erotic horror

Bound by Moonlight: Chapter 7 Revealed

Vampiric Ceremony, Life-saving Procedure, and Snowball Escapades

Jun 10, 2024
19 min read
Bound by Moonlight Ch. 07creampieblowjobvampiresnowballingwerewolfrimming
Bound by Moonlight Ch. 07
Bound by Moonlight Ch. 07

Bound by Moonlight: Chapter 7 Revealed

While on the road, the group from the Night Watchers had their lunch in the van with all of them. The van was packed with their companions, which led to some interesting scents filling up the vehicle. Keeping the windows open, they could only hear the sound of the roaring air.

Anders was driving the van since Jill had flown them to Ottawa. According to Danny, they were heading towards Victor Martin's Manor near Red Horse Lake, which was in the countryside. As they continued their journey, taking country paths, the manor came into view - it was made of whole timber stained black and formed a great hall with extensions on either side. The driveway was lined with luxury cars, and the van belonging to the Night Watchers stood out.

The night watchers got off the van and stretched after their long car ride. Danny thought she looked underdressed compared to the fancy manor.

"Should I have brought nicer clothes?" she asked.

"We won't be allowed in until we've transformed; it's tradition," responded Anders. Other werewolf clan representatives were waiting to undergo the transformation so they could enter. Two tall guards in black uniforms, with submachine guns strapped to their chests, were guarding the door to the manor.

They approached the delegation of the Moonmist Clan and bowed courteously. Anders greeted the elder of the Moonmist clan with a warm hug.

"Jackson," he greeted the elder, "How's your new blood turning out?"

"Ask him for yourself," suggested the Moonmist Elder, pushing Justin forward. "Justin, this is Elder Anders. We go way back," he mentioned to Justin.

Justin extended his hand, recalling his first encounter with Anders at the facility. Anders shook Justin's hand firmly.

"I always attend the clan placement," assured Anders. "How are you adjusting, Madeline mentioned you were skeptical?"

Justin looked at Jackson and smirked, "I've had time to think about it," he answered. "I don't miss working in an office."

Anders smiled, "Glad that you're enjoying yourself."

Anders released his grip on Justin's hand. Looking toward the horizon, he noticed that the sun was setting. From behind them, a voice spoke. A woman with white hair and sharp features approached them. Anders recognized her, "Julia," he said. Danny leaned in to ask Elder Singh.

"Who's she?" petitioned Danny.

Singh leaned in, "Elder Sutherland of the Luna Clan. Richest werewolf in Canada."

Julia approached Anders, "How are the Night Watchers doing?" she inquired.

"Healthy and strong," asserted Anders with pride. "And how is Luna doing?"

"We're expanding on building a new clan hall and have already broken ground on a new colony," Julie replied.

"A new colony?" questioned Anders, "Do your numbers support this?"

Julie smirked, "Wildlife conservation has been profitable. We made a compelling case to the council and received twenty birth licenses."

"Twenty, at once?" asked Anders, "Is that sufficient for a new colony?"

"Our settlement is becoming congested, this will alleviate that. We plan to use the available land for long-term growth," she explained.

Anders smiled, "Congratulations on your success."

As the sun set, they witnessed a full moon glowing bright in the night sky. The werewolves started to remove their clothes to prepare for their transformation. Danny knelt down and prepared herself mentally for the transformation, ignoring the pain caused by her body changing. She remained focused, and she observed the stretching and twisting of her body. Her fur grew in, and she transformed into her true form. She and Caleb and Anders assessed the others, noticing that Julia's fur was as white as Danny's was black. Danny considered the possibility of forming a partnership with Elder Sutherland.

Julia looked at the vampires standing on the balcony, eyeing them, "Can't have any privacy," she sighed as she walked towards the entrance with the rest of her group. A small group of servants stepped out of the manor wearing their uniforms, and they began collecting the clothes thrown aside by the transforming werewolves. As Danny passed them, she noticed the loss of humanity in their faces - hollow and lifeless, their eyes held nothing. These were ghouls, corpses reanimated as eternal servants to their master.

The guards with submachine guns scanned the werewolves with metal detector wands as they went in. Danny could see the guns and the guards' expressions of curiosity.

"Do our bullets hurt us?" she asked Elder Singh, leaning closer to him.

"Well, actually," he replied, "silver can injure us, but regular bullets can still knock us out, provided they hit a vital organ." He motioned to Danny as she prepared to be scanned by a vampire thrall.

