Back to Work Pt. 02

I am demoted, and given a more appropriate role.

Jul 2, 2024
16 min read
female submissionBack to Work Pt. 02toiletfemale masturbationurinalpunishmentplace of workhumiliationdegradationpainjob
Back to Work Pt. 02
Back to Work Pt. 02

Back to Work Pt. 02

On the top floor the carpet was different and the trim on the doors and stuff was polished wood and it looked expensive. The halls were wider too. I walked to the left, turned a corner, and as per instruction let myself into a large conference room with a polished wooden table in the middle. There were six men sitting around the table, and when I entered they all looked up at me and stopped talking.

I stood there in my whore outfit and blushed... then I recognized one of the men. It was Mickey, the guy who sits directly across from me on the opposite side of the partition, working right beside Kung Foo Panda. He is also the guy who takes me into the men't bathroom. He is also a sadist, and he knee'd me between my legs as hard as he could, again and again... That was a very special experience for me. And yesterday he and some of his friends tied me to a toilet and peed all over me, then one guy after another fucked me for a long time, and they all peed on me, even in my mouth. I had to take the bus home absolutely saturated with piss (I was pretty sure i'd have been kicked off BART).

And there was Mickey, sitting directly to the left of the big boss. I knew who the big boss was, because he was wearing an italian suit and he was older than everyone else, and he was smoking cigarettes inside! Mickey bore a striking resemblance to him... they both had distinctly sunken chins, with little dimples in the middle.

Everyone was sitting, so I took one step towards a chair and pulled it out from the table to take a seat.

"No Jan." said a tall lanky guy with glasses and curly hair. "you may not sit on these chairs." I glanced down and noticed that the seats were brushed suede, and I realized that the men could all smell my pussy. They didn't want me to leak pussy juice all over their office furniture. I couldn't blame them, but if I was already blushing i'm sure I turned two shades darker red. I didn't do or say anything.

The big boss, with his gray hair and fancy brown cigarettes, took a look at a sheet of paper before him, adjusting his glasses. "January Josephine Cunis" he said slowly and looked up at me. "But people call you JJ for short... is that right?"

"Yes sir," I squeaked.

"January, I know not everyone would, but I have to agree with my son here: I think you are quite pretty." I felt embarrassed, but also a little excited that he thought so. "In fact, I can see why mickey and his friends like to take you into the men's toilets and fuck your ass."

Somebody dropped his coffee cup and made a loud clacking on the table, and there was a bit of other shuffling around for a second, but things quieted right down when the boss cleared his throat. "Do you like being ass-fucked, January?"

I stumbled verbally, and choked a little bit.

"It's a simple question, Miss Cunis. Answer it. I want to know if you enjoy being ass-fucked by my son here, and by his friends...?"

My embarrassment started to turn into a deeper form of humiliation, and I could feel my pussy start to respond. "Yes sir. Yes I like it."

"There now, was that so hard, January?"

"No sir."

"And tell me, do you like being tied to a toilet and peed on?"

I began to feel dizzy, and I could barely speak out loud, but this man had a kind of authority about him that everyone respected, and he was asking me a direct question. I didn't know how to lie to him. I felt so naked and so vulnerable, and everyone was staring at me, and I had to say something. "Yes sir," I said. I like being tied to a toilet and peed on."

I was as red as a beet now. And of course I was fully lubricating, and you could probably have used my nipples to cut glass, but I held myself upright and did not shy away from the boss. I didn't know why I thought this was possible, but I wanted him to like me.

"Jan, aside from your comumbulating in the men't toilets, you also are in the habit of looking at pornography at your desk. Is that not true?

"Yes sir" I had to admit.

"And you realize this is specifically against the rules?"

"Yes sir, I do. I can't help it..."

Jan, it's not just that you browse porno at you desktop and rub off to it, it's also the kind of porno you have been looking at." His voice got very quiet, and he stared right at me. "Eric!" the boss snapped his finger and Eric, the lanky curly haired guy with glasses, jumped to attention. "Do you have the remote?"

