BDSM VRBO Prequel - The Beginning

How I became the BDSM VRBO Hostess.

Jul 20, 2024
45 min read
dsfirst meetingmale dominantconsensualBDSM VRBO Prequel - The Beginningcmnffemale submissivetraining
BDSM VRBO Prequel - The Beginning
BDSM VRBO Prequel - The Beginning

BDSM VRBO Prequel - The Beginning


The Beginning

This is how I came to be Master's slut and part of the package of Master's BDSM VRBO

I am Sylvia, more commonly known as slut. I first met Master online. I was relatively innocent and naïve, not a virgin but close. I'd had a couple of short term vanilla relationships that ended up not going anywhere. I'd heard about kink and was curious. First, I found BDSM porn, and then the forums. As I read posts on BDSM forums his posts stood out as knowledgeable and real, not fantasy. I sent him a message and was surprised when he answered early the next day. I had lots of questions, and he took time to answer them and point me to valid online resources. I learned a lot and kept asking questions as my understanding increased. I went to a couple of local events and saw real and wanna be submissives, masters and mistresses. I did a few scenes with several local dominants, but never really connected with any of them.

Meanwhile my questions to Master became more personal. I learned that he lived on a farm, was divorced, and had a 22 year old son still living at home. Learning that he had a live in 24/7 full time submissive really piqued my interest and got my juices flowing.

I eventually got up the nerve and asked, "Sir, may I please come visit you?"

He responded, "As my submissive?"

My whole body clenched when I read that question. I blushed, my whole body felt hot, my nipples were so rigid they hurt, and my panties were quickly soaked. But I only hesitated a minute before responding, "yes please, if you will take me as yours."

I didn't get an immediate response, I sat there hyperventilating and without thinking, a hand went into my shorts and found my nub.

Finally, his response popped up, "I don't think you are ready to serve me yet. Are you willing to do what is necessary to be able to properly serve me?"

Initially I was crushed, "he said no." But when I read it the second time, I realized that he wanted to train and test me, so that I would succeed when he allowed me to visit him. I would do whatever it took to have that honor.

I replied, "I understand that I am not ready to properly serve you but will do whatever you request, to be worthy of serving you.

He responded reminding me that it would not be easy, and reminded me of our discussions that being a submissive was not easy, even for those with submissive personalities. He asked if I was willing to commit the time and effort to be prepared. I responded that I would do whatever it took, however long it took.

He sent a request for a lot of personal information: my name, my address, my phone number, my measurements, my clothing sizes, natural hair color and length, and if I had a gym membership. I took a deep breath, it was a lot of information, but the voice in my head responded, "you trust him enough to want to go serve him, obedience starts now."

I sent the requested information, hoping my trust wasn't misplaced. I am Sylvia Young, 10214 Oak Dr, Summerville, TX, 979 000-1234, 34-24-36, size 14dress, 34C bra, 9 1/2 shoe, brunette, shoulder length, no gym membership.

Fifteen minutes later my phone rang, I didn't recognize the number, but something told me to answer it anyway. It was him! He asked me if I was really committed to doing what was necessary. Fortunately, my voice didn't waiver as I responded, with "Please Sir, make me ready to serve you."

He seemed satisfied and continued, "Fortunately, I have a close friend that runs a gym near you. He will be contacting you to set up your initial evaluation and after that your training regimen. Besides your physical training he will also monitor, but not participate in your sexual training. That part will be embarrassing and intrusive, but necessary to know when you are physically ready to be used as my submissive without damaging you. Know that his measurements and evaluations will not involve sexual intercourse with him, though he will use the insertion of devices to measure your progress."

He paused and then asked, "Did that scare you?"

I honestly answered, "yes sir, but did not discourage me, I am still determined to do whatever is necessary."

Sir continued, "An Amazon box will arrive in a couple of days. You may open it and I should have instructions for you on using what you find shortly after your initial evaluation. I will also be emailing you instructions and expectations to help you be ready. Any questions or concerns?"

I had a ton of concerns, but reaffirmed my decision that if I trusted him enough to go serve him, I trusted him to get me ready to do that. I replied, "No Sir, know that I will do my best to be ready to serve you as soon as possible.

He replied, "I trust that you will." And hung up.

I sat there still looking at my phone when it rang. A local number that I didn't recognize. I answered and the person who called said, "I this is John at 'Fitness for You'. I just got a call from our mutual friend that I am to get you into shape and monitor your progress in other areas. Is that correct, and when are you available?

I gulped hard; this was it. The start of being ready to serve someone. "Yes, that is me, can we do 5:00 tomorrow after work?

He took a moment before coming back, "Yes that is available. Wear workout clothes, I will be testing cardo fitness, flexibility, balance, and movement. You also know that I am to set sexual baselines and monitor your progress in that area also?"

I responded, "I was aware of that, though not sure what that was going to entail, and that I would be there at 5:00 in workout clothes.'

I checked the address and added it to my phone. I packed a small bag with a sports bra, shorts, sweatpants, shoes and socks. Once done I just sat there and looked at the bag. My resolve was wavering a bit.

The workday took forever, I looked at my watch at least every fifteen minutes. I only nibbled at my lunch. I did make sure to drink water and stay hydrated so that wouldn't affect my evaluation. At least two coworkers asked why I was anxious, and I honestly responded that I was starting to work with a trainer after work.

Not knowing what the gym had for dressing rooms I changed into my workout clothes in the restroom at work. I was so nervous my hands trembled. But on the other hand, as I pulled off my panties, they were soaking wet. I used paper towels to dry myself.

Fitness for You was in a strip mall. As I walked in there were a few people working on the equipment. I looked around for a big muscular trainer and almost missed John. John was not that tall or big, but obviously solid and muscular. I learned later that he had been a college gymnast.

He took my height and weight and strapped a monitor around my chest that he said would monitor heartrate and respiration. He had me step onto a treadmill. It started slow and flat and then got faster and steeper as time went on. John was watching my results on a laptop, though he occasionally went to check on one of his other customers.

Suddenly the treadmill started to slow down and drop back down to level. While I was still walking slowly, John told me that I had done very well, but would help me get better. He helped me off the treadmill and took me over to a large mat. He had me go down onto all fours and crawl around the circle on the mat while he finished with the other customers and locked the front door.

