Adult How To

Black Bull Episode 13: Obligations

Neil discovers the extent of his wife's descent.

May 2, 2024
31 min read
white wifeBlack Bull 13: Commitmentsslut wifesubmissionbbccuckoldblack bullhot wife
Black Bull 13: Commitments
Black Bull 13: Commitments

Black Bull Episode 13: Obligations

It was starting to get dark on a Sunday evening. Claire still hadn't returned home, and her phone was ringing as well. We had planned for her to get back earlier. She would usually be sitting at our kitchen table with her laptop, studying hard for her big client meeting that was coming up on Monday.

Monday was her biggest day of the week. She would show up there, sitting across from some extremely important clients, working relentlessly. It was a weighty responsibility. But she was still missing. I reviewed my recent messages - the last one was about her staying at her friend Samuel's overnight.

God, I couldn't stand this. I had to go check on her.

I put on some shoes and picked up my keys. Just as I was about to call an Uber, the front door burst open, causing me to leap back.

"Crap Claire! It's almost 5pm!" I started, then quickly stopped, expecting to see her safe and sound.

But that wasn't the case.

I instantly realized something was off. Her appearance was... different.

"Are you all right, baby?" I inquired, now thoroughly concerned.

My wife managed to give me a small, tired smile as she entered the room. It was such a shame how awful she looked. It appeared that someone had attacked her at some point, as there were painful looking bruises circling her wrists. Her wavy hair was in a sloppy ponytail, with strands dangling around her face, decorated with blotches of makeup. Her face had lost much of its charm due to smudged eye makeup. She reached up to hang her coat, her torn blue panties now slightly exposed thanks to this careless act.

She groaned in a way that sounded like utter exhaustion just from posing for me.

"I'm really tired, dear." Again, she looked determined to proceed upstairs.

"Hold on," I said, grabbing onto her waist and having her turn to face me. "See what's going on here! What is this?"

Claire narrowed her eyes. "Don't call him a 'bull', goddammit!"

"Fine," I muttered, letting go.

"Well, I'm his... well, I'm his... um, his partner."

I couldn't believe it.

We locked eyes, waiting for her to continue. "So I guess technically, you could say that I'm his... his whore, or whatever." I recalled, shocked.

Claire rolled her eyes, heading up the stairs as we stood with the front door gaping open behind her.

"What the hell have we gotten into?" I muttered, dumbfounded.


**** Monday morning

She came out of the bathroom wrapped in a large white towel. "More coffee, please, dear?" Claire said.

Regaining my composure, I handed her a steaming mug of coffee, then took a seat at the kitchen table. We were in a light conversation during breakfast.

"Did you enjoy your stay at Samuel's?" I inquired.

Claire put on an amiable smile, patting me on the head like I was a child. "You can sleep well today, honey. You were snoring loudly," she said with a good-natured laugh.

"It was a tough day. The meeting was just brutal," she sighed, struggling to find the right words.

The front door rang, ending our courtship.

"I'm going to the office now," she said.

"One more thing," she all of a sudden exclaimed. "Your generous financing of Samuel's and my relationship has been taken very kindly. I've got a video for you. Hurry up and watch."

She quickly left for the office.

I looked down at my phone, pretending to be engrossed. However, I kept stealing glances at the time. My phone buzzed, and I checked it hurriedly.

"The code is 777afternoon," she had texted me.

I double checked, then tapped the code into my phone, unlocking the dark and seedy web content I needed.


**** Monday evening

I planned on changing careers. It wasn't because I disliked my current job; the annoying work consisted of handling some paperwork, yet my mind was only thinking about the material that had arrived today.

I couldn't stop thinking about the clips they sent me - watching my wife - my wife? - having sex with this Akinyemi. It was disgusting.

I was looking for a job that paid well, not because I didn't like work, but because my wife wouldn't give up her 'Master.' I was paying a hell of a lot, sending two thousand pounds her way each month.

Claire and I had a good working relationship.

"You didn't have to pay for us," she reassured me. "I could have easily funded my own affair."

"It doesn't bother me," I mutter to myself. Fixating on her choice, the amount of money I hand over to him. "But it keeps me wondering if he demands violence."

My mind was clouded. No matter how hard I cast my thoughts in other directions, there was only one string that my horse was tied to -- the videos I received - my wife with Mr. Akinyemi.

There must be an explanation, I wanted to think. I just can't stop the thoughts.

  • A cheating wife who is creating an affair to an external man
  • A husband that is a cuckold
  • A partner who is being paid
  • An affair with a 'Master'
  • A woman with bruises on her wrists
  • The wife's panties are showing
  • A husband that is reconsidering his jobs due to his wife's infidelity

My phone started buzzing. My dick stirred immediately, like a well-trained puppy waiting for his master's command. I tapped the screen to see the message - obviously from Claire.

"Dear cuckold," she wrote, evoking the same uncomfortable, yet thrilling, feeling in my stomach as I read. "My master has made some videos over the weekend. The first one is called 'Claire and Samantha - Turning Other Men's Wives into Trained Sluts.' "

"Holy shit!" I blurted out, feeling my dick throbbing relentlessly just from the thought of their perverse activities. The next message popped up a moment later.

