Caged Studies Ch. 02

Mitchell adjusts to his new life, and roommate.

Aug 1, 2024
17 min read
cum lickingchastityfemdompublicCaged Studies Ch. 02cum swallowingfeet
Caged Studies Ch. 02
Caged Studies Ch. 02

Caged Studies Ch. 02

Hello all thanks for reading! I think I had a good enough start so I'm going to put in a bit more effort in this one! Glad to see it did so well! However, the chapter will be a bit of a slower read, I plan on keeping a mix of story and sex after all. Again this is heavily inspired by White_Raven47's series "Daughter Holds the Keys" Please go and read that series! Feedback is very appreciated! All people in this are 18 years or older.


Mitchell stood there stunned as he stared at the half-naked woman. Barely processing anything as his gaze fell on her loosely fitted black and red bra. He eventually catches himself as a little bit of precum oozing down his cage brings enough sensation to his body to snap him back to reality. "Hi uh...roomie?" he asks confused as he focuses back onto her face. Her green eyes were the best point to focus on. "I think there's a mistake or something. I think the office gave me the keys to a female room" he says trying to wrap his head around the situation. Or at least offer a good enough excuse to not get in trouble on his first day at university. Not a great start, a man trying to get into a woman's room. There wasn't a major threat to her of course, given the chastity cages all men wear. But the ethics of trying were still the problem.

"No...there's no mistake," she says walking in, eyeing up the still undecorated room before looking back at him. Her blond hair bounced with every step. She passed him and he couldn't help but take in the rose scent radiating off her body. "The university is co-ed. Even to the point of rooms. It's heavily enforced if I'm being honest." She explains with a small laugh. "Help's discourage boys from trying to find ways out of their cages. Lot less chances to try if someone living within reach of you would be willing to report it" she says as she eyes him up and down. "So. I'm Annabelle. Call me Anne" she says reaching a hand out to shake his.

"I...oh I'm Mitchell" He answers as he still processes this information. He just left home from living with another woman, only to be put in a place with another. Arguably this was much worse given she was closer in range to him than his mother...and by her lack of clothing much more willing to expose herself. "Did I happen to walk in on you changing? I uh...apologize if I surprised you" he says sheepishly. His face got red as his own words reminded him of the half-naked girl. He has seen naked women before, those who were daring enough to tease boys in certain situations. And one girl who was kind enough to let him eat her out after one hard night of trying to hit on her at a club with his friends. But it was a different situation at the moment. He reaches out to gently shake her hand. Not wanting to squeeze too hard and possibly cause problems.

"Pleasure" she responds smiling. "And no. I just simply like to be comfortable where I live. Get used to it" she says with a smirk. Knowing exactly what she was doing to him. "So what are you here at Morgren for?" she asks sitting down on his bed, crossing one leg over the other. She seemed right at home after inviting herself into his room. "Oh uh, I'm here for the computer science and coding courses. I hope to get good enough grades here and if I'm lucky get some certifications so I can get a decent job" he says. Offering a half-truth. Sure this university was well respected BUT he also wanted away from his mother too. "I already have one, Net Plus. But I hope for more" he adds quickly so he doesn't seem too un-knowledgeable in the subject. His eyes drifted for a few moments to her crotch, the way the panties dug in deep to her inner thighs. A straining feeling in his cage reminded him not to stare.

"Oh, a computer guy? I see" she says nodding. Whether she knew she was being checked out in this way was unknown. "Well here's hoping you get a handle on things. The courses here can be quite rough" she jokes as she uses a hand to brush some of her golden curls off her shoulder. "Well, so we're even. I'm here for the courses regarding the men's clinics." She explains. Referencing the medical field of men and their...relief. If a male didn't have a woman in his life to own his keys the government owns them at these facilities. Men were only allowed once a week but they offered the opportunity of guaranteed orgasms, not always through the use of a physical person though. Most of the time it was either a humiliating display of them stroking themselves openly in a monitored room with a nurse. Or through a machine. "My mom is a manager at a high-class clinic. So let's just say that inspired me" she says with a smirk.

