
Butt Coin Ch. 08

Marty set a trap w/ a boatful of sexy French Algerian women.

Aug 3, 2024
53 min read
humourButt Coin Ch. 08international sisterhood of lesbiansbcgbppiratescryptomatureislbutt coinbutt coin gang bang party
Butt Coin Ch. 08
Butt Coin Ch. 08

Butt Coin Ch. 08


Marty is forced to attend a Butt Coin Gang Bang Party alone with a boatful of sexy mature French Algerian women where he will be the bait to trap the Spanish men who are trying to steal Butt Coin from him and Sven. Lots of Butt Coins will be made, but will he be able to resists the advances of the dirty women in order to stay faithful to his girlfriend?!?

This is the eight chapter in the Butt Coin saga. If you are wondering what the fuck is going on, I would happily suggest you go read the previous seven chapters because a lot of shit, sometime literally, has happened so far. However, if that's not possible, let me give you a little recap in the story so far...

Butt Coin Ch 1: Marty's friend Sven comes up with a crazy idea to build an anal sex based crypto currency called Butt Coin. Shortly afterwards Marty has to leave country for work, but when he returns, he finds that his business partner is missing. Then by chance Marty discovers that Maria, the kindly older seamstress down the street, now makes Butt Coins and is willing to make one with him.

Butt Coin Ch 2: Marty gets held hostage by four sexy Brazilian women who are looking for Sven. The only way Marty can escape is by showing them the merits of Butt Coin.

Butt Coin Ch 3: Marty is forced to go to his ex-girlfriends, wedding. While there he accidently ends up have sex with his ex-girlfriend mother who then shits on her daughter's bridal bed.

Butt Coin Ch 4: Marty comes home from work to find Maria the seamstress at his door. She needs him to help her run her first BCGBP (Butt Coin Gang Bang Party). Afterwards Marty finds a led on his missing business partner who might be living in Spain.

Butt Coin Ch 5: Marty travels to Alicante Spain but his led goes cold. However, he runs into a beautiful Spanish woman named Esmeralda and it's love at first sight. The only problem is that she is a lesbian who isn't ready to have sex with Marty. To make things more awkward, Marty is forced to trade a Butt Coin to an older estate agent in return for some information that might led to the possible whereabouts of Sven.

Butt Coin Ch 6: Marty finally finds Sven, only to learn that he has been falsely accused of rape after he had sex with hot older Spanish woman by the Mayor of Alicante and his friends as they attempt to steal whole Butt Coin project.

Butt Coin Ch 7: Marty and Sven must meet with the local chapter of the International Sisterhood of Lesbians (ISL) to enlist their help in the fight against the corrupt mayor and his cronies who are attempting to steal the whole Butt Coin project. To secure the help of the ISL, the guys must demonstrate their latest crypto adventure, Lesbian Coin, which leads to a sizable girl-on-girl orgy.



"Miss. Miss," I said in my most annoying American Tourist voice to the new waitress at the café down the street from Sven's villa in Alicante, Spain. "Miss, if it isn't too much trouble, could I possibly get some more ice." I even held up my glass and rattled the lone ice cube in it around to get her attention.

From around the café, I could feel the loathing from the locals and passersby on the street.

The new waitress in the café, that I had been having breakfast in faithfully since I returned to Alicante after my quick trip back to the UK to quit my job followed by another quick trip to Panama to incorporate the business Butt Coin Limited, turned around and shot me a dirty look, but my heart fluttered anyways, for it was Esmeralda.

The Deputy Police Chief in Alicante, Comisario Valaria Morano (the Comisario)--who was also in charge of the International Sisterhood of Lesbians' (ISL) local operation on the ground in this part of Spain--thought it was best that Esmeralda and I not be seen together as boyfriend and girlfriend in case it gave the Mayor of Alicante, Roberto Romero, and his business partners the Chief of Police for Alicante, Comisario Arturo Torres, and Abogado (attorney) Ceasar Ferrer any leverage over me and Sven as the Comisario worked out a plan to remove the three men from power.

Esmeralda's nostrils flared under her dark rimmed glasses as I clinked the ice in my glass one too many times.

"If you do that again," she said in English with a manic grin on her sweet face, "I swear that I will march inside to the cafe, pull the worst jamon I can find down from the ceiling, and I will beat you to death with it."

Since we haven't been allowed to see, or spend the nights together, both of us had grown a little sexually frustrated and testy in the last couple of days.

"Sorry," I said as she sauntered up to my table as I tried hard not to stare at her breasts as they peeked out from the top of her white button up blouse.

"Are you ready for your big boat trip?" Esmeralda asked as she pulled a white notepad from the apron she was wearing and pretended to take my order.

Before I answered, I carefully leaned to the side of her and looked beyond Esmaralda's lovely hips, to see if the two police officers that had been following me around for the last week under the order of the Alicante police chief were still watching me from the café across the street. To my surprise the two police officers that I had maliciously dragged across the city to see every tourist destination possible over the last week were still there, but they were no longer alone. They had been joined by three tall, young, and blonde foreign women all with very tight tops. The women were asking the policemen some questions as they pointed to a giant map that now laid sprawled across the table in front of them. "Are the women your doing?"

"Yes," Esmeralda said as she gave me a big smile.

"I guess I am ready," I said as I let out a big sigh, "but I would be happier if I knew what the plan was."

"I know," Esmeralda consoled me, "but you know what the Comisario thinks."

"That I'm a useful idiot," I pouted a little bit.

"You are not an idiot, and I think you are very useful, especially in bed," Esmeralda said as she winked which made me feel better. "However, the Mayor and his friends do see you as a useful idiot. They see you as just the typical American who isn't very bright and just wants to be liked. They see you as someone they can take advantage of. Which is why we had to get Sven out of Spain and safely back to the UK.

"How is Sven, by the way?" I asked. I hadn't seen or heard from Sven since his old Irish landlady from London, Fiona, who had been living with Sven and his mother for the last few months, 'accidently broke' her pelvis under mysterious circumstances and had to take an emergency air ambulance back to the UK along with Sven and his mother.

"I have it under good authority that's Fiona's broken pelvis has made a miraculous recovery, and she's already back up on her feet, and they are planning to go to the bingo tomorrow evening."

"Thank heavens," I laughed.

"And Sven wanted me to tell you, 'Best of luck on your adventure today, and if there was anyone in the world that is smart enough to pull this off, it's you,'" said Esmeralda.

I took another peek at the two police officers who were supposed to be watching me from the café across the street. The three blond women now had their hands all over the two young police officers and were demanding selfies with them. "What do I need to know about the boat ride today?" I asked again.

"Nothing. All you need to do is show up and have a good time. The mayor will just want to get drunk and fuck, but Comisario Torres and Abogado Ferrer will be watching you, and each other, like hawks to make sure you aren't trying to cheat them," said Esmeralda. "That is why its best if you don't know anything."

"Why will Torres and Ferrer be watching each other?" I asked.

"The Comisario thinks there may be some bad blood between Abogado Ferrer and Comisario Torres, but she didn't tell me anymore than that," Esmeralda confessed. "The Comisario just told me to tell you to play along, but keep your eyes open, and don't drink too much. Then when you reach the tiny slip of international waters between Spain and Algeria, all the way out in the Mediterranean waters, make the trade you negotiated with Mayor Romero."

"Got it. €5,000,000 in cash for the single bearer share that owns all of the business, Butt Coin Limited," I said as I looked over again at the officers. One of the officers was being carried off inside the café by two of the tall blonde women as the third woman and the last officer sat very close to each other at the small table. "Okay I get all that, by why hire a boat full of hookers?"

"They are not hookers," Esmeralda scolded me. "They are sex workers which is a completely respectable profession. And it's not just any boat, it's a pleasure cruise, a very expensive pleasure cruise on a very nice yacht. Besides, all of this is your fault because of your Butt Coin app."

