Butler For Life - Ch. 04

Permanent tenure in a FLR mansion.

Jul 4, 2024
14 min read
permanentslaveryfemdomButler For Life - Ch. 04mansioncbtbody modification
Butler For Life - Ch. 04
Butler For Life - Ch. 04

Butler For Life - Ch. 04

Chapter 4 : Four Weeks Later

In the event, although George managed several times to not be erect for his pillory sessions, he soon stiffened each time under the pressure of the clamp, even if his poor bruised flesh finally surrendered its tumescence each time under the onslaught from Lady Christina's paddlings. Mostly she was using the leather paddle now, which soon reduced his shaft to swollen mush. He was dreading the time limit Madame had imposed, knowing each day how few chances were left. What was worse, he started imagining what might she impose once he reached her deadline. That had the perverse effect of making him even more aroused by the time the session commenced, because his mind drifted while he laboured in the gardens as he imagined what she had in mind, imaginings which of course only expressed his innermost fantasies. For in reality she gave no clues, no inkling of what she was thinking. She merely tut-tutted as if in mild exasperation each time as she wound the screws down; and so firmly, so convincingly was his shaft held horizontal when engorged, so blatantly did it project forwards, that he knew in his own mind that it needed to be punished for its impertinence.

In the event, the final time was an anti-climax. He knew in advance he would fail. He had been erect and drooling for much of the day, and when his collar buzzed he started from his task, his cock bounced reflexly as his sphincter puckered in fear and excitement of what might be going to happen to him. His erection preceded him into the house, remained just as hard while he rinsed his back passage and carefully shaved himself while in the shower, although he resolutely avoided even the slightest touch, and it greeted the two women jubilantly as they entered the room. Part of him cringed in shame; part of him was joyously excited. What conflicting emotions ruled him!

Madame regarded him for a while, not saying anything. Pauline smirked widely, standing a pace behind her employer's shoulder.

"I might have known it would come to this. Having you caged is not really aesthetically what I wanted. What are we to do with you, I wonder?"

He stood silently, his cock bobbing in excitement, betraying him with every movement, every twitch.

"OK. Let's start by having you pierced. Perhaps we can restrain that errant thing a little. Pauline will take you to town once I've organised it. Pauline, tether him as usual please."


Several days later - still bruised and swollen from Madame's parting session, where she used the heavy strop for so long he seemed to phase out; not quite passing out but becoming somewhat mentally removed from the action and the pain - the day of his piercing arrived. He brought the car to the front entrance himself, taking care to place a towel on the seat before he entered, then waited beside it for further instructions. Pauline eventually emerged from the house and indicated he should get into the boot. Was that her instruction from Madame, or a sadistic twist of her own?

He was driven, naked and cramped, for perhaps twenty minutes. Then he heard Pauline's steps come to a stop before the boot. She lifted the lid and indicated brusquely that he should get out. Cautiously, nervously, he emerged, expecting them to be in some private yard or carpark. But no, the car was parked in what seemed like a side-street in a small town. There were trees and residences, and small blocks of offices or shops at several points distant. His heart pounded. What did she expect him to do? He was relieved to see only the occasional person in the distance, probably morning shoppers of the elderly kind.

"The studio is just around that corner there to the right. There's no parking in that street. I know you'll love displaying yourself, slut!"

He looked around. It was perhaps only twenty metres to the corner. But who might see him when he reached the intersection? He looked pleadingly at Pauline for mercy, but there was only condescension on her face.

"If you don't move, I'm driving back to the estate. As it is, Nancy told me it should only take forty minutes, and I'm going for a coffee. Now, are you moving or not?" Her chin went up in challenge.

He had no choice. In the minute they had been conversing, he had seen no one nearby. It seemed his fate, perhaps, to proclaim his slutty servitude to the world. He had to trust the Universe. Cautiously he walked towards the corner as quickly as he could without drawing attention to himself.

Just as he reached the corner of the building on the intersection, he heard a vehicle approaching from down the street. There was a doorway! He ducked into it, watching intently as the vehicle passed through the intersection. Then he poked his head around the doorway; just another twenty metres or so, he could see the sign for the tattoo studio. He made the door with no further crisis and pushed it, but it was locked. Desperately, he looked around. To one side, there was a small intercom.

"Hello? I believe Madame Christine made an appointment for me. Is anyone there?"

A woman's distorted voice came through the small speaker, just as there was a click. "Hi there. Press the door again, please."

