Celebrity Sex Stories

Brady Bunch - The Attic

Greg & Marcia want the attic.

Jul 28, 2024
38 min read
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Brady Bunch - The Attic
Brady Bunch - The Attic

Brady Bunch - The Attic

(fictional story about fictional characters)

(I know this isn't my usual subject matter, but I was watching reruns and The Brady Bunch, S4, E23, "A Room at the Top", came on. This is a story that was begging to be written.)

Just a week before, the whole family had gathered to celebrate Marcia's 18th birthday; and now they were all gathered again but for a far less fun reason. Mike, the patriarch of the bunch, had decided that this would be the perfect weekend to clean out the attic. After this weekend, Summer would start in earnest and everyone would be busy with their own agendas. Greg, Marcia, Jan and Peter all had various summer jobs; Bobby had Little League and play-dates with friends, and Cindy...well, Mike wasn't exactly sure what little girls did all summer. They had started the task very early on Saturday morning because the day was predicted to be a southern California scorcher, and there was very little (actually none) circulation in the attic.

It was hard, tedious work, with a lot of complaining by everyone (yes, even the Bradys got irritable); but usually they ended up laughing at some long-hidden gem in the attic. Load after load of stuff was trudged down the flights of stairs to the Brady garage, where it was sorted into two piles: one (the largest one) for the trash hauler, and the other for "treasures" they were contemplating keeping. Most of the second pile would later be added to the first pile. They were determined to finish the project on Saturday so they would have Sunday to relax.

When they were nearly done, Greg corralled his father and asked: "now that all the old junk is out of the attic, do you have any plans for the space."

"No, I guess we'll just use it to accumulate NEW junk," his father laughed.

"I was thinking that it would make a good place for a bedroom," Greg suggested, "You know after this summer, I'll only be home on weekends and it would be really nice to have some privacy from Peter and Bobby. They can be super annoying, and you know a guy my age needs some privacy. I can put some poster up and it'll be fine."

Mike DID know what Greg meant...he had kept magazines under his mattress when he was Greg's age himself. "That idea is not half bad," he slapped Greg on the back, "it will cut down on the little squabbles you have. I'll tell your mother."

Out in the garage at precisely the same time Marcia was talking to her mother: "hey mom, I was thinking that the attic would make a groovy bedroom. I could put up some curtains and posters and make it my own sanctuary. A girl my age really needs some privacy. I love Jan and Cindy, but sometimes I just need to be alone...you understand."

"Of course," Carol agreed, "I think that sounds like a fine idea...I'll let your father know."

Upstairs in the boys' room, Greg had broken the news to Peter and Bobby, who were overjoyed with the prospect of getting rid of their bunk-beds. When the dust from the thorough sweeping had finally settled, they even volunteered to help him lug his stuff up to the attic. They just dropped the boxes in the middle of the attic and abandoned them. When Marcia carried her first box up to her new bedroom, she was perplexed when she found more boxes. Just then Greg appeared on the stairs carrying a small end table made from a milk crate. "Why are you cluttering up my new bedroom," she asked.

"You mean MY new bedroom," Greg told her, "dad said I could have the attic."

"Well mom promised it to me," his sister defiantly answered, and stood at the top of the stairs with her arms akimbo.

"Well I'm the oldest and I asked first," Greg informed her, crowding by and setting his crate down.

"No I asked first, and you don't get everything just because you're the oldest," she told him.

Just as it was starting to turn into a shouting match, Mike and Carol appeared on the stairs and Mike spoke up: "OK you two; your mother and I made a mistake and didn't consult each other before promising the attic to either of you. I never occured to us that either of you would want this hot, stuffy old space, until you asked."

"OK, so who gets the attic," Greg inquired, the sweat dripping off his brow.

"We're going to let you two reach that decision...and no arguing," Carol told them, "whatever you decide is fine with us...we trust you to come to a reasonable and fair decision."

When the parents had left the attic, Greg sat on his crate and Marcia sat on the top step. The truth was they really did like each other and didn't want to hurt each others feelings, and Greg started to talk. "After this summer, I'll only be home on weekends because Freshman year I have to live in a dorm on campus...it's the rules. So after the summer the attic will be all yours. I can stand Bobby and Peter on the weekends, I guess. Next summer and next school year, a couple buddies and I have already started to make plans to get an apartment off campus. So I'm only asking for the attic this summer."

"Thanks Greg," Marcia said, acknowledging his sincere effort to reach a solution, "but you just have no idea how annoying Cindy and Jan can be sometimes. This is my senior year and I really need some privacy sometimes."

"No, I get it," he replied. Glancing around, he suggested: "you know, there really is a lot of room up here. We could probably split it down the middle and make two rooms."

"Greg, that's genius," Marcia agreed, "and we'll really only be sharing it for the summer."

"OK, now for logistics," Greg began, "if we split it lengthwise, one of us will get both the window and stairs; and if we split it sideways, one will get the window and the other will get the stairs. How about we split it sideways and I'll take the back half with the window. You'll get the stairs because it's a well known fact that females visit the bathroom much more often than males."

She made a face at him and smiled: "thanks...that sounds like a fair decision; but I'm still making curtains for the window."

"Now...how will we separate the spaces...we can't build a wall," Greg admitted.

"The other night mom was watching some old movie about a couple who had to share a bedroom, and they hung a sheet on some rope," Marcia informed him.

"Wait, I have a better idea," Greg proclaimed, "we can string the rope, then hang shower curtains so we can easily push them aside when we want to go through...and for some ventilation, since I have the only window. I'll bet mom has some old shower-curtain hooks and the curtains are only a couple bucks apiece. What do you think?"

"Sounds groovy," Marcia agreed, "as long as you announce yourself before going through my room...you know, in case I'm changing clothes or something."

"Deal," he agreed and stuck out his hand for her to shake.

"You know, if we get moving, we can stay up here tonight," Marcia suggested. "I'm going down to change my clothes...it really is H-O-T up here." They had all worn old sweat-pants and sweatshirts for the dirty attic-cleaning job, and were now over-dressed for the stifling space.