I shrugged my shoulders in agreement as I slurped the last ice cube that had been melting in my cup into my mouth.

"Besides, wouldn't it been even more awkward if there weren't any women around to have anal sex with on your cruise? Just a bunch of hot and sweaty old Spanish men and you on a ship together," she smirked.

I laughed out loud before I shifted in my seat. "It's just, we haven't done anything in over a week, and I haven't touched myself in days."

"Oh God, why?" Esmeralda demanded. "I orgasmed twice this morning, and I even made you a little video of me in the shower. I was all wet and my nipples were...."

"That's not helping," I interrupted her. "But what happens if I get out there, and you know."

"In a few months' time, when we are living together, maybe then I will start thinking differently. Maybe every time you look at another woman, I will become enraged with jealousy and threaten to chop your cock off, but until then, if you are out there on the yacht and you need to make a Butt Coin...," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Why would I ever need to make another Butt Coin? Especially with those guys?" I asked a little defensively.

"The Comisario has placed a secret microphone in Mayor Romero's office, and on it she heard them saying how suspicious they were of you. So maybe if you have a few drinks with them, tell a dirty joke or two, or maybe even make a Butt Coin together, they would be a little less suspicious of you." Esmeralda said before she paused for a second. "But if I find out you made ten Butt Coins while you were out there on that fancy yacht, you will be in trouble," she said as she wagged her finger at me.

"So, ten Butt Coins is definitely too many," I laughed. "How 'many' is 'too many' then?"

"You tell me first," she demanded.

"Is this some sort of negotiation?"

"I would never negotiate against you," Esmaralda smiled as she pretended to write down my order for the tenth time. "The Comisario heard them complaining a lot about your negotiation skills, and how hard it was to come up with all the money you got from them."

"Okay," I said before I paused a second to take a sip of my coffee. "How about we both pick a number, and then we say our numbers at the same time."


"Okay on three. One, two, three..." I counted out loud.

I shouted out "one" and Esmeralda shouted out "three."

"Only one?" Esmerald smirked. "Maybe you aren't so good at negotiating after all."

I smiled back at her before I took another peek at the police officers. The one officer who left with the two blondes had just returned alone and had a horribly embarrassed look on his face and started to yell at the other officer over something, which caused the third blonde woman to get up and bolt from the table.

"You better go," I said to Esmeralda as I tried hard not to make sad puppy dog eyes at her. "The police are back, and they have chased the women away. And I got to hail a taxi soon to drive me down the coast to catch the boat."

"You will do fine," Esmeralda reassured me.

"Thanks," I smiled back as we locked eyes, "but there is one more thing."

"What's that?" She said, suddenly a little breathless.

"I really would like another glass of ice water, if you don't mind," I laughed as I held up my empty water glass.

"You damn Americans and your constant need for ice, it must be some sort of psychological thing," Esmeralda jokingly scowled at me before she snatched the glass from my hand, "Oh! And the woman can't be prettier than me either, or uglier for that matter. Either way, there will be hell to pay!"


After the café, I returned to Sven's empty villa where I checked the cameras to make sure the police haven't been snooping around again. We were good, so I carefully removed the single bearer share for the business, Butt Coin Limited, that I went all the way to Panama for, from its hiding spot. As I traced my hands lightly over its ornate embossed surface, my business brain couldn't help but scream how this single stupid piece of paper was probably now worth well over €100 million, which made my hands tremble a little. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then did my best to push all of this out of my mind.

When I opened my eyes again, I quickly folded the bearer share down until it fit inside a small black document pouch that looped around my neck that I had purchased in the airport in Argentina a few months earlier. My OCD screamed as I folded the share, but once it was done, and it was safely stowed in the pouch around my neck and tucked under my shirt, I laughed because it had a certain Frodo of the Shire feel to it all.

I grabbed my overnight bag, tossed in my passport, and a few minutes later the taxi I booked, arrived.

The private port the pleasure cruise was booked out of was nearly two hours by car south of Alicante. The driver suggested that we take the quicker, more direct route using the Autovias highway, but I opted for the more scenic route that followed the coast. I figured that of all people, the boat wasn't going to be sailing without me.

About 30 minutes into the trip the taxi driver spotted the two policemen who had been following me for the last week. At first, he was nervous, but I explained most of the situation to him, and promised him an extra €200 if we could stop for an ice cream and a coffee to fuck with them.

We arrived at the private port full of luxury yachts only about 45 minutes late, and sure enough the yacht was still waiting for me.

"Ah, Señor Brooks!" shouted and waved a tan Spanish man in his mid-thirties with a short salt and pepper coloured beard who wore white shorts and a white button up shirt with impressive looking blue and gold epaulets on his shoulders. He quickly stubbed out his cigarette as the taxi came to a stop in front of the dock.

"Sorry for being late," I lied as I jumped out of the taxi with my night bag in my hand.

"It's good you finally arrived Señor Brooks," the man said as he took my night bag from me and then offered me his hand. "My name is Jorge, and I am the First Mate. I'm in charge of all customer relations for your trip tonight."

"Please call me Marty," I said as I shook his hand before he quickly dragged me down the pier to one of the biggest and fanciest yachts I had ever seen.

"After you señor," Jorge said when we reached the yacht's gangplank as he made sure that I finally got on the boat. "The captain sends his regards and wishes he could be down here to greet you personally, but we really must set sail, as soon as you are on board."

"I totally understand," I said as I climbed on board my first yacht.

"All of your guests, both the men and the women, have already arrived and are waiting for you in the lounge on the main deck," Jorge said as he stepped on board after me. As soon as we walked across the gangplank, a crewmen pulled it in, and secured it to the deck. No more than a second later the ship's powerful engines sprung to life. The yacht lurched forward, and within seconds the port was already starting to fade away. "Should we take your bag to your Admiral's Cabin?" Jorge asked.

"Yes please," I said as I grabbed on to a handrail to stop from toppling over, as the First Mate quickly handed my night bag off to the deckhand who ran off into the ship.

"Is this your first time on a boat?" Jorge laughed as he put a hand on my back to steady me.

"No, but the last boat I was on, was just a little aluminium fishing boat with my dad."

Jorge laughed before he started to lead me through the ship. "Like I said, all of your guests, both the men and the women have already arrived. And me and the captain were both surprised to see that both the Mayor and Police Chief of Alicante were among your guests."

"Is that going to be a problem?" I asked Jorge.

"Oh no, señor," Jorge said as he held up his hands, "but it would have been nice if your secretary would have included their names on the manifest."

"My secretary?" I stopped myself for a second because I knew damn well that I didn't have a secretary. He must have been talking about the Comisario or maybe even Esmeralda. I quickly decided to ask a different question. "How many men did she include on the manifest?"

"You don't know how many guests you invited to your own party?" the First Mate asked as he eyed me carefully.

"It's complicated," I said not wanting to tell him I had nothing to do with the guest list.

"Counting you, there are 36 men, and only 17 women," he said in a cautionary way.

"A little over two men for every one woman isn't that bad for a gangbang I guess," I said as I tried to be hopeful. "The last one I went to it was ten to one."

"Si, I guess," said the first mate as he shrugged his shoulders. "I hope you don't mind me saying this, but the usual crew of women we have working for us on trips like this are a lot younger and there is a lot more of them. Like just last weekend we did the same pleasure cruise for a local football team, and we had three women for every man!"


"But don't get me wrong," Jorge said as he held up his hands again, "we do plenty of gay and fetish cruises too. Like last year we did a fetish cruise with only blonde English women!"

"Is that a real fetish?" I laughed.

