Gay Sex

Big Mack Part 5

The mechanic accompanies the emo on a camping and fishing trip.

May 31, 2024
31 min read
handjobgay kissinggay analsleeping bagaustraliaemoage differenceBig Mack Pt. 05mechaniccampingfishing
Big Mack Pt. 05
Big Mack Pt. 05

Big Mack Part 5

Following a shower, the two friends with benefits lay unclothed in bed, however, neither were prepared for slumber at that moment. Akin to the mechanic, they were both night owls. When alone, Yoshi would either read a book or play video games on his computer, even watching porn at times, and releasing a mild climax prior to sleep. Yet in Amelia's presence, he had received enough sexual interaction for a month. His vaginal region felt like an abandoned depot.

"Yoshi," the goth requested, partially preoccupied with her burdened university assignment. It was not going to create itself.

The emo switched on his bedside lamp and pivoted toward her. "Sure, sweetheart. What's on your mind?"

Amelia was unsure of how to articulate the thought that had been tormenting her for some time since her shower. "Do you like me?"

The emo's reaction was one of feigned antipathy, trying to dodge her inquiry. "No, you're a tease, I detest you, collect whatever remains of your possessions and vacate my premises."

She knew he was jesting, but she was uncertain about the extent of his evasion. "Wait, are you serious? Do you like me?"

"Sure, darling, of course I like you. What a bizarre question. Why would you be in my bed if I didn't?"

Amelia reached out to touch his face. "I'm not kidding...I genuinely adore you."

"Then it's settled," Yoshi declared. "We both adore one another. And that's wonderful because you're smarter than me, thus, you can aid me during exams."

"Yeah... but... that's not what I intended," she murmured, anxiously searching for a suitable mode of expression. "I appreciate your company."

"I relish your company too," he responded. "We enjoyed drinks last evening with our acquaintances, and had a private dinner, just the two of us. Babe, I adore being in your presence because I feel so at ease, and I'm already looking forward to waking up beside you tomorrow. Perhaps we could even go out for breakfast in the morning? Ideally, I intend to sleep in late tomorrow, though maybe we could eat brunch at noon? I crave blueberry pancakes with maple syrup."

The goth yearned to oblige, yet her essay obstructed her plans. She let Yoshi's breakfast proposal dwindle. "It's fine," she exhaled, desperately seeking a means to clarify her feelings better in the morning. She flipped onto her side, facing away from Yoshi.

Yoshi discerned there was something significant troubling her. He stroked her back covertly under the covers. He observed her breaths calm and deepen until she fell asleep.

Exhaustion arrived for the emo, but his mind was still active.

He tucked the bed sheets over her, ensuring she was warm.


Amelia was the first to awaken on Sunday morning. She had set an alarm on her phone to maximize library time. She noticed the commotion caused by Yoshi's disturbance and immediately switched it off. She rose and made her way to the kitchen to prepare coffee.

After boiling water in the kettle, she travelled to the bathroom, defecated, and returned to the kitchen. She added milk to the twin mugs of instant coffee she'd prepared and brought them to the bedroom. Yoshi groaned, awakening from his deep slumber. "Fuck, babe. What time is it?"

"My apologies for waking you up so early," apologized the goth, "it's eight-thirty. But I must depart, as I still have the ordeal of writing this debilitating essay." She attempted to smile with unease. "I made you a coffee. If you prefer more rest, that's acceptable with me, but I desired a quick chat before I depart for campus."

Yoshi sat up in bed, accepting the coffee offering. "Thank you," he murmured, taking a sip. His hair flopped in front of his bleary eyes. "What were you wishing to converse about?" he inquired, still half-awake.

Amelia sighed. "Well... us, I believe."

In the fire, sound and light pass by.

"Yes, and I replied I adore you too." His visage portrayed innocence and unfamiliarity with the gravity of the situation.

She braced against her own inability to convey her emotions effectively. "You understand what I'm trying to say, don't you?"

He shrugged haltedly, gazing at a seemingly arbitrary mark on his bedroom wall. "Perhaps... yes... but I'm not certain what you expect from me." [

She felt like hitting a brick wall with his response, nearly gulping down the rest of her coffee and grabbing her belongings to leave. She took a moment to collect herself before trying again. "Admit that you like me."

"I said that last night," the emo responded. "I think you're amazing!"

"Thanks, but that's not what I'm asking for," she answered. "I like you... well, more than just as a friend. I don't understand why you're making this so complicated." She could tell he was clueless.

The emo didn't take his eyes off the spot on the wall. "I'm not very good at this. What do you want me to say?"

Amelia was stumped. "I'm not sure, either." As she prepared to leave and finish her essay, it hit her that it was a waste of time. "Time for me to go."

"Wait!" interjected Yoshi. "I need to tell you something." He reached for his coffee and paused for a moment, as past memories resurfaced. "Three years ago, in my final year of high school, a new girl showed up in our class. Her name was Hasret. She was stunning but kept to herself. Her family moved here from Lebanon, but we didn't know why. I think our school was the closest to their new home. She struggled with English, knowing barely enough to hold a conversation. She grew up in Beirut speaking Arabic, but no one in our class understood her language. They left her alone, unaware of how miserable she must have been. One day, I went to the library and checked out a book entitled 'Teach Yourself Arabic.' I found some resources on the internet and learned the fundamentals. One morning, I approached Hasret alone in the quadrangle and said, 'good morning, Hasret, how are you today?' in Arabic. Her face lit up with joy. I connected with her when no one else would.

