Ballad of Whippin' Willa Jade Ch. 01

Femdom bounty hunter captures old west outlaw.

Jul 19, 2024
23 min read
whippingwhipcunnilingusspankingropebondagefoot worshipBallad of Whippin' Willa Jade Ch. 01femdomcfnmhumiliation
Ballad of Whippin' Willa Jade Ch. 01
Ballad of Whippin' Willa Jade Ch. 01

Ballad of Whippin' Willa Jade Ch. 01

Hi everyone -- As you may or may not know, I'm on a quest to write femdom erotica in all of the major old-school campy genres. My high fantasy effort was "Lady Mielikki's Amulet" and my noir stuff was "The Femme Fatale's Curse." This is my femdom western story.

Really big on whipping/spanking, clothed-female-naked-male stuff, bondage, ropes, all that stuff. Everyone is over 18 years old. And like always, this is nothing more than fantasy...but let's hope it's filthy fucking hot fantasy.


Whippin' Willa Jade got back into Galena City in the hottest part of the day, in full view of the punishing desert sun. Levi heard the commotion in the main street below and looked up from the cards in his hand -- a royal flush, for once.

Pete and Edwin wouldn't stand a chance.

What he saw in the dusty street a single story below the saloon's second-story balcony, though, drove all thought of poker from his mind, at least for the moment.

"Well I'll be damned," he said, putting his cards facedown on the rickety table between them. He laughed, then raised his whiskey from the table's surface. "If it ain't Whippin' Willa Jade herself, boys, and look who she has in tow."

Pete and Edwin didn't have as clear a line of sight on the street below as Levi did, so they had to stand in order to see it, but once they did, Edwin let out a whoop.

Whippin' Willa Jade sat astride her famous black horse looking for all the world like a conquering general: back straight, hat aloft, one hat on the saddle's horn. On either side of her rode the other two members of her bounty hunting outfit -- Ella the Fury and Colorado Christa, looking just as stately -- but it was the man in tow -- wrists bound by a rope attached to Willa's saddle -- that made Levi, Pete and Edwin clink their glasses together and down their whiskey in celebration.

It took a moment to recognize Galton Hanover as Willa's captive, but that was because he was naked, save for the boots on his feet. He looked exhausted, and kept his head down, but Levi caught sight of his ruddy orange beard and gleaming bald head. It was Galton Hanover, all right. And by the look of him, he'd robbed his last train.

Which, of course, only meant more trains for the Levi Reynard Gang.

"Goddamn, this calls for another round," Edwin said, moving from the balcony poker table back into the dimness of the saloon. "I'll be back, boys."

He wasn't the only one celebrating. Most of Galena City's residents had been inside the town's ramshackle buildings in some vain attempt to escape the screaming desert heat. But as more people caught sight of Willa's arrival -- and the outlaw she'd caught -- more of them poured out onto the boardwalks, and a round of applause and cheers went up.

Whippin' Willa Jade and her band of bounty hunters ignored them all, as they usually did, their faces set in the same stoic grimace she was already becoming famous for in some of the smaller local newspapers in the area.

She led Galton Hanover to the town square, urging her horse a bit faster, just fast enough so Galton had to run -- and almost trip -- to keep from getting dragged in the dirt of the main street.

Sheriff McGillypatrick was already in the large space, just below the saloon's balcony, but he didn't move forward as Willa and her companions kept riding, circling the square and speeding up so Galton was all but sprinting behind her now, still keeping his head down against his naked chest. A cheer and a round of laughter went up from the onlookers Will and her prisoner passed by.

Sheriff McGillypatrick knew the tradition well; he'd cut the deal with Whippin' Willa Jade six months or so ago, back when gunfights and horse thefts were the norm in Galena City: he would pay her for all the outlaws she rounded up, but she got to do whatever she wanted to them first.

Very often in public.

Sheriff McGillypatrick wouldn't stop this public humiliation of Galton Hanover for anything until Willa herself turned the outlaw over to him. The prospect of getting caught by Whippin' Willa Jade was a better deterrent than the sheriff could have imagined at first. You weren't just jailed. You were publicly humiliated, mocked, written about in newspapers for 100 miles. Any credibility you had as an outlaw was destroyed. You had no choice but to leave.