"In Spain it is," Jorge chuckled before he continued, "Oh, and one time we had a group of Japanese businessmen with a fetish for large European women. I thought it was going to turn out weird, but the Japanese men were very polite, and they tipped very well. But I've never been asked to find a crew of women over the age of 50 who aren't afraid of technology and are willing to have anal sex with a bunch of men," the First Mate stopped to rub his head. "That's why we were only able to find 17 women who were willing to work your party. And of those only 13 are over 50 years-old. The other four are younger but they were brought along by their friends to help out. I cleared this with your secretary. I hope it won't be a problem."

"Make sense," I said.

"I have to say, that if it wasn't for the help of your secretary, I wouldn't have been able to find nearly that many women for your party."

"Thank God for my secretary once again," I laughed before I let him in on what was going on. "The reason why we wanted women over the age of fifty who are willing to have anal sex, is because this is a BCGBP."

"BCGBP?" Jorge looked afraid to ask.

"Butt Coin Gang Bang Party," I said as we climbed some stairs.

"Butt Coin!" shouted Jorge as he suddenly stopped, slapped me on the shoulder, and grinned from ear to ear. "My wife was right! You are the Butt Coin man!"

"I guess that's me," I said.

"After your secretary booked this trip and I started to have trouble to find the older women you needed, I told my wife about my problems. She said it sounded weird, so she decided to look it up on the internet and after some time she found your Butt Coin app. At first, she howled about how disgusting it was and how 'whoever made this should go to hell,' but then she found some forum online full of older, mainly English, women who have made a fortune off of your app. Of course, the money attracted her far more than the anal sex did, and she wanted to make a Butt Coin herself. But she was disappointed when she learned that she had to be over fifty to make one."

I nodded my head in understanding.

"Then she told her tia from next door about your app, and after a few drinks, they decided that they really wanted to make one with me!" Jorge pointed vigorously at his chest. "At first, I was like, 'no fucking way am I going to pay €7,500 to have anal sex with some old woman,' but my wife checked the numbers and showed me how Butt Coin keeps going up and up in value, and how we could still do alright by just her, making me, make them. That night the three of us made a Butt Coin with my wife's tia and it was a lot hotter than I was expecting. My wife held on to our Butt Coin until the next morning before she sold, and it earned us a solid €500 in profit. Plus, now tia's Butt Coin has traded something like twenty-two times which has earned her something like €25,000 in...oh...what do you call them?"


"Yes!" yelled Jorge excitedly down the hallway of the ship. "And tia's put all of that money towards her retirement!"

I couldn't help but grin at how excited Jorge was as we began to slow as we approached the Lounge on the main deck.

"Really quick before you join your guest," said Jorge as he quickly slipped back into his First Mate role, "I want you to know that my crew and I will do our best to ensure the absolute discretion of all of our guest. After the meal has been served and all the tables have been put away, my crew and I we will make it a point to stay out of your way, but we will still be on call. So if, for example, one of the women tries sinking the ship--which as happened--or if one of the men uses too much cocaine and attempts to kill one of the women," Jorge said as he rolled his eyes, "don't hesitate in calling me."

"Does that happen often?" I asked a little concerned.

"You would be surprised," said Jorge, "But the women who work these cruises tend to be tough women who aren't afraid to come together and take a man's ear, or even a testicle, if they have been treated badly. Plus, if we are in international waters when it happens, there isn't a lot the police can do."

Jorge stepped forward to the heavy doors to the lounge and tapped gently on the window. "Do you see the old man behind the bar?"

"Yes," I said as I looked on at a tiny balding old Spanish man with thick glasses in a black jacket standing behind the bar.

"That is Gustavo. He'll be your bartender tonight. He can make you any drink imaginable and more, but I have to warn you that he's getting on in the years and he is legally blind and hard of hearing, so come tomorrow morning he will have trouble remembering anything that happens here tonight," Jorge said with a grin.

"He sounds perfect," I said with a smile. "Any chance you can get Gustavo to only give me half measures all night? I really should avoid getting blackout drunk tonight if I can."

The first mate cocked his head and wanted to ask why but decided against it in the end, instead he said, "I know that you have some business that needs to be taken care of when we reach international waters. We should arrive in just about three hours. Do you want me to notify you when we get there?"

"Thanks Jorge," I said as I peeked in the lounge where I saw a stern, thin, older woman, with short, kinky brown hair with highlights. She had naturally bronzed Mediterranean skin, a prominent nose, and nearly black eyes that she used to glare at us while she leaned on the bar. "Who is that?" I asked as I gulped.

"You will love this," laughed Jorge. "Her name is Mena, and she is a French Algerian like most of the other women working tonight. She is in charge of all the women, and she looks the type who takes her job seriously."

"I have no doubts about that." I said as I watched Mena for a few more seconds.

"She reminds me of an evil nun I had as a teacher in school. The lady use to beat me with a ruler when I got my letters and numbers wrong which is why I became a sailor and not a doctor like my mamma wanted," Jorge said as he quickly crossed himself. "I feel sorry for anyone who has to make a Butt Coin with her tonight."

"Well, time for me to join the party," I said as I stood up and ensure the document pouch that was down the front of my button up shirt couldn't be seen. I gave Jorge a nod, while I quickly prepared myself mentally for whatever on the other side of the door would bring.

Jorge pulled the door to the lounge open, and I was instantly hit by a wall of sound and smells.

"Marty!" shouted Mayor Romero, as he walked over to me and grabbed my face with both hands and placed a kiss on each cheek. By the smell of him, he was already a good three drinks into the evening. "I was worried that you forgot about us." The mayor said as he gave a big gregarious laugh that cause nearly all of the other Spanish men in the room, who were already starting to crowd around me, to laugh too.

Part of me wanted to hate the mayor for all the problems he caused Sven, and I with Butt Coin, but even worse, a part of me really liked him.

The Mayor, Roberto Romero, was a handsome gregarious man in his sixties with a short white beard and a fat pot belly that made him looked somewhat like a coked up and horny Spanish Santa Claus. The look was made complete by the fact he was wearing a black silk robe with white trim, and because he had a lovely 20-something-year-old French Algerian girl on his arm who looked incredibly like a grinning elf.

"I wouldn't miss this trip for the world!" I beamed as I quickly looked around the room to see that quite a few of the men were wearing matching black silk robes that were tightly cinched shut, however, unlike the others, the mayor refused to tie his robe closed and opted to just let his junk hang out below his hairy belly. This should have traumatized me more than it did, but it had been a strange last few months.

Aside from the elf girl, there were a large gaggle of 50-something-year-old Algerian women around the bar who were keeping poor Gustavo busy with their drink orders. They all wore a loose-fitting white silk tops that were semi translucent with long slits down the sides, and no bras. Their bottoms were made of the same material and covered about as much. Amongst the women stood Mena who continued to give me the evil eye.

"What are you drinking?" cried the mayor, before he began to snap his fingers at tiny old Gustavo behind the bar.

"Mojito!" I shouted over the crowd to Gustavo and a few seconds later the drink was in my hand.

Nearly the whole room of Spanish men, except for Abogado Ferrer and Comisario Torres, who both kept their distance, crowded around me as they all introduced themselves and eagerly shook my hand. There were too many names to remember, but they all seemed friendly enough and they all seemed like they were having a great time.

The mayor, who was still standing in the middle of the scrum with his elf girl on his arm, held up a fresh drink and offered a toast. "To mixing business and pleasure, in the best way possible!"

"Salud!" me and all the other men shouted out at once as we all clanked glasses.

I went to take a big drink of my mojito and was nearly instantly put off by how weak it was, before I remembered that was exactly what I asked for.

From the corners of the room, several of the First Mate's uniformed staff--who were all male--quickly went to work to transform the lounge to into a dining room for nearly sixty people. They quickly pushed the numerous couches and loveseats that had occupied the center of the lounge to the outside walls, and then they refigured the tables and added a few more, until there were enough spaces for us all to sit and have a proper meal. Then the staff came out with a flourish of white tablecloths, wine glasses, plates, and silverware. Eventually the First Mate showed me, the Mayor, Comisario Torres, Abogado Ferrer, and several others, including the elf girl at the mayor's insistence, to the captain's table.

