Celebrity Sex Stories

Beneath a Starless Sky

Dame Aylin is captured by two drow priestesses.

Aug 16, 2024
35 min read
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Beneath a Starless Sky
Beneath a Starless Sky

Beneath a Starless Sky

Dame Aylin is captured by two drow priestesses during a mission to rescue a child. The two priestesses see in the celestial warrior an opportunity they can't pass up.

Contains: Futa Dame Aylin, Drow Female (2), Threesome, Triple Dom Dynamic, Huge Breasts, Huge Cock (24+''), Ass Play, Rimming, Female Masturbation, Titfucking, Vaginal Sex, Using Sex To Power Magic, Fucked On The Floor, Standing Cowgirl, Blowjob, Throatfucking, Swallowing Semen, Cum On Face, Cum On Tits, Cum Bloating, Excessive Semen, Canon Divergence

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"Ô, She Who Guides, offer your daughter the strength to bring justice to these darkened lands. I humbly beseech thee to bestow upon me your light so that I may dispel the shadows in their hearts."

Aylin straightened, sliding her sword into its scabbard and flexing her wings. They were of little use in the cramped tunnels of the Underdark, but they still made for an intimidating display against less-intelligent foes who would not be deterred by her heavy armour and gleaming blade.

She furrowed her brow, hand gripping the pommel of her weapon nervously as she looked ahead into the small tunnel. Were it not for her ability to see in the dark, granted by her divine lineage, she would have been completely lost in a place where the only natural light was the bioluminescence of fungi or other vegetation. But these were rare, and so she relied on her limited ability to see in the dark.

While she could see in shades of grey for a hundred feet or so, she very well knew that the beasts and foes of this most dangerous realm could sense her from further away, and in ways she could not even begin to comprehend. She knew, too, that there were eyes upon her at all times, belonging to creatures too afraid of taking her on.

Any foe that would challenge her would have to be mighty indeed, or incredibly cunning. Though she feared little, she had heard tales of the vicious nature of the cavernous realm.

Not only were the fauna and flora of the place an ever-looming threat, but the aasimar could feel herself growing increasingly frustrated at her lack of sex. For not only was she one of the most powerful champions of the Church of Selûne, she was also undoubtedly one of the most hung, for between her legs hung a fat, ever eager she-prick, long as any woman's arm and easily as thick.

The priests and priestesses (mostly the priestesses) of the Church had told her that her cock was a blessing, a tool to spread the light of the Goddess upon Faerûn, but she mostly found herself spreading legs, instead. A smirk formed upon her lips as she recalled her last such conquest. The woman, a buxom Turmishite, had made no qualms about converting to the faith of the Moonmaiden after their brief dalliance.

The sooner she completed her quest, the sooner she would be back to ploughing cunt.

Aylin's armoured boots made little sound as she slowly advanced, ready to draw her blade at a moment's notice.

She had not come here for personal glory, or on some vague quest for justice. She had come to rescue an elven child, captured and taken by a drow raiding party. The clergy had responded immediately to the attack and sent their most powerful weapon to retrieve the youngling.

And while drow were known to be able to cover their tracks and lay waste to pursuers, Aylin had the Moonmaiden to guide her. Or so she hoped, for the light of the moon did not reach the bowels of the earth.

At last, coming upon a structure in the distance, Aylin stepped behind a rock. At the centre of a massive cavern stood a trio of stalagmites that, judging by the illuminated windows, were inhabited. Stone steps had been hewn from them, circling upwards. Though well over two hundred feet away, she could see dark forms moving through those windows while others patrolled its perimeters.

The place was well guarded, she surmised, for few creatures would give their positions away so readily in the Underdark. And while she was no expert on the matter, the grace of those dark forms immediately conjured up images of the dark elves. Perhaps, she thought, these drow still held the child. Or perhaps they could be persuaded to give her the information she needed.

Taking a deep breath, she set forth. She was no coward, but she would not rush headlong into a battle she could not win, especially not when failure meant the possible death of innocents. Stealth was not an option, however, as the sounds of her armour and her large white wings would make such a task impossible. She briefly considered removing her armour, but she would then find herself unprotected, should she be required to face off against the vile elves.

Every step towards the structure felt like it might be her last, as she attempted to move from one stalagmite to the next.

Her eyes looked up to the dark forms above, searching for signs that she might have been spotted. The patrols continued moving as they had before, and there seemed to be no unusual activity. By some miracle of the Moonmaiden, she had not yet been spotted. Brimming with confidence, the divine warrior stepped to one of the dark iron doors at the base of the smallest of the three buildings that made up the stalagmite-complex.

The door itself had, as was typical of the drow, a spider motif upon it. The paladin inspected the door and saw no traps. And, so, she pushed it open slowly, making sure to make as little noise as possible. She slipped inside and closed the heavy door behind her. The interior was surprisingly warm, though the room itself had little of note within, save for a table and chair in a corner. Two exits, one to her left and to her right, led to more dimly lit passageways.

With little to differentiate the two passageways, and with little time to spare, she turned right.

No sooner had she begun walking down the passage than she heard the opening of a door, merely ten feet from her. She had not seen the door and cursed herself for it. From it emerged a male drow, the swords upon the slender figure's waist immediately confirming his status as a fighter among the dark elves. His red eyes immediately spotted her, and he began unsheathing the deadly looking blades.

Aylin did not hesitate, drawing her own weapon immediately and closing the distance between her and the elf. His two swords came up in a cross, blocking Aylin's downward slash. Sparks flew as the blades met, and the elf stepped back to regain his footing, nearly losing his balance from the sheer power behind the paladin's attack.

