Celebrity Sex Stories

Anya Taylor-Joy's Wedding Pt. 01

I arrive in Venice for Anya's wedding. With company in tow.

Jul 26, 2024
44 min read
Anya Taylor-Joy's Wedding Pt. 01doggystylecara delevingnecum kissfacialcum playana de armasdeepthroatthreesomeexhibition
Anya Taylor-Joy's Wedding Pt. 01
Anya Taylor-Joy's Wedding Pt. 01

Anya Taylor-Joy's Wedding Pt. 01

September 29th, 2023.

I was standing on the balcony, overlooking the city stretched out before me. I'd never been to Venice before. In my younger years I could only really fantasize about going places like that, or staying in 5-star hotels while there, for that matter. Yet here I was, watching afternoon begin to turn into evening as I waited for the sun to go down. Picturesque was one word for it.

Yet I couldn't fully relax, knowing what was ahead of me and that I would have to deal with it in just the right way to avoid some kind of disaster. Again, like I had been doing for weeks, I asked myself why the hell I was doing this at all. It wasn't required of me, and frankly, in a lot of ways it was a bad idea all together. I reached into my pocket and grabbed the piece of cardstock again. The whole thing was embossed, but my fingers made a point of only running over one word.


I glanced down at the invitation again, detailing the time and location of not only her wedding, but the party that was to happen tonight. A pre-party for everyone to gather in the form of a black-tie masquerade. I had to smirk the first time I read it, assuming that the wedding itself wouldn't fit enough of Anya's goth aesthetic, so she opted to have something with a bit more dramatic flair as a warmup to the event. And now here I was. Waiting for it to start so I could attend. At Anya's request.

All this of course had come as a great surprise to me. Things had become...complicated since Anya told me what was happening. The night she informed me of not only the upcoming wedding, but of another very important detail (I'll get to later), things had taken a turn. Whatever Anya and I "were" to each other didn't feel quite the same.

And so, I hadn't expected to even receive a direct word from her on the subject. Only a few of the women at the Lodge would reach out to talk to me about their getting married or things of that nature, but for me to receive an actual invitation to such a ceremony was unheard of. I was confused to say the least. Upon receiving the invitation, I actually reached out, texting Anya a picture of it, leading to the following exchange:

Me: "Was this a mistake, by any chance?"

Anya: "No."

Me: "You're serious?"

Anya: "Yes. Please come. I want you to be there."

I didn't answer that. What was I to say? "Yes, of course I'll come and watch you get married. That won't be difficult for me at all. And I've been introduced to so many of your family and friends that I'll fit right in. I won't have to awkwardly hide my identity or our connection in the slightest."

While I was thinking, my phone dinged again.

Anya: "Please?"

Me: "I'll think about it."

It was another week before I told her that I would come. Aside from the...whole thing with Anya and I, the event was taking place in Venice. It wasn't exactly a quick drive down the road. It was a commitment in itself. I didn't feel great about it, but that's when it hit me that even if I was going to go to the wedding alone, that didn't mean I needed to spend the entire time I was there alone. Anya would clearly be busy, so what would it matter to her what I did in the hours between events? And why would she care, when clearly she would be busy herself?

And so, I set out to find myself a pleasant distraction. I brain-stormed for a while, debating *who* exactly would be the best fit for this. As it always was while traveling to rendezvous with someone outside the Lodge, it was a sensitive issue. Those going couldn't be too recognizable, or had to at least be adept enough to get to where they're going without being spotted by the paparazzi. For that reason, I crossed a few names off the list, mainly Emma Watson, to my disappointment, and the Riverdale trio, as they'd be too visible together.

When all was said and done, I had three perfect choices that were available, and very excited at the prospect.

One choice fulfilled multiple roles. I wanted someone bubbly and fun, that could lighten the mood and keep things giggly. I also wanted someone with a very notable feature. I debated trying to find a perfect pair of tits to bring with, but unfortunately Kat Dennings was unavailable. And so, my first entry was Hailee Steinfeld and her ass.

Along the same lines, I wanted someone not just eager, but almost insatiable. One of the more submissive types that I could be a little rough with and she wouldn't make it a big deal. Kiernan Shipka was the obvious choice.

Lastly, I wanted someone *intense*. Not intense like the previous two. I wanted someone with that kind of indescribable quality that would *really* pull me in and keep me distracted. One name came to mind, and when I reached out to her she was very excited. It wouldn't even be the first trip we'd taken together. Ana De Armas was the perfect choice.

Naturally, we couldn't all travel together. Paparazzi catching a group of celebs in Venice at the same time as Anya's wedding but not attending it would be suspicious. Especially if they were spotted together. So we made a coordinated effort to split up among different planes leaving at different times. I'd get to the hotel first, and they'd arrive one at a time shortly after. I flew first class on a public plane (which made the 14 hour flight much more tolerable), and they all chartered their own private planes to avoid the dreaded airport walk.

The trepidation I felt was temporarily gone during the flight. I was even downright giddy as the four of us created a group chat and were texting each other updates of our respective travels. Ana and I were even in the air at the same time, which led to some great jokes about whether or not we had to wait for everyone to be together before anything happened. I of course said 'no promises', which then led to Kiernan sending a picture of herself rubbing her pussy and a response of "I can't promise that either."

While I was very much looking forward to all of us meeting up, there was one other person that I knew I'd likely see while there. Cara Delevingne. One of Anya's closer friends these days, and the only other Lodge member to be going to her wedding. Not that I expected her to join in the quartet that had formed, but it was nice to know there was at least one person other than Anya that I knew at the wedding. But, that was also where my apprehension returned. Anya had relayed to Cara that I would be there, so of course she reached out to me. We were texting on the flight, and discovered that purely by happenstance, the two of us were staying in the same hotel.

Suddenly my intrigue was piqued. Cara was with her girlfriend, but hey, who knew? Maybe she'd be down, too, and then the group would grow to six. Alas, the topic didn't actually come up, and I didn't even get to explain to Cara who else was coming before I landed. All I did upon reaching the hotel and checking in, was text her my room number with an "In case you want to say hi" and a wink emoji. I doubted she'd come by, as I had no doubts that Cara's interest in the Lodge was firstly fucking Anya, then fucking other women, and then fucking me, but there were a few times that she came over by herself just to play.

But after I arrived, I was alone for a while. I was fine with that, as it allowed me to get settled in the room and get a quick nap to help recover from the flight. I checked the status of the three on their way, finding that Ana was in the city and on her way, and Hailee and Kiernan were close to landing. Hurray for that. It was as I was laying out my outfit for the masquerade that I heard a knock at the door. A quiet one that didn't give me the impression it was a hotel employee. When I opened the door, there stood Cara.