I wasn't sure why I was crawling, but it seemed like a very good idea to be obedient as was sure everything was being reported to my hopeful Master. My knees were hurting by the time that John returned, but I kept crawling until he told me to stop. He made a notation on his laptop.

For the next half hour John would show me a pose on the mat and then I would copy it as well as I could. John would help me get as close as I could and then measure angles and distances to determine how close I was to the position. I don't think I did very well, of course I was trying to copy a college gymnast with no visible body fat. After each position he made notations on the laptop.

Once done he got me a bottle of water and told me to relax for a minute or two while he set up for the next tests. He came back about ten minutes later and sat down beside me. He looked me square in the face and started talking, "You've been told twice that I was going to take a sexual baseline and monitor your progress, correct?"

I swallowed and said, "Yes, Sir."

He nodded and said, "You have done well so far, you need a lot of work on flexibility which we can do. Your cardio is not bad, but we can make it better. Doing the sexual baseline will be very intrusive. You will be completely naked. I will measure your sexual responsiveness, the tightness of your vagina, the strength of your Kegels, and your responses to anal penetration. I think you understand why these are important for a submissive. I will also take baseline, first day photos of your naked body. I need your positive assent to continue, or you can say no and walk out the front door, and I will report that you weren't ready." He showed me a consent form on a clipboard. It essentially asked me to approve the sexual testing and pretty much repeated what John had told me would be involved.

It only took me a moment to realize that this was just another test on the way to what I wanted. I took the clipboard and signed it with a flourish. John took me back to a room that had a padded table, some muscle and skeleton charts on the walls and some equipment on a small table next to the padded table. He let me in and told me to strip and knock when I was ready.

I almost lost it when the door closed. What was I doing, striping in a small room in a gym for a sexual evaluation, WTF. But the little voice again reminded me, you ae doing what is necessary to get what you want. I removed everything and neatly folded it on the chair. The chill in the room quickly reminded me how naked I was, and I blamed that for my rigid nipples. I knocked on the door and John came in almost immediately. He had me stand by a chart like you see in police line-ups with heights marked. He took pictures of my front profile and back as well as one of my face. He then took a close-up from the side, of my belly, butt and thighs. He showed me the pictures on the laptop. I could only think that these would be the first pictures my future Master would see of me.

John put the strap around my chest again, just above my breasts. The laptop started recording my heart rate and respiration. Both jumped noticeably when John had me lie on the padded table. John used a caliper to measure my nipples and my clit. A small instrument was placed at the entrance to my vagina, and I noticed a third line now recording on the laptop. John saw me notice it and replied, "It is a moisture meter, measuring how wet you are."

John told me to relax and waited until the reading stabilized. He took a small wet vibrator and inserted it a short distance into my vagina. There was an immediate jump in heart rate and respiration, but then they started to both slowly increase. The moisture meter stayed the same for about 15 seconds before it started increasing rapidly.

John used the calipers several times recording the dimensions of my nipples and clitoris. Once the heart rate and respiration leveled off John showed me another instrument. He told me, "This instrument measures how strong your Kegels are. I am going to insert it deep in your vagina and then we are going to run two tests. First you will clamp your Kegels as tight as you can. Then we will drive you to orgasm for our second reading. First, we are going to measure your vagina."

It helped that he was so clinical about it. I'm lying there and this man I met an hour ago is going to measure my vagina and make me cum. I suddenly realized I was more excited than afraid.

He had a rack of tubes of different sizes. The first narrow one was longer, and he inserted it until I felt it hit my uterus. He recorded something on his laptop. He then took a much wider one and pushed it against the entry to my vagina, then he tried with smaller ones until one just slipped in. Another reading on the laptop. He smiled at me, see that wasn't so bad.

He showed me the instrument for the Kegel monitor and lightly lubed it. He looked down at me and said, "You are tight, this will stretch you a bit as I push it in. it won't hurt and should actually feel good. John looked closely at my vagina and started to insert the probe.

John was right, it felt like a cock pushing slowly into my vagina. Both the heart rate and respiratory meters increased, which got a smile from John.

John looked at me and said, "I assume you know what your Kegels are. I want you to clench them as tight, as hard and as long as you can. On three. One. Two. Three."

Honestly, I had no idea how to clench my Kegels, but I knew how to clench my vagina so that is what I did, as hard and long as I could. When I relaxed again, John noted the readings from the instrument on the laptop.

John smiled at me, "Ready for the big reward for putting up with this?"

I looked puzzled, "What reward?"

John showed me a vibrator that had a second small head off to one side. He explained, "the larger head obviously goes in your vagina, the second head rests just below your clit. You are going to cum hard and we are going to see if you do better with your Kegels."

I really had no response, he was going to stick a vibrator into my vagina and make me cum and all I could say was, "OK."

I managed to relax, and it felt good as he slowly pushed the lubed dildo into my vagina. He turned it on, and the vibration was so slight I barely felt it. But it quickly ramped up in intensity. The heart rate, respiratory and moisture monitors started to increase steadily.

As my body responded, John kept measuring my nipples and clit.

I finally asked, "May I orgasm"

John smiled, "Hold it as long as you can and then let loose and cum hard, don't worry the place is soundproofed."

I hoped so because it hit me suddenly and I screamed as I came. As soon as I came the vibrators started ramping back down. I had several smaller orgasms on the way down.

John removed the vibrator, the Kegel probe, and the moisture meter. He used a couple of towels to wipe up the mess on the table between my legs and gave me a towel to wipe myself.

He let me lie there for several minutes before asking me to roll over for the final test. I was so far out of it I didn't even ask what the final test was. I became more alert when the lubed finger started going in and out of my ass. I wanted to ask what was going on, but for some reason didn't.

John said, "One last test, your ass. I have lubed it and will start inserting a probe. Tell me as soon as it is uncomfortable, and then when it is painful enough for you to ask me to stop. There is no pass/fail, no right or wrong. Just what is your tolerance is what we are measuring for today's baseline.

I had never had anal sex, not that several dates hadn't asked or tried. I was honestly afraid of it, though had read and heard enough to know that it is a common way for submissives to be used. I heard John ask me to relax and I really tried.

I felt the probe start to go into my ass. It was barely noticeable, smaller than his finger had been. I could feel it getting bigger and as it did less comfortable. That reached a point where I said that is uncomfortable. John seemed to hesitate before I felt it going deeper into my ass and getting wider. It started to be painful and soon after that I asked him to stop.