"On through, next," the thrall said dejectedly.

Danny followed the other Night watchers up to the second floor mezzanine, where they gathered above the main hall. Here, they witnessed the coronation of Victor Martin as the most powerful vampire in Canada. Dressed in a long black robe, accompanied by a retinue of thralls eager to serve him, Victor walked down the aisle and approached a vampire cleric bearing a crown of black gold.

"Gathered here," the cleric intoned, "the families and clans of the north, to honor a man of lineage, power, and cunning. Following in the footsteps of Tibalt of House Kalman, he accepts this mantle to guide our kind."

Danny watched as men and women were escorted down the aisle in red robes. These individuals had their wrists presented to each vampire in attendance, the vampires gorging themselves on their blood. When they'd completed the row, they walked back out of the way, leaving behind a trail of blood that wafted up to the mezzanine. The scent made Danny's stomach grumble with hunger.

One vampire, after feeding, blew his nose into a red handkerchief, clicking his fingers until the fainting woman was dragged from the scene.

"Satisfied by the fruit of our success," the cleric continued. "Victor Martin, do you pledge to lead your houses through hardship and triumph? To safeguard our future while honoring our past?"

"I do," Victor responded, eagerly eyeing the crown.

"Do you swear to uphold the loyalty of the houses under you? To let the blood of humanity freely flow into our glasses?"

"I do," Victor said again.

Danny kept her attention on the ceremony despite her hunger, the long-winded speeches growing increasingly dull. Anders laid a paw on her back, encouraging her.

"As your predecessors shielded us from humanity's light," the cleric droned on, "will you defend our ways? Will you widen our domain and dominate our control over humanity?"

"I will," Victor confirmed, smiling at the werewolves as they raised their backs and howled.

"My kin," Victor declared, "today marks a momentous occasion. The memory of our ancestors should serve as a warning that humanity remains a threat. In an age of advancement, we must work to conceal our presence from them. The boundary between the hunted and hunters has never been more fragile."

"Now more than ever," Victor emphasized, "the ways of our forebears must be safeguarded. I promise to guide us through this foggy era in our history and make us stronger than ever before. Humanity's existence will no longer be a threat." More applause rung out from the crowd.

By the time the speeches concluded, Danny and the other werewolves had been standing for three hours, their growling stomachs demanding attention. Authorized to mingle now, they were unsure where to start, as she couldn't speak in her true form.

"And for our canine kin," Victor called, "a gift of meat in the courtyard." Danny pondered if that meant a group of elks was being brought out for the werewolves to devour.

In the courtyard, Danny was taken aback at the sight of the same human in red robes, standing perfectly still. Werewolves began maouble-knead their fists and twitched their eyes in anger.

"Is this some kind of macabre joke?" Anders growled.

A majority of the werewolves were happy to smell the humans, with only a select few having ever hunted human beings before. There was no instinct for this kind of action among most of them. But a certain group barked and snarled at the humans, putting them to the test. They were covered in blood-red fur with orange bellies.

The leader of this band of red werewolves moved forward, sniffing at a young woman from the human community. "The blood path’s clan accepts the arch master’s offer of flesh," he growled. Anders moved in front of this woman, protecting her, which was met with disapproval from the red werewolf’s leader.

"This is not our tradition," Anders calmly stated. The leader of the blood path clan was not satisfied, "Move aside," he snarled.

"I will not allow you to harm them," Anders stated firmly. "We do not hunt humans."

Elder Fredrickson, the leader of the blood path clan, smiled cruelly, "It might be wise to reconsider," he goaded. "They are weak and pathetic."

"They are our kin," Anders replied passionately. "And you know the humans could wipe us out if they ever found out about us."

Fredrickson’s grin widened, "If you're willing to risk your new blood and mate in a battle for these humans, I suggest you let me get on with it."

Anders addressed Julia and Danny, unsure of what his next step should be. "I see that you've brought a lot of resources," he remarked, "But I still believe words carry greater power than swords."

Fredrickson was unimpressed, "I'm not impressed by your words, old man," he sneered. Anders calmly bit into the young woman's shoulder as a demonstration.

Fredrickson smirked, believing the old wolf was bluffing. "I didn’t expect you to do that," he conceded.

Anders withdrew his teeth and wiped his mouth, the young woman now bearing a survivable wound.

Jill was worried as she was presented with this new situation. "Anders, what are you doing?"