"Hey," I said as I leaned on the door.

Cara wasn't just standing there, she was carrying a large garment bag over her shoulder and another square bag in her other hand.

"Hey. Leah and I are doing a kind of 'reveal' to each other, so I told her I'd go find another mirror to get ready in," Cara said as she slipped past me into the room.

"Ohhh, I see," I said as I shut the door and then followed her.

"You asshole, your room is even bigger than mine," Cara said as she looked around.

I assumed it was, since I booked the suite-iest suite they had. It was classic Venice in every sense of the word, with elaborate architecture, carved wooden details lining the walls, fancy furniture, etc. Not to mention things like the all old-world marble bathroom, the balcony that looked out onto the canals, etc.

"I figured, why skimp? Wanted to make it fun," I said.

"JE-SUS," Cara's voice echoed from the bathroom before she returned empty-handed.

"So I'm assuming you're using *my* bathroom to get ready, is why you're here?" I asked.

"Yes, but I also wanted to talk to you."

"Go ahead. I've got plenty of time before I need to get ready. Don't know how long it'll take you," I said, leaning on the back of the couch facing the fireplace.

"It's fine, this'll be quick. I just..." Cara trailed off as her hands raised with uncertainty. Finally she gestured to me. "I guess I just wanted to know why you came."

"I was invited," I said bluntly.

"I know that, I mean like...are you planning something or what?"

"Planning something?" I asked, my eyebrow raised in bemusement.

"Yeah. Like, related to the wedding."

"Uh. No," I said quickly with a scoff.

"Are you sure?" Cara asked, eyebrows raised expectantly.

"That's not why I'm here," I shook my head innocently.

"Ok, but still. You don't think feelings are going to enter into this?" Cara asked.

"My feelings are under control," I answered.

"What about Anya's?"

"I'm pretty sure hers are too. What with the whole 'getting married' thing," I said dryly.

"I know, but it's one of those things where, from what she said, and from what has been happening with...all of us, I'm worried that not everyone is on the same page."

"What? You think I'm going to try to break up the wedding or something?" I asked, only a little insulted.

"Nothing dramatic as that," Cara shook her head. "Just, I don't know, try to talk her out of it or something."

"Why would I try to talk her out of it when she's already married?"

Cara's eyes went wide, and her mouth started to open, but all she let out was one quiet stammer of an "uh." I raised my hands in a shrug and then let them clap back onto my legs, letting the words hang out in the open.

"She told you about that?" Cara asked quietly, glancing down at her feet.

"Yep. She told me everything," I nodded.

Cara's hand went to her neck, rubbing it awkwardly before she adjusted the strap of the tank top she was wearing.

"Sorry. Not that she swore me to secrecy or anything, I just didn't think it was my place to tell you," said Cara, who was one of the few guests to see Anya actually get married.

"Yeah you were right on that. But, she did. So it wasn't a secret to me. I knew even before I got the invitation to *this* wedding."

"Wow...ok....umm..." Cara trailed off again, starting to look sheepish. "So you're here-"

"To support Anya. Plus I'd never been to Venice before. It seemed like it would be fun."

"Here to have fun. Ok," Cara nodded.

As if on queue, at that moment there was a second knock at the door. I pointed to it as Cara glanced at it, and then I silently went to answer. When I opened the door this time, there was Ana De Armas standing in the doorway. Already giving me that fantastic smile as I opened the door, Ana all but leapt at me when the way was clear. I grabbed her and pulled her into the room, hugging her tightly as she did the same to me. One whiff of her hair and I was already glad that she was able to come. I spun her around once as she started to give me fast, sweet pecks of kisses before I let her down.

"Ohhh, hello," Ana said with a smile as she saw Cara.

"Hi," Cara said, reaching both arms back and sliding them into her back pockets, pushing out her chest.

I quickly wheeled in Ana's bag and then shut the door.

"Cara came to use my mirror. She has to get ready," I said pointedly, a pleased look on my face.

"Uhh, yeah," Cara said, biting her lip as she hungrily eyed Ana. There was a beat before she broke the stare and turned away.

Ana and I watched as Cara went through the living room and into the bedroom before disappearing around the corner. Once she was gone, Ana and I turned to look at each other, me cracking into a smirk and Ana whipping out that absurdly cute smile of hers.

"I didn't know *she'd* be here," Ana said, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"She's not staying," I said. "But don't worry, she won't get in the way."

"Ohh," Ana said, suggestively tilting her head toward her shoulder. "Good."

Ana came forward again, pressing herself against me and leaning into it even farther as she started to kiss. I almost groaned in ecstasy right there, getting my hands on Ana was just that amazing. Her lips pressed against mine with a hunger that could only come from traveling hours and hours and knowing that someone was waiting for you at your destination. My hands did the same as her lips, eagerly grabbing at Ana's ass through the leggings she was wearing. A squeeze and a pull, and then Ana started pressing her hands into my chest to walk me backward.

I let her lead me back through the room, not breaking our makeout the entire way. Ana didn't even have time to take in the room's more opulent details as we crossed into the bedroom. Nor did she care about the other details when we reached the bedroom, such as how the blinds were pulled open and anyone watching from the building across the canal could see us. Together, we stumbled back until Ana had me pressed against one of the railings on the four-post bed. I thumped into it as Ana leaned back a bit, biting her lip with a grin as she began to tug at my shirt.

There was a clatter from next to us, and we both glanced to the side to see Cara visible directly next to us in the bathroom. She was hunched over the sink in front of the mirror, applying eye makeup with fine details.

"Oops," Ana said, pulling away not as sheepishly as she could have.

"Don't mind me," Cara announced without looking away.

"I'm sorry," Ana said, fluffing her hair back behind her ears. "You're busy, that'd be rude."

"No, no, totally fine," Cara said.

Ana straightened up and slowly walked to the bathroom, leaning into the doorway. I followed, staring at Ana's ass, and then Cara's as she remained bent forward ever so slightly to do her eyeshadow.

"No that's ok, I can wait," Ana giggled as she watched. "That shade is going to look great on you."

Whenever Ana complimented me in that accented voice of hers, I practically melted. Cara slowed down, no doubt compensating for the mild shake her hand developed as Ana's honey-coated voice hit her ears.

"Yeah I love it," Cara answered back quietly.

I caressed Ana's ass as I stepped past her into the bathroom, leaning on the sink next to Cara. I folded my arms and tried to cool things down, despite Ana still staring at me with *that* look in her eyes. There was a moment where the three of us all looked at each other in silence. Cara first looked at Ana in the reflection of the mirror, then looked away when Ana looked back at her. I looked between them and tried to calm myself down, and not get any more suggestive images into my head.