He did, and was relieved that it opened immediately. He glanced around the street, hoping no strangers were witness to his shameful exhibition. The entrance led to a short passage, which opened out onto the studio, neatly presented with tiled surfaces and pictures of tattoo art.

The woman appeared; thick-set, crop-headed, and tattooed. She shook his hand as if there was not a naked man standing before her. "Hi! I'm Nancy. Let's get started. We already know what we're doing, don't you? No, probably not; Christina's subs never do."

She led him to a chair, somewhat like a dentist chair, but with straps. She noted his apprehensive glances. "Well, we don't want you jumping around, do we? What I do depends on accuracy and hygiene. I take care of the hygiene; the chair takes care of the accuracy! Jump aboard, boy!"

He settled nervously into the chair. What had Madame ordered? With no hesitation, the lady placed his wrists and legs where she wanted them, and attached leather straps over each limb. Then there were more straps he hadn't noticed, pinning down his upper limbs, then his chest and his hips. She moved quickly around the chair, buckling each leather belt in turn, making him more helpless, then returning to cinch them all further until he was able to wriggle only slightly.

"Now, the 'pièce de résistance'," she chortled. She pressed a button on a control box. Gradually his knees were raised. The chair separated into parts, with both his leg pieces rising up towards his shoulders, widely exposing his sex and anus. The woman came around and casually handled his genitals.

"You've certainly taken some punishment. Been a bad boy, eh?" She patted his balls none too softly. "Now we've got a real work space, no? OK, so as you wear a cock ring, we'd better put theguiche punch in front of that, if I'm thinking right on what your Mistress is wanting."

She reached for her tray and carefully marked a spot in front of the ring, at the base of his scrotum.

"Now let's get that ring off so I've got room to move." She manipulated his tenderest tissues confidently but not gently, sliding the ring off and placing it on the tray.

Inside, he was all panicked excitement. What was planned for him? Surely not his innermost turn-on, his most shameful desire. Was he going to be gelded? He was considerably aroused, yet his cock, while definitely flushed and slightly drooling, was still only that way because it was recovering from his recent pillory session. It remained at half-mast, even though, if he closed his eyes, he felt completely erect. What was happening to him?

The lady returned with a stainless tray of materials. "Let's get you sterilised first." She swabbed all his genital tissues generously with Betadine, then donned rubber gloves. "So, we have two piercings today, mister, and they are both pretty straight-forward. I'll give you a gel to apply for the next few days to avoid infections, but there's very little risk of problems, actually. Let's do the easiest first. Sorry, but Miss Christine insists there's no pain relief." She dropped her voice sotto voce, "But really, neither of these hurt much. It's just her privilege. After all, she's paying."

She took something from the tray. He didn't want much to see, although he wanted to remember everything. Such conflicted feelings!

"Your Mistress has specified these quite large piercings, so that we can introduce a thick ring in each. It's much thicker than normal for a starter piercing, so I'm using a kind of punch, which actually removes a core of tissue rather than just opening a passage. You'll probably hear a kind of crunching sound as it goes through the tissue, but it isn't much more painful than a standard piercing. Here we go. Post-scrotal first."

George felt her take hold of skin behind his scrotum where she had marked, then a pinching. "There, that's the clamp in place. Now, take a really deep breath, hold it as long as you can, then let it out.

George complied, but even as he was holding it, he felt an intense pain, some kind of clicking sound, and then a continuous painful ache. He winced and moaned loudly.

"Cool trick, no? It's easier when you don't know it's coming. Now let's get the ring in." She moved around a bit; dabbing, then working with tools. "So, this ring needs to be closed with strong pliers because it's really quite stubby, so you know it's not going anywhere, for sure. I'm using a smooth curved section rather than a ball closure, so you can swivel it around easier in the piercing."

She worked while he endured stabbing pains, then looked up, smiling, and patted his sweating cheek with her plastic glove. "Good so far? The next one's only a little worse. But it's another really common piercing, so no worries. The PA. One of the most popular piercings around."

She patted his limp dick reassuringly, or so she thought, opening his piss-hole and rolling his knob around as if it were a piece of dough while she examined it. "Now with this one, the clamp goes inside, so don't be alarmed. But stay very still, because I need to get this lined up absolutely right; it has to go just to one side of your medial fascia. You wouldn't want a crooked PA, would you, boy?"

