Gay Sex

"Big Mack Part 3: The Continuation"

The mechanic recollected the existence of the emo when ...

May 2, 2024
31 min read
blue-collaremogothage differenceBig Mack Pt. 03bisexualaustraliaass eatinganalmechanicpunk
Big Mack Pt. 03
Big Mack Pt. 03

"Big Mack Part 3: The Continuation"

On a Sunday morning, Mack dreaded waking up. His relationship with his wife felt distant, his children seemed distant, and the young person he spent time with the night before wanted nothing to do with him, almost destroying his apartment door as they left. The only thing keeping him going was his job, which he loved. The young person he spent time with wasn't important, they barely knew each other, but their parting words hit him hard. He thought about all the things he gave up to move out to try new things. He'd made a big mistake. If he died in his sleep, he might be content. It was fortunate he didn't have to take care of a dog or a cat.

He slept through the sunrise but woke up to urinate. His bladder was full. He shakily made his way to the bathroom, almost falling asleep while urinating. He shook his penis, washed his hands, and strolled back to bed. He tried to block out the sun shining in with the curtains but just wanted darkness. He gulped down a liter of water straight from the tap in the kitchen before going back to bed. He pulled the curtains as far as possible and draped a sheet over his frame. The idea of being alive didn't appeal to him.

Outside the city was peaceful.

He woke up around 10, needing to urinate again. He'd had a bad dream about being lost at sea with no hope of survival, feeling alone and helpless. He carried these feelings of isolation and helplessness into his waking hours. He got up, urinated, and went back to bed.

Brisbane was bustling outside his window, but the mechanic's biggest goal was to lie down in the dark and breathe. He wasn't even hungry. His appetite was gone.

Sleep was a way to escape the reality of his thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Sleep was silence.

He knew he wouldn't talk to anyone until the following day at work.

This wasn't a bad day; this was depression. The mechanic didn't know it, but he would've denied it if he did. He felt like a lonely person on a raft, unsure of his direction. He didn't know who he was anymore. He felt like a lost explorer with no guidance.

If he had been more in touch with himself, he would've realized that the young person's cruel words weren't the source of his current state but maybe the last straw.

Instead, he told himself to stand strong and get out of his funk.


Mack should've stayed home on Monday. All he desired that day was a task to occupy his thoughts and a person to break the monotony of his four rented walls. He needed someone to talk to, but he didn't have anything meaningful to say.

He was a completely different person than before. He walked slowly, and he looked like he hadn't eaten or showered in days. His cheerful, can-do attitude vanished, leaving an empty husk in its place.

His coworkers knew he'd recently separated from his wife, a challenging situation to deal with. They could tell something bad happened over the weekend with his wife. They didn't want to probe but thought he'd talk when he was ready.

None of his coworkers knew what had actually occurred over the weekend, but the reality was the mechanic was in no condition to work. His boss should've sent him home, ideally with a doctor's note, but that didn't occur.

And so it was that the mechanic worked on a 1983 Commodore station wagon, half-conscious, when the metal tool in his right hand slipped, bending his thumbnail and scraping bone.

He looked at his hand, astonished by the blood pooling around his nail. It seemed like someone else was injured. "I've injured myself," he remarked, barely registering any pain.

His boss ran over, alarmed at the deep cut. One of the coworkers was the garage's first aider. He cleaned the wound as well as possible before wrapping a tight bandage around it. The bleeding eased, but the mechanic's thumb was a mess.

Your supervisor stated, "You need to visit the emergency room." He offered to chauffeur you, but you turned down the chance, preferring to go by yourself. "Give me a call when you've arrived," he said, visibly concerned about his dependable colleague and dear friend.

Mack drove to the hospital with his left hand firmly grasping the steering wheel. He encountered every red traffic light possible. Bleeding from his right arm, a stream trickled down into his trousers.

He registered at the triage desk, where the nurse mopped up the remaining blood and promptly changed his bandage. He perched uncomfortably on a plastic seat. He was aware of the long wait characteristic of understaffed public hospitals in Australia. He gazed at the small TV in the room's corner, watching an American soap opera. Although he wasn't familiar with the title, all soap operas appear similar. The current storyline featured an attractive woman. He'd have dipped inside her, she resembled his wife. He assured himself he wasn't gay.

Severe pain started to strike more rapidly now. His head throbbed, and his right thumb ached. At least he knew he was alive, since people in pain are, well, alive.

Eventually, a nurse called him for consultation. She unwrapped his bandage, sanitized his thumb, and applied a local anesthetic before removing the nail entirely. Mack didn't feel a thing. The nurse informed him that his thumbnail would regenerate again in about a month. She wrapped him up, handed him some powerful painkillers, and escorted him out.

The nurse was attractive. Her chest was proportionally large, and her ample, freckled cleavage was prominently displayed. While she cared for his thumb, he contemplated fondling those orbs. He should've requested her contact information. Sacred beads, he wasn't gay.