"I'm looking forward to getting there," I started talking about the first thing in my mind. "I've never taken a water taxi anywhere before."

"Do you like boats?" Cara asked.

"Yes. But I've never really used one as a means of transit. Moreso as a means of relaxation. Sitting out on the open water in the sun. No way for anyone to reach you if you don't want," I carried on, trying not to look at Ana.

"I love that," Ana chimed in, completely destroying my willpower.

I turned to look at her as she sidled up next to me.

"We should go out on a boat sometime," Ana said. "Sit in the sun on the deck all day."

"All day?" I chuckled. "That's too much sun for me. We'd have to go below deck at some point."

"We can go below deck..." Ana replied with another suggestive grin.

Ana's hand reached over, placing itself on my thigh and starting to move upward. It slowly began to inch itself over, moving from my leg over to feel my cock through my pants. Ana rubbed the bulge, and then bit her lip with another grin as her fingers tightened against it. I leaned back, slowly and quietly breathing in and trying to hold the breath, begging my cock not to get any harder than it already was.

"Seriously, if you two want to go fuck, go ahead," Cara said without looking up. "It's totally fine."

"I meeeean..." I trailed off as Ana's fingers caressed my cock again. "Are you sure?"

"Won't bother me," Cara continued. "I've done other things while people had sex around me before."

"Uhhhh..." I trailed off again as Ana stepped in front of me, both hands grabbing at my belt.

"Well I'm obviously not gonna stop *her*, so..." I said.

"I don't think you *can* stop her," Cara added.

"Nooope," I said as Ana undid my belt and began to unbutton my pants. "I cannot."

Ana deftly crouched down as she unzipped my pants and then pulled them down just far enough. My cock all but spilled out right in front of her face, causing her to grin again. Both hands wrapped around it, and Ana took a moment to stroke it. That was all it took to get me fully hard, causing Ana to squeeze it in appreciation before she leaned in.

"That's it girl, get it," Cara encouraged as she nonchalantly dug in her makeup bag.

Ana's lips parted as she moved forward, slipping the tip between them. She stopped right when it popped into her mouth, and then slowly eased away before pulling herself forward again. After barely letting the tip in three times, Ana wrapped her lips around it tighter, and that's when I felt her tongue start to swirl around it inside her mouth.

"Ohhhhh..." I moaned as I leaned back, hands tightening against the sink.

Ana held her position while I craned my head back and moaned once more, focusing on the feeling of her tongue flicking. The sensation itself was of course sorely needed, but more so was the feeling I got when I looked back down. Ana stared up at me, her eyes smirking as her tongue continued to play with the tip of my cock inside her mouth. She was so...pleased, and looked even happier when she parted her lips a little more and began to slide more of my cock into her mouth.

Aside from the mostly quiet sound of Ana's mouth starting to slurp up and down, all three of us were silent for a moment. Cara held an eyelash wand in her hands, but remained frozen in place instead of actually applying it. I was entranced watching Ana start to really work it, and Ana herself closed her eyes to savor my cock like she had just tasted her favorite flavor in the world. Ana held the base with one hand while her lips slid back and forth, pushing the tip against the back of her mouth each time. A simple motion, yet perfect. It continued for as long as it took Cara to finish her eye makeup, at which point she clicked something shut and tossed it into her bag before she leaned down on the sink and just watched Ana work.

"Sorry, are we at the point of distracting you too much?" I asked Cara with a smirk.

"Nope, just taking a break," Cara said as she shook her head, obviously lying.

"Mmmmm..." Ana moaned beneath us.

Ana let go of my cock while continuing to suck, and instead moved her hands to her shirt. Without missing a beat, she raised it up over her stomach, then past her tits to reveal she wasn't wearing a bra. She held her arms in place for a moment, likely giving us the chance to admire her tits as she kept sucking, but then she pulled her head back just long enough to whip the shirt up and over her head. Before that lovely dark hair had even fallen back down onto her shoulders, Ana's mouth was back on me. This time with her hands obediently on her knees.

"That is really hot to watch though..." Cara admitted.

I wasn't sure if she meant to or not, but Cara leaned down a little further on the sink, incidentally pushing her ass out a bit more. Ana glanced over at her, and then raised one hand to grab Cara's petite ass and squeeze it. Cara shot back up in place, biting her lip and looking a bit flustered as she spun around and leaned on the sink the same way I was. Ana let out a disappointed moan as her mouth kept moving, and then dropped her hand back down.

This time, it didn't stay on her knees. Ana began to raise both hands up, over her thighs and to the waistband of her pants. Shifting in place as she stayed on her knees, Ana slipped them down over her ass, and then pushed them down until they were bunched up around her thighs. Her legs parted a bit, as wide as they could with those leggings holding them together, and then Ana reached down again. Delicate fingers went between her legs, and Ana began to rub her pussy as her mouth worked my cock.

"I think she's gonna need some attention soon..." Cara said as she stared down at Ana.

"Don't you have to finish getting ready?" I asked as I did the same.

"I just have to do my lips and I'm done."

"Oh good, then you should be able to finish without us slowing you down."

Ana pulled my cock out of her mouth with a deep exhale, and kept stroking as she looked at Cara.

"You look *so* good already..." Ana said to Cara, her accent thick and her voice dripping with seduction.

Cara bit her lip as Ana's tongue swirled around her own, licking them as if she were waiting for something else. Then, Ana stuck it out all the way as she began to rub the tip of my cock on it.

"Ehhh heh heh, thanks..." Cara gave an exaggerated chuckle as she stood up again and then turned around to face the mirror.

She pretended to rummage in her makeup bag for a moment, but then I saw her eyes whip back to Ana's reflection in the mirror. I reached down and slid my fingers through Ana's hair, gripping her by the back of the head and holding her in place. As I tipped her head back slightly, Ana stuck out her tongue again, hungrily panting as I put the tip of my cock back on it. Cara watched as I slid it back into her mouth, and then went deeper than I had before.

All the way down. Until Ana's lips were pressed up against me rather than just wrapped around my cock. Ana made a quiet sound in her throat, which ended up completely blocked by me. Judging from how her hand was moving, she was starting to touch herself more directly. I then heard Cara give a sharp exhale through her nose, and then quietly but impatiently began to tap her bag with one finger.

"Are you gonna fuck her, or not?" Cara asked impatiently.

Ana pulled off me, taking a sharp breath and then giving a wide-mouthed grin.

"You're very eager for someone not participating," I said to Cara.

"...I don't want to mess up my makeup," Cara said with a defensive gesture to her face.

Ana gave a tiny chuckle as she slowly began to rise up in front of me. She did it so perfectly, lifting herself up without shifting to the side or losing her balance, which kept all the emphasis on the fact that she was already topless and her leggings were already off her ass.

