
Blue Baseballs in '62

A modest drug trader negotiates terms with the mafia.

May 19, 2024
19 min read
switchmafiahistoricalbossoraldominantanalconsensualdirty talkBalls of Blue in '62
Balls of Blue in '62
Balls of Blue in '62

Blue Baseballs in '62

In 1962, the air was hot and heavy, typical of mid-summer in New York City. A man strolled down the street, two hefty men some distance behind him. Thin yet muscular, this man squinted through his dark hair, scanning the streets with nerves but still managed to keep a smile on his face. He ascended the steps of Beachwood Estates, a lavish penthouse apartment complex. He knocked twice, knowing its oak wood. He'd touched more wood than he could count.

An old woman wearing a traditional Sicilian dress opened the door. His keen eyes recognized her sharp eyebrows—she was part of the family. "Good evening, Grandmother Francesca," he greeted, asking for Lazzaro.

She scrutinized them before replying in a thick Sicilian accent, "What are you looking for from him?"

"Just an answer to a question," he replied, still grinning.

"Why are three of you here for just one question?" she queried.

"Every question has multiple parts," he elaborated. "The subject, the action, and the adornment. This is the subject, these are the adornments."

She sipped her tea, suspiciously. "And what's the action?" she asked skeptically.

He shrugged, "That depends on what Lazzaro wants from me."

"I'm getting too old for this," she complained, letting them in. The three men, including Antonio, moved into the lavish living room. It was extravagantly decorated with red sofas and gold trimmings. Antonio's bodyguards settled down uneasily, seeming burdened by something weighty in their jackets.

Francesca waved for Antonio to follow her up the spiral staircase. At the top, she left him there, while Antonio watched them leave. His bodyguards glanced at their watches.

At the top of the stairs, Antonio found a grand oak door. Francesca retreated without a word, as if intentionally shutting Antonio out. He tugged it open, revealing a fit, tan man clutching a shotgun.

"You should've knocked. Most people knock," the man, the Don, said coldly.

"Funny, I'm not most people," Antonio joked. His eyes gleamed at the thought of this meeting.

"According to my files, you're Antonio Loczek, a drug dealer from the Bronx. Let me correct that. Now we're strangers," Don said with a menacing grumble. "Sit down." He indicated a simple pine chair, seemingly more comfortable than his extravagant one.

"Good morning, sir. How do you do?" Antonio feigned politeness, unbroken by the Don's venomous tone.

"Enough with the small talk. We both know why you're here," the Don said gruffly.

"Truly, you've peeked my interest. Can you guess what it's about?" Antonio questioned with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Yes," the Don said curtly. "You want to keep selling my family drugs." He leaned forward, his fierce gaze on Antonio. He was adorned in a sleek black suit, with his long black hair slicked back. A whiff of sweat and musk, mostly concealed by Lazzaro's Irish Spring cologne, reached Antonio's nostrils.

"Drugs?" Antonio scoffed. "No, no. I propose you sell me investment opportunities. It doesn't matter their nature. They could be any type. But what matters is you can profit from what I offer you."

The Don's expression remained cold as he told him, "There are some things never change."

"Indeed. It's always interesting to meet the family business," Antonio said amused. "But you're not the one I want to speak with until then."

"Son, you're on thin ice," the Don warned. "We both know the rules."

"Rage and pride are a dangerous mix." Antonio affirmed. "So, tell me, who do I need to make amends with?"

Don eyed him up and down. "I'll be...curious to see how this plays out," he offered, taking his fingers off the trigger. "Your bodyguards can remain for now, but they will be escorted outside." Don signaled to Lorenzo, who whisked away the surprised men. "For now, we will talk," the Don said, looking into Antonio's eyes.