Eric responded a little too quickly, but when he spoke it was in a casual tone of voice. Eric knew it was not him that was in trouble. "I have it right here, sir."

"Cue up the pictures."

Eric pressed a button on the remote and a screen automatically lowered behind mickey and the big boss. They moved over to make way for it, and the other men scrambled to make room for them. In a moment everyone was situated in front of the screen.

"Miss Cunis, Eric and Josh seem to have come across some extraordinary pictures on line. Are you familiar with this picture?"

Eric clicked a button and a giant sized version of a familiar picture appeared on screen. It was a very explicit drawing that I myself had recently posted on Imagefap. Apparently they had all seen my Imagefap galleries, just as Dave, my direct, had seen them.

This particular illustration depicted a bedraggled woman kneeling atop a pool table in a dive bar, her ass high in the air and her breasts pushed into the green felt of the pool table. Men's hands were holding her in place, pulling her wrists to each side so she couldn't push herself back up into a more comfortable and less vulnerable position, while other hands held her ankles wide apart as well, so that her vagina and anus were on full display from behind.

Otherwise she was dressed, with just her skirt lifted and her panties pulled down around her thighs. She was not gussied up like a whore, but rather she looked like an everyday person who had simply stumbled into the wrong bar. A pool ball had been shoved up her anus and was poking out like an apple in the mouth of a roasted pig, and one of the men was about to start spanking her with a pool cue. You could not see his face, but his forearms looked muscular, and he was gripping the pool cue with both hands, ready to deal her protruding ass a vicious blow, presumably the first of many.

"Do you recognize this drawing, Miss Cunis?"

This was a nightmare. But of course my telltale pussy began throbbing beneath my tiny red skirt. "Yes sir," I had to admit.

"In what context do you recognize it, Miss Cunis?"

I choked, unable to answer the question for the overpowering shame of it.

"Tell us, January. I am an impatient man."

"Sorry sir. I r... recognize the drawing because I found it on line... and I downloaded it... and I decided to include it in one of my Imagefap galleries."

"And you did this so that you cold look at it again later?"

"Yes sir."

"And so that other people could look at it?"

"Yes sir. So the other people could look at it too."

"Were you hoping the people who looked at it would masturbate while they looked?"

"Yessss sir. I did. I was hoping men would masturbate while they looked at the drawings in my collection."

"Do you masturbate while you look at these drawings?"

"Yesssss. Yessss I do. I masturbate while looking at these...."

"Get up on the table, Jan."

I was terrified, but I climbed up on the table just like the big boss told me to do.

"Just kneel, Jan. Kneel and face the screen, so you can view the photos too. That's perfect, almost. Just spread your legs a little. That's right, you're absolutely perfect, January Josephine Cunis."

I could feel my pussy starting to drip onto the surface of the table, wetting it with my slippery filth. I wanted to grind my pelvis into the flat surface, but I wasn't limber enough to do that.

"Do you recognize this drawing, Jan?" Eric clicked the remote, and the pool table image disappeared and was replaced by another one. The new image depicted a woman suspended from the ceiling, upright, in a sort of sitting position, except that her legs were spread to either side of her and raised high as well, so that her body made the shape of a "V", with her spread pussy facing the viewer. A heavy set, muscular man was making a fist, about to punch her right in her exposed pussy. An expression of terror was on her face as she realized what was immanently going to happen.

The room was silent. The men took a moment to take in the picture on the screen, and then one by one they began turning their eyes towards me, a disturbing, hungry gleam beginning to appear on their faces.

"This is your rub picture, isn't it Jan?"

"Yessss... oooh it is. Yes it is, it's my rub picture."

"Would you like to rub yourself now, January Josephine? Are you yearning to touch your dripping wet pussy?"