"You haven't finished your lips yet..." Ana said as she leaned closer to me but stared at Cara.

"...no," Cara shook her head.

Ana reached out with one hand, and then lightly grabbed the bottom of Cara's tank top. One tiny, almost imperceptible tug was all it took. With her other hand gripping my shoulder, Ana began to lean over at the same time as Cara. I could already see every inch of Cara having 'activated' for lack of a better term. Her skin was slightly flushed, she had goosebumps running down her arms, and her nipples were standing straight up through the fabric of her shirt. But it was her eyes that really gave it away. The way they locked onto Ana as she began to lean in. It was one part submission to what was happening, one part hesitation. Both together made it all the more appealing to watch.

The two closed in, and Ana pressed her lips to Cara's with all the slow softness that she could. A quiet smack barely echoed throughout the bathroom as their lips settled into it, and neither pulled away for several seconds. When they kissed again, it was with an agonizingly slow parting of their lips, followed by Ana's tongue carefully sliding into Cara's mouth. They held that for a long time, too, so I seized the opportunity.

Without breaking their stride or drawing attention to it, I grabbed Ana's leggings bunched around her thighs, and began to slide them down the rest of the way. Rather than let them fall, I knelt down and slowly slid them all the way to her feet, allowing her to raise one foot at a time to get out of them. As I stood back up, I lightly kissed the back of Ana's thighs, up her ass, and then her lower back. Then, I took her by the hip, and gently began to turn her around. The kiss was broken, and Ana giggled as Cara looked back with major disappointment on her face.

"Yeah you're right. I *do* need to..." I said to Cara as I moved Ana into place.

Ana first pressed herself against the sink, and then leaned back farther as I started kissing down her neck. The surprised gasp she let out quickly turned into a smiling sigh of appreciation, and then a raising of her leg to rub against me. Ana closed her eyes while her head tilted back, but I was at just the right angle to see Cara jealously watching. I made a show of grabbing Ana's thigh and pulling her leg up higher, which in turn made her wrap it around me. It was when she began breathing harder into my ear, and reaching down to grab my cock, that I knew how we needed to continue. One quick move, and I had both Ana's thighs in my hands, and was hoisting her up onto the sink.

"Hooo...yes..." Ana breathed out as I set her down.

She immediately settled into the position, leaning her shoulders against the mirror and spreading her legs. I moved in closer, my cock at the perfect level for her pussy. I saw Cara's reflection in the mirror in my peripheral, but at that point I wasn't even trying to make her jealous anymore. Ana's pussy in front of me diverted 100% of my attention. The way she was rubbing it had already done a number on her, and I could see in the orange glow of the bathroom lights the shining slick wetness she had rubbed all over herself.

Seeing it was one thing. It was quite another when I grabbed my cock and shoved it in. Ana's pussy was soaked, and no sooner did I start to press it against her opening then did my tip part her lips and slide in, with no resistance other than how tight she was. Nevertheless it slipped right in, stretching her out as her lips squeezed each inch of me as I eased it in.


Ana's reaction to me first entering her was sharp, but then she melted into it so perfectly that all I could do was savor the sight. She craned her head up to look at the ceiling again, closing her eyes as a smile formed on her face. Both arms reached up until her hands found the mirror, pressing against it and sliding down hard enough that she left streaks on it. One leg spread wider until she bent her knee and pressed it into my lower back, while the other raised up to rest on my shoulder. I waited until her hands came back down, caressing her neck, over her tits, and then gripping the sink beneath her. When I saw her fingers tighten, that's when I started thrusting.

"God! Yes! Fuck me..."

While my cock began to slide back and forth inside her, Ana stayed right where she was. Her grip on the sink kept her steady, with only the slightest twitches in her legs each time I pushed back in. Right from the start, Ana's pussy felt *amazing*. Like it was somehow mirroring her as a whole. Something about it made it perfect and unique in its own way. Enticing. Entrancing. I don't know how else to describe it but to just tell her to watch a compilation of Ana smiling, and then try to imagine that as a physical feeling running through your body.

As I kept thrusting, Ana reached up with one hand and hooked it around the back of my neck. I was pulled forward, folding her even more in her pose as she leaned forward to meet me. Midway through a moan, Ana pressed her lips against mine, and then held the kiss as I kept going. The moan continued as well, creating a second, constant layer of sound over the soft clapping noises of my cock nailing her pussy. As she pulled her lips away from mine, the noise grew louder. Her open mouth continued the kiss by extending her tongue and pressing it against mine, even while she fully let out the moan.

"Ahhhhhh...." Ana cried out as her tongue flicked against mine.

I rammed my cock into her as hard as I could, stopping as the impact bounced her body and she gasped. Ana's arm left my neck as she leaned back against the mirror, and when I glanced to the side I saw that she had grabbed Cara. All three of us stopped. Ana was looking at Cara, and when my eyes followed Ana's arm, I saw that she had a grip on Cara's tank top. Also not one to say no to anything Ana did, Cara stood there as she began to pull. With the fabric clumsily rising, Cara's tight stomach was slowly revealed, and then Ana stopped as she held the shirt between Cara's tits.

"I want to see your body..." Ana said with a hushed, needy whisper.

Cara stiffened where she stood, especially her stomach as she leaned back slightly. Not enough to separate Ana's hand from her shirt, but enough for her to bite her lip and look up at the ceiling as if she were debating a difficult choice. Finally, Ana's hand slipped from holding her tanktop, to underneath it, and I saw her fingers threatening to slide over Cara's tits one at a time. Cara sighed heavily, and then brought her hands to her chest.

"I have to get changed anyway..."

With that, Cara joined Ana in pulling her top off the rest of the way, revealing her tits and dropping it onto the floor. Ana let out an excited but quiet 'oooo..." as her lands lightly felt each of Cara's tits, while Cara peeled her shorts off her hips and let them join her top on the floor. That was it. Nothing else lay beneath. As I started to fuck Ana again, I took a long, lingering moment to scan Cara's body up and down. Those long, lithe legs. Her perky, tight ass. Her tits that I swear had gotten bigger recently. Her fit, athletic everything. Ana's hands mirrored my thoughts, caressing everything within her reach.

"You look so good..." Ana moaned out quietly.

I slowed down my thrusts, drawing out the sensation each time my cock slid into Ana, but at the same time I was just watching in the mirror. Ana teased her fingers over Cara's tits and down her stomach, but at the same time Cara's hand dropped down. With a delicate, practiced precision, Cara extended her middle finger, and began to run it up and down her pussy. At first there was hardly any pressure, but after several passes, she pressed it up and into herself the tiniest bit. When her finger tip emerged coated with what was an unsurprising amount of wetness, Cara brought it to her clit, and began to tease it in a tiny circle. Surprisingly, her free hand went to my ass.

