Adult How To

Brief Encounters Ch. 07

A thief breaks into his bully's home to find a secret.

May 2, 2024
24 min read
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Brief Encounters Ch. 07
Brief Encounters Ch. 07

Brief Encounters Ch. 07

This story is entirely fictional, and all characters are over 18 years old.

The Thief

I heard a dog barking in the distance, close to my neighbor's house. It was barking frenziedly. There were three dogs in my neighborhood: a Doberman down the street, a pomeranian, and the dog that had started barking belonged to a pit bull. Bending over, I peeked out the window, vigilant for anyone walking down the sidewalk. The mailman, as punctual as always, strolled past. I was completely invisible from his viewpoint. He bent down, retrieved my mail, and dropped it into my mailbox. He then went to another mailbox and left some there.

That was my cue. I turned my attention back to the locked safe before me. I had been a thief for around five years now, ever since I was fifteen. My parents had money, but they rarely shared it between us kids. My older siblings had it all - my brother, Jarred, got a brand new car, and my sister, Claudia, got a laptop for college. The youngest of the lot, I was the one that received hand-me-downs. I was tired of the neglect. I needed a way out, and burglary seemed my only option. The constant squabbling between my parents made divorce seem imminent.

I slowly turned the knob of the safe clockwise, feeling a click once I'd turned it far enough. Easing open the safe, I began searching its contents. The only person in my family that I loved was my Uncle Jerry. He owned nothing but held what he had in high regard. He was the only one who taught me all the tricks for cracking security systems. My job only reinforced my knowledge of modern security tech. Uncle Jerry was also the only one I had come out to about my true self. Leaving this town was not going to be easy with him around.

The safe held a handful of valuable items: jewelry, stacks of cash, important documents, and a handgun. Now, the handgun took me by surprise. The couple living in the house were constant Biden/Harris supporters during the 2020 elections. They were a young, hip couple, in their early thirties. I could recall a conversation we had about their dislike of firearms. But there it was, lying before me, calling my name. Growing up in this neighborhood, we had seen quite a few residents pass away or move away. These houses were built in the 1920s and boasted decades of residents. Now, it was the young millennials, who were moving in, irritating my father.

I carefully scrutinized the wad of cash in front of me, checking for any traps. It was unusual, but people had been known to hide nylon or anything else in their money. After a thorough perusal, I grabbed the bundle and slid it into my briefs. It was a perfect, concealed hiding spot. I shut the safe and went to the drawer across the bed. It held a 55-inch television. Opening it, I found the husband's drawers. His name was Steven. He was good-looking - tall and thin with a muscular physique. The hair on his body was almost non-existent, and he had a great backside too. Scouring his drawers, I didn't find anything, so I examined the other drawers. Nothing. It was time to leave, and my security system blocker was running low.

Returning to the woman's drawers, I felt bad as I went through her belongings. In her top drawer, I found some lingerie. Miranda was beautiful and kind, and her homemade cherry pies had always been my favorite. However, my search was fruitless. Frantically I shifted through her drawers, even opening the bedside drawer. Once again, I found nothing. Returning to Steven's drawers, I selected a gray pair of briefs, still in their package. I stuffed them into my shoulder bag and made for the door. Time was running out. I had to go.

I cautiously made my way down the stairs. It was nearly time to leave. As I closed the door behind me, I hurried down the street to my car, a fifteen-year-old, beige Toyota Corolla, not the most impressive, but workable. It was about now that the security system blocker would lose its effectiveness. I was finally ready to move on from the house and out of this town. With one deep breath, I got behind the wheel and made my escape.

In my bag was a pair of briefs belonging to a certain athlete-looking gentleman. I was unsure if I should keep them or discard them.

I swiftly surveyed the room to make sure everything was in its right place. I then proceeded to the living room to see if anyone was strolling by from the outside. The area was clear. I moved towards the back door, donning my hoodie over my head and wearing sunglasses. I opened the back door and exited from the comfort of my home, only to activate the security system remotely through my device. I crossed the lawn and jumped the fence onto the alleyway.

As I reached the end of the alley, I took off my hoodie. I transitioned onto the sidewalk, heading northwards. My house was a 30-minute walk away, a distance I was accustomed to due to my past pedestrian habits.