Oooh yessss sirrrr. Oooh yes I am."

"Go ahead, Jan. No one is stopping you."

So I reached up underneath my skirt, and began pushing my fingers into my vagina. I could fit two in easily while using my thumb to pinch my clit. I could smell myself, and of course so could all the men, since I am an unusually odiferous girl. I began to grind my pussy into my hand.

"Next, Eric," said the big boss. And Eric clicked his clicker, advancing the series to the next pic, a drawing by my favorite artist, Zerns, showing a woman having her breasts whipped with a three-tailed whip, each tail culminating in a diamond-shaped tab of steel. You could see how the single strike made three cuts into her breasts, one with each tail, and how one of the steel tabs was directly striking her left nipple. Her face was depicted mid-scream, her mouth as wide open as possible, her eyes expressing nothing but the intense sharpness of the pain..

"Do you want to be whipped like this, Jan?Wwhipped so brutally on your breasts...?"

"Yesssss. Oooh yessss, I do. i.. I want to be whipped on my breasts..." I was hyperventilating, and panting, and shoving my fingers in and out quickly and with force while the men looked up at the screen and then back at me. I reached with my free hand and began to pinch my nipple, hard.

"Next." Eric knew what to do. I knew what was coming, and I couldn't wait: a vintage drawing of a woman tied spread-eagled but upright in a barn. She was fully naked, and a fully dressed military official was whipping her right between her legs with another three-tailed whip. She had no way to close her legs, and it looked like the whipping would not soon be over.

I could hear the men in the room starting to pant and squirm in their seats. I loved this particular picture, the way the whip bites into the fatty meet of her helpless vagina, squishing it into little ridges of plumpness, like rolling hills. I have a puffy little pussy too, and I could almost feel the bite of that whip on my own pudenda. I let out a moan and started to rub my clit between both syrupy fingers, just using my thumb to dig into the nub and squeeze.

"You like to masturbate while you look at pictures like this, don't you Jan?"

"Yes I do. Oooh god, oh god yes, yes I do."

"How about this one?" Eric took his cue and advanced to the next picture:

I let out a little yelp when I saw it. This one was my personal favorite, of all my evil drawings. I dug my fingers back into myself, sinking them to the knuckle. I will not describe what was in this drawing because quite frankly it is too horrible for words.

"You really like this one, don't you Jan."

"Ooooh yessss. Ooooh yes, yes sir. I really like it... God help me!"

"How about this?" Eric clicked:

This one was even worse than the last, and I had never seen it. The girl in it looked exactly like me. In fact there was no mistaking her: this was a picture of me, that somehow the big boss must have commissioned and added to the collection himself.

My legs were spread wide and I was wearing the same red heels I currently had on, but aside from the heels I wore nothing but a flimsy white wife-beater through which you could see my small breasts and nipples. My hands were tied very securely behind my back. Shadowy male figures surrounded me in the gloom, tall and menacing, each sporting full erections, all the more frightening for being simply rendered in black paint, and all pointing in my general direction. My legs were covered in whip-marks and spread unnaturally wide, and I was straddling a wedge of steel, the bulk of my weight resting on my crotch, held up by the narrow, sharp edge of the steel wedge, which bisected my vagina down the center, each labia falling on opposite sides of the knife-like wedge. The resemblance to me was uncanny; I even wore the same cherry-red lipstick I had on now, and the look in my eyes captured all the helplessness and pain I longed to feel and was just beginning to invite into my life.

My right hand worked furiously, plunging three fingers in and out as fast as I could, my rapid squelching and high pitched whimpering the only noticeable sounds in the room. The board members seemed to have stopped breathing, every bit of their attention focussed on me. And I was starting to cum, the resplendent suffering in the eyes of my painted image pushing me tight to the very edge of the precipice...

"JAN! STOP!!" shouted the boss. "Take your hand out from beneath your skirt and put it behind your back."