The grey-skinned male quickly looked around, and Aylin knew he was considering flight. She also knew that she would not be able to catch up to him, for her wings were of little use in the small corridors of the drow outpost. And so he disengaged from the parry, spinning about the surprised woman with the legendary speed of his kind. Sharp though his blades may have been, however, his strikes only meet the mithral of her plate armour, bouncing off harmlessly.

Aylin grinned and brought her wing down upon him, trapping the elven warrior against her own body. Surprised, the male could not prepare an adequate defence against the move, and found himself completely helpless against the crushing power of that single, white-feathered wing. The paladin could feel him struggling against her, and heard the clattering of his blades as they fell to the floor.

Giving one final squeeze, she heard the snapping of bone and the elf's lifeless form fell upon the ground next to her. She offered his soul a quick prayer before moving on, worried that the sounds of that brief encounter may have alerted nearby occupants.

Her legs carried her up a flight of stone stairs before she came upon another metal door. She opened the door, finding herself upon a bridge connecting the first structure to the second, larger one. A feminine figure, clad in dark robes, standing at the centre of the bridge. A wicked grin upon her lips, she pushed her hands outwards, with thumbs touching. The drow's fingertips seemed to burst into flame as a sheet of white-hot fire surged forth, towards Aylin.

The angelic warrior clenched her teeth and brought forth one of her wings to protect herself, blocking much of the spell. The heat of that spell was such, however, that she could feel her feathers being singed by the powerful spell.

"Are you all that they sent against us? Are you truly the best that the surface filth can send after us?" the drow said, her mocking words followed by maniacal laughter.

When at last the spell ended and the flames subsided, Aylin pulled her wing back. And though the feathers upon it were blackened, the woman herself remained relatively unharmed. She briefly considered replying, but chose instead to move forward, rapidly closing the distance between her and the spellcaster.

Seeing the unfazed warrior approaching her, the drow was suddenly seized by panic, attempting desperately to cast another spell.

Aylin now stood a mere ten feet from her target, moving quickly and decisively.

Her fingers moved as quickly as they could, weaving her incantation as best she could, and she might have been able to finish the spellwork, had it not been for the fact that her words came out as nothing more than gargling blood. The woman's red eyes widened, and she clutched at her throat, realizing how Aylin had already slashed her neck.

"You will harm no other innocents," spat the aasimar, stepping over the drow as she fell to her knees, then sideways, tumbling off the bridge, to her doom. Aylin only heard the thump of her limp body hitting the ground, well over a hundred feet below.

The door on the other side of the bridge lay unlocked, and Aylin stepped inside. The drow had been prepared, and hadn't seemed surprised by her presence. There remained very little time to find the child, she knew, if they hadn't already been taken away.

Stepping inside the second, central structure, Aylin looked around, groaning in frustration at the four doors ahead of her, none of them offering any obvious indication as to what lay beyond. Her heart sank briefly at the thought that, perhaps, the child had already been taken elsewhere. There were so few of the hated dark elves here... Perhaps they had already moved on.

Yet, she could not let that possibility deter her. And so she charged on, pushing the door in front of her with her foot. The force of that single push sent the door swinging against the wall, and Aylin rushed into the room. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the small elven child chained to the other side of the room.

"Help me..." pleaded the waifish, fair-skinned girl, big blue eyes staring up at Aylin.

The paladin smiled reassuringly, sliding her blade into her scabbard. "Worry not, child. You are safe now," she said reassuringly, voice soft and comforting.

The child nodded in response.

She walked over to the child, taking a brief look about the room. With no obvious threat immediately visible to her, Aylin knelt next to the child to inspect the chains. Despite the small number of enemies she had encountered, she still felt as though some evil was nearby. Her eyes briefly moved to the child, noting how she did not seem to have any bruises on her, though the chains did appear to have cut into her wrists.

"What is your name?" the armoured woman asked as she gripped the chains firmly at the centre, testing them with a few small tugs.

"Miela," came the shy, nervous response.

"Well, Miela, I need you to be brave for me. Can you do that?"

The child nodded.

"I'm going to break these chains so we can leave. Then, I'm going to bring you back to..." she hesitated. The girl's parents were no more, she knew. "I'm going to bring you home."

"I-I'll try."

Aylin nodded, and her hands began glowing with divine light, the golden glow of her power filling the room with its warmth. As that divine power coalesced within her being, Aylin felt a surge of strength, and, gripping the chains, tore them from the wall with a single, powerful tug.

Miela stumbled slightly but managed to keep her footing.

"One down," Aylin said, offering the child a kind smile before quickly doing the same thing to the other chain, the rattling din of that shattering echoing throughout the room and, most likely, beyond it.

"Honestly, surface trash is so predictable..." Miela said, turning her head to Aylin. The voice that came from that small form was no longer that of a child but rather that of a mature, seductive woman.

Gasping, Aylin stared at Miela, seeing how the girl's expressive blue eyes had turned into red pits of malice. The girl's skin took on a grey tone and the paladin could only watch, awestruck, as her limbs lengthened. The aasimar thought to grab her blade, but as her fingers tried to grasp for the weapon, she felt the impact of something soft upon her.

Her eyes looked down in shock to see that she had been blasted with a thick wad of spider silk, and laughter from another woman came from behind her. "Oh, I would have waited longer to spring the trap upon her, Shri."

Aylin couldn't move her neck to see who had appeared behind her. There had been no door there, she knew. Invisibility, perhaps?

"All it cost us were two polymorphed iblith," the woman said as her shape took on that of a tall, extremely feminine drow priestess. "We can find more. Time, however, is not on our side. The caravan with the rest of the..." she eyed Aylin for a moment and decided such words would be better suited for a private conversation. "Either way, the little fly has been caught in our web. We can't leave her here, especially after she went through so much just to find us..."

