Erotic Couplings

Assisting a Pal

Her pal's spouse could be a jerk... yet he's attractive.

May 24, 2024
11 min read
Helping a Friendmilfcheatinghatefuck
Helping a Friend
Helping a Friend

Assisting a Pal

Nothing makes navigating the school run quite as bearable as having mom friends. It takes a couple of weeks for you to realize you're traveling on the same route around the same time, spot each other, and maybe even exchange a smile or wave. But what do you call them?

Then there's the dread of starting a conversation and crossing the point of no return where it becomes super awkward if you don't know their name. Lucky for me, the kids always save the day - "That's so-and-so's mom!" - so I can pretend I remember their child.

Thankfully, my friend Julie was never one for awkwardness. She simply introduced herself to Alison and got her number. Through brief, ten-minute chats, these women became closer.

Julie, a single mom, shared her struggles with scheduling and co-parenting with Alison, a married woman facing similar issues. It's surprising because while they have different circumstances, some dynamics in their relationships mirrored each other - the same kind of passive-aggressive behavior, unannounced disappearances, constant criticism with no actual suggestions.

Julie and Alison became each other's support system, swapping school runs here and there. Alison would bring Julie's son to school when she had early morning meetings, and Julie would pick up Alison's daughter if she was in traffic on her commute home.

"Do you want to come for dinner?" Alison asked one Thursday evening. Fast forward to the four of them climbing the narrow stairs to her flat in a small suburban house.

"Wasn't I here before?" Julie asked.

"Wait, you were?"

Julie nodded and surveyed the living room with its usual clutter of toys and children's books on the couch. "Yep, you've been to mine a few times, but we've never been to yours. I was kind of curious but didn't want to be pushy..."

"Well, I think I'm a bit embarrassed by the mess." Alison said, heading into the kitchen and stubbing her toe on an overflowing recycling bin. "Ahhh!"

Julie jumped in. "Let me help!" She picked up the beer cans scattered on the floor and arranged them neatly in the bin. "You don't drink, why do you have these beer cans around?"

"They aren't mine," Alison answered meekly, rubbing her foot. "They're from Daniel."

Julie shot her a disapproving look. "Or, shouldn't he take out his own trash?"

Alison just shrugged. "No point making a fuss right now. The kids are here."

The kids were oblivious, happily preoccupied with a music box, drawing, and not hearing their moms' conversation. Julie looked over at Alison and asked, "Are you sure you even like him?" Alison shrugged. "I wasn't married, so I can't relate to your marriage," Julie continued, turning to an empty living room. "But it's not a healthy relationship. Why do you stay?"

"You didn't have a choice," Alison whispered. "It's complicated - the divorce process takes ages, I couldn't afford living on my own, and we'd have to sort out property division."

"But you're unhappy!"

"Yeah, but he's unhappy too. We're both stuck in this loveless, sexless situation."

Julie arched an eyebrow.

"What?" Alison asked.

"I just started thinking... are you totally sure he's sexless?" Alison scoffed. "Haha, no, I'm not going to entrap him or anything," Julie added with a smile.

"Have a nice day, sweetheart," Julie said, planting a quick kiss on her son's head and waving him off. She stood there for a moment or two, watching him walk towards the school, and chuckled delightfully when Alison's daughter rushed past her, trying to catch up with him.

Julie then turned around, only to come face-to-face with Daniel. "Oh, hey Daniel," she began, quickly recovering from her initial surprise. "I thought you were Alison."

"She said she was coming down with a headache," he shared and rolled his eyes. Julie clenched her teeth, resisting the urge to say something snarky. "I hope I'm an appropriate substitute," he said with a smirk. He extended his hand, gesturing for Julie to walk with him.

Julie attempted to smile back. "Of course," she replied. "I'm just not used to seeing you at school pick-up. In truth, it's been almost nine months since the school year started and you're the first time I've seen you here."

Daniel laughed, revealing his perfectly aligned and bright teeth. "Makes sense," he remarked. "I'm usually swamped with work or at the gym. Guess you can understand that, with how often you do your morning runs."

"Yup, it's quite the routine," she nodded, her eyes glancing down at her leggings. "I'm just on my way to my morning workout class."

"Yeah, whatever class it is, it's definitely putting you in great shape!" Daniel said, his gaze lingering on her slender figure.

Julie couldn't quite believe the possibility of such brazenness - normally quite the opposite of him. This whole plan of hers was to prove to Alison that he would cheat if given the opportunity. However, part of her somehow enjoyed the attention he was giving her. While she would never admit it to herself or Alison, she couldn't help but feel a certain self-satisfaction at the validation coming her way.