Not only that, no one really knew anything about Whippin' Willa Jade or her band of bounty hunters. They didn't live in Galena City. They didn't live in Acidalia either, a day's ride away and the only other town of any size on this stretch of the desert at the foot of the Manacle Mountains. No one knew where they were at any given time -- even the sheriff -- which meant no one knew when she might swoop in and claim a bounty.

Crime in Galena City had plummeted since the sheriff had cut a deal with her.

Galton finally tripped, went down in the dirt behind Willa's horse, and she stopped, then hopped out of the saddle. She undid the rope and then held it in her hands as Galton tried to pick himself up from the dust.

"No need for that, boy," Willa said, wrapping the rope around her wrist and pulling him closer to her, on his knees. "Stay down."

He did, inching closer and closer to her on his knees. Ella and Christa also dismounted and made their way over to where Willa stood, Galton Hanover at her side, still trying to hide his face with his forearms.

"Oh that ain't going to cut it," Willa said, and reached down, grabbed his beard, and gave it a sharp tug tilting his face upward. "Might as well show these good folk who you really are, right? You're Galton Hanover -- and what'd they call you? Handover Hanover? Trumpeting yourself all over God's green earth as the best train robber in the West? That's who you are, right? No sense hiding it now."

Laughter went up from the crowd on the boardwalks and in the streets.

"That's who he is folks," Willa called to the assembled town. "Reckon you won't have to worry about him robbing anymore of your trains or your banks or rustling anymore of your cattle now."

The crowd cheered. Willa moved back toward her horse and untied the whip from her saddle.

Even from his vantage point on the saloon balcony, Levi could see Galton's eyes grow wide. Everyone knew what was going to happen next. They didn't call her Whippin' Willa Jade for nothing.

Levi took the whiskey Edwin had brought and sipped it, enjoying the look on Galton's face over the rim of the glass.

Galton said something to Willa inaudible from this far away. Willa cracked the whip in the dust; a cloud of it spewed up around the hem of her jeans. She must've had it custom-made, Levi thought -- it wasn't big or serious enough to be a bullwhip, and even though it curled up like a stock whip, it didn't look quite as thick.

"Scared?" Willa asked. "Handover Hanover is scared of a lady with a whip?"

Galton swallowed.

Willa turned so her back was to Galton, on his knees behind her now, and so she was facing most of the crowd in front of her.

"If you kiss my ass real nicely maybe I won't use this on you," she said, and cracked the whip in the dust again. "Go on, now."

More laughs and cheers from the crowd. Galton didn't have to be told twice. He pressed his lips to Willa's denim-clad butt and covered it in kisses. She pulled up on the rope still in her other hand raising his wrists in a mock begging gesture.

"What do you think, folks?" Willa asked the crowd. "I'd say Handover Hanover is at least as good at kissing ass as he is at robbing trains, but you think it's good enough to get out of the whipping I'm fixing to give him?"

There were a few shouts of "no!" and a few boos. Willa threw her head back, scarlet curls flying all around her face and the brim of her hat in the blazing desert sun, and laughed.

"Y'all are a great crowd, you know that?" She asked, then spun fast enough to catch Galton Hanover mid-kiss and slapped him across the face. "On your knees, facing away from me. And get that backside of yours in the air."

"Please," Galton said, and even Levi could hear it from the saloon balcony. He smiled at the sound.

"Oh now the best train robber in the west wants to beg," Willa told the crowd. "Gone yellow on us, folks."

More laughter at that. She slapped him again.

"You heard me the first time, boy," she told him. "Don't make this worse for yourself."

Galton swallowed. Willa passed the rope to Ella.

"You heard her the first time," Ella told him as she did, making Galton turn.

Now Willa -- and the rest of the town -- had a clear line of sight on his milky-white ass.

She cracked the whip into the ground at her boots again, laughed as Galton flinched. She laughed again.

Then she brought the whip down hard on Galton Hanover's backside with a satisfying CRACK that echoed through the town square.

A mixture of laughter and applause drowned out whatever noise Galton made. Willa whipped him again after that, then again and again.




Levi sipped the whiskey, counted the red welts on Galton's ass as he did.

"You can get that backside higher in the air," Willa said to Galton, as she twirled the whip at her side. "Come on now. Give these fine folk a show."

He didn't move. Willa cracked the whip against the tops of his thighs now, and harder this time too.

Now Levi did hear him yelp.

"Have you gone deaf, boy?" Willa asked. "Ain't no one to stop this. It ain't over until I say it is."