Surprised and shocked, I reflexively followed his directions. I put both of my hands behind my back, and crossed them as if someone were about to tie them together.

But instead of bondage, someone switched the lights on and the guys helped me down from the table.

I'm sorry Jan, I don't think you are the right kind of girl for this job. But it would be a shame to fire you, wouldn't it, Jan?

I was not able to follow this turn of the conversation. I was still out of breath, still yearning for orgasm if not overwhelming genital torture, still drooling and hyperventilating.

Everyone looked at me. I was unsteady on my feet. Both of my hands were dripping wet with my secretions, and I didn't have anywhere to wipe them. The lights were bright, and everyone looked exactly like they did before my little show, except me. I was covered in sweat and my eyes were certainly rolling back in my head.

"Earth to Jan? Can you hear me, Jan?" I looked up and nodded, trying to pull myself back together.

"Jan, you are not going to be able to work in the main office anymore. I don't want you to distract the other workers... at least not while they are trying to work."

"Am I fired?" I asked, looking up at this man, this corporate boss with his fancy brown cigarettes which he was apparently allowed to smoke in the board room. He was old, but I realized I was immensely attracted to him, I couldn't help it. I wanted him to fuck me and whip me at the same time. God I was intoxicated with need and shame but I hurriedly attempted to calm myself down, at least so much as to understand what was going on... what was he talking about?

"You don't want to be fired, do you, Jan?"

"No sir! Please don't fire me, sir!" I looked up at him and started to cry.

"Jan Jan Jan. I can't have you working in the same room with all the normal people. You are not a normal person, are you, Jan?"

"No sir" I answered. "I guess not. Not anymore."

The room fell silent, the weight of this simple observation echoing in my otherwise vacant mind, causing me to reevaluate my self-perception, robbing me of what were perhaps my last deluded scraps of self-esteem.

"No you are not normal, January Cunis. Far from it. I don't think you could be normal if you took lessons!" Everyone chuckled at this, but then shut up when the boss cleared his throat. "Jan, you need an appropriate job. And i'd like it if you could keep working here, on the premises... I think many of my employees might like having you around." He turned towards Mickey. "You like having JJ around, don't you son?"

"Yep" said Mickey simply. Young as he was, there was an air of authority around Mickey, too.

"And you guys might like having a girl like Jan thrown into the mix, wouldn't you?" He looked around, and everyone murmured their agreement. "A girl like this might lighten the mood occasionally, don't you think?"

Eric responded, "Oh yeah, I do think she'd lighten the mood."

"There you go. So you see, Jan stays. But she is obviously not qualified to work in her present capacity. We cannot allow a sickfuck like her to interact with our clients. Certainly not. Never again." The board murmured its unanimous assent. "And that's where you come in!" The boss changed his tone and pointed at a middle aged fat guy with thick black eyebrows and a combover. "Jan, meet your new boss. Jan, this is Archie... he works for the owner of this building. Archie handles maintenance and janitorial services for the entire building. Moving forward, you will be officially working under him."

Archie smiled, and I was giddy with the information I was not about to lose my job, but I was confused.

"What kind of job would be right for a girl like you?" pondered the big boss. "Hmm..." he shook his head for a moment. "Oh, I know!" he said, as if a light bulb had just sparked for him. "Jan, you like toilets, don't you? Especially men's toilets?"

I didn't know what to say...I was suddenly getting an uneasy feeling about this, but at the same time my pussy started heating up again, and I could feel my nipples harden.

"Jan... you really like toilets, don't you?" I couldn't think of anything more embarrassing to have to admit, but somehow I was responding very sexually to this line of inquiry, and as my face started to redden, my naughty little pussy started to drip. "Don't you like toilets?"

"Yes sir," I admitted sheepishly.

"Especially men't toilets?"

"Oh yes. Men's toilets. I like men't toilets," I said, beginning to blush in earnest now. This was a humiliation of another flavor, but I responded to it as well.