John handed me a tissue to wipe my ass and told me to get dressed before leaving the room.

I started to get dressed. My vagina was a fountain, I couldn't keep my crotch dry and wound up with a towel as a diaper under my sweatpants. My nipples were painfully erect as I pulled the sports bra back over them.

John was sitting in his office on the computer when I walked out. He waved me in, and I sat down, hoping I didn't leak through. He smiled, "you did very well, but in a few weeks, you will be amazed at how much better you will do on the same tests. Overall, your aerobics are good, walk when you get a chance, try the 10,000 steps everyone talks about. For flexibility, here is a list of area yoga classes, start there at least once a week. I will also work with you here twice a week, let me know what works in your schedule. "

He stopped and looked at me and I replied, "I will work on more exercise, and fit the yoga class into my schedule."

He lost his smile, "Now for the bad news. You need to lose 20 pounds. Increased exercise will help, but to succeed you need to change your diet. The county has a free dietician who will work with you, here is her number.

John sighed, "Now for the sexual. He was right, you aren't ready to serve him. This is a Kegel training device like what we used today. Insert the probe into your vagina and clench your Kegels. Work on different ways to clench your cunt and watch the meter. As you find out how to work them your score will improve rapidly, as will your partner's pleasure."

I put the box with the meter into my bag and looked back at John. "Anything else?"

John hesitated and then continued, "Overall he was happy with most of the results. As I have said you need to lose 20 pounds, tighten up those abs and glutes, get more flexible, but the main thing he stressed is you need to get your vagina and ass ready for more use. He will send you instructions, but in the box you will receive will be at least one suction cup dildo. Follow the instructions he is sending you religiously, probably twice a day. More than anything else, you won't meet him until he is happy with those tests."

I walked out and sat in my car. I wanted to cry. I was too fat, not flexible enough, couldn't clench my vagina, and my ass and vagina needed to regularly fuck a piece of silicone to be ready. I was never going to meet him as my Master.

As I sat there my phone rang, I recognized the number, it was him. I answered a tentative "Hello."

His first words were, "Don't be discouraged. Now you know what you need to do and have a plan on how to get it done. Do what John and I tell you to do, and you will find yourself here at my feet. "

I was still crying, "But I'm too fat."

There was a laugh on the other end of the line, "No dear, you are not fat. Fat people don't have the cardio you do. You need to lose some weight and tone up some muscles but you're not fat. You are gorgeous now and will be stunning once you get in shape. Cleaning up your diet will make you feel better too."

I still wasn't convinced, "So you still want me?"

The voice was a bit sterner when he replied, "I want the you, that you will be once you are ready. Once you work and succeed at what you are being told to do. You have the roadmap now to be here, but you have do the work to make it happen."

The voice, the assurance, and the words made me feel better. I came to realize that it was under my control. As he said, John had laid out what I needed to do and seemed very sure that not only could I do it, but that I would succeed if I did. I felt much better.

When I got home there was an email from Sir.


If you wish to be my submissive you need to make some changes beyond what John told you. These are the rules in my house, prove to me that you can follow them.

Submissives have no right to modesty. As soon as possible your everyday work attire is skirts worn at the office minimum of two inches above your knees.

Pants, panties, and pantyhose are never allowed. If hosiery is needed it will either be stockings, thigh highs or suspender hose.

When not at work skirts are required and shall be fingertip length

Bras may be worn in the office; they will be minimal and not padded or underwired. Bras are never worn outside the office. Remove before leaving the office.

Office footwear is a minimum two inch heel. Higher four inch heels are appropriate at all other times. Heels will be worn except when exercising.

When home be naked except for the minimum four inch heels. Dress immediately before leaving, be naked as soon as the door closes when arriving home.

Tonight, you are to remove all hair except what is on your head. Repeat every three days, sooner if stubble appears.

When seated, legs are never crossed, knees are kept a minimum of a fist width apart.

In the box to be delivered tomorrow

An enema kit and soap - to be used every morning. Take 1 1/2 quarts before showering, expel after your shower.

Three plugs and lube. To be worn whenever you are not at home. The small plug the first week, the middle plug the second week, and the larger plug starting the third week and thereafter.

Two suction cup dildoes -First thing every morning and last thing before crawling to bed - Ride the smaller dildo for fifteen minutes in your vagina, then fifteen minutes in your ass, then place it on a mirror and practice your oral skill working on taking it into your throat and keeping eye contact while performing oral service. When ready, but no later than two weeks, switch to the larger dildo. Do not clean the dildo's until after the oral exercise.

Butt lifter shorts and tights - These are now your wear when exercising; they are worn without under garments. Sweatpants are not permitted.

Two pairs chained clover clamps - To be worn on nipples and labia daily when at home, 15 minutes minimum twice each day.

Leather Slapper - Once each day- 20 each butt cheek, 15 each nipple, and 10 on your cunt

I read the message twice, getting wetter each time. He called me slut and gave me rules to follow. In some ways it made me feel I was much closer to being there. I immediately stripped and found a pair of four inch heels to wear. Looking through my closet I found a couple of skirts for the office and one short enough to wear elsewhere. Only one bra in my entire drawer met the requirement to wear. Tomorrow after work would be a shopping trip.

I drew a hot bath and while it was filling, I used a pair of scissors to trim the mass of hair around my vagina. I put a pack of new razor blades on the edge of the tub. I soaked in the tub for a while before grabbing my razor. I started with my legs which I normally shaved about once a week, so they didn't take long. I worked around my vagina and after a few passes had it pretty smooth. I then shaved my armpits and my arms.

I used the shower nozzle to rinse off, checking I found several spots around my vagina that I'd missed. I cleaned them up. It felt so smooth when I ran my hand over my mons and labia. I went to look in the mirror. I couldn't believe the change in appearance, but the mirror revealed a few more strays that I'd missed, so I grabbed my razor and got them. I looked at my backside and noticed several more hairs around my butthole. Those weren't easy to get, but with some contortions and the mirror I got them too.

I couldn't stop running my hand over my smooth hairless vagina. It just felt amazing. I remembered and put my heels back on. It felt strange to walk around my apartment naked but in heels. I felt the wetness running down my thigh. I couldn't believe how wet following Sir's rules made me.