He didn't, and besides he was still floating on endorphins from the last procedure. After his pillory sessions, he found it relatively easy to force himself to remain absolutely motionless. He felt the clamp intrude into his sensitive tube, push past the resistance of his cock's neck, then settle. "OK, that's it in place. Let me check the orientation." He felt her lift his cock like flaccid chicken flesh, move it from side to side while peering at it, then adjust the clamp ever so slightly.

"OK. That looks great. Here we go. Another huge breath, please. This time I promise I'll wait until you let it out." But she didn't, and this time there was an audible crunch, and the pain was breath-taking, making all his limbs tremble in helpless protest, and it didn't go away. Eventually he could open his streaming eyes, and took in her easy gaze as he openly sobbed.

"There! All easy, no? So, let's slide in this other ring. Same size, so there's no way you're getting this off without a specialist tool. Now let me dab up this blood, there's not much, it'll stop quite quickly."

When she finally dropped his organ, the weight of the ring was apparent immediately, unlike the first piercing. He felt the ring weigh down his knob, pulling erotically on his urethra. Was this the idea? Was this meant to keep him at half-mast? He had little confidence in it succeeding. When he eventually looked down, he saw that the size of the metal seemed to completely fill his piss-hole. How would he pee? It seemed massively thick, even if the diameter of the ring wasn't large.

"OK, that's you done. I'll get you the gel in a minute. Let's get you unbuckled. You've been one of the good ones, not too much struggling."

Gradually the tension disappeared from each restraint, until he was clear of all the belts. He sat up slowly, holding his organ to try and see the lower piercing. Giving up, he gingerly held his punctured knob in his fingers, looking at the PA ring from all angles. It was massive, and heavy. Tentatively, he tried pulling it, but his tortured flesh was still acutely sensitive, with a smear of blood still oozing from the hole.

"Here's the antiseptic gel. Apply it after each shower, and before going to bed. If you're going to be naked outdoors, better use it then as well. OK, on your way, Mister. I've got other clients arriving shortly, unless you want them inspecting you! Oh, and here's your cock ring. You can get that back on yourself. Carefully!" She laughed briefly. She didn't show him to the door.

Outside, the street was in full sunshine. He had to wait while another car passed by, then surreptitiously as he could, he crept to the corner.

Oh God! He couldn't see the car. Had Pauline left? He stood nervously on the pavement, acutely aware of his nakedness, his steel collar, and now his visible steel piercing that weighed his cock down like a small anchor. Then he heard the car horn. She was parked another fifty metres down the street on the opposite side. He glanced around like nervous prey, seeing nobody except in the far distance, and set off jogging towards the car. Each pace brought a slight jerk from the ring in his cock, making his shaft bounce deeper than normal. But he didn't dare slow down. When he got to the car, Pauline looked through the driver's window at him.

"Well, I'd like to say it's an improvement, but hardly so! What are you waiting for? Get around the back."

With that, she flipped the boot open, and he thankfully jumped inside and slammed the lid down hard to make it engage quicker.

Back at the estate, Madame had him brought straight before her in her study. There, he had to kneel on the rug beside her desk, facing away from her, head on the floor and knees agape, so that she could inspect him. Her hands cupped his flesh and ran over the rings, tugging on them, then she spoke to Pauline, who had escorted him to Madame from the car.

"Where are those padlocks, Pauline? Did you manage to get what I intended?"

Pauline moved around him, he heard her place something on the desk. "Yes, exactly. There's one larger hasp that will just fit within those ring diameters, and two smaller padlocks which should suffice for everyday use."

Madame had him back up close to her chair. Then he felt her tugging the padlock through the ring behind his scrotum. Her fingers grasped his cock, pulled it backwards, and he felt her connect the other ring. From now, he realised, his knob would always be tethered down behind his balls, forcing his cock backwards between them. It was quite painful, and he was thankful that he had remained flaccid throughout his handling. How it would feel if he became erect, he didn't want to contemplate.

Within a day, George indeed came to know what it was like to have an erection while padlocked. It was very uncomfortable. Just as before, once his cock swelled, the metal ring at its base, and the new constriction of his tissues, meant that the engorgement became exaggerated and persistent. He was left waddling around, for his testicles were flattened widely by the intruding presence of his tortured shaft between them, and the painful tugging on his sensitive knob was only slowly reducing as the piercing healed.

Then Lady Christine caught sight of him in this engorged state as he changed the bed-linen several days later.