Not surprisingly, Mayor Romero sat in the captain's chair while the young elf girl that he claimed as his own took the chair to his immediate left. However, she left the seat empty as the mayor insisted that she sit on his lap while he absentmindedly slipped his old rough hand into her top as he played with her nipples.

To the mayor's immediate right sat his personal lawyer and business partner, Cesar Ferrer, who I couldn't help but think looked like a damn shark. His teeth were ever so slightly sharp which gave him a slight predatory look about him, which oddly enough probably helped his law career. He too was in a black silk robe and was slamming back the drinks, but he kept on getting distracted whenever the elf girl's nipple accidently popped out of her shirt.

To the mayor's left, on the other side of the elf girl, sat Alicante's chief of police, Comisario Arturo Torres. He looked like he was born to be a cop with a grey flat top, and a nose that had been broken more than once, and super attentive eyes, however at least he looked human. Comisario Torres, along with myself and only a few other men, were the only men in the lounge that hadn't changed into their robes. I figured that this had something to do with the large metal briefcase that he kept next to his chair at all times, and the suspicious bulge down on his right ankle which I assumed was a holster for his pistol. I also noticed that he had a drink in front of him that remained nearly untouched.

The meal was fantastic. The crew brought us dozens of little starters, followed by heaps of meats, sea foods, vegetables, and a candy bowl full of little blue Viagra for the Spanish men to share. All of this was washed down by several bottles of the best wine I've had in years.

Throughout the whole meal, like a good politician, the mayor didn't let the conversation faulter once. He peppered me continuously with question after question, only to occasionally interrupt me with an even better story, or to tell a rude joke. The rest of the table, including the elf girl, jumped in when they could, whereas Ferrer and Torress remained oddly silent.

The Spanish men ate and drank like pigs while the women in their skimpy outfits helped keep the drinks flowing as fast as the little old blind bartender behind the bar could deliver them. Once I switched from wine back to cocktails, I was thankful, for each of my cocktails were as weak as the last which helped because I was a little buzzed. Several different women brought me my drinks and more than one flashed me a big dark nipple.

Since I was under strict orders to play the part of the useful idiot, and I was a little drunker than I should have been, I leaned into the part and told everyone about my horrible experience at my ex-girlfriend's wedding a month back when I had sex with her mom. " my ex-girlfriend, who I hate, was getting married up in Scotland, and me and the whole wedding party was staying at this castle out on the Loch. On the day of the wedding, her mother gets drunk and nearly ruins the wedding by picking a fist fight with the bride in front of the church. So, the father of the groom, who was also my boss, makes me take her mother back to the hotel, but her mom--who I've always kinda fancied--and I, end up back in her room. We have a few drinks and I tell her about Butt Coin, and the next thing I know we are having sex. Then she says, 'lets go make a Butt Coin on my daughter's bridal bed.' She just happens to have the key to the bridal suite, and we go up there. We end up making a Butt Coin right there on the edge of the bridal bed, and when we were done, I thought that was that, but no, the mom jumps up on to the bridal bed and takes a massive shit right on top of the white bed spread covered in rose petals!" I cried out while the whole table, if not the whole room, watched on.

All of the Spanish men in the room who understood English howled, then they promptly turned to their friends who didn't speak English, and translated the story for them, which caused them to howl as well.

"What did you do?" demanded the mayor whose eyes were glassy with drink and laughter.

"I just wanted to die, because the wedding was already a disaster, and now everyone was going to blame me for everything, especially my ex-girlfriend. So, I took the keys away from the mom and then I just grabbed the mom who was still naked with a dirty bottom and threw her out of the bridal suite. I then ran down to my own room, grabbed all my stuff, and ran away back to London. But before I went, I gave the women in housekeeping £500 to clean the room as best as they could before the bride returned and could blame it all on me."

All the men around the table groaned and several of them slapped me on the back. While several of the women, including Mena who had been listening from the next table over, nodded their heads in approval.

For dessert, we were served a boozy flambé that I didn't catch the name of and then by one of the younger women I was offered a hand mirror with several lines of cocaine on it.

"Oh sorry," I said as I politely held up my hand. "I try limiting my vices to just drinking." I couldn't help but feel that all the eyes in the place were still on me.

The woman smiled politely and then offered it to the man next to me, who took a small hit, before she carried the mirror to the Police Chief who also passed. The police chief and I quickly shared a glance, while the Mayor and Ferrer took big snorts each.

"Oh man! That will be the death of me!" cried the mayor as he clutched his chest for a second and then rubbed his nose furiously. Then he turned his attention to me. "Are you sure you don't want some?"

"I'll stick with alcohol," I laughed as I held up my glass for another mojito.

"What about sex?" asked the mayor as he groped the young woman on his lap. "Since you are the expert on Butt Coin, will you be showing us all how to make one tonight?"

This question piqued the interest of both Ferrer and Torres who both pretty much ignored me the whole meal.

"Ah..." I stalled as my eyes quickly fluttered around to see that nearly all of the women in the place, including the mayor's elf girl and Mena, were waiting for my answer.

"Hola!" said a voice as I was slapped on my shoulder.

I turned around to see the son of the estate agent who Esmeralda and I slept with and gave a Butt Coin too in order to get information on Sven's whereabouts. The young Spanish boy was only a couple years younger than me--making us both the youngest men there by some years. His face was bright red, his eyes were dilated, and he had an overpowering since of urgency about him that I guessed was from the cocaine.

"How do I make a Butt Coin?" the Spanish boy demanded as he held on to the hand of a short and plump, older French Algerian lady, with hard nipples, and cute little fat rolls behind her knees. In his other hand he held his phone which was open to the Butt Coin app.

"Come, I'll show you," I said as I stood up and took advantage of the opportunity to avoid any more awkward questions from the mayor and his friends. "Do you both have the app?"

"I do!" said the Spanish boy as a heavy sheen of sweat began to form over his face.

"Oui. Mena made us download your app when we boarded," said the dark eyed, dark haired Algerian woman with a thick French accent, who was at least as twice as old as the young Spanish boy on her arm.

Across the room, Mena, stood up at the mention of her name, and began to slowly make her way towards us.

"Do we fuck here?" the Spanish boy demanded as he gestured down to his erection which was jetting out of the front of his black silk robe. He was now dripping with sweat.

"Ah shit," I said as I quickly looked around the lounge. All the couches, loveseats, and other plush furniture that would have been good to fuck on had been pushed up against the walls of the lounge while we ate dinner.

"Outside on the sun deck," yelled the First Mate from across the room as he pointed to the glass wall at the far end of the lounge that separated us from outside.

"You look like you could really use some fresh air," I said as I pushed the Spanish boy and his older woman out the glass doors and into the still warm autumn sea air. It was just starting to turn dusk, and the sky was a brilliant red over the dark waters of the Mediterranean. I just stopped for a half a second to enjoy the view, but the Spanish boy and older woman barged past me and made their way to a sun lounger secured to the deck.

I snatched the Spanish boy's phone off of him while he began to snog and grope the older woman who looked remarkably a lot like his mother. I quickly pushed this out of my mind as I began to swipe through his phone until I came to the Butt Coin app and began to click around.

"Oh mamma," cried the Spanish boy.

When I looked up, the older woman had sat down on the sun lounger and had the young Spanish boy's cock in her mouth.

"Whoa! Whoa!" I cried as I pulled them apart. "Not yet! Not yet!"

From the ship, Mena, and several of the women with men in tow, slipped out of the lounge to watch the show. As I looked around at all the faces eager to watch the Spanish boy and the woman fuck, I decided to turn this into a teaching moment.