I assumed that being nude in the house included at night. I slept nude that night for the first time in my adult life. Other than not being able to keep my hands out of my smooth vagina it wasn't a problem.

I got a few comments at work on my short skirt and heels instead of my normal slacks and sports shoes. I just smiled, thanked them, and said I felt like a change. At lunch I declined the carpool invite to lunch and walked the four blocks to the diner. The longest I had ever walked in heels.

My just having a small salad raised a few more eyebrows, then I got the comment. "Short skirts, trying to lose weight, must be a new boyfriend."

I quickly replied, "Not yet, but working to improve the bait."

Two of the girls walked back with me. As we chatted, I learned one liked her yoga class, so I got the information from her and signed up. I then called John and scheduled my twice weekly work out with him. One more phone call and I had an appointment with the county dietician.

There was a note on my door at home that a box was in the manager's office. I quickly ran down and retrieved it. It contained exactly what Sir said to expect. I took the smallest plug, washed it off, used some lube and worked it into my tight virgin ass. It stung going in, but once the wide part was in felt OK.

I realized I had forgotten to strip when I got home, but I lost the bra, switched to my shorter skirt and taller four inch heels, and left for the thrift mart and the clothing store. I walked past a mirror in the thrift mart and was shocked at how much leg showed with the high heels and the short skirt. I found two nice office length skirts and one dress at the thrift shop and then hit the gold mine, a very short leather wrap around skirt.

As I was standing in line to pay for my finds, I became aware of some of the looks I was getting. My high heels and short skirt were definitely not the norm in that store. As I walked back to the car, I also became very aware of my unsupported tits moving and my nipples rubbing on my shirt and standing proud.

When I stopped at a store to look for bras, the erect nipples poking in my shirt seemed to get even more notice. Fortunately, I quickly found the required, unpadded soft cup bras. In the dress shop I found that I had to go to the juniors petit department to find the short skirts I needed. I found two more suitable for the office and two more short enough to wear outside the office. As I was trying them on and checking in the mirror I also discovered how even the slightest bending flashed everything to anyone behind me. I remembered Sir's comment that submissives don't have modesty.

I went through the drive up window for dinner. As he handed me my dinner, I looked down to discover that my entire crotch was on display. Possibly why the young man looked so happy to see me.

Back home I remembered to strip as soon as I was in the apartment. I removed the plug from my ass. I had almost forgotten that it was there. It only stung a little bit as I worked it out. The clamps on my nipples and labia hurt, there was no other word for it. I did manage the required 15 minutes before removing them only to find that was when the real pain hit as the blood rushed back into the clamped areas.

I read the instructions on the Kegel meter while I ate dinner. Seemed pretty basic, insert the probe into your vagina and try to work different muscles down there until you find the ones that move the meter. Once you find the ones that control the Kegel muscles exercise them by gripping and releasing and watch for improvement on the meter. Frankly was sexually naïve enough to never having tried to clench when having sex, but John had said it would make my partner happy if I did.

I inserted the probe and tried different ways to clench and kept getting nothing. Then I tried something a bit different, and the needle moved quite a bit. The instructions also said that when you find the right muscle, keep flexing it to strengthen it and develop muscle memory to improve your chances of remembering what worked. So, I watched the evening news flexing those muscles and watching the needle jump.

After the news I looked at the leather slapper. I had never been spanked, not even growing up. I took a few tentative swats in the palm of my hand, and it stung. I knew it was going to hurt on my butt but couldn't imagine it on my nipples or vagina. I hit my right butt cheek five times and had to stop. A voice told me you can't fail. I quickly did the last fifteen on that cheek and it was on fire. I'm not sure what my logic was, but I immediately did the full twenty on my left cheek, my left arm isn't as strong, but it still set that side on fire too.

My nipples were already standing proud from my flaming butt, WTF. The swats on my nipples were much lighter than my butt but still hurt like hell. I figured what the hell and continued immediately with the swats on my vagina. It stung, but the splash went everywhere. Unexpectedly it made me horny as hell.

Fortunately, the last task before crawling to bed was riding the suction cup dildo. I decided to do it doggy style to save my legs. I mounted the base of the suction cup on a wide table leg. The dildo was wider than I was used to, probably because I hadn't been fucked lately. It felt great as it stretched me going in deep. I noted the time on my watch and started slowly fucking it. It felt so good for the first ten minutes I came three times. But by the end of the fifteen minutes my vagina was sore and irritated.

I used the lube in the box to lube my ass. I was an anal virgin. The dildo was still very slick from my vagina, so I didn't lube it, that turned out to be a mistake. I slowly pushed back against the dildo, and it hurt, then it popped through my ring into my ass. I stayed still for a few minutes until the initial pain died down before starting to push back again, slowly taking the dildo deeper into my ass. It still hurt a bit, but it was starting to get mixed in with other sensations. I was surprised when my butt hit the table leg, meaning it was fully into my ass. I managed to very slowly fuck it for the entire fifteen minutes. My ass was very sore, but besides that it felt good.

The last item was working on my oral and particularly my throat. The dildo had just come out of my ass, and Sir's instructions were very specific not to clean it until after oral training. I gagged as it touched my tongue, I could see it, I could smell it, and now tasted my ass on the dildo. With Sir's specific instructions this had to be another test I could not fail.

I concentrated on working on my gag reflex, working to push past it to my throat. I was concentrating on doing that so frustrated at my lack of progress that the condition of the dildo was no longer important. I was surprised when the time was up. My throat was sore and my mouth was filled with the taste of my ass.

I brushed my teeth and used mouthwash that got most of the taste out of my mouth. I slipped into bed naked again. I couldn't keep my hands off my tender nipples and my smooth, sore vagina. The alarm went off earlier in the morning than it had been, to allow time for my new morning tasks. I found my fingers were still touching my vagina, my thighs were wet and slick, and my sheets had a big wet spot.

Another first, I had never had an enema. I read the instructions online. I put a tablespoon of castile soap in the enema bag and a liter of warm water. I hung it on the shower rod, laid on my side on the floor lubed the probe, pushed it into my ass, and released the valve, the flow meter clicked as the water flowed. The feeling of water flowing into my ass was strange. After a while I started to feel full, and then uncomfortably full. The flow meter stopped clicking.

I wasn't sure I could hold it, but I started my shower. The web said that moving around while holding the enema helped it work and avoided the worst cramps, fortunately I didn't feel any cramps, just bloated. I quickly finished my shower and rushed to the toilet to release the enema. As I brushed my hair and did my makeup, I made a couple return trips to the toilet.

