Best Friend's Mom

Pete is spanked by his friend's mom.

Jul 25, 2024
15 min read
corporal punishmentmdlbotkspankingbare bottom spankinghairbrushmaternalmommy dommeBest Friend's Momcfnmfemdom
Best Friend's Mom
Best Friend's Mom

Best Friend's Mom

Pete grew up with Jake Johnson, who lived a few houses down the street. They were the same age, attended the same school, and had the same hobbies: sports and video games. They were inseparable. They often stayed the night at each other's houses. It was normal for them to enter each other's house unannounced, stay for dinner, etc. Jake's parents were like a secondary family to Pete, and vice versa.

Growing up so close to Jake, Pete knew Jake's mom spanked him often. Pete's proximity to some of these occasions sparked a curiosity within him that he carried into adulthood.

By the time they reached eighteen years of age, the spankings had become less frequent until they stopped altogether. However, Pete had never stopped thinking about them. In fact, often, he wished he was in Jake's place.

The desire confused him. Why would he want to be spanked? It would hurt. Was that weird? Still, he couldn't help entertaining the thought. He began to see Mrs. Johnson differently. She looked good for being in her late forties. She had some weight in her hips but was still fit with ample curves.

When he'd see her using a wooden spoon in the kitchen, unusual feelings rose up in his stomach. He realized he was getting aroused every time he saw her holding something she could spank him with, whether it was a flip-flop, a spatula, or her wooden hairbrush. He even saw her use a long-handled shoe horn once and thought about how painful it would be if she smacked his bare bottom with it.

Pete never told Jake about his feelings towards his mom. Pete thought it was just too weird. The thoughts wouldn't go away, though, and they developed into deep-seated fantasies of him over Mrs. Johnson's lap. Pete would play out these scenarios in his head as his hand gravitated to his hard penis. This became a regular ritual. When Pete jerked off, he wouldn't think about fucking some hot pornstar. He'd think about being taken over Mrs. Johnson's knee, completely naked and spanked hard.

He'd often dream up ways to tell Mrs. Johnson. He wished she could read his mind, find something he was doing wrong, and punish him for it. He'd flip-flop back and forth, resolving to tell her, then convincing himself to stay silent. He did not want to make things weird, and he would be horrified if Jake ever found out what he was thinking about.

Pete still went to Jake's house occasionally. Jake had the newer video game console, so Pete would often be at the house even if Jake wasn't there. On one of these occasions, no one was home, and Pete let himself in as he normally did. He was hanging out in Jake's room upstairs, trying out some new games. He heard some noises downstairs and figured someone had come home.

He made his way downstairs to announce his presence. When he came to the kitchen, he saw groceries that had been set down on the table, still in the bags next to Mrs. Johnson's purse. He figured he must've just missed her and began putting away some of the groceries for her. As he was stocking the fridge, he heard the shower turn on from Jake's parents' bedroom.

Chills ran up and down his spine when he realized he was alone in the house with his best friend's mom, who was most likely naked at this point. He wanted to see her so badly. He tried pushing the thought from his mind, but he couldn't even concentrate on stacking yogurt on the refrigerator shelf.

He gave in and walked to the slightly ajar bedroom door, putting his ear close to the opening. He heard her sliding the shower door closed. He cautiously pushed the door open and walked quietly to the bathroom door, which was fully closed.

He put his ear to the door. Hearing nothing except the running water, he turned the handle slowly and opened the door just enough to peek through a small slit. He could make out her silhouette, but the steam had already fogged up the glass, blocking any details. Trying to get a better look, he pushed the door open further. As the door moved inward, it creaked loudly at the hinges. Pete froze. He watched her shadow closely for movement but wasn't able to see her hand reach for the sliding door handle. The shower door slid open, and Pete jumped back, closing the bathroom door hard.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Pete muttered, running out of the bedroom. He continued right out the front door and ran toward his house. Halfway there, he realized everyone was going to know it was him who peeked at Mrs. Johnson in the shower. She probably hadn't seen his face, but he would be the prime suspect, being the only one besides the family who had access to the house. She would assume correctly that it was him, and she would probably tell his parents what happened, and he'd be busted. He didn't know how that would affect his friendship with Jake if he found out as well.

So, reluctantly, he ran back to Jake's house. He had to make sure Mrs. Johnson didn't tell anybody what he did. He re-entered the house. The shower had been turned off, but the bedroom door was closed. Unable to figure out what to do, Pete just resumed putting away the groceries.

As Pete was busying himself, he heard the bedroom door open. Panic rose in his chest, but he swallowed it down as he focused on putting the cereal up in the pantry.

"Pete?" Mrs. Johnson called out behind him questioningly.