"Hey kiddo, I'm gonna lay it all out for you." Lazzaro put a weighty hand on Loczek's shoulder, trying to make it seem caring, but it felt more like he was attempting to take control. "We've got a business going on here. Right now, it's not going so well for us. We've got to slim down, get rid of our stuff, cut loose some connections. And I mean all of it. The drugs we've been selling to our Family just ain't cutting it anymore. So, unfortunately, we're gonna have to call things off between us."

"On the contrary," Loczek said in a low voice. "I think what we've got going on here is just beginning." He stared straight into Lazzaro's eyes, making him stay put for a moment before looked away. It exasperated the Don a bit, but he contained it.

"You've messed up my evening, Loczek." Lazzaro replied, a hint of annoyance in his tone. "I'd had plans. Nonna Francesca made a lovely dinner for me. If there's no real reason for me to keep working with you, then I'd advise you to head out."

Loczek sighed, lowering his head a bit, then leaned in even closer to Lazzaro. They were nearly nose to nose now, but Lazzaro didn't budge. The only sign Lazzaro showed was when his eyes darted down Lazzaro's shirt. Loczek caught this, then smiled.

"So you've got yourself a scar there?" Loczek asked, his voice almost taunting.

"A past relationship," Lazzaro answered coolly.

"What'd you do to her to drive her mad?" Loczek chuckled.

Lazzaro tilted his head, and bit his lip in response. If Loczek wanted to get in his head, he'd just return the favor. Lazzaro was more comfortable in these intense situations than in any other circumstances.

"Hers?" He half whispered. His lips twisting into a sneer. Loczek's face flushed.

"Oops. My bad." Loczek breathed, quickly moving away. "I didn't take you for... that sort of man."

"And you don't even know what kind of man I really am." Lazzaro snarled.

"And you have no idea what kind of man I can be."

Lazzaro reached for a bottle of bourbon in his desk, slamming it down on the table with a thud. "I hope you're the type of man who can handle some strong drinks."

Loczek smiled. "I can handle whatever you've got coming my way."

Lazzaro lunged at Loczek, grabbing him by his exotic tie. "Only gays wear silk," Lazzaro growled into Loczek's ear.

Loczek winced, but his eyes never left Lazzaro's face. "Yeah, well, there's information only an expert can bring."

Lazzaro tensed at those words, then kissed Loczek forcibly on the lips, pushing his tongue into Loczek's mouth. Loczek moaned, grabbing a fistful of Lazzaro's long hair while Lazzaro pulled Loczek closer, practically tackling him onto the table.

"Show me how much you want this deal," Lazzaro demanded.

"I'd do anything for it, sir," Loczek purred, shifting himself to be on top of Lazzaro. He could feel the Don's erection even through their pants.

"You can tell I want this deal just as much," Loczek whispered, feeling his hand migrate from Lazzaro's hair to his shirt.

Lazzaro gasped as Loczek touched his erection. "I want more than a deal."

Loczek retracted his hand and grinned. "Patience, my friend."

Lazzaro groaned, thrusting into the space between Loczek's legs. "Show me how much you want this partnership." Loczek slid across the desk, positioning himself on Lazzaro's lap. Feeling Lazzaro's hard cock through both their clothes, Loczek teased a bit.

"You're really into this, huh?" Loczek teased, reaching for the bottle of bourbon and taking a healthy swig. Offering the bottle back to Lazzaro, he watched him down it while his thoughts swirled. He defiantly managed to smile as Lazzaro groaned with pleasure. "Thirsty, sir?"

"So thirsty." Lazzaro admitted, leaning in to blow into Loczek's ear. The smell of caramel and booze tickled Lazzaro's nose. His mind was feeling fuzzy, but there was still one desire that lay heavy in his chest. The very thought of drinking from Loczek's lips drove him wild. He was so intoxicating on his own.

"I guess I have no choice but to..." fulfill your desires," Loczek whispered. His breath made its way deep into Lazzaro's ear, causing goosebumps to appear on his whole body and rendering him weak. As Loczek spoke, his tongue darted out, just barely grazing against Lazzaro's earlobe. Lazzaro let out an uncontrollable moan. He's not used to being in charge like this. What was he thinking about a moment ago? Negotiating, making your opponent uneasy? Sure, he doesn't usually enjoy being dominated this way, but damn, it feels wonderful.