My vagina and ass were still a bit tender when I worked them on the dildo, but it helped drive home part of what Sir had said about being ready to serve him. The pleasant surprise was that when I finished with my ass and started working on my oral skills the dildo was much cleaner than it had the night before. It took me a moment to realize that was due to the enema cleaning my ass.

I remained naked except for my heels through breakfast and checking my morning emails. Once ready to head for work, the plug went into my still tender ass, one of the new minimal bras from yesterday along with one of the new skirts and a nice blouse. I switched to the shorter heels Sir allowed at work.

No one in the office commented on my second day of skirt and heels, in fact a couple of the younger ladies were also wearing skirts that day, at least one of them might be a bit shorter than the office dress code allows. The consensus for lunch was a café close to the office so everyone walked today. After lunch the office was a bit chilly. One of my male coworkers stopped to drop something off at my desk and had trouble keeping eye contact. I checked after he left and my nipples were standing proud, poking peaks in my blouse. I could feel my face flush in embarrassment, but I also felt the dampness on my thighs. A handful of napkins quickly went up under my skirt, hopefully keeping the wetness from showing through. Just need to remember to remove them before standing up.

I stayed late after quitting time and teleconferenced with the county nutritionist. We discussed my eating habits, and she kept shaking her head. Basically, I am to keep a log of everything I eat and review it with her weekly. Some basic changes, no fast food, watch the salad dressing, no pastries, candy or sodas, more veggies, less fried foods. Things I knew I should have been doing, but now I had a goal. Twenty pounds were standing between me and Master, they had to go.

John had scheduled me for a late time at the gym, so I went home first. As soon as I stepped into my apartment I stripped, removed the plug from my ass and switched to the higher heels. I was pleasantly surprised how clean the plug was when it came out of my ass. I wasn't sure how long the enema would keep my ass clean.

I wasn't sure if that qualified for "exercise," so when it was time to go, I dressed in the shorter skirt, the four inch heels and a nice tight shirt without a bra or underwear. I put the required exercise wear into a small gym bag. I almost forgot but worked the plug back into my ass. I wasn't sure it was still open when I got to the gym, the blinds were all closed.

John was exercising on a piece of equipment when I walked in. He got up as soon as he saw me, his first words were "strip to the heels.: I quickly stripped off the blouse and skirt and folded them neatly. He weighed me, recording the results. He then strapped a monitor strap across my chest and had me step onto the treadmill. I saw him start a program on the machine, set for 20 minutes. The machine started out at a very slow pace and dead flat. It steadily got faster and steeper. Within five minutes I was breathing hard and my feet in my heels were starting to complain. The machine stayed at that same speed and elevation for another ten minutes then started to slow down and drop back towards level. My feet, calves, thighs, and butt were all screaming, and I was having trouble catching my breath.

John was busy entering results into his laptop but was smiling. He told me to start working on the positions we had done the first session. He watched me, correcting positions and encouraging me to stretch even more into the positions. Doing them in heels was a bit different. He got down with me a couple times to show me the proper position and stressed that I needed to work on flexibility and should be doing these exercises at home daily concentrating on stretching.

I handed him my phone and he told me he was adding his contact into the app that monitored my daily activities, so all of my walking and other activities every day would be recorded onto his laptop. He even linked to my diet log, to track what I ate. I dawned on me that Master seemed to know what John entered into the laptop, so Master would be watching me every day. That concept both thrilled and scared me. But even more I resolved that I could not fail.

John moved down and knelt on the floor in front of me. He told me to do the "present" position. I am sitting on my heels, knees as wide as I can spread them, shoulders back, chest out, stomach in, hips rolled forward, hands clenched behind my head.

John looked me in the eyes and said, "Your resolve and commitment has impressed your potential future Master. He now refers to you as a 'slut in training' or 'slut' for short. As that some things change."

He reached down and started fingering my vagina, soon a couple of fingers entered me. John asked, "what is that?

I wasn't sure what he wanted but I answered, "That is my vagina sir."

John smiled and the words sent a chill down my spine, "slut's don't have vaginas. Their body has a cunt and it belongs to slut's Master. So, what is that?"

I almost answered wrong again, but suddenly realized what he had said, "That is Master's cunt, Sir."

He withdrew his fingers, and I sucked them clean. He gripped both my nipples and gave them a wicked twist before starting to fondle my breasts. He asked me, "What are these/"

I thought quickly and responded, "Those are Master's breasts."

John shook his head, "close, sluts don't have breasts, Master owns tits."

He asked again, "What are these?"

I immediately responded, "Those are Master's tits, Sir."

He smiled and asked "and what is your plug in"

I couldn't think of another name for it, so I responded, "The plug is in Master's ass, Sir."

John nodded then added, "Know that Master's cunt, ass, and throat are collectively called, Master's fuck holes. They are solely for his use and enjoyment and are not to be used by anyone else without his permission."

If possible, Master's cunt got even wetter.

John continued, "slut may use common names in public but only these proper names in my or your Master's presence, or conversations." I was quite relieved to hear that.

He asked if I had any issues with my nightly tasks the night before. I told him that I couldn't hit my left butt cheek with my right hand and couldn't hit very hard left handed, and the issue I had with oral use of the dildo after being in my ass.

John chuckled, "You did your dildo last night before you had done an enema, and it wasn't a problem this morning, right?"

I hadn't made the connection. I replied, Yes Sir I hadn't done an enema until this morning and the dildo was much cleaner this morning."

John looked rather serious as he told me, "Your Master and his friends will use your ass frequently, in almost all cases you will clean their cock or strap-on when they are done. Why doing a thorough job with your enemas is in your best interest for several reasons.'

Hearing that the reality of being a submissive to Master became much more real. It wasn't just the romantic notion, but it was also giving up control of almost everything including the use of your body. John almost immediately noticed the increased wetness of Master's cunt and Master's nipples standing even more erect.

John smiled at my reaction then retrieved a slapper from his office. It looked like mine but with obvious wear from use. He handed it to me and said, "do your nightly spankings now, show me how you did them last night."