Galton raised his ass up higher.

"Thought so," Willa said to herself, barely audible from this distance.

She whipped him again and again and a third time.




Galton whimpered, his whole body shaking. Willa paused, spit on the ground, and paced through the dust to his other side.

"All right boy," she said. "Now I want you to wag that little backside of yours like a good little doggy. Good dogs don't need whippings, remember."

The crowd burst into laughter and cheers at that. Galton shook his red ass a few half-hearted times.

"Hmmmm, what do you folks think?" Willa asked the crowd. "Is my doggy here a good enough little doggy?"

"No!" Came the shouted response.

"Didn't think so," she said, and brought the whip down on his ass again, without warning.

Galton yelled into the dust.

"Come on, doggy," Willa said. "Let's see you wag that tail."

This time, Galton shook his scarlet, welted ass with more fervor, and faster. Levi smiled at the sight.

"All right," Willa said, and Galton relaxed at the word, apparently thinking it meant she was done with him.


He howled as she brought the whip down once more, unexpected. She smiled to herself, kicked at the dust and sighed. Then she walked around and knelt in front of Galton while Ella kept hold of the rope around his wrists.

"Reckon I'm done with you and you're done with Galena City," she said, then spit in his face and slapped him hard across the cheek. "Hand him over to McGillypatrick, Ella."

Ella did so as Willa left the town square, headed for the saloon, as the crowd burst into applause. She didn't acknowledge them at all.

"Goddamn," Edwin said again, as the three of them turned back to the poker game on the table before them.

"Looks like things got a lot simpler with Galton out of play," Pete said.

"You think his gang's gone too?" Edwin asked.

"I know those boys," Levi said. "They're yellow. Ain't nothing without their fearless leader. We got a clear bead on the Galena City & Pacific line tomorrow. Only outfit in the Manacle Mountains who could have beat us to it was Galton's. And..."

He gestured to the town square below, where Sheriff McGillypatrick took the rope binding Galton's wrists from Ella.

"Reckon so," Edwin said.

"That train's ours, boys," Levi told them.

"This calls for another round," Pete said. "This calls for a bottle, actually."

"I got it," Levi said, and stood, made his way back into the darkness of the saloon. He passed a few other tables where a few other groups of men sat -- miners mostly, and a few ranch hands -- then down the rickety stairs to the bar below.

The scene was more crowded here; a piano player pounded out a ragged rhythm and a barkeep in a vest and bowtie did his best to keep up with the afternoon crowd, eager for an escape from the heat.

Just as Levi reached the ground floor, the saloon doors swung open. The crowd turned to see Whippin' Willa Jade step inside, and the room burst into applause. She ignored all of it and made her way to the bar.

She didn't so much as open her mouth; the barkeep slid a glass of whiskey to her across the rough wooden surface. She tapped the brim of her hat in response.

A woman in a corset and stockings tucked into high boots -- her hair up high and a lace choker across her throat -- brushed past Levi and threaded her way through the crowd to where Willa leaned against the bar. As Levi watched, the woman threw her arms around Willa's neck. Willa took her chin in one hand and kissed her.

Levi blinked. So it was true then. People had said this about Willa -- that she had a saloon girl she kept in Galena City for her needs -- but he hadn't really believed it.

Not until now, at least.

The same people said that while Willa enjoyed men just as much as women, her saloon girl had eyes only for her.

Those people also said Willa liked it that way.

Willa broke away from the kiss, tucked a stray strand of dark hair behind the woman's ear.

"Come here," she said, and led her lace-clad prize away to a table near the bar.

Willa took a seat in a chair there, then kicked her boots up onto another, nearby chair. Then she snapped her fingers.

The woman knelt at her feet and began to lick the dust off her boots.

"Good girl," Willa said, and sipped the whiskey, then made a hand motion at her.

The woman at her feet blinked, swallowed hard.

"Now, Madelina," Willa said. "You know what to do."

The saloon girl -- Madelina -- nodded and hiked her short skirt up above her hips, revealing a round, supple backside for the whole room to see. Then she shifted from sitting on her heels to kneeling on her hands and knees, putting her ass on full display while she kept licking Willa's boots.

A round of applause rippled through the saloon. Distracted as the crowd was, no one seemed to notice Ella and Christa slip into the barroom.