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard." Lazzaro begged. Loczek gazed at Lazzaro, longing etched into his eyes. He was eager to fulfill his desires.

Yet, Lazzaro pushed him away, pushing him off his lap. Loczek tumbled over the desk and ended up lying crumpled on the floor. Lazzaro quickly stood up, one hand pushing his erection back down.

"We can't do this, Loczek. If word gets out about this, both of us will be disposed of. We won't even be able to escape the city alive." Lazzaro sounded pained, but Loczek knew he was telling the truth. In the '60s, people would rather send a man to space than let him fall in love with another man.

"But sir!" Loczek sobbed, desperate eyes pleading with the older man. "I need you!" His torso heaved, with both emotion and desire.

"You're right, I simply can't deny myself." In a few steps, Lazzaro crossed the room and grabbed Loczek by his collar. He forced him against the wall. Loczek briefly realized that the wall was made of chestnut before his thoughts became a blur as Lazzaro's rough hand explored the outside of his jeans. He let out a gasp and thrust his hips into Lazzaro's hand, grinding himself against the other man's hand. He relished the pressure, and the light fingertips that gently scraped over the tip of his visible erection.

"Now who can resist?" teased Lazzaro, using his free hand to undo the drug dealer's belt.

Suddenly, they heard a sound. Footsteps, climbing the stairs. "Boss?" one of Loczek's companions called.

Loczek panicked and struggled to fasten his belt with trembling hands. Lazzaro smoothed down his messy hair until it no longer looked out of place. He opened the door and warmly welcomed the large man standing outside.

"Is everything okay in there?" the man asked, sticking his head in the office. "Loczek?"

"We're fine," said Loczek, still panting. "The negotiation can be challenging at times. Dealing with the Mafia is not the same as dealing with someone who owes you money. Give us a bit longer."

"Haggling is underway," Lazzaro stated. "We need another hour."

The man shrugged, slightly skeptical. "What's going on in there, precisely?"

"Dip into my pocket. I have a timebomb you could take with you." Loczek's hand lingered on his belt, sweating.

"No, no," the man replied, waving his hand. "I'm no fool. Don't think you can just pull one over on me."

Lazzaro leaned towards the guy, eyes narrowed. "That's where you're wrong. We've been caught once already, and if it happens again, you can be damn sure that no amount of words will save us. But you're pretty eye-catching." Lazzaro kissed Loczek passionately on the lips. Loczek gazed deep into the Mafia boss's blue eyes and chewed on his lower lip. He caught sight of himself in the mirror behind them. His face was flushed, his eyes half-closed, his muscles dancing just beneath his skin. He couldn't believe the level of his own desire. And that's exactly what Lazzaro wanted.

Lazzaro dragged Loczek's hair with one hand, the other seizing the dealer's belt. Meanwhile, Loczek quickly undid Lazzaro's suit jacket, fondling his ripped chest.

"God, sir, I covet you so much," Loczek breathed. Lazzaro had finished removing the belt, when his hands began to pull down Loczek's pants. Loczek's erection rose into the air. It wasn't the biggest Lazzaro had ever seen, but it was seriously close. His fingers glided up Loczek's thigh as the young man let out a whimper. A single finger danced around the shaft, while the palm tenderly wrapped around the young man's ballsack. Loczek moaned. alternative link

"Need me to touch you, sir?" His gaze pleaded, darting across the rough surface of the Mafia leader's chest. He bit his lip, suppressing the urge to exclaim fuck, fuck, fuck repeatedly. The Mafia boss's hand reached up, roughly massaging Loczek's erection. Loczek locked eyes with the older man, who then moved his hand away as Loczek let out a sigh of relief.