Though the two spoke in their own dialect of the elven tongue, which Aylin could understand, she did not quite understand the word used, spoken in the dialect of the drow, though she did understand its context and the loathing behind it. It was clear to her now that the two lives she'd taken had not been drow, and she cursed herself for it.

The recently transformed dark elf stood with a smug grin over Aylin, staring down at her, proud of the trap she'd sprung on the powerful warrior. The elf was tall and strikingly beautiful, with outrageous curves that strained against the black robes she wore. The aasimar couldn't help but glance at that overflowing cleavage, and she felt a lustful stirring in her loins. Her eyes quickly moved back up to the priestess's glowering gaze.

"You are right, of course, but shouldn't the fun last just a little bit longer?" the other voice said, obviously quite close behind Aylin. The paladin had been struggling against the unbreakable webs that held her, to no avail. Even her wings had been caught in the spell. She could feel a single delicate hand upon her shoulder and the tip of something sharp and cold against the nape of her neck.

Coldly, the buxom drow spoke, "Put the wand away, Val." The tone of her voice made it clear that she would brook no argument. The woman's pure white hair, collected in a tight bun, made her look all the more serious. "I appreciate these games as much as you do, but we are expected, and you know our dear mother will not tolerate tardiness."

Val sighed in annoyance, and Aylin felt the wand's pointed tip being removed. "Of course."

Still holding a wand in her hand, Val made her way to her sister's side, red eyes looking down at Aylin. She seemed amused at the sight of the holy warrior, helpless and bound. Her full lips curved into a cruel smirk.

The woman was, undoubtedly, every bit like her sister. Physically, at least. Though, there was to her a playfulness that contrasted sharply with Shri's own stern appearance and demeanour. And while only the most ancient of elves ever showed any actual signs of aging, it was clear to Aylin that Val was the younger of the two, despite them both appearing to have the mature grace of women in their mid-to-late thirties, by human appearances.

Shri reached down, fingers cupping Aylin's chin. Defiantly staring up at her captor, she was of a mind to simply bite those damned fingers off. Yet, as the dark elf's fingers came into her contact with her skin, Aylin felt the burning rage within her dissipate, replaced by an overwhelming urge to lean into the touch. Had a spell been cast upon her? Or was this simply her own touch starved body reacting to the gentle caress?

Val chuckled. "So receptive. Might we keep her as a dog? I'll train her myself. We've got plenty of soldiers in the complex, just waiting for a chance to slit her throat, should she act up."

So it had been a trap, Aylin concluded. They had simply hidden from her, throwing slaves in her direction to bait her further into the complex.

Aylin's eyes wandered to Val, her form just as curvaceous as her sister's, if not more so, though the difference in clothing perhaps made the younger sister's bust appear larger than Shri's. While Shri wore a simple black gown of drow make, with the material tight upon every curve of her form, Val had opted for a similar, though far less modest outfit. The skimpy dress allowed frequent glimpses at her shapely legs, and various strategically placed patches of sheer material drew the eye to the extravagance of her form, as a lacy bustier pushed her phenomenal chest up.

And while both elves had pure white hair, Val's had been collected in a braid that reached down to her waist.

Shri laughed, fingers slowly leaving Aylin's face. "She can't take her eyes off you, sister. No spell needed, she's already yours. I can just feel how much she wants to..." The spellcaster's eyes widened. "She wants to fuck your brains out. Well, now... That is rather curious." She offered Val a sideways glance, her curiosity piqued.

After a brief moment of consideration, Shri nodded towards her sister, and the spider silk holding Aylin fell away, and the angelic warrior realized that with it had gone her armour, leaving her kneeling in naught but her smallclothes.

Both sisters looked down at Aylin, grinning mischievously.

"Kunith g'aaissthin..." Shri uttered, staring at the enormous bulge between Aylin's thighs or, rather, that began between her thighs. Even her smallclothes seemed ill-equipped to handle that ashen behemoth, for its head was already peaking from its leg, halfway down her muscular thigh. "The divine pervert cannot avert her gaze. Perhaps she allowed herself to get caught," mused the woman.

Val clapped her hands excitedly. "A wonderful catch!" she exclaimed, kneeling next to Aylin, excitement palpable in every movement. "Though not a very loquacious one."

The aasimar had made no move to escape, for she knew her chances were nonexistent with neither armour nor weapon. Whether she liked it or not, her best chance at survival, and at saving the child, lay with the two elves. An involuntary flex of her cock nearly threatened to tear her smallclothes apart as her eyes once more defied her will, gaze diving into the grey depths of the woman's overflowing cleavage.

Shri snorted derisively. "Perhaps all the blood went to her appendage."

Tentatively, Val reached out, half-expecting the aasimar to throttle her at a moment's notice. Her fingers came into contact with the beautifully defined muscles of her abdomen, gently trailing along that hard, smooth skin until her nails, painted black, found the edge of Aylin's shorts.

The aasimar eyed the drow for a moment and then nodded slowly. Though she had little choice in the matter, her marble pillar wanted nothing more than to bury itself into the elven whores, to make them scream and squirm with pleasure. Oh, they had sprung their trap upon her. That much was true. They did not, however, suspect that they were walking into hers as well, for Aylin had never met a woman whose mind and body could withstand the assault of her alabaster cock.

Her index moved down, down, and further still until it came into contact with the long, tubular bulge at the warrior's crotch. She gulped audibly as she allowed that single digit to trace the outline of the elephantine prick.

Breathlessly, she whispered. "It's not even fully hard..."

An amused look crossed Shri's features, watching her sister play with their prey in such a manner. As a priestess of Lolth, Shri was no stranger to overgrown cocks such as these, for demonic orgies were not so uncommon among the dark elves. The revelation that celestial beings also possessed such obscene cocks was a new to her, however.