Mack ventured home from the hospital and unlocked the door to his cramped apartment. His thumb ached anew, and he consumed two of the physician-prescribed painkillers. He communicated with his boss, who comprehended immediately and sympathetically. He messaged his wife, disclosing the recent events and his inability to continue working while his thumb healed. She worried, unsure why her spouse hadn't called from the hospital. He acknowledged their shared past but refused to reveal the absence of thought for her during his accident. He didn't want to divulge his experience or its aftermath, fearing loneliness.

His wife questioned his detached tone, attributing it to the painkiller consumption, which he hadn't yet acknowledged. She was unaware of the psychological trauma he recently encountered and how desperately he fought against it. They concluded their discussion, and his wife emphasized the availability of assistance. However, he had no intention of seeking help.

Privately, he acknowledged his emotional void.

I'll stay fine, he thought. There's no need for concern from anyone.

He didn't seek to be a burden. Not to her, not to anyone.

Her concerned words of love echoed over the phone before they parted ways. Their relationship was disconnected, and he couldn't discern the meaning of love.

His dreaded thumb throbbed, reminding him he'd survived.

The injured mechanic contemplated the nurse from his hospital visit. Her nipples were gargantuan. Goodness, did bras manufacturing really reach such sizes? He entertained fantasies of the nurse engaging in sexual acts, expertly engaging his erection while copiously lapping at his semen, which showered dripping saliva onto her glasses.

For nearly a week, he remained home, only leaving to purchase groceries. He consumed piles of lesbian porn, equally masturbating with his left hand. He remained obsessed with breasts and vaginas. Positively, he wasn't gay.

The alleged homosexual incident with the teen never occurred.,


A week after his accident, the mechanic took off his bandage. He allowed the wound on his thumb to heal naturally in the air, leaving it bare and exposed to everyday bumps and scratches. Amazingly, his thumbnail regrew rapidly, and he was amazed as he watched it sprout from his fingernail at the same time it emerged from the base.

The Queensland Reds reached the semi-finals, only to be eliminated by a dynamic Hurricanes team. The Super Rugby Pacific trophy traveled to windy Wellington for the first time in many years. The mechanic simply shrugged. "There's always next year," he thought. The uncertainty in his life reminded him that while rugby might be the game played in heaven, it isn't a matter of life or death on earth. He pondered on the fleeting nature of hope.

He occasionally spoke with his wife. Their children were doing well in school, and it became apparent over time that their marriage was nearing its end. Despite this, they would remain friends, but they would not rekindle their romantic relationship. The flame had gone out. Their children understood and accepted this development.

A subtropical winter settled in Brisbane. The days were sunny and dry but short.

Mack sat on his balcony after work one Friday night. His thumb had fully recovered, and there was no lasting damage. A cold beer sat on the table next to him, a reward for a hectic week at work. He was looking forward to a low-key night of chatting with his friends. He took a sip of his beer and gazed at the sky, immersing himself in the deep blue. He had survived a challenging period and despite not fully understanding how or why, he had emerged better.

His life had changed, but he still maintained a positive relationship with his wife. He remained on good terms with his children. His beloved Queensland Reds would hit the field once again next year. He loved his job. He had money in his wallet, food in the supermarket, and beer in the fridge.

Life was good. And he was certainly not gay.

He stood up and went back inside, closing his door behind him. He showered and changed.


An hour later, Mack met his friends at the Regatta Hotel. Built in the 1870s, the pub was a grand multi-level structure, situated on the banks of the Brisbane River. The Friday night crowd was growing as the mechanic sat with his pals at an outdoor table on the pub's veranda. Alcohol flowed freely across the bustling bar. The air was warm for a winter evening, noticeably humid for this time of year. The ceiling fans spun at maximum.

Mack wore a black Led Zeppelin t-shirt, a pair of old jeans, and a pair of beat-up sneakers. His thick red hair was tied back in a ponytail under his Queensland Reds cap, and he had sprayed his armpits with a few squirts of Lynx Africa. His outfit fit him perfectly, considering his slightly plump physique. He and his friends ordered dinner, and Mack polished off a rump steak with a serving of roasted veggies.

They were a couple of beers deep, engaging in lively banter, when his friend Ryan noticed someone across the bar who looked familiar. "Isn't that your friend's nephew over there?" he suggested, pointing towards the mechanic's shoulder.

"Huh?" Mack wondered, his mind blank. He hadn't thought about the emo in months, making a conscious effort to push the memory out of his head. He reached for his beer and took a sip.

"Yeah, that's him," said Hunter, addressing his mechanic friend. "The weirdo with the pierced face who came to the rugby with us one night. You remember?"

Mack's memories returned. The emo. Shit. He nearly splashed his drink. He looked over his shoulder, spotting a group of eight or ten people dressed in various shades of black. He spotted him. The emo had his arm around the waist of a slightly plump goth girl whose massive breasts seemed to defy gravity.

"Stop waving at him, ass hat!" Mack barked, banging his beer glass down on the table.

"Why?" Hunter inquired. "The weirdo freak showed up on your couch while he was looking for a place, didn't he? So, don't you wanna say hi to your mate's nephew? Uncle's cousin? Eh, I don't know, it was too confusing."

Mack made up some nonsense. "I thought we were gonna drink beer and talk shit tonight." He didn't need this drama.

"Yo, but he's like, your... hold on, doesn't matter." Ryan declare. "He's coming over, must've seen us."