His mind immediately went into the gutter. High-class clinics were the ones only wealthier men could afford. Unlike normal men's clinics supposedly the work was more... hands-on. He swallowed nervously and chuckled. "Must run in the family?" he offers as he sits down in his rolling chair. Keeping his legs spread a bit to avoid accidentally crushing his family jewels with the ring of his cage. "I remember Morgren did have one of the best courses in that field. Even offering certification opportunities to help?" he asks with mild curiosity. The topic of what goes on in those clinics was still very much a rumor to someone of his age.

"That they do. But admittedly I already have some" Annabelle says leaning back. The strap on her bra loosely shook and attracted his attention for a moment. "Mom helped push me once I told her what I wanted to do. So she got me into extra classes, helped me study herself, and got me into the classroom to take the tests. I also was in an intern program. Handling files, computer programs, organization, and so on. Once I was working on certifications I was rather...hands-on with the study material" she explains with a grin. Making Mitchell blush and look away. Another small spurt of precum spraying out of his cage. "Aww embarassed?" she asks teasingly.

"Just a shock to hear" he responds quickly as he looks back at her. Well aware of the heat in his face and the pain in his crotch. "Not every day you hear someone say that is all" he realized he was talking now to a woman with some experience behind her teasings. His mind couldn't help but wonder exactly what she had done. How she acted. His situation in more ways than one was not improving. "A-anyways it's nice to meet you Anne." He says as he stands up and grabs his school map. "I'm going to go wandering a bit soon to get used to the school. But maybe we'll catch up later and talk properly?" he asks. Desperately hoping to get away for a bit and get some fresh air. To cool his burning face and pained groin.

Annabelle smiles and stands up. Walking past him towards his door. "Sure sure, don't be a stranger" she calls out. She slides her thumbs under the sides of her panties where her ass meets her thighs and tugs lightly. Adjusting them as they give a satisfying snapping sound hitting her skin again. He didn't see anything beneath them but he got a good view of her from behind. "Oh and if you hear me with company knock first. Kay?" she says with a smile before turning outside his door and stepping into hers. The door gently closed behind her as she walked in.

Mitchell falls back into his seat, sliding downwards a tad as he breathes out heavily. "Fuck" he mumbles under his breath as he rubs his hands over his face. He grabs his phone, keys, wallet, and map before stepping out of his room. Locking it and then leaving the shared living space and into the hallway. Off on a personal adventure to check out the buildings.


Some time has passed and his body has calmed down as he wandered around. Mitchell had gone around to the classes to make sure he had his route planned, as well as checked out the cafeteria and the library. Overall the grounds were huge but he would manage with some effort. He gets a bit lost after going out a random door in the library and soon finds himself in front of a lone building. A sign on the front of it states "Morgren Men's Clinic". His mouth went dry and his heart pounded. He didn't intend to end up here but his instincts were telling him this was an important place to learn. He finds a sign saying they are open every day after school, and to check his paperwork to know when his assigned day is. He then set a reminder on his phone to later search his paperwork. Excited and nervous about his first release away from his mother. Turning back he heads to the front gates of the university intent on finding the grocery store. As he leaves he notices another guy leaving the admissions center holding his paperwork and red in the face. His mother hugged him quickly and teary-eyed. Reminding him of earlier today. When he exposed his cage to the entire room. The embarrassment and shame of it made him blush once more. And his cage tightened. He picks up his pace and moves into town outside the gate.


Some time passed and he managed to find it. Having shopped for the cheap essentials. A bag of junk food and cheap microwavable stuff in one hand, and a case of soda in the other. He takes the scenic route back to enjoy things a bit more before he goes back to the dorms. Cutting through the local park. It was rather spacious, with plenty of trees, a small lake, and plenty of benches. As he rounds a corner in the park he sees the only two people here besides him, a woman in a black skirt and large black top hiding her chest rather well. But in front of her, he could see someone kneeling. He currently was viewing from the side albeit at a distance. He had already started approaching and didn't intend to stop. Likely already guessing what was already happening. As he approached his hunch was correct. The woman, a black-haired lady with brown eyes was sighing softly as she kept her legs open beneath her. The man was mostly hidden by the skirt his face was buried in, but Mitchell could tell he had brown hair. A pair of glasses on the bench. And a small glint of light drew his attention to his crotch. A steel cage was in view as his pants were unzipped, unbuttoned, and pulled out in view.