Val, as an acolyte, had not yet completed her training, and had not yet completed most of the debaucherous acts which were required of Lolthites. The younger of the two sisters was insatiable, so Shri had little doubt of her capacity to pass the trials. This angelic creature would prove to be a worthy enough challenge, she mused.

And so, Aylin simply let Val tug at her smallclothes with hungry curiosity, as she remained kneeling on the ground. She did not speak a word to her captors, letting them believe that they had bested her and that she had submitted to them fully. While her burning rage had subsided and carnal desire had taken up root in its stead following Shri's brief touch, Aylin was under no mental compulsion to obey them.

Slowly, inch by inch, the drow pulled the fabric down, revealing first the root of Aylin's cock, slowly coming to life under the woman's touch, throbbing with eager pulses that mirrored that of her own heartbeat. So absolutely enormous was the veined, ashen she-cock that it almost seemed endless to the drow uncovering it, the woman nearly salivating at the sight.

Aylin did her best to suppress the smug grin that curved her lips, watching Val, enraptured, reveal her growing length of she-meat. When at last only the head of that celestial beast remained trapped, the priestess looked up at the ashen-skinned beauty before her, as if requesting permission to uncover the last few inches of goliath fuckstick.

She nodded, and Val pulled down those tight shorts over the remainder of Aylin's enormous prick. The fat, obscene girlcock jumped free of the kneeling woman's undergarments to spring upwards violently. As it did so, it struck the underside of Val's tits and jaw with the force of a hammer strike.

The priestess recoiled from the impact, holding her bruised jaw for a moment as she stared up at the veiny monolith, that obscene tower of girlcock jutting out proudly from between Aylin's thighs.

Even Shri would gasp, the sight of such a cock never failing to impress her, even considering her previous demonic dealings. "By Lolth... Even Narbondel would seem as a mere twig next to such a thing." She took a step towards Aylin.

Val, still entranced by the behemoth cock, would attempt to compare her forearm to it, placing her elbow at the thing's base. Her eyes widened when she realized that the unfathomable length was twice as long as the length from the drow's elbow to her fingertip.

As though sensing the younger drow's thoughts, Shri stepped closer, kneeling next to her sister. A fat spurt of precum oozed from the tip of Aylin's cock at the sight of those fat grey titties bouncing from the movement. Shri, too, placed her forearm atop Val's hand, confirming that the enormous fuckpillar was indeed double the length of their forearms.

A gasp of wonder left the elder priestess, and she leaned in to softly suckle at the fat dollop of clear liquid running along the underbelly of Aylin's celestial beast.

Val watched her sister lick up the aasimar's pre like a common whore, and she bit her lip. The sight was so arousing, so erotic, that she leaned in as well. And though Shri had lapped up most of that delectable treat, the two women's tongues and mouths were soon upon each other, making out around the warrior's throbbing she-cock.

As they made out, kissing each other with hungry desperation, soft moans and whimpers of delight could be heard, their tongues and lips often moving to Aylin's cock for a few moments to give it the worship it deserved. Keeping her composure was difficult for Aylin, as the sight of the two fat-titted priestesses making out overtop her dick quite nearly sent her over the edge. It had been so long since she'd fucked anyone properly.

"Fuck..." she groaned, running her fingers through Shri and Val's white hair.

The two stopped for a moment, staring up at her, their lips still touching, tongue still dancing about the veiny length of Aylin's megadick.

Shri's lips curled into a grin as she exchanged a look with her sister. "Her potency will serve us well in summoning reinforcements from the Abyss," she said, "perhaps powerful enough to overthrow our rivals."

Aylin frowned slightly at that. Could they use her in such a manner? She knew drow were well known for their demon-worshipping and sexual deviancy, but she had never imagined both those aspects of the dark elves to be one and the same. Now that she thought about it, however, it made perfect sense. She only hoped that she would be able to overpower them sexually before they gathered enough fuck-power from her to summon their demon buddies.

While getting her dick sucked by two busty dark elves was extremely appealing to her, Aylin did not quite like the thought of being used as a sex-juice battery for whatever summoning rituals they had in mind.

Val grinned, looking at her sister. "You have such wonderful ideas, dear sister. She'll be far more useful," she said, giving Aylin's cock a single, long lick. "Far less likely that she'll die that way than if we use her as a slave for combat. No. Better to use her for this..."

Aylin was quickly losing her patience with the elves' yapping, and so she gripped Val's hair firmly, pulling her head back. An amused grin, unafraid, formed on the elf's full lips.

Shri chuckled. "Oh, Lolth save us," she mockingly dramatized. "Little angel has claws."

She, too, seemed unafraid of Aylin's sudden outburst, slowly beginning to pull down her tight black dress. The sight of the woman revealing those overgrown elven udders, the hem of her dress descending over those heavy grey mammaries was enough to send the muscular woman mad with desire. She could not help herself, not anymore. And so, she pulled her hips back, angling her mighty prick with Val's mouth, downwards, eyes darting between the sight of that cock-hungry dark elf and her monumentally busty sister now playing and squeezing her own fat knockers.

A soft whimper of delight slipped from Shri's lips as she pinched and tugged at her turgid nipples, only serving to whet the aasimar's lusts further.

The younger of the two drow had already opened her mouth to allow her tongue to roll out. The slut wanted this, Aylin mused. She was playing right into their hands, their whorish, demon-worshipping hands. She would fuck their brains out before they managed to summon a single demon. She had to.

Knowing what had to be done, Aylin slowly pressed her glistening cockhead to Val's lips, its underside rubbing against the drow's extended tongue. The soft warmth of the drow's mouth sent pleasured shivers through Aylin's spine, and she groaned with excitement. The young priestess opened wide, allowing that fat, spongy head to slowly enter her eager maw.