The mechanic felt a cold sweat break out on his brow. He reminded himself he's not gay. He felt a hand land on his shoulder.

"Sup homie," said Yoshi, "fancy running into you here? Small world huh?"

Mack couldn't speak. He refused to look at the kid. He brushed the unwelcome hand off his shoulder.

"Yo, what's up with you," said Hunter. "Wanna join us for a beer with your uncle's buddy?"

Mack shifted uneasily in his seat. Just moments ago, he felt chilled and comfortable. Relaxing against the back of his chair and savoring the celebration that comes at the end of a long work week. But suddenly he stiffened and leaned forward. His companions took note. The sudden change in his posture and demeanour was unmistakable. His buddies wondered if theres a secret story. They didn't want to pry. They simply hoped their mate was okay.

"Nah, I'm with some uni buddies." Yoshi replied. "I just came over to say hey."

The mechanic turned his chair to face the goth kid. The half-Japanese teen had black eyeliner on which emphasized the liquid beauty of his dark, foreign eyes.

The mechanic's muscles stiffened and he told himself he's not gay.

The goth girl sauntered over, wrapping a heavily tattooed arm around the emo's slender waist. "Who you talking to, honey." she asked, kissing him on the cheek with her dark red lipstick. Mack's guys stared at the chick. The kid may be odd, but he can pull a hot girl.

Yoshi tried to recall the intricate story they invented. "My cousin's brother's former tennis coach, now a history teacher, is buddies with this guy." he said, pointing at the mechanic.

"Good to see you finally settle on a place to live." Said Hunter, raising a toast with his beer, nodding to the emo. "Apartment hunting sucks." He pointed at Mack. "Glad your shit buddy helped you out."

The goth girl, listening in, looked perplexed. As she knew, Yoshi lived in the very same house for quite a while and was a Brisbane local. She would've shrugged her shoulders if the lace of her tight corset would have allowed it. She rejoined her goth friends while Yoshi caught up with his uncle's brothers old friend.

The emo leaned down and pressed a long kiss on the mechanic's rough cheek. Mack twitched as he felt sweet, manly stubble rub against his cheeks. "If you wanna fuck me later this night," the emo whispered in the mechanic's ear, "my house is just around the corner. My girlfriend could watch."

A heavy silence fell over the table. Mack's mates. "He's joking," he said, trying to break the tension with a laugh. "Kids these days, they'll say anything for attention." His eyes searched the table. Every glass was empty and he remembered it was his round. "New beers." He said nervously. "I'm going to the bar for a sec."

The mechanic strode across the wooden floorboards towards the bar. He waited next to it while his beers were poured over the counter.

"So you're enjoying a night out with your rugby friends, huh?" chuckled the emo, coming up behind him with a glass of red wine.

"What the hell are you doing here?" snapped the mechanic in anger.

The emo gently pushed his fringe back from his dark brown eyes. "This is my local. I live in the Toowong Central Apartments, a couple blocks away. I'm surprised to see YOU here. I've never seen you here before. You usually hang out at the Caxton."

"Not tonight." answered the mechanic nervously.

"Well, I hope you have luck tonight," smirked the emo, brushing his fringe back from his eyes again. He glimpsed at the mechanic's chest, noticing his nipples strained against his tight shirt. "Plenty of hot girls here who'd be into a post-midnight romp with a rough bod like yours. Besides that, your dick." He licked his pierced bottom lip lasciviously.

The mechanic shuddered. "I'm not gay." he objected, though his hardened penis had a different opinion.

A grin spread across the emo's face as he chuckled, "I know, everyone around our age says that." He patted the mechanic's large, denim-clad rump before returning to his friends.

Mack stared enviously as Yoshi returned to the goth group, plunging his tongue deep into the girl's mouth. He could sense the mechanic's gaze on them. When they broke apart, Yoshi blew a kiss in the mechanic's direction. The girl observed this and playfully slapped Yoshi's cheek. They kissed once more, this time more passionately, and the mechanic's eyes were glued to the scene. The goth girl's hands squeezed the emo's derrière, reminding Mack of when he had recently had his way with those soft cheeks.

As the mechanic paid for the beers, his pants bulged like a tent. He struggled to bring the drinks back to their outdoor table.

The emo exuded sex appeal. He couldn't deny it. Fuck, those dark, penetrating eyes – the punk's eyes were heaven. Such deep, pools to lose oneself in – to never return from. But, more importantly, the punk was in a relationship, and the mechanic wasn't gay. So, it didn't matter.

He brought the beers outside to his pals. The conversation quickly moved past the pierced-face freak, but the mechanic remained preoccupied throughout the night, unable to regain his previous calmness.

His attention was solely fixated on the emo.

He grabbed his beer, stealing a look over his shoulder.

The emo was still present. One hand was wrapped around the massive-breasted goth, the other holding a glass of red. He observed that the mechanic was gazing at him.

When Mack's companions called it a night and left, the mechanic hung back for one more brew, informing his pals he still had energy. He sat outside alone, slowly sipping his drink, enjoying his final beer of the evening. He scrolled through his phone, relishing the night's cool breeze across his body. He was about to leave when the emo appeared.