"Together, Hasret and I lost our virginities. My parents were free-thinking atheists, but Hasret's were deeply conservative and religious, and were probably struggling to adjust to this strange new world. I never met them; I only know what she told me. She said her family wouldn't allow her to spend time with non-Muslims and had no intention of introducing me to them. We had to keep our relationship a secret. One Sunday afternoon, she said she'd make some excuse and met me for a picnic in a small reserve on the outskirts of town. Under the shade of a small tree, we had sex. It wasn't planned; it just happened. Afterward, I told her I loved her in Arabic, and she said the same to me in English. It seemed she still had the key to my heart. But two days later, her family abruptly moved away, and she disappeared. I didn't even get a goodbye. I've never tried looking for her, but I hope she's happy, wherever she is. That was the only time I gave my heart to someone." He took a deep breath and wiped away his tears. "I've never told anyone about this."

Listening to Yoshi, Amelia had never heard him discuss his past so openly and particularly about this story. She thought his actions towards Hasret were beautiful and wondered if she still played a role in his life. If she did, it might explain his hesitation to have the conversation she wanted to have.

"Continue," she encouraged.

"I shut down my emotions that day and became the high school slut. You've asked for a commitment, which I still struggle with. My past experience only deepened my opposition. Commitment is an unfortunate thing."

Amelia sat in silence, realizing the burden he carried. "I'm really sorry," she said.

Yoshi gazed up at Amelia through his bangs. "There's no need to worry. All I'm really trying to tell you is that it's tough for me to utter the words you want to hear."

Amelia stared at her palms. "I get it. Thank you for honesty. No need to rush, dude. I know how you feel."

The emo relaxed, relieved that he hadn't lost a cherished friend.

Amelia wrapped her arms around him, and he embraced her back. She knew she held affection for him, but she had no clue about their status or the status of his relationship with the experienced mechanic.

She left and walked towards the library. Yoshi curled over and slept. In his dreams, Yoshi pictured Hasret residing contentedly somewhere in Europe.

He awoke at around mealtime and set out for a serving of flavourful blueberry pancakes. He fetched a book and read while he waited for his meal to be served.


A few weeks passed, and the goth made no attempt to pursue the eerie discussion further. They would hang out from time to time, drink alcohol at the Regatta, and return to Yoshi's place for intimacy.

She continued to contemplate her semi-boyfriend's words, spinning them around in her head. Yes, she thought, commitment can certainly be a risk, and heartbreak is painful. However, life includes no guarantees. Furthermore, all our actions generally entail some form of risk. She had tried to express her emotions for him, but he hadn't received anything helpful from his restraint. He was willing to live alone for eternity rather than revealing his sentiments? She rethought her question. She didn't ask him for his hand in engagement, she didn't request total commitment, and she hadn't asked for him to empty his bank account to fund her desires. She just wanted him to admit he liked her back. But he couldn't, or perhaps he wouldn't. She couldn't discern which.

The emo had not heard anything from the mechanic recently. For all Yoshi knew, he could've reconciled with his spouse, and he might never communicate with him again. However, an exceptionally unique message popped up in the messaging app on a Friday morning.

Mack: hi friend :)

Yoshi: hi big fella, what's up? I haven't heard from you in a while

Mack: been bogged down by work - every second person in town wants their automobile serviced pronto, been working seven-day weeks

Yoshi: figured you reunited with your missus

Mack: nah, we had dinner one night and engaged in intercourse, but we're absolutely not reuniting... too exhausted most nights to do anything but masturbate

Yoshi: what do you spunk it to, big fellow?

Mack: that vagina pic you sent me a few weeks back is still number one on the list

The emo smirked.

Yoshi: puts finger in mouth and sucks

Mack: erection increased hey punk, do you have any free time this weekend?

Yoshi: why what's the event?

Mack: no biggie but I feel like going camping and angling, I know an excellent location

Yoshi: hmmm, I've never been camping or angling in my life, these aren't typical pastimes for someone with a Japanese mother... what's the process?

Mack: the Australian Bush! We'll travel to a scenic location, we'll put up a tent, catch our meal from the river, then rest under the night sky

Yoshi: what if I said yes, what would I require?

Mack: not much, a pair of swimming trunks if you fancy a plunge; however, it might be too frigid to dive in that season... a fresh set of clothes... bring a jacket in adverse weather conditions... I have a spare sleeping bag at your disposal... maybe bring a bottle of feral cat urine if beer isn't to your liking :/ I'll bring some food and entrap fish in the river

Yoshi: and I'll bring a novel in case I become bored :)

Mack: cool

Yoshi: ok, then

They ironed out the details, and the emo ventured to campus for the day. The mechanic planned to retrieve him from his premises at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

He boarded the ferry and selected a seat within the closed-off quarters. He pondered the journey he had just embarked on. He had just agreed to travel to the middle of nowhere with a man more than twice his age whom he scarcely knew well. Horror films typically commence this way... If anything went awry, and he uttered a plea for help, no one would hear him. Oh, possibly their camping site might be beyond the mobile range.