The next time Greg climbed the attic stairs, his arms were full and Marcia was already up there hanging some posters and fabric on her walls. She had changed into a pair of incredibly short cut-off jeans and when she stretched toward the roof, the bottoms of her perfectly round ass cheeks peeked out. Her scarf was gone and her long, blond hair fell down her back like a waterfall. Greg stopped dead in his tracks and thought: "holy crap...my sister is a fox...when did that happen?"

He felt guilty for staring and when she caught him, Marcia asked: "what...don't you like the fabric?"

"Uh...no...I mean yeah, as long as it's on your side," he responded, "hey, look what I found. Mom had the extra curtain hooks and extra shower curtains. Dad got me some rope from the garage and there is a big old carpet rolled up down there. I bet it's big enough to cover half of each space if we put it down in the middle. It'll be nice not having to walk on the boards."

"That's great...you thought of everything," she grinned.

"I did," he laughed and produced a crowbar that he employed to pry the window open. "Now if we only had curtains," he joked, and Marcia punched him in the shoulder. While Marcia was busy hanging her fabric, Greg hung the rope and shower curtains. They were the opaque vinyl type that let the light pass through, but you were only able to discern vague shapes through the plastic. They went down together and hauled the large rug all the way to the attic without stopping. Dropping the heavy load they sat down and both wiped their brows. Marcia had put on a tight tube-top and Greg couldn't help but notice that her nipples were threatening to poke through the damp material.

"What am I doing staring at my sister," he scolded himself as he felt the stirrings of an erection. "Hey, we're not related by blood," he rationalized; trying not to stare. They spent the rest of the afternoon and evening arranging their belongings in their new "rooms." Since there were no outlets in the attic, extension cords were strung from the ceiling light fixture. The biggest job was the beds. Greg decided to just lug his mattress up the stairs, but Marcia wanted her whole bed: frame and all. Luckily they had siblings that were more than eager to help. Peter and Bobby were happy to say "vamoose" to Greg, but Cindy and Jan would miss their big sister.

Both were exhausted at the end of the day and when Marcia climbed up the stairs for bed, Greg saw she was wearing one of her ubiquitous "granny nightgowns." He teased her about them constantly because they came down to her ankles and looked like something Alice would wear. The heat was still oppressive and Greg suggested: "since we're both already changed, how about we shove the shower curtains apart for the night to get some circulation?"

"Sounds good to me," Marcia agreed, "tomorrow I'll have to hunt up a fan."

After finally getting to sleep, they both slept like logs. When the morning light shining through the window woke Greg up, he rolled off his mattress and shuffled through the opening toward the stairs. Due to the stifling heat, Marcia had tossed and turned and her nightgown was now bunched up around her waist, revealing her shapely ass, her long slender legs and her plain white panties. "Wow," Greg thought as he stroked his morning wood, "I wish I had paid more attention when she was practicing her cheers." He was thankful he managed to make it to the bathroom and back before she woke up because he knew she would have been embarrassed.

The next day was spent rearranging their "rooms;" helping to further sort the piles in the garage; and having a family barbeque. When Greg closed the shower curtains to get changed for bed, Marcia couldn't help notice that when his light was on behind him, his shadow became quite clear...and what a shadow it was. As he was putting on his gym shorts, it looked like he had three legs. "Holy moly, that can't be his penis," she nearly exclaimed out loud, "no way." Marcia had stuck her hand down the front of two boys' pants, and nothing had ever been even half that large. "It must be just the shadow playing tricks," she explained to herself, "but, wow, if it was real!" She made a pact with herself to find out.

Every night before bed, Marcia would moisturize with baby oil; spreading the slick substance all the way up and down her legs. Also every night, Greg would surreptitiously peek between the shower curtains and watch her. "Man, she has great legs," he whispered to himself every night. They settled into a routine of always courteously announcing whenever they were going to be going between the shower curtains, or coming up the stairs. They were in the middle of a heat wave, so every night they would leave the curtains shoved apart for air circulation. Marcia had found a fan, but it did little more than move the hot air around.

Supposedly because of the heat, she had gradually worn more skimpy night-clothes. First she had switched to an oversize t-shirt that only came down to her knees; then one night she wore a very short, lacy negligee that she had borrowed from her mother's dresser. Greg had only gotten a glimpse before the lights went out but he would have sworn that he could see the dark outline of her areola. Both Marcia and Greg were scheduled for night shifts the next day, so by the time they woke; everyone else was out of the house. Alice had gone to visit her sister for a couple days; Mike was at work; Carol was gone for the day to her Garden Club meeting and Bridge Club luncheon; Jan and Peter were off to their summer jobs and both Bobby and Cindy were at sleep-overs.

Greg woke first and peeked through the gap in the curtains to see if his sister was awake. He didn't see any movement so didn't bother announcing himself before heading for the stairs. He couldn't believe what she was wearing. The nightie was bunched around her waist and the light-blue lacy panties did little to hide her perfect ass. As he was passing her bed, he heard her voice: "what happened to announcing yourself. Were you trying to get a glimpse of me naked?"

Jerking his head around, he saw that she was sitting in the middle of the bed with a stern expression on her face. "Jeez no...I'm really sorry Marcia. I honestly thought you were asleep and didn't want to wake you...I swear." He saw her staring at his groin and realized his "morning wood" was plainly visible. He immediately dropped his hands to cover it.

Almost giggling at the pained expression on his face, she continued: "gee Greg, if you wanted to get a look at me naked, all you had to do was ask." Now smiling, she reached up to her shoulders and slid the straps of the nightie off and let them slide down her arms until her breasts popped out. Greg thought his eyes were going to leap from their sockets as he stared at his sister's incredible tits. They weren't overly large; probably 34 B (almost a C); but they were perfectly round and stood straight out from her body. Her dark pink areola were the size of half-dollars and capped by gumdrop sized nipples. He felt like they were begging him to touch them.

Time seemed to stand still until Greg realized he should do something. He confessed: "I...I know it's not polite to stare...but...wow, Marcia."

