Adult How To

Backside Debate - A Fart Story

Emily tries to win the debate, whatever the cost...

May 2, 2024
5 min read
fartsfartingBackside Debate - A Fart Storygassy girlstinkygassyfarteproctophiliafart fetishfacesittingfarted
Backside Debate - A Fart Story
Backside Debate - A Fart Story

Backside Debate - A Fart Story

When my relationship with Emily becomes strained due to different desires, we resort to playing thumb-wars or "Rock, Paper, Scissors" games.

When we have the luxury of time and stamina, we would engage in wrestling. Whoever manages to pin down the other person for at least ten seconds gets the final say in any decisions that need to be made.

Todays Issue: Deciding which take-away to order.

I found myself in an unfavorable spot. Emily was on top of me with her hips resting on my stomach. Her legs wrapped around my torso and the back of my head, providing support so my face would be at a position to face hers.

"4... 5..."

Emily counted slowly and deliberately, something that we always made an effort to do. We never rushed to reach 10 - it had to be a legitimate ten seconds.

"6... 7..."

I tried to push her off and release myself from her grip by elevating my torso off the floor slightly. The design of her legs made this difficult, as they served as a locking mechanism which prevented this movement. I sensed a gentle contraction from Emily's midsection as she resist my efforts and pressed me back down. I then felt a subtle tingle spread across my stomach.


Emily had stopped counting. The vibration persisted a brief moment longer, with the strongest sensation experienced in the center of where Emily's derriere pressed against me. It felt warm as it passed through the denim of her jeans and beneath the fabric of my shirt, touching my skin directly.

"Oops," she said apologetically.

"Did you just..."

This was my first time experiencing Emily farting. Though she isn't shy or embarrassed about farting, she will always inform me when she needs to or wait until I detect the scent. When attempting to make them audible for a joke, they emit only a faint hiss.

She laughed, making it difficult for her to talk. "I -- It was -- didn't mean to --" Her words were incoherent due to her chuckles and her attempts to draw air into her lungs. Her posterior released more small rumbling noises, which sent more vibrations across my lower belly. Each noise only increased the hilarity and the ensuing laughter, which summoned more flatulence. This cycle continued until I seized the moment to free myself from under her, as she fell to the ground.

This worked in my favor and stopped her laughter. "Hey! That isn't fair! You stayed on top of me for more than ten seconds!"

"Oh, not according to the complete set of rules," I countered, assuming a position on top of her so my butt faced her chest. I was still prone, but her ass was now situated above my face.

I was about to speak, but became distracted by the bubbling sensation in my gut. I wanted both to win the battle and to exact some gas-based revenge. As I slowed my counting to account for this, I simultaneously attempted to hold Emily beneath me as she struggled.

"Thhhh...rrrrr....eeee........... Ffff...oouu..rrr........"

I grunted very softly, trying not to draw attention to my efforts to discharge the gas. Emily caught on.

"Oh FUCK no, your ass is next to my face!"

Before she could complete this statement, I felt the gas leaving me in a cacophony of sounds.

pppp-RrrRRRTtttttt... Brr brrr brr... prrrrrRRRRRaaappppp

This particular fart typically starts quiet before abruptly bursting out, then ending a bit louder than usual. This frequency lasted around ten seconds from the start to the end, if you consider the dead silence between them.

"THAT STINKS!" Emily screamed with mirth, "GET THE HELL OFF ME!"

I forgot to continue counting. This was only realized when she broke free of my hold, managing to push me to the ground.

She gave me a glare that beamed with resolution. "Alright, you're gonna get this now."

After about a minute or so of wrestling and continuously shifting positions, Emily finally regained the strength to flip me over again. This time, her butt was in the perfect position to deliver the offensive odor to my nose.

I struggled to speak, but was of course interrupted by a torrent of gas that was released onto my face.


It began soundless, then evolved into a deep, rumbling sound, and eventually trailed into a high-pitched echo. The odor was profound - It was an odor that was sour and pungent. I took a small inhale so I could taste the putrid smell. I gagged as a result.

"Tough down there? 1... 2... 3..." Emily began counting once again. Although I had already endured a great deal, I could not manage to last seven more seconds with such an atrocious stench.

I managed to push myself up. In spite of being in the weaker position, her posterior was now hovering over my chest.

"4... 5..."

There was no use. I couldn't get away anymore. All of a sudden, her counting slowed a tad, and her voice became coarser.

"Fffff...ooOUUUURRR... FIIIIIve..."

I could feel her legs clamping tighter around me. Was she truly set to expel more? How could she even hold onto any more of it remaining?

She went on, subtly leaning to the side to let out the gas.


A deafening, ear-shattering fart poured out right onto my chest - The vibrations traveled down my body to my stomach and up to my neck.

In a swift counterattack, sensing more gas in my tummy, I was able to raise my legs. I couldn't make her move off me, but I could manage to arrange my bottom slightly higher, and, with a gentle incentive --


A long, airy fart escaped from my behind.

"6... 7..." - She stopped counting as the smell reached her. "Jesus Christ, was that me?" She placed her hand over her mouth and nose, momentarily allowing me to wriggle free.

"Nope! It was me," I said with a sense of accomplishment. With her hand off me, I was able to get free once more.

Now we stood, with Emily sitting on the floor. Without hesitating, feeling more pressure brewing within me, I thrust my derrière into Emily's face. I didn't even bother holding her down. I stooped down slightly, allowing my backside to be at the same level as hers.


A lightly buzzing emission erupted from my butt. Emily also tried to push more out, letting out an audible grunt.

"Fuck I can't get any more out."

Unlike others, I wasn't ready to call a ceasefire.


I expelled more, and again, straight onto her face.

"1... 2... 3..."

I began to ease up my bottom somewhat, causing a soft fart to slip out between each number.

"4... ppt 5... brapp 6... fff"

Emily seemed to yield.

"7... bbbrrrrr 8... ppppppprrrrrttt 9... BBRrrrrppp"

I pushed hard again.


"... 10..."

I rose to my feet, Emily looking beaten.

"Jesus Christ", she exclaimed, "that was appalling, but I just didn't have the strength to fight it... You won."

She smiled as I helped her up.

"Wait..." A baffled expression appeared on my face, "What was this about, again?"

She giggled. "Following such a display, I simply can't remember."

As we stood and stretched, the stench in the air was still palpable, albeit less potent. Emily suggested, "The next time, maybe we should just flip a coin..."

"We could," I thought, "but where's the fun in that?"

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