
Bessie's Second Jobventure

Bessie and Atlas begin cohabiting.

May 22, 2024
13 min read
Bessie’s New Job Pt. 02cuteconsensualhucowromanceromantic
Bessie’s New Job Pt. 02
Bessie’s New Job Pt. 02

Bessie's Second Jobventure

Previously, Atlas was a well-paid attorney named Trystan. He suffered a breakdown due to stress caused by his girlfriend's infidelity. He got fired and lost everything. On a walk, he stumbled across a notice. The physician listened to his desire for nothingness and posed a question.

"What if your single responsibility was to mate? You'd never have to think or worry about anything. Your purpose would just be reproduction." Trystan's response was equally direct.

"How would I commence?"

The conversation ended with a knock at the door.

"Respond, keep silent, lead them directly to me." The doctor instructed. Atlas went to the door and welcomed an hourglass-shaped woman with deep brown eyes and blonde hair. He saw she was not a woman but a cow. He allowed her in and directed her. A sensation of warmth emanated through him. He had never felt at ease before. This feeling vanished almost as quickly as it arrived as his instructor, Mark, whisked him away.

When he reached the destination, Atlas stood out as the largest bull. At six-feet-eight and built like a barn, he eclipsed other men for size, even in his previous life. He was larger than the next biggest bull but significantly broader. The biggest bull, Chief, approached Atlas, glaring menacingly. Atlas locked eyes with the agitated Chief and charged. Atlas punched Chief just before he could reach him, and he was unconscious. The rest of the bulls observed, then proceeded with their tasks, establishing the new order.

Atlases' days commenced with his trainers waking the bulls. They bathed, wore collars, and were transported to a room with gurneys. Bulls were strapped down and fitted with a masturbator. Medical upgrades through IVs were administered, and each bull was milked for an hour. It was a torture. Forced penetration without any pleasure, yet it served the bulls' training. The bulls were then served a feast of protein and vegetables, taken to treadmills with weights, and ordered to run for half an hour. Afterward, the weights were removed, and the bulls were strangers once again.

The bulls were taken to a strange hallway and Atlas was joined by other bulls. Something pleasing assailed Atlas's nostrils. It was sweet and alluring. The cow he had met with the doctor appeared. The horny bull on his left bellowed impatiently. Atlas remained quiet, as he had already risen out of the herd. The cow's instructor mentioned something, but it failed to captivate Atlas as his gaze was mesmerized by his precious Bessie.

He could smell and recognize her. Bessie sniffed the first bull, a disappointing response. The bull next to Atlas failed to elicit any positive response from his beloved cow. He continued to admire her beauty and focused on her response, completely unaware of the conversation around him. Bessie moved past the other bulls, her eyes on Atlas. He made a soft moo of delight as he admired Bessie's gorgeous eyes. She smiled and then mooed at him before sniffing him. Then, his cock was stimulated. In response, he made another soft moo and she dropped down before him, licking his already iron pole. He mooed again, shaking from the pleasure, and continued to observe her. Bessie directed the group and Atlas complied.

Their time together was at hand. He was at maximum readiness, his dick thumping with lust. These enhancement drugs intensified his stamina and cum volume. Bessie's sweet scent had him lusting for more. He ravaged her with every stroke, burying deep into her warm core. Her moos echoed reassurance of his dominance. After what seemed like an eternity, he spurted into her, his cum overflowing. They started packing, and he fumbled for Bessie's bliss button. Two minutes of gentle stroking led to several orgasms for her. The whispers of the trainers faded into the background. There was only Bessie and her famished lover. Atlas stared into her soul seeking something more. She turned away, leaving Atlas to seek his mistress at the other end of this maze. Only the thought of her kept him going.

When he pulled her out, she gazed at him, her eyes conveyed "I'm yours" as equally as his regarded "you're mine." Bessie's trainer mentioned pairing them in the separate barn, and Atlas felt gratified. As they exited the room on their leashes, they encountered Chief and his trainer. Chief attempted to approach Bessie, and Atlas responded. He tossed Chief against the wall and headbutted the man, his weak, pathetic body succumbing to the ground. He exhaled a sigh of relief and then turned to Bessie, who looked afraid. His heart sank at making his mate fearful. Mature bulls were meant to guard their cows, not scare them. He bowed his head in shame before her, but she simply nudged his chin up with her nose and nuzzled into him. He leaned down and rested his head on her neck and on her shoulder, inhaling her scent and reassuring her he'd always safeguard her.