Levi caught the barkeep's eye and nodded to him.

"A bottle of whiskey," Levi called over the crowd.

The barkeep nodded, and disappeared behind the bar.

Levi felt the brush of Ella's wool shirt -- a man's shirt -- against his forearm before he registered it was her. He looked up just as she slipped the hat from her head, shook her blond hair free in the relative coolness of the saloon.

This close up, she smelled like trail dust and sweat.

Levi hated the fact that he liked that smell on her.

Ella had her face turned away from him though; like most everyone else she was looking at Willa, with the saloon girl still licking her boots, sticking her bare ass out.

As Levi and Ella watched, a man said something to Willa.

"What?" Willa asked, and smiled.

The man leaned closer, whispered something in Willa's ear. Willa laughed and nodded.

The man walked around behind Madelina and gave her a hard smack on the ass. Madelina jumped.

"Did I say to stop licking my boots, girl?" Willa asked.

Madelina dipped her head as the man spanked her again, a blush reddening her cheeks, then returned to lapping at Willa's boots.

Ella laughed to herself.

"Willa is so cruel," she said to Levi.

"Sure looks that way," Levi said. "Cleaned up Galena City though. And Acidalia."

Ella smiled as the barkeep brought her a whiskey. She downed it in one shot.

"Reckon so," she said, then slipped away, disappeared into the crowd.

When she did, Levi found himself locking eyes with Willa. Another man was spanking Madelina now; her ass would be as red as Galton's before long, Levi thought. The saloon girl still kept her tongue on Willa's boots.

Willa tipped her hat back, regarded Levi with a suspicious gaze.

"I know you from somewhere?" She asked.

The barkeep brought the bottle of whiskey.

"I don't believe so, ma'am," Levi said, and disappeared up the stairs to the saloon's second story.


Levi was breathing hard by the time he made it back to the hideout.

He jumped off his horse closed his eyes and tried to slow his heartbeat as he stood in front of the cave covered with pinon pine boughs and tumbleweeds.

Then he reached out and yanked some of the underbrush aside. He ducked into the dark space.

Nothing about the train robbery had gone right. It didn't matter that Whippin' Willa Jade had taken Galton Hanover out of the equation. *Someone* on that train knew the Levi Reynard Gang was on their way.

Levi didn't see what had happened to Pete and Edwin, but he knew they'd been taken captive by Sheriff McGillypatrick's men. He'd seen it. Levi had been the only one to get out.

And now, he thought, as he stripped in the crushing July heat and curled up on the saddle blanket in the small cave -- now Willa and her gang of bounty hunters were no doubt on his trail. No one could trail him this far, though. You'd have to be a magician to get up Domination Creek.

It was a comforting thought as he fell asleep.


It was *not* a comforting thought as he drifted awake to the sound of voices above him.

He slithered out of a few layers of sleep before he could place those voices though.

He blinked. Whippin' Willa Jade and her two companions blocked the mouth of the cave.

"Howdy, Mr. Reynard," Willa said and tipped her hat in mock respect. "Looks like we caught you at a bit of a disadvantage."

Levi reached for his clothes but only found his boots.

"Come on now," Willa said from the mouth of the cave. "You know I don't bring men in clothed. What did you expect?"

Levi stood -- as much as he could in the small cave -- and slid his boots on. Willa and Ella and Christa weren't on horseback, which might give him an advantage.

Especially if he surprised them.

He lunged toward them, brushed past Willa herself and sprinted out of the cave, past their waiting horses, and toward the steady babble of Domination Creek far below.

He heard the lasso before he saw it or felt it, an airy whipping noise in the still mountain air. Then he did feel it, and only realize what was happening a split second too late. The rope tightened itself around his ankles and he went down hard. He swore under his breath, tried to prop himself up, but was forced back down because Ella had her boot on the side of his face.

"Thought you might try that," Ella said.

He could see Willa approach out of his peripheral vision whip in hand.

"No," he said. "No, don't --"

It didn't matter. She brought the whip down hard on his bare ass. The crack split the mountain stillness. She didn't wait for him to recover; she whipped him again and again and again, catching the backs of his thighs as well.

"Don't," Willa began.


"- you ever --"


" -- try --"


" -- to run."


"Do I make myself clear, Reynard?" She asked.

Levi ground his teeth but didn't answer. Willa whipped him again.

"Yes," he said, before the crack from that lash had drowned out. "Yes, you do."