Anders smiled, "The young woman will become a member of Clan Night Watcher. In a week, she will transform, thus she is under the protection of the 1899 New Blood Protection Act, ordered by Tibalt himself," he clarified.

Jill looked at the young woman with understanding.

Fredrickson was displeased, "There are plenty more to eat," he continued. Julia stepped up to help, biting into another human to give them the same protection as the young woman.

"Let the other werewolves bite into these humans, we are bound for Clan Luna," she explained. Fredrickson pushed past the injured woman to choose another victim, but Julia intervened once more.

"Step away," she commanded, biting into the next human herself. Soon, others joined in, marking humans for protection.

Fredrickson was furious and snarled, "I am surrounded by weakness." To his surprise, the court yard contained forty newly transformed werewolves still standing.

Victor, an older vampire, entered to find many werewolves still alive. "I expected a massacre," he said, "But they were too eager to play with their food."

Anders had a hidden talent, he explained, "It's just in my nature."

"Yes, Victor,” said a vampire named Robert, "Always too cruel at times."

Victor was taken aback, "Robert, I'm so glad you made it. Was the ceremony to your liking?"

"The ceremony was rushed for my tastes," Robert replied. "We're immortal, for heaven's sake."

"Yes, but I still had to feed the werewolves," Victor pointed out. "But then they chose to play with their food."

"Perhaps they will learn to accept what is given to them," Robert mused.

"Right, so long as they don’t bite the hand that feeds them."

Robert smiled, "You never change, Victor."

Victor looked at the transformed humans. "The dog that bites gets put down," he said, glaring at Anders. "That’s the way these things work."

Roberson departed with his entourage in tow.

Robert stepped toward Anders, examining the humans, "Well played, as usual Anders."

Anders thought of the transformed humans, "We've still taken their lives - just not literally."

Robert clasped his slimy hand with Anders, "Your humanity humbles me," he said sincerely.

"I know humans are supposed to be the enemy, but I refuse to harm them," Anders reiterated.

"I doubt Tibalt will take this lightly, but he lacks the necessary influence to act on his displeasure yet," Robert concluded.

Anders leaned closer, questioning, "So the houses aren't unified, right?"

"Not at all. Victor is a newer type of dusk, with aspirations too grand for even us." Robert expressed. "The humans here are just the beginning. I believe he has ambitions to end the divide."

Anders nodded in agreement, "That would...that would mean the end of the human world as we know it."

"We can keep him in check for a while," said Robert, "But the other familes and clans are contemplating it."

Reflecting on the situation, Anders said, "It seems I've got quite a task ahead of me." He pictured moving massive boulders up a mountain to preserve the division.

Noticing Danny standing near Anders, Robert asked, "Is this your new blood?"

Anders laughed and replied, "Danny, this is Robert Windsor - the leader of the Windsor house."

Danny bowed her head. Robert extended his hand, and she sniffed it, smelling perfume and undead flesh. She liked what he was saying and nuzzled his hand.

"Affectionate creature," Robert said.

"She's a snuggly pup for sure," joked Anders, "I thought it would be ideal to show her how vast the other realm is."

"This is indeed her world as much as ours," Robert agreed, "Hopefully, Victor doesn't have desires to harm your lives as well."

Shaking his head, Anders stated, "You know full well what Victor sees us as. Just dogs of war and nothing more." Danny whimpered, and Anders patted her back.

"Whatever Victor has in mind for you, House Windsor honours its allies," replied Anders as he shook Robert's hand.

Jill stepped away from the elders of the Clan Wildheart, "Strengthening the ties that bind us?" she inquired. "Robert, it's been ages," she greeted the vampire, who returned the hug.

"Jill Hogarth," Robert referred to her fondly, "The northern huntress, how have you been?" he inquired.

"My tummy is in knots, and devouring one of those humans roused my appetite," Jill confessed.

Robert looked toward Victor's stables, remembering the value of his horses, "There are several million dollars worth of horses in Victor's stables," he shared.

Jill snickered, "Oh, he'd hate that," she said.

Anders whispered to Jill, "We want to avoid being under Victor's command," he stressed. "Victor's actions with the humans already have him infuriated."

Jill laughed, "Just relax, I'm joking," she responded, eagerly awaiting her chance to feast. She headed for the buffet and noshed on blood-marinated chicken and sautéed beef. She glared at the vampires who stared at her for eating their food.