Shri watched for a moment, eyes wide with anticipation, as she watched her younger sister take the fattest dick either of them had seen in years. Her red eyes gleamed with lustful fervour as, inch by inch, that goliath battering ram stretched Val's jaw wide, saliva dribbling from the corner of her mouth.

No sooner had Aylin stuck three inches of her massive cock down Val's throat than Shri slinked behind Aylin, looking up at that powerful, muscular tower of a woman with a hungry look. She glanced between Aylin's legs, admiring the way her sister's neck bulged from the obscene size of the warrior's cock as it stretched her throat. She bit her lower lip, briefly wishing to be in Val's place.

Soft, delicate hands reached up, and Aylin gasped when she felt fingers squeezing at the ashen flesh of her posterior. So focused was she on stuffing her prick into Val's throat that she had failed to notice the buxom priestess moving in behind her.

Noticing Aylin's surprise, Shri chuckled softly, and that melodious sound sent shivers down Aylin's spine, wings unfurling briefly, as though she would attempt to fly away at a moment's notice. Spurred on by the drow's touch, Aylin bucked and shoved another half-foot of girlmeat into the gurgling, gagging elf before her. Spittle and drool rolled down the woman's chin as even her Lolth-blessed throat struggled with the behemoth prick.

"Don't worry about hurting her," said Shri, "she's trained to take cocks even bigger than yours. If she breaks from your cock, then she was never fit to serve and her soul will be forever forfeit to the Demonweb Pits."

Aylin's brow furrowed, both from the cold words spoken by the woman behind her, and from the effort required to jam her entire arm-long dick into the squirming she-elf. Aylin's blue eyes wandered down the woman's form, noticing how her fingers were eagerly working at her cunt. Even such obvious discomfort would not be sufficient to quench the whore's excitement.

Drow truly were deviants of the highest order, Aylin thought.

With well over half her enormous fuckspire jammed into Val's throat, Aylin began slowly pulling back, her enormous ashen-hued balls swinging below her ponderously, so near Shri's face.

The drow smirked and leaned in beneath Aylin's ass, holding one of her thighs firmly as she began licking and slurping at those cum-filled burdens. A helpless groan of pleasure came from Aylin as she continued drawing her cock from Val's throat until only the head remained.

Val gasped for air, sputtering and coughing around that celestial spear of flesh. Long strands of precum and saliva would fall from her chin to land atop her cleavage, soaking into the fabric of her outfit. The priestess moaned with desire, digits still working feverishly at her cunt.

From behind Aylin, and sucking hungrily at the woman's heavy, melon-sized nuts, Shri could not really see much of anything. And neither could she see Aylin's hands grip the sides of Val's head, forcing her jaw open further with her thumbs as she began to brutally assail the woman's mouth and throat with her holy fuckhammer.

Hungrily slurping away at Aylin's delectably fat balls, Shri could only hear the wet sounds, gurgling and gagging of the brutal throat-ravaging their new pet was giving Val. Grunts and groans of satisfaction soon began emanating from Aylin, the woman rolling her hips hard and fast, cock plunging deeper and deeper into the squirming, moaning whore of a priestess. Each thrust caused those massive, cum-bloated nuts to swing about. Through some divine intervention, Shri managed to hold on, bathing those wondrous orbs with plentiful saliva, tasting and savouring the sweaty essence that had accumulated upon them.

By the squirming and trembling, it was made obvious that Val had reached her peak, her eyes rolling to the back of her skull as she came from the intensity of the gigantic cock stretching out her throat. Her feminine essence soaked her thighs and fingers as she seemed to briefly lose control of her muscles, lewd wet smacks pealed throughout the room with each impact of Aylin's balls against Val's neck and chin.

Still facefucking the woman from above, Aylin finally managed to ram herself to the hilt inside the drow, the sensations of Shri's ball-worship positively divine. The holy warrior could feel herself sinking into those blissful feelings, quite unlike any she'd experienced during her previous conquests. Even the succubi of Sigil would have a thing or two to learn from these dark elves, thought Aylin, for their moans and groans, their touches, everything about the two sisters was positively intoxicating.

Pressure began mounting rapidly within her, and Aylin could feel her balls tightening. "Hrrmmffffuck..." she huffed, fingers squeezing hard at Val's head as she shoved every last inch of her goliath she-cock into the cumming mess of an elf. Her fat prick lurched and thickened visibly inside the woman's throat as gallons of nutsludge exploded from the tip of her divine rod, flooding the elf's stomach.

Shri, seeking to prolong that release, soon shoved two fingers into Aylin's flexing asshole, seeking out her prostate and causing her to squeal with pleasure.

For several long moments, Aylin remained still, buried to the hilt in the squirming, gurgling mess wrapped around her cock. Her mind was drowning with pleasure, and she felt her heart pounding in her chest, in her throat... She gasped, breathing difficult as she unloaded more and more of her fuckgoop right into Val's stomach.

The angle didn't allow Aylin to see the results of so many gallons of cum being force-fed to the writhing elf, but Shri could very well see how bloated her sister was becoming, dress growing taut around her midsection. Her belly was growing fat and round, in some sort of perverted, accelerated simulacrum of a pregnancy.

Shri grinned as she fingerfucked Aylin's moon, feeling that tight ring between those white orbs flex around her fingers. The drow coaxed as much of that heavy, off-white nut as she could from the ultra-hung aasimar, happily watching her cum-bloated sister gulp as much of it down as she could.

As the pressure within her balls lessened, the pressure within Val's stomach increased, and Aylin found herself slowly being pushed out. Only then did she truly comprehend just how much she had blasted into Val's belly, for the woman seemed to be near-term with twins, the garment ripped in multiple places, unable to accommodate such quick growth.