Standing up in front of him, she shrugged the nightie off and let it fall to the floor. "I'm glad you like," she teased, "if you want to see the rest, you have to show me yours."

He was only wearing his gym shorts and without even hesitating, shoved them down to the floor and stepped out of them. "Oh my God," Marcia wheezed. "Greg...it's so big." She knew the gap from her elbow to her wrist was nine inches and his penis was at least three inches longer, and as fat as a soda can. She actually felt lightheaded as she stared at his erection. Now she admitted: "as you said, it's not polite to stare, but...can I touch it." Almost in a trance, he just nodded in the affirmative and watched as she reached out with both hands and grasped his hard pole. Of course, her dainty fingers didn't even come close to encircling his huge rod. "Greg, it's amazing...so warm."

The more she fondled his shaft, the harder it got and Greg was afraid he was going to explode. "It's the first one I've ever seen," she admitted while reaching down and cupping his scrotum. "Is this an average size," she asked innocently.

"From what I've seen in the locker room; not that I've intentionally looked mind you; I'd say mine is quite a bit larger than average," he proudly, and modestly, proclaimed. "Can I touch," he asked while nodding at her breasts.

"Please," she blushed and thrust her chest out.

Reaching out, Greg tenderly grasped both her breasts in his hands. "Ohhh, they're amazing," he whispered as he began to fondle and knead her soft tits. He could tell she liked it too, by the way her grip tightened on his prick. Marcia leaned forward and tentatively stuck out her tongue to lick the drop of pre-cum from Greg's bulbous crown.

"Not a horrible taste," she thought as she opened her mouth wide and attempted to steer his shaft into it. His head bumped against her teeth and she immediately knew there was no way his gigantic prick would fit in her mouth. "Sorry Greg," she apologized, "I wanted to try to give you a blow-job...it would have been my first." Instead Marcia licked his pole from the ball-sack to the head, like licking an ice cream cone on a hot California day.

"That's OK," he chirped happily, "a lot of "firsts" today," secretly hoping there would be more. He was afraid he had said something wrong when she pulled back and released his erection. Slowly Marcia reached down, slid her lacy panties down her long legs and kicked them aside. Laying back on the bed and spreading her legs, she seductively asked: "see anything else you like?"

Greg's lower jaw just dropped as he stared at his sister's pussy. It was technically the first one he had seen in person. There had been magazines, of course, and he had sex with two different girls; but they had both been at night, in the dark. Marcia's mound was glistening and beckoned him to come closer. He paused for a moment to take a mental picture of his sister's wondrous nude body; her legs spread wide inviting him in. Dropping onto the bed, he crawled up between her legs and stared at her pussy. It was bikini and cheerleading season, so Marcia had trimmed her sparse light-blond bush into just a tiny V-shape just above her slit.

He could make out the folds of her labia, surrounding her slit and they fascinated him. Running his hands up and down her silky thighs, he leaned closer to her crotch and had to ask: "am I the first guy to see you naked?"

"Yep," she breathed hard, "another first."

His hands rubbing her thighs, Greg hoped: "is it OK if I...you know...touch?"

"If you don't...I'm going to," she admitted. Greg moved his hands up to her mound and used his thumbs to spread her puffy lips apart. He was mesmerized by the vivid pink flesh of her tunnel and overcome by the strong scent of her arousal. Droplets of her lubrication seeped out of her opening and dribbled down her wonderful ass cheeks. Greg let her hole close and began to drag his tongue up the sides of her slit; first one side and then the other. After several licks, he massaged her thighs and inserted his tongue as far up her hole as it would go. Wiggling it around, he used his curved tongue to scoop out her juices and let them trickle down his throat. Marcia's body trembled.

"You taste good," he assured her as her naked body began to undulate in front of him. "I have to ask," he hesitated, "but have you ever...are you a...."

Before he could finish, Marcia told him: "I've never had sex with a guy; but I'm technically not a virgin...I gave that up to a toy I found in mom's dresser...it felt nice."

"You know we're not related by blood," Marcia reminded him, "so I really want you to be my first. You care about me and are always considerate, and I think I could count on you to be gentle the first time."

"Oh you know I would be gentle," he answered, getting more excited by the minute. "The only thing is; I don't have any condoms. Do you think dad has any in his dresser?"

She shocked him by saying," we don't need them." Seeing the shocked look on his face, she elaborated: "last year my periods were really painful and irregular and mom took me to see Dr. Lee. She said the birth-control pill would help regulate my cycles and make them less painful; and she was right. You should have heard mom telling me: "you know this doesn't give you permission to go out and have sex." She was so funny."

"So what you're saying is..." Greg began.

"Greg...I want you to fuck me...now," Marcia whispered as she spread her legs even wider, "I need to know what it feels like to have a man's cock inside me." She grabbed one of her pillows and jammed it under her ass, telling him: "I read in a book that this gives a better angle for penetration; and I want to be sure that all that meat goes inside me."

Just hearing his sister using that kind of language made Greg even harder as he kneeled between her shapely legs and rubbed his crown up and down her plump labia. Pausing, he suggested: "I'm pretty big for your first time...hand me your baby oil, just to be safe."

"I use that to moisturize every night," she informed him as he took the bottle from her.

He didn't tell her that he was well aware of her nightly routine, as he squirted the slippery substance the length of his prick. "And it shows," he praised her, "your legs are like silk." Looking down at his log resting on her tummy, Marcia had a fleeting moment of apprehension. His prick was three times the size of her mother's toy and actually looked dangerous as it pulsated against her stomach. Her arousal took charge and she knew there was nothing in the world she wanted more than to feel Greg's cock inside her. Using his thumbs, Greg spread her labia wide and nudged his fat crown against her pink slit. He couldn't believe how perfect her nude body was, but wanted to make sure she was ready: "are you sure you want this?"