Pete turned around and did a double take. She was standing barefoot at the entrance to the kitchen, only wearing a robe that ended mid-thigh. She had a confused expression on her face.

Pete held a box of cereal in front of him, wanting desperately to hide behind it.

"Were you looking at me in the shower?" she asked. To Pete's relief, she looked more confused than angry. She talked to Pete gently, calming him.

Pete nodded, unable to speak.

Mrs. Johnson peered at him. "What were you thinking?" she asked him while holding her robe closed.

"I wasn't," Pete mumbled. "I'm sorry. I heard the shower start, and I got curious."

Mrs. Johnson nodded understandingly. "Pete, I'm going to have to tell your parents about this."

Pete put his head down shamefully. "I'd really like for that not to happen," he said dejectedly, looking at the floor.

Mrs. Johnson held out her hands helplessly as if to say, "Well, what am I supposed to do here?" She dropped her hands to her sides. "Well," she said. "I'm not just going to let this slide."

"I know," Pete said, still looking at the floor. He tried pushing away the nagging voice in his mind. "Ask her to spank you," it kept telling him like a little devil on his shoulder, whispering in his ear.

"What if..." he piped up, trailing off.

"What if what?" she asked, folding her arms in front of her.

Pete took a few breaths, wrestling with his thoughts.

"What if... well, I remember Jake getting spanked a lot. What if you punished me?" He stammered out the question he'd been dying to ask forever.

"You want me to spank you?" she asked, furrowing her brow.

"Yes, ma'am," he answered, finally raising his eyes to meet hers.

She stood there in front of him, thinking about it.

Pete's eyes wandered down to her legs and bare feet.

"Eyes up here, Pete," she said, rebuking him.

Pete quickly looked back up at her face.

She sighed. "You are certainly very deserving of a proper spanking, but I think it's more appropriate if I let your parents decide your punishment."

"Please?" Pete implored.

She considered it a bit longer. "You really want this, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am, for a long time now," Pete admitted.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, I was here when Jake got spanked sometimes, and I've kind of always wondered what it was like."

"I don't think you understand what you're asking for. Jake's spankings were very serious. He was being disciplined for real. It was very painful for him."

"Yes, ma'am. That's... what I want," Pete said, his voice finishing barely above a whisper.

Mrs. Johnson looked at Pete curiously. "You understand I often spanked him on the bare bottom, right?"

"He never told me about that," Pete said, very aroused at this point. "But I do feel like that's what I deserve."

"You do," she confirmed thoughtfully.

"Okay, if I do this, you need to understand. This is not a game. I will punish you as if you're my own son," she warned.

Pete nodded, showing he understood.

She shook her head, still looking at him curiously. "I'm going to light your ass up," she promised.

"How about you come join me in my room?" she invited, turning toward her bedroom door.

"Yes, ma'am," Pete answered. He followed her into her room, his heart racing. She sat down on the edge of her bed. Pete's eyes were immediately drawn to her legs as her robe rode up to her upper thighs.

"C'mere," she said, motioning for him to stand in front of her.

She looked up at him sternly, drawing his eyes back to hers. "Why are you being punished today, Pete?" she asked authoritatively.

"Because I peeked at you in the shower," he answered shakily as he realized this was actually happening.

"That's right. You invaded my privacy," she said sternly. "Do you understand how very wrong and disrespectful that is?"

"Yes, ma'am," Pete said, nodding.

"Good boy," she said, reaching for his hand and pulling him close. She tugged his shorts down to his ankles. Pete stood with his hands at his sides. His boner protruded through his briefs, pointing rudely at her face. She looked up into his eyes, ignoring his arousal, and calmly ordered, "Bend over my lap."

Pete immediately obeyed, laying himself over her bare thighs. She was halfway turned, so his upper half was supported by the bed. He was bent at the waist with his legs hanging down to the floor, his bottom propped up high on her legs.

Her gentle hand caressed his bottom, which was still covered by his underwear. Her other hand was wrapped around his waist, her forearm lightly resting on his lower back. She didn't need to hold him in place, as he was perfectly content to be exactly where he was--his body touching hers, her hand on his bottom. His hard penis pressed obnoxiously into her leg. He melted under the intimate connection he felt under her hand.

She lifted her hand and began his spanking. She smacked his ass through his underwear fairly hard. Pete handled the spanks well, taking in the mild pain of the strokes while remaining rock hard. A few moans even escaped his lips when she delivered particularly hard smacks. She continued spanking him rhythmically, warming his bottom to a mild throb.

Stopping, she resumed caressing his bottom. Pete was increasingly aroused, but he resisted the urge to grind himself on her legs. He stayed still as her fingers played along his back and bottom.