With half her cock drawn from the cum-pumped depths of Val's digestive tract, fat gobs of cum began spewing from the sides of that heavy she-cock, the elf gurgling and coughing up inhuman amounts of jizz. The heavy, creamy load fell heavily onto the woman's dress and tits, soaking those fat, round udders and the swell of her stomach.

The eldest sister watched her sister grow full of Aylin, and her eyes grew wide as the celestial warrior drew that divine fuckpillar from Val's abused throat, for the angelic warrior was not yet done cumming. Fat, heavy ropes of splooge flew from the throbbing head of Aylin's fattened meatpipe, plastering Val with cum enough that her features were all but covered by a mask of the off-white, cloudy cum.

Shri couldn't held but lick her lips, watching her sister getting utterly glazed by that divine, sticky essence.

Long moments passed with Aylin pumping her gigantic fuckbat hard, trying to squeeze every last drop of cum from it. And even though there might have been enough jizz to fill a tub, the woman's cock remained hard as marble, the thick veins crisscrossing its shaft still as thick and plump as they had been mere moments ago.

Cum sloughed off every delectable curve of the cumstuffed drow's form, and Aylin was of a mind to offer her another load, just to see how much she could take, just to see if she could take another. Those vengeful thoughts did not last long, however, for another outlet for her desires presented itself to the paladin. She watched as Shri, leaned into her sister, offering the cum-glazed woman a soft, sensual kiss. Their tongues intertwined, the two women began exchanging fat gobs of Aylin's cum, and the winged warrior could feel her cock grow all the harder from the sight.

Pulling her head back slightly, Shri offered Aylin a playful wink. She lifted one hand, the other on her sister's cum-bloated stomach, and snapped her fingers. Barely had Aylin registered the act when a small, circular disk appeared against the furthest wall of the room. "Don't worry, we'll have plenty more company soon enough," the priestess moaned as she reached up with two hands to grip Aylin's cock, the meaty fuckpillar still coated in a thick layer of cum and spit.

Aylin's gaze moved from the cock-hungry priestess to what was not clearly becoming a portal. Slowly, the shape grew, along with the intensity of its reddish light. As its area increased, it seemed to Aylin as though Val's stomach was slowly losing some of its mass. It didn't take long for Aylin to put two and two together. The drow were using her cum as fuel to power a portal to whatever dark plane their patron deity ruled.

Luckily for Aylin, however, it seemed that there wouldn't quite be enough cum inside Val for the portal to fully form, as an inch added to the disk's diameter seemed to have an equal, but opposite effect on the drow's stomach. Still, Val appeared a bloated mess, barely cognizant or mobile. She offered Shri a look, noting the slight furrowing of the woman's brow every now and again, even as her hands began travelling up and down the rock-hard length of her heavy slab of girlmeat.

The drow had to maintain her concentration on the portal as it formed, she realized. Decades of hunting down cultists of all kinds had taught her many precious things about these kinds of things, she thought with a smirk. But she'd never fucked the concentration out of a spellcaster.

First times were always fun.

Before Shri could react, Aylin leaned down and grabbed the drow by the waist, hoisting her up with ease. The difference in size between the two could not have been more apparent, with Shri appearing almost doll-like next to Aylin. The aasimar's eyes went to the drow's fat, wobbling tits, watching as the priestess hiked her robes up to her waist.

The woman's high heels came to rest on the small of Aylin's back as her massive cock ran horizontal against the dark elf's glistening slit. "Mmhh... Oh, what are you going to do, mighty warrior? Please don't punish me too hard~" she mocked, her smug grin lighting a blaze of hatred within Aylin's core, and a desire to pummel the evil from Shri's being. Using her cock, of course.

Without a word, Aylin lifted the Lolthite priestess up a foot or so, lining her cock up with the whore's cunt. In one swift motion, the winged warrior pumped her hips and slammed the drow down onto her enormous she-cock, ramming half that immense, meaty fuckspire deep into the grey-skinned beauty's warm gash.

Shri's eyes went wide as the air was forced from her lungs, mouth agape in silent pleasure. As Aylin forced the last few inches of her ashen behemoth into the fat-titted priestess, the woman's eyes rolled to the back of her skull, and she began convulsing. "Nnggghhhhaaaa..." groaned Shri as an orgasm ripped through her from that single, powerful thrust.

Aylin thought that would have been enough to end the spell, to break the drow's concentration. But the portal seemed instead to stabilize, its form becoming that much clearer, and an image even slowly forming within it.

"Th-that's right..." panted Shri, reaching up with both hands to grasp at her huge, grey titties, squeezing those heavy orbs as she rode out her orgasm, legs wrapped around the celestial warrior. "You can't stop this, you just... can't..." She began rolling her hips gently, eyes half-lidded from the intensity of that release, abundant cuntglop dripping from her cunt down to the base of Aylin's prick, and those still-full balls.

It was clear to Aylin that she was in control.

And it was clear to Shri that it was she who was in control.

Both women competed for dominance as Aylin began hammering the absolute fuck out of the drow's cunt, as the busty elf bit her lower lip to suppress moans, her whorish cunt squeezing and gripping at the paladin's megaprick.

The bulge of Aylin's dick could clearly be seen as Shri's insides were stretched taut around the enormous, throbbing tool as Aylin hammered upwards into that sopping elven pussy.

Desperate to keep control, Shri's hands went to Aylin's shoulders, using them as leverage to lift herself up and slam herself down upon that veined monolith, the size and hardness of which only served to send her into that much more of a religious, sex-crazed frenzy.

Every now and then, Aylin's gaze would tear itself from the grey-skinned elf's tremendous, bouncing fuckpillows to glance at the growing portal behind her, hoping the next thrust would be the one to break her concentration on the spell. Her eyes would never stray too far, however, and she found her mouth soon latching onto one of those turgid, dark grey teats, lips suckling hungrily upon the sensitive nubs crowning each succulent orb.