"Fuck me," she assured him and put her hands on his shoulders. Pushing forward, they both looked down to watch how her plump labia were spreading apart as his fat crown attempted to penetrate her tight slit. Her hole was so tiny that Greg grasped her taut waist in his hands and pulled her toward him as he pushed. Finally, his head plowed through her opening and into her pussy. "Ohhh shit," Marcia exclaimed as her slit was spread farther than ever before. Seeing his uncertain expression, she assured him: "go ahead...do it...shove that big fucking cock up my pussy." Slowly and carefully, Greg pushed deeper into her hole. She was so tight that it forced his foreskin backward; almost painfully so.

Marcia's naked body began to squirm under him as she felt her snug tunnel being stretched to its extreme, inch by exquisitely wonderful inch. Looking down she saw that he was only about half way inside her, so she shoved her body forward, urging him deeper. The sensation was incredible as he advanced inside her vagina, touching virgin territory the further he went. Greg got the message and thrust forward, burying his pole deep up her belly until his scrotum wedged against her cheeks. "Oh Greg, that feels sooo good," she whispered.

He couldn't have agreed more; her pussy was so tight around his dick that it felt like a fist squeezing it.

They just held in that position, letting Marcia's pussy get adjusted to his girth; and just enjoying the sensation. The pillow had worked, and every inch of Greg's shaft was inside her. Slowly Greg began to withdraw, scraping against every nerve ending in her tunnel and causing Marcia to tremble in climax. His dick was so fat that he stimulated both her g-spot and clit simultaneously. Slowly and gently, Greg completed several slow strokes before picking up his pace. Marcia's magnificent body undulated and jerked under him as he stuffed her pussy with his enormous cock.

Watching his log slide in and out of her tiny hole, Marcia asked herself: "how can that giant piece of meat fit inside my little pussy?" Greg couldn't believe how beautiful she looked as he slid his dick into her hole. Her blond hair spread out against the pillow like a halo; but there was nothing angelic about her behavior now. "Ohhh Greg...fuck me...fuck me harder," she begged, "I love having your cock inside me." Increasing the tempo of his thrusts, he reached out with both hands and began to knead her perfect tits; trapping and pinching her gumdrop nipples between his fingers. Her body trembled with another orgasm and she moaned: "oh God I love your cock."

He had lit a fire inside his sister, and all she cared about was the fat cock stretching her pussy. The house could have been burning down around them, and the only thing on her mind would have been being fucked. In and out of her juicy pussy, Greg began to hammer her hole. Grasping her perfect ass cheeks in his hands for leverage, his pelvic bone slammed and ground against hers as he thrust as deep inside her as he could. "Your cunt is so tight...it's incredible," he complimented her. They could actually hear the squishing sounds coming from her sopping wet hole as his prick slid in and out. Greg's cock was coated with her white cream and Marcia's head was rolling from side to side in ecstasy.

"I'm almost ready...you know...to cum," he warned her. He wanted nothing more than to shoot his load as deep inside her as he could; but he didn't want it to end.

"Cum inside me," she urged, "I need to know what it feels like to have a man cum in me." More than happy to oblige, Greg wrapped his arms around her body to hold her tight, jammed his massive cock as far up her cunt as he could, and let his balls explode inside her. "Yesss...yesss...cum in me...cum in me," she groaned as she felt her pussy being filled with his hot semen. "Fill me with your seed, Greg; fill my cunt." Greg pumped spurt after spurt of cum against her womb until he was dry-humping her wet pussy. She was already so stuffed with his cock, that cum began to squirt out around the sides of her slit.

"That was so good, Greg," she moaned breathlessly, "don't ever stop fucking me...I want your fat cock in me twenty-four hours a day." He collapsed on top of her luscious naked body and they just lay there relaxing.

After a minute, he realized he must be crushing her and rolled off to the side, letting his still hard cock slide out of her stretched out hole. As soon as he had withdrawn, his semen began to dribble out of her slit. Marcia couldn't believe how long it took for his monstrous pole to slide out of her. He lay next to her, on his side, marveling at her incredible nude body lying on her back with her long legs spread obscenely wide. They both basked in the afterglow and chatted like lovers. "Was I good...was I OK," she asked, "because I wanted to be good for you."

"You were amazing...the best," he assured her, "your body is so gorgeous."

"I loved having you fuck me," she admitted, "why did we wait so long...we could have been fucking every night." He had no rational answer, so he kept silent. "Did you like my cunt...was it OK," she continued; still insecure about her body.

"Your pussy was perfect," he told her the truth, "incredibly tight and wet. I can't imagine a cunt being any nicer. I can't wait to fuck you again." Grinning from ear to ear, Marcia began to drift into a dreamy state, with Greg absentmindedly stroking her breasts as he lay next to her.

Mike Brady had looked around the house for signs of his family and finally plodded up the attic stairs. What he saw startled him. There was his eldest son and daughter laying naked on her bed; her shapely legs spread wide with, what was obviously, cum drooling down between her round ass cheeks. She was a gorgeous teenager with her pert breasts and toned body. Standing at the top of the stairs he exclaimed loudly: "well, well, well...what have we here. Marcia...Marcia...Marcia."

Both Marcia and Greg jerked upright, fear on their faces. Greg sat on the side of the bed trying to shield his sister from Mike. Marcia cowered behind Greg, her arms over her chest to cover her breasts. Seeing the stern look on his father's face Greg began: "it was my fault...I can explain," even though he knew he couldn't.

Mike advanced toward them and sat on the edge of the bed by Greg. "So someone finally broke her in...I'm proud it was you, son," he stated and patted Greg's back. "You know Marcia, you really have grown into a beauty. I have to admit that every time you paraded around the house in your bikini, I had to conceal my hard-on."

To say Marcia and Greg were astounded by his reaction to the situation would be a vast understatement, and they just stared at each other. Gradually they realized they were not in big trouble and probably not going to be punished. "So, Marcia," Mike inquired, "how was your first time...I assume it was your first."

Hesitantly, she told him: "yeah...first." Slowly loosening up, she continued: "it was wonderful;" and feeling she could be totally honest: "Greg's cock felt so amazing inside me."