In the early afternoon, Yoshi composed a message on his phone stating that he'd decided not to go, citing a double booked schedule as the reason. However, before pressing send, he deleted the message.

Following his 11 AM lecture, he dined with Amelia in an eatery that sold sushi rolls. Holding a cup of coffee and watching her sip tea, he inquired about her well-being.

"I'm alright," she responded. "How about you?"

"I'm doing well. I've got news," he revealed.

"What?" she inquired with curiosity.

"I'm going camping this weekend."

"Stop kidding," Amelia laughed without much faith in the statement.

"I'm serious," Yoshi explained, describing it as "the Australian wilderness."

"Hold up!" exclaimed Amelia in confusion.

"I'm losing my camping cherry."

Amelia had to supress laughter. Had to be a joke, right? She scrutinized his face full of piercings but sensed he was sincere.

"I believe it's healthy to try new things," he added.

"Who's tagging along?"


"You barely know him!" Amelia reacted in disbelief. "Why are you so afraid?"

"I'm not, but my attraction towards fear is something I can't explain," Yoshi answered. "I wanted to tell you, just in case..."

"In case of what?"

"In case... something happens."

"Like him chopping you up with an axe and burying you?"

Yoshi fell silent. It wasn't certain if his decision was smart, but his curiosity and horniness made him yearn for the outdoors.

"This is a foolish idea," warned Amelia. "It's unusual for you."

"I know, but I can't resist the urge. A part of me is curious... and another part of me is quite aroused."

Amelia thought of slapping him and yelling, "Don't do this, man! Just get more of his dick at home if you want it!", but they weren't close enough for her to assert influence at this point. Additionally, she wasn't certain of Yoshi's romantic feelings towards her and feared that her passion might scare him.

"Text me where you're going," Amelia begged. "Your folks won't know. Give me the address or location, please. Something bad could happen and someone should know where you are. You barely know Mack, and he seems to be going through a midlife crisis."

Yoshi gripped her hand. "It's going to be fine. We're departing in the morning and returning on Sunday. I'll see you once I return. We'll have dinner."

Amelia worried but knew her objections wouldn't change his mind.


Mack, wearing a grey t-shirt, black jeans, and a well-worn pair of work boots, collected Yoshi near his residence. At ten AM, the music-fan got inside Mack's ute.

"Hey punk," Mack greeted Yoshi, who tossed his backpack onto the floor and took a seat.

He observed Mack's manly figure. "You look good," complimented Yoshi. "And you smell wonderful, the aftershave is delightful."

"Thanks," responded Mack, starting the engine. "I've been working Saturdays lately and the overtime is quite nice, but I've had enough. Some customers can wait. I enjoy my work, but the garage can be a suffocating environment. Also, a man needs to take a break."

"I work at a supermarket, unloading shelves at night. Helps me get by. Inflation is a pain," shared Yoshi.

Mack chuckled and wondered why the government remained so discreet about the disgusting reality. "Work's been pretty good for me," he replied, "except for certain days when I get bitten by snakes or covered in blood. It's part of the job. How's uni?"

"It's fine. I've had a couple of night shifts at the same. Exhausting, you know?"

The mechanic considered. "Supermarket?"

"Very much so. What about you?"

"I can't comment. Different experience."

As they drove further into the wilderness, Yoshi took notice of Mack's pierced ears and poked nipples. "You seem in good shape."

Mack weighed his words carefully, his eyes on the road. "Cheers. I focus on fitness, so I can handle the physicality of the job."

"You're always welcoming when I ask for your help."

"I'm happy to help those who need it or appreciate my perspective."

They continued their conversation until Mack dropped Yoshi off at a secluded campsite. He hunted for several minutes before returning with two large pieces of wood to build a fire. They set up a tent, and Mack handled food preparation. The silence was judgemental, and they glanced nervously at each other.

"You've been starring at my body," Yoshi guessed.

"No, not really. Just admiring your sense of style," countered Mack.

They prepared to sleep, putting on their sleeping bags. They appeared uneasy, like they were being scrutinized.

"Cold?" asked Mack.

Yoshi gestured towards the blanket in his hand. "My blankets are at home."

Mack drew his blanket close to himself and smiled. "If you'd like to snuggle, you're welcome to climb in with me."

Yoshi saw Mack's eyes, and it felt almost as if they were communicating without words. "Alright," he apprehended.

They lay down together, the mechanic insisting on Yoshi not sleeping on the cold ground. As the emo wrapped himself in Mack's arms, warmth settled over them as repeatedly they crossed the line of reasons to maintain trust and a level of comfort.

What's the destination, by the way?" inquired the emo, pushing aside his hair. "I need to know where this abduction is happening so I can alert the media." He looked at the cargo on the back seat. "Is that the tar maybe you'll bury me in after you kill me?"

