Celebrity Sex Stories

Attracting Rosa Part 1 - Fresh Neighbour

Charlie unwittingly triggers Rosa's desires for him.

May 11, 2024
18 min read
older manlarge dicksmall womanSeducing Rosa Pt. 01 - New Neighbor
Seducing Rosa Pt. 01 - New Neighbor
Seducing Rosa Pt. 01 - New Neighbor

Attracting Rosa Part 1 - Fresh Neighbour

Disclaimer: This narrative contains explicit content and is intended for mature audiences and open-minded individuals. Reader caution is suggested. This work of fiction features themes of sensuality, romance, and grown-up scenarios. It may include scenes of provocative language, visceral depictions of sexual encounters, instances of infidelity and polyamory, and other subject matter fitting only for those beyond the legal age of consent in their jurisdiction.

Please note: All characters portrayed in this narrative are consenting proficient adults and are entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to any real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

By reading this narrative, you acknowledge that you are of legal age to access these adult materials in your locale and that you comprehend the material's essence. The writer will not be held responsible for any actions taken by readers as a result of the content of this narrative. Additionally, the writer disclaims any responsibility if you are disturbed by the contents read.

If you feel uncomfortable with or legally not allowed to access explicit adult content, please stop reading at this moment.


Seducing Rosa - Part One

Charles observed with curiosity as the family moved into the residence next door. They were the first Hispanics he'd seen in this neighborhood. They were the first non-whites he'd seen in the neighborhood since he'd moved in twenty-two years ago.

He watched as three individuals, a man, what appeared to be his wife, and a very young girl, unloaded the moving van piece by piece into the house. They were working hard, and the more he observed them, the more guilty he felt for just watching their progress.

He stepped back from the window, entered his bedroom, and changed into jeans and an older FBI t-shirt.

After examining his reflection in the mirror to ensure he was acceptable to go out, he stepped out of the entrance to his residence. As he approached the halfway point, they all ceased and regarded him.

The older man exited the van and headed toward him.

"Hi." With a hint of alarm, he inquired, "May I assist you?"

"In fact, I was about to ask the same question." Charles directed his attention to his house, "I've been watching you move in most of the morning, and when it didn't seem like anyone was coming to help, I thought I'd see if you could use an extra hand."

The man sized him up, still wary of this towering gigantic figure before him. He then scratched his head, appearing as if he may say no when Charles extended his hand.

"Sorry, where are my manners?" He introduced himself, "I'm Charles Castle, but you can call me Charlie." He then grinned, "I'm a former FBI agent, and sometimes I forget how imposing I can come off as. If you're asking, yes, I'm the guy you saw in 'Emperor's New Groove,' and they called me 'Kronk.'"

The girl burst into Upbeat guffaws, "You're my Kronk! I was thinking that as I watched you walk over here". She kept laughing, "I hope Yzma isn't around!"

He observed them long enough to craft a response, "No, she was my boss when I served."

This remark was sufficient, and William LeSalle, his wife, and daughter, Terri, and Rosa, began to laugh as well. As they approached him, the man took Charlie's hand.

"William LeSalle," he disclosed. "This is my wife, Terri, and my daughter, Rosa." William revealed, "Although not as remarkable as you, I just retired from Lawrence Livermore, where I've been a chemist for twenty-five years."

Terri contributed, "And in case he's too vain to say it, we would adore the help."

Charlie shrugged, "Show me where you need me."

He spent the next five hours assisting them in unloading the van. In fact, seeing him provide assistance, another neighbor emerged and began lending a hand, and together the five of them had the van emptied and most of the furniture in the appropriate places by the time the sun had set.

Charlie observed his other neighbor leaving, "Goodbye, Stan, thanks for lending a hand!"

Rosa tapped Charles' shoulder, proffering a chilled bottle of Modelo. Charlie grabbed it and consumed half within a few seconds, not realizing how parched he was.

"Thanks, but are you permissible to offer alcohol, miss?", he teased her.

She chuckled and blushed, "I'm going to turn twenty-one in a week and will begin college in the fall."

Puzzled by her appearance, Charlie found her to be barely taller than five feet and radiated an aura of someone in their mid-teens. Sporting loose jeans and what appeared to be one of her dad's sweatshirts.

Turning toward her, he inquired, "What's your major interest, Rosa?"

Seeming to ponder an answer, she shook her head hesitantly, "I'd like to explore chemistry, like my father. But I'm unsure."

"You're youthful and have ample time to settle on a direction."

She nodded, "I comprehend." As they approached the garage, Charlie observed her unique golden-colored eyes that took him back to his work in Lleida, where the locals' eyes displayed the same mesmerizing shade. He felt drawn to their allure.