"Lift up," she directed, pushing up on his hip. He pushed his hips up off her legs, and she slid his underwear down his legs to his ankles. His penis sprang outward against her leg. She gently pushed down on his lower back, directing him back down to her lap. His penis pushed awkwardly against her warm thigh. She didn't seem to mind as she resumed her attention on his ass, now exposed to the cool air and her warm hand.

She pushed his shirt up and out of the way and began delivering stinging smacks to his bare bottom, causing him to move forward up onto his elbows at the sudden pain. The forceful contact of her hand left him squirming on her legs. The movement of his penis on her bare thighs kept him hard as the mixture of pleasure and pain enveloped his body.

Once she colored his bottom an even layer of bright red, she stopped spanking him and rubbed his hot bottom gently. "How are we doing, Pete?" she asked, checking in on him.

"It hurts, ma'am, but not too bad." He answered.

"Good. That was a warm-up. Please stand up." She helped him to his feet. Pete immediately noticed her robe had opened a bit from her repeated movements. He could see her breasts peeking out of the gap in the front of her robe. She didn't bother covering up, even though she knew he was looking.

"Eyes up here, remember?" she said, directing his eyes back to hers. She looked down at his penis at full attention and smirked. "Go stand in the corner facing the wall," she instructed.

Pete did as he was told, putting his nose in the corner. His shorts and underwear pooled at his feet, his bottom half-covered by his shirt. "Put your hands on your head," she directed from the bed. Pete raised his arms to his head, which lifted his shirt, displaying his red bottom. He interlaced his fingers on top of his head, awaiting Mrs. Johnson's next command.

She spoke calmly from behind him. "In a few minutes, I'm going to spank you with my hairbrush. You may cry, but I expect you to stay in position for the duration of your spanking. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," Pete answered, staying still in the corner.

"You seem to have a problem keeping your eyes from wandering where they shouldn't be, young man," she continued scolding him.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm sorry."

"You certainly will be," she said sternly, making Pete's knees go weak.

Pete heard her stand up behind him and pick up what he assumed to be her hairbrush off her dresser. His exposed bottom tingled as he heard her sit back down on the bed. "Go ahead and take off your clothes. They are only in the way," she instructed.

Pete took a deep breath and obeyed, stepping out of his drawers and taking his shirt off. She made him spend a few more minutes in the corner, completely naked and exposed.

"Come here, Pete," Mrs. Johnson ordered suddenly, her voice strict and business-like. Pete gulped and turned around toward her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, her robe still hanging loosely, leaving little to the imagination. In her hand was a mean-looking wooden hairbrush.

"What did I tell you about looking where you're not supposed to?" she corrected him again with an extra edge to her voice.

Pete averted his eyes from her body to the floor, muttering, "Sorry."

"Get over my knee," she ordered.

Breathing shakily, Pete willingly lowered his naked body over her legs. "That's my boy," she said as she guided him in place. The skin-to-skin contact revived his penis to full length as it nestled between her thighs. She rested the hairbrush on his bottom, which was still red from her hand. Pete shuddered as he felt the hard wood against his skin.

"I wish I didn't have to do this, Pete, but you've shown me over and over again that you lack discipline." She was rubbing his bottom with the brush in little circles as she scolded him. His ass tingled in anticipation. His body ached for a release. "You have no self-control, and that needs to be addressed and changed."

She continued to scold him while lightly tapping his bottom with the back of the brush head, teasing the inevitable impact that was certainly going to hurt more than he bargained for. The suspense was overloading his senses. The play of the hairbrush, her reprimands, and feeling every small movement and adjustment against his hard cock brought him extremely close to the edge.

The only thing that saved him from making a mess all over her legs was the sudden pain of the hairbrush colliding into his bottom. She had begun raining down hard smacks with the brush. Pete's body quickly tensed up after having been brought to full relaxation. The pain came hard and fast as the spanks kept coming, one after another.

Pete began squirming and gasping, but Mrs. Johnson didn't slow down. She held his waist a little tighter to her and continued to spank the center of each cheek squarely with the brush.

Pete was having trouble staying quiet at this point. The hairbrush was really hurting, and she was still increasing the power. "Ahh! It hurts. It hurts!!" he cried out.

Without stopping, she spoke loudly above the sound of the wooden hairbrush smacking his bare flesh. "How many times did I have to tell you to keep your eyes from wandering!? How many times will it take before you listen, Pete? How many?"

She continued spanking him with no end in sight. "Ahhhh!" he cried out. "I'm sorrrryyy!!" Tears started forming in his eyes.

She ignored his cries, unloading a ferocious attack on his naked bottom. "Why did you think it was a good idea to spy on me in the shower? How could you? You know better than that. I know you do!"