"Yes what?" Willa asked, and again Levi felt the sharp, unforgiving sting of the lash.

"Yes ma'am, maybe? Yes my lady?"

"Yes ma'am," Levi said, but not soon enough to keep her from lashing him a final time.

She shook her head as if disgusted. Ella giggled, her boot still on the side of his face, then she bent over and untied his legs.

"Sorry about that," she whispered as she did, but it was a teasing whisper, all full of mock sympathy.

"Galena City is only a day's ride away," Willa said, walking back over to them, another rope in hand. "It'll probably take us a little longer to get back since we in tow. Put your hands out, wrists together."

Levi paused. Willa raised her eyebrows, fixed him with a stern green-eyed stare. She was, he was only just now realizing, incredibly beautiful.

"You want another whipping?" She asked, a cruel smile slinking across her lips as she did.

Levi scowled and put his hands out, wrists together. Willa tied his hands together, looping the rope back over itself over and over again. There was no getting out of this, he could tell. They'd have to cut it if they were ever going to free him.

"Up," she said, and gave a tug on the rope.

Levi stood in front of all three of them now, totally naked except for his boots. He tried to shield his groin area, but Willa pulled on the rope binding his hands and led him back over to her horse. She tied the other end of the rope to her saddle, then swung her leg over, pulled herself up.

"All right, Christa, you go first," Willa said, as Christa pulled her white Appaloosa to the front of the caravan. "Ella, you're behind me. Or, I guess, behind Mr. Reynard here. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," Ella said.

Willa looked over her shoulder at Ella, a sly smile on her face. "You want a whipping too?"

"Might be kind of hot coming from you," Ella said, and giggled again.

Levi fell into line behind Willa's horse, then felt another sharp sting on his ass as he did. He yelped and turned around.

Ella had her horse's reins in her hands, had wielded them as a whip.

She snickered. "Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Just wanted to add to that red ass of yours."

They moved away from the hideout, heading down the sharp gulch carved by Domination Creek, toward Galena City below.


They passed a band of miners at about noon that day. They cheered when they saw Willa, laughed when they saw Levi.

A little further down Willa stopped them near a small homestead set back from the creek a bit.

"Reckon Liza's in?" Willa asked. "Might let us use her well."

Levi was relieved to hear Willa mention water. The day was a scorcher and his tongue had turned to a piece of dead wood in his mouth.

"She usually is," Christa said. "Yeah, look, there she is."

Christa called to a woman in a bonnet and a long dress. She crossed over the small yard in front of the house and stood in front of them.

"Afternoon ladies," she said. "Looks like you have someone in tow?"

"Fugitive," Willa said. "Tried to rob the Galena City & Pacific line yesterday."

"I did hear about that," the woman said, taking off her bonnet and freeing her dark hair. It tumbled to the small of her back. "Glad you girls caught him."

"He made it easy," Willa said, and Levi hated the fact that he could feel the blood rushing to his face. "Can we use your well for water? It's hot and I think we all need it."

"You ladies can, yeah," the woman -- Liza -- responded, then she fixed Levi with a cold, blue-eyed stare. "I don't know about this animal though. He might have to do something for me first."

Willa dismounted and cast a glance in Levi's direction.

"I don't make the rules," she said, then looked at Liza. "He's all yours. Do you want my whip?"

"I think I'll be fine," Liza said, and smirked. "He looks like he could use some water so I think he'll do his best."

Levi could use some water. He absolutely could.

She crossed the space between them as Willa, Ella and Christa moved toward the well at the far end of the property. Liza was thin and fit; she had a cat's lithe body. She took his chin in one hand and forced him to look into her eyes.

"The man I normally use left this morning on a cattle drive," Liza said, and smiled. "Filled me full of his seed before he went too. Reckon a small-dicked captive like yourself could eat it out of me just fine though, right?"

Levi recoiled at the thought. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Willa and the others filling up their canteens.

Liza shrugged. "I guess you'll have to make it back into Galena City without any water, then. You won't get any from me."

The sun suddenly felt hotter. A bead of sweat made its winding way down the side of Levi's dusty face.

Liza turned to head over to the well, and he called out, "Wait."

She didn't look back.

"You had your chance," she said.

"Liza...Liza please," Levi said. "Please I'll...I'll do it."