They were escorted to a fresh barn set apart from the others. It boasted its own field and housed three cows and three bulls. Spotting the other bulls, Atlas began snorting and displaying aggression, but then he noticed each had their own cow following them. He relaxed.

This new barn was similar to the ones they had previously lived in, yet it contained its own milking and self-pleasure amenities. The separated cows were kept away from the remaining ones, as the bulls could become aggressive towards the sole calves. It was also a safer arrangement for the trainers if they grabbed the bulls' cows. The coupled cows were Glenda and Duke, Misty and Bruiser, Cleo and Ceaser. Atlas and Bessie were introduced to the pen, Kelly and Mark observing from the outside fence. Duke was the eldest, followed by Ceaser, but despite being the youngest, Atlas was the largest. Though he felt no threat, he brayed at the other males and their cows. Bessie sniffed the other cows and they kissed her cheeks. They all settled in a shaded area of the pasture, where the cows plaited each other's hair and played while the bulls lounged around and observed.

At evening, they headed back to the barn. Bessie and Atlas promptly proceeded to their stall, lying down. Atlas lay on his side; Bessie crouched in front of him and quickly wedged herself against him. He wrapped a considerable arm around her, squeezing her large, enormous breast. He gently massaged it, pinching and twisting her nipples as he went. She writhed, pressing and rubbing herself against his thigh. She moaned in contentment, wetting his thigh. He persevered with the massage until her moans morphed into gentle snores.

The following morning, at eight, the bulls were led to their tasks, leaving the cows to slumber. When Bessie was roused by Kelly at nine, she panicked and yelled out, frantically seeking Atlas.

"It's fine, darling. He's simply doing his task, you'll see him soon." Bessie calmed down and walked next to Kelly. The other females leaned on her and stroked her, recalling their anxiety on their initial day in the paired barn. They nuzzled and kissed her face, soothing her. She was cleansed, fed, and milked, feeling soothed yet yearning for Atlas. Finally, when it was time for insemination in the old barn, she was ushered back to their pen to find him waiting for her. She brayed joyfully and swiftly strode towards him. He embraced her and they kissed deeply. Then, they journeyed to their bed.

Bessie was positioned on all fours, facing the wall. Atlas approached her and shoved his member into her. He rubbed her while she drenched his cock in her liquids, making him groan and fuck her harder. He came and sustained fucking her. By the time he climaxed again, Bessie could barely hold herself upright, her limbs wobbling. He flipped them over, his penis still embedded in her fertile vagina, cradling her in his lap.

He enfolded his arms around her and tenderly licked and kissed her neck, causing her to moo softly. She awoke still in his grasp, cock still embedded, and observed him fixated on her. He'd remained motionless as she slept to avoid waking her. She kissed his forehead, then his cheek, his lips, and then his cock, prompting him to follow her to the pasture. Bruiser settled next to Atlas, watching the cows create a clit-sucking train. He tread cautiously and grasped Atlas's member. Atlas observed him, nodding. Bruiser continued to stroke him and Atlas reciprocated, and they both climaxed.

The cows carried on playing, clinching and petting each other. Cleo rubbed Bessie's back and nudged a finger gently into Bessie's anus. Bessie mooed merrily as Cleo fingered her anally, swiftly incorporating a second finger. The other two cows imitated them until they had all been anally penetrated fully. Atlas relished seeing his cow contented.

The next couple of weeks were similar to the last. Atlas would repeatedly ejaculate inside Bessie until she was filled each day, while Bessie would produce a staggering amount of milk. One day, however, during milking time, Bessie pushed away Kelly's breast pump. Kelly sensed something was up, so she led Bessie to her pen and had her urinate on a stick.

Kelly excitedly told Bessie, "You're going to have a calf, sweetie! What a good girl you are. We'll make sure you and Atlas get a special treat!"

Mark took notice of Atlas when he returned. Bessie smelled heavenly and her breasts were unusually large. Atlas moved towards the bed and lay his head in Bessie's lap. She caressed his hair.

"Atlas," Mark said to the bull, "Bessie has a calf growing inside her, so you need to be delicate and patient with her. You can still mate with her, but you must be gentle and slow. Do you understand?" Mark had to reassure Atlas since he was fiercely protective of Bessie and hateful of other bulls. But this was far from being a problem for him.