"Please continue, sir!" Loczek pleaded.

"Don't worry, I've been around the block a few times. I'll make it feel amazing." The Mafia boss kept looking into Loczek's eyes as he brought his hand to his face, his tongue exploring his palm. Loczek felt the older man's warm breath against him, and the tugging on his hair sent him into a state of arousal. The Mafia boss moved his hand back down, a trail of saliva connecting his hand to his mouth. Loczek's head jerked back, his entire body tense with anticipation as the Mafia boss resumed his stroking. The spit improved the sensation tremendously, allowing the Mafia boss to glide his hand over the bumps and grooves of Loczek's cock. He increased the speed of his stroking, causing Loczek to struggle against the urge to cry out in ecstasy. Loczek's fingers fumbled with the Mafia boss's shirt, and he quickly pulled it off, it falling to the ground with a rustle. The Mafia boss leaned in and traced his tongue over the inside of Loczek's ear.

"I intend to claim you as my own." He snarled.

Loczek couldn't resist any longer, and let out a soft moan. His fingers clawed at the Mafia boss's back, leaving marks and scars.

"Fuck yes, sir, do whatever you want with me!" He couldn't control himself. He felt a deep sense of pleasure course through his body, and his penis twitched and contracted, reacting to every movement. He thrust his cock deeper into the Mafia boss's hand, feeling it stretch to the very base of his dick. The Mafia boss tightened his grip, squeezing firmly and rapidly. Loczek knew he wouldn't last much longer.

With unexpected speed, Loczek threw himself down, his cock slipping out of the Mafia boss's grasp with a jolt of pleasure. His hands immediately went for the Mafia boss's pants, shoving them off in one swift motion. The Mafia boss's immense cock sprang forth into the humid air.

"Holy shit." Loczek chuckled, a smirk forming on his previously lustful face.

"Don't mock me," the Mafia boss growled, a hand pushing Loczek to his knees.

Loczek hadn't had much practice when it came to sucking cock, but he knew what he enjoyed when it was being done to him. Guided by the Mafia boss's hand on the back of his head, he gave his best effort to accommodate the enormous member in his mouth. His tense fingers traced their way up the Mafia boss's thighs, scratching lightly. He completely engulfed the Mafia boss's head with his mouth, running his tongue along the base. He withdrew it slowly, savoring the shudder that followed. His hands had moved to the Mafia boss's butt, gripping tightly. Loczek rocked the man's hips back and forth, encouraging him to sink as deep as possible. The Mafia boss complied, straining to go as far as possible. Loczek gagged as the member slid down his throat, his throat constricting. He coughed twice, saliva dribbling down his chin. The Mafia boss could see his Adam's apple pulse with each bob.

"You feel so good." moaned the Mafia boss, his whole demeanor changed to one of pleasure. He sucked in his lip, his normally stoic face softened by desire. His fingers dug into Loczek's curly brown hair, demanding his face be raised to look at him. Loczek smirked, his mouth slightly open. He dragged his tongue over the Mafia boss's shaft, ending with a kiss on the head. The Mafia boss grunted and pushed Loczek down onto his member again, a deep moan escaping his lips.

"Is this how you enjoy it, sir?" Loczek asked, enveloping the Mafia boss's cock with his mouth. His voice was muffled and wet, but it conveyed his question.

"Yes, this is more than satisfying." The Mafia boss grunted. "Yes, Antonio, you know how to please a man."

"Please, call me Loczek, sir. My last name should not be associated with this sinful act."

The Mafia boss gazed down at him, breathing heavily. "This is not a business endeavor, Antonio, it is a pleasure."

Antonio stopped, grinning, then increased his thrusting speed even more rapidly. The Don became unbalanced and leaned against the wall. The arousal inside his scrotum pulsed with each of Antonio Loczek's thrusts; it was beyond his control. He stroked back Loczek's wavy hair, peering into the dominant man's eyes. The bright blue sunshine turned into burning pinpricks, the eyes half-closed with desire. Lazzaro felt himself being captivated by those magnetic eyes, peering deeper into Antonio's spirit. The throbbing sensations in his scrotum increased, dripping into the base of his dick. The sensation was untamed, outrageous, monstrous. He couldn't suppress it any more.