I took the slapper and started on my right butt cheek. On each of the first three swats on my ass I heard John saying very firmly, "Harder, Harder, Harder." After the fifth swat he stopped me. He took the slapper and used it against his thigh. He showed me how to add a wrist snap on each stroke to increase the intensity. He then swatted my ass, once on each side, to show me the intensity I should be striving for.

He gave me back the slapper and told me to continue. Adding the wrist snap even with my weak swings greatly increased the impact and the pain of each swat. By the time I finished my right cheek tears were running down my face, and my cunt was leaking down my leg.

He gave me a moment to rest and then said, "now the left cheek." Swats left handed were still not as strong as my right handed ones, but the wrist snap added a major step up from before.

As I was about to start of Master's tits, Sir told me, "These shouldn't be nearly as heavy, I want to see signs of bruising on your butt next time, but not on Master's tits."

As I finished Master's tits and shifted to start on Master's cunt, John told me, "About the same intensity as the tits, make sure with the tits and cunt you hit it flush and not just catching an edge of the slapper, Master doesn't want bruising unless he does it."

As I finished Master's cunt, John handed me a towel to dry myself off, and a tissue to wipe up my tears. He told me, "slut, you are doing very well, follow your new diet rules, work on your flexibility, and ramp up your exercise program. You are on the right path."

I wanted to hug him, but said, "Yes Sir, I will." I slipped my skirt and blouse back on. John walked me to the door and gave me a hug before opening the door for me.

I was trying to get comfortable in my car seat with my sore flaming ass when my phone rang. It was Master! "Hello slut, John is telling me good things about your dedication and progress. Keep up the effort and you will succeed in being here for me."

I could only reply, Yes Master, I will do whatever is necessary to please you and be there for you.

The only reply was "Good slut" before he hung up. I sat there looking at my phone, feeling Master's cunt clench.

I'm not sure how I got home. I was floating on a cloud after Master's call. Once home I stripped to my heels, removed the plug from my ass and fucked my dildo, Master's cunt and ass. I was sore in both holes when I finished, but not as bad as the first night. The dildo from Master's ass was not completely clean, and had some smell, but I didn't hesitate before starting to work on my oral skills. I was working, trying to take it into my throat and gagging when I accidentally swallowed, and it slipped into my throat. I was shocked that it happened, and I did it. I found that sticking my tongue out along the bottom of the cock and swallowing I could take it into my throat about half the time. I wasn't paying attention to the clock and worked it five extra minutes.

As I brushed my teeth, I checked out my butt. The marks from the spankings were clearly visible, and it looked like a couple might be turning into bruises. The thought, "Master's marks" flashed in my mind and my whole outlook on the marks changed. The aftereffects were very noticeable when I sat down to eat breakfast. I couldn't help but wonder if that was why submissives were on their knees so much in porn.

The next morning, I knew what to expect with the enema, so it wasn't such a big deal. Master's cunt and ass were a bit tender riding the dilldo, but the pleasurable feeling now clearly outweighed that. I was able to take the dildo into my throat over half the attempts, progress.

As it was time to leave, I put on my new uniform, unpadded bra, short skirt, tight blouse, and two inch heels. I felt adventurous and worked the middle sized plug into Master's ass. There was a noticeable difference, I wasn't going to forget about it like the small one. I also packed my exercise clothes for the yoga class after work.

Skirts and heels no longer drew much attention in the office, and there was a noticeable increase of skirts shorter than the dress code among the younger ladies. With the soft, unpadded bra Master's nipples made a frequent appearance tenting my blouse over them. They didn't go unnoticed, they got looks, but not any negative comments. At least one gentleman in the office now found it necessary to personally deliver the paperwork rather than send his clerk over to do it.

Rebecca was excited to have me join her at yoga. She had been doing it for about six weeks and kept raving about how much better it made her feel. I should have tried on the workout outfit that Master sent. The Butt lifter tights molded to my ass and clearly split it in half. The sports bra was the briefest I had ever seen. It did hold Master's tits tight, but there was a lot of abs showing between the bra and the tights and the tents over my erect nipples were plainly visible. As I left the dressing room, I was nervous but at least it would be all women in the class. Susan reassured me that I looked great.

Most of that bravado disappeared as soon as I entered the studio where the class was held. The class was at least one-third male. No matter where I put down my mat on an available spot, at least some of them would be behind me. Fortunately, the instructor came over and talked to me. After finding out I was completely new she also introduced me to her assistant, a gorgeous hunk.

Since I was the only newbie in the class the assistant spent most of his time with me, using his hands to correct my position on almost each of the positions during the class. For some reason a number of the position corrections seemed to require body to body contact. By the time the class was over I was sweating though most of it seemed to have accumulated in the crotch area of my tights. As the class ended the assistant gave me a hug, and two of the guys behind me stopped to tell me how good my form looked. Fortunately, Susan rescued me, and we escaped to the dressing room. We tried not to watch each other as we changed, but I'm sure she saw me ease the plug back into my ass.

The next session of the week at the gym was the first progress check since my initial visit. All my sessions there are now after it closes to the public and I immediately strip to my heels as soon as I get there. He strapped the heartrate monitor onto my chest and had me step onto the treadmill. He ran the same program as the first time that started out slow and flat and then got progressively faster and steeper before it entered a cool down mode. Doing it in four inch heels made it much more difficult. But John was very pleased with my progress.

On the mat I did the same poses as the first time, and he measured angles and distances in the different positions. His only comment when I was finished was, "better but keep working on your flexibility, the yoga classes should help.

He took another set of pictures of my naked body, front, profile, back, with a close up of my abs, ass and thighs. He commented, "Not much difference, but I wouldn't expect that in a week."

He then repeated the sexual response test with a moisture meter in my cunt, the heart rate monitor strapped to my chest and a vibrator on my clit. Afterwards he showed me this weeks curves against the original ones and it showed that I responded much quicker. He seemed very pleased. Then it suddenly occurred to me that Master was also seeing these readings. John asked why I was blushing, but I couldn't/wouldn't say.

He next inserted the Kegel instrument into my cunt. He told me to squeeze my cunt as hard as I could. I had barely started squeezing when I heard John, "Wow, much better. You are learning to control your cunt. Very good." He then repeated the test using the vibrator to drive me to orgasm and seemed equally impressed with the improvement.