Interrupted by another voice, Charlie beheld William strolling toward them, "Thanks for the beer invitation, my pal. Unfortunately, we aren't prepared to host any parties just yet."

Holding out his beer, Charlie replied, "It's alright. If you require assistance or have any questions, feel free to call me."

Noticing William's gazing at Rosa, he inquired, "And who is the person Rosa is conversing about enrolling in school with?"

Quickly glancing at her, William quipped, "I'll definitely inform you, Charlie."

"Great. I'll find out more about Janice MacKenzy," Charlie said as he raised his beer to salute and bid adieu to William.

Moving on, Charlie's interaction with Rosa dissipated for several weeks, engaging in brief exchanges on the street but not delving deeper.

One day while jogging, he spotted Rosa jogging equally fast behind him. Slowing down to observe this unfolding spectacle, he noticed her jogging shorts and tight-fitting sports top. He glanced at her, shifting his gaze down to discern her small breasts poking out of the fabric, reminding him of their potential structure. He collected himself before abruptly resuming his jog.

Catching up to him, Rosa greeted him cordially, "Good morning, Mr. Castle."

Playing along, Charlie acknowledged, "I've asked you before, it's Charlie."

She smiled, "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. How did your run go this morning?"

He responded, "Quite well. Ten miles, as usual."

Rosa replied enthusiastically, "I'll stick with you."

They conversed about his previous inquiries regarding college and her applications, "Have you heard from your parents or the college admissions board?"

Shaking her head, Rosa answered, "Not yet. I'm still waiting for my transcripts from New Mexico, and I hope it'll all work out."

"If you need any help, please let me know. I'm familiar with the admissions process, and I'd be happy to connect you with someone."

She responded appreciatively, "Thank you. I'll definitely take you up on your offer when the transcripts arrive."

As the conversation neared an end, she queried, "Can you divulge some details about your career, Mr. Castle?"

Letting his defenses down, he confessed, "Considerably of my time in the FBI involved office work and cars. Not much action."

Curiously, she asked, "Were you overseas?"

Chuckling, he confirmed, "Yes, but mostly at a desk."

Not prying further, Rosa and Charlie finished their conversation, and Charlie noticed Bill in the front yard, checking the air pressure in his tires. Addressing him, Charlie inquired, "Have you and your family made any plans for this Saturday?"

Shaking his head, Bill suggested, "We don't have anything scheduled. What did you have in mind?"

"C'mon over to my house at around one. I have a pool and grill to facilitate a BBQ." He extended an invitation.

Laughing, Bill informed his wife about Charlie's proposal, and she endorsed the idea. Excited, Bill remarked, "Sounds great. Do you serve ceviche?"

Shaking his head, Charlie budged, "I've never had it."

"We'll bring some," Bill replied lightheartedly as Rosa and Charlie continued down the street.

"Great, my wife makes the best. We'll catch up later."

During the week, I noticed Rosa on my morning runs almost every day. Sometimes, I'd speed up and lead her through the woods and paths, trying to see if she could keep up with my pace. She always managed to catch up.

On these runs, I found myself admiring her behind, which was small but firm. Her legs were also quite impressive, strong enough to potentially break someone's neck.

As my thoughts started to wander, I forced myself to focus on running again. I hadn't been on the dating scene for a while, and it had been quite some time since my last relationship. My feelings about Rosa were stirring a bit too much, so I shifted my focus to other things.

When we finished our runs, I saw Bill and Terri driving away. I teased Rosa, "Looks like your folks are leaving you behind."

She laughed, "It's okay. They had to buy ingredients for the ceviche for tomorrow at the store."

"Ah," I replied, "I'll see you when you guys come over then."

She nodded and dashed into her house. A few seconds later, she was sprinting back up to me.

"Hey, I've got a problem," she panted when she caught up.

I asked, "Everything alright?"

She nodded, "Yes, just a minor inconvenience. I lost my keys and the door's locked. Could you let me stay at your place until they get back?"

"Sure, of course."

We made it to my house and I unlocked the door with my thumb on the keypad. She seemed surprised, "You have one of these?"

"Yup. My parents aren't very fond of technology," I replied. "It took convincing from my high school counselor to get my dad to buy me a laptop and printer."

We entered the living room, and Rosa was thrilled by the cleanliness and organization. "Do you have a wife or girlfriend?" she asked.

"Nope, got married for a while, but my job made it difficult to maintain a relationship, so we decided to go our separate ways," I explained.

She looked over at a picture of me on the wall wearing a suit with a woman next to me. "That's your ex-wife, right?"