I traversed two blocks of residential areas and entered a park. While walking through the park, my attention was drawn to an unexpected sight- a group of men in the corner of my vision. They were none other than Jack and his two friends. Jack had been my high school tormentor. I moved forward, hoping to evade them. I could hear their voices as they drew near. These three men were still troubling me even after two years since our high school graduation. I hastened my pace, transforming into a jog before finally running.

Freedom seemed imminent as I saw the train track barriers lower, indicating a freight train was coming. I couldn't run fast enough to escape the park. Just then, I collided with an obstruction. Instead, something collided with me. I tumbled to the ground, hard. A man was on top of me; I turned, revealing it was none other than Thomas - my high school track star. I had no chance against his athleticism. The other two guys arrived, out of breath. Thomas withdrew from the scuffle as Jack stood over my body, gripping my shirt, and hoisting me a few inches above the ground. "Why are you running?" he inquired.

"I'm fleeing from your offensive stench," I retorted.

Anger flashed across Jack's face, with him connecting a blow to my midsection. I pitched forward, moaning; he dropped me to the ground as I cried out in pain. I was fortunate not to have eaten earlier. Jack squatted above me, "Do you think you're funny?"

"I'm a stand-up comic," I forced a smirk. Jack was a worthless individual doomed for failure. I had no reason to fear him. Jack held on to my shoulder bag, claiming it as his own, "I'll give it back..." his statement ended abruptly.

Wrath consumed me, and I tried to push myself up. But Thomas' lightning-swift actions hindered my progress, clasping me from the waist. Jack stood close to me, "You're planning to punch me? With those paltry arms of yours?"

"Shit..." I mumbled but was interrupted by another blow to my midsection from Jack. Thomas released me, and I clasped my stomach. Silent pain overcame me; then I felt hands in my pants. Jack reclaimed my briefs, yanking hard on the waistband, lifting me from the ground, where I fell face-first on the grass. The trio guffawed as they walked away.

I remained on the grass, writhing from the pain my stomach and ass were enduring. I contemplated, "Who the hell still performs wedgies?" I slowly shifted onto my back, gazing upward at the trees. The thunderous roar of the approaching freight train echoed, accompanied by the ground rumbling from its enormity.

"I loved that backpack," I muttered to myself. I must retrieve it. Not only were my belongings in that bag, but a pair of briefs I had stolen were also there. "I must get it back."

I returned home and discovered both my parents were absent. This was advantageous. I proceeded to my bed, pushing it aside to reveal a hidden compartment beneath it. Here, I kept my accumulated wealth. Close to my goal, I simply needed that final portion to achieve it. I wouldn't even mention it to anyone.

After stashing my money, I took a shower. Thankfully, my briefs' material had prevented any injuries from the wedgie. I changed into a new shirt and briefs, then lay on the bed. Staring at the ceiling, my mind drifted back to Jack's house's details. I knew nothing about the security system he had, and my signal blocker was not strong enough. But gaining close proximity to activate it was unavoidable. There were no dogs present, which was favorable. His mom worked in the evenings, so my heist would need to take place during that time - the only missing piece in understanding Jack's plans. I needed more information.

I napped, giving me additional time. My plans would be executed tonight.

I woke up feeling somewhat nervous and unsure about what was to come. First, I slipped into a pair of black pants and a black shirt before layering a blue one over it. The darkness would be my ally tonight. It was slightly after four in the afternoon, with the sun quickly sinking low on the horizon. I prayed Jack would be gone for a while.

Across the road from Jack's house stood an old, abandoned home. Years ago, authorities raided this place due to an illegal meth lab operation. The entire neighborhood was unsettled by this arrest, and the nights were considerably quieter after that. Cars rarely passed through, and the streets were well-lit. However, there were dark spots for me to exploit. A significant freeway wall was barely a stranger's length from his house. There was an expansive, grassy field between the home's back fence and the wall - an excellent hiding spot.

I walked along the street on the opposite side of Jack's house, keeping an eye on his property. The only signs of life were the porch light and a light in his bedroom next to the porch. The driveway was vacant, affirming his mother's departure for work. I headed down the cross street and Pat штаNG myself on the ground, contemplating how I might coax Jack out.

I twisted my body through the barbed wire fence, nearly crawling between the wall and the fence. Grass surrounded me, casting an eerie aura over the area. It was pitch black behind the fence. A small glimpse of light came from a distance; it was the back door of Jack's house. I continued to peek around, knowing no one was outside. The darkness suited me perfectly.

