."

"Okay! I am glad you feel this way and are comfortable enough," she exclaimed and continued, "lets get on our way then."

We sat in her car, this time she insisted on driving. We reached what seemed like a dungeon hiding as a studio. We rang the door bell and were greeted by a tall thin lady dressed in a black latex skirt.

"This is Amy, she is an acquaintance and has done this before. She will be assisting us today and will be running me over the procedure."

She guides us both in and tells us to make ourselves comfortable.

Amy looks over me introduces herself and says, "Are you sure of what you are getting into, there is still time to turn back, both Anna and I would not mind if you plan to not get this, get yourself comfortable and think once more," she told.

Mistress repeated what Amy said and assured me that she would not mind, there would be a spanking after but its all cool. She chuckled as she said this.

"I want this," I exclaimed. "I have read about it and I know how much Anna values me and I know how much I value her, nothing here is being done out of thin air." I thought to myself.

"Okay," said Amy, "Ill be back." She said this and went in a room and came out with the iron imprint.

It was black in colour and looked pretty frail compared to what I imagined it would be. It was a long stick with a rubber handle at the back and an A in the front. I figured the A would be for Anna and smiled to myself.

Amy asked me to follow her in the room, Mistress followed us both. On entering the room I see a spanking bench with multiple straps, a propane tank with a burner and a furnace which already seemed pre heated to a certain temperature.

"Lie down on the bench," she said, I laid down. Amy strapped my hands, legs, waist and my thighs with individual straps. "Well I am strapped and ain't going anywhere," I thought to myself.

Amy walked over and started to rub my bum softly. She said that the iron imprint will be heated to a certain temperature which will be hot enough to cause third degree burns to my skin, leaving a wound which will be the branding. After care includes sleeping on my belly for most of the time and making sure the wound site is clean and well aerated. Incase of any redness and swelling, to immediately see a doctor for infection.

Amy gets over some forms and gets me and Anna to sign them. She takes them away and keeps the imprint in the furnace to heat up.

"It will be red hot and will cause a searing pain to wherever it is touched, have you decided the site Anna?" She asked pointing to me.

"Yes Amy, its the ass I want to go for."

"Of course its the ass," I thought to myself.

While the imprint heated up, Anna rubbed my ass and Amy prepared other utilities which included an anti septic cream, some plastic wrap, a pair of towels and a ball gag?

Amy got over the ball gag and put it in my mouth and wore her latex gloves, she took the anti septic cream and started to rub it in the middle of my ass on the fleshy part. I was strapped so tight I could not even wiggle my ass.

Amy rubbed and rubbed the middle of my ass. Once done, she tells Anna to wear the gloves and instructed her on how to hold and how to press the imprint on my ass.

I think it was time because Amy lifted the lid and said "Done" as if she was waiting for the ding of the oven after the chicken was ready.

She gets the plastic wrap ready and takes out the imprint...... IT WAS RED HOT.

Amy put it back in again.

"Are you sure Rick and Anna, do you really want to do this?" I nod as I was gagged and Anna looked at me. She walked over to face and gave me a peck on the cheek.

Amy explained to Anna one last time on how to hold it and how to press it onto my skin, how long to press it for and how to remove it.

She took out the imprint and handed it over to Anna. "This is it, I thought to myself."

Anna asked, "Ready baby?" I nodded and............

SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. The pain was unbearable, there was a sizzling noise and I violently jerked my hand and feet as they were the only body parts I could move. My ass was so tightly bound I could not even wiggle it. The world started spinning, I could feel the A pierce through my ass all the way to my stomach. It smelled like a barbecue meat on a grill. I started to black out all the while heavily breathing and grunting like a rabid bull through the gag..... Everything went silent

I regained my senses and felt like my ass was melting. The heat spread through my body and I started sweating profusely. Still strapped down tightly, I wanted to wiggle my ass but it was like I was touching the sun. I could here the shushing of Anna's voice, as she lifted off the imprint. What felt like a solid 10 minutes was basically just a touch and dab with a slight linger on the skin. The whole process lasted a minute.

I could feel Anna's hand caress my cheek while Amy blew some air on my ass. After it cooled down a bit, she undid the straps and tightly wrapped my ass in the plastic wrap. I think it was to stop my ass from getting exposed to the air and develop an infection?

The pain though comparatively less was still a solid 8, my hands and legs were still strapped, my ass however was free to move. I wiggled my ass and groaned in pain as Anna continued shushing me and caressing me. I stayed on the bench for another 10 minutes and Anna hadnt moved from there. Amy came back and freed my hands and legs. I tried getting up and my ass ached every time I moved. The plastic wrap did keep everything intact though and gave me a soothing sensation. I laid on the bench for some more time and drank some water.

After getting up, I carefully wore my shorts and we thanked Amy, she handed over an ointment to us and told me to apply it twice in a day for a month, after which my skin would have almost gotten back to normal and healed. Anna held my arm and we walked over to her car, I laid upside down in her backseat with my legs folded and she slowly drove back to her house.

We entered the house and Anna very carefully led me towards the bedroom and made me comfortable there. The plastic wrap was to stay on for an hour more. I fell asleep and woke up to Anna intently staring at my ass

"Beautiful Rick, your ass looks so cute with my initial on it," she said with a sense of satisfaction. Her voice was calm and she felt content. She undid the plastic wrap and carefully applied the ointment to my ass.

"I am so proud of you, and I am so happy you did this, I promise you that you will get rewarded in a way you wouldnt have even imagined."

She sat on my back while blowing air on my ass after rubbing the ointment. The pain had stopped and I only felt it when I moved my ass from the hip. I stayed there at her place for the night and fell asleep to her caressing my back and shushing me.

I felt pretty satisfied and felt just the way I thought would have before all this happened.

In the end, I was satisfied and moreover, my mistress was satisfied.

  1. Anna mentioned her plan for a permanent marking, stating, "I want to leave a mark only for you, so every time you look at it or feel it, you realize who you belong to."
  2. Furthermore, she suggested, "Read about branding and marking, I want you to make up your mind and think about it, do you want to permanently be mine or do you still have some doubts, think about it with a calm mind and let me know your thoughts on this."
  3. During the marking process, she used a red hot branding iron to leave the initial 'A' on his rear end, causing a searing pain that he endured.
  4. After the marking, Anna expressed her pride and satisfaction, saying, "I am so proud of you, and I am so happy you did this, I promise you that you will get rewarded in a way you wouldnt have even imagined."
  5. The permanently marking served as a strong symbol of his commitment and ownership in their BDSM dynamic, reinforcing their connection and Anna's dominance in their relationship.

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