"But unless you obey, you can't watch them. You must show your dedication."

The bizarre request left my head spinning. How much would my obedience cost? A thousand? Ten thousand? A valuable piece of jewelry?

"You must send a link to the first video he made - it's on Pornhub - to a female friend we both know. Tell her that you're paying my master to fuck me and include a link to his website," she stated with a simple certainty.

I held my phone, stunned. It had only been a short time ago when my sensible career woman of a wife told me, "No Cloud." Now, she was asking me to share intimate details with someone we both knew. Her rationality seemed to have vanished.

"I know what you're going to argue," she said calmly over the phone, her voice low enough to avoid eavesdropping. "This is what my master wants me to do. If you want to view the videos, this is what you need to do."

I could sense the fear in her tone, the intensity of her demand. A mixture of disgust, rage, and panic flooded through me.

"This is silly!" I shouted, unable to contain my emotions. 'What is this, some twisted fantasy?'

"This is what my master " "she emphasized the word - "wants me to do. If you want to see, you'll do as you're told."

Her voice was cool, unwavering, impossible to ignore.

"I have a meeting in 30 minutes. If you don't let me know if you've obeyed, I'll pack my bags when I return home."

She ended the call abruptly.

My heart raced. Did she really mean it? Was she so far gone that she'd send us both into obscurity? There'd be consequences - serious consequences - if I followed her orders. What would happen to our friendships? Our lives?

"Thirty minutes!" I spat out, picking up my phone again. I couldn't send that message. I would resist. If she wanted to leave, then I'd face that bridge when the time came. But ruin both our lives over this? No way.

"No way!" I yelled, typing out the message. "How could you, Claire? You'll ruin your career! You'll ruin your life! Claire, please have a moment's sanity. I love you."

I slammed my phone down. I was drenched in sweat.

Now, I know the truth. It was his plan all along. He wanted to arouse me, to push me over the edge. Claire had never intended to leave me.

I played the video. The camera focused on a smartphone screen. It was held in a vertical position, filming from near the entryway, providing a clear view of the other room.

Atop the furniture sat Claire's head, facing the door. She wore a relaxed expression.

In the center of the frame, standing tall and completely naked, was the bull. Samantha, wrapped in a white towel, knelt on the floor. Her hair was gathered into a ponytail with Samuel grasping the end.

I clicked on the video but it didn't play. He must've sent me the photo as a warning. Am I merely an obedient puppet? Will the consequences push me to act against my better judgment? I must weigh the risks.

She's shown me how to submit. How far am I prepared to go to please her? How far am I prepared to go to serve her bull? I only know one way to find out.

Watch your wife, watch as I manipulate Samantha's lips. Watch as I utilize her attractive little face. Are you gazing at Claire?

He raised his gaze, a tense grin on his face, directing his attention entirely to my spouse. He used Samantha's follicles as a grip as he boisterously stuffed her face, the wet smacking noises clearly audible.

"Yes, sir, I'm watching. Fuck, she seems attractive with your extensive penis in her marital throat!"

"I anticipate all my girls to welcome me this manner. On their knees, palms behind their backs. Do you desire to pleasure me, Claire?"

He arched slightly before Claire had an opportunity to answer, the kneeling woman enthusiastically moaning as she hit the right spot.

"Fuck yes!" he yelled, turning his attention to Samantha, "You're my beloved little girl to meld my cock into, correct, Samantha?"

I noticed my wife react. I knew how intensely competitive she could be. I could envision she would not be particularly pleased, hearing she was not the preferred one.

Samuel dislodged the woman off his dick, a wet slurp-pop noise materializing from her as his penis shone with her saliva. She looked up at the man controlling her hair.

"I adore you, sir!" she yelled, an urgent edge in her voice.

Her bull beamed, then thrust his enlarging penis back into her waiting mouth, the woman emitting a muffled gargling noise.

"Yes, sir!" screamed Claire, clearly intent on not being overshadowed, "I live to satisfy you!"

Samuel smiled victoriously, regarding the camera.

"Excellent Claire. Now come to me here."

I gasped as my wife tossed a huge black dildo over her shoulder and got to her feet. She'd certainly been fucking herself with the contraption as she viewed another wedded lady being subjected.

She stood up, now evidently in the shot, her small black skirt lifted over her hips and walked towards Joseph.

"Lower yourself to your knees Claire. Lower yourself to your knees and lick my anus whilst I fuck Samantha's face."

I was stunned at what I was witnessing. My wife, my firm-willed, strong-willed wife, instantly got down on her knees behind her master. She wasn't noticeable in the shot anymore, but Joseph's face told the story. His eyes expanded for a second, then he relaxed, grinning directly at the camera.

"Nice young lady," he grunted, "get your tongue in there."

I watched, captivated, as the big man built up a head of steam, the foul wet smacking noises now coming from both women. He tensed his eyes shut for a second, Claire's rimming evidently doing its function, and held Samantha's head tight in both hands.

"Fuck!" he bellowed, "Fuck yes!"

He looked down at Samantha, the woman now slamming on his massive penis.

"Keep that in your mouth, Samantha! Retain my fertile cock slime in your wedded slut mouth!"