Standing up with a smile on his face, their father shrugged his jacket off, loosened his tie, pulled it over his head and kicked his oxfords under her bed. Unbuttoning his shirt, he informed them: "well now, since we're not related by blood, we're going to try something different." He shoved his trousers and boxers down his legs until a long, slender dick waved in front of him. Marcia figured it was about nine inches long and resembled a pepperoni stick. She would have been shocked at seeing her step-father's penis, except she was still incredibly aroused and fascinated by seeing her second erect prick. "We're going to fuck that cute little ass...you didn't break it in did you son?"

"What...no...I don't get it," Greg answered in a confused tone.

"You know...anal sex," Mike proclaimed, "this has to be another secret of ours, but your mother loves it...can't get enough."

"But dad, "Marcia wrinkled her nose, "isn't that...you know...really deviant." Greg nodded his head.

"Oh no...totally acceptable," Mike told them, "and look who's talking about deviant. I guarantee you'll love it; and if you don't, we'll just fuck your pussy. I'll bet it's tight...right son."

"Like a fist," Greg beamed, remembering how her tunnel gripped him.

"We're going to do this, or your mother just might find out what you two did today," Mike hinted at extortion, "now hitch over and give me some room." He lay back on Marcia's bed, reached for the bottle of baby oil on her nightstand and drooled it all over his crown. They watched as it dripped down and coated his slender log. "Ok Marcia, scoot on up here...no, no, the other way," he directed her to turn around so that her back was facing him. When she was sitting on his lap, she raised up on her knees until she was hovering directly over his genitals. "Damn that's a cute ass," Mike observed as he spread her firm cheeks with his fingers. OK, now you aim it, Marcia."

Reluctantly, she grasped her step-father's prick and wiggled it around until she felt his head nudge against her tiny brown hole. Pulling down on her cheeks, Mike urged her to lower herself onto his raging hard-on. Nothing had ever gone INTO her ass before and it was a struggle before his crown finally popped through her sphincter ring and into her asshole. "Oh shit," Marcia exclaimed at the intrusion. Gradually his slick probe advanced up her tight hole as she lowered her naked body; impaling herself. Slowly she felt his slender rod slide up her ass until she was sitting on his lap again.

Fully skewered by her step-dad's penis, Marcia just sat there, not moving as she adjusted to the violation of her virgin asshole. Surprisingly, it wasn't painful; as a matter of fact it felt sort of comforting. "See...I told you...it's not that bad; right." Feeling cramped, Marcia extended her marvelous legs out in front of her, alongside Mike's and just let her body relax as she took deep breaths. Mike reached around her svelte nubile body and encircled her soft breasts with his hands. Kneading them gently, he complimented her: "your tits are great...so firm and yet soft. Not as large as your mothers' of course, but yours will grow. Your mothers' are getting pretty droopy so it's nice to feel some firm ones."

He continued to squeeze her breasts while pulling her body back to lay on top of him. "OK Greg...your turn." Noticing the puzzled expression on his son's face, Mike elaborated: "don't worry, she can handle two cocks. You want Greg to fuck you again, don't you Marcia?"

"Oh God yes," she confessed while spreading her legs as wide as she could get them; and being a cheerleader...they were pretty wide.

Crawling up between their two sets of legs, Greg had a wide smile on his face as he stared at Marcia's slightly-parted slit. The way she was laying on top of their father, presented her groin at the perfect angle. His enormous erection waved in front of him like the trunk of an elephant getting ready to squirt some innocent bystander...except there were no innocents here. There was still a large dollop of his cum dripping from her opening and Greg knew he needn't worry about extra baby oil lubrication. It was a different view of her magnificent naked body...with a cock wedged up her ass and Greg found it to be incredibly arousing.

Taking his hard-on in his hand, he presented it to her slit and pushed between her fleshy labia until they had surrounded it. He grasped her waist and shoved forward, expecting the entry to be easier than the first time...it wasn't. Because her groin was already stretched by Mike's prick; Marcia's pussy was stretched even tighter. Apprehensive at the thought of harming her, Greg was grateful when she looked him in the eyes and begged: "do it Greg...fuck me...I want your cock in me so bad." Still a little cautious, Greg held her steady and shoved forward again. This time about three inches of his fat log disappeared into her hole. "Yesss," she moaned, "fuck me, Greg...fuck me."

Slowly, steadily, he pushed forward while watching his giant prick disappear inside her slit. Scraping against her clit, Greg stretched her nearly-virgin hole even wider as he slid up into her belly. When his scrotum nudged against her ass, he stopped and held still; all three of them enjoying the snugness of Marcia's holes. Greg didn't even mind that his body was touching his fathers'; all he cared about was that he was inside Marcia's unbelievably tight pussy. Marcia was in heaven. She was literally stuffed with hard cock and the feeling was pure ecstasy. She didn't know it at the time, but this day would be a turning point in her life: from that day on she would have an insatiable appetite for sex...she would crave cock.

Together, Mike and Greg began to slowly withdraw their erections from Marcia's holes. Just as slowly, they slid them back into her, stretching her holes all over again. Gradually they increased their speed; always thrusting simultaneously. For Marcia, the sensation of having two cocks fucking her holes, separated by a thin membrane, was overwhelming. Before today she was a virtual virgin; and now she was being double-penetrated. Greg and Mike started to slam into her tiny body; Greg's scrotum slapping against her ass. Marcia's body writhed between them and she screamed: "ohhh God yesss...fuck me...fuck me...stretch my fucking holes."

Mike put his arms around her torso to hold her steady and Greg watched her tits bouncing around on her chest. Leaning forward, he trapped her left gumdrop nipple between his teeth and stretched it out. Releasing her nub, he watched it snap back against her tit, causing her flesh to ripple. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was, and it made him fuck her even harder. Her juices were dripping down between her ass cheeks, coating Mike's dick and making penetration even more smooth. "Yesss...yesss...fuck me...fuck me," she squealed as they drilled her naked body.