"How's your night been?" the emo questioned, sitting down.

"Good," was the mechanic's response, clearing his dry throat.

"We're going to have a small party at my place," the emo said. "Want to come?"

"A party?" the mechanic inquired.

"Yeah, it'll just be me, Amelia, and you," the emo responded. "It's a small gathering."

Mack struggled to extricate himself from this situation. "I… I'm waiting for someone else, or…"

"Don't worry about it, buddy," Yoshi soothed.

The mechanic turned to look in Yoshi's direction. The goth with the large breasts waved at him.

"Your friends have all gone home," said Yoshi, "but you're still here. What's up? Are you waiting for me?" He brushed his hair from his eyes.

The mechanic swallowed nervousness, his head woozily light with intoxication. A few dozen schooners served their purpose; he wasn't completely inebriated, but there was a strange mix of curiosity and apprehension gnawing at him. He wasn't particularly attracted to men. He was, however, curious about the slender emo in front of him.

"I notice you're into the classics," Yoshi remarked.

"Uh, what?"

"Your shirt," replied the emo, "Led Zeppelin. They're pretty good, to be honest."

"Yeah!", the mechanic agreed, taking another gulp of his beer. He examined Yoshi's attire – a black tee with a band logo he'd likely never heard of, long pants held by a studded belt, and scuffed-up black Dr. Martens. A backwards-facing cap perched on Yoshi's head, helping contain his fringe. The fingernails were coated in jet-black nail polish. "Led Zeppelin." He squinted at Yoshi's shirt. "What's that band?" he inquired.

"A group," Yoshi answered. "A pretty good band. Aussie, as well."

"I'll add them to my Spotify.", the mechanic pledged.

The emo grinned before saying, "They're pretty cool."

You once mentioned to me that you're related to Yoshi in some way, or perhaps you know his family? Or maybe you're just close friends with them?

Yoshi didn't want to bring up the topic that could potentially embarrass the mechanic, so he replied, "Yeah, something like that."

There was a brief silence in the conversation as the sounds of boats on the river, cars on the road, and crickets chirping in the bushes filled the air. The wind was beginning to feel cooler.

"So, earlier I mentioned Amelia and I were headed back to my place," said Yoshi. "We'll listen to some music, chat, maybe have another drink, and watch 'Rage' on TV. Do you want to join us?"

The mechanic hesitated, considering if he wanted to accept the emo's invitation. He remembered the intense experience he had with the emo's brutal signoff when they last met, and now it seemed to be branded onto his mind. The emo had flown into a rage when Mack had told him he was moving too fast the last time they met. Why was the punk even talking to him if he'd offended him so badly?

However, the thought of having the opportunity to spend time with the emo's girlfriend crossed his mind. Mack had never slept with a goth before, but he's always been fascinated by curvy women. It had been a long time since he'd last had sex, and he couldn't help but wonder if maybe something would happen there.

What would he be getting himself into if he accepted the emo's invitation? The emo's girlfriend was the exact type the mechanic liked. If he were to decline, he'd likely spend the night alone at home, dozing off quickly, and then in the morning, he'd ponder if he would've been better off staying and exploring the possible outcomes. Despite the mind games, Mack finally agreed. "I'm not sleepy," he said, "so yes, if you're sure I can join?"

"Of course, big guy," answered the emo with a faint grin.

Amelia gave him a warm welcome smile, which made Mack curious about what Yoshi had told her about him. He hoped that they weren't murderers or part of a satanic cult. He wasn't sure which of those two options would have been more terrifying.

"Alright. Thanks. Yes. Thanks for inviting me," answered Mack. He finished his beer and Yoshi his wine. The three of them left the pub, facing the noise of the suburban inner city of Brisbane on a Friday night.

It took ten minutes to reach the Toowong Central Apartments, where Yoshi lived. He and Amelia walked hand in hand, with Mack following them. There was little talking.

Mack couldn't shake the feeling of what he was getting himself into. He could always change his mind and leave. He could claim he was too tired after the long week and go home.

However, in the end, he didn't.


As the emo unlocked the door to his apartment, Mack took in the atmosphere. Darkness swept over the room as heavy black curtains covered the windows, deep red lampshades, and a purple lampshade surrounded by black outlines illuminating it. A print of Edvard Munch's "The Scream" hung on the wall next to posters of punk and goth bands.

"I enjoy spending time here," gushed Amelia.

Yoshi grinned, satisfied with his decor. "Yeah, it's pretty cool, right?"

Mack felt he had entered a different part of the universe. His wife would've suffered a breakdown being in a room like this. Mack observed that instead of carpet, the apartment had floorboards. He slipped off his shoes, placing them near the door.

"I'll put a record on," announced the emo. "Help yourself to a beer from the fridge, big guy."

Mack moved towards the kitchen to find a cold one. He took off the lid as the needle connected with the groove. He nodded with approval. "Led Zeppelin III," he said upon returning to the living area.

"I prefer this album," said the emo, "Similar to my earlier statement, it's hard to mess up Led Zep." The mechanic settled into an armchair, wondering what to say.

"How has your week been?" asked Yoshi.