He pulled himself out of the woman, reaching behind him with one hand. He looked down and behind him, a mischievous grin on his face, and dragged Claire, by her hair, round in front of him. She scurried on her knees to shuffle around, a dazed expression on her face, her cosmetics now smeared all over her complexion.

Both women were kneeling before him, looking up at their master. Samantha had her head propped on her knees, trying to keep her mouthful in.

Joseph smirked. He gazed down at his two prostitutes, informing them, "Samantha, feed Claire my seed."

The dark-haired lass climbed higher on her knees, rising from off of her calves. As she turned to face Claire, I could observe what a mess Joseph had made of her, some of her hair slipped from her ponytail, matted against her face.

Claire merely sat back down atop her calves, leaning back, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue. Samantha sank back over her, and opened her cum-brimming mouth. Instantly, a sticky stream began to cascade from her, a long gooey rope of their master's seed momentarily connecting the two women.

"Holy fuck!" I exclaimed, promptly ejaculating a gush of my own. I couldn't believe just how much the large man had ejaculated, my wife appearantly struggling with the sheer amount of glutinous liquid.

"Bravo, ladies," the smirked Joseph, stroking their heads.

"Now look at the camera, Claire."

She did as instructed, rotating around on her knees to face the camera.

"Now swallow," he instructed.

I watched, astounded, as my wife amorally - and supposedly with great gusto - swallowed down her master's sticky semen.

* Monday night

I was weary. I'd viewed and replayed the film of my wife rimming her 'master' - even I now regarded him with that moniker - and then ingesting his semen. It was merely so effing hot, observing my wife - otherwise so authoritative, so in command - fully submitting to the man's every aspiration.

I'd whack off several times myself, nevertheless, I was now simply reclined in my gadget, endeavoring to ponder what to do. I knew what was going to be required of me...

My spouse texted me again just a short while back, letting me know that she was on her way to Samuel's place after work and that I should go too. I figured I'd need to find a cheaper kind of transportation than Ubers, I pondered.

"Damn, what choice do I have?" I murmured, heading to the restroom to spruce myself up. I already knew what would happen at Samuel's.

The young Irish receptionist didn't even lift her head. She carried on typing and simply said, "Mr Akinyemi is aware of your arrival - you can go straight up."

I attempted to ignore her smirk.

"Come in, Neil!" I heard the shout from inside as I pressed the buzzer, "The door is open!"

I shoved the heavy door and winced as the low autumn sun shone in through the glass panels. I almost tripped as I heard the door close behind me, blinking rapidly to try to get the sunspots to fade away.

As my eyes adjusted, I could make out the huge figure of Samuel, the man lounging on the large sofa, as if he were the ruler of the world.

I gasped as the rest of the scene came into focus, my vision returning, revealing the reason behind Samuel's smug look.

Sitting, no, kneeling to Samuel's left was Claire. She was facing the door, looking directly at me, a lovely smile on her face. She was completely naked, the large alligator clamps we'd used before biting her nipples, the chain hanging down to her stomach. Her hands were tied behind her back. What truly surprised me was what else she was wearing. Around her neck was a thick black leather collar, a large gold ring dangling from the middle. Connected to the ring was a length of rope, Samuel holding the other end. My wife was just a dog on a leash.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed, emotions coursing through me: annoyance, lust, longing. I'd watched - paid! - this man to conduct things to my wife, to 'train' her, to provide her with the sensations I knew deep down I could not. But now, in this moment, the utter submission of my wife presented before me, my desire was finally overpowered by something else. I felt something crack inside me.

I moved to step forward, no, to jump at Samuel, my stomach a whirlpool of anger. But my wife merely looked at me, her eyes wide, and softly said 'no'.

I froze. I wanted to hit Samuel, but my body wouldn't listen to my mind. I was paralyzed, pinned in place.

Samuel let out a long, slow chuckle, his head back, eyes shut. When he lowered his head again to look at me, any semblance of hospitable, of amiability was gone. I could feel myself shrink before them both.

"Neil," he began, his voice low, stable, "I'm glad you could join us. Claire tells me you're struggling with the next step, sending a video to a female colleague of yours both."

"I... Claire, Jesus Christ Claire, what are you doing!? I understand he's your 'master', but..." I ceased, unable to think of anything to say.

Claire gazed directly into my eyes.

"May I speak, master?" she said.

"Tell your small husband Claire. Inform him what he must do."

"Neil, I told you I love you. And I do. I always will. But I also told you I was my master's whore." - the word suddenly stabbed at me; I felt myself physically move back - "I belong to him. He owns me. I can't go back baby, I can't go back to how it was before."


My head was spinning, my sight seeming to swirl before me as I heard the firmness in my wife's voice.

"Neil," smiled Samuel, "your wife is not only mine, mine to do as I please, but she's also madly in love with me."

I looked at Claire, her face telling me everything I needed to know about the authenticity of that dreadful declaration. I felt as though I'd been hit by a car.

"Hey, Neil," Samuel chuckled, "It usually takes me more than just a weekend to claim a woman, to possess her. But this little Claire here" - he tugged slightly on her leash, making her head jerk back with a small startled yelp - "didn't need any additional time. She offered herself up to me almost instantly."