"Nah, it's the tent," retorted the mechanic. "It's covered by the tarp."

"Kid, are you going to kill me in a tent?"

The mechanic couldn't tell if the emo was joking or dead serious. He stopped the car on the side of the road and shut off the engine. "No, the tent is to be used for its age-old purpose – sleeping in," he said. He turned towards the passenger, resting his hand on the steering wheel. "Hey, you don't have to come if you don't want to," he suggested. "I'm excited about some fresh air, but I'm fine with going by myself. I can drop you off at your place if you've changed your mind. No harm done."

The emo paused to study his black fingernails, then glanced at the mechanic. He pushed his hair away from his eyes again. "Where are we going?"

"A spot I like up north of Brisbane and inland from Noosa. It's sort of halfway between Noosa and Gympie. Around a two-hour drive. There's a lovely river there, you can hear crickets chirping at night, but on a quiet night, you barely hear anything else. Lots of fish in the stream. And when you gaze up into the sky on a clear night, you can only see the Milky Way."

"Sounds nice."

"I think you'll like it."

Yoshi smiled. "Alright, then."

"Cool," Mack said, starting the car again. "Should be a nice day, too. Weather forecast says clear skies and no wind, so we should be able to spot the stars after the sun sets."

For the majority of the journey, they remained silent. Yoshi could tell the mechanic just wanted to chill and unwind, so he quietly left him be. He checked his social media on his phone every so often.

They arrived around 2 pm and parked. Yoshi stepped out and took in the surroundings. They were in a lush, secluded valley with a flowing river separating the grassy hills.

The mechanic unloaded the ute and set up their tent. The emo observed the process, knowing if he tried to help, the mechanic would likely let him. He had no clue how tents functioned.

Yoshi checked his phone – he still had reception.

"Grab the esky?" the mechanic asked. "It's in the tray of the ute."

The emo walked to the truck and returned with a cooler packed with food and drinks. There was a bottle of wine, several stubby beers, and a freshly made salad. "What's this salad for?"

"You know, to eat."

"Duh," responded the emo.

"It's to go with the fish we'll catch later," the mechanic clarified. "I also brought half a loaf of bread and clean water. It's over there too. Can you fetch it?"

"The bread or the water?" It sounded like two parts of a high-security dinner tray.

"The water," the mechanic confirmed.

The emo returned with a five-litre container of water. He was glad he could contribute a little to their campsite setup.

Once the tent was put up and the two sleeping bags were laid out, the mechanic went back to the ute to collect a battery-powered lamp and a gas-fired cooker. They'd need them later.

The emo dropped his backpack inside the tent.

Mack retrieved his fishing gear, and they walked the short distance to the river's edge. They weren't alone; there were around 20-30 other people in the area, walking or cycling around the river or fishing in it. A stranger waved at Mack, and the mechanic waved back.

"You know that guy?" asked the emo.

"Nah," the mechanic answered. "Never seen him before in my life. I guess he just sees a fellow Queenslander who enjoys fishing."

"He must think you're my dad," Yoshi said. "To the rest of the world, this looks like 'father-son' time."

Indeed, both of Mack's kids were girls. He'd always hoped for a son, but he never got one. "Yeah, maybe," he agreed.

A fast-flowing river faced them. The emo looked skyward and around; the place was a treat, and for the first time, he felt blissfully calm and fearless. He looked at the fishing rod the mechanic had carried down to the water. "You've got a big rod," he remarked.

The mechanic chuckled at the unmistakable double entendre. "Nobody's ever complained." He baited the hook, cast the line into the stream, and sipped a quiet beer, waiting patiently for a nibble. "You wanna give it a try?" he asked.

"Huh?" Yoshi had been lost in thought, transfixed by the bulge in the mechanic's crotch.

"Come with me, and I'll teach you how to fish." He handed the rod to the emo.

Yoshi held the object, astonished at its stillness. "Is this it? Is this what fishing means? I'm just here standing..."

All of a sudden, he felt a tug on the line. The mechanic put his beer down. "You got one," he said. "It looks feisty. Could be a trout."

"What do I do now?"

The emo followed the mechanic's instructions as best he could, but after a short while, the line's tension lessened. The Great White had escaped.

"Doesn't matter, kid," Mack said, taking the fishing rod back. "Stuff happens." He reeled the line in, re-hooked and re-baited it, and cast it back into the river. "Have another go. This river is abundant, so we're guaranteed to get another nibble."

A couple of minutes later, the line pulled more promptly than either of them had anticipated. This time, the mechanic wasn't going to let the fish go. He stood closely behind the emo, guiding him, practically embracing him from behind as his hips pressed against the emo's lower back. Both of their hands were on the rod now, but Mack was in command. Yoshi's hands relaxed as the mechanic's prowess and skill pulled their prize from the stream.

Mack removed the hook from the fish's mouth before dropping it gently into a metal bucket. The trout flopped violently, like fish do when they're out of water. Yoshi tried not to stare.

"Well done, kid," praised the mechanic. "Good catch. One more should do for tonight." He cast the line back into the water and handed over the fishing rod to the emo. He noticed Yoshi's slender fingers wrap around the thick foam grip of the rod, his glossy black nail polish glittering in the sun.