I nodded and pointed to the photo, "Yeah, that's Joanne and her husband. We still have lunch or dinner together sometimes."

Rosa looked at another photo, then gasped, "You met President Obama?"

I giggled, "Yup."

When I asked if she could handle being alone for half an hour, she nodded but continued to examine the photos. She squealed loudly when she saw a photo of me in a flight suit next to an F15.

I headed into my bedroom to change into dry clothes, leaving the door open by a few inches. My affection for fresh, non-sweaty clothes made the sensation of nakedness pleasing. I took off my clothes and then walked to the bathroom nude, preparing myself for a shower.

As I began to gather my things for the shower, the chill in the room slightly aroused me. I glimpsed my semi-erect penis as I picked out clean clothes, prompting a less-pleasant sensation.

As I entered the bathroom and turned on the water, Rosa noticed the open bedroom door and peeked inside. She gasped when she saw me unclothed.

I was preoccupied with gathering my shower necessities when she came in, and her eyes widened at the sight of my erect penis, which was larger than any she'd seen before, even in its soft state. I attempted to envision it compared to the dude she was dating, but Charlie's was at least twice as big.

After showering and getting dressed, I returned to the living room and found to my surprise that Rosa was still admiring photos.

"Rosa, I'm running a bit more time. Can you occupy yourself and not feel lonely for thirty minutes?" I asked.

She nodded and returned to the photos once more. She couldn't help but express her amazement after seeing another photo of me in a flight suit next to a large military plane, out loud this time, "Wow."

As Charlie glanced at something, Rosa noticed his penis twitching and stiffening. Shocked, she watched as he strolled away to the other end of the room, only to hear the sound of running water from a shower.

Bracing herself, she cautiously approached the door, warning herself not to get caught. But the curiosity got the better of her, and with a shaky hand, she opened the door.

"What are you doing? You'll be discovered!" Rosa thought as she ventured into the room. She moved carefully along the wall that led to the bathroom and peeped around the corner, finding relief in the ironwork that concealed her view. She was astonished to see her friend standing naked in the shower, washing his hair while his erect penis stood almost at a right angle from his body.

"My God." Rosa breathed under her breath. Feeling parched, she noticed a sudden dryness in her mouth. Her legs felt shaky, and she could feel her arousal intensifying. She longed to touch herself but knew better. She backed out and shut the door before heading back to the photos she had been examining.

Her mind was filled with one image - Charlie's erection. She found herself feeling dizzy and desperately wanted to touch herself, but this was not the place for it. She looked across the room to see another door and tried her luck, luckily stumbling upon the guest bathroom.

Locking the door and lowering her tights, Rosa smelled her own arousal. As she touched herself, she could not distinguish her sweat from her own juices. She pressed two fingers into her pussy and let out a muffled moan as her hand rested on the countertop. She pushed them deeper and gently brushed against her clit, feeling even more sensitive than ever before.

A powerful orgasm overtook Rosa, starting earlier than she anticipated. She wobbled back to her feet and gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Her leggings were pulled down to her knees, her fingers now coated in her wetness. She gently traced the outer lips of her vagina, imagining Charlie's penis in its place, her mind wandering briefly if it would even fit.

With eyes closed, she inserted a finger into herself, then massaged the small nub of her clit, trying to regain control. Just as she did, a wave of sparks coursed through her body, bringing her close to climax.

A jolt of reality struck as she heard Charlie's voice from the hallway. "Rosa, you in there? Are you okay?"

Relieved to find the door locked, she answered, "Yes... I just... I had to go to the bathroom and couldn't wait for you to come out."

"Okay, I thought I heard something strange..."

She felt slightly embarrassed, blushing at the thought that perhaps Charlie knew what she had seen. "No, I'm okay now."

She realized she needed to pee and sat on the toilet. Dazed by her unexpected sexual awakening, she shuddered as the stream of urine left her body, and again felt a more intense throbbing and twitching in her vagina. She clenched her legs together tightly and quietly hid her moans.

"What's wrong with me?" She whispered to herself, still panting and covering her mouth to muffle her involuntary noises. With trembling hands, she cleaned herself, pulled up her leggings, and washed her hands. Confused and shaken, she left the bathroom and found Charlie on the couch, gazing outside.

"Hey," Charlie said cheerfully, "Did you fall in?"

She felt her cheeks turn red as her eyes moved down to his groin. The swollen bulge there had her wondering how it would feel to hold it against her. "No, I just had a little stomach discomfort."

"Oh, okay... didn't have a TV here. Would've put something on otherwise."