The final test was my ass. I rolled over and I felt John's wet finger lubing my ass. I was glad he had removed the moisture meter from my cunt, as I could feel it get even wetter. For the test he inserts a tapered probe into my ass, and I tell him when it gets uncomfortable and then when it get painful. I'm sure that with my virgin ass I didn't do well with the original test. John reminded me to be honest and not to cheat on the test.

I wasn't sure why, but he repeated the test three times. When he finished, he gave me a towel to wipe the lube from my ass. I asked him why he repeated the test. He smiled and replied, "I repeated the test because I did not believe the improvement from your initial test."

He sat down on the table with me and went over my test results. Even with doing the test in heels this time, there was an improvement in heart rate on the treadmill. The flexibility measurements showed improvements, but I could see there was still a long way to where he wanted me to be. The sexual response was also faster, and I was wetter originally. John said that was good, because Master would want me wet and ready with just the idea of sex. As expected, the anal test showed a very major improvement, but still quite a ways to the desired levels. John reminded me that I was still using the smaller plugs and as I went to the larger ones and the larger dildo those results would improve quickly.

Unexpectedly John hugged me. "Your improvement is beyond anything I could have anticipated. You are showing Master that you are doing what is necessary to join and serve him.

I dressed and floated out to the car. If John was pleased, then hopefully Master is too. I wasn't too surprised when the phone rang, and it was Master's number. "Hello slut, I just talked to John. We are both very impressed with your improvement in just one week. It clearly shows to me that you want to be here and are doing what you need to do to make that happen. Keep up the hard work and I will be seeing you sooner than I expected."

I could only reply, "Thank you Sir," before he was gone. I was crying tears of joy so hard that I had to wait for my eyes to clear up before I could drive home.

The next three weeks were much the same: yoga class weekly with lots of attention from the men, twice weekly sessions with John including weekly progress testing that showed steady improvement. By the end of the second week, I was wearing the large plug daily and had switched to the larger suction cup dildo. The first few days with the larger dildo was difficult and even a bit painful, but by the fourth day I was handling it without difficulty. At the end of the week with the larger dildo John commented on the major improvement on my anal test.

During the testing at the end of the third week, John did a new test. At the initial testing, John had used glass tubes to test the depth of my cunt to my cervix, and what size tube slid in with minimal resistance. That week he had a significantly larger tube. He lubed it and explained, "I am going to work this into your cunt. You are going to tell me how uncomfortable it is on a scale of one to ten and tell me if there is any pain.

He used the clit vibrator to make sure that I was on edge and wet and started working the tube into my cunt. It was larger than even the larger dildo I had been using. John worked it into my cunt a way then backed it up a bit before pushing in even deeper. Initially it wasn't comfortable, I gave John a score of six. As he kept working it in and out deeper and deeper, the discomfort stayed about the same, and the feeling of being full like I never had been before became the dominant feeling. John kept asking about pain, and I kept telling him that while it was a bit uncomfortable, there really wasn't any pain. John seemed almost ecstatic when he started to withdraw the tube and my discomfort level never really rose, and I felt no pain.

He put the glass tube aside and opened a small box and took out the flesh colored realistic looking dildo that was inside. He lubed it and slowly worked it into my cunt, just as he had the glass tube. Again, he kept asking about discomfort and pain levels. My discomfort levels were actually lower, I told him only about a four, and there was still no pain. Once it reached my cervix, he stopped for a moment or two and then started fucking me with it. All discomfort disappeared, and the joy of being fucked took over. I begged for permission to cum, and John told me to hold it as long as I could. It wasn't long before my body exploded, my whole body went rigid, my feet cramped in the heels, my hands formed tight fists, the ripples ran up and down my abs and my cunt, I screamed.

John smiled down and me and slowly pulled the dildo out of my cunt, handed it to me and told me to lick and suck it clean. Once it was clean John took it and wrapped a bow around it before handing it back to me. He laughed when he saw my quizzical look.

You slut, "have just been fucked by your Master. That is a casting of his cock. Get familiar with every ridge, nook and cranny until you can tell it with just your tongue. Practice worshiping it orally at least once a day."

John continued, "you are doing very well. You have lost almost half the 20 pounds we told you to lose. Your body is getting more toned. Your flexibility has improved markedly. It still needs work, but you are getting there. Your last big task is being to take that dildo in your ass as easily as your cunt."

I looked at john and at the dildo in shock. I knew that Master would use my ass regularly, but I somehow never connected that with a thought of how big Master might be. He was bigger than the larger suction cup dildo, I wasn't sure I could train to take it, but also knew I had no choice.

John handed me another box. It had a rubber plug attached to a squeeze bulb. John showed me that if I closed the valve and squeezed the bulb it would inflate the plug. He told me to use it daily, but to never go beyond the six level discomfort level that I felt with the tube in my cunt and never to the point of pain. Tearing the sphincter would be a disaster. He lubed it and had me insert it into my ass, it only goes partway in, sitting both inside and outside the ring. I slowly pumped the bulb and felt the pressure in the ring. Kind of like inserting the wide part of the plug, but instead of going in, it sits there and stretches the ring. John said I could measure progress by how many times I squeezed the bulb before I reached the discomfort level, but he stressed not to push it, but to hold it there for a minute or two and then decide if I was ready for more.

I released the inflatable plug and pushed my regular plug back into my ass, it went in quite easily without any sting at all. I had to hold it for a minute until my ass closed back around the neck of the plug.

John gave me a hug and told me to keep working, I was getting closer to my goal. I actually waited in my car for Master's phone call. I answered and he immediately asked, "How did you like my cock?"

I immediately blurted out, "It was wonderful Master." Master laughed and again hung up on me.

My life now revolved around preparing myself for Master. I was up earlier to have time for my morning enema and time on the larger dildo training my cunt, ass and throat. The dress for work was now short dresses and heels with a light unpadded bra and no panties. After work I did yoga, time at John's gym, and/or walking. Once home it was time to work on stretching into the positions before a lighter dinner. Either before, during or after dinner was time with the inflatable plug. In the evening was training with the Kegel meter, then another round with the larger dildo. Once I was ready for bed, I worked to deep throat Master's cock, then fucked myself with it, and more than once fell asleep with it deep inside my cunt. With all that attention to my cunt, the only time I was allowed to cum was once a week when John was testing the progress with the Kegel meter. The only difference on weekends was no work and more walking or exercise. My entire diet had changed, much healthier, no fast food or sweets and more veggies.