"Antonio, I'm..." he sputtered, stumbling over his words, "I'm going to..."

"Not yet." Antonio detached his cock from Antonio's mouth, exposing it. Lazzaro gasped and fell to the ground, the sensation quickly disappearing. "We haven't reached the main event yet."

Lazzaro pushed himself back up, running his fingers through his hair. He was embarrassed by his lack of control; he had never behaved like that before. It was time for him to regain his authority.

Antonio remained on his knees. He glanced at his wristwatch. "We have another 40 minutes," he told Lazzaro, looking up. "We can still do...more."

Lazzaro didn't need any more encouragement. Antonio grabbed Antonio by the collar, forcing him onto the birch desk, turning him around so that he faced the door. Holding him down by the nape of his neck, he murmured in his ear, "Now it's my turn, Antonio. I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk out of this room straight."

Antonio shuddered, then replied flippantly, "Lazzaro, I thought we'd already settled that I don't do anything straight."

Lazzaro reacted by slapping Antonio's ass, leaving a clear, brilliant-red imprint. "Shut up, bitch."

Antonio realized that Lazzaro appreciated the joke, but understood that he shouldn't crack jokes during a Mafia business conference.

Lazzaro parted Antonio's cheeks with one hand and rested his dick between them. He began to push it in, but Antonio interrupted him.

"Sir, what about a lubricant?"

Lazzaro paused, his mind temporarily blank. He didn't even keep condoms in his meeting room, let alone sexual lubricant. His brain raced, searching for a solution. What did he have on the desk? He remembered that older Francesca had left a bottle of olive oil, along with some balsamic dressing for him to dip bread in. Reaching over, Lazzaro picked up the olive oil, grinning.

"I'll toss your salad," he joked, brandishing the bottle.

"No sir, I just want you to drill me already."

"A good choice." Lazzaro unstopped the bottle, opening it with a snap, and then poured a large amount of olive oil into his palm. He paused, the oil streaming down his hand and dropping onto the carpet[a]. He faced Antonio and snatched him by the hair.

"Come here." Lazzaro growled. He turned Antonio's head towards his outstretched hand.

"You will do this. You're going to lick the oil off my hand, then spread it over my dick with your lips. Understand?"

"My love," whispered Antonio, "You are the epitome of a typical Italian man. I adore it." With that, he licked up a significant amount of oil from Lazzaro's palm. "This is top-notch stuff," he remarked, raising an eyebrow as olive oil dripped down his chin.

"The premier quality a mob boss can buy. Don't drop it all on the floor, now." Lazzaro grabbed the back of Antonio's hair and relocated him to where his lips were supposed to be. The grip on his hair became less considerate as Antonio's lips encircled his member. Antonio bobbed his head, the oil making his lips glide over the thick penis. Lazzaro moaned. It felt so incredible. That was why he paid more when it came to pantry products. But it was over too soon.

Antonio rose up onto his knees, an eager look on his face. Lazzaro desired him to continue, required him to continue, but Antonio had other priorities.

"Now, please, fill my rectum, sir." Antonio begged, a touch of desperation surfacing on his usually cocky face.

"As you wish... bitch." Lazzaro, still holding Antonio's hair, flipped him around and onto his hands and knees. Antonio's arched back accentuated his muscular and toned ass, which wiggled slightly in anticipation. In spite of his haphazard life on the streets, his butt remained alluring. While Antonio was a laboring man, this wasn't a laborer's ass. This was a whore's ass. A whore's ass about to be penetrated.

Antonio let out a low groan, somewhere between a moan and a growl, as Lazzaro slid into him.