Her mind drifted off as she gazed at the pool in the yard. She learned her homeowners' association had denied her family's request for a pool. "I've never seen it," she said, stepping outside to see the pool for herself.

Charlie stood, strolled over to the window, and peered outside, saying, "I can talk to them. I can't guarantee it'll get approved for you, but it won't hurt to take a look." He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and pointed across the yard, "I've a BBQ area right there, plus a wet sauna and an in-ground jacuzzi."

The touch of his hand electrified her, and she flushed again, grateful he couldn't see her expression.

He opened the sliding door and let her step outside; she was astounded by the lovely decor. "Did you do all this?"

He nodded, "Most of it. Joanne helped, and I liked it enough to keep it up."

Rosa wandered around the pool and then adopted a quizzical expression, looking at Charlie, "I don't sense chlorine."

He smiled, "It's a saltwater pool, so no chlorine's needed, and it's simpler to maintain."

She gazed at him, then at the pool, "Saltwater?"

"Yes. It's awesome, and you'll experience it first-hand when you and your folks come over."


Both of them turned as the doorbell tinkled, and Charlie walked back inside, through the living room, and answered the front door.

Outside, Terri appeared apologetic, "Did Rosa come over here?"

"Hi, Mom. I couldn't find my keys, so I came here to wait."

Terri had a concerned expression, "Thanks for this, Charlie, we're grateful." Then she peered past him, "Let's go, Mija, we have something we gotta discuss."

"Okay," Rosa quickly exited through the doorway and informed her mom, "He has a photo of him standing with President Obama."

As he closed the door, he heard a quick knock and Bill's voice, "Mr. Castle?"

Charlie opened the door and sighed, "Bill, we've been through this; just call me Charlie."

The man grinned, "Sorry, it's a habit." He stared at the ground and frowned, "We won't be here tomorrow. There's been a family emergency, and we need to go to Florida for a few days. I'm sorry."

Charlie shook his head, "No, don't be. I can put the meat in the freezer, and it'll be waiting for you when you come back." He saw the sorrow in Bill's face and asked, "Is there anything I can help with?"

Bill smiled weakly, "No, it's my mother. She's had a stroke, and they don't think she'll last the night, so we're rushing to get there as fast as possible."

"I'm sorry about that, Bill. You can reach me at any time if you need assistance."

Bill patted Charlie's arm, "I appreciate your friendship."

After departing, Charlie entered the kitchen, transferred the burger patties from the fridge into the freezer, and then retreated to his office.

One evening, Charlie had just finished doing laps in the pool and was towel-drying off when he heard the doorbell ring. He threw the towel over his shoulders, entered the door, and opened it, forgetting he was only wearing his swimming trunks. He didn't mind wearing them around the house but was glad no one could see him blushing in the dark.

Surprised, he saw Terri and Rosa standing there. "Hi, I just exited the pool."

Terri glanced down at his trunks and blushed, while Rosa gawked at him for half a minute as her mom chatted.

"Mr... I mean... uh... Charlie. We have a concern. Rosa prefers not to go with us, as we're new here. Would you mind keeping an eye on her while we're gone?"

Charlie nodded, "I could do that, or I have two spare guest rooms she's free to use if she feels uneasy staying alone." He looked at them, "The rooms aren't fully furnished, though; she might need to dust a bit before using one."

Rosa gazed at him, made eye contact without blushing in the darkness, then told her mother, "I'm okay with either option."

Terri smiled, "I'll leave it up to her."

"It's a new house. I get a little unnerved there by myself, and Cindy's been away for a month, so I can't go there." Rosa explained.

"That's fine. I have four guest rooms, but only two are ready to use now." He paused for a moment, then looked at both of them, "If you're prepared, she's welcome to stay here." They both smiled, and Terri said, "Okay, thank you."

It was an intriguing, puzzling situation that had occurred; Charlie was helping by checking up on Rosa, and they'd left him in charge of the ranch. However, things took a more personal turn when Terri and Rosa arrived, and they shared an unexpected connection. Not to mention, Charlie had an image of him with President Obama which significantly elevated his status among his visitors. Despite the pressing family emergency, this chance encounter took place, bringing about exciting developments in his life.

He shut the door and strolled back in, going into his space to prepare for the night. He then wandered to the other side of the house, the hallway, and the second guest room. The bed remained untouched. It was also the only guestroom with a private bathroom. The architect of the house called it a "Mini Master Suite." It was roughly half the size of his room, featured a full bath, and had a door leading onto the patio.

All seemed in order, so he switched on the tiny table lamp next to the bed in case she returned. Then, he opened one of the windows to let out the stale air and closed the door.