"There are five rules you must follow to make a Butt Coin. Rule One: Only a man and a woman can make a Butt Coin." I looked back to see the Spanish Boy pleasuring himself while the older Algerian woman had pulled her white silk shorts to the side and was showing him her rather large vagina. "Okay, I can clearly see that they are a man and a woman."

"Rule Two: The woman must be at least 50 years old." I quickly looked down at the woman and it was clear from her saggy tits and big arse that she was at least 50, but I asked anyways. "Are you at least 50-years-old?"

"Oui," the woman chuckled as she continued to rub her pussy.

"Rule Three: You must use the Butt Coin app, or it doesn't count," I said as I showed the couple, Mena, and the crowd the Butt Coin app.

Mena snatched the woman's phone from her hand, opened it up, and set up the app for her.

"Rule Four: For the algorithm to work, you both must film yourselves making a Butt Coin," I said before I pushed the camera towards the woman's open pussy which caused her eyes to go wide.

"Finally, Rule Five: Each couple can only make one Butt Coin. If he fucks up and comes on her tits before they have anal sex, it doesn't count. If she doesn't open the app on her phone, it doesn't count. You only get one chance, so don't fuck it up!" I yelled to the group of horny Spanish men and eager Algerian women, knowing full well from years of doing business training shit that none of them will remember any of that.

"Do you understand?" I asked both of them.

Both the young Spanish boy and the older woman on the edge of the sun lounger looked at me and acknowledged what I said with a nod of their heads.

"Okay, press this button," I said as I pointed to the "engage" button on both of their phones.

A second later a robotic voice rang out of both phones and said, "Make a Butt Coin now!"

The woman immediately went back to suck the Spanish boy's cock again, but Mena who was now next to me, slapped the woman on her shoulder, and then barked something at her in Arabic. The woman frowned, but instantly stopped, turned around, slipped her loose white shorts down around her ankles, and then leaned over the sun lounger. She had a wonderfully brown arse.

Another woman quickly stepped up and handed Mena a metal tube of lube. "Come," she said to the boy as she grabbed him by his cock and roughly pulled him forward, before she squeezed a little lube on the head of his cock. Then she quickly rubbed it around before she dropped his cock and then put a little lube directly on the woman's butt hole. Mena looked up at me and in her thick husky accent asked, "May they continue?"

"Sure," I said.

I stepped out of the Spanish boy's way, and he instantly jumped forward and latched onto the woman's big brown arse with both hands. He then began to randomly thrust his cock like mad towards the woman's well used arse hole, but with no avail for his angle was all off. Mena and I quickly shot each other a glance as we both watched on as he continued to hump the air. It was obvious that he hadn't done this much before.

"Whoa! Whoa!" I said to the Spanish Boy as I put a hand on his chest and pushed him back a little which helped stop his random thrusts. Then Mena reached down and with a finger, push the head of his cock down until it easily plopped into the Algerian woman's greasy butt hole.

The Algerian woman took a sharp breath as the boy pushed his cock deep inside her, but she was a pro and adjusted quickly.

"Si! Si! Si!" the Spanish boy cried out as he began to frantically fuck the older woman's butt.

I angled the Spanish boy's phone as best as I could to get a good view of the action. I then attempted to show Mena the best places to film in order to get the app to work, but she just gave me an eat shit look instead.

The older Algerian woman readjusted her position on the sun lounger which allowed her to get down much lower. Suddenly Mena and I were given a great view of the boy's cock as he fucked the older woman's arse hole. I instinctively moved his phone to get a better view of the action and so did nearly all the men who were on the sun deck at the time.

The boy was breathing hard and lasted no more than two strokes until his whole body suddenly tensed and his cock leapt from the woman's butt as he began to shoot great streamed of come all the way up to her back.

The Spanish men that were gathered around without warning erupted in cheers of support like they were at a football game as the boy shot several more, great streams of come on to the woman's back and gaped butt hole before he toppled over and fell down onto the deck of the ship.

"Can I move now?" asked the woman on the sun lounger, who was still on her knees, as her arse remained gaped open for all of us to see.

"One second," I said as I quickly move the camera down to get a good shot of her open arse. Mena did the same while she shot me a suspicious look. "Alright, that should be good," I said as I handed the boy back his phone as he sat dazed on the deck of the ship next to us.

I helped the woman put down her legs without kicking the boy in the head and then I helped her sit down onto the sun lounger. One of the other older Algerian women who was previously giving a man a hand job while they watched, handed the woman a towel to clean the come off.

The boy stared at his phone hard and then suddenly let out a long low chant as his phone started to crunch the numbers to see if a Butt Coin had been made, "Wwwwwhhhhhhoooooooooaaaaaa...!"

All of the Spanish men on the sun deck joined in with the boy's chant as they all crowded around to watch his phone. Suddenly his phone screen changed green, and all of the Spanish men--and some of the Algerian women too--erupted into a roaring cheer as the boy and the woman's phone both chimed out "A Butt Coin has been made!"

I helped the older woman to her feet before I motioned for her phone from Mena. Mena reluctantly agreed and handed me her phone. "Here is the best part," I said as I quickly flipped through her phone until I came to the screen that showed the market price. Several of the other women quickly crammed in next to me as I tried hard not to think about the dozens of erect nipples that were suddenly pressed into my flesh as I showed the woman the market value screen on her phone. "The Butt Coin you just made, has already traded for nearly €8,000!"

"€8,000!" the older woman screamed out in her heavy French Algerian accent. She jumped up and down several times, before she grabbed me by the front of my shirt and gave me a big wet kiss on the lips. Then she quickly spun around and stuck her arse in my crotch. "Come! Come! I'm ready. I make another Butt Coin with you now!"

Several of the other women pushed me forward into her wet butt hole, but I stuck both hands on her big brown arse and pushed back. "I would love too, honestly I would, but I've recently got a girlfriend...back in England," I lied, as I tried not to think about my growing erection in my pants.

The woman with her butt in my crotch and the other women wouldn't take no for an answer, until Mena yelled at them again in Arabic.

"Fine, who wants to fuck next?" said the woman with a pout to the group of older Spanish men still standing around on the sun deck.

I took the opportunity with all the men and women distracted to escape to the side of the ship where I could do some breathing exercises as I tried to wish away my boner. The skies over the Mediterranean were quickly starting to turn dark and there was a noticeable chill in the air.

"Get back into the ship! Via! Via!" yelled Mena over my shoulder to the group of horny Spanish men and the group of Algerian women who suddenly were energized by the thoughts of making €8,000 just for taking it up the arse.

The party quickly did as they were told and headed back into the ship.

I closed my eyes and took a few more deep breaths as I waited for the party to leave.

"Are you going to 'come' inside?" asked Mena in her sultry voice.

I jumped as I opened my eyes to see Mena standing less than a half a metre in front of me staring into my soul with her deep dark eyes.

"I will," I stammered out. "I just need a little more fresh air."

She glanced down at the bulge in my trousers and said, "Are you sure? I can help you with that."

I was too shocked to respond at the moment, so she just gave me a little wry smile, turned, and went back inside.

By the time I made it back into the lounge, the whole place had been transformed by the first mate and his crew into some sort of floating sex dungeon and a drug fuelled orgy had broken out. The tables from dinner had once again been replaced by the plush couches and love seats, and other contraptions, like a sex swing with an electric hoist, had been added to the fray. Dozens of drunken Spanish men were wrestling with their phones and their cocks, while the French Algerian women did their best to accommodate all that came their way.