"It's been quite tiring," acknowledged Mack, "but busy."

"What's your occupation?" asked Amelia.

"I'm an auto mechanic."

"I know nothing about cars," she replied.

"That's why I have a job," Dick joked.

Mack struggled to engage in conversation, but he made an attempt. "How did you and Yoshi meet?"

"A mutual friend."

Mack was never good at making small talk, but he tried. "How do you two know each other?"

"Through a mutual acquaintance."

"We've been hanging out together for a few months," she said, "but it's not a serious relationship. We simply enjoy each other's company and have some fun in bed. We met at a punk show. Yoshi must've noticed that I found him attractive, since I mentioned it to our mutual friend, and she probably told him, so he approached me with the confidence of a man who knows he has a sure thing. We watched the performance and had a few drinks together, then he led me to the park across the street and inserted his cock into my mouth." Her hand tenderly patted the front of Yoshi's trousers.

Mack's penis twitched. He would love to watch her give a blowjob to the uncut penis of Yoshi. He would like to watch her unzip his trousers and suck him until he ejaculated on her face and neck.

"Yoshi told me you two hooked up a few times," she inquired further.

Mack swallowed to suppress his nerves. "Yes. That's probably why he stopped by my table for a quiet chat this night."

Yoshi flicked his fringe back. "But we haven't seen each other in a while."

Mack's thoughts returned to that fateful night, but he suppressed the memory. "Then I haven't informed you about what happened to my thumb," he stated.

The punk-rocker furrowed her brow, perplexed. "What happened to your thumb?"

"Nothing serious," Mack replied. "One day at work, I accidentally inserted a metal tool into my thumb, puncturing the nail and the bone beneath it. I went to the hospital, where the nurse removed my damaged nail. They gave me anesthetic, so I didn't feel any pain, but I bled heavily."

"Is it better now?"

"Absolutely. It's completely healed. But the process was strange; I'd never before witnessed a nail emerging from nothingness."

Amelia wondered curiously. "May I see it?"

Mack held his thumb up, displaying it to her. "This is the one," he said, pointing to it.

"Looks normal to me," she remarked, but she believed she wasn't close enough. "Could I see it closer?"

Mack stood up and positioned himself at the edge of the couch, holding his thumb in front of Amelia's face. "It's still a bit damaged," he said.

"Not at all," countered the mechanic. "That's normal. My hands are always somewhat battered from manual labor."

Amelia reached out to touch his thumb. It was so large and thick. She marveled at how big his hands were. She yearned to taste him; she wanted his cock in her mouth and her tongue on his balls, and she wanted to glance up at his face while doing so to observe his reaction.

She pondered on Yoshi's size. She knew the two had a history, but he hadn't provided details. But damn, look how massive had his hands seemed. Therefore, he must have been endowed in that department as well.

The side A of the record came to a close, and Yoshi rose to turn it over. Amelia's reverie was abruptly ended. "Wow, dude. That sounds like a waterfall!" exclaimed Amelia, impressed. "You've heard him pee before, haven't you?" Yoshi replied, blushing. She yearned to masturbate.

As Yoshi heard the stream subside into a drip, they tip-toed back into the dimly lit lounge. Her phone seemed to occupy her attention as she simulated scrolling through her social media.

Mack reclaimed his armchair. "I really needed that," he muttered to himself.

Amelia's grip on the phone tightened as she listened to the record. Eventually, it finished and Yoshi made no attempt to place another record on the turntable. The tonearm moved back into its cradle and the turntable ceased rotating.

"Jesus Christ," sighed Yoshi, noticing that Mack had been eyeing her breasts.

Mack pricked up his ears. Even in the dimness, Yoshi was stunning. "What's the matter?" she inquired.

Yoshi squirmed uncomfortably. "Fuck, baby... I'm just feeling really horny right now."

"Want to play?" she cooed, caressing his thigh.

Yoshi leaned toward her, moving her dark tresses out of the way. What a scent! He took in a deep whiff of her neck. "Perhaps we should ask our guest if he wants to play as well," he suggested.

Mack realized they weren't discussing playing board games.

"Do you want to join us?" Amelia inquired of the mechanic. "We won't harm you," she guaranteed. Unless that's what you want, though.

"Me and your friend have a history." Mack shared. "We need to deal with that."

Amelia seemed surprised, and the emo seemed puzzled. "Huh?" he inquired.

"Don't you recall?" Mack inquired. The kid was aware, he simply didn't want to revisit that issue. He had wished it would vanish, but it clearly hadn't. He didn't know that his words that night almost made the mechanic jump off the balcony.

Amelia's eyes widened as she encountered the mysterious background between her semi-boyfriend and this robust blue-collar man. "What happened?"

"We slept together one night." Mack began. "We had sex, but my thoughts were everywhere that night." Mack caught a deep breath, ready to explain basic details. "I am married, and my spouse and I have a few children. I've slept with women other than her, but one night, I told her about being attracted to men too, even though I'd never had contact with a male at the time. I found myself contemplating attractive men on the street and stroking myself to male porn when I had the home to myself. My spouse was taken aback at first, but we discussed it, and eventually, I moved out so I could indulge my desire. Thankfully, our children are mature enough to comprehend what's going on. My spouse was understanding, but it put some emotional space between us. Like, for example, when I went to the hospital for a hurt thumb, I did not contact her until I'd been treated and was back at home. Meanwhile, I set up a Grindr account and Yoshi messaged me. Eventually, we went to a rugby match one night, and...