"Come on, you need to..." Cara trailed off as she pushed.

She began rocking my hips forward, urging me to go faster with the tiniest nudge of her hand. I did as she suggested, picking up the pace to fuck Ana a little faster and a little harder. Ana moaned, kicking one leg up before putting it back onto my shoulder. Then she quickly licked two of her fingers, and brought them to her clit as if to mirror Cara. Only difference was that her rubbing was more frantic, more desperate to achieve an end.

"Oh god..." Ana moaned, stiffening in place on the sink.

"Go..." Cara bluntly egged on.

"Oh god..." Ana said again, her mouth slowly dropping open in a silent moan.

"Get her..." Cara said forcefully.

Cara's hand suddenly shot between her legs with much more force, rubbing her pussy with a hard press and then dipping two fingers inside herself. She pumped them into her pussy as Ana gave another loud moan, gasping with her voice all but cracking. Without warning, Cara's hand flew forward, all but slapping Ana's out of the way and replacing it with her own. With my cock sliding back and forth below, Cara's fingers went to Ana's clit, and began rubbing in an intense circle. Ana's face went wide with the shock of the impact and the surprise of her inevitable orgasm beginning immediately.

"AHHHahhhhhhhahhhhhahhh!" Ana cried out.

Her body all but folded together as the orgasm hit, causing her to lean away from the mirror and raise her legs at the same time. For a moment I thought the force of me thrusting and Cara all but shaking her by the clit would make Ana lose her balance. I grabbed her thigh and hip to keep her in place, holding her steady as I kept thrusting. Cara did the same with her free hand, grabbing the back of Ana's neck while she played with her pussy. Ana's face all but melted, eyes rolling into her head in ecstasy while her mouth stayed agape, and a constant moan coming out. One final jerk of her entire body, and she flopped back against the mirror.

"Hooo...hoo...wow..." Ana panted as she grabbed Cara by the wrist, clearly overstimulated in that area.

At first, Cara began to pull her hand away, likely thinking her role was done. All progress to do so was prevented by Ana's grip. Instead of letting Cara go, Ana raised her hand up, and brought Cara's fingers to her mouth. First she spread them apart, revealing a wet, sticky bridge between Cara's main and middle fingers. Ana put her tongue between them, licking at the suspended juice and then the tips of each. Cara stared directly at Ana's tongue as a new kind of warm wet spread over her fingers, but Ana was staring straight into Cara's eyes. When Ana began to lean forward, I pulled back, knowing what was happening next.

Ana stepped off the sink and moved on Cara with a direct approach that Cara wasn't ready for. As Ana grabbed her by the hips, Cara tried to turn around. Ana ended up pressing her against the sink the same way I had just done for her, and she leaned in with the same enthusiasm. Cara was almost panting as Ana closed in, pressing her lips against Cara's and beginning to kiss with an aggressive pace, starting each one before the previous one had time to be enjoyed. Cara moaned through her nose as Ana kissed again and again, and then let out a quiet but still very audible one as Ana moved to kiss her neck.

"Ok, this is..." Cara said, looking at me as if I was going to stop Ana. Nah.

"This is..." she said again as Ana began to kiss her collarbone.

Ana leaned down just enough to run her tongue over one of Cara's tits, swirling it neatly around the already aroused nipple.

"...thiiiiis is getting into 'don't tell anyone' territory..." Cara said quietly as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

"You know me," I said with a confident smirk.

"Mmm-hm..." Ana hummed in agreement

Cara let out a sharp, deep breath, as if she were sighing to herself in a way that was acknowledging that she was somehow letting herself down, or doing something that she knew she wouldn't be able to say no to. But once it was out...

"Fuck...yeah ok..."

Cara reached down and grabbed Ana's face with both hands, pulling her up from her chest and bringing her back to her lips. This time it was Cara driving it, kissing again and again, with a desperation that had another kiss beginning before the previous one ended. Her hands reached around Ana, grabbing her ass and pulling her in closer, squeezing it and groping towards Ana's pussy. Then, without breaking the kisses, Cara instead grabbed the sink and began to shift herself again.

With a graceful pull, Cara lifted herself up until she was sitting right on the sink the same way Ana had been. She bent herself down to keep kissing Ana, holding her by the back of the head as the quiet smacking sounds of their lips continued. When Cara finally pulled away, her hands remained, and instead directed Ana back down her body. This time, Ana started lower. She kissed each of Cara's breasts, licking both nipples in turn, and then kept going. Down Cara's tight stomach. Over the smooth stretch of skin right above her pussy. Then...

"Oh shit!" Cara's eyes went wide.

The sudden surprise that came with just how good it felt was seen across Cara's entire face. Eyes almost bugging out of her head. Mouth dropped. Brow furrowed with the slightest strain at how her body was pulling all the attention between her legs. Then it all melted away, and Cara's eyes slowly began to close as they rolled into her eyelids. She didn't react by saying anything, or really by moaning. It was more of a sustained, whimpering breath that threatened to force her to cry out, but left her too subdued to put forth that much effort.

Ana's tongue moved with perfect precision. She was locked onto Cara's pussy at the perfect angle, pressing the tip of her tongue against her clit. The stimulation was constant, and Ana making elaborate swirls with her tongue was a bonus. I had to watch for a moment just to take in and fully appreciate the sight. Cara leaned back fully until she was against the mirror, Ana bent over between her legs, both bodies bare and smooth and perfect looking. As perfect as it was, I could only look for so long before doing more was needed.

I gripped my cock in one hand, and then stepped forward so I was *right* behind Ana. The way she was standing, I knew she was expecting me, so I wasn't surprised at her lack of reaction to me pressing the tip of my cock against her pussy. But once I started sliding it in, Ana let out a very grateful moan that was muffled by Cara's pussy. Not wanting to pull away from Cara, Ana couldn't back her ass up into me, but she did reach back with one hand to try to pull my hip into her, ensuring that I was all the way in.

"Ohhhmygod yes...make her moan like that, it feels *really good*..." Cara panted from the sink.

I started slowly thrusting into Ana, pulling back until I was almost slipping out of her, and then easing it back in until I was pressing my hips against her ass in the hopes that I could get even more of my cock into her. Ana's moans stayed low and long as she slowly let out low-pitched 'mmmmmm' sounds into Cara's pussy. Cara was watching all of it, staring down between Ana's face at her own pussy, and my cock disappearing into Ana's.

"Ohh yeah...ohmygod...yeah fuck her a little harder..." Cara's voice was quiet, but quick. Her words breathed out as quickly as her panting demanded.