My plan was to sneak in once he left and seize my bag. Hopefully, it would not take more than ten minutes. I assumed he might have a home security system, but I couldn't know for sure. I approached the glass sliding door cautiously - a bit of daylight peeked through the slats. It seemed rather reckless of him to have a porch light on while the other back rooms were dark, implying he was still there. If I were to go through the front door, I'd need to find a way around the lock - no security system seemed to be in play.

I placed my shoulder bag on the ground and delved inside for my scanner. I held it close but heard nothing. To my surprise, there was no security system to speak of. Slowly, I reached for the handle of the sliding door and attempted to turn it. The door remained locked. I dismissed the scanner and grabbed my lock pick from my bag. I felt my palms grow sweaty as I struggled to remember my rusty lock picking skills.

My cursor hovered over the lock, hesitant to place the needle. At that instant, Jack yelled, "Fuck!" He approached the door, ready to go outside. If he spotted me, I would be found immediately. I immediately moved away from the door, concerned that he saw or heard me. A flashlight caught my eye as he answered his mother's cries for milk. I jumped and hid behind a trash can, frozen.

"The hell was that?" he said, irritated. Perplexed, he approached the door handle, preparing to step outside. Yet, he left the door unlocked on his way back inside.

I ceased to breathe for a moment, my heart racing. He might forget about the locked door, giving me the perfect opportunity to enter and retrieve my missing bag. It took around five minutes for him to leave; when he did, I waited another five to ensure he would not return. I inserted the needles into the lock and opened it without a hitch. I moved gingerly inside the house as it grew darker. When I stepped into the hallway, I noticed Jack's door to my right. Peeking through the cracked door, I could barely make out his room - illuminated only by the dimming night sky.

My heart thumped faster as I crept through the house - his bedroom was shadowy, where the streetlight struggled to make its way inside. I crouched to the floor, determined for a single purpose: to retrieve my belongings.


To get the job done, I moved deliberately from the hallway to Jack's room. The musical cacophony of his TV filled the silence of his bedroom, inviting me to carefully pick up his personal item in the corner. With the bag securely in hand, I angled towards the exit.

"Wait," a voice called out. I tensed and locked my eyes onto the man standing in the hallway. With a flickering lantern in his hand, he looked unrecognizable in the dimly lit area. A sliver of hope emerged within me. It was only Jack.

"So, burglar." He smirked slyly, "How do you feel about returning to your owners?"

Confounded by his question, I prepared myself for his next demand.

I immediately started to examine Jack's belongings. I first checked the bed, but it held nothing interesting. I then moved on to his drawers, starting from the bottom. When I reached the middle drawer, I stumbled upon his underwear drawer. I was surprised to find a few pairs of briefs hidden beneath the other types of underwear. I had never considered Jack to be a brief-wearer. Back in high school, he used to mock me for wearing them. He had various colors, including black, blue, red, gray, and white. Yet, my underwear bag wasn't there.

I turned my attention to the other parts of the room, starting with the area under the bed. I couldn't find anything there. My focus then shifted to the closet next to his bed. I opened the door and used my flashlight to illuminate it. I pushed aside his clothes and discovered an empty space at the bottom. However, there was a metal box that had a lock on it. I assumed that's where the bag might be, but why would he lock it in a box?

I got desperate and tried to open the lock with my crochet needles. After a moment, the golden-colored lock unfastened. I removed it and opened the box carefully. To my amazement, I found my bag and other items. Photos of me! I recognized that Jack had been in a photography class in high school. Did he have a deep obsession with me?

I set the photos aside and noticed a pair of gray briefs. They were not the ones I had stolen; instead, they belonged to Jack. I recalled the day when he had given me a wedgie at the pizza place right before graduation. He had done it in front of his friends, and I had bled from it. I had thought he had thrown them away, but they were inside the briefs I found.

Nested below the briefs was also a small notebook. I opened it and read its contents. These were my personal details recorded by Jack in his journal entries. He noted what I wore and had even written some sexual content on the back of the pages. Jack had held a deep fascination for me and desired to have sex with me! It all suddenly made sense: his relentless pushing and wedgies. The man was a secret homosexual. It seemed ironic that Jack, despite his good looks, was in poor physical condition. If he hadn't been a terrible person, I might've found him attractive.