Two weeks after receiving Master's cock during the session at John's gym where he measured my progress, I was shocked when John asked, "Are you ready to try Master in your ass? Your progress is to where I think you can try."

I was speechless. I just looked at John and he shook his head yes. I finally managed, "Yes Sir, if you really think I might be ready." He showed me where I said "stop" on the tapered test plug and I was frankly amazed how thick it was at that point. But the whole idea that I might be ready for the final hurdle between me and Master, sent a shiver down my spine.

John put a small pile of towels on the table and had me lay down with my hips on the towels and my ass high. He worked slowly working lube into my ass using more and more fingers. Stretching my ring and working for me to relax. Master was already through my ring when I realized it was Master only because John kept working it in and out going a bit deeper each time.

As soon as I realized it was Master's cock I tensed up, earning a hard slap on my butt and a stern "Relax" from John. He stopped moving the cock until he saw me relax and then resumed working it in and out deeper and deeper in my ass. He stopped again; I wasn't sure why. I saw a flash of light and John showed me the picture he had taken with the laptop, showing only the base of Master's cock sticking out of my ass.

I was shocked, Master's cock was deep in my ass. All I could do was ask John, "What now?"

John got this great big grin, "Well for right now, I am going to fuck your ass with it until you tell me to stop, or I think you need to stop. Then you are going to keep doing the work you have done to get to this point, until Master thinks your ass is ready for regular use."

True to his word, John started slowly working Master's cock in and out of my ass. The feeling was indescribable. Besides the incredible feeling of it fucking my ass, it was the realization that all that work was finally paying off. I was almost ready for Master. Even as the discomfort increased as Master's large cock abused my ass, I wasn't about to tell John to stop. He finally decided that I had enough and slowly pulled it out of my ass. I took it and surprised John as I took it into my throat while cleaning it.

I left John's gym almost floating. Master's call was short and sweet, "Congratulations. You are almost here."

My renewed confidence and energy were so obvious that coworkers and people at the yoga class commented on it. I went about my daily training regime with new vigor. My ass was tender for a day or so, but I was so close that I trained right through that. While I could work Master's cock past my ring, I couldn't get the angles right to actually fuck my ass with it, but I worked my ass especially hard and fast with the larger suction cup dildo.

My next session with John had the usual elements, the treadmill in heels, working on flexibility in the positions but he also spent even longer than the previous time fucking my ass with Master's cock, leaving it quite tender, but less so than the first time. As I was leaving John mentioned that there might be a visitor at the next session to teach me some skills that John couldn't. He refused to elaborate beyond that.

I was anxious when I got to the gym the next time. Being naked and working with John had become quite comfortable, but today John said there might be a visitor and having someone else watch my workout made me nervous, even though I recalled Master telling me that submissives have no modesty. I was running a bit late, so I quickly stripped to my heels before I realized that there were two people in John's office. As soon as John saw me, he told me to get started on the treadmill.

The lady in the office kept talking to John but the gentleman moved his chair in the office so that he could watch me on the treadmill. The treadmill was now significantly faster than when I started and also got steeper, so I was concentrating on keeping up in my heels and while I never forgot that I was being watched by a stranger, it became much less of a focus.

The gentleman and the lady both watched as John put me through my stretching exercises in the positions. As we finished that John finally introduced me to the lady. Her name was Nancy, and she was there to teach me the fine art of pleasing a woman. That it was important that I learned well what she was going to teach me, and I was to obey her as I had John.

She took me into the room with the padded table and slipped her dress and heels off, she was naked underneath except for a small leather collar around her neck. She sat on the table in front of me and spread her legs wide. She gave me a basic anatomy class of the female vagina, and the options to stimulate the various areas and components. Where to lick, where to suck, where to nibble where to fuck with my tongue. She then went to the ass and how to stimulate and please that area. She had me practice rolling my tongue into a narrow spear which she emphasized went as far up the ass as it could reach.

She then laid back on the table and had me get between her legs. She had me practice what she had told me on all the different areas of her cunt. Apparently, I was doing well as she got wetter and wetter as I practiced. Then she rolled over and I spread her butt cheeks and practiced stimulating and tongue fucking her ass. We ended the session in a 69 with her on top and I was to do to her cunt what I felt her doing in mine. That was a good learning experience, the feelings and stimulation of the different approaches were different than I had anticipated. That session ended when she squirted all over my face. As she rolled off of me she joked, that was the final exam for today's lesson and you passed. As I got my wits back with me I noticed that John and the gentlemen had been watching that last activity, and both had tents in their pants.

Nancy went to get cleaned up and John had me lay face down back on the table and started lubing my ass. While I couldn't see him, I knew the gentleman was closely watching me get my ass fucked with Master's cock. John was quite a bit rougher than the week before, going faster, harder and with more movement in my ass. An amazing mix of pleasure, discomfort and pride. John finally stopped, leaving the cock deep in my ass he asked me how I felt, was I sore or tender, any hot spots or pain. I admitted that I was a bit sore, but overall, it felt amazing. John smiled and went back and slowly fucked my ass as he withdrew the cock. I again was able to take it into my throat as I licked and sucked it clean.

When I finished cleaning it I looked over my shoulder to see the gentleman's reaction but he wasn't there. He and Nancy had already left. I finally asked John who the gentleman was and why he was here?

John gave me a wicked grin and said, "That gentleman was your Master, he wanted to see you firsthand as a final assurance that you are ready to serve him. You passed with flying colors."

I was in shock. I had seen Master and he had watched me and was pleased. I didn't know whether to hug John or slap him for not telling me.

I got dressed to leave and I noticed a message on my phone, from a missed call. I played the message in John's office, it was from Master, "Check your schedule and let me know when you can come to the farm for a week."

I looked at John and he smiled and told me, "Master says you are ready to serve him. Congratulations."

Next Chapter - Master's Week

  1. In response to Master's request for personal information, Sylvia sent details such as her address, phone number, measurements, clothing sizes, and natural hair color.
  2. During their BDSM VRBO Prequel, Master informed Sylvia that she would undergo thorough training to prepare her for serving him as a submissive.
  3. As part of her training, Sylvia was required to perform sexual evaluations with John, a personal trainer, who would monitor her responses and progress.
  4. Sylvia bravely participated in the sexual evaluations, determined to do whatever was necessary to prove herself worthy of serving Master in their BDSM VRBO arrangement.

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