Peeking out from behind her luxurious blond mane, Mike nodded at Greg: "you ready son...let's fill her up." They jammed their cocks as far inside her as they could, and let their loads explode.

Marcia's wonderful body convulsed and thrashed as she felt her holes being flooded with hot fluid. "Ohhh my God," she screeched, "yesss...cum in me...fill me with your seed...fuck me...fuck me." Mike and Greg held their bodies against her, making sure every drop they had was squirting inside her. "Ohhh God I love your cocks," she gasped as her body went limp between them from total exhaustion.

"Well this had been fun, but I have to get back to the office," Mike informed them, "I only came home to retrieve some blueprints I accidently left in the den." Greg backed up, watching his shriveling snake slide out of Marcia's stretched out hole; and hoping he would see it again. Marcia rolled off of her father, not the least bit self-conscious (probably because of her exhaustion); and Mike bounded out of bed like a teenager. Getting dressed, he admonished them: "you know if we're ever going to do this again, no one can ever find out...especially your mother."

Greg held up his three-finger Boy Scout salute, and Marcia made a motion like she was zipping her lips. "Perfect," Mike acknowledged, "by the way, Marcia, you have a great ass."

As Mike was shrugging on his jacket, Greg mentioned: "hey dad, you know who's been looking really foxy lately...Jan."

"Don't think I haven't noticed," his father answered, "when is her birthday?"

"Not 'till next May," Marcia chimed in. Normally she considered her sister as a rival and would never publicly praise her, but she got caught up in the moment and added: "you know...her tits are already bigger than mine."

"Gives us something to look forward to...right Greg," Mike commented as he disappeared down the stairs.

Greg sat back down by his naked sister, once again astonished at how incredible she looked. It suddenly occurred to him that he had just fucked the prettiest girl in the school, and would never be able to brag about it.. "Well, while you take a shower, I'll take the sheets down and wash them," he offered.

Noticing that his massive erection had returned as he stared at her, Marcia suggested: "perhaps you could assist me in the shower."

Over the next week, Marcia and Greg barely saw each other. Between work schedules and various siblings visiting them in the attic to see their "groovy pad," there was virtually no "alone" time. One night as Greg was sitting in the back yard just looking at the stars; Marcia sidled up against him (probably closer than she should), and told him: "there is something I need your help with."

"Jeez, Marcia, me too but not here...someone will see," he answered.

Laughing and punching him in the shoulder, she responded: "not that. I got a letter from school today and cheerleader practices start next week. I really need to be named head-cheerleader this year. Mr. O'Neal, the guidance counselor said that college admission committees eat that leadership stuff up and it would look good on my permanent transcript. How can I guarantee I'll be head-cheerleader?"

"You're not still mad that I voted for Angie last year are you? You know I was between a rock and a hard place," he asked.

Giggling, Marcia responded: "hard place...nice. No, I told you I understood. She really was better, and she was a senior...it should go to a senior."

"Well, as you know there are only three people who vote," Greg explained, "the football team captain; the girls gym teacher who doubles as the cheerleader coach; and the football coach. I think Mr. Robinson will vote for you, he always watched you when you were practicing. Ms McGranigan...I don't know. How long has she been gym teacher...it seems like forever; and this years' captain is Lamar. He was voted captain at last years awards banquet. You remember him...black guy who was the tight-end and defensive end."

"Yeah," Marcia commented: "Ms McGranigan...I don't know about her. She watches us when we're getting changed...kinda gives me the creeps. Let's focus on the other two. You say Mr. Robinson watches me, so he could probably be persuaded. Has Lamar ever said anything about me?"

"No, but you're blond and beautiful, so how could he not be interested," Greg stated.

"Ohhh, how sweet," she cooed, "if I didn't know better I'd say you're trying to get me into bed." With that she reached over and squeezed his crotch; finding that he was fully erect.

Just then the entire Brady Bunch trooped out into the yard and Peter announced: "come on...we're making s'mores."

Greg knew he couldn't stand up for a few minutes, and leaned over to whisper in Marcia's ear: "I'll see if I can arrange a private audition with Lamar and Mr. Robinson."

It was still over a month until school opened, so the only things happening on campus were practices for football, cross country and cheerleading. It was still tryouts and the cheerleader candidates wee mostly wearing shorts and t-shirts. The uniforms were given out in a semi-formal ceremony when the final cuts were made. Being a returning cheerleader, it was just a formality that Marcia had to participate; but she was trying extra hard so she would be named head-cheerleader. Once when she turned around, she noticed Mr. Robinson across the football field standing with his arms folded, watching her perform.

At the conclusion of practice, as Marcia was walking across the field to the locker room to shower, Mr. Robinson waved for her to come over. When she had jogged over to his location, he smiled broadly; obviously looking her up and down; and spoke: "your brother Greg spoke to me yesterday. I'm real fond of Greg...he always gave one-hundred per-cent. I was surprised when he said you really coveted being named head-cheerleader and needed my vote. If you still want a private audition...Lamar and I will be in the Boys locker room about an hour after practice ends. That will give everyone else enough time to leave. Bring your A-game."

Marcia was so nervous that she dropped the soap in the shower three times. She even went to the trouble of drying her hair under one of those wall-mounted dryers. She knew what she was willing to do to obtain their votes and wondered if she would have to go that far. Wishing she had brought a change of clothes, she just put back on her shorts and t-shirt; with one subtle change...she decided to go commando. Thankful she kept lipstick in her purse, she applied some bright red gloss and checked herself out in the mirror. "Not bad," she complimented herself and made one last alteration by tying the t-shirt in a knot around her midriff.

When the appointed time came, she casually wandered over to the Boys locker room and slipped through the door. It was quiet, and she wondered if they were there, until she heard Mr. Robinson's voice: "hello Marcia...I'm actually surprised you showed up. Join us over here in the trainer's room." Following the sound of his voice, she rounded a corner and found herself in a large room with several trainer's tables and a couple whirlpool tubs. Coach Robinson was sitting on one table wearing his traditional school-logo shorts and polo shirt, and sitting on another was Lamar, clad in only his gym shorts.