"So you have a decision to make, Neil. Claire, explain this to your husband."

"Babe, you need to do what you're told. You have to share that link. With Kate. And you have to tell her about our activities."

"Neil," Samuel said, displaying a hint of empathy, the cruelty fading from his face, "You need to understand, this isn't a punishment" - it sure seemed like it - "This is a test. A test of your commitment to your wife's new life. You love your wife, right?" he asked, his eyebrows arched.

"Absolutely I do!" I retorted.

"Well, this is what you must do. But first, you're allowed one final moment of intimacy with your wife here." - he released the rope he was holding Claire by - "I'll allow her to blow you."

Despite myself, my dick sprang to its full size at the thought of my wife pleasing me, an uneasy blend of lust and sorrow coursing through me.

"But after that, you must send a message to this other woman."

Claire was already shuffling forward on her knees, pleading with her eyes, asking me to obey, to surrender.

"Yes," I said, bowing my head, "I understand."

Claire moved toward me, looking up and opened her mouth.

"Ahh!" she moaned.

"Fuck!" I yelled, unzipping my fly, my dick springing out over my pants. I understood why my wife hadn't done it herself - her hands were cuffed behind her back.

Claire took my entire length into her warm mouth, her eyes always locked on me. She hardly even flinched, my entire cock inside her, her nose touching my stomach.

I arched my head back, moaning, as I felt my wife's tongue slid flat against my shaft, lovingly caressing it.

Samuel smiled over at me, "You'll have to agree, Neil, your wife has become very skilled at giving head in the brief time I've been training her."

"Fuck!" I cried out again, my wife's newfound abilities overwhelming me, unable to hold off my orgasm. My hips bucked as I felt my balls contract, expelling my cum into my wife's awaiting mouth.

I trembled, looking down to see Claire pull her head back off me, her mouth open wide, her tongue covered in my semen. She moaned softly and closed her mouth, swallowing. It was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen.

"Return to me, Claire," Samuel's voice boomed, "Come back here, Claire!"

I felt my heart sink as I saw how my wife would do whatever her master commanded.

Samuel stood up from the couch, his trousers falling to his hips. I heard my wife emit a contented squeal as the towering figure's massive cock stood erect.

"Now, Neil," Samuel said, pulling the rope from Claire's collar, "You're going to type out that message while I fuck your wife's pretty little face. Come here, Claire!"

He yanked on the leash, drawing Claire's head up to his dick. She opened her mouth wide, accepting his shaft as he pushed her onto him. She gagged loudly but continued to suck willingly.

I could only stare, transfixed, as Samuel, holding Claire's leash, began to literally fuck her mouth. The tenderness, the care I'd seen from Samuel was replaced by a blatant disregard for what Claire wanted. He was simply using her, thrusting his dick against the back of her throat, holding himself there as she gagged.

"Neil!" Samuel shouted impatiently, pulling Claire off him, only to force himself back into her, "Obey!"

I reached into my pocket, taking out my phone. I attempted to look at it, but I couldn't avert my gaze from my wife's degradation.

"Turn around, Neil," Samuel commanded, "Type away."

I did as I was instructed, my hands shaking as I typed out the embarrassing message. I could hear Samuel's grunts louder now, drowning out the revolting noises of my wife struggling against her master's cock.

"When you're finished, Neil. But don't hit send."

"I'm done," I whispered, struggling not to turn around and peek.

I quickly turned around when I heard the sound of Samuel instinctively pulling his thick, cum-covered penis away from my wife's mouth. Claire was gasping for air while the man held her head firmly with one hand, tugging on her hair. From the corner of my eye, I could see him grunting, spewing his sperm all over her admiring face.

"Oh, fuck yes! Share a photo of this with Neil!" Samuel yelled as he tugged on Claire's hair tighter, forcing her to lean back and look at the ceiling.

Stepping closer, I found myself standing directly behind my wife. She was in a pitiful state, her face covered in tears and heavy strings of cum from her bull. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture as Samuel held her still.

"I love you, Master!" she gasped, looking straight into the lens of the camera.

"Send the message, Neil. And leave now!" Samuel ordered.

I hit send and made my way outside, but not before noticing the same cab driver as before waiting nearby.

"Evening, sir," the cheerful driver greeted me. "So your lady didn't join us?"

"No, she didn't," I replied, hoping he would understand and leave me alone.

"Ah, well, if she's still upset with you," the driver said, "you know what they say. You just gotta woo her a bit more."

My mind raced at the inappropriate comment, worried about the crowded tourists near the vehicle.

"What?" I responded flatly.

The driver didn't seem bothered by my response.

"Well, always say that you need to romance 'em if they're still mad at you."

Thinking my best way out was by ignoring him, I focused my attention on the road.

My phone buzzed with a message. I hoped it was from Claire, not Kate. Instead, it was a harsh message from the latter.

"Neil, fuck! What's going on here? What the hell is this? You're messed up! I never want to speak to you again!"

I sighed in relief, knowing Kate would likely not intrude on me tonight. But there was another message from Claire.