With empty stomachs and the park off limits, the werewolves of the Night Watcher clan exited their cramped van, followed by their clothing still wrapped in plastic bags. The van's suspension creaked due to the overcrowding.

Victor approached the van and rapped on the driver's side window. Anders battled with the manual roller to lower it. "Yes, Victor?"

"You're not leaving without taking your new blood with you," said Victor, "I hadn't organized anything for them since...I assumed you'd all have attended to them."

He snapped his fingers, and two ghouls escorted three injured humans in robes to the van.

"Hop in," he scowled at the werewolves, furious at the humans for surviving the ceremony. The humans obediently climbed into the van.

Anders gazed at the injured humans, "This couldn't go any worse," he stated, "Is everyone buckled up?" He checked on the cramped wolves in the van, aware they could not risk being exposed in traffic. They'd need to find a campsite to wait out their transformation back.

After an hour, they discovered a secluded forest clearing where they could wait. As Danny lit a campfire, she heard shrieks coming from the van's back.

All the werewolves looked up in horror as the humans in robes panicked and attempted to escape. Their hypnosis had expired, and they regained awareness in the back of a strange van, discovering bite wounds. Anders opened the van door and raised his hands, "You're safe." He urged, "Please, don't yell."

The woman and two men cautiously exited the van while still wearing their bloodstained robes. "What occurred?" asked the male victim, holding his neck's bite mark.

"What's your name?" asked Anders, getting them to sit down.

"Josh? Josh McDonald," replied one of the men, complying with Anders' directions. The others followed suit and sat down. "You're safe," stressed Anders, feeling the tension rise.

"Josh, I'm deeply sorry," Anders spoke, as the others gathered around the campfire, curious about the situation.

"What happened?" inquired the woman, holding her bite wound. "Did you attack us?" she questioned.

"Are you perhaps actors?" he questioned.

The trio nodded in unison. "We were hired for a wedding gig, after which it became unclear," Josh responded.

"Clearly, I regret to inform you that you were under the control of a Vampire master. He employed you as staff, but in reality, you were meant as sacrifices," Anders explained. "I couldn't let that happen."

"So, you were going to consume us?" the girl screamed in shock, as the werewolves remained still.

"You were being offered as a meal to the werewolves after the ceremony, some would accept, and we had to act. It's how we manage our clans," Anders clarified.

"By biting us?" questioned Josh.

"Yes, by transferring the curse. It kept the blood path from attacking you," Anders admitted.

"Transfer the curse?" asked the other man.

Anders met the eyes of each human, understanding their concern. "In a week's time, you'll become werewolves. When that moment arrives, you will be part of the pack led by the wolf that bit you. At that time, you'll join our clan," he predicted.

"And what if we don't want to join you?" the woman asked.

Anders' expression softened. "I'm afraid your lives will be disrupted by the curse. We're offering you a clean break from that disruption."

"I don't want a clean break," stated the woman. "I want to go home."

"Jill?" Anders called out.

Jill emerged from the shadows, approaching the group. "What's your name?" she inquired, directed at the woman.

"Michelle Pavetti," she answered, nervously.

"I'm Jill," she identified herself, sitting across from the humans. "I've been a werewolf for four decades. I've experienced a significant life change, but I'm still in my prime. This existence isn't all negative. Consider some time to adjust and find your comfort zone."

"I'm not worried about not aging," said the other man, "I want to see my family."

Jill glanced at Anders. "Let me ease any fears you might have," she suggested. Anders acquiesced. "Look," said Jill to the humans, "You have a week until you become werewolves. In the meantime, visit your loved ones. In six days, someone will come for you. Believe me, they'll assist you."

"What are your intentions for us?" they enquired.

"We'll bring you to a hospital when you're human again," said Jill, "Someone will contact you. We want to ensure you turn into werewolves in a safe environment."

"I don't want to hurt anyone," the man explained.

"We care for you, which is why we're trying to minimize the disruption the curse causes," Jill emphasized.

The humans exchanged glances. Danny, eager to assist in some capacity, laid down on the ground and slowly walked towards them. She lowered her head, presenting her forehead to the humans. She whimpered, and her ears flattened against her head, requesting to be petted like a pet dog longing for affection. The humans hesitantly touched her head and stroked her ears.

As Danny realized she was transitioning back into her human form, she moaned in pain as her muzzle morphed into her face and melted with her skull. She blinked rapidly as her eyes changed once more. The werewolves then put on their human clothes.