As I walked in, there was a five-some that consisted of two women and three men underway on a large couch next to the door. I saw that all five of them had their phones out and they were pointed at their genitals, which was a good sign. However, when I peeked between the sweaty thighs of the first couple, I noticed that the man's phone was completely off, and while the woman had her phone open between her legs, she wasn't on the Butt Coin app at all, but was instead facetiming her family and friends. I quickly looked at the two men and a woman that was attempting to make a Butt Coin next to them and they had similar problems.

I quickly ran over to Mena. "Sorry," I said as she was trying to help a couple out with lube issues. "Please make sure everyone has their Butt Coin apps open and they've gone through all of the steps before they have butt sex."

"I'm doing my best here," she said as she squirted some lube on to her finger and roughly pushed it deep into the woman's arse in front of her.

"If they don't have their apps open and set up correctly, then the women don't get paid," I said as plainly as I could.

"Putain de merde," Mena swore, dropped the lube on the chair next to the woman with her arse spread, and then snatched the phone from the woman's hand. She then began swiping around until she got to where she needed to be and then did the same for the man's phone.

A second later both of their phones rang out, "Make a Butt Coin now!"

I quickly ran back to the fivesome fucking on the couch next to the door and attempted to sort out their situation. "No! No!" I shouted as I grabbed an older gentleman by his naked shoulders and pulled him out of the rear end of the woman on her knees in front of him. The man attempted to fight me, but I was a good foot taller than him, and twenty years younger, plus he had the build of an accountant. Unfortunately, he was naked and erect. I batted away his hands and pointed to the woman's phone that was still facetiming between her legs. "No app, no money!"

The woman looked at me confused and then yelled something to Mena, who was trying to break up a small gangbang before any of the four men accidently came before they made a Butt Coin. Mena shot something back to the woman in Arabic that I didn't catch, and instantly the woman's eyes went wide, before she snatched her phone off the couch below her and quickly rolled over on her stomach. She quickly found her Butt Coin app and opened it. A few seconds later she showed me that she was on the right screen to make a Butt Coin. I snatched the man's phone from his hands while he was still trying to attack me, and held him off long enough to open his app.

A second later both of their phones rang out, "Make a Butt Coin now!"

I pointed the camera down at the woman's pussy and arse, and then thrusted the man's phone back into his hand. Then I pushed him back into the woman's bottom where he quickly got distracted and stopped trying to fight me.

The woman who was sandwiched between the two men next to them, saw what was happening. She quickly pushed both men and their swinging cocks away and made them sort out their Butt Coin status before she allowed them to continue.

Mena and I exchanged a quick glance while we worked the room, and I shouted, "You go left and I go right," I motioned to all the groups of people who were having sex around the lounge. I helped a few more groups set up their apps, but the idea of "No app, no money," quickly filtered around the room. However other problems immediately started to pop up, such as no lube.

It was a case where everyone's eyes were bigger than their stomachs, and the drugs and money probably didn't help either. Almost all of the men and women rushed into anal sex without lube and were quickly starting to regret it.

Mena ran into the same problem, so she pulled out several large tote bags of items, such as lube, as well as a bunch of much needed wet wipes, and other items and dumped them out on a small drinks table in the middle of all the action.

I quickly ran over to the table and grabbed several tubes of lube and some wet wipes and began to make the rounds.

I only made it a few feet when a woman on her back with her legs in the air who was being ploughed in her butt gave me a frantic wave and then pointed down to her back side.

"Excuse me, Lube Boy coming through," I joked while I quickly wedge my hand in with the tube of lube between the couple's genitals. The man quickly popped all the way out and I gave the woman a quick shot of lube in her butt. The woman mouthed "Thank you," before they continued.

In quick succession I got another three butts lubed up and with the wet wipes took care of some dirty butt issues.

I was trying to be as professional as I could, but even Lube Boy is human, and before I knew it I was starting to get hard again. I knelt down next to one man and woman who were fucking and in need a lube. The man pulled out and I quickly reached down and gave her a little squirt of lube on her arse hole, but she kept her arse open and expected me to rub it in. I obliged and gave her a quick little rub while the man watched on and jacked off. Her arse hole was loose and hot to the touch, and I instantly felt myself get an erection.

The woman saw it too through my trousers, so she reached over and grabbed me by the balls and cock. Then she stuck out her pink tongue and opened her mouth wide.

"No!" grunted the man suddenly as he began to come as a shot of sperm hit me on the elbow.

"Come in her arse! Come in her arse!" I shouted as the man dropped his phone on top of the woman's hairy pussy as he tried to get himself back into her bum. I snatched his phone up and tried to get it in place for the perfect shot as the man's last few spurts entered her bowels.

He really never went soft, thanks to the Viagra and cocaine, but he slipped from her bum anyways, which made things a little awkward as the three of us sat there for a second in anticipation as we watched the 'calculating' icon spin away on their phones.

Suddenly their phone's flashed green and announced that a Butt Coin had been made.

"Ole!" shouted the room.

The man collapsed on top of the woman as she grabbed for my cock again. I managed to jump to my feet as the woman made a vulgar blowjob motion with her open mouth and hand.

"Bad girl! Bad girl!" I told her as I backed away. I took a couple quick deep breaths and turned away only to see Mena standing over a couple on the couch next to me. Mena was staring at me once again with her intense dark eyes. I looked down expecting to see her applying lube to the woman who was on her back, but instead Mena had two fingers inside the woman's pussy while she rubbed her clit with her thumb. The woman's face was contorted with pleasure, and she was about to come. I attempted to avert my eyes while I stepped away, but instead I tripped over someone shoes and nearly fell over.

"Fuck, I need a drink," I cried to myself as I turned away from Mena fingering the woman and ran to the safety of the bar. Before I even got there the old blind bar tender, Gustavo, had a fresh mojito waiting for me."

"How is the drink, señor?" Gustavo asked. "Not too strong?"

"It's perfect," I said as I sipped the cold sweet drink as I tried to clear my head by not looking at the orgy behind me. I closed my eyes, while over my shoulder all I could hear was the sound of people fucking, interlaced with the occasional robotic voice announcing that a Butt Coin had been made.

"Ole!" the room shouted.

"I'll have what he's having," said Mena who pulled up next to me at the bar. She had a wet wipe in her hand and was cleaning off her fingers while she staired me down once again. When she was done, she tossed the wet wipe down at my hand on the counter. "What about you? No orgy for you?"

"Good question," I said as a took a big drink from my mojito and for a second regretted that it wasn't stronger. "I...I...have a girlfriend."

Mena quickly lit up a cigarette, "A girlfriend? That's too bad," Mena said in her heavy French accent as she pointed with her cigarette to my erection that was clearly visible through my white trousers. "Does she know you are here?"

"Ole!" the room shouted again.

When Mena pointed at my cock, for the first time I noticed that she was wearing a wedding ring with a rather large stone in it. "You're married? Does he know that you are here?"

"Who said that my husband is a he?" she gave me a wry smile before she twirled her ring around a few times and left me alone.

We both turned around and put our elbows on the bar to watch the mess that was unfolding in front of us. All across the lounge, Spanish men were coming right and left into women's bottoms which was always followed by an intense wait as both of them checked their phones to see if a Butt Coin was made. Every time a Butt Coin was made, the whole room would erupt in a cheer, while often the women would do a little dance--depending on which position they just got fucked in--and the old mayor, who had commandeered the sex swing in the corner, would raise is fist and pump it up and down in the air victoriously.

"I've never seen some many women this happy to have anal sex in my whole life," Mena said as she studied the orgy like a hawk.

"It's the drugs," I said before I added, "also the fact they are earning €8,000 a pop probably helps, and I doubt many of them have worked out how the residuals work yet."

"Residuals?" Mena asked as she took another drag off of her cigarette.

"You see every time one of the Butt Coins trades, we, the exchange, charges them 10%, of which 9% of the sale price goes back to the woman. And 9% of €8,000 is...."