"Baby, I'll be back later tonight when Master is finished. Until then, try to enjoy your time by yourself. Here's the code for the next video. It's called 'From Professional Woman to Professional Whore'. Enjoy! All my love, Your Master's Slut"

"Can you avoid the traffic? I have an important meeting to attend," I requested, leaning forward, trying to hide my erection.

The driver adhered to my request and we made our way out of the apartment complex. My pulse quickened as I opened the clip labelled 'Claire - From Professional Woman to Professional Whore'. In the beginning, there was no one in the frame, just the phone positioned above the sofa, facing the doorway.

Suddenly, Samuel strolled in from the left, smiling at the camera as he entered. He was dressed casual, wearing a sweatshirt and tracksuit pants.

"Come here Claire!" he called from his right.

Claire approached, wearing the black dress she'd bought with the hip-slitting slit. She paused by Samuel's side, faced away from the camera, looking up at him. His colossal grin soon turned into a grimace.

"You're mine now, Claire, yes?" he enquired.

"Yes, Master," she answered gleefully.

"Will you do whatever I say?" he asked, a hint of underlying malevolence in his tone.

She paused before responding. "Yes... I think I understand..."

A sense of dread washed over me at his words. I knew exactly where this was going. The look of confusion and alarm on my wife's face confirmed my worst fears.

"Samuel, what do you mean?" I heard Claire stammer.

"We're going to go see a man, I owe him money," he explained. "I don't want to pay him in money. Do you follow?" he added as Claire seemed lost for words.

I felt a sinking sensation in my gut, suspecting the implication of Samuel's words. When Claire had said she would give herself to him, I understood the impact these two days had on her. Knowing it was Samuel's wish to exploit her, I felt the stirrings of anger and disgust mixing into a muddled emotional stew. My cock betrayed me, thickening and hardening in anticipation of what was to come.

"But Claire," he continued, "remember that you're only doing this because it's my wish. Although you're still free to leave whenever you like... I won't insist..."

My heart was pounding as my brain screamed against the actions on my behalf. But I found myself unable to look away. "Claire, what did you mean when you said you're his whore?" it dawned on me, "two days ago was when this happened?"

The video started to play and my mind tried to let go of the reality of the situation. I tried to focus on the action ahead.

"We're going to visit this man, and you're going to settle my debt."

Her astonished eyes met mine before Samuel addressed the camera. "And you're going to do it for me. Do you comprehend, Claire?"

I observed them, crossing my fingers behind my back as I hoped for some form of intervention. Praying that she would comprehend the insanity of the situation, she would quickly bring it to a halt.

She gazed into her master's eyes, flashing a joyful smile.

"I'll do whatever you want, master. I'm yours."

His big hand reached out, tenderly cupping Claire's chin, tilting her face up towards him. I noticed my wife shudder slightly.

"Let's go get you ready."

The screen went black.

The video returned, granted from the back of a car, likely filmed on a phone. It could only be Samuel holding it, as he moved the handheld device from facing the back seat to the individual seated beside him.

I gasped, witnessing my wife. Dressed in a black dress, she also rocked a collar with a leather leash connected to her base. Worse, she had a ball gag in her mouth and her hands behind her back, a gleam of faint light reflecting off the metal cuffs. Claire gazed at Samuel as her face hinted at her fear, her eyes widened.

"Do you trust me, Claire?" Samuel's voice emanated. She didn't respond.

"Hah!" he cackled, "I might have guessed it? But you'll obey my commands?"

There was no indecision this time. Claire nodded energetically.

"Good girl."

The vehicle slowed, the driver turned her head towards Samuel. It dawned on me that this was the office receptionist of Samuel's workplace. Her grinning countenance focused on Claire.

"We're here, Mr. Akinyemi sir."

The phone rotated to Samuel's right, his hand lightly unlatching the door, ultimately cutting to darkness.

The video rebooted, Samuel still presumed to be holding the phone. In front of him was Claire, trembling in the chilly night. Facing away, it looked like they were strolling a devastated walkway in an abandoned tower block. The gaping sky was visible on the left of the shot, beyond the low brick wall. Elizabeth was out of place with her small black dress, a stark contrast to the drab habitat, as if she'd wandered out of a cocktail party and veered wrongly into the wrong side of town.

Elizabeth seemed frightened, her dressed apparel clashing with the tawdry environment.

Samuel approached from the front, circling her back, and rapped. The door creaked open. A large waft of smoke quickly exited, and thumping bass emanated from within.

In the entranceway loomed a beast. The man likely stood a mere six feet, but he presented himself prominently due to his huge physical stature. The man donned a shabby looking gray tracksuit, his muscular chest protruding even in the baggy garments. Intricately detailed tattoos adorned his frame, and a huge cigar clung from his lips. I inhaled sharply, involuntarily, as this man came clearer into focus.

This man was unbelievably dark-skinned, almost ink-black. As he approached Claire, focused on her every inch, he exuded a menacing menace.

"What have you brought for me, Sammie?"

He mused, reaching a colossal hand out to cup Claire's chin. Elizabeth backed up from the behemoth, her anxiety palpable as she released a muffled whimper.

"This is Claire, Zeek. She's here to settle my debt to you."

Zeek grinned viciously, his grimace stretching from one cheek to the other. He turned Claire's head, examining her frontally. As he let go, she shuffled back instinctively.