I delved deeper into the journal entries. Each entry bore a date dating back to the beginning of high school. It was amusing to see Jack's writing evolve over the years. He became more detailed and expressive in his writing. He could've been an excellent writer! I had to admit that I was getting aroused reading his sexually explicit passages. He desperately wanted to please and worship me sexually. I was stunned by the word "worship" repeated throughout his sexual fantasies.

A particular entry stood out to me, as it was dated a month before graduation. Jack had recounted his desire to confess his feelings for me but couldn't because he was in a relationship. He suppressed his feelings for me until graduation, where they resurfaced. This entry concluded with a very specific sexual fantasy.

I closed the notebook when I heard the keys in the front door. I placed the objects back inside the box and relocked it. I had nowhere to go, so I hid under the bed. I heard footsteps after the door opened and closed. It was Jack. He entered the room, wearing sweatpants and his varsity jacket. When he approached the bed, I could see him walk towards his dresser and then to the closet. He opened it to examine the box with the unlocked lock. I forgotten to secure it.

"What the hell... This was locked!", Jack said to himself.

He stooped down beside the box and started searching its contents. This was my cue to leave. Quietly, I slid myself out from under the bed towards the door. Unfortunately, Jack caught up with me, grabbed me, and pushed me against the dining table. "What are you doing in my house, Dylan?" he asked in surprise.

I stood up and tried to flee, but Jack grabbed me by the arm and forced us back towards the bed. "I was looking for my underwear, Mr. Groner. Right now, though, I have more important things on my mind," I replied.

Jack didn't seem to believe me. He was determined to get answers. "Really? Then why were you hiding under my bed?"

I decided to confess. "I found your journal, Jack. And all the wedgies... I know what you've been up to, and I'm not comfortable with it."

Jack seemed taken aback by the discovery. "It's not what you think, Dylan. I've been battling my sexuality. You're the only person I've ever truly wanted. I wanted to tell you before graduation, but my girlfriend at the time stopped me. I couldn't come out as a gay man when we were so close to graduation."

I felt uneasy by the confession and pulled away from him. "But that doesn't give you the right to touch me without my consent. I wasn't interested in any of your advances, and you had no right to force yourself on me," I protested.

Jack looked at me, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. I've pushed you too far. But if we could just talk about this. Please, give me a chance to explain."

I considered Jack's words carefully and decided to hear him out. "Okay, Jack. Tell me what you have to say," I agreed.

Trying to break free, I found Jack's grip around my torso tightening, keeping my arms pinned under him. After remaining silent, he heaved me up into the air and tossed me on the wooden floor with a heavy thud. Standing over me, his face displayed pure anger. I instinctively raised my right leg and struck his left leg, causing him to crumple in agony. Quickly getting to my feet, I ventured into his room. The front door was securely locked, so I didn't hesitate in going inside.

Upon entering, I immediately attempted to close the door, but Jack, with a remarkable display of strength, managed to stop it with one hand. He held my shirt and pressed me against the wall, demanding, "What the hell are you doing here?"

My mind was blank as I had never been confronted with someone I'd intruded upon before. My curiosity about Jack's infatuation with me had clouded my judgment until it dawned on me that I had the upper hand. Smirking, I said, "Remember when you said you'd love to rub my... nobody is going to believe you."

A confused expression spread across his face, focusing on the bulge I'd been hiding. Embarrassed, he stepped back and snapped, "How did you know about that?"

Taking advantage of my unexpected advantage, I said, "I read your... Anyway, I'm here for my stuff. And an explanation."

Jack sighed,"Fine. But you're not getting my journal."

"Deal. But I'm sure your friends would love to see that."

A look of fear crossed his face, "No one will know."

"Actually, I have some pictures. They're from your room, so there's a good chance they'd recognize it."

His face lost its confidence, and his grip on the door loosened. "What do you want?"

"Just my things.", I said plainly. Then, as a last-ditch attempt, "And an explanation."

Jack's eyes became sad, "I never knew how to tell you. I thought you were gay, but I didn't know how to confess my feelings. I had to continue to bully you and befriend your friends to maintain their loyalty. If they even suspected that I was attracted to the person I was tormenting, I'd be targeted immediately. High school was a nightmare for me.", he admitted.

"I know. You made my life a nightmare back then. But I'd be willing to let it go if you leave and come out of the closet.", I offered.