Pete's ass was now alarmingly red. "Pleeease!" he cried.

"No. I'm not going to stop until every naughty thought is expelled from your dirty little mind," she scolded.

Spank after spank landed. The tears finally started flowing freely. For several minutes, the room was just filled with the steady impact of the brush and Pete's ensueing cries.

As Pete's struggling slowed, she stopped and set the hairbrush down on the bed. Pete continued to cry over her lap, his shoulders shaking. She ran her fingers gently over his body, comforting him and calming him down.

"Pete, go stand in the corner again with your hands on your head," she directed.

"Yes, ma'am," he said through his sniffling.

He climbed gingerly off her lap and slowly walked to the corner, his bright red bottom shining. Facing the corner, he put his hands back on top of his head. He sniffled many times to keep his nose from running, his remaining tears rolling down his cheeks.

Mrs. Johnson stayed seated on the bed. "What did we learn today, Pete?" she asked.

He sniffed again. "To not peek at you in the shower," he answered.

"No, Pete. You already know not to do that," she corrected. "What did you learn?" She repeated.

Pete took a deep breath, focusing on a spot on the wall. "To control myself," he answered.

"Good, boy. That's right," she said proudly. "I love you, Pete, as if you were my own. I don't want to see you fail as a result of your poor impulse control. Do you understand I only want what's best for you?"

"Yes, ma'am. Yes, I do."

"Good. Will you come here and give me a hug?"

Pete turned towards Mrs. Johnson, this time his burning bottom reminding him not to look at her breasts. She looked concerned and held out her arms to receive him. She opened her legs, allowing him in. As her legs widened, her robe fell open, revealing her naked body underneath. Pete hesitated, but she motioned for him to keep coming closer. He stood between her legs, and she wrapped her arms and legs around his body. He leaned over her, hugging her neck. She held him for a full minute. His breathing deepened as he melted into her maternal care.

His cock once again sprang to life as she squeezed his naked body against hers. Since she was still seated, his penis rose up close to her breasts.

"I've known you for a long time, Pete. You're a very good boy," she said, continuing to hold him tightly to her. She brought a hand to his penis and held it against her breast.

"I don't think it'd be right for me to leave you wanting. Part of impulse control is finding something innocent to satisfy those desires so they don't become uncontrolled," she said lovingly.

Pete felt like crying again, but not from pain this time. One of her hands was wrapped around his waist, holding him close. The tips of her fingers touched his sore bottom. Her other hand gently held his rock-hard penis to her soft breasts. He craved her touch.

"You need this," she said softly as she petted his cock. She wrapped her fingers around it and started stroking him slowly. He moaned quietly, leaning into her grasp.

Momentarily leaving his penis where it was, she pushed on one breast, squeezing his penis between her tits. Holding the pressure, she pushed on his bottom, moving him back and forth so his cock moved up and down between her soft breasts.

Pete's let out a long-lasting moan. Her fingers returned to his cock, stroking him a bit faster. His knees weakened as he leaned hard against her. She supported his weight, stroking him faster and faster.

"You're such a good boy," she encouraged. Pete entered the point of no return, moaning loudly and holding tightly to her neck, his body overwhelmed with pleasure. Cum shot out of his penis onto her chest. She continued to stroke him as two more pumps of fluid followed.

"Good boy," she purred, slowing her strokes to a stop. He fell fully onto her in exhaustion. She let his weight take her down to a laying position on the bed. There, they cuddled in each other's arms, their tired bodies against one another. She stroked his hair, speaking softly to him. He breathed deeply, content in her arms.

After about fifteen minutes, she warned that Jake might be home soon, so they got up and quickly showered. Once clothed normally, they finished putting the groceries away, and she began unloading the dishwasher. As she was putting away the various wooden spoons and spatulas, she felt Pete's stare.

She chuckled, realizing what he was looking at. "Next time, Pete," she said with a smirk. "Next time."

  1. Pete's curiosity about his best friend Jake's coronal punishment sessions with his mom grew over time, leading him to entertain deep-seated fantasies.
  2. The thought of being spanked hard by 'Mommy domme' Mrs. Johnson became a regular ritual for Pete, often accompanying his solo activities.
  3. Pete's desires were complicated, as he admired and desired the maternal figure of 'Best Friend's Mom', yet he felt the fetish was unusual and weird.
  4. The desire for a bare bottom spanking with a hairbrush was a significant part of Pete's fantasies, even surpassing his usual fantasies involving pornstars.
  5. In a surprising turn of events, Pete confessed his deep-seated fantasy to Mrs. Johnson, requesting to be punished as if he were her son, to which she agreed under specific conditions.

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