"That so?" chuckled Zeek, "You'll need some relatively serious frolicking if you hope to pay off your debt."

Claire let out a whimper. Zeek simply chuckled, considering Elizabeth up and down, clearly enjoying her unease.

"You have no reason to be frightened of Zeek. Except if you know how to act like a good whore, Claire."

"I can confirm, Zeek. Claire is exceptionally proficient at satisfying a gentleman."

The camera switched focus, displaying Zeek's face and providing a clearer perspective. I estimated this man to be in his thirties. He simply exuded viciousness. His nose was lengthy and bulbous, and a vertical scar crossed his cheek, resembling a gash from a bladed implement.

What's the timeframe for her? he questioned while puffing on his thick cigar. He blew the smoke directly towards Claire, tickling her gagging process as she coughs.

"All night," responded Samuel, "she must return to her husband by the end of tomorrow."

"So, this shorty negro girl has a well-to-do white guy hubby?" chuckled Zeek.

"And he's paying me just for training his wife here."

This drew a deep laughter from Zeek. "You know how to manipulate these white people, Sam.

"Which implies-" began Samuel.

"Nothing to worry about," Zeke smirked, "we're going to record everything this woman has to offer."

Zeek reached out, grabbing the neck lead connected to Claire's collar, tugging her almost to the point of her falling over.

"Bear in mind, Zeke," Samuel reminded before they left the room, "Claire is my whore, but she wants to do this. For me. She may leave whenever she chooses, if she wants."

Zeek tugged her inside with him. As he moved to close the door, his eyes revealed an evil grin.

"See you again tomorrow, Sam."

The door slammed, ending the video recording.

"Now, kneel little skank." I could make out that the phone filming was in Zeek's hands, focusing on Claire. She's standing in the center of a modest-sized, smoky room with beige walls, displaying a few posters. There's also a large TV on a stand, the only other noticeable furniture in the sparse room.

Then the camera swung to the right and highlighted two other men. Wearing similar attire as Zeek - tracksuits and trainers - they sit on a used-looking sofa.

"This is Asho," said the unheard voice, Asho holding up a hand to introduce himself, "and here's Tiny."

Tiny was far from that. I thought Zeek was large, but this man seemed to consume Zeek's size. He appeared somewhat overweight but immensely bulky otherwise, each man's skin almost carbon black alike.

Lust shining in her eyes, Claire was terror-stricken as the large men regarded her.

"You heard right, Asho," said Zeek, "this girl is ours for the night, that's the arrangement."

"Perfect," confirmed Asho. "And I, for one, plan to take full advantage of this."

Tiny stood up from the sofa and walked directly towards Claire, towering over her. Her head barely reached Tiny's mid-chest, his muscular physique dwarfing her. Claire was staring up at him, moaning softly through her mouth gag, her back slightly bowed.

Tiny beamed, maliciously. He reached for the front of Claire's dress, tearing it. Her garment parted and Claire let out a shocked cry, her dress shredded apart. Her small breasts were now fully exposed. Tiny fondled her nipples, extracting gasps in return.

"You have small titties, girl, but they'll do for now."

Tiny let go of her nipples and going behind her head, he removed the gag. Claire's mouth released the gag, secreted saliva dripping from it.

"Understand," Tiny told her, "if I remove this, you'll remain quiet. You only speak if spoken to."

She nodded.

Tiny removed the gag, letting out a small moan from Claire's lips as the gag came off.

"Do you realize you can leave anytime you want?" he stated, confident he knew what her following response would be, "As soon as you say the word, Sammie will be sent back here to retrieve you."

She nodded again.

"Fine." Tiny's face changed, morphing from a sarcastic grin to a snarl. He raised his hand, inches from Claire's cheek, ready to slap her. She tilted her head to dodge the slap and gave a startled cry.

"Incorrect information, bitch. Your name is 'little skank' and your job is sucking dick. Get it right?"

He grinned again, "Let's try one more time. What's your name and what is your job?"

"I'm little skank," whispered Claire, "and I suck dick."

Tiny scowled, extending his large hand towards Claire's neck. "You refer to all of us as 'Black Daddy.' Now try again, and show some enthusiasm."

Asho was still in sight, his hand covering his mouth while he chuckled. He clearly found the whole situation quite amusing.

"My name..." Claire shrieked, looking up at the burly man holding her throat, " little slut. And I live to suck Black Daddies' cocks!"

Tiny smirked. "That's more like it! Now, let me explain our dilemma. You see, little slut, we all have a problem. Our dicks... none of us have had white girls' holes in quite some time. Will you help us out, little slut?"

Tiny paused, smirking as he watched Claire's shocked expression at his giant member.

"I...I...yes Black Daddy. This little slut will help you out."

My wife stared in awe, just starring at Tiny's massive member. She licked her lips.

"Great girl," Tiny chuckled, "now get on your knees and demonstrate your talents."

I watched in horror and arousal as my wife awkwardly got down on her knees in front of the large man. Her eyes never once left his cock.

"Come here little slut," Tiny snarled, gripping his rapidly growing cock with one hand while roughly grabbing a clump of Claire's blonde hair with the other. She let out a tiny squeak, but that was quickly replaced by a more guttural sound.