His demeanor changed, "I know I have to stop hiding, but I won't have the support of my friends."

"Yeah, but you're not entirely alone. Especially with someone like me around. You have your old nemesis turning into your lover now.", I teased.

Jack grinned,"You surprised me."

"Acceptance is mandatory, Jack. Now, how about...", I slowly sat down beside him, causing him to look up at me in confusion. I removed my bag and asked, "What do you like to do in here?"

Surprisingly, his complexion softened, "I'm surprisingly good at writing."

"I had no idea. You seem more like the jock type.", I smirked.

"Oh yeah, I had to do their homework for school.", he responded.

"Guess I underestimated you.", I chuckled. I then noticed his softening demeanor and observed, "I think your rough side is fading away."

Jack let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah. I know."

"Alright.", I smiled, "But I like it when guys have hobbies that keep them busy. And you're quite skilled at it.", I remarked.

His grin grew, "Thank you."

Taking control, I pulled down my pants and then my briefs with my feet. My erect, uncircumcised phallus greeted the room, and Jack couldn't help but study it with a mixture of curiosity and lust. Intrigued, he asked, "Can I touch it?"

I allowed it and sat up straight, facing him. His gaze lingered on my phallus, frozen in awe. "It's mine, only yours to touch.", I claimed, feigning dominance.

Jack obeyed and reached out to grasp my member with both hands. He stared at my now fully erect phallus before asking, "Can I do more?"

I smiled,"Sure."

His hands slowly found their way to my hips, then my buttocks, moving them up to the waistband of my briefs. He inhaled deeply before his hands slid up and way, undoing my briefs and exposing my partial erection. He inched closer and placed his face against the fabric, inhaling deeply.

"What?" I quizzed.

A sly grin crossed his face, "I've wanted this for a long time."

"Yeah, so do it.", I prodded.

He opened his mouth, veered towards my briefs, and closed his lips around my phallus, swirling his tongue around the head. He looked up at me, seeking my approval. This was the moment we shared, and truthfully, it was the moment I'd waited my entire life for.

Jack opened his mouth and swallowed my penis. I experienced his warm and wet lips around the shaft. His tongue rose to meet the tip of my penis. His hands were exploring my buttocks covered in underwear as he moved his head back and forth. Gradually, he moved with his eyes looking up at me. I captured the image of my victim sucking on my penis. I couldn't believe it. Years of bullying led to this moment.

My penis had reached its full erection. Eight inches long with a generous girth larger than most. Jack released my penis from the pleasurable embrace of his mouth. The penis was coated in saliva. With his left hand, he held my penis by the shaft. His gaze was fixed on it, wanting to slip it back into his moist mouth.

"I knew you'd have a big one," he said cheerfully. I had never seen him so happy before. Jack gently stroked my penis, covering and uncovering the flushed tip of my penis. Precum and saliva provided lubrication. Jack looked at me as he brought his mouth to the tip of my penis, then he closed his lips around it. Immediately, moans flowed from my mouth. I couldn't believe how good a penis sucker Jack was. I wondered how he even got experience.

With each passing minute, Jack swallowed more of my penis into his mouth. No gagging was present. He was an expert at pleasuring a swollen penis like mine. Eventually, his left hand left the shaft and moved my right butt cheek. His other hand pressed against the other cheek. His large hands massaged my cotton-covered butt cheeks. My moans grew louder as he caressed me. Jack was incredible. His tongue manipulation was intense.

Jack grabbed my cheeks and pressed my pelvis against his face. The top half of my penis slid down his throat. He gagged, causing his throat muscles to tighten around my penis. I closed my eyes, and I let out a loud moan. It was possibly the best blowjob I'd ever received. I thought he would release my penis immediately, but he didn't. The penis was nestled in his throat for an extended time. My hand went to the back of Jack's head, where I pressed down, shoving more of my penis into his throat. I could feel his breath on my pelvis that came through his nose.

I heard him choke, then Jack released my penis from his throat. Saliva leaked from his mouth onto his sweatpants. My penis looked glistening in the sloppy deposits. Jack's face was red from the deep throat. I couldn't believe how good a penis sucker he was. He was exhausted from holding my engorged penis in his mouth.