"Him?" Amelia interjected, stifling a snicker. She faced her FWB. "You went to a rugby match? You despise sports!"

Yoshi grinned innocently. "I tried something new every once in a while."

Amelia was waiting for the mechanic to continue.

"In brief, we had sex, and I had a mental collapse. Yoshi yelled at me for a few minutes before he left."

"Why'd he yell at you?" she inquired, and the mechanic took a deep, soothing breath.

"As I said, I told him he was moving too swiftly. And looking back, it was a terrible thing for me to say since I was the one who led him to my bedroom. I was the one setting the tempo, not him, and when I requested him to cease doing something I wasn't prepared for, he did. I had no reason to utter what I did. However, he was the first guy I'd slept with, and... well, post-ejaculation awareness, I guess. So, I blamed him for the domestic issues I struggled with. But he was merely the first guy I ever slept with, and.."

Yoshi silently contemplated the words of the auto mechanic. He knew he'd gone much too far in his response that night, but he was relieved to learn that he wasn't entirely responsible.

"I suppose I simply required some time to think. Yoshi did not pressure me, but I was concerned about potentially damaging my marriage. He informed me I was exhorting myself, and he was correct."

Amelia leaned in. "But hang on, you said your spouse was okay with you dating?"

"Yes, she stated she was okay with the thought," Mack answered, "but it doesn't imply she desired me to go through with it. I believe she prefers I had never confided in her. Our lives would have continued, and we'd have still been a content family."

"Do you think you'll remarry?" she questioned.

"No," Mack exhaled, feeling both disappointment and relief. "Unlikely. We've talked, we've grieved, and we've concluded. We'll still be friends, and we must maintain a veneer for the sake of our children and their school. However, I believe this is my new life now. Separated, early 40s, experimenting and beginning anew. Even though my marriage is finished, it has no connection to anything Yoshi said or did. My marriage ended for different reasons. Now, I wish to attempt all the things I previously denied myself by living a well-ordered, suburban existence. I know I'm not homo, since I know I'm still into females, but I can't deny I'm also into males. I've had intercourse with a few more dudes since Yoshi, although they were men closer to my age. I appreciated it, and I can sense myself eager to recoup for lost time."

"Sounds like you could be bisexual," remarked the goth girl.

Mack stared at her enormous breasts, still encased in her tight corset. He'd want to lick on them. "Yes, quite likely."

"That's hot," she sighed.

Yoshi finally spoke up. "You two done with the relationship analysis?" he joked. "I'm horny."

Amelia caught something. "Yoshi, I heard you refer to him as 'big guy' earlier."

The emo looked at his current girlfriend. "Cause... he's... a big guy. Look at him - broad shoulders, thick neck, muscular legs and arms, big hands, that's what I mean? He's definitely well-endowed down there. Now please, don't interrupt my horny vibes with more questions."

"Oh my gosh," she breathed. "And he slept with you?"

Yoshi nodded. "As I said, he's big." He smirked at the mechanic, recalling how he called him a 'two pump chump'. "But he doesn't last that long," he teased.

"Like I said before, you were the first guy I'd ever slept with," admitted the mechanic, trying to defend himself. "It'd been a long time since I'd last had anal. My wife won't touch that. So I guess I got a bit overexcited. I usually last longer than that."

"Yes," said Yoshi, "but I shouldn't have brought it up in the first place. That wasn't fair. I was just mad about being blamed for something I didn't do."

Mack apologized. "I'm sorry about that."

The emo admitted, "I'm sorry for screaming at you. I even scared myself with my reaction. I'm usually not like that. Let's just chalk it up to a strange night that we can move on from."

Mack tried not to remember how close Amelia's words came to making him think about suicide. "You slammed my door pretty hard that night. You're pretty strong for your size. They say rugby is a game for any body type, and I picture you as a fullback."

Yoshi laughed. "Yay. Sport. But seriously, can we have sex now?"

Amelia knew the tense moment had dissipated. "Get this thing off me, dude," she said, standing up. "Can't fucking breathe."

The half-Japanese emo stepped behind her and began to loosen her corset. The delicate threads took a while to come undone, but soon enough, Amelia's breasts were free from the rigid garment. "Oh man, that feels so much better," she said, taking in a deep breath. Her breasts bounced freely inside her black shirt. Mack stared. They were large and perky - so much bigger than his wife's tiny breasts. These were a feast.

"You can ogle my breasts all you want," Amelia said to Mack, "but you can't touch them... yet. I want to watch you fuck my boyfriend first."

"Take off your shirt, big guy," said Yoshi, and the mechanic obliged. Mack's chest was a little hairy. His pecs were well-defined, and his nipples were large. A tattoo of his rugby club's emblem rested on his left bicep. Yoshi gasped. "Holy shit, you're so fucking hot." He kissed his way from the mechanic's neck to his nipple, using his tongue to lightly graze over a nipple before he took it into his mouth and sucked it. "Fuck, punk, that's amazing." Mack held the back of Yoshi's head and pulled him closer, running his fingers through his hair. Yoshi continued his journey to the other nipple. Yoshi sucked on it, and Mack moaned in bliss.