I thought back to the time Samuel had forced himself onto Samantha. Compared to Tiny, he was like a gentleman. The man simply shoved his immense member into my wife's mouth, all nine or so inches vanishing inside her. He pulled her by her hair, forcing her onto him until she had her nose pressed against his stomach, her throat expanding to accommodate the intruder.

Tiny chuckled, looking over at filming Zeek as Claire suddenly began bucking, no longer able to breathe.

"Shit man, this whore's throat is tight!"

Tiny paused, a satisfied smirk on his face, as he watched the struggling woman being impaled beneath him. "That's right, little slut. You like having your whore throat filled, don't you?"

Claire managed a short nod before she gagged, her body arching back and forth, her heeled feet kicking the ground.

"Yo Tiny," said Zeek, "give her a break - I believe she's turning blue!"

Tiny held Claire in place for a moment longer than necessary before he was satisfied, a continuous wet moaning sound emanating from the degraded woman. He pulled her off him roughly, and Claire gasped in pained breaths as ropes of saliva dribbled from her mouth.

Tiny looked down on Claire, pulling her hair back so she was looking up at him, tears streaking her face.

"You did well, little slut. I can tell you enjoy this, don't you?"

"Yes Black Daddy!" she croaked, still panting, "This little slut loves having her face fucked!"

Asho laughed, "Damn, I think we might have ourselves a real slut here! Yo, make room for me, T; I want to skull-fuck the whore!"

Tiny moved over slightly, relighting the joint Asho offered him.

Asho stepped in front of Claire, his trousers pulled down to reveal a cock that was smaller than Tiny's but fatter. He looked down on the terrified woman, her face transfixed on Asho's dick.

"Tiny's nice and polite with his women," Asho joked, eliciting an unidentifiable noise from behind the camera, "but me... I like to completely control a white bitch."

His small talk complete, Asho grabbed my wife's head, one hand on each side of her face, before roughly thrusting it onto his shaft. He didn't gently slide his dick in - he slammed it deep into her mouth, Claire constantly gagging and moaning as she was merely a hole for him to fuck.

He occasionally pulled her off, allowing her a few fleeting seconds to breathe before continuing with her degradation.

Within a few moments, Asho was close to cumming, the muscle in his neck pulsing. He pulled my wife's dripping, tear-streaked face off him, forcibly holding her head back, and screamed at her, "Swallow my cum, you little whore!"

Claire glued her tongue to the roof of her mouth and moaned as Asho erupted all over her. She made a jump as the first shot hit her face, moaning as he continued to release his load onto her.

[personal experience]I've seen a lot over my time in the sex industry, but witnessing my wife's mouth being filled with Asho's uncontrolled explosion was nothing short of amazing. I still get special feelings every time I think about her on her knees, being ravaged by Tiny and Asho, begging to be used by their massive cocks.

I couldn't believe the sheer amount of semen the man produced, huge blobs of it spraying across my wife's face, into her mouth, and even into her hair.

Satisfied, the man then held my wife's head and used it like a towel, wiping his penis on her face while she moaned.

He sighed, collapsed back onto the sofa, "Haven't fucked a pretty little face like this in a while," he yelled, giving Tiny a high five.

"Look at the camera, little girl," commanded Zeek.

My wife turned her head to face the camera, her face a mess of cum and sticky strands. She had cum smeared all over her, long strands of semen and drool hanging from her mouth, covering her neck, and dripping onto her exposed breasts.

"Smile for your husband, baby girl!" he yelled, my wife attempting a messy grin.

"Now then," announced Zeek, standing up from where he had been sitting, "it's my turn with you, little girl."

My wife opened her mouth wide, her tongue hanging out, covered in cum, and managed a broken, "ahhh!".

I wanted to click to stop the video, I didn't want to watch anymore. As much as I was turned on, I was just as horrified. Zeek had been particularly rough with her, occasionally slapping her face with his cock, making her beg him to continue degrading her.

He finished by showering her face in his semen, my wife's hair now matted, her makeup ruined, covered in cum.

Still unsure, I continued watching.

The camera was now resting on the chair Zeek had been sitting on, allowing better viewing of the room. It was a grungy, dark space where these men could continue their entertainment.

Zeek now had Claire's face buried in his backside, my wife making slurping sounds as she tongued his anus, seemingly loving her own humiliation.

"Fuck yeah," Zeek yelled, holding Claire's head to push her deeper into him, "you get in there nice and deep, you little slut!"

"Hey," shouted Tiny, getting off the sofa, "let's make this whore airtight!"

I saw my wife, her face buried in another man's backside, shuddering.

"Ooo!" shouted Zeek, noticing that Claire's movements allowed deeper access, the man's eyes scrunching tight, "I think this little slut likes the idea of that!"

He removed my wife's face from his anus, turning around to face her, his face showcasing a wicked grin.

"You know what 'airtight' means, girl?"

Claire simply nodded.

"Tell me then, tell your Black Daddies what we're going to do to you!"

My wife made a moan, a mix of fear and desire evident. She stared at Zeek's face.