She was well acquainted with Coach Robinson. Beside's being the football coach, he also doubled as the Health Class teacher. He was your stereotypical high school football coach: a little paunchy (not quite fat, but borderline) with mussed, never combed hair; probably because it seemed he was always wearing a baseball cap. Never as stern as you would expect a coach to be, and always greeted her with a smile. She remembered seeing him at a couple sports banquets, and he always looked out of place in a sport jacket.

Lamar she was less familiar with. He had been Greg's favorite receiving target last season and he had helped Lamar attain All-District status. This year Lamar made no bones about his expectations: All-State. Marcia had never really cared for him; he seemed to have a perpetual chip on his shoulder and seemed to have a cruel streak. He would often administer violent blind-side shots when the officials weren't looking and then grin. It was common knowledge he had "hit on" virtually every girl in the school. Also he constantly played the "race card" when things didn't go quite the way he thought they should. He looked her up and down with a sneer on his face and stated: "wow...little-miss-goody-two-shoes; you're the last girl I expected to see like this."

Looking bored, Lamar urged: "well, you've got us here...don't waste our time...let's see what you got." Marcia smiled her cheerleader smile and began to perform one of the school's patented cheer routines; her high kicks going well above her head. "Come on," Lamar exclaimed, "we know you're great at cheering; but so are Jackie, Sandy and Heather; show us something that will make us want to pick you. Pissed at his attitude, but knowing what she was prepared to do for the position of head-cheerleader, Marcia grasped the bottom of her t-shirt and whisked it quickly up over her head, revealing her perky bare breasts.

Continuing her routine, her firm breasts barely jiggled, and Coach Robinson actually applauded her performance. "Not bad," Lamar nodded, "but let's hope they grow." This spurred Marcia on, and she paused her cheer to angrily shove her shorts down to her ankles and kick them off. When she resumed her gyrations, Lamar grinned and encouraged her: "now we're talking...man, that bush is almost bare." Marcia proceeded to do several high kicks that clearly displayed her mound and the two spectators began to rub their groins through their shorts.

Finishing up her first routine, she stood facing them, letting them admire her nude body. Both were smiling at each other when she started her second cheer. This one had a move where she faced away from them, bent from the waist with spread legs, and touched the floor. Her slit seemed like it was winking at them in this position and Coach and Lamar rubbed their crotches harder. Standing back up, she turned around and asked: "well, do I get head-cheerleader?"

"You did fine in the preliminary audition," Coach Robinson told her, "but we're just getting started." With that said, he and Lamar both shoved their shorts and underwear down to the floor and their pricks flopped out. Of course, Marcia had never seen a black penis before, and now there were two fine specimens in front of her. Coach Robinson's was about nine inches and quite fat as it waved in front of him. Lamar's hard-on stuck straight out and was about eleven inches and reminded her of a Hires Root-Beer bottle, except that his crown was huge; like a tennis ball.

Immediately her mind compared them to Greg's rod, and neither one was as large as her brother's. She nearly giggled, realizing she actually had other dicks to compare them to...who would have thought. Certainly not Lamar who chuckled: "I'll bet she's never even seen a cock before...let alone a black one. Well, don't worry Blondie; you're about to get real familiar with them." Marcia decided to let him think whatever he wanted; right now she was feeling a craving...she wanted to be fucked. The more she stared at their erect shafts...the more she wanted them inside her. She could feel her crotch becoming damp.

"There's just something about a naked blond," Coach Robinson declared while crooking his finger to motion her to approach him. Kicking her sneakers off, but leaving her socklets on (after all this was the Boys icky locker room), she seductively sauntered over to the coach's trainer's table and grasped his erection in both hands. She had to admit, she was fascinated by the blackness of his prick as she leaned over and licked his pole from scrotum to head. "I'm thinking she isn't as innocent as she appears," he told Lamar while Marcia was sliding her dainty hands up and down his shaft.

Marcia knew there was no way she was going to be able to accomplish her first blow-job: Coach's dick as too thick, and Lamar's crown was too wide. Coach Robinson jumped off the table, swiftly adjusted the legs, grasped Marcia's slim waist and lifted her nude body onto the edge ot the padded trainer's table. "I think it's time you earned the title of head-cheerleader," he suggested while grasping her soft thighs and spreading them apart. As if he felt the need to explain to Lamar, he looked at him and stated: "age before youth...you're next." Leaning down, Coach stuck out his tongue and ran it up her wet slit several times.

Letting his tongue slide between her fleshy lips, he massaged her thighs while probing inside her tunnel. Withdrawing his tongue, he replaced it with his thick index finger; sliding it in and out of her snug hole. "Oh this is going to be fun, Lamar, she's as tight as the school budget," he declared. When the Coach stood up between her legs, Marcia instinctively spread them wider and leaned back on her hands so she could watch. "Sorry darlin' but I don't keep condoms in my office...it's going to have to be bareback."

"That's fine," she assured him, watching him rub his purple crown up and down her puffy slit. Holding his prick in his hand, the Coach pushed against her slit until her lips parted and he was able to wedge his head into her opening.

"Fuck that's tight," he exclaimed as he pushed forward, sliding up into Marcia's pussy. Marcia was mesmerized by the sight of his thick black pole disappearing up inside her tight hole. He grasped her tiny waist to hold her at the edge of the table as he drove his entire length up into her tunnel. There was no intention at finesse by the Coach: he hadn't fucked a teenager in twenty years and never one this beautiful. They both watched as his black shaft, now white with her froth, slid in and out of her pussy. Leaning forward, Coach sucked on her nipples while thrusting into her hole as an increasing tempo.

Marcia's wonderful naked body quivered and shivered as the Coach fucked her. Lamar's patience had reached it's limit: this petite blond cheerleader was absolutely gorgeous and he wanted his turn...now. Grabbing a bottle of massage oil from the shelf, he squirted it onto his prick and stomping over to the trainer's table, he stood next to the Coach between Marcia's obscenely splayed legs. Staring at her pink slit, already occupied by the Coach, Lamar held his dick in his hand and rubbed his huge crown through the stream of her juices leaking down between her cheeks. Seeing the Coach looking puzzled, Lamar explained: "any good head-cheerleader should be able to adapt to any situation...let's see how she adapts to being fucked by two cocks."