Soon, the emo felt another tug. "Got one," he proclaimed.

This time, the mechanic supervised the operation. He stood behind Yoshi, leaning into him as the emo cautiously reeled in their prize. The emo felt Mack's warm breath on the back of his neck.

A second trout emerged from the water, and the emo watched as the resourceful mechanic repeated the same process, unhooking it and putting it in a bucket.

"So that's what fishing is," concluded the mechanic, hands on hips. "We're done now. What did you think?"

"Um... I'm not certain," replied the vegetarian emo. "I'm in a transitional state between eating meat and being a veggie. I consume seafood because it seems un-Japanese not to, but I don't eat red meat, pork, or chicken. I've never caught a fish before, and even though I'm content to eat them, watching them die didn't excite me. If you killed a chicken or a pig or a sheep for me to eat, it would be a different story. I'd be eating salads for dinner."

"Chill, man." The mechanic grinned as he collected their catch. They walked back to their tent.

Out of nowhere, the mechanic pulled out a large, Rambo-esque knife. Yoshi's eyes widened with fear. "FUCK, DUDE!" The emo panicked. The horror movie had finally arrived. He feared an untimely death, like Oswald in King Lear. "What the hell have you got THAT for?"

The mechanic's reaction was innocent. "To remove the scales and bones from the fish we just caught." He swung the bucket up and down -- they'd stopped flopping. "They're both in fish heaven now, but I need to descale them and debone them before we make them edible."

Yoshi watched as the mechanic produced some scraps of old newspaper. Laying the fish on the newsprint, he chopped their heads off and discarded them. The emo winced. With the most gruesome part of the task done, Mack carefully removed the scales and carved some thick fillets for them to consume.

"If you ever get tired of cars," said the emo, "maybe you could become a sushi chef instead."

"No," Mack responded, laughing. "Do you need delicacy and precision for that? I'm just a brutish Australian. But I can get the job done." He cleaned the knife before putting it back. The sun was beginning to set. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes," the emo replied, his stomach rumbling. He glanced around. Everyone else had gone. They had the valley to themselves.

Mack unfolded two camping chairs and placed them on the grass in front of the tent. He cooked the fish on the portable stove, and they ate from paper plates. The fish and the salad were both delightful.

Mack cracked open another beer. There were no cups, so the emo drank his Swan's straight from the bottle. "Thanks for the dinner," he burped.

The mechanic appraised the scene. Night had fallen. "This place isn't so bad, is it?"

"Yeah, sure," responded the emo. The air was pleasant and quiet. Apart from the stars, the night sky was nearly dark. The moon was bright and full.

"Hold on for a minute," said the mechanic, getting up. "I need to take a quick piss."

Yoshi listened as the mechanic's heavy steps crushed the grass, stopping about fifteen meters away from their tent. He could hear the zip being lowered, and the hissing sound of urine touching the ground.

Hmm, that sounds steamy.

"This is one of my favorite places," Mack said, putting on his pants and returning. He was going to say it's one of his favorite places in the world, but he'd never left the country, so how would he know? He picked up his beer and took a sip.

The emo was quiet. His phone buzzed in his pocket.

Amelia: are you okay?

Yoshi: yes, we went fishing

"I'm assuming that's your friend, the goth girl, right?" asked the mechanic.

"Yeah," replied the emo. "She's just checking in on me."

"To see if I killed you, huh?" He turned on the battery-powered lamp. There would be enough power for a few hours, more than enough to see them through until they go to sleep for the night.

"No," the emo lied, "because I've never been camping before, and she wanted to know how I thought it was so far. I told her we went fishing."

Mack took a sip of his beer. "So how do you think it's going?"

"Dinner was great, but I've never slept outdoors before, so I'll hold off on any judgment until morning." Yoshi paused for a second. "There's a song called 'The Outdoorsman' that I think is about me. Have you ever heard it?"

The mechanic shook his head. The emo's phone buzzed again, but he didn't respond.

"The title of the song is ironic. It's about a guy who's completely useless outside suburbs, and a guy who doesn't even want to know what lies beyond suburbs. And that's me." He stopped for a moment, pushing his hair out of his face. "Wait a minute. I've never been curious about the famous Australian outdoors you see in museums and old Leyland Brothers TV shows, but tonight is different. I was surprised at how quickly it got dark when the sun set, because I'm used to streetlights and neon signs. I'm glad you brought a lamp with us, but even though all I can see is you, our tent, our chairs, and my bottle of wine, I know we're in a valley, and there's a river over there somewhere, and there are hills around us, but we have a place to sleep tonight, and I'll see all those things again in the morning. And I know that if something goes wrong tonight, I'll be well-protected."

"Nothing will go wrong tonight," reassured the mechanic, "but you're right - if it does, I'll take care of you."

Yoshi moved his foldout chair closer. "What if there was a lion?"

The mechanic finished his beer and opened a new one. "There are no lions in Queensland, unless you count the Brisbane AFL team and the zoo."

"What about snakes?"

"Let's see, one possibility," the mechanic considered, "we can't completely rule them out, but they're less active this time of year."