Yoshi slid his hand into the mechanic's pants. "Are you okay, big guy?"

Mack nodded. "Yeah." He really enjoyed this.

Yoshi unzipped the mechanic's jeans and pulled down his pants. "Look at your cock, Yoshi," the mechanic invited, leaving confusion on his face. Yoshi grabbed it and admired its size. "Wow, you're so fucking enormous! And check out his balls- they're so full and bulging." He breathed in the mechanic's sweaty aroma. "And you smell so f*cking good."

Amelia slid a hand down her pants. She was curious - she'd heard some of Yoshi's stories, but she'd never seen him make love to another guy.

Yoshi undid the mechanic's pants and pulled them down. "You all good down there, big guy?"

Mack nodded. "Yeah." He was highly aroused.

Yoshi slid his hand up the mechanic's leg, discovering the huge erection he was searching for. He guided Mack through the motion of revealing his balls and penis.

"Check out Yoshi's dick, babe," said the mechanic, flabbergasted.

Yoshi laughed. "Yeah, I'm bisexual," he stated. "Now let's get to that goodness."

Amelia suddenly grew curious. "Do you need help?" she asked, wondering if perhaps she could watch.

Yoshi reassured her, "I'll manage, sweetie." He climbed on top of the mechanic and began kissing his way downwards. He admired the mechanic's stomach - he imagined it would've been rock hard in his rugby days, likely boasting a six-pack, but he adored the mechanic's dad bod. He licked at the mechanic's belly button. "Nobody's ever touched you here before," Yoshi whispered.

The mechanic gulped. "Well, it's about time." Yoshi proceeded to kiss the mechanic's stomach until he reached his legs. He stuck his tongue into the mechanic's navel and inhaled a deep breath of his sweaty scent.

Amelia was openly stimulating her genitals at this point. She was fascinated by Yoshi's display of bisexuality.

Yoshi unfastened the mechanic's jeans and removed them, leaving him in his boxers. He took the mechanic's shaft in his hand and marveled at its size. "You're big," he whispered.

Mack let out a low moan. "Yeah." He was enjoying the emo's attention.

Yoshi then got on his knees and admired the mechanic's erection up close. "Look at your big cock, big guy," Yoshi cooed. "Such a fucking hunk."

"So you're going to suck that dick dry, Yoshi?" Amelia taunted. She had thrown off her underwear and spread her legs wide. She was stroking herself while she watched the show.

The mechanic couldn't help but almost come just watching her. "This dick is big enough for the both of you," he joked.

"Come on over here, babe," Yoshi beckoned.

Amelia crawled over to join her fuck buddy at the head of the largest penis they had ever encountered. Yoshi took hold of the massive shaft and slid it into Amelia's mouth, causing her to gag after mere inches. "This cock is quite thick, too," she said, her eyes watering. She sucked on one of his balls while the emo took the head into his mouth and stroked the mechanic's penis.

The mechanic was glad the goth girl was over there, sucking on his cock. If she had stayed where she was, spread eagle with a hand in her wet pussy, he would have cum in less than a minute.

"How does it feel?" asked Yoshi, licking the head of the immense organ.

"Holy shit, fuck. I've never had head like this." The mechanic closed his eyes.

The emo and the goth changed places, and Amelia went south to join him. They were making out under the mechanic's drenched scrotum like it was mistletoe.

For about twenty minutes, they licked, sucked, stroked, and pleasure the mechanic. Eventually, the mechanic could no longer hold back. "I'm about to cum, dude!" he yelled, and the emo vigorously stroked the mechanic's penis.

Yoshi covered the mechanic's cock with his mouth as it spewed cum like a fire hose. Amelia stared as she watched the mechanic's large balls contract and relax, spurting cum into Yoshi's mouth. She rubbed her clit and came, almost screaming as she saw him swallow it.

The mechanic's thick, wet cock flopped out of Yoshi's mouth, landing on his muscular thigh. Amelia stared at it. It was indeed massive. She took the head of his penis into her mouth, laving the remnants of the mechanic's cum from his shaft. She looked at the emo. "Fuck, Yoshi, watching you suck on that fat cock was the hottest thing I've ever seen."

"Did you cum?" he asked, still tasting the mechanic's semen on his tongue.

"Hell yeah, couldn't keep it quiet. The cops might show up any second." She paused. "Kiss me," she murmured.

Yoshi shoved his tongue in Amelia's mouth. "You tasted the mechanic's load?" he asked.

"Good cocksucker, dude," she said. "I loved seeing you do that." She turned her gaze to the mechanic. "Honestly, I'm not into blue-collar guys, but I do love a big cock. I'm not sure if I'll let you fuck me, but I want to watch you fuck my boyfriend."

Yoshi stripped naked and stood in front of the mechanic. "Want more of this, big guy? You ready for more?"

Mack laughed. "Give me a few minutes. I could when I was your age, but...."