I did as she said, starting to pump my cock into Ana at a nice, even pace. Ana's moans got a little louder, and her face pressed a little harder into Cara's pussy as she went up onto her toes to give my cock an even better angle. I looked down to see Ana's tight pussy gripping my cock, her lips holding onto it each time I pulled back. The sight made me go even harder. Soon I was thrusting into Ana faster than I had anticipated. Not that anyone minded.

"FUCK yes do it do it oh fuck that's making her do it even better...unnnh..."

Cara's hands groped for something on the sink that she could grab onto. She began to moan louder, her legs twitching and raising until she had them hovering in mid-air. Failing to find anything to hold onto, she instead braced herself against the wall with one hand, and clutched the back of Ana's head with the other. Her face scrunched up as she went silent, leaving the only sounds as Ana's muffled moans, and my cock sliding into her dripping wet pussy.

"I'm gonna cum..." Cara said, her eyes forced shut and her teeth practically gritting almost as if she were angry about it.

That expression lasted another two seconds. Then,


Cara's face burst open, her eyes going wide and her jaw dropping in shock as it hit her. Her head thumped against the mirror as she stared down at Ana, holding on as best she could while trying to maintain her balance. While her legs stayed pointed out and hovering off the sink instead of dangling, they started to shake. Cara gasped, and let out another sharp moan, and only then did they lower themselves, wrapping around Ana's face and draping over her back. Cara moaned several more times as she shuddered and convulsed, until she finally reached down and grabbed Ana's head to slow her down. I slowed down as well, watching Cara come back to earth.

"Fuuu-holy fuuuck..." Cara breathed out like it was a sigh. "Fuck. Goddamnit."

She remained in that spot for a moment, and for a split-second I thought I saw a look of anger in her face. A flash of regret? Or disgust at herself for what she was doing? If that was the case, it was gone in an instant as Cara held Ana's face and then leaned down. Ana straightened up as Cara came to her, and the two lightly kissed several times, with Cara delicately pecking at Ana's lips to no doubt avoid messing up her makeup. In the middle of one kiss, Ana's tongue stuck out, and Cara froze as Aan carefully licked only across her bottom lip.

Ana slowly pulled away, smirking with satisfaction, and then turned away from Cara completely. She raised her back, and then twisted in place. Without pulling my cock out, Ana turned around and had me lean in to kiss her instead. I did so eagerly, still tasting Cara's pussy on the outside edges of her lips. Ana kissed slowly, but with all the passion that I expected from her to the point that each kiss felt like 10. Cara watched it happen as she slid off the sink and sidled up next to us, and only when we both felt her hands on our hips did we stop.

Without a word, Cara eased us apart, staring down as my cock slipped out of Ana and then bounced down to stick straight out. Ana and I both let her do it, knowing that the hungry look in her eye meant that more was coming. Lightly, with one hand on either hip, Cara turned us so that we were both facing her. Then she pushed us closer together, her eyes looking down and then darting back and forth. I knew what she was looking at, and I guessed what she was doing before she did it.

Then Cara confirmed I was right by sinking down onto her knees right there on the tile. Her eyes scanned back and forth the entire way down, until she was looking straight ahead once level with my cock and Ana's pussy. Me, rock hard and coated with Ana's wetness, and Ana, the source of said wetness. If ever there was an image of Cara that summed up her sexuality, it was that. To my only mild disappointment, Cara chose Ana first, putting her hands on her thighs and leaning in. Just like Ana had done for her, Cara's lips locked onto Ana's pussy, and her tongue began to work with a fast, precise flurry of licks.

"Mmmm-mmm-mmm-mmm..." Ana said as she stood there, hands delicately at her chest as she closed her eyes and held a tiny little smile.

Cara kept licking, but the hand closest to me moved. Fingers touched along my shaft, then stopped moving at the tip. As Ana moaned again, Cara's fingers wrapped around my cock. She began to slowly stroke it up and down, which was made all the easier by the fact I was still covered in Ana's wetness. Cara licked Ana a little faster, sloppily licking up and down to the point of it being audible. Then, as fast as she was starting to go, she pulled away and instead flung herself towards me.

I was almost taken aback as Cara's weight shifted towards me. She made the same pose as she did with Ana, putting her hand on my thigh and then leaning in. With my cock in the other hand, she tipped it down toward her mouth, and then slid forward. Cara's lips parted the perfect amount for the tip to feel them on the way in, locking and sliding down it and the shaft as Cara eased it into her mouth with no issue. Once she was down, Cara held herself in position with it almost in her throat, and then began to slowly work her mouth back and forth. It wasn't fast, but it certainly wasn't slow. The right mix of Cara wanting it hard, but also savoring either my reaction or her enjoyment.

"She looks so good sucking your cock..." Ana whispered in my ear.

I was busy watching Cara, but Ana leaned in and started to kiss my neck as one of her hands traveled down my chest. Cara's mouth slurped as Ana's nails silently raked over my stomach, and then left my body for the back of Cara's head. Ana barely had to touch her. With merely one light press at the back of Cara's head, she shoved her mouth forward with her lips pursed out, and took my entire cock down and down and down until her lips were wrapped around the base. She held it there as those sharp, glaring eyes of hers stared up, and only when I tipped my head back to moan out did she pull away.

Cara immediately went back to Ana, back between her thighs and craning her head up to get her tongue into her pussy. Ana moaned loudly as her hands went to Cara's head, raking through her hair and keeping her in that exact spot. Cara's tongue whipped out of her mouth, sloppily lapping at Ana's pussy, going up and inside and between her lips before it went to flick against her clit. I leaned down to suck on Ana's tits, making her moan even louder. But as she did, Cara moved again, and I felt her hands grab my waist as she shoved my cock back into her throat.

Cara pulled away and took a sharp breath, then quickly said, "Grab my hair I'll fix it later..."

Ana and I did as she said at the same time, both digging our fingers into Cara's hair and tightening them into a fist. In perfect sync, Ana and I began to pull Cara's head back and forth. First to suck my cock again, and then to move over to eat Ana's pussy. We pulled her up and down to make sure she licked every inch of Cara, then pulled her back to lick my shaft, *then* pulled her down to throat my cock even more. Ana and I were both moaning, and then leaned in to make out while it happened.

Finally I looked down to see Cara playing with her pussy. Specifically, pumping two fingers into herself, and guessing what that might mean for me. At that, we pulled her back completely so Cara was staring up at us, panting as the slightest bit of drool started to run down her chin.

"Cara, can we please finish this somewhere that's not made of marble?" I asked.

Cara took several deep breaths as she stared up at us, and then gave two slow, almost dazed, nods.

"Mmm, yes," Ana nodded in agreement.