Lewd wet sounds would echo all about them as Val, still sitting next to them, began to slowly recover from the cum-induced haze she had been navigating for the last few minutes.

PLAP! PLAP! PLAP! PLAPPLAPPLAP! came those incessant sounds, aasimar and drow panting, moaning and groaning in unison as they fucked like wild beasts, each one eager to get the other to cum, to bring them to such heights of pleasure that one would eventually have to concede victory.

Aylin pulled her face from the drow's heavy melons with a lurid pop as the woman's fat bud slipped from her lips, looking up into her eyes. Eyes full of malice, hatred, and a cockiness the paladin simply couldn't allow.

And so she continued ravaging the elf, fucking her hard and fast, using her as a common sex toy, the fat bulge of her prick travelling up and down her stomach, disappearing beneath the swell of her obscene milkers.

"Ahhhn... yes! Your cum will allow me to... Mmfff... Finish the portal..." moaned Shri, one hand reaching up to her tits to fondle her own endowments, bouncing like a bitch in heat upon Aylin's throbbing elf-splitter.

Groaning and seeing that the elf was still very much in control of the growing portal behind her, Aylin quite nearly tossed the woman onto her back next to her sister, cock still lodged firmly within that grasping, squelching elven cunt. Juices spurted out from the elf's cunt as Aylin continued jackhammering that hellish pussy with wild abandon.

Defiant, Shri looked up at Aylin, searching her gaze.

"I... won't give you..." grunted the winged woman, marble-like skin covered in a thin layer of sweat as she laid her efforts upon the fat-titted priestess.

For the first time, Aylin noted a brief spark of the worry in the drow's eyes, a spark which gave her the determination she needed. Arms on either side of the drow's head, Aylin began ramming her giant prick deep and hard with ferocity such that any ordinary woman would have been broken.

A familiar pressure began rising deep within Aylin's core, and she could feel her heavy balls tightening, those colossal head-sized orbs colliding with the elf's fleshy rump with every downward thrust. She could feel the drow now shuddering with her own oncoming orgasm, the two of them trying to delay the inevitable as much as possible to get what they wanted, what they needed.

So focused on the task at hand was she, that Aylin had not noticed that Val had begun crawling behind Aylin. The drow's stomach, slowly being drained by Shri's spell, had reached a third of its original size, and her mind had regained some of its former sharpness.

As she came to kneel behind Aylin, Val took a moment to appreciate how those plump, heavy balls swung up and down with every long thrust of that inhumanly massive prick, those gigantic cumtanks smacking her sister's ass hard and fast as she speared herself into the moaning, gasping Shri.

The portal, though still only half complete by now, had stabilized, and the image beyond that become clearer. Val knew that it was only a matter of time before they could complete it and gain the reinforcements they would need to carry out their plans. Beyond the red ring of that portal, Val could clearly see the Demonweb Pits beyond, and she could feel her excitement suddenly rise at the thought of their goddess sending her servants to assist them.

Her red gaze then moved to her sister, whose hands were firmly upon the huge, wobbling mountains that were her tits. An idea then struck her, a method by which the angel would blow her load into her sister's cunt before she, herself, found herself overwhelmed by the pleasures of that overgrown slab of fuckmeat.

Val watched for a few moments more before she struck, leaning in, mouth first. Her hands would, at the same time, move up to her cum-slicked knockers, squeezing the overgrown orbs firmly. As Aylin lifted her lips for another ground-shaking pounding of Shri's quivering muff, Val squeezed her fat tits firmly around Aylin's prick, placing her lips agains the angel's tight asshole.

"A-ah... What in the HeeEeeelLlls...!" moaned Aylin as she felt the drow's tits wrapped around her cock from behind and, more importantly, the woman's lips and tongue upon her ass.

This wasn't good, not good at all, thought Aylin as she continued pounding Shri into the ground. Now that two elves were working together, her chances of success had diminished considerably. The growing pressure in her balls was now almost too much for her to handle, and she knew that she most likely had met her match.

Aylin's cock glided down Val's slick cleavage, the combination of juices still not fully dried, as the drow's stomach slowly deflated with the powering of the abyssal portal. Each thrust of that gigantic she-dick caused the aasimar's hips to collide with the top of Val's tits before ramming deep into Shri's wet, creamy cunt.

The sounds of flesh upon flesh resonated through the mostly empty chamber, and Aylin's groans of pleasure only seemed to grow louder. Val squeezed her tits hard around the winged woman's dick as her tongue worked its magic upon her ass, stimulating that tight, flexing ring. And despite the rapid pummelling Aylin was offering her sister's sopping drow-hole, Val managed to hold on.

Her years of training had paid off, it seemed.

Shri's orgasm was closing in on her, Aylin knew, as she ravaged that sopping slut-sleeve, pumping her fat fuckpole deep and fast into that wanton hole. Even as the other drow assailed her with tit and tongue, the warrior of Selûne endured.

The drow's cunt gripped Aylin's colossal battering ram of a dick, squeezing it hard, as the other drow's massive tits massaged her swollen length.

"Gah... fuck... fuck," shuddered the paladin as she risked a glance up at the portal, seeing the portal growing before her very eyes. Beyond it lay a world of spider webs, dark and foreboding. She knew little of Lolth's domain, but she wished not to see what it contained. Whatever came through that portal would be nothing she wanted to contend with.

And so she fucked and fucked, ramming her fat she-dick deep into Shri.