He proceeded to softly lick and gently suck on Bessie's nipples, causing her to moan in pleasure. He then started massaging her breasts with his fingers, eliciting murmurs of approval from Bessie. His special care made her feel beautiful and cherished.

"Atlas," Mark announced, "You can drink Bessie's milk any time until the calf is born, and the farm will appreciate the milk from healthy, pregnant cows like Bessie." The milk was prized and sold to adoptive parents or mothers who couldn't produce milk or were short on supply. Pregnant cows and their mates were already commonplace, and Bessie and Atlas's situation was a special case. Their unique relationship would soon change.

Atlas continued to enjoy Bessie's breasts, staying close and attentive to her needs from this point forward as the other cows and bulls observed his actions. He was a dominant presence despite the delicate task at hand. Atlas kept his lips on Bessie's nipples until she fell into a deep, satisfying sleep.

As the weeks progressed, Bessie began displaying more obvious signs of pregnancy. She socialized with the other cows but Atlas was always there to ensure she didn't get hurt. When it was time for Bessie's bath, she would be sent back to her pen to be cleaned by her mate. Atlas waited until her bath was complete before meeting her outside and rubbing her belly comfortingly.

Atlas paid special attention to Bessie's nipples as they became engorged, supplying nutrients to both him and the calf. Atlas enjoyed nursing from her while the other cows and bulls observed the ritual. When Bessie expressed some discomfort, Atlas raised his head slightly before positioning a pillow beneath it. He then very carefully and slowly began sucking and stimulating her nipples.

The cows were protective of their pregnant mate and would regularly stop by to give Bessie love and tender care that she craved. They would braid her hair, massage her scalp, stroke her belly and breasts, and soothe her pussy. Bessie was proud to see how the cows cherished her, while Atlas maintained his attentiveness, making sure she was as comfortable as possible. The bulls, who were naturally territorial, would wait outside and be kept at bay by the other cows.

Two months after their discovery, Bessie's belly had grown into a magnificent pot belly. She would frolic with the other cows, but always be mindful of her condition and the need for comfort. Atlas would linger close, giving her the care she needed. Every day he accessed her for milking and nursing, taking care to prevent any pain or discomfort. His attention to her needs was diligent and his love tender.

The next time Atlas returned, he carried Bessie to the bed, carefully positioning her on top of him as he did so. As he began moving inside her, Bessie's clit rubbed against his abdomen, while his penis caressed her most sensitive spot. He cared for her well, taking great care to avoid any roughness and instead giving her a gentler, more satisfying experience. Atlas then lovingly nursed on her, alternating between milk and kisses, providing Bessie with pleasurable yet gentle stimulation.

Bessie felt pampered and happy. Her plumper, more buxom body was complete with a mound devoted to the calf rising within her. The other cows' attention was appreciated, but being with Atlas and his love filled her with a deep sense of contentment. He had been tending to her orally three times a day, along with twice-daily breastfeeding to ensure her comfort. She enjoyed the feeling of him latching on and nurturing her as she nurtured him. Her sheer satisfaction remained heightened by the vulnerable occasion. The close physical proximity made her cherish his presence, while Atlas basked in the affection his bold and loving mate had to offer.

As Bessie's pregnancy progressed, Atlas grew increasingly protective. By the time she was in her final trimester, Atlas would simply guide her to the base of a tree in the field, positioning her against its sturdy trunk, shielding her from the summer heat with its branches. Typically, the cows spent their spare time engaging in sexual activities, but Atlas was dedicated to keeping his cow safe and healthy, so he sat in front of her, lavishing her belly with kisses and licking from her stomach down. While Atlas caressed her, she would relish watching the other cows play whilst rubbing her irrevocably swollen belly. She would run her fingers through Atlas' hair, his insatiable tongue working away. Her climaxes were drawn-out and alluring. She would moan and bellow, relishing the sensations alongside the breeze.

Atlas cherished his life as his cow's servant. She owned him body, mind, and soul, her cock as well. He belonged to her in every way possible. The way her skin felt so smooth and warm, her gaze tender. He was bewitched. His cow's coworkers were amused by his constant escorting of her, bewildered by his entranced fascination.

Kelly and Mark praised his devotion, for it lessened their workload significantly, with the cow and her bull tending to one another's needs.

Bessie was moved to the birthing room as she had developed contractions. Atlas' response was anything but ideal. It took three trainers to subdue him when they took her away. Mark ended up with a concussion. They swiftly enlisted a doctor to tranquilize him.