Ana put her fingers under Cara's chin, and gave her the slightest flick. As if lifted by it, Cara stood up at once as if she were floating back to her feet. Ana took both Cara and I by the hands as she turned around and began to walk back to the bedroom, her feet making no noise as they tiptoed over the tile. Cara bit her lip as she walked, staring first at Ana's ass, and then glancing at my cock. We arrived at the bed, and while Ana turned and sat on the edge of it, Cara's hands grabbed my face. She didn't pull me in to kiss at first, she simply stared at me with a look in her eye I couldn't quite identify. Not apprehension, but something more akin to thoughtfulness. As if she were savoring the moment.

She didn't break her gaze, not even when Ana leaned forward and started sucking my cock again. That was seemingly her trigger to lean in, pulling my face towards hers as her tongue slid out. We kissed slowly at first, with Cara's lips pressing against mine with a soft push, then we started to get faster. Cara's tongue swirled against mine as she turned her head back and forth, coming at me from multiple angles. One thing I loved about kissing Cara, she was only a few inches shorter than me, so I didn't have to bend or hunch. The makeout continued with Cara's hands raking through my hair, and all the while Ana was sliding her mouth up and down on my shaft.

Then she stopped again, holding my head but breathing hard inches from my lips. Those perfectly done up, smoky eyes stared into mine.

"I want you to fuck me..." Cara whispered.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Cara kissed me again, and then whispered right up against my lips.

"You in my mouth reminded me what it's like inside me..."

Cara kissed again, and then held position as she opened her eyes and looked off to the side as if distracted. Ana was going faster, making a quiet slurping sound as her lips stayed locked around the shaft.

"And I can hear her sucking your cock," Cara said without looking down at Ana. "I know you're ready. I can *hear* how hard you are from how far down she's going. I want it."

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yes..." Cara almost hissed against my lips. "Fuck me now. Fuck me slowly, but fuck me *now*...before we run out of time..."

I put my hand to Cara's hip and immediately started guiding her towards the bed. Ana pulled away with a final smack from her lips, leaving my cock throbbing and coated in her saliva. Cara flopped forward onto the bed and caught herself with both hands, then flipped around onto her back. She sat at the edge just like Ana, but then leaned back, raising her legs and spreading them until she was wide open.

"Just don't cum in me..." Cara said as she stared at my cock.

I nodded once as I stepped forward, and Cara bit her lip as she watched my cock close in on her. She licked her finger once, and brought it down to her pussy. She was already wet, but the tip of her finger went to her lips, delicately teasing them apart and coming away even more wet than her mouth had left. It was like signaling an opening for me, making it even easier when the tip of my cock pressed against her opening. I opened her with one slow push, and then began easing it into her. Just a couple inches at a time.

"Oh ffffffuck..." Cara breathed out.

I stared down at her pussy lips as I continued to slowly slide it in. Just like the rest of her body, Cara's pussy was *tight*. To the point that, despite her being soaking wet, I had to actively push to get more of myself in her. Therefore, I did so easily, sliding in with a slow, steady pace, watching my cock sink into her a quarter inch or so at a time.

"Come on, do it..." Cara urged, sticking out her legs and hooking her heels into my waist.

She pulled her legs in and took me with her, all but ramming my cock the rest of the way into her. The pressure was intense as I filled her up, and as soon as I did, Cara's eyes went wide. She released her legs after the one motion, raising and spreading them again as her head hung back. She breathed out a hard moan that was almost a quiet scream, and then held her position. Several shaky, wavering breaths came out of her as she closed her eyes. I had yet to move my hips when she finally raised her head back up and looked at me, I merely slid my hands down her legs to grab her thighs.

"I said fu-UUUUCK!"

I interrupted Cara's instruction by doing exactly what she was going to tell me to do. My hands tightened on her thighs, I pulled my hips back, and then I pulled her into me as I gave a rough thrust forward. I repeated the motion, using the momentum of each thrust to continually rock her back and forth on the bed. Each time I did, Cara went away from my cock almost all the way, only for her to be pulled in and have it rammed back inside her.

"Ohhhhh my god yes...ah-yesssss..."

Cara stared up at me with an exasperated, almost pouty look on her face. She nodded several times as she moaned out several more 'yes....yes...' sounds, and then looked down between her legs. My cock was completely disappearing as it filled her up with each thrust, her tight pussy squeezing every inch of it inside her.

Then her view was changed. Ana's hand began to slide down Cara's tight stomach, teasing its way over her abs as she cuddled up beside her. Cara breathed harder, shakily moaning with each exhale as her eyes watched Ana's fingers progress. Over her stomach, down the smooth patch above her pussy, and then onto her clit. Ana's fingers all but locked onto it as she began pulsing them up and down, the tiniest flick of her index and middle finger.

"Oh fuuuuuuck ohmygo-o-o-o-o-o-d..." Cara moaned out, her head tipping back again.

I kept thrusting, going into her the same depth as I had been the entire time. That is to say, all the way until I was stopped by Cara's body. Despite Ana's fingers moving constantly, Cara's moans were dictated by the rhythm of my thrusts.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-ahhhmygod-haaah-aah-ahh-ahh..." with every motion of my cock filling her up.

While her fingers kept moving, Ana leaned in to first kiss Cara's neck, but once Cara turned her head in the middle of a moan, Ana kissed her on the lips. Cara's loud moans were instantly muffled as the two pressed their mouths together, Ana kissing hungrily and then sucking on Cara's tongue as she stuck it out. Cara let out another moan as her mouth stayed craned open.

"Ahhhhhhhhh..." Cara moaned out, long and loud, allowing Ana to hold her tongue between her lips.

Cara held her gaze, staring at Ana as she took it hard and deep. Then, Cara's entire face shifted, her brow suddenly creasing in surprise as she whipped her head away to look down at her pussy.

"Ohh shhhhit I'mgonnacum..." Cara said quickly.

There were roughly a dozen more hard smacks as I rammed my cock into her pussy, during which Cara was silent. Her jaw went slack, her eyes began to roll up into her eyelids, and she started to let herself sink down onto the bed. As soon as her head hit the bed, her abs flexed and her core tightened, and it shot right back off.

"...CUMMING!" Cara belted out of nowhere.

Her legs flexed and wrapped around my hips. Suddenly I couldn't thrust as deeply, but that didn't matter. Cara's orgasm roared through her like a violent fit. She shook under me, then used the leverage from her legs to raise herself up with her abs. She flew up, raking the nails of one hand across my chest, then slammed back down as she cried out. Once she hit the bed again, Ana pinned her down with her free hand, and then leaned down to suck one of Cara's already erect nipples. The sudden sensation gave the final pulses of Cara's orgasm a final jolt, drawing out one final scream before Cara hit the bed panting.