She paused, turned around. A teasing smile played across her lips. "Keep begging. On your knees too."

Levi gritted his teeth but did as she asked. He knelt in the dust behind Willa's horse, his hands still bound at the wrists.

"Liza please," he said. "Please...please let me...please let me eat it out of you."

"Huh, wow," Eliza said, standing over him now, hands on her hips. "Such a change of heart all of a sudden."

Levi swallowed hard. "Please. I...please."

She put one foot high up on the wooden fence behind Levi, then hiked her skirt up high.

"Get in there," she said. "Now."

Levi ducked beneath the folds of her skirt and followed the curve of her legs. She'd been outside all day, he could tell, and had been sweating for much of that. He could smell it on her, and the insides of her thighs were slick with it.

But beneath that he could smell something else too, something baser and more distinct. Her man truly had filled her full of cum that morning, and she certainly hadn't washed herself since. Levi gagged.

Above him, Liza laughed.

"Oh come on now," she said. "This ain't even that bad."

Levi slammed his eyes shut and put his tongue out, tasted it. It was salty and the flavor was strong. Liza reached down and tangled her fingers in his hair, then steered his head deeper against her pussy lips.

"Let's see some effort, come one now," she said.

Levi licked. Her sweat and the other man's cum covered his face and his nose, but he kept licking, trying not to gag too hard.

"Oh fuck yeah," she said, grinding her hips back and forth against his face, finding a rhythm. "Fuck yeah. Don't you dare fucking stop."

Levi didn't. He kept licking and swallowed a mouthful of cum stale cum mixed with sweat. He gagged but she didn't let him move his head away.

"God yes," Liza said above him. "Don't stop...don't you fucking...stop..."

She let out a long shuddering breath.

"Yeah you like that old, sweaty cum don't you," Liza said. "God. You're nasty as hell; you like this don't you..."

She paused and then her legs trembled against Levi's cheeks; she shifted more of her weight onto the fence behind him as she came.

"Oh FUCK yes," she whispered, then reached down again and grabbed a fistful of his hair, pulled him away from her. Levi tumbled out from beneath her skirt.

Above him, Liza sighed, then looked down at him and laughed. "How'd that taste?"

Levi did his best to wipe the cum and her juices and sweat from his face, even though his hands were tied. He didn't say anything. Liza laughed again.

"Did he earn some water?" Willa asked, making her way back over the horses from the well. She took a long pull from her canteen and Levi wanted to burst into flames.

"Reckon so," Liza said. "Looks like he needs it, anyway."

Willa smiled. "Yeah, he sure does."

She hauled herself up onto her horse again and they trotted over to the well.


They camped for the night in the foothills, just to the west of Galena City far below them. They didn't untie Levi's wrists, just tied the rope to a nearby pinon pine. They decided someone needed to stay up, both to make sure Levi didn't escape and also to watch the horses and for rustlers.

Ella volunteered for the first watch. Will and Christa broke out their bedrolls and curled up just outside the campfire's halo. Ella pulled a guitar from her saddlebag and began to pick out a lilting, melancholy melody on the instrument, watching the fire dip down to nothing more than a few embers.

She waited until Willa and Christa seemed to have drifted off, the rise and fall of their chests finding a sleep-easy rhythm. Then she paused, and looked up at Levi, her fingers still on the frets of the guitar. An evil smile slinked across her lips.

"So," she said. "Looks like it's just you and me now."

She set the guitar down and walked over to where he sat, back against the pinon pine. She took his chin in one hand.

"You know," she said. "I think you're kind of cute, to be really honest. A pity you had to turn to a life of crime."

She kissed him. Levi scowled, turned his head away. He tried to move as far as he could, which wasn't far at all, because he was still tied to the tree.

"Oh come on," she said. "I don't think you're in much of a position to refuse me."

"You devil woman," Levi hissed through gritted teeth.

Ella threw her head back and laughed. "Rich," she said. "Real rich."

Then she slipped something out of her shirt pocket. It was a leaf, Levi could see, but not one he recognized.

She gripped his chin again.

"Open up," she said.

Levi shook his head, tried to slip out of her grasp. Ella laughed.

"You really think you're going to win this?" She asked. "Open your mouth, Levi. Come on now."

Levi didn't; he looked away.

Ella sighed, then laughed.

"All right," she said. "We can do it this way."

She slipped out of one of her cowboy boots, then put her foot up to Levi's face.