Then, it happened. Both Aylin and Shri shuddered, Aylin's balls tightening hard, almost halted in their ceaseless swinging and bouncing. Sensing what was happening, Val pulled her mouth away, her stomach as flat as it had been before she'd gotten pumped full of that obscene cum-load. Though her mouth was no longer focused on Aylin's cock, she had redoubled her titwanking efforts, sliding her huge grey udders up and down that pulsating pole.

A long, orgasmic wail, almost religious in its fervour, shook Shri. And in that moment, Aylin lost the last remnants of self-control she had managed to hold on to since she'd started fucking the slutty Lolthite. Soon, the room was bathed in the portal's reddish glow as the two women came as one.

Aylin let out a long, shuddering moan as she began blasting her load deep into the wailing dark elf. The first nut-wad flooded Shri's womb, while Val watched, enthralled by the sight of that heaving ballsack dumping fat, quivering wads of spunk into her sister's womb. She watched those huge balls tighten again and again with every hefty helping of angelic fuckmuck being blasted into Shri, the buxom priestess crying out in orgasmic bliss with every shot.

Soon, the woman's womb was filled to bursting with that heavy cum, and it began slowly growing.

Val's eyes moved from the aasimar and drow, up to the growing portal, watching as shadowy figures approached from the other side. Her red gaze widened, and she briefly considered moving nearer to the portal to greet their visitors, but thought better of it. She didn't want to risk the ire of whatever would be summoned forth from the gateway.

Shri's eyes rolled to the back of her skull as she came and came, her entire body failing, her mind quite nearly going blank. And yet, she somehow managed to maintain her spell, the portal nearing completion. Her stomach swelled with seed, and fat glops of jizz spurted from the sides of Aylin's gigadick to roll down her ass cheeks and then to the ground below.

Soon, a puddle of cum had formed beneath them both as Aylin, cock still hard, continued to fuck Shri hard and fast, slamming herself repeatedly, though her vigour was beginning to fade. The drow, through it all, came and came, screaming and shouting her ecstasy with words the aasimar could not understand.

"You... won't..." Aylin gasped, as she finally managed to pump the last few spurts of cum into Shri.

And then, Shri collapsed, eyes closing as her breathing steadied and her head fell to the side.

But still, the portal remained. Despite the drow's barely-conscious state, that reddish gateway now stood, stable, before them. Aylin stuttered, grasping for words, as a slow chuckling came behind her, and she quickly noted how Shri's stomach was slowly deflating, much in the same way Val's had moments prior.

The aasimar spun, her gigantic cunt-wrecker of a cock slipping free of the drow's cunt, and with it came a deluge of off-white spunk. "Y-you!" Aylin spat, trembling with rage as she slowly stood.

"Ha!" Val said, standing as well, though her cumslathered appearance made her a far less threatening sight than she might have hoped. "Me? Oh, I suppose I might have given my sister's spell a little push there, near the end. And it looks like we have company," she laughed, and pointed behind Aylin.

The paladin's eyes grew wide as the shadowy figure of what appeared to be a drow woman came into view on the other side of the portal, slowly walking towards the opening. From the creature's back seemed to extend eight spider-like legs. Aylin turned to the priestess, ready to snap her neck, but found her muscles unresponsive.

A numbness crept through her body, and she felt herself growing heavier and heavier, until she hit the ground. She found herself unable to move her mouth, and her helpless gaze could only look up towards the ceiling, and towards Val who now stood triumphantly over her, a small hand crossbow in hand. "Drow poison. A classic, and always handy, don't you think? We thought about using one of these on you, as soon as you stepped foot in the Underdark, chasing us like a mad dog. But we wanted entertainment, and you provided us with plenty of that.

"I doubt you are familiar with our goddess's realm, but... it would appear that you gave us far more than we ever could have hoped to achieve with a lesser specimen. As such, we will be keeping you around for a long time, dear."

The priestess's gleeful gaze stared up at the portal, most likely following the creature nearing the entrance, Aylin surmised.

Her helplessness grew with every moment as the paralytic poison coursed through her veins, and she found herself unable to resist it.

"You've done well," came another woman's voice, only ten or so feet from Aylin, its source out of line of sight. It was cold, and harsh, though its spite seemed to be directed at Val.

The drow whipped her head towards the newcomer, and Aylin could see her features grow dark. The priestess hissed and began weaving a spell. A moment later, radiant chains materialized around Val, and they squeezed Val, halting her spellwork.

"But still, you are no match," continued the woman. "We will keep you, as you intended to keep Dame Aylin. And we will extract from you and your sister all we need to know."

Struggling, the drow spat curses at the newcomer, until she disappeared soundlessly, leaving behind no trace, and the gateway disappeared soon after.

Aylin's blue-white gaze looked up at her saviour as the woman's feminine form came into being, wearing the beautiful armour of a Selûnite cleric. The aasimar felt herself stricken by the woman's beauty. Her short, white hair framed her sweet face, and as soon as she beheld those great, wise eyes, she knew that she would adore this woman until the end of days.

"Worry not, you are safe," she said. "I am Isobel."

In the confined space of the stalagmite-complex, Aylin found herself face-to-face with a trio of drow priestesses, each more alluring than the last. The priestesses, recognizing Aylin's divine power, saw an opportunity to indulge in a forbidden threesome. They proposed a futanari Dame Aylin, promising a thrilling titfucking experience under the looming structure, Beneath a Starless Sky. As the sexual encounter intensified, Aylin's huge tits were repeatedly squeezed and her huge cock, known to bring joy to many, was thrust into the willing throats of her priestesses. The trio engaged in a triple dom dynamic, with Aylin serving as the willing submissive. The aggressive rimming and ass play was matched only by the priestesses' excessive semen intake, leaving Aylin's huge cock excessively bloated. As the night of debauchery continued, the drow priestesses were determined to fulfill their deepest desires with their celestial captive.

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