"Well well, seems we have a voyeur" the woman coos as Mitchell is snapped back to reality. Naturally, the guy between her legs pulls back embarrassed, to which she quickly grabs his head and pulls him back in. No angle Mitchell had would enable him to see, but both he and the strain in his cage knew what was going on. "Uh-uh, don't stop there sweetie," she says smiling down at him. "If you want to be unlocked this Friday you'd better keep it going," she says with a devilish smile. Many things like this weren't a common sight. But if one wanders too far into places that don't tend to have many eyes many things go under the radar. "And you, if you want to watch I won't stop you. But you'd best kneel too" she jokes looking at Mitchell. Tapping on the ground where she wanted him with a foot.

"I...this is.." he begins. Stammering at the sight in front of him. He swallows nervously and against his better judgment, and clouded by a level of desperation he slowly moves. Setting his groceries down and moving slowly in front of her. Soon he was side by side with the man, no doubt further embarrassed by his situation as he dripped precum onto the ground beneath him. He kneels, unsure what to expect at the moment. Hormones guiding his judgment now. Lost to the desperation for attention and the act in front of him only driving this point further.

"You. Unzip and unbutton. No words and no names." she says adding the last part quickly. Staring him down as she waits for him to obey. "You agree to keep quiet about this and I'll give you a little reward too." She says as she moves her foot and slips her shoe off. Exposing a black sock. Her eyes dug into Mitchell, seemingly demanding his agreement and supposed participation. Nobody else seemed to be in the park thankfully, nobody else to see him further debase himself. An excuse he gave for this desire for attention. He begins to open his mouth to speak but stops, remembering she said no names and no words. His mouth went dry as his hands shakily went for his pants. He unbuttons them at first before slowly unzipping them. exposing his blue boxers. With a nervous glace around he checks his surroundings once more before turning his attention back to her. And with a quick movement, he tugs his boxers down. His metal cage, his cock, and balls are in full view now. His cage was tight, his body straining for freedom, for pleasure. Droplets of precum already dripping down onto the ground. The man next to him not looking at all. Likely too embarrassed to show his face, or too devoted to a potential release by what Mitchell assumes to be his girlfriend.

"There we are, now we're all even," the woman says with a small soft laugh. She raises her foot a bit and holds it out. "Take it off" she orders Mitchell. His hands moved to gently grasp the top of her sock. The soft fabric tickles his hands before he slowly slides it down. Freeing her well-manicured foot. She looks down and gently rubs the man's head. "You could learn a thing or two about obedience from this boy yourself sweetie" she coos as she lowers her foot down. "Keep quiet, keep calm, and I'll make it worth your while," she says shooting a sideways glance at Mitchell. Before slowly bringing her foot forward and gently caressing his balls. A soft breathy moan escaped him as he immediately leaked precum down onto her foot. His cage bounces gently as the lock clicks against the material with each upward movement she makes. "So eager, so pent up too. Your owner does a good job" she says with another smirk as she leans back. Enjoying the pleasure the man gives her as she toys with Mitchell so easily. Gently kneading his balls while he drips onto her, her soft breathy moans and heavy breathing mixing into the air with his own. Mitchell's body felt heavy and weak, a slave to his desires for touch and attention. Despite the irony that there was still a lack of it in the most important parts he truly craved.