The smell was awful. She gripped his nose between her toes and squeezed. Levi smelled the vinegary stench of her feet mixed with the leather of her boot.

He tried to look away, gagged, opened his mouth as he did.

Ella slipped the leaf into his mouth as he did. It dissolved on his tongue almost instantly, with no taste at all.

"Stiff Weed," she said, taking her foot away from his face, much to Levi's relief.

She was grinning now. "It doesn't take long to feel the effects."

Levi swallowed, tried to spit out what remained of the leaf, but it had all dissolved.

He felt a stirring in his groin. His penis grew rock hard against his will. Harder than it had been in a long time.

His balls ached too, the deep ache -- and need for release -- of a bad case of blue balls.

Ella laughed, then reached out and touched his hardened dick.

Levi didn't feel a thing. His penis was completely numb.

"You know," Ella said. "I think I expected something a bit bigger than this, tough outlaw that you are. But regardless...I can make this work."

She stood then began to strip in front of him, blond curls tumbling over her ample chest. Levi tried to move -- tried to shift positions -- but realized the Stiff Weed hadn't just affected his penis; he couldn't move anything below the neck. He couldn't feel it either.

"Mmmm," she said, as she lowered herself onto his numb, hardened penis. "This is my favorite thing to do to Willa's captives. You can't do a damn thing about it, either. You're just mine until I say otherwise..."

She was silent for a few moments, bouncing up and down on Levi's hard, numb penis.

The ache in his balls had gotten unbearable now. He *needed* to cum. He could see Ella riding his penis, smell the sharp aroma of her sweat and her arousal and feel the curtain of her blond hair brushing against his face, but there was no friction in it for him, no feeling at all.

He wanted to scream.

"Oh fuck yeah," Elle whispered into the hollow of his collarbone. "Oh FUCK yes. God. I needed this. And it' much fucking hotter...knowing you can't feel a damn thing..."

She paused, giggled, pressed her sweaty tits into Levi's face.

"Bet you want to though," she said. "That Stiff Weed is probably hitting you real hard right about now."

It was indeed hitting him real hard right about now.

"Fucking hell," Ella whispered, put a hand on Levi's shoulder, and pinned him back against the tree trunk. "God, I could just use you all goddamn night."

She did, for another few silent minutes.

Levi wanted to explode. He could see -- actually *see* - Ella riding his dick, but he could feel nothing at all. He tried to strain against the ropes, tried to do anything at all, but his body was firmly in the grips of the Stiff Weed now. He was an unfeeling statue for all intents and purposes.

"Oh fuck," Ella whispered, then slammed a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming and waking Will and Christa. Her body tensed up for a few seconds, then went slack.

"Fuck," she said, and slid off Levi's dick. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

She laughed.

"That was...exactly what I needed," she said.

She reached out and ran a finger along the underside of Levi's still-stiff cock. He didn't feel a thing.

"Sorry to leave you like this," Ella said, standing, and stepping back into her jeans. "Or. Maybe I'm not all that sorry. But I imagine this'll keep you up most of the night, so good luck with that."

She slid back into her shirt, put her hat on her head, and sighed.

"Whew," she said. "Thanks for everything."

She bent and kissed his penis, but Levi didn't feel a thing.

"Try to get some shut-eye," she said. "Big day tomorrow, being whipped in front of all Galena City and everything."

Levi had never needed to cum more in his life. Ever.

  1. As Willa navigated the town square with Galton in tow, Levi appreciated the view of the outlaw's ruddy orange beard and gleaming bald head, visible despite the boots on his feet.
  2. The crowd at the town square reveled in Galton's public humiliation, cheering as he knelt and pressed his lips to Willa's denim-clad butt, all while the whip was held within reach.
  3. The crowd's approval grew when Willa questioned if Galton's train-robbing skills were as impressive as his cunnilingus skills, to which he finally consented and performed the requested act, much to the delight of the onlookers.
  4. In "The Ballad of Whippin' Willa Jade Ch. 01", the femdom bounty hunter practiced her whipping techniques on various outlaws, often in public, and it was well-known that no one wanted to be caught by her.
  5. When Madelina, Willa's dedicated saloon girl, finally completed the requested foot worship act, Willa acknowledged her good work with a nod, and then continued to enjoy her whiskey, surrounded by her bondage-loving, cfnm audience.

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