"But now you're old?" Yoshi teased. "I can tell you how to get hard again." He stripped his clothes off, stood in the middle of the room, and showed his bare backside to the mechanic. "Smell me," he ordered.

Amelia had never seen this side of her boyfriend. He was such a dirty slut. She started playing with herself again.

Mack sniffed the mechanic's arse. His penis responded. Amelia couldn't decide what to focus on - the mechanic's arse or the emo's erect penis.

"Now eat me," Yoshi demanded. "Eat my pussy. You've been staring at Amelia's pussy earlier. You can't have hers, but you can have mine. Lick it. Eat my pussy."

The mechanic pulled Yoshi's hips towards his face and applied them to his lips. He was fully erect now, as was Yoshi. Amelia noticed a drop of precum at the end of her boyfriend's uncut crown. She wanted to taste it, but she was frozen by the sight before her.

"Fuck yeah," the emo groaned. "Eat my pussy, dude. Eat me out." He rubbed his fingers under his balls, feeling the mechanic's breath on them. "Fuck, dude, that's so good." He squeezed hard and passed gas, making the mechanic jump. "Fuck, dude, that was hot."

"You're such a dirty girl, babe," Yoshi chuckled. "Want us to fuck you up the ass?"

Mack looked at the mechanic. "What do you think?"

The mechanic nodded. "Yeah. Fuck her hard."

The two men stripped off and prepared to engage in anal intercourse.

Amelia burst into the room, spraying and splashing everywhere as if she couldn't grasp what she was seeing.

The guy with the emo tip would've made the mechanic serve him until breakfast time tomorrow, but he craved something different. "You tough and loaded up, large dude?"

Mack couldn't peel his mouth off the half-Japanese kid's boyhole. Yoshi ultimately pushed him away, and the mechanic's gasping visage looked up toward the smiling emo. "I bet you taste like my cunny," he said.

"I adore your cunny," replied the mechanic. His thick beard was entangled.

The emo angled down and kissed their special guest.

Amelia squirted again.

Yoshi stretched out over the arm of the couch. He widened his cheeks, displaying his puckered butt. "Come fuck your punkish emo, giant guy."

Mack's cock was as hard as steel. He clutched his waist, and gradually guided himself forward. Yoshi winced for a fraction of a second as he concentrated on loosening up, and pain gave out to pleasure as his sphincter unlocked, allowing access to the mechanic's chunky donger. It ached, but it felt so unbelievably good.

"You look so fucking fine, love," whispered Amelia.

Yoshi couldn't respond. His mind was mush. This was some truly excellent dick. He caught her gaze, his mouth hung open, and she sprayed the space again. The wooden floorboards were so wet they were turning into hazards.

"Do you like this, dude?"

"Yes," the emo slurped. "So... fucking... big."

"Two-pump chump?"

As the mechanic gradually picked up speed, the emo knew he was in for the fuck of his life. "I'm sorry about saying that," he rasped.

"You haven't apologized yet," grated the mechanic, "but you will."

A full ten minutes of intense pounding. Then fifteen. Then twenty. Amelia witnessed her boyfriend's face contorting with ecstasy, agony, and everything in between.

She wished to experience what her boyfriend was feeling, but she knew she wouldn't be tonight. The mechanic was a dynamo. He fucked Yoshi's load out of him without anyone touching his rod. The emo moaned as his spunk trickled onto the couch, and as Amelia watched her boyfriend's sweet cunny being pounded into obedience, she sprayed the area again. She lost count of how many orgasms she'd had. She wasn't sure how much more she could endure of this, but as she gazed at the blank, unreadable look on her boyfriend's face, she knew she could stare at this forever.

Mack was nearing climax. "I'm going to jizz in your hole, dude," he bellowed.

Amelia halted her self-pleasuring. She had a superior concept. She crawled toward the edge of the couch and gazed up at the mechanic, face up, tongue protruding, big tits out and exposed. She uttered the four words bound to moving any guy on earth right to the brink of climax. "Squirt your cream on my face."

As Mack searched her glossy red lips, his bollocks boiled. He'd yearned to copulate a gothick female, and all his dormant dreams arrived at once. Seized by the moment, he yanked his bulge out of Yoshi's cunny, brought himself to culmination, and set his aim. "Show's over," he said, wanking his beefy dangler. He squirted her face.

Amelia's face, throat, and tits were smeared with sticky jizz. "Wow," she groaned, touching herself once more, licking her lips. "You taste scrumptious."

By now, the emo had reassembled whatever fragmented parts his brain had. He'd never been plowed like that. He kissed his loved one, sharing the mechanic's second load as his floppy cunny continued to shudder and shiver.

"I gotta go," said the mechanic. "It's two A.M. I'm an early bird, and this is too late for me. I've enjoyed the beers, the music, and... everything else."

The goth chick maintained a safe distance, but the emo gave the mechanic a warm hug. He looked up at the long-haired ginge. "Thank you for screwing me tonight, Papa."

Mack grinned. "Peace out, dude." After gathering his shit and donning his clothes, he exited silently, shutting the emo's apartment door behind him.

Tonight, there were no regrets.

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