"Go easy, mate. I'm still... new to this." Antonio's composure cracked a bit more as the large penis pushed deeper inside him, "I'm still new to this."

"A street guy like you? I would've thought you've sleighed every man under the sun." Lazzaro chuckled, "I know what it's like to hide your identity." He reassured, "I'll go easy... for you."

"Thank you, boss." Antonio's words faded as the cock slipped in again, touching his prostate. The low, throbbing pleasure made his body go weak. He could feel his own cock growing harder, almost uncomfortably so.

Lazzaro reached around, rubbing the head of Antonio's penis, sending waves of sensation through his body.

"F*ck, it's so sensitive!"

Lazzaro could already feel the fluid leaking from Antonio's dick. He pulled his hand back, there was a strip of sticky precum connecting them. A connection the same way their hearts connected, somehow. The string broke, and Lazzaro was consumed with lust. Antonio quivered as Lazzaro pulled out half-way, added olive oil, then went in, harder than before. But, not deep enough to hit Loczek's prostate. Unhappy with Antonio's reaction, Lazzaro slapped his ass hard, ignoring the noise it made. His whore was out of line.

Antonio jerked back at Lazzaro's tight slap. When he fell down, the Don's penis pushed all the way inside, smacking onto his prostate, sending waves of pleasure through him. Loczek mumbled incoherently and struggled to breathe, gasping every time the penis drove deeper. His arms and legs shook visibly. Never before had he felt such pleasure, and the only conscious part of him worried he might pass out.

He could feel the blood vessels in the older man's throbbing cock. Lazzaro slid in and out slowly, drawing out each moan with ease. Antonio was putty in the Don's hands. His plaything.

Abruptly, Lazzaro stopped. Loczek couldn't hold back a little whimper. He tried pushing his hips back onto the older man's cock. But Lazzaro held him in place with a thick arm.

"Not yet, my naughty boy. You need to learn patience. It will... help you in your future dealings." Lazzaro's lips brushed slightly against Antonio's ear, sending chills down his spine. "You look so sexy like this," he whispered, stroking his hair. "Look at me."

Loczek turned to watch the Don's intense gaze. Lazzaro held his gaze for several moments, till Antonio regained some of his poise. He slammed his cock back into Loczek, sending composure crumbling.

Loczek whimpered, his eyes half-closing in lust. He pushed his ass against the Don's thighs, trying to take the cock as deep into him as possible. Lazzaro held him back down, just by grabbing Antonio's neck. Using other hand, he ran it through Loczek's hair. The younger man's gasps turned into a high pitched wail as the boss thrust his head back, almost at the same height as his.

Then Lazzaro kissed him roughly, hitting his lips hard and pounding his hips against him.

"F*ck!" Antonio cried into the Don's lips, his mouth greedily seeking more. His eyes rolled back into his head as he tried to wrestle control of his body before he lost control completely. He bit down on Lazzaro's lips, then pulled away with a smirk.

"I still am..." Self-deprecating smirk turned into a genuine grin, "I still have some rebellious side left in me." He could feel every vein on the older man's throbbing cock, even when he was being pounded into. Lazzaro slid in and out slowly, drawing out each moan effortlessly. Antonio was nothing but clay in his hands. His plaything.

Suddenly, Lazzaro stopped. Loczek whimpered and tried pressing his hips back onto the older man. But Lazzaro had him by the neck, preventing any movement.

"Not yet, boy. You need to learn patience. It will... benefit you in your business negotiations." Lazzaro leaned forward, his lips grazing Antonio's ears. Antonio could feel every heated breath, and the breaths came hard and rapid, sending tingles down his back. Without asking, Lazzaro locked lips. Antonio's body went limp and his eyes rolled back into his head.

"Defiant streak, huh? Seems I've got to bring that out of ya."

Shivers ran down Loczek as he realized the consequences of contradicting Lazzaro. Nonetheless, he couldn't resist the temptation of challenging his superior. "Go on, then," he responded brazenly.