"Please no math," said Mena as she held up her hand to stop me. "I'm trying really hard to stay wet here. Just tell me that my girls will be okay."

"Oh, they will be," I said. "A friend of mine, this Greek Lady called Maria, she was the first lady to make a Butt Coin and she is well on her way to making a hundred of them now. She recently outright bought her sewing shop in London, paid off the mortgage on her house, got herself a Vietnamese toy boy, and has plans to kill her husband in a boating accident, all because of the residual money she earned with Butt Coin."

"Smart woman," Mena huffed before we both watched on for a second, as the men in the orgy slowly shuffled their way around like they were bees, and the women's butts were flowers.

"Have you seen that Comisario Torres has a gun?" Mena said as she pointed with her chin at the Police Chief as he sat on a plush chair with his pants down around his ankles as an older woman with wild black hair straddled him. His pants had slipped down just far enough where down on his right ankle we both could see the top of a brown leather pistol holster.

"I thought he had a gun," I said as I took another drink.

"He must need it to protect whatever is in that briefcase that he refuses to let leave his side," Mena said casually as she turned to look at me.

" for me. They are, sort of, buying my business. That's why we need to go out to international waters. If we make the trade on land, then we would need to declare the trade, and we would need to pay taxes on it. But if we do it out in international waters...," I shrugged my shoulders.

Mena looked me up and down and then decided to change the subject. "Have you also seen that Abogado Ferrer and his men, keep on sneaking out. I think they are looking for something around the ship."

"Ferrer has men?" I said as I quickly looked around the room for Ferrer, but Mena was right, he wasn't anywhere to be found in the pile of sweaty arms, legs, and greasy arseholes.

"He has at least two men with him," Mena said as she held up two fingers and carefully pointed to one man who was currently standing around with a couple other men while they watched a lady getting fucked. "I'm not sure where the other one is. Your police friend has seen this too, and he isn't happy about it either."

"Marty! Marty!" the mayor shouted from across the noise and fog of butt smells that had formed in the lounge.

I looked over to see the naked hairy mayor as he stood at the foot of the sex swing with a woman hoisted up in it and he was grinning from ear to ear.

I gave Mena a quick nod and then downed my drink. I passed through the orgy where I hi-fived several men, got a kiss from two naked and very sticky women, and received several more offers to make Butt Coins with others. By the time I made it to the mayor, I could feel my erection already returning.

"Look Marty, my first Butt Coin!" The mayor showed me his phone and the green confirmation screen, then he threw is naked sweaty arm around my neck in celebration as we turned around to face the same naked woman who had made the first Butt Coin of the night with the Estate Agents son. She had her legs up in the sex swings stirrups which gave the mayor, or anyone who wanted a go, perfect standing access to her brown anus.

The woman gave me a big smile and a little wave.

"This Butt Coin thing is amazing," the mayor cried before the slim naked elf girl, that the mayor had latched on to, handed him is drink. He took a quick swig and then motioned for her to clean off his cock. "I have never seen anything like this in my whole life, and I lived through the 1970s!"

The little elf girl quickly returned with a handful of wet wipes and then bent over and quickly began to wipe down the mayor's stiff little cock.

"I was thinking," said the mayor as he gently pushed the elf girl to her knees in front of him as she went to work to keep him hard, all while he held me next to him side by side. "I know you and your friend Sven are probably mad at us, for how all of this went down, but I want you to know that this is just business, okay?"

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little pissed off," I said, trying not to sound too mad, but more than anything I didn't know where the mayor was trying to go with this conversation. I looked down at the elf girl, who had the mayor's tiny cock in her mouth. She looked up at me with a puzzled look on her face as she too wondered where this conversation was going.

"And that's okay," the mayor said. "But in business, between us men, these things happen. Hostile takeovers are normal in the corporate world..." I went to interrupt him, but he stopped me, "...but you are a great negotiator and you drove a hard bargain, and do you know everything I had to do to get you that money? OH MIO DIOS! If I'm not careful, my next trip will be to jail!" he howled before he calmed down and got back on track. "I would hope the €5 million I got you would go a long way to smoothing things over between you, your business partner and I."

I nodded my head a little.

"Trust me I know how hard it is to work with business partners, my business partners," the mayor stopped to see where Torres and Ferrer were at. Torres had finished making his Butt Coin and was now fully dressed once again working on his second drink of the evening while he watched us intently from the bar. While Ferrer was still nowhere to be seen. "Like you see, my business partners are dead against this idea, but I, I want you and Sven to come and work for me."


"I'm an old man, and I know nothing about computers--which is why Ferrer has great plans to sell your business to some North Koreans, but I don't know--for I can see the Butt Coin has real potential. Real potential to bring people together," he said as he paused to wave his arm across the great sea of naked people fucking in front of us. "And come Monday morning, when I own Butt Coin, I'm going to need, at least you, in the big chair to help make this thing a success."

"Let me get this straight. You want to hire me to run the business you stole from me?"

"Stole is such a harsh word," the mayor winced, "but, yes."

"How much?" I demanded.

"One million a year, ten million a year, it doesn't matter. Name your price," said the mayor as he stared into my eyes.

I glanced down at the elf girl with her wide brown eyes as she looked up at me and shrugged her shoulders and mumbled, "I think you should do it."

Before I could respond, the door to the lounge opened, and in walked Ferrer and another man. Ferrer was red in the face and had a manic look to him, which was probably do to all the coke and Viagra he had been using all night. As soon as he saw me talking to the mayor, he made a bee line towards us.

"Where have you been?" the mayor cried to Ferrer, as he helped the elf girl to her feet and then pushed her out of the way. "You're missing the party!"

"We've just been checking out the ship," Ferrer said as he jabbed a finger at me. "I don't think it's here. I think he's been lying to us!"

The mayor held on to me tight, as we watched his friend and the man who was standing behind him. Before the mayor could say anything, Comisario Torres with his brief case in tow, stepped up to the other side of us and gave Ferrer a dirty look.

"What's going on here?" asked Comisario Torres.

"I made Marty the offer we talked about," said the mayor defiantly. "I want him to be a partner in Butt Coin!"

"What!" cried Ferrer. "No. We had a deal! We are selling Butt Coin straight away! I've already found a buyer!"

"That's not what we agreed too," Comisario Torres said in a low menacing way before he quickly checked his wristwatch for the umpteenth time.

"I don't care," howled the mayor as he held me tight. "I'm changing the deal! We are keeping Butt Coin and we are keeping Marty!"

"Over my dead body!" shouted Ferrer.

From across the room, Mena, who been watching things suddenly fall apart, casually slipped off her top and began to walk straight towards me through the orgy.

"You're a fool if you think you can get more out of this damn thing than what the Asians are already offering," Ferrer sneered at the mayor.

Comisario Torres set his jaw, checked his watch again, and then looked over his shoulder to one of the many windows overlooking the dark sea outside, like he was waiting for something.

Mena had a firm body, with small perfect breast, and two large nearly black nipples that I was instantly entranced by. With purpose in her step, Mena stepped in between the three Spanish men who were about to come to blows, and she offered me her hand. "Marty has promised me a Butt Coin, and I demand he make good on his word."

"I...." I never remembered promising Mena any such thing, but the last place in the world I wanted to be at the moment was between those three men. "Of course, I did. I completely forgot. Sorry, it must have been the booze," I laughed as I reached out and took her hand.

Mena pulled me free of the mayor's grasp and then snapped her fingers for the elf girl to join us.

Mena took me by the hand and dragged me to a large circular couch in the middle of the room. There were three naked women lounging on it with their drinks in hand while they marvelled at their newly minted and now sizable Butt Coin accounts. When they saw Mena with me in tow, they jumped up and got out of her way.

Mena turned me around where I could see the mayor, Ferrer, and Torres as they all looked stunned at the sure audacity of Mena to come a steal me away from them in the middle of some important man business.