I touched my thumb to his lip and wiped away the saliva. I moved my hand to his chest and pushed him back a bit. Next, I knelt between his legs and undid the drawstring of his sweatpants. Jack didn't argue. He needed a brief break. I pulled down his sweatpants to his ankles. A considerable erection was pressing against the fabric of his white briefs, with a wet spot at the tip from all the precum he was leaking. It looked like a cucumber was concealed in his underwear. I smiled slightly, thinking about the briefs he wore. 'My bully wears tighty-whities.' I mused to myself.

I opened his underwear and pulled out his uncut penis. The penis was long, approximately seven inches in length, with a typical girth. I briefly hovered my head over it, then took the engorged penis into my mouth.

Moans came from Jack's mouth as I stimulated his penis. My hands gripped his large buttocks. The man had a bubble butt to admire. I swallowed his penis deep into my throat, returning the favor. He tilted his head back and released a moan. I didn't hold it as long as he did.

As I sucked on his penis, Jack removed his shirt and varsity jacket. My right hand went up to feel the muscles of his upper body. Jack was muscular, and I loved it.

Jack stopped me from sucking him, and our lips met. It caught me off guard. But Jack was an excellent kisser. His hands went under my shirt, where he began to caress my slim body. His thumbs tickled my nipples. I moaned, but it went into Jack's mouth. We stopped kissing, and I removed my shirt. Jack quickly went to shower my upper body with kisses. I had little hair on my upper body, primarily between my pecs.

I enjoyed teasing his torso before taking off my trousers and having Jack sit on his bed's corner. He stood tall in front of me, so I had him try on his jacket. All I wore were briefs, with the waistband tucked beneath my testicles. Jack gave me a blowjob before standing up. He pushed his briefs down till they were near his buttocks. His buttocks spread, and I observed him lower his rear over my penis. The moment my head met his anus, he sealed it shut.

As Jack's buttocks settled on my pelvis, I exclaimed, "Wow, you're formidably tight!"

A grin lit up his face. Our gazes were locked as he chugged up and down at his own pace. Pleasure overwhelmed me. To return my head to normal, I raised it up. Seeing my phallus move in and out of him was an unforgettable sight.

I found his body with my palms as he rode me. He maintained the same rhythm. Waves of pleasure flowed through me constantly. I initially struggled with his moans since I'd never heard him produce any before. However, it was a huge turn-on to hear my bully moan.

I raised and kissed his broad back, my arms wrapped around his waist. I could feel his abs and pectorals. We connected for a kiss. I flipped him onto the bed, now with me on top. I tossed the jacket aside, then thrust back onto him. This time, I led the way.

With him beneath me, I grabbed his belly with one hand and his waist with the other while I penetrated. I shifted my weight, pushing him down. His body collided with the mattress, and he exchanged groans for moans. My speed increased when I realized he was gripping the bedsheets. I held one around his lower back while the other hit the mattress, generating a melodious squeaking noise.

I thrusted with such intensity, I thought I'd shatter the bed! Jack's limp hands were grasping the sheets to keep from being shaken loose as I ravaged him. I maintained my intensity, thinking of the times he'd bullied me. It provided me with the energy to continue.

The air was filled with groans and grunts. The bed rocked and groaned. I sported an intense, desperate expression while I rode him with vigor.

With my left hand, I choked him, turning his head sideways. I pulled back, and suddenly, he moaned vibrantly. I grabbed him by the neck, turning his head towards me. I was now above him. I yanked off the jacket, tossing it to the floor. My hands gripped his waist, causing him to gaze at me in shock. His eyes were open, and he mumbled something that sounded like "yes", revealing he wanted it just as fiercely. I shifted into a kneeling position, straddling him. Then, I grabbed his throat, gratified by the submission.

The room reeked of sweat, and my heart raced. All I could hear was the bed creaking beneath us, as I sped up my thrusting.

Jack's distress table, his hands clutching the sheets. I continued to delve into him, seeking revenge through sex. It was nice to have control this once.

Spasms shook my body as I came. "Fuck!" I cried into the air while my seed erupted in his rectum. Then, I partially withdrew my penis. A small amount of my loading cum dribbled down his buttocks. I reached towards his ass, opening his cheeks, leaned forward, and licked his opening.

Help me, Jack. Kiss my exposed member, and resume our connection.

Sitting back down, my leg muscles pressed into my groin. Jack effortlessly embraced my genitals.