In response, Lazzaro renewed his ferocity, forcing himself into Loczek with more power and vigor than before. He lifted Loczek's right leg and dropped it onto the desk, giving way for greater depth. But not without a fatalistic consequence as the bottle of olive oil rolled off the table and crashed to the floor. Ignoring the noise, Lazzaro instructed Loczek to remain motionless.

Sweat beaded on Lazzaro's forehead as he breathed heavily. His hips continued thrusting incessantly, inciting a burning sensation within Loczek's intestines. Lazzaro's spit glistened with traces of pre-cum as he rubbed it on Loczek's rim, readying him for his pleasurable intrusion. Lazzaro's cock slid smoothly over the lubricant, its movement causing Loczek to moan. Prostate fluid seeped uncontrollably from Loczek's as he approached orgasm.

An insatiable grin formed on Lazzaro's face as Loczek neared his climax. The feeling was mutual, as it only aroused him further to see his toy reaching his limit. "Beg, boy," Lazzaro demanded. "Beg for my cock."

Loczek's groans escalated to desperate pleas, signaling his impending orgasm. "Please, sir, let me cum!" he exclaimed.

But Lazzaro wasn't ready to concede just yet. "No cum until I say so!" Lazzaro roared, fearfully grabbing Loczek by the hair and jerking his head back. He wished he could confer with Antonio on this decree; but alas, his brute force was his safest bet.

However, Loczek's rebellious side surfaced once more. His ejaculation was imminent, and he was not to be derailed. He climaxed nonetheless, spilling his semen across the vintage rug.

This infraction evoked Lazzaro's fury. He yanked Loczek by the hair, causing him to roll onto his side. His hand snatched Loczek's chin and gripped it tightly. "You just ruined a family heirloom," he hissed as he forced a bottle cap into Loczek's mouth. "You defied me!"

Loczek showed no reaction to Lazzaro's anger. Instead, he watched Antonino's cock glistening with olive oil and lust. Stray strands of cum drifted aimlessly around Lazzaro's hips, adding to the erotic atmosphere.

"Look at that!" Lazzaro growled, deeming it an appropriate time for Loczek to experience the pleasure that grew within him. He cupped Antonino's face and forced his mouth open. Lazzaro's breath quickened, now on the verge.

"Swallow every last drop." Lazzaro's thighs shook. His orgasm undoubtedly eminent. "Yes, master." Loczek murmured.

Upon a swift thrust, Lazzaro released his load into Loczek's mouth, sending him to a euphoric pinnacle. Handshaking and unsteadiness characterized Lazzaro as he collapsed to his knees and admired Antonio's mesmerized stare. Their interests aligned, they knelt on the carpet, kissing gently.

Only at that moment did Antonio sense the fleeting possibility of a respite - to remain in such a state - yet the steady beat of his heart pressed him onward, carried along by waves of pleasure.

Antonio needed to know the time urgently, his hands searching his pockets for his missing pocket watch.

Lazzaro sighed, his high feeling subsiding as he too recalled their current situation. He checked the large wall clock in the room Antonio had missed. "Ten to," he informed, adjusting his trouser buttons and smoothing out his disheveled hair.

Both of them dressed quietly, stealing glances at each other throughout the process. When they were finally both prepared, only a minute remaining on the clock, Antonio stepped into Lazzaro's embrace and held him tightly.

"When can we see each other again?" He inquired, his lips near Lazzaro's ear.

"It's hazardous, our actions. I'm unsure if I'll have the opportunity to visit you frequently."

"Any time you can manage will be appreciated."

"Very well..." Lazzaro drew back, looking deeply into Antonio's eyes. "Arrange a meeting at the dockyard. Third port, nine o' clock PM. I'll be there."

"It would be an honor."

Minutes later, Antonio emerged onto the steps and ordered his men.

"The engagement is concluded," he smirked, "It indeed went extremely well."

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