"My Black Daddies are going to fill all your holes. This little whore will have her mouth, pussy, and tight married ass stuffed with your enormous cocks."

The uncontainable excitement in her voice surprised me. She was clearly terrified, but so aroused that she was willingly offering her body to these men.

"Fucking A!" shouted Asho, standing up from the floor, his face seemed to be filled with delight at having solved a difficult equation.

"Dibs on the little whore's pussy!"

He tugged his tracksuit down, his penis already fully erect.

"You gotta lie down, man. You sit like that and you'll get your shit fucked by T!"

Tiny looked at Zeek, his face resembling someone being told they had to put their toys away.

"Fine, fine. But I want to fuck her ass after you! I haven't fucked a married white bitch in the ass in a long time."

He sat back down on the sofa, his pants around his ankles.

"Fuck T, I don't want to see that!" exclaimed Asho, his head raising from the floor, Tiny's massive member intimidating.

Tiny chuckled. "Then move your ass closer to the table."

As Asho shifted closer, away from the sofa, I was focusing on my wife. I could see her nipples fully erect, a thick strand of semen dangling from one. She was wiggling on her knees, crawling to Asho's side, her face exuding arousal, her eyes wide, her breaths short and shallow.

"Please fuck me hard Black Daddies," she cried, "Please fill my little holes with your incredible cocks!"

She was looking at Tiny, her eyes wide, biting her bottom lip, dropping her head to appear more sexually inviting.

"Wow, Z, it seems we've got quite a ski bunny in front of us!" chuckled the man.Zeek, standing directly behind Claire, grabbed her hair tightly and pulled her head back, making her look up at him.

"Yeah, that little slut for you?" he demanded.

"Oh my God, yes, Black Daddy! This tiny bunny is your good little slut!" she exclaimed.

"Good girl," Zeek replied.

He lifted Claire up by her armpits and carried her over to Asho, making the latter smile and hold his thick dick in his hands. Zeek didn't put her down, instead carrying her over Asho, whose pussy Claire's wet pussy was nestled just above.

"Let's sit you on Asho's fat cock over there!"

He didn't let go of Claire but moved her over Asho, who welcomed her with an eager smile. Zeek didn't release his grip on her, instead lowering her down onto Asho's cock.

"Aaaah! Fuck! I'm being impaled!" she cried out, her toes on the ground, trying to keep herself off the bed entirely.

Undeterred, Zeek pushed her down further onto him.

"Ah! Fuck! You're splitting me in half, Black Daddy!" yelled Asho as he pulled Claire's hips down, his expression tense.

He began thrusting hard into her, each push pushing himself deeper into her. Claire screamed in a rusty voice, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"

"Alright, Zeek, let's have this bitch's ass," Asho declared, who was kneeling down between Asho' legs.

He pulled out of Claire then slapped his cock onto her still open anus. He held her hair tightly and pushed his cock into her.

"Beg me, whore! Ask to be taken in the ass!"

Claire wasted no time, "Please, Black Daddy, please fuck me in the ass!"

He made sure he held her hair and looked down at her before he pushed in, "Keep your gaze on me, slut! I wanna see you in agony!"

Finding the right angle, he pushed in with a jerk, his head and the first inch of his dick stretching her anus.

"Aaaah! Fuck! Oh my God! You're so huge!" she cried out, staring up at Zeek' turn to look down on her and said, "Has your husband ever used your ass, bunny?"

"No, Black Daddy, never! Only you and…" her gaze flickered down at the sticky cum dripping from her face, realizing he wanted more, and pushed another inch into her stretched hole.

"Good. You make sure you never let him have your ass, not unless I allow it," he ordered.

"Yes, Black Daddy, no husband allowed in me unless you let him," she cried out as she refocused on Zeek's face.

"Hold on, I've got to see your face as I take your ass!"

He found what he was looking for and pressed hard, his head and the first inch of the rod stretching her anus.

"Aaaah! Fuck! You're so fucking big!" she cried out as her hands reached back to push her hips back onto him.

Zeek paused, "Your hubby never fucked you in the ass, did he? Only you and me?" he enquired, looking down at her face.

She nodded, "No, Black Daddy, only you and…" his gaze dropped to her face, and she continued, "...and you, Black Daddy."

He grunted and pulled her hips down harder, causing her to thrust her head back.

Tiny was excited, "Let her go, Z, let me have my turn!" he shouted, reaching out and grabbing Claire's collar, pulling her towards his leaking cock.

"Bitch, you're gonna be a whore now, you hear me?" he sneered before slamming his dick into her face.

Claire screamed out in pain as they all picked up in tempo. Zeek groaned, "Alright, we're all dumping our loads soon... get ready to crush her insides with our cum, on the count of three!"

I had a raging hard-on while I masturbated, sinister thoughts in my mind urging me to match my orgasm with the thugs'.


In the top right corner, the smartphone cautioned a 'Low Battery'.

"One!" yelled Tiny, all three dudes writhing inside the struggling blonde, my partner vocalizing her pleasure through screams while experiencing another large orgasm.

"Two!" groaned Zeek, mouth open as he wholeheartedly watched his gargantuan dick being sucked into the asshole of the married woman.

The video turned off as I splattered my semen all over my legs.

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