Around two hours later, he observed Terri and Bill leave, but no Rosa, so he believed she had opted for an alternative or simply decided to endure it at home. He, therefore, walked back to his room, removed his clothes for bedtime, and prepared for the night.

He is averse to wearing anything to sleep, even underwear. He simply finds the sensation uncomfortable. Conversely, he enjoys maintaining his room at a cozy temperature because he dislikes sheets or blankets on him. Hence, after everything was set, he switched off the lights, turned on his bedside lamp, and settled down with a book.

However, eventually, he heard the front door open.

"Shit." He muttered as he sprang up, threw on his dressing gown, and made his way to the front of the home.

"Hey?" Rosa called out as she walked in. The entire house was pitch-black. She held an overnight bag in one hand and her cosmetic bag in the other.

She startled when she saw Charlie corner her wearing a robe, which he was tying back in place with one hand.

"Rosa?" He inquired. "It was getting late, so I thought you had changed your mind."

She frowned, then assessed him, "I tried, but it's just unsettling. Perhaps once I get accustomed to the house and all the noises, but right now, no."

He nodded, "No problem whatsoever. Let me show you to the room."

He led her down the hallway to the second door and opened it for her, "This is it. It has its own bathroom right there and access to the patio and pool through that door over there." He indicated the glass door at the end of the room.

As Rosa shuffled by, she inadvertently brushed against his robe. She briefly considered if she had just touched that gargantuan penis she's seen, then experienced her face reddening as she thought about what she had witnessed earlier. She deposited her two bags and turned to Charlie, stealing a glance at his groin.

"Thank you, Charlie. This is lovely." She said.

"No worries at all. I'll let you rest now." He left and proceeded down the hallway. He hurried because her brushing had provoked him. By the time he arrived at the living room, his penis was rigid and protruding from his robe.

When he arrived at his room, he shoved the door closed, and it popped open again, "Damn it." He tried it and held it until he heard the lock click, then removed his robe. "He eyed his sturdy erection, which stood proudly, and muttered, "Shit, she's just a youth. Go away."

He contemplated jacking off, but he was weary, so he snuggled into bed, rolled over onto his side, and dozed off to sleep.

In the other room, Rosa mused about Charlie's penis. In fact, she had been unable to stop thinking about it. It had to be at least three times the size of her boyfriend and thicker than she had ever seen.

"How on earth would that possibly fit into a normal girl?" She pondered. She was becoming aroused again and could feel her wetness engulfing her vagina. She had a plan, though.

She reached into her small bag situated at her bedside, retrieved a small vibrator, turned it on, and then pulled back the sheets. Her nipples were firm, so firm that they were almost painful. She shifted herself and lifted her nightgown, squeezing one of her breasts; the result was a shooting pain that caused her pussy to ache intensely with longing.

Rosa was so sexually aroused by what she had seen and what she was conjuring that she had barely inserted the tip when she touched off her first orgasm. It wasn't much, but it was enough to cause her to clamp her hand over her mouth to prevent any noises that could potentially attract him to her room.

Then she considered, what if he did and discovered her like this? What would he do to her? Would he utilize that massive member of his on her? Where would he place it, and would it even fit?

As she delved deeper into herself, Rosa didn't dare think about what she was doing. She couldn't help but make a small squeal as her pussy contracted harder around the toy. Holding the blanket close to her mouth, she began fuckin it in and out of her, fantasizing it was Charlie.

When she felt the blanket was out of the way, she brought the wand up to her face for a quick taste. She pictured it as his dick, savouring her own juices on it. Throwing the blanket aside, she used two fingers to enter her wet pussy and gasped in astonishment when her hips began to move with the same rhythm as she juiced herself with her hands. Next, she pushed the wand as deeply into her as possible. Her orgasm predictions were quickly realised as she was so wet there was no friction or resistance.

Unaware of the time, Rosa could only think of the sultry vibrations, worried that Charlie on the other side of the house could feel it. She stopped caring about it eventually.

Suddenly she reached an unbearable climax that seemed to extend from her stomach to her cunt. Grunting loudly she let out another cry as she began to cum. She began using her fingers to cradle her pulsing clit. Another wave surged through her and she imagined herself meeting an invisible lover as her hips pushed the wand deep inside her.

At long last, the buzzing ceased and she laid there, her fingers and wand still nestled in her. The aftershocks of her orgasm caused her muscles to twitch.

As slowly as she could, she removed the wand from her body and licked it clean. She then cross the wand under the sheets to get it cleaned off in the morning. Finally, surrendering to the post-orgasmic happiness, Rosa drifted off to sleep.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de