Her hands slowly went to her lover's head as she gently scratched his head. "Getting close sweetie, keep it up" she coos out followed by a soft moan. Mitchell unconsciously placed his hands on the ground to balance himself as he stared at her foot. His balls felt full and heavy as she toyed with him, driving on his urges to want more. But he knew better than to make demands given this was solely charity from her. His cock twitched in the cage every once in a while as he felt the teasing little pleasures she gave him. Finally with a slightly audible moan and her throwing her head back Mitchell could tell she was cumming. Pulling the lover's head in as she enjoyed the pleasure he gave her. Her foot raised a bit, bringing Mitchell more pleasure as she stimulated him a bit roughly, a new stream of precum forced out onto her foot as she rode out her pleasure. Once done she pushes his head away revealing a man with brown eyes in addition to his brown hair and a bit of stubble. "Mmm, keep this up and you will get your release Friday" she reminds him as she taps his nose gently with a finger. "And you," she says turning her attention back to Mitchell, removing her foot and raising it to him. Mitchell needs only a moment to remember what he always did for his mother. He leaned forward and began to gently lap up his precum. She smiled and continued speaking. "Keep this quiet okay? You're in on it too now."

Once Mitchell is done she removes her foot, Mitchell and the nameless man then stand and cover themselves. Zipping and buttoning their pants back up. Once done the woman gently runs her fingers under her lover's chin before looking back at Mitchell. She places a finger on her lips in a gesture of "silence" before turning and walking away. The man quickly followed behind, not turning to look back at all except to grab his glasses and put them on. Mitchell breathing heavily as he nearly collapses onto the park bench. Rubbing his face and calming his mind while he sits. He felt helpless at the moment, he'd done things in public before in a similar way when his mother decided to have fun while with her friends. Again, only in remote areas where they wouldn't be caught. But this was the first time with someone else. His mind reeling as he wonders if this is his life now, or if he wants to even end up like that man. He could stay single, go to a clinic once a week, or find a girlfriend and hopefully earn releases like she was promising him for good behavior. He had no idea which one was better. Once calmed down and shooting one last nervous glance around he grabs his groceries and begins a slow trek back to his dorm. The sun slowly setting to the sound of his footsteps.


Mitchell returns to the room. Moving to the fridge and setting his drinks inside before putting his food away. He didn't feel hungry at the moment. Mind too numbed from the intensive thoughts he had coming back. He could faintly hear his roommate Anne in her room talking, likely to some friends on her phone. He steps into his room and begins to finallt unpack. Hanging his clothes, folding his socks and so on. He eventually gets to his towels and shower tools, mainly a small black kit. His cage cleaning kit. Normal showers don't clean under mens cages so they need this kits to properly clean off what the water doesn't reach or where it lingers. He decides a shower is just the thing he needs right now and grab his stuff. Pajamas, towel and cleaning supplies. Walking to the bathroom and turning on the hot water.

After a couple minutes of setting his stuff down and organizing it he strips down. Bare in the steam except for his cage. The constsnt reminder in this world that he was born a man. The shower was surprisingly large, it could fit maybe three people comfortably if they all piled in...for whatever reason. Opening the glass shower door he steps in, letting the hot water wash away his earlier nervous sweat and embarassment. He soon calms as the sound of running water washes away his inner thoughts and he thinks about what to do this weekend. It was still Saturday so he had a whole other day before orientation on Monday. Taking his sweet time to clean off and let the steam build up in the room around him. When suddenly the door opens.

"You are taking too long for me" He hears a familiar voice say as he jumps in the shower and nearly slips. Covering his cage with both hands and turning to face the wall. The glass was steamed up but this was still a shock. He seems to have failed to notice the bathroom doesn't have a lock on the door at all. "H-Hey occupied!" he shouts embarassed. Nearly pressing his full body up against the wall. Annabelle herself having stormed in to borrow the sink, mirror and makeup bag. "Yeah yeah I'm well aware" she says as he didn't dare turn to look. Running a chance of exposing himself to her despite the steam. Annabelle lost in her own world as she wiped away the steam on the mirror and worked on her makeup.

"Relax. I can't see anything and I'm not joining even if you beg me to" she jokes. "I'm heading out with friends tonight and I needed the mirror. It was either wait for you and be late, or do what I need to do" she says as she digs through her bag. "Besides. You know I've seen plenty of naked men anyways. See one cage and you've seen them all" she jokes as she continues on. This incident further cementing the fact he had less privacy then he would prefer.