Mena gave the elf girl a quick hand command, and the elf girl quickly pulled my phone from my pocket and handed it to me to unlock as she undid my trousers. They fell to the ground, and with my shoes, she quickly stripped them off until I was standing in the middle of the lounge in my underwear.

All the eyes on the boat, including those of the blind bar tender, were on me. And from somewhere, buried under his fifth woman of the night, the Estate Agent's son let out a lone cheer for me.

"Can we do this somewhere private," I asked as I stood there in front of topless Mena with my hands in front of my underwear, still hoping not to cheat on Esmeralda.

Mena leaned into me and whispered in her husky voice, "not if you don't want to get shot," she said as she glanced over her shoulder as Comisario Torres with a pissed off look on his face, quickly checked his watch again.

Without asking, the elf girl quickly yanked down my underwear and before I could protest, she took my whole cock deep into her mouth. Suddenly my resolve faltered as she went deep.

Mena quickly shimmied out of her white shorts and panties and threw them onto the couch before another woman quickly handed her a tube of lube. While she watched me, she squeezed a healthy amount of lube onto her finger and bent over slightly as she stuck her finger in her butt. When she was satisfied, she was passed a wet wipe to clean off her finger. Then she pushed me backwards onto the couch.

My cock made a great "POP!" sound as it popped out of the elf girl's mouth as I fell back onto the couch.

Mena quickly climbed on top of me, squatted down, and buried my cock deep into her boiling hot pussy. "Oh God, it's been a while," she moaned as she arched her back and as her eyes fluttered.

The elf girl pulled Mena's phone from her sweaty hands and deftly set up her Butt Coin app. A second later both of our phones rang out, "Make a Butt Coin Now!"

"I can't last long," I panted as I could feel Mena's pussy squeeze and contort around my cock.

"Shut up, this isn't about you," Mena said as she slid her hand down her front and began to rub her clit. Then she asked the elf girl in Arabic, "Kam tabaqaa min alwaqt?"

The elf girl quickly checked a message on Mena's phone and quietly responded, "Khams daqayiq."

The whole boat of men and women, including the mayor, Ferrer, and Torres, all came to a halt as they all watched as Mena hit her first orgasm of the night while she sat on my cock. She came fast and hard as her body tensed and her eyes rolled back into her head.

Mena held me in place for what felt like forever as my head spun and I did my damndest not to come inside her pussy. She eventually fell on top of me and gave me a full kiss on the lips as well as a little tongue.

"Daqiqatayn," the elf girl whispered to Mena.

Mena opened her dark eyes and stared at me for a second before she said, "Okay let's take care of you now." She sat up on me and gave my cock one last, hard squeezed with her pussy, before she pushed my cock out.

The elf girl quickly darted in and gave my cock another quick suck to ensure I was good and hard, before she grabbed and wedged the head of my cock in Mena's arse. Her arse was a lot tighter than I was expecting and it took some work to push it past her first ring. When it did, both of us let out a gasp.

The Elf girl quickly grabbed both of our phones and set them up on a pillow where they could film, then she reached in and took Mena's right nipple in her mouth.

Once we managed to get my cock all the way into Mena's bum, Mena resumed rubbing her pussy. I could feel my cock start to swell and I knew that it wouldn't be long.

Mena's second orgasm came much quicker as she seriously started to hump my cock. We kissed several more times, and even the elf girl managed to slip her tongue into our mouths more than once.

When Mena's bum finally began to loosen up, I started to seriously hump her arse, like my life depended on it.

Suddenly I saw a message flash on Mena's phone and the elf girl quickly read it out to her, "Yadhhabi!"

Mena got in a good ten more thrusts before she opened her eyes and kissed me again on the lips. While she did this, I saw her deftly spin her large diamond wedding ring around as she flicked the diamond open to expose what looked like a small sharp needle.

"Hey!" I managed to squeak out in between grunts as she suddenly grabbed me by my biceps as a felt a sharp scratch.

"Shhh," Mena shushed me as she closed the cap on her ring and turned it right side around, and then sat up to push my cock even deeper into her butt.

I tried to protest, but all the sudden I felt so good, like I had a hell of lot more drinks than I did.

Mena pushed me back hard into the couch and began to bounce up and down on my cock as she slipped a hand between her legs and began to frantically rub her cunt again.

"What did you do to me," I suddenly slurred out.

"Just come! Just enjoy it!" she said as she bit her lip and motioned to the elf girl with her head.

The elf girl quickly grabbed the tube of lube off the couch and squirted a lot on her two middle fingers. Then she reached around and stuck both fingers deep in my arse where she instantly hit my prostate.

"Oh yes! Oh yes!" Mena cried out as my cock suddenly began to swell in her bum.

"What the fuck is that?" Ferrer suddenly screamed out from across the room as he looked out on the darken sea to see the lights of two boats suddenly approaching fast.

"Fuck you!" Yelled Torres as he pulled his pistol from his holster and pointed it at Ferrer and the mayor. "That's my police boat. I am tired of both of your bullshit. You two aren't going to fuck me over this time. The money and the shares are mine!"

I tried to follow their conversation, but Mena's bum and the elf girl's fingers suddenly felt so good as my world around me began to swoon.

An alarm on the ship suddenly began to sound. People everywhere began to scream, but Mena and the elf girl were unphased. If anything, they just fucked me harder. "That's it. That's it. Come for mamma," Mena urged me on as she got herself off for the third time.

"Give me the bearer share now!" demanded Torres as he clutched the brief case while he pointed the gun at Ferrer and then the mayor. "I swear that I will shoot you both!"

"We don't have the share!" cried the mayor.

"I told you!" Ferrer screamed as he pointed at me. "He fucking lied to us!"

"Oh god! Oh god!" I managed to slur out as it felt like my face began to melt. I managed to only get out a few more humps until suddenly I shot what felt like a lifetime's worth of come into Mena's tight arse. My world was already incredibly small, and warm, as the endorphins raced through my body. "This must be what death's like," I shouted out only to find my tongue no longer worked.

Mena moaned too, as she felt me shoot up her rear end. She sat there for a second and just enjoyed the messy sensation, before she leaned in an gave me a big kiss on my unresponsive lips. Then she whispered, "sorry about this," before she reached up and ripped open my shirt, exposing the bearer share that I had tucked away in the little documents bag around my neck. Carefully she pulled it over my head.

Mena carefully stood up--ignored the mess that was leaking from her bum--and held up the document bag. "Is this what you are looking for?" she shouted at the mayor and his cronies.

"Those aren't police, those are pirates!" A woman cried from near the window, before a spray of heavy gun fire tore through the night air.

The alarm and cries continued as pandemonium broke out all over the lounge. I attempted to get up and run, but instead I just slumped over sideways on the couch. I tried to make sense of all that was going around me, but it seemed that my brain was no longer working. The last thing I remember was seeing some new people join our party wearing black masks, yellow shirts, and camouflage pants while carrying rather large guns. After that the world around me slowly turned black....

  1. Esmeralda winked at Marty, making him feel better, assuring him that he was not an idiot and was very useful, especially in bed.
  2. Marty was surprised to see the two police officers who had been following him around were still watching him from a nearby cafe, joined now by three tall, young, and blonde foreign women.
  3. The International Sisterhood of Lesbians (ISL) had a chapter in Spain, and Marty and Sven had to meet with them to enlist their help in fighting against the corrupt mayor and his cronies who were attempting to steal the entire Butt Coin project.
  4. During the Butt Coin Gang Bang Party, Marty found himself in a boatful of mature French Algerian women, who were part of the international sisterhood, and he had to resist their advances to stay faithful to his girlfriend.
  5. Marty discovered that Maria, the seamstress who made Butt Coins, had worked with crypto and had even created her own crypto currency named 'Lesbian Coin'.

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