"So what would happen if a venomous snake slithered into our tent and bit me?" asked the emo. "We're far from immediate help. While we wait for the paramedics to come, you'd need to suck the poison out."

The mechanic's dick stood at attention. "Yes, I know. The chances of a snake sneaking into our tent and biting you on the d*ck are incredibly low, but if that happens, I promise you that I'll suck the poison out while we wait for the ambulance."

"Would you spit or swallow?" asked Yoshi.

The mechanic smiled. "For you, I'd definitely swallow."

"Fuck, daddy," breathed the emo. He sipped his wine and was relieved that he brought his bottle of lube in his backpack. He knew he'd get it tonight. "By the way, I loved handling your rod today. It was thick and strong."

The mechanic's head was filled with lust.

"I loved catching the second fish. I could feel you behind me, guiding me, and I could feel your breath on my neck." He paused for a moment. "And if I'm not mistaken, I think I felt your cock grinding against me."

The mechanic had a hard time hiding his excitement.

"Everything's been good so far," summarized the emo, "except for one thing."

Mack wanted to pull his dick out of his pants and start stroking. "What's that?"

"Hm, I assumed we'd create a standard, classic fire with logs and sticks," stated Yoshi, peering at the mechanic in dim light from batteries, "like in movies. I anticipated you'd collect tree limbs and twigs and line them up in some way before setting them alight. I presumed the fire would cook our dinner and keep us warm and secure throughout the night. Therefore, I was taken aback when I noticed you'd brought this with us," he pointed towards the propane-powered stove, which already did its job.

"It's more eco-friendly," the mechanic explained, "and besides, wood fires may become uncontrollable. No one wants a forest fire."

Yoshi understood, "Yes, I grasp that. But I thought it was conventional to start campfires by rubbing two sticks." He walked to the mechanic's chair, caressing his crotch through pants. "I'm holding my stick, big fella, do you have one too?" He undid the zipper on his pants and extracted his erect penis. "Perhaps we could rub our sticks together."

The mechanic unzipped and revealed his towering erection. He stroked it vigorously.

Yoshi faced the mechanic, still seated in his foldable chair, and caressed his beefy prick. "Shall we start a fire together?" he whispered.

The mechanic glanced up, his eyes lustful. He nodded.

"Rise," Yoshi commanded.

The mechanic stood, whereupon Yoshi grabbed at his thick, erect member. "May we rub them together? I'm cold. Would you start a fire?"

The mechanic gazed at Yoshi, filled with desire. He nodded.

Yoshi rubbed his bulge against the mechanical's, his eyes wide and impassioned. "Is your stick okay?"

"I adore your stick, punk," the mechanic grunted.

"I enjoy yours as well. Let's rub them together. I'm chilly. Time to start a fire."

Yoshi stroked the hardon of the mechanic with his right hand as he caressed the mechanic's member with his left. Starring intently at the burly, working-class man, he sighed, briefly meeting his eyes, and the mechanic was close to climaxing.

"Slow down a second," Mack breathed. "You made me nearly cum."

Yoshi smirked mischievously, "But I haven't done anything!"

The mechanic blinked. It was unclear whether Yoshi misunderstood sexual power or pretended to ignore it. Either way, the situation enthralled him. His cock pulsed, verging on the edge of climaxing. He studied the battery-powered illumination as it focused, like a spotlight, on Yoshi's member. He reached out to touch it. He clasped his hand around it. He began squeezing it.

"Fuck, daddy," mumbled Yoshi, his back arched. "Your stick feels so good."

"I adore your stick, lad."

"Even yours is incredible. Let's rub them together. I'm feeling the cold."

Yoshi's right hand rubbed the protruding tips of his and the mechanic's pricks together.

Yoshi gazed into the mechanic's eyes, lingering and tongue-tied. "Thank you for teaching me fishing today," he whispered. "The 'father-son' initiation was lovely."

Mack embraced the emo's face with both hands and frenched him. Yoshi moaned at the mechanical pleasure; the mechanic's shaft twitched in his grasp, emptied and covered his abdomen in semen. Yoshi used the mechanic's cum as a lubricant. He fapped himself until his load drenched the mechanic's magnificent manhood.

Their kiss ended, and a tranquil silence permeated the air. Neither made a sound other than their irregular breaths. A slim, milky cloth of stars strung thin across the sky was painting abstract shapes even further above them, displaying the Southern Cross brightly.

The mechanic's legs shook from exhaustion but remained upright.

Yoshi maneuvered his chair beside the mechanic's, influencing him into the unconquerable proximity. "How erotically hot that was, daddy."

Eyes glazed, Mack twitched while gawking at the attractive, sexy creature resting near him, the manservant who cooked his dinner. "You don't understand my effect on you, boy."

Yoshi regarded his handiwork, licking his fingers clean, "I believe I do." He thought about the mechanic's climax, and his own, realizing the intensity of their connection. They both endured a long silence.

"So we've been intimately close all night." The mechanic remarked.

"And it's been fantastic, daddy," Yoshi confessed. "You drive me insane with lust; you make me feel the same way."