Danny grabbed a passed clothing bag and hastily dressed, leaving the humans examining the changing werewolves. She joined Michelle and asked how she felt about the sudden turn of events.

"Not good," Michelle responded, while resting her hand on her shoulder wound. "I initially thought I was participating in some fancy dress wedding and now here I am, a bloody werewolf. What else might I be in for?" she questioned. "I need a cigarette," she mentioned.

"I don't smoke," stammered Danny.

Michelle sighed. "It's been that kind of day," she lamented.

Anders returned, distributing more bags of clothes to the werewolves who were getting changed. "We'll be transporting you to a nearby hospital," he advised. "Please avoid mentioning werewolves or any such fantastical beings - people tend not to accept such things."

A hospital close by took them two hours to reach, navigating narrow paths through dense forests. Michelle, Joshua, and Paul were dropped off by the hospital. They had been guided about the story to stick to, and they faced vicious animal attacks before being discovered beside the road. Danny felt remorseful about making them lie to the emergency services, but she recognized it was for the pack's safety.

As Michelle stepped out, Danny put her hand on her shoulder affectionately. "I'll see you soon," she beamed. Then Michelle stepped out with the others, taking a deep breath and smiling softly.

"Thank you," she remarked as the van drove away from the hospital drop-off zone.

The werewolves let out a collective sigh of relief. "Poor things," spoke Singh, "Both damned and saved with one bite."

"They'd have been devoured, we did the right thing," defended Jill.

Danny turned forward. "I'd rather be a werewolf than dead," she stated. "I'm grateful for what you all did."

Anders stroked his forehead. "I'll contact Elder Smith and discuss constructing more cabins," he said.

"We only have seven days to get things arranged," said Jill. "It's been a hectic evening. I think we all need to blow some steam off."

"What are your suggestions?" inquired Anders.

"Since we're in Ottawa," she said, "Who's interested in checking out a club? It's an exclusive hideaway for our kind."

"Does This Dog Bites sound familiar?" asked Singh. "I'd rather not."

Danny looked at Elder Singh. "What's This Dog Bites?"

"A spot for drinking and engaging in random sex," Singh said bluntly. "Both of which I'm not a fan."

Jill stretched out her hand to Singh. "That's what we adore about you, buddy, the pack's backbone."

Smiling, Singh held Jill's hand and squeezed it before letting go. "For those who wish to remain at the motel this evening, I'll be in my room."

Elder Singh shut his eyes and leaned back, leaving Danny to ponder. "Elder?" she inquired.

"Yes?" Singh responded.

"Do you think less of me?" she asked.

Singh reopened his eyes and stared at Danny. "My values are not universally shared; I don't expect others to share them. It gives me ties to my past."

Danny smiled, "That's heartwarming, ever since I became a werewolf, I've had difficulty controlling myself."

Singh laughed, "I've been familiar with those urges. It took me some years to develop the strength to resist them."

"How'd you manage that?" Danny questioned.

"Keeping my animal fed assisted and meditation helped dull the voice."

"Respect," praised Danny.

"Hey," said Caleb, trying to break the awkward silence. "I'm thinking I should spend some more time in the kitchen."

"I'll inform Jill," said Singh, grinning. Singh then returned to resting.

Danny gazed over at the empty seats where the humans had sat, reflecting on how they'd had their lives taken from them in one way or another. They were destined to be eaten or transformed. A highly unfair choice, and one they had made for them. She missed her prior existence as much as she enjoyed her current one and knew they would likely feel the same.

The van reached the hotel a few hours later. Danny noticed many people coming and going from the entrance while the aggravating yells of children just outside hurt her ears. Anders winced at the noise. "Keep each other updated, go take a shower, eat, and explore Ottawa; return here before sunset," he instructed. The entire pack agreed and went to their rooms.

Danny unlocked the hotel door and ushered Caleb in. She tossed her clothes off, proceeding to the bathroom. Caleb followed, scrubbing himself while Danny entered the shower. Having not consumed any living beings or involved with sex during her previous transformation, Danny was bursting at the seams.

Danny absorbed the hot water running over her hand. Caleb was immediately behind her. She inclined to let Caleb wet himself first and then stepped in. Caleb stroked Danny's back with hot water while she doused her hair. Danny shut her eyes; Caleb's member would be a significant distraction.

Steaming hot water gushed down on Danny's hand as she stepped inside. As she closed her eyes and pressed her face in the stream, she dripped water into her hair. She cleaned her face and massaged Caleb's penis with her wet hands, resting her forehead against his belly.