"Holy shit..." Cara said with a sigh as she sat up. "Are you close?"

"Not quite," I said, smirking.

"Keep going," Cara said as she pulled away, and then rolled over so she was on all fours. As she tossed her hair over her shoulder to look back at me, she bent forward in order to push her ass towards me.

"Don't cum in me..." she repeated.

My hands started caressing Cara's petite, toned ass, and then down the back of her thighs before going up her back.

"Be ready to jump away then, because...damn...." I groaned a little just from touching her.

Cara kept staring back at me until I started sliding my cock back into her pussy. From behind felt just as good if not better than with her legs being spread, and this time Cara took it upon herself to back her ass up into my cock, taking it in before I even started thrusting. That first push was again, entirely her own doing, and even when my hands went to her hips to guide her into me as I began thrusting, Cara started doing *that* herself as well.

"Ohhh my god yes..." Cara said with a sharper, more determined tone.

I fucked her then the same way I did before. Long, deep strokes into her pussy, pulling out almost all the way before shoving my entire cock back in. This time the only thing stopping my thrusts was crashing into Cara's petite ass, which meant I felt as though I was going in even deeper. It felt amazing. Cara's pussy clenched my cock with each motion, and the angle this time made it feel as though she was tightening her muscles even harder.

"Take it....take it....yes...YES!" Cara said, her expression turning almost steely.

That glaring look that was almost hostile disappeared the moment Ana moved closer again. While Cara was staring back over her shoulder at me, Ana slid forward so she was sitting right in front of Cara, her legs precisely placed on either side of her arms. With Cara on all fours, it was the perfect place for Ana to make herself accessible.

"...oh yes..." Cara moaned as she leaned in.

Her mouth and a hand immediately went down to Ana's tits, cupping one and squeezing the nipple while her tongue licked the other in a sharp circle. Ana moaned out as she locked eyes with me, excitedly biting her lip as her own hand went down. With the middle finger extended, Ana began to pump it into her pussy with a hard, almost slapping motion. Ana moaned again, staring at me with an increasingly wide smile. Cara's pussy feeling so good, watching her move on Ana yet again, and Ana smiling at me. The combination was too much.

"I'm getting close..." I said quickly.

"I'll finish him and you take it?" Cara quickly suggested, causing Ana to smile and nod.

I was in the middle of thrusting into Cara when she said it, almost not hearing her at all. In truth, I was completely lost in the sensation, and had Cara not pulled away as she and Ana scrambled to change positions, I likely would've made Cara very angry by cutting it very close on the pullout. But Ana and Cara got there first, Cara spinning around and Ana crawling forward on all fours.

Cara grabbed my cock with both hands, holding halfway down the shaft with one and lightly caressing my balls with the other. She kept them there until her lips locked back onto my cock, and then began to stroke me in perfect tandem with her mouth. She went low, pivoting herself back and forth on her knees just as she had been while I was fucking her, only now it was to shove my cock against the back of her mouth. On the pull back, I felt her tongue swirl around the tip. Then going down again, she tightened her hand to ensure that she was pulling the skin back and making the tip extra sensitive to the movements of her mouth. And all the while I felt the lightest, most pleasant tug on my balls.

It didn't take long with a motion like that. I moaned louder and louder, feeling everything tighten as I got close to the edge. Cara was watching like a hawk, her eyes staring up to wait for the signal. I didn't even have to say anything. She knew when things were happening, and she kept her mouth there until the last possible second.

"Ahhhhh..." Ana breathed out as she leaned forward.

Cara pulled her mouth away, but kept her hands right where they were. Ana shot forward to fill the gap, and Cara tilted my cock to point it squarely at her mouth. Ana's tongue draped over her bottom lip and hung down, giving me as large a target as possible. Even so, when my cock burst and the first rope shot out, Cara aimed perfectly, sending it into Ana's mouth.

"Ohhhh yeeeah..." Cara nodded with a happy grin as she kept stroking.

More of my cum flew out, this time onto Ana's waiting tongue. Ana hunched down closer to the bed, tilting her head up to catch as much as possible and not lose it. More ropes and spurts on her tongue turned into a small pool, and only when she began wagging her tongue against the tip of my cock did it finally spill over and begin to run onto her lips and down her chin.

Cara stroked until I was finished, then leaned in to suck on the tip a little more. The final traces of my cum went into her mouth and promptly disappeared, as opposed to Ana's which she proudly wore on her face. When I was finished, Cara instead turned to look at Ana, who was already staring back at her. Cara beckoned her forward, and then lightly put her fingers underneath Ana's chin as she leaned in.

Ana extended her tongue as she remained perfectly still, and Cara did the same as she leaned in. At first, they didn't kiss. Cara ran the tip of her tongue up Ana's, lightly licking some of the cum from it and then taking it into her mouth. She stopped, and tilted Ana's head up before leaning in again. This time, she carefully licked up Ana's chin, taking in a dangling rope of cum and lifting it up into her own mouth. She pulled away, and then brought her fingers to Ana's face, lightly pressing whatever exposed cum was left into her mouth, before Ana finally brought her tongue back in, and swallowed everything with one thick gulp.

Cara went in for one final kiss. A long, deep, eyes-closed kiss. Then she pulled away quickly.

"Fuck...I'm gonna be so late..."

Cara quickly scrambled back toward the bathroom, leaving Ana to sink back onto the bed with a grin as she watched her walk away. I turned as well, smirking to myself as I watched Cara start to fix her makeup, fanning herself to try to cool down.

"You sure you don't want to shower after that?" I mockingly called to Cara.

"Shut up..." Cara called back.

I chuckled, and then looked down at Ana. She was laying on her stomach, feet raised and ankles crossed as she rested her head on her hands.

"You have to get ready, too," Ana said with an exaggerated sadness on her face.

"I suppose I do," I said with a sigh. At that moment, I would've preferred to stay with her, to wait for Hailee and Kiernan as well.

But, I didn't fly halfway across the world *just* to fuck. Even if it was in a different setting.

I had a masquerade to get to.

  1. Upon arriving at the hotel in Venice, I was greeted by Cara Delevingne, who explained she needed to use my mirror for her preparations for the masquerade.
  2. During our conversation, Cara asked why I had decided to attend Anya Taylor-Joy's wedding, and I assured her that I had been invited and was there to support my friend.
  3. As Cara finished getting ready, Ana De Armas arrived and barged into the room, immediately embracing me with a kiss that left me yearning for more.
  4. Cara remained in the bathroom, seemingly unfazed by the intimate moment between Ana and me, and continued to apply her makeup.
  5. With Ana by my side, we ventured out to join the festivities, ready to indulge in whatever pleasures the black-tie masquerade had in store for us.

Read also: