Boxing Bonds

Story about how I started boxing when I was nineteen.

Jul 29, 2024
11 min read
paingirlsBoxing Bondsboxingexcitement
Boxing Bonds
Boxing Bonds

Boxing Bonds

When I started studying, I was 19 years old. I moved into a shared apartment with three other women and two men. I was studying economics and business administration and didn't know many people in the city yet. I also didn't know the new roommates well, and no friendships had formed yet. But one of my roommates, Alex, I liked very much. So I arranged to meet him one of the following days for coffee in a cozy café.

Besides the course catalog, the university sports catalog had also come out. It listed all the sports activities you could take at the university. Alex spontaneously suggested a bet: he would choose a sport for me, and I would choose one for him. We had to promise to compete in the chosen sport.

I thought that was an exciting idea, and he let me go first. I took the booklet and chose a sport for him. I picked beach volleyball because I imagined seeing him playing volleyball in light clothing, which I would very much enjoy. I had already seen him once, dressed only in a towel, coming out of the shower.With a smile, I handed the catalog back to him so he could choose for me.

He flipped through a few pages and then said, "Boxing." I was taken aback. I didn't even know this sport was in the booklet, and I couldn't imagine actually going to boxing."Boxing? Really? Can't you choose something else?" I protested. But Alex shook his head and remained stubborn. "No, I want you to go to boxing. You promised, so do it." Somehow, I found this stubbornness attractive.I had to accept it. Said and done - I had promised, so I had to keep my word.

The very next day was the first training session one could attend, and I did. So, I packed my things and went to the university sports facility, a building from the 60s. The buildings were plain and functional, only the sauna was modern and luxurious. A trainer, an older student, greeted me and first explained the training schedule. She said there were internal competitions and competitions with other universities. I must have looked a bit anxious, so she added that the squeamish could, of course, just do fitness. I liked fitness but didn't want to be seen as squeamish. But for now, I left it at that. I hoped I had done my duty.

I even enjoyed a bit of fitness and hoped to stay fit through training. First I did a lot of fitness and after a while I borrowed some gloves and was supposed to train on the punching bag. I had never hit anyone or a punching bag before and found it cool to hit the thing. At least it was very exhausting. After a short time, I was pretty done, and the trainer grinned at me and asked if I wanted to join her in the shower. Only when we stood naked next to each other did I see how well she was trained. Fit and toned, and not shy about showing it, as she didn't avoid my interested gaze.

I even found the boxing trainer attractive. She had an impressive presence and an engaging manner that fascinated me. Now I went to training every two days, and the pure fitness training gradually changed. I learned how to move, how to dodge punches, and how to punch myself. So I punched the bag and faces mounted on it on the nose. My arms, my stomach, my whole body became more muscular, and Alex noticed that too.

When we were sitting in the café again, he told me about a beach volleyball tournament that would take place over the weekend, and that I should come, preferably in a bikini. A bit cheeky, but I liked that. "If I come in a bikini, you'll play with a bare chest," I said, and he nodded.

After the tournament, he came up to me, dressed only in shorts, while I was in a bikini, and reminded me of our agreement. I couldn't back out, but I have to admit, I was afraid of being hit, especially in the face. But I just nodded and wrinkled my nose a bit and told him he urgently needed a shower.

That same evening was my training again, and afterwards, in the shower, I was alone with the trainer. I told her about our agreement and my fear of the punches. She smiled and let me wait briefly in the shower. She came back with two pairs of gloves, turned off the water, handed me a pair, and stood opposite me. "Let's try this out," she said. We stood stark naked opposite each other, and I was overwhelmed. She said "cover" and punched me lightly in the stomach. "Cover," she said again. Then she punched my glove with one fist, pushing it aside, and hit my face with the other. Wow, intense, but not that bad.Now it was my turn. I punched with one fist a bit too low on her stomach. There was no belt for orientation. It had an effect. She leaned forward a bit, and I hit her in the face with a hook. Wow, even better, hitting someone real is an exhilarating feeling!

She smiled again and hugged me. I was confused. Then she invited me to a café and wanted me to describe exactly how I had experienced the punch to the face. Sure, there was pain, but also fighting spirit, adrenaline, and perhaps a bit of arousal.

As we left, she asked if now after month of ordinary training I would come to sparring tomorrow. Wow, that was fast.

I met Alex at home and told him what I had experienced. We sat together for a while with a glass of wine, and I noticed his admiration. I said that my trainer had invited me to sparring the next day. He said, "Oh cool, I'll be at the training ground for volleyball then." I blurted out, "Then we'll meet in the sauna afterwards." My face flushed slightly, a rosy hue creeping up my cheeks, but he hardly noticed. Now he was done for, I think he dreamed of me.

I wasn't sure if I would really go. It wasn't our agreement that made me go. It was that slight arousal from hitting and being hit that I wanted to feel again. And the prospect of meeting Alex in the sauna afterwards certainly played a role.

Well, without really thinking about it, I rode my bike to the training ground after the lecture. My trainer smiled when she saw me and said, "I knew you'd come. You're a strong woman." What a compliment."But now that you're here, some rules. This is real, and it hurts, but you're strong and can handle it. You noticed yesterday that besides the pain, there are other ingredients that make the sport irresistible."

I knew what she meant, wasn't afraid, and wanted to try it now.There were about ten other women there, all wearing gloves. I was assigned a partner, put on gloves and a mouthguard, and then it started. No holding back, not squeamish, and not polite and modest, but as hard as possible and so that it hurts. Wow, I got hit, gritted my teeth, and hit back.

The whole thing only lasted two or three rounds, but it felt like an eternity. I held on and was completely exhausted afterwards, but happy. Really happy, it was a great feeling. No more fear, just desire.I went to the shower with my opponent, Sonja. That was customary, and she congratulated me on my first sparring. I told her I had arranged to meet my roommate in the sauna but could use some female company.

So we went together to the mixed sauna next to the shower. There we met Alex, who only had eyes for me and my now well-trained naked body. Men are so bad at hiding it. His looks didn't bother me; I enjoyed it.

Afterwards, Alex, Sonja, and I went into town; we had the same route. We invited Sonja for a glass of wine to our shared apartment. It was a long evening, and because of the previous sauna visit, there was an erotic mood in the air.

The next day, I met Sonja in one of my lectures. That was nice. Afterward, we went to her place. She had a rooftop terrace that was hardly visible. We wanted to sunbathe a bit. Of course, I didn't have a bikini with me, so we undressed and enjoyed the sun. She joked that Alex would surely like to be between us now. But even without Alex, the atmosphere was sensual and charged with a teasing eroticism. She looked very good. She had larger breasts than I did, was well-built, and completely shaved, so her labia were visible. I could see a small piercing there. She showed it to me willingly and told me she had it done after her first boxing match. Wow, that left a double impact. Her beautiful labia in front of me and now knowing she had already fought turned me on. She noticed and asked if I wanted to touch it. I kissed her. We got to know each other and became very good friends, but it was clear that we didn't want to do without a man, but there was nothing against occasional playing.

I now wanted to participate in a competition. The opportunity arose quickly. Every year there is a university festival. In the morning and afternoon, there is a sports festival and then a party. This sports festival also included a boxing tournament. I wanted to participate in that.

It was drawn, and Sonja was chosen as my opponent. She grinned and said to me, "I'm looking forward to hitting you." The trainer came to me and asked if I really wanted to do this. After I nodded somewhat shyly, she hugged me and said, "Be strong and don't be afraid. I know you can do it."

I told my mother about the fight, and she decided to come watch. She was excited but also anxious about seeing her daughter in a boxing match.

As the fight began, she sat in the audience, her face a mix of anticipation and worry.It started. Alex stood at the ring, but there were many more spectators. Somehow cool. I was nervous. This was no longer sparring but a real competition, and each of us would do everything to win. I had to go through it now.

For this match, we used smaller gloves than the ones we had used for sparring, which meant the punches would be harder and more painful.The bell rang, and we approached each other.

From the first punch, it was clear that Sonja meant business. This was no longer sparring; it was hard and uncompromising. But it was incredibly fun.I was quickly hit, a hard punch directly in my stomach. Pain shot through my body, and I gasped. The audience cheered and called my name, which motivated me to keep going. Sonja followed up and hit me with a precise punch to the face. My head snapped to the side, and I tasted blood in my mouth. Sonja smiled, and I suddenly felt very alone in the ring. She took advantage of my confusion and struck my chest. The pain was piercing and intense since I wasn't wearing chest protection. My breast was pressed against my ribs, making the pain even worse. The crowd cheered for Sonja and celebrated every blow I took.

My mother watched with wide eyes, her hands clenched tightly in her lap. She winced with every punch that landed on me, her heart aching to see her daughter in pain but also feeling a strange sense of pride at my strength and determination. She told me afterwards.

Sonja didn't stop there. She landed a brutal punch directly to my jaw, snapping my head back violently. The impact sent shockwaves of pain through my skull. My vision blurred for a moment, and the taste of blood intensified. The crowd's cheers grew louder, urging Sonja on.In the second round, we both fought with even more intensity. Sonja landed another hard punch on my face, causing a sharp, stinging sensation. My head jerked back, and I felt a rush of adrenaline.

The audience roared with excitement, their voices a cacophony of encouragement and enthusiasm. I felt a mix of pain, determination, and an unexpected thrill. I countered with a powerful right hook to Sonja's jaw, which made her stagger. The feeling of landing a solid punch was exhilarating, a blend of power and satisfaction.

But Sonja wasn't done. She came back with a series of quick, forceful blows to my midsection, each one driving the air out of my lungs and intensifying the ache in my torso. She targeted my ribs with relentless precision, each hit feeling like a sledgehammer. The audience was on their feet, their cheers echoing around the ring. The raw energy of the fight and the crowd's reaction heightened every sensation, making the pain and effort feel almost euphoric.

Then Sonja hit me with a powerful uppercut that caught me off guard. The force of the blow made my knees buckle, and I felt a searing pain radiate through my jaw and head. The crowd's cheers mixed with my disoriented thoughts as I struggled to stay on my feet. The intense pain and adrenaline rush blurred together, creating a whirlwind of sensations that both frightened and exhilarated me.

Sonja followed up with a hard uppercut to my chest. The impact was excruciating, as my breast was driven back against my ribs. The sharp, throbbing pain radiated through my body, and I could hear the crowd's roaring approval. It was a different kind of pain, both physical and emotional, knowing that a friend had hit me so hard.

My mother covered her mouth with her hands, tears welling up in her eyes. She wanted to run into the ring and protect me, but she knew she had to let me fight my own battle. She felt a mix of helplessness and admiration, torn between wanting to stop the fight and being proud of my resilience.

In the third round, Sonja didn't hold back. She landed a devastating combination of punches to my face and body. Her fists felt like iron, each punch driving deeper into my flesh and bone. My face was bruised and swollen, my body battered and aching. But amidst the pain, there was a strange exhilaration, a primal thrill that kept me going.

I hit Sonja with an uppercut to the face. The audience roared--wow, what a feeling. She staggered, and I punched her below the chest on the liver. She was still standing, but the referee intervened. I had won!


I helped her up and thanked her for the fight, then kissed her.

Fighting against friends is special!

After the match, I was inspired by Sonja's courage and strength. We went together to a piercing shop, and I got a piercing in the same spot as Sonja. It was very intimate. Sonja watched closely as my labia was pierced. The sensation was both painful and electrifying, and having Sonja there made it even more intense. It felt like a badge of honor, a reminder of what I had accomplished and the bond we shared.

Today, Alex is my husband, and Sonja is my best friend. Our relationships have only grown deeper and more meaningful. The connection we share, both in and out of the ring, is filled with passion, respect, and a hint of that sexy edge that first brought us together.

After the intense boxing match with Sonja, I was surprised when she suggested we get piercings as a celebration of our shared experience. So, we went to a piercing shop and got matching piercings in the same spot as our boxing opponents' marks.

During our regular boxing sessions, the excitement in the training ground was palpable. The cheers and shouts of encouragement from the audience during the sparring matches added a thrilling edge to our training, making it more enjoyable and intense.

Deep into our boxing training, Alex and I discovered a new side to our relationship - one fuelled by shared pain, mutual support, and an unexpected sense of intimacy. This BDSM-like aspect of our relationship, driven by the intense, physical nature of boxing, became a crucial part of our bond and kept our passion alive.

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