He held her by her head and direct his mouth on his shaft. She moaned as he controlled her speed and used her mouth for his satisfaction. He was gentle yet firm, ensuring she was not struggling as she servicing him. With the water drizzling down his cock, she felt like she was blowing him in a tropical rain storm.

Danny grabbed his balls and gently rolled them in her palm, occasionally squeezing them making Caleb squirm. She wanted to explore something and made sure her lips were sealed around his cock and used her mouth to give him a hickey.

"Danny, Oh fuck," he cried out. She intensified her efforts and pushed herself down on him until his cock pressed against the back of her throat. She swallowed on Caleb's shaft, her throat contracting around his cock head until his legs were trembling.

Caleb pulled Danny off his cock and began jerking his shaft while she wait for him to finish. Danny extended her tongue and obediently waited for him to finish. As Caleb jerked his cock, she rubbed her vagina excitedly while she waited to be marked.

With a gasp he beat his hips and sprayed cum on Danny's face which was soon washed off by the water. She ran her finger across her cheek and collected a wad of cum on her wet finger. Feeling mischievous Danny licked her finger and made a show of letting Caleb know it was there. He smirked and pulled her up and pulled her in for a kiss.

Danny stood on her tiptoes and lined up Caleb's shaft with her vagina, then lowered herself on him. She groaned as his cock filled her, Caleb wrapped his arms around Danny's ass and lifted her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around Caleb as he lifted her. Now supported by him, she could only be fucked at his mercy, he lifted her up then lowered her as he fastened his hips.

She moaned with pleasure and dig her nails into Caleb's back as he fucked her passionately under the warm water of the shower. Unable to contain her passion, she kissed at Caleb's neck and sucked on his lips as he continued to thrust in and out of her.

Danny moaned into Caleb's mouth as he squeezed her ass and lifted her up to allow her to drop down on him. She looked into his eyes as he fucked her and they shared a connection in the shower. "Breed me Caleb," she begged.

Caleb's balls ached from the strain but he continued to satisfy Danny's needs. "Cum in me Caleb," she panted. She bit down on his shoulder as he increased his speed and shot a second load into her womb. She groaned happily at the feeling of his cum reaching deep inside her. As she climaxed Caleb's cock, she made a mental note to get more of Jill's wild carrot seed pills.

Caleb kept his cock in her as he drained the last of his cum. Danny squeezed his cock and milked the remaining cum into her. "That's it," she whispered as she felt a dribble of cum slip out of her. With a final kiss Danny lifted herself off Caleb's cock and let the cum dribble out of her pussy. She wiped her thighs to clean herself of his cum. Although the idea of wearing it as a badge of honor intrigued her, normals frowned upon such displays.

Fresh from the shower and his balls empty, Caleb leaned back on the bed. Danny approached him from the bed's foot, grabbed him by his thighs. She pushed the muscle young man up onto the flat of his back and looked at his winking ass. She licked her lips and buried her face in barely cleaned ass and licked it.

Caleb moaned submissively on Danny's treatment. She fingered herself as she licked at Caleb's orifice, she really enjoyed bi guys, they would do anything.

"Danny, my balls are empty, I don't think I can...ah that feels good don't stop," he whined. Danny fingered his prostate relentlessly. She smiled and watched Caleb bite on his hand to muffle his groan. His deflated cock rose half-mast and he relaxed his hole. Danny pushed in a finger, and just before he could ask what was holding Danny up, she started finger his prostate.

Danny didn't ease up and continue stimulating his prostate. She grinned and watched Caleb bite on his hand to stifle the moans. His erect cock rose again, and she sucked his balls briefly before licking up his shaft and lapping at his glans.

"I...I'm gonna," panted Caleb, "Danny please slow down, please slow down."

Danny refused to stop and her fingers continued thrusting his prostate mercilessly. She grinned and watched Caleb bite on his hand to muffle the moans. His fully erect cock was rock hard again, and she took him into her mouth, gagging on his cock as her fingers were pushing against his prostate like a button. She felt Caleb ejaculate a final time against the back of her throat.

Danny lay next to Caleb with a mouthful of cum. She welcomed him in for a kiss, sharing both spit and cum between them. Her lips parted to reveal a mouth filled with his own release. They continued to kiss, each swallowing the other's cum.

"I can't believe this," Caleb muttered in awe.

"Quite special, isn't it?" Danny hummed as she held his hand.

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