"Stand up, Bod." He obeyed immediately. "Oh, that really won't do. That looks ridiculous! No, that offends my aesthetic in so many ways."

He stood there silently, not knowing where this was going.

"We'll have to move to Plan B, I can see. Right, Bod, continue as you were, please." And with that, she swept out of the room.

George found out quite soon what Plan B was. He was returned to the tattoo parlour a couple of days later and the lady removed his PA ring, substituting it for one of the padlocks which he had been instructed to hand to her. She also handed him a parcel which was reasonably heavy and rattled a bit; multiple pieces he deduced, although he had no idea what it might be.

That afternoon, attached to the pillory, the padlock now removed, he was first chastised to a bruised pulp, then her Ladyship retired to the chair while Pauline assembled whatever gadget Nancy had devised. It turned out to be a kind of miniature fucking machine, a motor somewhat like a hand drill, with a connection where a shaft or other implement could be fixed. The attachment that Pauline connected up had a series of knobs or swellings along its shaft which were gradually bigger towards its base, and seemed to be made of flexible silicone. She lubricated it then slid it up his urethra. Then she clamped the motor to the wooden shelf so everything was positioned.

George was expecting her to start the motor when she suddenly cursed under her breath and unclamped it.

"Sorry, Miss Christine. I forgot to test the resonance speed like Nancy showed me." And she slowly started the motor and increased the speed. George watched in fascination as the shaft first moved back and forth lengthwise while rotating faster and faster. Then it reached a point where the rotation was too much for the flexible shaft and its motion became erratic, flopping around wildly. Pauline noted and marked the speed setting, then set it all up as before. When the motor started, the sensation was quite bizarre, not painful but intense, not arousing but quite stimulating. Pauline stepped back to allow her Ladyship to join her, watching her face for reaction. Lady Christine regarded the set-up for a few moments, then commented, "Not that impressive so far. Let's see the resonance point."

Pauline stepped forward eagerly and adjusted the control to the mark. The effect was startling. George's organ now started flopping around on the ledge like a fish landed by a hook. The sensation was indescribable. Worse, he could feel himself becoming aroused and engorged. As he did so, the whipping action of the plastic shaft scoured his tube while banging his cock incessantly on the wood below. In seconds he was hard but the shaft continued to mercilessly punish his organ's insides. It was a truly bizarre feeling, and he sensed that within a few sessions of this punishment, his urethra would become distended and flaccid. But her Ladyship had more intense plans.

"OK, Pauline. Better stay here and monitor him for the first couple of sessions. Make it 30 minutes today and tomorrow. But later we can leave him alone here for longer. I'm thinking we shift his time to elsewhere in the day's schedule so it doesn't interfere with his outside duties."

With that, she left the room, George's gaze as always, fixated on her magnificent mound and that hypnotic cleft. As soon as she had left, George sensed Pauline's mind conjuring up more mischief. She moved behind him to the cupboard, and returned with a short, thick, flogger.

"Seeing as I have to stand here, I may as well amuse myself," she declared sarcastically. Taking her time, and spacing her blows, she brought the lashes down hard on his lumpen, captive shaft as it writhed and flopped on the shelf. Each blow brought an intense pain, both where she struck and inside where the agitating plastic argued against being pinned down.

True to her Ladyship's plan, George was brought into the salon towards the end of the afternoon each day, and after suffering his normal torture from Lady Christine, he was left with Pauline, who took great delight in plunging the drill piece as deep as she could manage each time she set up his sessions, and then leaving the machine to continue destroying his urethra. Within a few sessions, she was able to slide her pinkie up into his cock after disengaging his organ from the pillory, and within a couple of weeks, her index finger could be forced up the same opening.

"God, I've love to slit you open a bit so we could really fuck something large up into your piss-hole", she exclaimed one day. "Too bad. I'm sure Miss Christine wouldn't approve of damaging her property."

"But," she said, bringing her face right up to his threateningly, "I would do it in a flash!"

  1. Following the piercing session, George was subjected to a new form of restraint, as Madame decided to use the padlocks to secure his piercings permanently, turning his desire for submission into a permanent lifestyle.
  2. George's body modification journey had only just begun, as Madame hinted at the possibility of further modifications, such as CBT devices, to further control his arousal and submission.
  3. In the mansion, George's days were filled with his new permanent slavery, as he worked diligently in the gardens, his mind constantly racing with fantasies of his future punishments and pleasures at the hands of his dominant woman.

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