The mechanic looked to the emo, uplifted by their recent physical encounter. The quiet expanse of the secluded valley seemed to encompass the uniquely private experience. "Move a bit further to be closer," he urged.

Yoshi scooted even closer to the mechanic, continuing their intimate examination. The mechanic gazed at the young man, struck by a revelation. He could make the man servicing the fireplace look lustful by tracing the emo's soft body and touching his skin. The mechanic's heavy breathing increased. The hand that touched the emo could feel their deep longings.

They shared minutes in the profound silence, the countryside emptiness, when all they experienced was each other's breathing.

"You know what happened today?" Yoshi said, "This afternoon, when we were fishing and the heat was unbearable, all I desired was to fall on my knees and suck you. I wouldn't have minded others seeing us. I wanted you to paint my face." He licked his fingers clean, making sure not to miss any cum drops.

Mack didn't say anything. His mind was numb.

It probably wasn't much past nine o'clock, but it was already time to hit the sack. Mack unzipped the tent and Yoshi stripped down to his waist before getting inside his sleeping bag. The mecha turned his lamp off, momentarily blinded by the darkness of the valley. Once Yoshi was inside his sleeping bag and sheltered, the mecha turned off the lamp, plunging the tent into total darkness again.

Inside the tent, they couldn't see each other. They couldn't even see their own hands in the dark. But they could sense each other's presence and hear each other's breath.

In the darkness, Yoshi attempted to start a conversation. "Thanks for bringing me here. I think I get why you like this place. If you wanted fresh air and open spaces, where else would you go?"

"Yep, me too! My parents used to bring me here when I was a kid. We'd go for walks, or ride bikes for long periods. I've always adored being in nature."

"The one downside," said Yoshi, rolling onto his side, "is there's no internet."

"Indeed. It's like a forced disconnection."

Yoshi knew his phone still had a signal, but he appreciated the mecha's point. They were barely connected, enough to send an emergency message if needed, but not enough to watch trashy HD TV. "Yeah, that's strange."

"Do you not like it?" whispered the mecha.

"I don't know. I'm not accustomed to it. I didn't grow up with morse code or smoke signals. Hell, I forgot even dial-up existed. My parents told me it sucked."

"Sometimes, it's good to be outside your comfort zone."

"Do you think that's what it is now? When I went to a rugby game with you and your friends?"

The mecha was taken aback. "Well, yeah, but not what I meant then."

Yoshi moved his rook in a position that could threaten the mecha's king. "You're out of your comfort zone right now?"

The bishop moved across the board, creeping closer to the king.

The mecha swallowed hard.

"Remember what we just did, and you're already picturing what's coming next," Yoshi continued, "I'm aware of your thoughts, big guy. You're going to make me lose my mind before the sun rises." He paused and then asked his question again. "Are you outside your comfort zone?"

"No," responded the mecha.

Yoshi's queen moved across the board, increasing the pressure on the mecha's king. "Then can I come join you in your shelter?"

"That'd be good."

The mecha found his phone and turned it on, switching on the light. Both pairs of eyes struggled to focus as they transitioned from pitch black to bright light. "For f**k's sake, hurry up," the mecha murmured, as Yoshi's legs and torso squeezed into the mecha's bag.

The emo switched the phone's torch off.

"Crap, homie," said the mecha, struggling to adjust to the darkness again, "that was too bright. All I can see are warm-colored splotches on my retinas."

"Same here," said Yoshi, trying to convince himself they were fireworks. "You feel warm," he added, shifting to find a comfortable position, "but it's a bit cramped in here."

"Yeah," protested the mecha, "this sleeping bag is designed for one person. Even though you're skinny, it's a tight fit."

Yoshi wrapped his arm around the mecha's stomach. He didn't check, but he suspected the mecha was hardening again.

Yoshi didn't know the exact time, but it felt early for a night owl, especially considering the mecha's recent six-day workweek. In the tent, under the stars, the mecha began to snore. Yoshi gave him a push, and the mecha rolled onto his side. Despite the confines, they both enjoyed a few hours of restful sleep.

[DISCLAIMER]: This post was generated using AI and may not be entirely accurate or properly formatted. Be sure to check it for clarity and grammar. Original Version:

Yoshi's bladder shook him awake at 3 am. He checked his phone, confirming the time. Grimacing at the bright screen, he recalled his location - a tent in the middle of nowhere, sharing a sleeping bag with an ex-rugby player who was almost twice his age.

At that point, he desperately needed to urinate, but it wouldn't be wise to do so there. He had to get up, but he knew the mechanic would stir. He fumbled with his torch light, turning it back on.

Getting out of the sleeping bag was difficult, especially since Mack was already awake. The mechanic's phone light illuminated the tent.

Once outside, Yoshi strove to relieve himself, his bladder aching with the need to eliminate so badly. He glanced up at the sky, noticing how far Mack had wandered to desert his sleeping bag. The mechanic relieved himself, leaving a spray of beer-scented urine flowing downhill towards the river.

"Fuck," Yoshi muttered to himself.