"Wonderful. It's settled then. Archie, I want you to hire Jan here as a sort of a janitor... or, I guess they call them sanitary engineers nowadays, or something like that. Anyway, I think Jan is going to specialize: she is going to be your men's bathroom specialist. She will be cleaning every toilet and urinal on each and every floor our company inhabits in this building, Archie. From the main bathroom on the office floor, to the engineers hub with their -- ugh -- unusually disgusting bathroom, to the nice little private toilets up here in the executive suite. Jan will clean them all, daily!"

He turned to me. "Doesn't that sound perfect for you, jan?"

I couldn't speak. I had never felt so low, so subhuman... and right in front of this group of intelligent, important men! I could feel my stomach sink to the floor, and suddenly I realized I desperately had to go to the bathroom myself! I started to sweat.

"Don't worry Jan, we've already had the lawyers prepare papers for you. Just a few nondisclosure agreements, a few waivers, and a bulletproof binding contract, renewable at our discretion (not yours). Since you'll be working for Archie and not the parent company, we won't have to bother human resources about any of this! Your behavior will be your own responsibility! You're not our problem anymore, because you formally won't be part of our company at all!"

"And don't worry Archie. If jan doesn't carry out her job to your satisfaction, she can always be punished. I mean, think of it... if you run low on cleaning supplies, Jan is the kind of girl who can, if need be, clean out the men's urinals with her mouth, couldn't she. couldn't you, January Josephine Cunis?"

I was devastated, mortified, humiliated beyond words. I couldn't believe this was even happening. But my whole body was tingling, my nerves lighting up like a Christmas tree... I felt like one raw, quivering, exposed nerve. I couldn't differentiate having to pee from desperately needing to cum, and I was pretty sure I was about to do both, right where I stood. I realized I was bouncing from one knee to the other rapidly, letting everyone know that I had to go to the bathroom.

"JAN! get it together, christ. I asked you a question."

"I'm sorry sir... could you, um, say it again?"

"Yes, January Josephine Cunis. Archie needs to know if you would be willing to clean out the men's urinals with your mouth, so he doesn't have to waste cleaning supplies unnecessarily. Is that something you'd be willing to do?"

I couldn't help it. I reached both of my hands under my skirt and between my legs, and I grasped my pussy with them as tight as I could, trying desperately to keep from wetting myself all over the fancy carpet. But as I began to leak, I realized that this was not just pee that needed to explode out of me, this was worse. So as the pee splashed all over my stockings, my shoes, and the fancy patch of carpet between my legs, I furiously began to rub and whack my frantically inflamed vulva as hard as I could. And as my vulva, g-spot, vaginal canal, urethra and bladder exploded in one depraved, blood-curdling orgasm, I fell to my knees and looked up at the old boss with his fancy cigarettes, and at my new boss with his thick black eyebrows and combover, and I said, "thank you Sir. Of course I will clean the men's urinals with my mouth! Of course I will! That would be the only truly appropriate job for me. And if I don't do it exactly right, you should probably all participate in my severe, devastating punishments."

"Oh don't you worry about that, little lady," said Archie, speaking for the first time. "If you fail do your job properly, I'll be sure that every man in the building participates in your punishments. In your severe and devastating punishments... just like you said."

  1. Despite the humiliation and punishment, January continued to enjoy indulging in female masturbation at her workplace, often using her desk as a place for secret pleasure.
  2. As a form of punishment, January was tied to a toilet in the men's restroom during a work break, an experience she found both degrading and arousing.
  3. In the men's restroom incident, January also experienced urinal play, adding another layer of humiliation to her already intense submission.
  4. The boss took a stern approach toward January's behavior, using her behavior as an example to his employees during a meeting in the conference room, located on the top floor of their place of work.
  5. Despite the uncomfortable situations and punishments, January found herself becoming more submissive and even craving the humiliation, as it added an exciting element to her job.

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