"That's not the issue here!" he says a bit loudly over the shower causing a small echo in the bathroom. "It's...we're not...It's just the matter of privacy! You haven't seen me naked and I'd prefer some respect to that!" he adds as his face is purely red, and not from the hot water. His bare ass facing her that he prays is well hidden by the steam and fogged glass door. He was unsure what to do at the moment, but after some thinking the best answer might be to let her do what she needs to do so she leaves. Plus his towel was on the opposite side of the room, so he would have to expose himself to grab it.

Annabelle giggles and turns her head to the fogged glass door. "Oh, sounds to me like I should that issue by opening that door then!" she shouts over the sound of the water before returning to her makeup. Several moments pass before she hears him meekly say "Please don't" from behind the door. "Mhmm, thought so. Just relax I need to finish up and I'm gone" she informs him as she finishes up by adding some lip-liner. Once done and with a final inspection she smiles and packs her makeup bag back together. "There. All done. Enjoy your privacy!" she shouts before Reaching over with a hand and flushing the toilet. A sudden rush of cold water slamming into Mitchell causing him to let out a small yelp in surprise. And before he could say something back she had already left the bathroom.

A few minutes later he sighs. The shower off as he steps out to dry himself, rubbing the towel along his body as he feels a slight tinge of anger and embarassment. Sitting down on the toilet he opens his cage cleaning kit and gets to work, legs spread as he performs his daily routine. After a light layer of lubricant for possible friction he was done. Getting up and putting on his pajamas he then walks into his room and shuts the door. Falling onto the bed face first as he groans into his pillow. Seems this would be his life for now, he makes a mental note to try and be more aggressive next time, firing back some answers or retorts to her if she walks in as he soon falls asleep to his own thoughts of trying to maintain his own dignity.


A few hours later he wakes up to the sound of a door slamming shut. Looking at his phone in a rush he sees that it's almost two in the morning. The faint sounds of women echoing from the living space. "Hey, we won't bother your roommate?" the unkown voice calls out a bit softly and slightly slurred. Seems his roommate went out drinking with friends. "He's fine" a muffled voice from Annabelle calls out, and yes, slurred as well. "Besides what's he gonna do? Yell at us?" she giggles as the faint sounds of kissing could be heard and soft moans. Mitchell was just half asleep, in the middle of the night and already he was hard in his cage again! The faintest image of two kissing women flooding his mind.

"Besides, he's way too tame to even do anything, should have seen him when I went in the bathroom while he was showering!" she adds laughing as he can't help but blush now. Not wanting to even step out of his room in anger now. He sits up and presses his fingers against his temples to fight a growing headache. "Just leave it be." He mumbles to himself as he grabs his pillow to reposition it. However moments later he hears something else that gets his attention. "Now come on!" Annabelle says excitedly. "I still want to show you that new strap-on I got last month!" Hearing this new images flooded the young mans mind. Annabelle and another woman, while still unkown, nude and having sex. His cage straining as the front of his pajamas show a small sign of wetness from a small leak of precum in his cage.

The girls giggle and another door could be heard, Annabelle's closing behind her. He breathed a sigh of relief as he lays back down onto his bed, sighing in contentment as he willed his caged member to calm down. His mind slowly drifting away into sleep as he began to relax once again. Until a faint moan is heard and his eyes slam open. His pajamas seemingly having no chance at all of staying dry tonight. Sitting up another moan and giggle is heard as the sound of a shaking bed is heard, followed by more giggles, soft moans and loving kisses. The walls were thin! He could hear everything! He groans in annoyance, desperation and lust as he folds the pillow so it covers his ears while he lays down. Settling in for his long and hard night of caged torture.

In the midst of their conversation, Mitchell couldn't help but notice the faint scent of cum on Anne's feet from her previous encounter.

Later, during his exploration of the university, Mitchell stumbled upon a lone building labeled as "Morgren Men's Clinic," a place known for offering guaranteed orgasms to those who couldn't find a partner.

During his casual wandering in the park, Mitchell witnessed an intimate moment between a woman and her partner, both engaged in a public display of chastity and submission, much like the themes presented in 'Caged Studies Ch. 02.'

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