Daniel's smile seemed to know exactly what she was thinking, further heightening the appeal. If she didn't know he was the married friend's husband, she might even feel attracted to him.

With an infectious grin, Daniel said, "See you around."

Julie sighed, her posture posed and her hips swaying as she walked away. She offered a coquettish smile back, all the while conscious of the way her leggings accentuated her toned thighs. As she risked a peek over her shoulder, she caught Daniel staring at her, his eyes lingering while he smirked and dipped his head in acknowledgement.

The following day, the local elementary school was hosting its annual summer fete. Young kids ran about the fairgrounds, bleary-eyed with excitement, having fun with their parents at a myriad of activities like three-legged races, tombola, and a romantic ride on the horse carousel.

Julie's son was one of those hoping for a ponied adventure. She cheered alongside the crowd, perched on a patch of grass with her drink, and settled in for a long wait.

As Julie went on sipping her cocktail, she overheard someone say, "It's refreshing to see a mom like you who knows how to let her hair down and have fun."

Julie's eyes shifted and spotted Daniel plop down next to her, pulling up a chair. "Thanks," she replied coyly, crossing one leg over the other. Her sundress fabric rose slightly, forcing her to battle down the urge to readjust. "Daniel, did I tell you I'm also taking a fitness class?" she asked, deliberately slow and seductive.

"No, you didn't," Daniel said roguishly, his gaze turning appreciative. Julie felt her skin burn as he added, "In fact, I think I could just imagine how good it looks on you . . ."

She suppressed her irritation and smiled, trying to assure herself she wasn't reacting to it like the flattered girl she used to be. "Well, that's something you'll just have to imagine," she retorted coyly.

Daniel looked at her, his eyes dancing with mischief before he remarked, "I'm no fool."

Although still uncomfortable with her buzz, Julie laughed, trusting Alison wouldn't notice this flirtation as anything more than some playful banter between friends. "Yeah, maybe you're not," she agreed, pinching his cheek playfully. "And, your wife is right over there in the bright pink spandex shorts."

Julie grinned, sitting back with a confidence that would make him think she was really into him. "That is quite something, n'est-ce pas?" she joked, batting her eyelashes.

Luke lifted his arms to clutch the lawn chair above him and shut his eyes, turning his face towards the sun. Julie took this opportunity to take a good look at him. She was trying to remind herself the only reason he was so appealing-looking was that he had abandoned being a good husband and father and isolated himself that much.

His biceps were evident in his present position, his short sleeves failing to contain them. She traced the contour of his shoulders with her sight, moving up to his neck. He'd let his beard grow out to just the suitable amount of stubble, the clean edges exposing the effort it must have required.

His lips parted slightly, enticingly, as he sighed and soaked in the sunlight. Julie's eyes continued to examine him, and as she noticed his remarkably long eyelashes, Luke's eyes sprang open and bore into hers.

After an eternal second of the most intense eye contact she'd ever had, Julie sat vertically, flustered. I can't carry on with this, she thought to herself. I can't do this to Aly. I know she doesn't care, but...

Her dress strategically slid off her shoulder in her haste, and she almost slammed her rear end into Daniel's groin as he gently pushed the shoulder strap back in place. A quake spread through Julie, starting from where his fingertips made contact with her skin.

She glanced at him. He was smirking again, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to smack him or kiss him to wipe that irritating smirk off his face.

Fortunately, the horses were starting to come into view, giving her a good reason to walk away from Luke without uttering a word.


A few days have passed, but Julie could not erase Daniel from her mind. She felt the need to clear the air with Aly - if nothing else, to tell her about Daniel's actions. She may not have caught him doing anything wrong, but definitely gave her a strong hint. May that be enough for her.

After a disappointing morning, Julie determined to surprise Aly for lunch. She rang and the door buzzed open. Julie took off her shoes and rose up the stairs, calling up to Aly. "Sorry for banging in, darling, just thought we could have a bite. I brought some..." she broke off as she stepped into the living room and observed Daniel standing there, arms crossed.

"What--where's Aly? What are you doing here?"

Daniel interjected and chuckled in a teasing tone. "Thought we could make a dream sequence in an abstract film of me returning home."

Julie sighed and rubbed her temple. "Shit, it's Thursday... By golly, this holiday's thrown me off, I thought it was Wednesday."

"Riiiiight..." Daniel scoffed, and took a step towards Julie.

"I did, "Julie defended herself, folding her arms.

"Well, then," Daniel moved even closer. "Why don't you leave?" He smirked in that way he did and Julie scoffed. Fuck but he looked enticing. Frustrating, enraging, and yes, hot.