After Mack tucked himself back in and zipped the tent shut, the emo followed suit, positioning Mack between him and the tent wall.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Since you woke me up," the mechanic groaned grumpily, "I thought I'd go take a leak."

The emo observed the mechanic leave the tent and walk away. Curious and aroused, he wondered about his earlier request for Mack to show him his dick when the other had tinkled.

As his mind raced, the emo grabbed hold of the mechanic's floor-length sleeping bag, yanking it back slightly to allow himself a peek at the mechanic's genitalia. His thoughts exploded into a mixture of relief and excitement, nerves and eagerness.

"You were hard when you went out there," the emo whispered out of the darkness, reaching a hand up to cup the mechanic's groin. "Am I making you excited, dad?"

He stroked the mechanic's nipples, feeling Mack's breathing deepen and a sigh escape his lips. The emo maneuvered his body to face the mechanic, rolling over to let his legless groin press against the mechanic's midsection. "This is what you've been looking for, right?"

The mechanic hesitated, not quite understanding what the emo said.

"Do you want to fuck?" Yoshi asked eagerly.

He felt a response building in the form of a low rumble of the mechanic's voice. "Don't stop, baby." The mechanic paused, angling his hips to fit his cock head against Yoshi's opening.

With a gentle grind against his prostate, the emo held his breath as he felt his body adjust to a large presence. Mack filled him slowly, savouring the sensation of tapping in and out, until Yoshi urged, "Fuck me, dad."

Mack increased his pace, pulling out and thrusting back in so hard that Yoshi was forced to hold on for dear life, clinging to Mack's back. The younger man's voice became ragged and needful - "Faster... Go harder... [anjeeb!]"

In the darkness, all they heard was one another's breath. Yoshi's body trembled as sensation grew hotter and more intense. "Fuck!!" he cried, gripping Mack's shoulders fiercely before pushing the mechanic away. "I've had enough," he panted.

"Shit," the mechanic gasped, struggling to catch his breath. He rolled off Yoshi, collapsed beside him on the sleeping bag. "So, you want me to stop?"

Yoshi's voice was pained. He longed for more interaction, a repeated and enveloping whiplash of ecstasy. "I wanted to see how big you could make your dick feel, dad. I wanted your control. Now, I know what we did was so wrong - this was my initiation."

The mechanic sat back, puzzled.

"Have I been a good boy?" the emo asked anxiously.

Mack chuckled and gently squeezed Yoshi's erection. Hearing the wave of pleasure wash over the emo, he said, "Honestly, it might've turned me on more than anything else. I might have cum right on the spot," he admitted, a smile finding its way to his lips.

Mack wasn't sure if sharing his secret would improve things or make them worse.

"I'm all yours," whispered the emo. "I guarantee I'll behave. I'll simply stay flat on my back. I won't utter a word." He paused momentarily. "You can regard me as a love doll."

Mack was on the verge of overflowing. His mind snapped back to his tax documents. He considered the various options for removing a depreciating asset. He couldn't see anything, but he knew the emo was waiting for him. He edged towards the sexual heat, bending forward. His hands felt Yoshi's silky legs, and silently, wordlessly, the swollen tip of his mammoth cock pressed against the emo's hungry cunt.

He entered the Asian child's famished pussy.

The Milky Way burst open above them as the mechanic pushed in centimeter after delicate, sensitive inch into the emo's lovely twat.

"Is this okay?" asked Mack.

The emo moaned. "Holy fuck, you're enormous."


"Don't apologize for what you've got, dad," said the emo. "I'm not grumbling."

The mechanic pushed his pelvis forwards.

"Ahh," moaned the emo. "Hell yeah." He closed his eyes, but since it was pitch-black, it didn't change anything. "Go slow," he said. "Make it last. Fuck me until the sun comes up."

"I won't be able to last that long," Mack stated, advancing slowly. "Your vagina is so tight and so warm."

"And your cock is ideal," Yoshi said. "I adore feeling you inside me, dad. Fck me viciously, but fck me slowly."

Something about the emo's words triggered the mechanic's nuclear button. The response chain started, and Mack's balls heated up. "I'm going to impregnate you, boy," he declared, just as his testicles spewed a pool of semen into the emo's juicy hole.

"F*ck, dad," stated the emo, "I can feel you. You're so warm," he said, as the mechanic filled his bowel with sticky seed.

Mack started to withdraw. "No, dad. Stay inside me," begged the emo, "stay inside me as long as you can. You feel so good."

Ultimately, the mechanic's massive shaft popped out. Sensuous pleasure quickly changed into cringe-worthy discomfort. Yoshi flipped over, embracing Mack's body with both arms. "Next time, I won't say a word at all."

They found each other's faces through the darkness and locked lips, tongues mashing together.

"What time is it, kid?"

The emo peered at his phone, bathing the tent in artificial light for the final time this night. "Four in the morning."

"F*ck," the mechanic said, "the sun will rise in a couple of hours. Let's doze off some more."

"That's a good plan."

They burrowed back into Mack's sleeping bag. It was a snug fit.

Yoshi wound his skinny arms around the mechanic's strong shoulders, and they slept through the chirping of the early morning birdlife, not disturbing anything until the sun awoke them.

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