I grazed my hips up and down as he devoured me while I caressed his hard penis. I reached out with my right hand, gripping the base, and stroked in sync with me. This multitasking act was a thrill.

I pushed my cock downward until it touched the back of his throat. My left hand clutched his head, forcing it against mine. Saliva dripped down from my sphincter. Jack's eyes widened, and then closed, signaling his enjoyment. His head fell back as I removed my penis, leaving three-quarters of it within him. Cum trickled out of me, coating his o-ring. Aspersion had never felt so good.

On the floor, Jack positioned himself on his back. His legs splayed open as I towered over him. My cum-soaked penis hung above him. Jack hugged a pillow as I pressed my knees against his armpits. I witnessed splots of our combined body fluids near his face.

Jack engulfed my cock and caressed it with his tongue, swiftly cleaning it. Some cum blemishes dripped on his chin. I extended my right arm towards him while cupping his buttocks. When his eyes gazed up and found mine, they conveyed approval. Jack's low pitch chuckle comforted me as I scraped some cum from his chest with two fingers. I brought them to my lips and pushed his cummed-coated fingers into my mouth, tasting his pleasure.

Jack gratefully responded with a smile, showing that he enjoyed both performances. His cum on my arm brought back memories of how he treated me at school. Feeling his arousal expand my phallus, I nestled my hand in the blanket and relaxed.

In such situations, it's usually the bully who sexually assaults the nerdy individual. However, things were different this time around. It was unusual for the aggressor to assume the submissive role. After pulling up my underwear, I got onto the bed next to him. Jack wiped his tummy with a towel, then rolled over onto his side on the bed. One of his legs was draped over mine while his head rested on my chest. We stayed there quietly, savoring the unusual experience.

I combed my fingers through his short hair, "I wouldn't have thought we'd end up here together."

"Neither did I. I've always had fantasies about it. I used to masturbate to the idea all the time," he lifted his head slightly to stare at me, "Don't tell anyone!"

I chuckled, "No, I won't."

He grinned, "Can we do this again?"

"Of course, as long as I'm still around."

"I hate that you're leaving." He stretched his leg on mine again while his head rested on my chest. "...Your hand slipped into my shorts and began stroking my cock."

"Will we keep doing this little service for each other before we leave?"

"You bet. By the way, did you know I've been falling for you recently?"

I cocked an eyebrow, "You do?"

He nodded, "Yeah, but we've already been through a lot. What about you?"

I shrugged, "I'm not interested in a relationship, but you might need someone to help you. That could be me. Should we bring you along?"

His eyes glistened, "You'd help me?"

"To an extent," I winked.

He smiled, "I'm in! Let's go!"

I sat on a park bench, enjoying a candy bar. After months of planning, my escape plan had come to fruition. I was ready to leave this hellhole. Jack had also decided to leave, so I sped up my plans. We managed to collect a substantial amount of cash from various sources. In a month, Jack and I were ready to depart. Our relationship had deepened, and the sex was non-stop. Emotional connections were forming for Jack.

My family had no idea I was leaving, only my uncle. He had been supporting me throughout. We discussed potential relocation locations. He wanted to go north, while I didn't mind. SoCal no longer appealed to me. We considered Sacramento, Merced, Modesto, and even further north, like Redding. There were plenty of places in California for us to go.

Jack entered a gas station's premises. We'd agreed to meet outside the city to avoid recognition. Jack sported a beanie, black sunglasses, a tight shirt, and blue jeans. I donned similar attire.

"Ready to begin the next chapter?" I said.

Jack smiled, "I was just thinking the same thing. My mom gave me some extra cash too."

"How kind of her."

As we walked toward my car parked next to the gas station, Jack unzipped his pants and pulled out my dick from my underwear. I stared straight ahead, feeling his warm mouth engulf my dick. [count=3]*Deleting this redundant sentence below*: My parents had no idea I was leaving, only my uncle knew my secret.\[Deleted. ]\We arrived at the car and climbed inside. I slid into the driver's seat, and he took the passenger seat. I inserted the key into the ignition and turned on the car. "Where would you like to go first?"

"How about Sacramento?"


As we drove north on the freeway, I felt his hand wandering around in my shorts. He had a grin on his face, "I've always wanted to do this."

Jack unzipped my pants, pulled my penis out of my underwear, and began sucking it.

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