Once Atlas awoke the following morning, he found himself bound. The absence of his cow overwhelmed him, causing panic. However, a sharp pinch brought instant serenity. The world felt like a boat, the air was fuzzy.

"Come on, Atlas, stand up." Soothed Mark, grabbing the bull's lead. Atlas stood, whirling from the motion. Mark then guided him to the showers, untying the ropes restraining him and commencing a gentle wash. Atlas' satisfaction was immediate, so much so he climaxed twice over Mark's hands.

"It's those drugs, my friend." Mark cooed. "They'll only last a short while." Despite the surreal sensations, Atlas' smile remained absentminded as the cleanup ensued.

Upon reaching the masturbation area, Mark rested Atlas upon a bed and secured him lightly, as his movements would be limited due to the powerful tranquilizer. The following training bulls watched Atlas, recalling their drug-induced experiences - sensational physical pleasures but horrible hallucinations and vivid dreamscapes. Mark shifted Atlas onto his back. He hooked up the machine, putting it on low. Instruction prompted an eruption of pleasure, Atlas howling and moaning, unable to move even with the drug's influence.

Later, he was escorted back to his pen, aided onto his mattress. Almost instantly, Atlas succumbed to sleep. He had vivid dreams. Bessie chained to a bed, a myriad of bulls, under the direction of Chief, assaulting her, switching between her vagina and anus randomly, the cow wailing in protest. Atlas "fought" but his restraints bound him to the door. Numbed by the drugs and engulfed by his fear, he couldn't move as Chief thrust roughly, and he watched her tears, begged for his aid. He awakened, emotional and mentally drained.

Atlas, rarely exhibiting sobs, shed a lone tear as the medication numbed his capacity to endure emotional anguish. He fell back into a slumber. He envisioned Bessie calling for him, in agony during the slaughter for her meat, and countless other dreams too horrific to bear.

At sunrise, Atlas awakened, exhausted, as if he hadn't slept in a week, accompanied by the drugs' nauseating rocking sensation. Mark's presence previously reassured him with gentle petting, his head cradled in his lap, emulating the connection with Bessie.

"Soon, my friend, she'll be back in just two days." Mark noticed the lack of understanding in Atlas' eyes. It was a faint gaze, induced by the drugs. Mark stayed there with Atlas until the bull dozed off, sitting right outside the pen. The trainers love their animals like they would a loved one. Mark was greatly disturbed by Atlas' despair, not to mention how he missed Kelly. They had spent so much time together over the last year. They fell in love shortly after Atlas and Bessie, and whenever they had a free moment, it was spent with each other. He listened to Atlas' groans and moans, knowing it was the effects of the drug causing nightmares. If he didn't know how powerful Atlas was, he would have had him taken off it.

He heard Atlas in the pen, his breathing rapid and shallow. Mark quickly rushed in, wrapped his arms around the bull from behind, and embraced him tightly. Atlas tried to resist for a moment, but gave in to the pressure. The deep pressure calmed his nervous system, allowing his breathing to slow. Mark held him like that for a while. Finally, he pulled away. He held Atlas' chin to make him look at him.

"I'm going to stay here tonight, okay?" He spoke loudly and slowly. This message made it through to Atlas and he mooed, laying his head back on Mark's lap. Mark sighed. "We'll be okay, buddy." He leaned against the wall and began stroking the copper-colored curls and stubble on Atlas' face. Atlas fell asleep, and Mark wasn't far behind.

The bull and its trainer were awakened by the sound of a feminine giggle. It was Kelly and Bessie standing at the door, Kelly giggling loudly.

"Looks like they really missed us, doesn't it?" Bessie mooed, happy to be back with her bull. Atlas jumped up suddenly but remained still, allowing Bessie to approach him. Bessie moved forward cautiously, her body still recovering from the birth, but with determination. Her heart was beating frantically. Atlas looked terrible. His curls were oily and flat, his face covered in a long beard, and his eyes sunken and surrounded by dark circles from a lack of sleep. He lowered his head when he saw her looking at him. She was so anxious about him. She walked over to him and took Mark's position, leaning against the wall. Atlas' head immediately found its way into her lap, like it was drawn there. Kelly and Mark took the chance to sneak away and have their own reunion.

Bessie stroked Atlas' curls and stubble as he lay there.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de