Shrugging his shoulders, Coach moved to the side a couple inches while Lamar crowded against him. When Lamar reached forward to hook his thumbs into the sides of Marcia's lips and spread them even further apart, she finally realized what they had in mind. "Wait...no...that's impossible," she objected when Lamar began to push forward. Coach held her waist tightly and Marcia could feel her slit spreading farther than it was meant to go. Lamar's crown was huge and if it weren't for the oil he had applied, it never would have slipped through her slit...but it finally did. "Ohhh God," Marcia screamed as the sensation she felt was indistinguishable between pain and pleasure.

Once he was inside her, Lamar didn't stop pushing until his fat crown was wedged against her womb. Marcia's pussy was stretched beyond capacity and her naked body convulsed on the table. Grinning at each other, Lamar and Coach watched as Marcia's perfect body shook and quivered, and her vaginal muscles gripped their dicks like a fist. Winking at each other, they started to fuck the little blond cheerleader; driving their cocks in and out of her overstretched pussy. They both watched as their black cocks skewered her tiny hole.

Marcia would swear she had lost consciousness temporarily, but now was completely aware of what was transpiring. She was totally and absolutely stuffed with hard cock; her cunt stretched beyond imagination...and she loved it. Constant orgasms wracked her nude body and she screeched: "yessss...fuck me...fuck me with those big black cocks." Her body writhing against the trainer's table, she begged: "stretch my fucking cunt...fuck me harder." Lamar and Coach looked at each other wide-eyed and began to fuck Marcia as hard as they could...ramming their shafts in and out of her juicy hole. Her pussy was making "squishy" sounds as they violated her tight hole; fucking her harder and harder.

Marcia's head was thrashing back and forth, her blond hair whipping against the table and she urged them: "fuck me...fuck me...I love your big black cocks." The two men loved hearing the, supposedly, innocent little blond cheerleader uttering obscenities and responded by crowding even closer to each other, thereby allowing their dicks to penetrate her hole even deeper. Glancing down between her thighs, Marcia could not believe how far her slit was being stretched without ripping. Taken together, it looked like a two-liter soda bottle was being shoved up her pussy.

Laying back against the padding of the trainer's table, Marcia closed her eyes and reveled in the sensation of her cunt being stretched wider than it was meant to. Feeling their gigantic shafts sliding in and out of her wet hole was exquisite and she never wanted the sensation to end. They were stimulating every nerve ending inside her tunnel and she moaned: "Ohhh God, yesss...fuck my cunt...fuck me." Reaching up with both hands, she kneaded and mauled her tits; leaving red marks from her fingernails.

Winking at each other, Coach and Lamar slammed up into her hole and Marcia could feel their cocks twitching just before her pussy was flooded with their seed. Her stuffed pussy couldn't accommodate anything more, and their semen began to squirt out around the edges of her slit. Marcia's wonderful legs shot straight out to the sides and her naked body tensed as she matched their orgasms. "Yessss...yessss," she squealed, "cum in me...fill my cunt...cum in me." The little blond's "potty mouth" made them drive into her even harder as they emptied the contents of their balls deep up into her belly. "Oh God yesss...cum in me."

They kept pumping and jamming their cocks into her sopping wet hole, watching her titties jiggle like Jello. Her nude body still trembling, Marcia lay her head back against the table and just mumbled to herself: "oh my God, that feels so fucking good...I absolutely love having a cock inside me." Lamar finished using her first and let his shriveling snake slide out of her pink pussy; standing back to gaze at her superb body. Coach wanted to leave his prick inside this teenage beauty as long as he could; who knew if he would ever get another chance at fucking an absolutely gorgeous teenager.

Standing between her legs with his cock still inside her, Coach Robinson assured her: "well Marcia, you have our votes...you will officially be the new head-cheerleader. We just have to wait until the actual vote."

"Yeah, for a skinny white bitch, you were a good fuck," Lamar concurred, "I hope we didn't stretch you out too bad. If we did, you might have to keep coming back for more big black cock."

"I'll keep that in mind," Marcia calmly stated as she scooted back on the trainer's table, letting Coach's shrinking dick slip out of her wide hole. "Could you throw me a towel?" He did and she used it to wipe the stream of cum dribbling down her pale thighs. Not the least bit self-conscious about her nudity, Marcia hopped off the table and stood in front of them, dabbing at her crotch with the towel.

"Feel free to use the Boys shower," Coach told her, "I'll keep the door locked until you're done; although I'm pretty sure even the Maintenance guys have gone home. If you need any help in there; I'm sure we can accommodate."

"I think I can handle it," she confirmed as they watched her tight ass walk toward the showers.

The rest of the summer, she and Greg hooked up at every opportunity and each time seemed better than the previous one. One night after a tiring day, Greg actually fell asleep after coming inside her. When he woke up, his cock had shrunk, but was still inside her so he just began fucking her again. Waking up, Marcia smiled at the familiar sensation and whispered: "ohhh yeah...fuck me Greg...I love your big fat cock."

Greg was sorry when summer vacation ended and he had to go live in the dorm. He also knew that things would drastically change once Marcia was back in school for her senior year. Guys would be all over her like ants at a picnic; and whereas in the past she had always turned them down, he was confident that she would now be fucking as many cocks as she could.

(Thanks for reading my story. As usual, it's not perfect, but I hope you enjoyed it. Positive comments are always welcome.)

In the heat of the attic cleanup, Greg found himself admiring Marcia's curvaceous figure as she stretched, her perfect round bottom peeking out from her short cut-offs. Later, Greg felt guilty for his stare and Marcia playfully asked, "what...don't you like the fabric?" Unaware of Marcia's intentions, Greg continued to appreciate her appearance, even noticing the outline of her nipples through her sweat-soaked tube-top.

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