"I will. I'm off."

"Wait," Daniel remarked. "I never understood what human beings meant when they said MILF before, and it's a disrespectful word, but for you... it's rather fitting."

"What the heck? Are you serious?" Julie couldn't believe her ears. What a fucked-up arsehole. "Just... shut up!"

"Make me," Daniel smirked again.

Julie sneered and shoved him aside. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close, pushing her down until they were lying on the sofa. "You're a nag," Julie spat.

"I know," he grinned, and perched himself over her. "And you fucking adore it!"

Julie despised the truth, but she had been single for a while, and she missed the act of sex. She missed the feeling of losing control and trying to think of nothing but the sensation of a rigid cock probing her. But she knew she needed to leave quickly. Oh, and for Aly. Why did she have to have a crush on a married person? Luke was on top of her in an instant.

"You're a dolt," she muttered faintly.

Luke smiled and leaned into her. "I don't doubt it." He shoved his t-shirt off and she could not stop her hand from resting on his muscular chest. "And you're dying for it."

Julie despised the accuracy. However, she'd been single for an extended time and craved the act of sexual intercourse. She thought of nothing but the satisfaction of a rigid cock forcing itself deep inside her.

Luke swiftly slid his hand down and unzipped her jeans. Then, he pulled off her jeans and panties. She moaned and arched her back. A hot shiver ran through her from where his fingers brushed her clit.

He moved on to kiss her passionately.

"Hell yeah," Daniel grunted. He grabbed her legs and pushed them apart to reveal her pussy. She gasped as his tongue slid in between her lips and he licked her hungrily. Julie tried to not think about who he was and just focus on what he was doing.

At least he's not talking, she thought to herself. This is a better use of his mouth...

Daniel pushed a finger inside her and sucked on her clit. Julie moaned and folded her arms across her face. She couldn't believe how good he was at this - it was like they'd slept together a hundred times and he knew exactly what to do.

His fingers touched all the right spots inside her, his tongue flicked her clit at just the right speed, and he responded to even the smallest noise and movement she made. He teased her, building her up and then slowing back down.

"Yes, yes right there," she couldn't help but hum when he found the perfect spot. He kept at it and she cummed hard, arching her back, digging her nails into her palms.

He chuckled and sat up, wiping Julie's juices off his chin with one hand while stroking his cock with the other to lubricate it. A residual shiver ran through her as Daniel moved her legs to the side, aligning his cock with her pussy.

"You're a very naughty girl," he whispered as he pushed himself inside her.

"Don't call me that," Julie groaned into the couch.

Daniel leaned in close to nibble on her ear. "But you are," he whispered seductively in her ear. "Loving your friend's husband."

"No, I..." Julie started, interrupted by a moan as he thrust deep into her. She tried to yell at him but he pushed her down and lifted her hips up. She yelped as her face was squashed against the couch.

"You're going to cum again for me," he grunted, "I want to feel you cum on my cock."

He held her hips and slammed into her. He was larger than she was used to and she rolled her eyes when he hit bottom. He began slamming into her, and gave her ass a hard smack. She moaned into the pillow but he heard it and chuckled.

"You like that, don't you?" he smacked her ass again, which caused her pussy to clench around his cock.

Julie hated Daniel at that moment. She hated how his cock felt, hated how amazing he made her feel, hated that all she wanted to do was slap her hand between her legs to play with her clit... but she did anyway.

The moment she made contact, Daniel increased his rhythm. He smacked her ass one more time, sending her over the edge. She groaned wordlessly into the pillow, the only sound being her heavy breathing. He continued to slam her into the couch, refusing to let her get away.

"You're hotter than Alison," he groaned.

"Fuck off," Julie snapped, trying to turn her head to glare at him. "You're a real asshole."

Daniel moaned and tightened his grip on her hips, groaning as he erupted deep inside her.

He lay heavily on top of her, watching their breaths match. They lay there for a few seconds, before he gently pulled her panties back over and slid her jeans up her hips. "I want you to remember me all afternoon," he mumbled, giving her ass a soft pat.

Julie jumped off the couch furious. "How dare you, that was, that-" she stuttered.

Daniel leaned against the dining table, crossing his arms and smirking. "That was hot, and you know it." Julie scowled at him. "Your zipper's down."

Julie frowned and zipped her jeans up. "That was the worst thing I've ever done in my life."

Daniel put his hands on the table and leaned against it. "I'd love to see what your best looks like then."

Julie scoffed and stomped down the stairs, pulling her shoes back on. She heard Daniel shout out to her before slamming the door shut.

"We should do this again sometime!"

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